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GIS approach for assessment of land suitability for

different land use alternatives in semi arid
environment in Jordan: Case study
(Al Gadeer Alabyad-Mafraq)

Safa Mazahreh *, Majed Bsoul, Doaa Abu Hamoor

GIS Unit, National Centre for Agricultural Research and Extension (NCARE), Baqa’, Jordan


Article history: The semi arid lands of Jordan are fragile and severely degraded due to low rainfall and mis-
Received 5 March 2018 management of natural resources. As human demands increase, sustaining the productiv-
Received in revised form ity of land becomes more and more important. Land suitability evaluation can contribute
8 July 2018 towards better land management; mitigation of land degradation; and designing land use
Accepted 13 August 2018 pattern that prevents environmental problems through segregation of competing land
Available online 16 August 2018 uses. Suitability analysis allows identifying the main limiting factors for the agricultural
production and enables decision makers to develop crop managements able to increase
Keywords: the land productivity.
Land utilization types The purpose of this study was to develop a Geographic Information System (GIS) based
Soil survey approach for land use suitability assessment in order to assist land managers to identify
Land suitability criteria areas with physical limitations for different land use alternatives based on research criteria
Suitability mapping developed by FAO and modified by stakeholders.
GIS This study was conducted using various data and maps incorporated within (GIS) in order
Scenarios to derive potential suitability for different Land Utilization Types (LUTs). Land suitability
mapping was developed using an innovative approach that integrates soil and climatic data
for land suitability assessment.
Suitability maps for each land use were developed to show the suitability classes and dis-
play the spatial representation of soils suitable for agriculture. The output of suitability
analyses provided not only the type of land use for which the land was suitable, but also
information about the type of limitation (s) facing the utilization of the land. Optimum land
use alternatives (scenarios) were formulated to improve and optimize the agricultural pro-
duction in the study area.
Ó 2018 China Agricultural University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of
KeAi. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (S. Mazahreh), [email protected] (M. Bsoul), [email protected] (D.A. Hamoor).
Peer review under responsibility of China Agricultural University.
2214-3173 Ó 2018 China Agricultural University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
92 Information Processing in Agriculture 6 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 9 1 –1 0 8

1. Introduction land suitability evaluation is to predict the potential and

limitations of the land for crop production [25].
Continuous utilization of agriculture land in past decades, This process typically requires large sets of data as inputs
regardless of land suitability has caused much more destruc- [6–7]. Information on land resources and possibilities for their
tion than provide the resources [8–10]. Hence, proper evalua- sustained use is essential for the selection, planning and
tion based on agriculture land use planning is essential to implementation of land uses to meet the increasing demands
solve this problem [27]. for basic human needs and welfare [20].
The utilization of arid areas needs updated management Land suitability evaluation can contribute towards better
policies in order to avoid further deterioration of land. Thus, land management; mitigation of land degradation; and
utilization of these areas requires adopting proper strategies. designing land use pattern that prevents environmental prob-
Such strategies should be based on identifying the best ways lems through segregation of competing land uses [11]. The
for land exploitation on the basis of water availability, soil output of suitability analyses provided not only the type of
management practices and plant adaptability to dry condi- land use for which the land was suitable, but also information
tions [20]. about the type of limitation (s) facing the utilization of land
Land evaluation is a process of predicting land perfor- [31–32].
mance over time according to the specific types of use [18– Geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing
19,28,34]. Agriculture land suitability assessment is defined data are commonly used in the process; as they offer the
as the process of assessment of land performance when used speed, flexibility, and power to synthesize large quantities of
for alternative kinds of agriculture [13,23,26]. Land evaluation, data [2,4,12,14]. One of the most useful applications of GIS
the process of estimating the potential of land for alternative for planning and management is the landuse suitability map-
kinds of use, contributes to the understanding of the ping and analysis [3,15,21].
relationship between the conditions of a land and the uses The most commonly used evaluation approach is the FAO
to which it is put [1,7]. The principle purpose of agriculture framework [9], which identifies land suitability for crops in

Fig. 1 – Location of Alghadeer alabyad watershed in Al Mafraq, Jordan.

Table 1 – Land use requirements for four land utilization types using modified criteria according to stakeholders consultation.

