Sci Q3 W9 Dll..
Sci Q3 W9 Dll..
Sci Q3 W9 Dll..
GRADES 5 School: ROSARIO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Time: April 3-7, 2023 (Wk 8)
V- LAUREL 7:40 -7:50
V- OSMEÑA 8:30 - 9:20
Grade Level: V– QUIRINO 10:40 – 11:30 Quarter: 3rd QUARTER
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of a simple DC circuit and the relationship between electricity and
magnetism in electromagnets.
B. Performance
C. Learning S5FE-IIIg-7
II. CONTENT Parallel Circuit Series Circuit and Series Circuit and Parallel
(Subject Matter) Parallel Circuit Circuit
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide DBOW, SDO & ADM DBOW, SDO & ADM DBOW, SDO & ADM Module
pages Module Module
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional
Materials from VeCqUpT95HQ Dq6zbNWB0VI soxZTWnKxjo
Learning Resource
LR portal
B. Other Learning Powerpoint on Parallel Powerpoint on the Powerpoint on experiment
Resources Circuit difference between in Series and Parallel Circuit
Series and Parallel
A. Reviewing -Second Quarter LMS -Second Quarter LMS -Second Quarter LMS -No Class, its holiday. -No class, its holiday.
previous Lesson or review (555) review (555) review (555)
presenting new -One sentence a day -One sentence a day -One sentence a day
B. Establishing a Observe the picture. What is Series Can you differentiate now
purpose for the circuit? the Series and Parallel
lesson What is Parallel circuit?
circuit? Can you construct the two
E. Discussing new Direction: Answer the Directions: Match the Make your own Series
concepts and following questions words in Column A Circuit and Parallel Circuit by
practicing new correctly based on your with their meanings drawing.
skills #2. drawing. in Column B. Write Was electricity flowing in
1. In a parallel circuit the letter of the the circuit? How did you
with three dry cells as a correct answer. know?
source of energy, how
are the wires
connected to the dry
cell? Why?
2. Based on your
drawing, give one
advantage of the parallel
F. Developing Directions: Read and Directions: Write the What are the materials
Mastery understand the word True if the needed in making a series
sentences well. statement is correct. and parallel circuit?
Identify the ideas If the statement is How to construct a Series
false, replace the Circuit? Parallel Circuit?
being described.
underlined words to
Choose the correct make the statement
answers from the box true.
below. 1. In a parallel
connection, the
electrical devices electricity from the
parallel circuit battery continuously
operate flows.
Voltage 2. In a parallel
connection, each
series circuit
socket is directly
connected to the
1. A _________ battery.
contains two or more 3. In a series
paths for an electric connection, each
current to flow socket is not directly
through. connected to the
2. In a parallel circuit, battery.
__________ are 4. The electricity
connected in a does not flow
continuously in a
branched manner
series circuit.
making each
5. In using electricity,
one independent from it is not important to
all other connections control the flow of
in the circuit. electricity.
3. _________ in a
parallel circuit remains
the same regardless of
the number of paths
of the same resistance
given a constant
number of dry cells or
source is present.
4. One of the
advantages of a
parallel circuit is that
appliances _______
G. Finding practical Directions: Read and Make a poster In making your own circuit,
application of understand the situation showing safety what are the advantages
concepts and skills below. Answer the precaution when and disadvantages did you
in daily living question in using electricity. experience?
the last part of it. Write
your answer in your
notebook/ answer
One late afternoon, Mrs.
Reyes was preparing
their evening
meal in the kitchen
Suddenly, the light in the
kitchen went out. Mrs.
Reyes checked the
switch, but the light
remained out, so she
concluded that the bulb
is burnt/spent. She
observed though that
the other parts of their
house are lighted. What
could be the reason why
the lights in the other
parts of the house were
functioning even if the
light in the kitchen was
out? Explain briefly.
H. Making What is Parallel Circuit? Differentiate What did you learned in
Generalizations between a series and making a Series and parallel
and Abstraction - A parallel circuit is a a parallel circuit. circuit?
about the Lesson. circuit that contains two
or more paths for an - The major
electric current to flow difference between
through. The electrical series and the
devices are connected in parallel circuit is the
a branched manner amount of current
making each one that flows through
independent from all each of the
other connections in the components in the
circuit. circuit. In a series
circuits, the same
amount of current
flows through all the
components placed
in it. On the other
hand, in parallel
circuits, the
components are
placed in parallel
with each other due
to this the circuit
splits the current
The current flowing
from the source will be
divided into the current
flowing through each of
these components.
I. Evaluating B. Directions: Read and Directions: Identify Make your own design by
Learning understand the the word that is drawing a Series and Parallel
sentences well. Choose being described in circuit. Label its part.
the letter of the each item. Look for
correct answer to each the answers inside
of the questions. Write the box.
the answers in your
notebook or answer
1. Which circuit contains
two or more paths for an
electric current to flow
Christmas light
through? parallel circuit
A. parallel circuit C. close Fluorescent light
circuit series circuit
B. series circuit D. open voltage
2. What will happen to 1. A circuit composed
the voltage across the solely of components
paths in a parallel circuit connected in series is
if more independent 2. connected
bulbs are added and the completely in parallel
number of dry cells or 3. It is an example of
source is the same? light that you use
A. the voltage will especially during
remain the same yuletide season that
B. the voltage will is operating thru
decrease series-parallel
C. the voltage will connection.
increase 4. In a series circuit,
D. the voltage will the sum of the
fluctuate voltages consumed
3. In a parallel circuit, by each individual
why is it that when a resistance is equal to
bulb burns out or is the source________.
loose, the other 5. It is an example of
bulbs still light up? appliance that uses a
A. because each parallel circuit
connection in the circuit connection.
is independent from the
B. because electric
current is allowed to
pass through a single
C. because electric
current can be stopped
from flowing
D. because the electric
current does not flow
4. Below are advantages
of the parallel circuit,
except one. Which is it?
A. Parallel circuit
requires many wiring
B. Two or more
pathways allow electric
current to pass through
C. Individual devices can
be controlled
D. When a bulb burns
out, other bulbs
continue to glow
5. Which of the following
statement is true about
parallel circuit at home?
A. when the electric fan
is switched off, the TV
set will not function
B. when a light is
switched on, other lights
will also glow
C. appliances at home
cannot function
D. appliances at home
can function/operate
independently from
other appliances
J. Additional Directions: Read and Directions: Write T if Make a Journal why an
Activities for understand the the statement is true electricity is important in
Application or sentences well. Write and F if false . your daily living? Which is
True if the sentence 1. In a parallel circuit, more important to you,
states truthfulness. when one bulb is series or parallel circuit?
Write False if the burned out, the
statement does not other bulb will still
reflect the light up.
truth. Write your 2. A parallel circuit
answers in your has only one path of
notebook/ answer electricity.
sheets. 3. At home, it is
1. A parallel circuit has better to use a series
similarities with a series circuit.
2. A parallel circuit 4. In a series circuit,
requires many wiring when one bulb is
connections. burned out, all the
3. In a parallel circuit, other bulb will not
individual devices can be light up.
controlled. 5. In a series circuit,
4. A parallel circuit electricity can still
allows electric current to flow through the
flow through two or other pathways.
more pathways.
5. When one bulb burns
out in the parallel circuit,
the other bulbs will
continue to
A. No. of learners
earned 80%in
the evaluation.
B. No. of learners
who required
activities for
who scored
below 80%
Noted by: