Laboratory Exercise 4 - Preparation of Isolated Plans Using CAD
Laboratory Exercise 4 - Preparation of Isolated Plans Using CAD
Laboratory Exercise 4 - Preparation of Isolated Plans Using CAD
Visca, Baybay City, Leyte, PHILIPPINES
Telephone: (053) 565-0600 local 1027
Email: [email protected]
GEng 114-Cartography
Laboratory Exercise No. 4-Preparation of Isolated Plans Using CAD
Lot Information:
Beginning at a point marked “1” on the plan, being N. 22 deg. 23’ E., 4741.38 m. from
BLLM No. 1, Cad. 566-D, Hilongos, Leyte.
All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by P.S.
Cylindrical Concrete Monuments 15 x 40 cms. Bearings:Grid.
Subdivided Lots:
The lots are to be subdivided into four (4) parts with the following details:
Lot No. Lot Claimant Description
• Located at the northern portion of the
mother lot.
Lot 100-A Cielo A. Macarat
• Subdividing line that starts from corner 3
to corner 7
• Located below Lot 100-A
Sheena M. delos
Lot 100-B • Subdividing line starts from the midpoint
of corners 1 and 2 to corner 8
• Located below Lot 100-B
• Corner 1 of lot 100-C is located 15m
from Corner 1 to Corner 14 of the
Lot 100-C Juanito A. Macarat mother lot
• Subdividing line start from corner 1 (Lot
100-C) to the midpoint of corners 8 and
• Located at the southern portion of the
Lot 100-D Allan A. Macarat
mother lot
Important Note: In computing the scale, even though the drawing area in the survey
plan template is 38 cm by 38 cm, 30 cm should be used for allowance/space for other
Difference Scale
Extreme North
Extreme South
Extreme East
Extreme West
Northings (Center of the lot)
Eastings (Center of the lot)
4. A Pointer Input Settings window will pop up. Select the Cartesian format and
Absolute coordinates in the Format section.
5. Click OK.
1. One AutoCAD session is equivalent to one AutoCAD Project. The information on the
project file: such as layers, layer properties including symbolization, settings, units,
and the last viewed extent, will be viewed when reopening a previously saved project.
The principle of Saving a project is like saving a Word file.
2. Save the project as GEng114_LabEx4.dwg, then browse to your directory to where
to save your project.
3. Once the project is saved, the user can retrieve it later and continue to work with it.
B. Plotting the Mother Lot Data
3. Select the center point for circle the Endpoint or vertex of your plotted mother lot.
5. Continue adding circles on the remaining corners. Or you may select the double
circles and type “CO” or copy in the command bar and paste it to the remaining corners.
Again, do not forget that the center of the circle must be the vertex or endpoint of lot
1. To determine the lot corner number, select the endpoint/vertex of the lot.
2. Right click and select properties.
3. In the properties window, the current vertex under the Geometry section indicates
the Lot corner number of the selected endpoint.
NOTE: There are no set standards for the text height of the corner labels but a
common practice is to use 0.2 for 1:100 scale and 2 if the scale is 1:1000. If your
computed scale is 1:500, you will multiply 0.2 by 5 to get a corner label text height of
Lot 100-A
5. Type “DTEXT” to add a label on the sublots corner number. Corner number must
be written inside the boundary of the sublot.
6. To label the sublot, type “MTEXT” in the command bar and add the Lot number,
sublot land owner, and the corresponding area of the sublot.
7. Specify the first corner at the center of the sublot.
8. Type the lot number, sublot owner, and its corresponding area. For the area of the
sublot, you may round off to the nearest whole number.
LOT 100-A
AREA = 5894 SQ. M.
9. You may rotate the label for better visualization. Your output look somewhat like
Lot 100-B
1. Create a subdividing line that starts from the midpoint of corners 1 and 2 to
corner 8.
2. Repeat Steps 3-9 in the Plotting sublots of Lot 100-A.
3. Add a single circle with a 2mm map distance for the new corner of the lot.
4. Take note of the corresponding sublot number, landowner, and the area of the
Lot 100-C
1. Corner 1 of Lot 100-C is located 15 m from Corner 1 of the mother lot to Corner
2. Create a subdividing line that starts from corner 1 (Lot 100-C) to the midpoint of
corners 8 and 9.
3. Repeat Steps 3-9 in the Plotting sublots of Lot 100-A.
4. Add a single circle with a 2mm map distance for the new corner of the lot.
5. Take note of the corresponding sublot number, landowner, and the area of the
Lot 100-D
1. Label the remaining sublot as Lot 100-D. Corner 1 of the sublot is located at
Corner 14 of the mother lot.
2. Repeat Steps 3-9 in the Plotting sublots of Lot 100-A.
3. Take note of the corresponding sublot number, landowner, and the area of the
Bounded on the N. along line 4-5 by lot 9887; on the E., along lines 5-6-7-8-9 by lot
9915; along line 9-10 by lot 9998; on the S., along line 10-11-12-13-14 by lot 9997; on the W.,
along line 14-1 by lot 9914; along lines 1-2 by lot 9911; along lines 2-3-4 by lot 9912.
1. In the Home tab, cick on the Layer Properties.
2. Create a new layer and named it as “Adjacent Bdry”.
3. Close the Layer Properties window.
4. In the Properties section in the Home tab, select on the line type and click on Others.
6. A new window will pop up. Select JIS_02_0.7. Then Click OK.
7. You may now start creating lines for the adjacent boundary. You may use LINE
command. Sample output is shown in the figure below.
8. For refinement, type TRIM in the command bar. Trim the lines that are inside the circle/
corners of the lots. Sample output is shown in the figure below.
1. Compute the bearings and distances of the mother lot and the subdivided lots
(sublots) using the Northings and Eastings coordinates given above.
Take note: Round off to two decimal places for linear measurements (i.e. Distance of line
1-2 = 11.40 m) and the nearest minute for arc measurements (i.e. Bearing of line 1-2 = N
45°30’ E)
Tabulate your answers using the format below. Use MS Excel or any spreadsheet software
to input all your data. Tables will be copied to the CAD later.
Line Bearing Distance
TP 1
1 2
3 …
LOT 100-A
TP 1
1 2
3 …
LOT 100-B
TP 1
1 2
3 …
LOT 100-C
TP 1
1 2
3 …
LOT 100-D
TP 1
1 2
3 …
Sample Output (this table shows different data in your lab exercise):
F. Overlaying the Map Template
1. Using the map template in the previous exercise, edit the text in the template
based on the given information.
2. Additional information:
a. Rurban code: 083719
b. Zone V
d. Bearing: TRUE
e. Date of Survey: January 01, 1900
f. Date of Submission: February 01, 1900
g. Geodetic Engineer: Instructor’s Name
h. Land use: Agricultural
3. Insert the Chief, Survey, and Mapping Division certification in the template. You
may put this in the upper right corner of the drawing frame.
a) Select all the objects of your lot. This includes polylines, circles, and text.
b) Type Scale in the command bar
c) Specify base point: Any corner of your lot.
d) Choose to reference/ click R.
e) Specify reference length by clicking two succeeding corners of your lot (i.e.,
corners 3 and 4)
f) Specify the new length: Input the map distance of selected corners (i.e.,
map distance of corners 3 and 4)
6. Overlay the center of your drawing area to the center of your lot. Use copy as
a clipboard if your template is in the other dwg file.