Rainfed annual (field crops) Rainfed perennials Rangeland Drip irrigation vegetables
Land characteristic S1 (2) S2 S3 NS S1 S2 S3 NS S1 S2 S3 NS S1 S2 S3 NS

Rainfall >250 200–250 150–200 <150 >400 300–400 250–300 <250 >150 100–150 75–100 <75
Caco3 (3) 0–30 30–40 40–60 >60 0–30 30–40 40–60 >60 <40 > 40 0–30 30–40 40–60 >60
AWHC (4) >150 110–150 75–110 >75 >150 110–150 75–110 >75 >90 60–90 30–60 <30 >75 50–75 30–50 <30
Soil depth >90 60–90 30–60 <30 >150 100–150 50–100 <50 >50 35–50 10–35 <10 >60 40–60 25–40 <25
Erosion (5) See Table 3

Information Processing in Agriculture

slope <5 5–8 8–15 >15 <6 6–10 10–20 >20 <15 15–30 30–50 >50 <8 8–15 15–25 >25
Rockiness <5 5–10 10–20 >20 <10 10–20 20–35 >35 <20 20–50 50–100 <10 10–20 20–30 >30
stone at the surface <20 20–40 40–60 >60 <20 20–40 40–60 >60 <30 30–60 60–100 <10 10–20 20–30 >30
Ec (6) 0–2 2–4 4–8 >8 0–2 2–4 4–8 >8 0–2 2–8 8–30 >30 <1 1–4 4–8 >8
IR (7) >16 8–16 4–8 <4

Table 2 – Land use requirements for four land utilization types using modified criteria according to stakeholders consultation.

6 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 9 1 –1 0 8
Drip irrigated trees Runoff WH (1) for Trees WH for Range

Land characteristic S1 S2 S3 NS S1 S2 S3 NS S1 S2 S3 NS S1 S2 S3 NS
Rainfall >200 150–200 100–150 <100 >200 150–200 100–150 <100
Caco3 (3) 0–30 30–40 40–60 >60 0–30 30–40 40–60 >60 0–30 30–40 40–60 >60
AWHC (4) >75 60–75 40–60 <40 >220 150–220 100–150 <100 >75 60–75 50–60 <50
Soil depth >100 75–100 60–75 <60 >65 65–120 >100 75–100 50–75 <50 >80 60–80 40–60 <40
Erosion (5) See Table 3
slope <10 10–15 15–20 >20 >5 3–5 1–3 <1 1–5 5–10 10–12 >12 <7 7–12 12–20 >20
Rockiness <2 2–5 5–10 >10 <10 10–20 20–35 >35 <10 10–20 20–35 >35
stone at the surface <8 8–12 12–20 >20 <20 20–40 40–60 >60 <20 20–40 40–60 >60
Ec (6) <4 4–8 8–12 >16 <4 4–8 8–12 >12 <4 4–8 8–16 >16
IR (7) >12 8–12 4–8 <4 <6 6–10 10–12 >12 <6 6–8 8–10 >10 <6 6–8 >8
(1) Water harvesting. (2) Suitability class: S1, highly suitable; S2, moderately suitable; S3, marginally suitable; NS, not suitable. (3) Total calcium carbonate %. (4) Available water-holding capacity (mm/
100 cm). (5) Erosion see Table 3. (6) Electrical conductivity (ds/m). (7) Infiltration rate (mm/h).

Table 3 – Erosion suitability criteria (erosion type and severity class) for different land utilization types.
Land Quality/Land Unit S1 S2 S3 NS
(grouping) Erosion (E)

Rainfed annual Erosion Hazard Class (nil-no erosion) Rill-(slight) Gully-moderate 4(Severe)
2 = Rill or 3 = Gully
1 = sheet Class sheet-slight Sheet-moderate, gully-slight, Undiffer-moderate, All-severe

Information Processing in Agriculture

4 = wind undiffer-slight) Rill-moderate
5 = undifferentiated
Rainfed perennials 2 = Rill or 3 = Gully Class (nil-no erosion) Rill-(slight) Gully-moderate 4(Severe)
1 = sheet Class sheet-slight Sheet-moderate, gully-slight, Undiffer-moderate, All-severe
4 = wind undiffer-slight) Rill-moderate
5 = undifferentiated
Rangeland 2 = Rill or 3 = Gully Class (nil)-no erosion, rill-slight, sheet-mod, Gully-mod, undiffer-mod All-(severe)
1 = sheet Class Undiffer-slight, sheet-slight Rill-moderate
4 = wind
5 = undifferentiated
Drip irrigated vegetable 2 = Rill or 3 = Gully Class (nil-no erosion) Rill-(slight) Gully-moderate 4(Severe)
1 = sheet Class sheet-slight Sheet-moderate, gully-slight, Undiffer-moderate, All-severe
4 = wind undiffer-slight) Rill-moderate
5 = undifferentiated

