LSTM Networks For Mobile Human Activity Recognition: Yuwen Chen, Kunhua Zhong, Ju Zhang, Qilong Sun and Xueliang Zhao

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International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Technologies and Applications (ICAITA 2016)

LSTM Networks for Mobile Human Activity

Yuwen Chen*, Kunhua Zhong, Ju Zhang, Qilong Sun and Xueliang Zhao
Chongqing institute of green and intelligent technology Chinese Academy of Sciences
Corresponding author

Abstract—A lot of real-life mobile sensing applications are features, while discrete cosine transform (DCT) have also been
becoming available. These applications use mobile sensors applied with promising results [12], as well as auto-regressive
embedded in smart phones to recognize human activities in order model coefficients [13]. Recently, time-delay embedding [14]
to get a better understanding of human behavior. In this paper, have been applied for activity recognition. It adopts nonlinear
we propose a LSTM-based feature extraction approach to time series analysis to extract features from time series and
recognize human activities using tri-axial accelerometers data. shows a significant improvement on periodic activities
The experimental results on the (WISDM) Lab public datasets recognition .However, the features from time-delay
indicate that our LSTM-based approach is practical and achieves embedding are less suitable for non-periodic activities. The
92.1% accuracy.
authors in [15] firstly introduce feature learning methods to the
Keywords-Activity recognition, Deep learning, Long short area of activity recognition, they used Deep Belief Networks
memory network (DBN) and PCA to learn features for activity recognition in
ubiquitous computing. The authors in [16] following the work
of [15] applied shift-invariant sparse coding technique. The
I. INTRODUCTION authors in [17] also used sparse coding to learn features.
Although human activity recognition (HAR) has been
The features used in most of researches on HAR are
studied extensively in the past decade, HAR on smartphones is
selected by hand. Designing hand-crafted features in a specific
a relatively new area. HAR is a classical multi-variate time
application requires domain knowledge [18], and maybe result
series or sequence analysis problem, for which the task is to
in loss of information after extracting features. This problem is
detect and classify those contiguous portions of sensor data
not unique to activity recognition. It has been well-studied in
streams that cover activities of interest for the target
other research areas such as image recognition[19],where
application. The predominant approach to HAR is based on a
different types of features need to be extracted when trying to
sliding window procedure, where a fixed length analysis
recognize a handwriting as opposed to recognizing faces. In
window is shifted along the signal sequence for frame
recent years, due to advances of the processing capabilities, a
extraction. Preprocessing then transforms raw signal data into
large amount of Deep Learning (DL) techniques have been
feature vectors, which are subjected to statistical classifiers
developed and successful applied in recognition tasks [20, 21].
that eventually provide activity hypotheses.
These techniques allow an automatic extraction of features
Activity recognition has a wide range of applications in without any domain knowledge
mobile applications — from fitness and health tracking to
In this work, we propose an approach based on Long -
context-based advertising and employee monitoring. Context-
Short Term Memory(LSTM) [22]to recognize activities in
aware applications can customize their behaviour based on the
various application domains.
current activity. For example [1, 2, 3, 4] have used the
smartphone accelerometer to recognize movements, such as
walking and running. Advances in the area of mobile sensing III. LSTM-BASED ACTIVITY RECOGNITION
enable users to: quantify their sleep and exercise patterns [5], Long short-term memory (LSTM) is a recurrent neural
monitor personal commute behaviors [6], track their emotional network (RNN) architecture published[22] in 1997 by Sepp
state [7], or even measure how long they spend queuing in Hochreiter and Jürgen Schmidhuber. Unlike traditional RNNs,
retail stores [8]. an LSTM network is well-suited to learn from experience to
classify, process and predict time series when there are very
II. RELATED WORK long time lags of unknown size between important events.
LSTM model which introduces a new structure called a
Extensive work has been done in the area of HAR using
memory cell (see Figure 1 below). A memory cell is composed
smartphone sensors, which has been summarized in [9].
of four main elements: an input gate, a neuron with a self-
Feature extraction for AR is an important task. Statistical
recurrent connection, a forget gate and an output gate. The
features such as mean, standard deviation, entropy and
self-recurrent connection has a weight of 1.0 and ensures that,
correlation coefficients, etc. are the most widely used hand-
barring any outside interference, the state of a memory cell can
crafted features in AR [10]. Fourier transform and wavelet
remain constant from one time step to another. The gates serve
transform [11] are another two commonly used hand-crafted
to modulate the interactions between the memory cell itself

© 2016. The authors - Published by Atlantis Press 50

and its environment. The input gate can allow incoming signal HAR is a classical time series or sequence analysis
to alter the state of the memory cell or block it. On the other problem, it is suitable to deal with the LSTM. In the next
hand, the output gate can allow the state of the memory cell to section, we will introduce our model LSTM-based Activity
have an effect on other neurons or prevent it. Finally, the Recognition. Figure 2 show the structure of the model. Given
forget gate can modulate the memory cell’s self-recurrent a 3D acceleration time series we use a sliding window with a
connection, allowing the cell to remember or forget its length of N values to extract input data for the LSTM. In order
previous state, as needed. to form a richer representation of the data, our model has two
LSTM layers.
X is the acceleration in the x direction as measured by
phone's accelerometer. Y is the y direction, Z is the Z direction.
In this paper, we combine the acceleration of the three
directions into a three-dimensional vector with sliding window
with a length of N value. So the input data for the LSTM is a
time series of the NX3 matrix. Feature extraction of
accelerometer raw data through long short memory network
with N timesteps. We connected the output of the LSTM and
form a new Feature vector. Finally, the feature vector is
classified by a multi classifier.

Following equations show how a layer of memory cells is

updated at every timestep .
is the input to the memory cell layer at time

, , , , , , , and are weight


, , and are bias vectors

is the input gate, the candidate value for the states of

the memory cells at time



is the activation of the memory cells’ forget gates at




is the memory cells’ new state at time

We selected one publically available datasets for our
(4) evaluation, which have been released by the Wireless Sensor
Data Mining(WISDM) Lab[23] The Datasets related to human
With the new state of the memory cells, compute the value activities in different context sand have been recorded using tri-
of their output gates and their outputs : axial accelerometers. The datasets have 1,098,207 records and
6 Class attributes (class distribution as Figure 3 show.) In this
paper, the sensor data was segmented using a sliding window
(5) with a size of 50 continuous samples. The acceleration values
were normalized to have zero mean and unit standard variance
for LSTM-based. We split the data into two is for
training, another is for validation our model.

Train the training data through the LSTM-model mentioned V. CONCLUSION
above. accuracy show Figure 4. the LSTM-based model In this paper, we have proposed a LSTM-based feature
achieves classification accuracy of 95.1%. Our training metrics extraction approach. The experimental results have shown that
are not smooth and fluctuations because we use small data sizes the LSTM-based approach is practical and achieves best
and the distribution of our training data is not uniform. If we 92.1% accuracy.
used larger data we would get a smoother blue line. The results
suggest that we need more data, stronger regularization, or Experiments with larger datasets are needed to further
fewer model parameters. study the robustness of the proposed technique. Further
improvements maybe achieved by using more data and
To analyze the results in more detail, we show the regularization.
confusion matrix for the validation datasets, The confusion
matrices indicate that many of the prediction error are due to
confusion between these two activities: ”Jogging”, ”Upstairs”. REFERENCES
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