6 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 9 1 –1 0 8
Drip irrigated trees 2 = Rill or 3 = Gully Class (nil-no erosion) Rill-(slight) Gully-moderate 4(severe)
1 = sheet Class sheet-slight Sheet-moderate, gully-slight, Undiffer-moderate, All-severe
4 = wind undiffer-slight) Rill-moderate
5 = undifferentiated
WH (1) for trees 2 = Rill or 3 = Gully Class (nil-no erosion) Rill-(slight) Gully-moderate 4(severe)
1 = sheet Class sheet-slight Sheet-moderate, gully-slight, Undiffer-moderate, All-severe
4 = wind undiffer-slight) Rill-moderate
5 = undifferentiated
WH (1) for Range 2 = Rill or 3 = Gully Class (nil)-no erosion, rill-slight, sheet-mod, Gully-mod, undiffer-mod All-(severe)
1 = sheet Class undifferentiated-slight, sheet-slight Rill-moderate
4 = wind
5 = undifferentiated
Information Processing in Agriculture 6 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 9 1 –1 0 8 95

Fig. 2 – Location of surveyed sites in AL Gadeer Alabyad watershed.

Fig. 3 – Interpolated rasters for suitability criteria.

96 Information Processing in Agriculture 6 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 9 1 –1 0 8

Fig. 4 – Theissen polygons map produced for non-numeric data (erosion status, erosion hazard).

terms of suitability ratings from highly suitable to not suit- (within which the dam is located) is 21 km2. The topography
able, based on climatic, terrain data and soil properties [24]. is dominated by an undulating to rolling terrain with low,
One of the most important steps in this land suitability eval- rounded hills in Tertiary calcareous rocks with slope ranging
uation is the selection of the limiting values (criteria), usually from 0 to more than 6%. The annual rainfall varies from 200 to
determined by scientists according to previous studies and 250 mm. Rainfall as thunderstorms, characterized by irregu-
experience [11]. lar intensity and duration, forms the greatest part of total pre-
A qualitative approach to land Evaluation was adopted in cipitation in the area. Rainfall occurs mostly during winter
this study following principles and guidelines of [9]. The months (October to April). Altitude ranges from 634 to 934
FAO framework for land evaluation has been applied in previ- m above sea level.
ous projects in Jordan: particularly the National Soil Map and
Land Use Project (NSMP) and the Jordan Arid Zone Productiv- 2.2. Land suitability evaluation
ity project (JAZPP). The land suitability evaluation was under-
taken for many land utilization types using the FAO criteria of Land evaluation is an interpretation of land properties in
both projects. terms of suitability of the land for different land use types
The objectives of this research are to develop a GIS based or crop types. A qualitative approach to land Evaluation was
approach for land use suitability assessment of Al Gadder adopted in this study following principles and guidelines of
Alabyad watershed for different land uses, to identify the lim- FAO (1983). Land suitability mapping was developed using
itations that restrict the suitability classes for each land use an innovative approach that integrates soil and climatic data
and recommend an optimum land use alternatives (scenar- for the specific objective of a land suitability assessment. The
ios) to improve agricultural production. method makes use of database of soil auger observations and
collecting soil samples, covering all parts of watershed.
2. Materials and methods Two sets of information are required for such an evalua-
tion: multidisciplinary data for land mapping units and the
2.1. Study site requirements and limitations of possible kinds of land use.
These two sets of data are compared by the process of match-
The study area named Algadeer alabyad is located in the ing where the requirements of each land utilization type are
northeastern part of Jordan, Fig. 1. The area of the watershed compared with land attributes derived, resulting in the land
Information Processing in Agriculture 6 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 9 1 –1 0 8 97

Fig. 5 – slope map derived from DEM.

Fig. 6 – Rainfall isohyets.

98 Information Processing in Agriculture 6 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 9 1 –1 0 8

Fig. 7 – Map produced form overlay analysis-intersect.

Fig. 8 – Potential land suitability for eight land utilization types.

Information Processing in Agriculture 6 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 9 1 –1 0 8 99

Table 4 – The area percentage of the suitability classes for different land use types.
LUT’s Area (km2) Area %
S1 S2 S3 NS S1 S2 S3 NS

Rainfed field crops – 1.0 16.6 3.4 – 4.8 78.9 16.3

Rainfed perennials – – – 21.05 – – – 100
Rangeland 5.6 13.1 0.02 2.3 26.7 62.4 0.10 10.9
Drip irrigation vegetables – 9.9 8.7 2.4 – 46.9 41.5 11.5
Drip irrigated trees – 0.5 8.1 12.5 – 2.4 38.3 59.3
Runoff 7.8 6.8 5.4 1.0 37.1 32.5 25.5 4.9
WH for trees – 2.4 13.8 4.8 – 11.5 65.6 22.9
WH for range – 11.3 7.1 2.6 – 53.8 34.0 12.2

Fig. 9a – Potential land suitability and limitations for field crops (rainfed).

suitability classifications for each land use. Land utilization each one corresponding with a different potential for a partic-
types (LUT’s) identify the particular land uses against which ular use.
the potential or constraints of land is to be evaluated. Categories commonly used are: Highly suitable (S1); mod-
The approach applies the ’most limiting factor’ principle. erately suitable (S2); marginally suitable (S3) and not suitable
Its main simplification is all characteristics (soil and climate) (NS).
carry the same weight (one property is not more important These suitability categories are defined by FAO as
than the others). The approach of limiting condition (Leibig’s follows:
law) or simple limitation method has been adopted to con-
duct the overall suitability in which the least favorable quality Highly suitable (S1): Land that has no significant limita-
is taken as limiting. tions to a specified sustained use and is therefore expected
The evaluation of land suitability deals with the ranking, not to reduce productivity or benefits or will not raise
or classification, of land into distinctly different categories, inputs above an acceptable level.
100 Information Processing in Agriculture 6 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 9 1 –1 0 8

Fig. 9b – Potential land suitability and limitations for rainfed perennials.

Moderately suitable (S2): Land that has limitations which edaphic requirements of different land utilization types.
in aggregate are moderately severe for a specified sus- Basically this involves the identification of climatic, soil
tained use. The limitations will reduce productivity or ben- and terrain requirements for the specified land utilization
efits and increase required inputs to the extent that the type. The requirements are presented in the form of
overall advantage of the use, although still attractive, will requirements’ tables, which link ranges and threshold
be appreciably lower to that expected on class S1 land. values for relevant land characteristics to suitability ratings
Marginally suitable (S3): Land that has limitations which for the specified use. The most effective way to develop
in aggregate are severe for sustained application of a given requirements tables is to use existing edaphic require-
use and will so reduce productivity or benefits, or increase ment tables, as available in the relevant literature
required inputs, that this expenditure will be only margin- [11,16,20,22,30,33] and to adapt them to local conditions,
ally justified. experience, and data availability. Obviously farmers can
Unsuitable (NS): Land having limitations which appear so play an important role in this adaptation process, as they
severe as to preclude any possibilities of successful sus- are often the most acquainted with the qualities and limi-
tained use of the land. tations of their land for different uses.
In this paper, land suitability evaluation was applied on The criteria tables are modified versions of an original
the following land utilization types: Rainfed annual field requirements table established as part of the Jordan Arid Zone
crops, Rainfed perennials, Range, Irrigated vegetables, Productivity Project [17], a collaborative project under taken
Drip-irrigated trees, Runoff generation, Water harvesting jointly by the University of Jordan and Cranfield University,
(using small runoff basins) for trees and Water harvesting U.K. and funded by the Government of Jordan and the Euro-
(using contour furrows for range shrubs or minor pits) for pean Union. Jordanian farmers (stakeholders) were involved
improved range. in developing the criteria and threshold values through a par-
ticipatory process to reflect their knowledge and experience.
The relationship between specific crop needs (qualities) and
2.3. Criteria used directly measurable parameters (characteristics) is presented
in criteria Tables 1–3.
The general approach of a land suitability evaluation is to The criteria were applied to draw the suitability maps for
match the characteristics or qualities of land to the eight land use types.
Information Processing in Agriculture 6 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 9 1 –1 0 8 101

Fig. 9c – Potential land suitability and limitations for rangeland.

Fig. 9d – Potential land suitability and limitations for vegetables under drip irrigation.
102 Information Processing in Agriculture 6 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 9 1 –1 0 8

2.4. Data collection and processing GIS has been used to match the suitability for different
land utilization types based on the requirements of the LUT’S
The georeferenced field observations layer, shown in Fig. 2, and the quality and characteristics of land. Different land
was the basic one for running the suitability analysis. There- quality parameters were evaluated and subsequently all of
fore, Data required for suitability analysis were collected them were integrated using a sequence of logical operations
through field survey and samples were analyzed. Global Posi- to generate land suitability maps. In order to run the suitabil-
tioning system (GPS) was used to identify the coordinates and ity mapping, surfaces (rasters) from soil survey data (numeric
elevation of the surveyed sites. data) were created using interpolation process using kriging
The main data collected for 70 sites were: soil depth, method in ArcGIS. Kriging method is an interpolation tech-
stones and rock percentages on the surface of the soil, erosion nique in which the surrounding measured values are
type and status. Therefore, the soil samples were taken weighted to derive a predicted value for an unmeasured loca-
accordingly using Augers. The collected samples were ana- tion. These surfaces represent: Infiltration rate, CaCO3 %, EC,
lyzed at the soil lab at NCARE and data for all sites were ver- Soil depth, Rockiness %, Stone at surface %, AWHC mm/m.
ified and registered. The infiltration rate was measured in 20 The interpolated surfaces are shown in Fig. 3.
sites in the watershed and data was registered. The land evaluation process was carried out by matching
The source of information used for suitability analysis was the land characteristics
based on field description, derived data (slope percentage) with crop requirements for each polygon. Therefore, The
and lab analysis (CaCO3, EC, texture). Available water holding interpolated surfaces were classified according to the criteria
capacity (AWHC) was estimated for surveyed sites using for each landuse and then rated into suitability classes. The
mathematical formula according to texture. surfaces resulted from reclassification with suitability ratings
were then converted into vector format. Theissen polygons
2.5. Suitability analysis were created for some data as shown in Fig. 4 which have text
classes (non-numeric) for surveyed sites to interpolate ero-
Suitability analysis allows identifying the main limiting fac- sion status, erosion hazard. This map was classified into suit-
tors for the agricultural production and enables decision mak- ability classes for each land use according to relevant criteria.
ers to develop crop managements able to increase the land Slope map was derived from DEM (10 m interval) as shown
productivity. in Fig. 5. This map was classified according to the criteria for

Fig. 10a – Potential land suitability and limitations for trees under drip irrigation.
Information Processing in Agriculture 6 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 9 1 –1 0 8 103

Fig. 10b – Potential land suitability and limitations for runoff.

each landuse and rated into suitability classes, then con- The suitability classes were analyzed for each LUT in
verted into vector format. terms of Area percentage as shown in Table 4.
Rainfall map was prepared from twenty years long term Fig. 8 and table 4 show that 89% of the watershed is poten-
rainfall data (1975–2010) and used as criteria to classify the tially suitable (S1 + S2) for rangeland and 54% for rangeland
suitability ratings as shown in Fig. 6. under water harvesting. While 47% of the study area is poten-
Overlay analysis (intersection function) using GIS has tially suitable for vegetables under drip irrigation. The results
been carried out between the interpolated (maps), theissen offer a good choice for farmers to practice drip irrigation and
layer, rainfall layer, and slope map) with suitability classes water harvesting to improve their agricultural production.
(S1, S2, S3, NS) to identify the land mapping units which will About 70% of the total area is potentially suitable (S1 + S2)
be the base map for further analysis. The result was a com- for runoff generation The runoff-generating areas are dis-
plicated map with a lot of polygons as shown in Fig. 7. The tributed over the watershed and indicate a promising poten-
intersect map which represents all suitability criteria, was tial to implement water harvesting structures and to use
scored finally to the worst suitability classes for each the harvested water to improve the productivity of some
polygon. crops as well as a source for domestic and livestock water
However, ‘‘Not suitable” class was selected to identify the demands. This result emphasis the fact that a dam would col-
limitation factors that lower the suitability class. The result lect runoff water from the watershed which is already con-
‘‘Not suitable” class was entitled as ‘‘NSL” with lower case structed at the outlet location.
of limitation factor (L) that indicates either: e: erosion, d: soil For more detailed analysis, Figs. 9a–d, 10a–d and Table 5
depth, t: topography, c: climate, r: rockiness/stoniness, n: show the limitations that result in classifying the suitability
salinity/alkalinity, f: infiltration rate, w: available water hold- classes into ‘‘not suitable” for each land use .
ing capacity, stsf: stone at surface, carb: carbonate. Low precipitation is a very severe climatic constraint that
limits the potential suitability of rainfed perennials. While
3. Results and discussion stone at surface and soil depth (shallowness) are the main
limitations that lower the suitability of trees under drip irriga-
3.1. Land suitability mapping tion by 39%, 33% of the total area, respectively. Some areas
(5%) is classified as not suitable for runoff generation due to
The suitability maps were produced and classified into highly, gentle flat slopes.
moderately, marginally and not suitable for eight different About 11% of the total area is not suitable for all land uti-
land use types as shown in Fig. 8. lization type due to erosion limitation.
104 Information Processing in Agriculture 6 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 9 1 –1 0 8

Fig. 10c – Potential land suitability and limitations for trees/WH.

Fig. 10d – Potential land suitability and limitations for rangeland/WH.

Information Processing in Agriculture 6 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 9 1 –1 0 8 105

Table 5 – Main limitations with area percentages that lower the suitability classes to (NS).
Area % of limitations
LUT’s NS e NS t NS c NS d NS stsf

Rainfed field crops 10.8% 6.9

Rainfed perennials 10.76 100
Rangeland 10.8
Drip irrigation vegetables 10.6
Drip irrigated trees 10.7 33 39
Runoff 5
WH for trees 11 14
WH for range 11
Index e: erosion, d: soil depth, t: topography, c: climate, r: rockiness, stsf: stone at surface

Fig. 11 – landuse scenarios formulated for optimum landuse.

3.2. Formulation of the optimum land use alternatives in selecting particular land-use type, land use options with
high land suitability classes (S1 and S2) were formulated. This
It was found that best land use options could be implemented is done to give farmers many options to exploit their lands.
in different land units. Fig. 11 shows scenarios where some Table 6 explains the legend linked with the figure.
land units are potentially suitable for more than one land To simplify and summarize data analysis, reliable suitabil-
use options while others are hardly suitable for one option. ity maps were generated that support the implementation of
In order to incorporate farmer’s knowledge and experience sustainable land use alternatives in the arid environment.
106 Information Processing in Agriculture 6 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 9 1 –1 0 8

Fig. 12 and Table 7 show areas suitable for general land use
Table 6 – Index table explains the legend linked with the
figure. alternatives. It is concluded that 89% (18710.5 dunum) of the
total area could be used for rangeland. Generally, The results
Legend Land use show that 55% (11566.0 dunum) of the total area has high
1 Rainfed agriculture potential for irrigation which will support the agricultural
3 Rainfed trees practices in some areas. About 54% (11307.8 dunum) of the
4 Rangeland study area is potentially suitable to apply water harvesting
5 Vegetables under drip irrigation techniques for both trees and rangeland. It is obvious that
6 Trees under drip irrigation
71% (14966.7 dunum) of the total area could be utilized for
7 Runoff
runoff generation. The results show that the area is highly
8 Trees/WH
9 Rangeland/WH dependable on extra source of water rather than rainfall to
NS Not suitable improve agricultural production while a very limited area is
S3 runoff Marginally suitable for run off not suitable for any land use alternatives.

Fig. 12 – suitable areas for different landuse alternatives.

Table 7 – Areas suitable for general land use alternatives.

Legend (refer to table) Land use Area area%

1 Rainfed agriculture (field crops) 1000.5 4.8

5, 6 Irrigation 11566.0 55.0
3 Rainfed trees 0.0 0.0
4 Rangeland 18710.5 89.0
7 Runoff 14644.0 69.6
8, 9 WH 11307.8 53.8
NS Not suitable 31350.5 0.1
Information Processing in Agriculture 6 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 9 1 –1 0 8 107

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