22.23 Israel - Palestine Web Quest
22.23 Israel - Palestine Web Quest
22.23 Israel - Palestine Web Quest
Directions: Please make a copy of this google document and save it to your google drive. For
each section of this webquest, you will be moving through the Article "Everything you need
to know about Israel-Palestine". Please answer the corresponding questions in the graphic
organizer. Please follow the directions in each section to guide you to the correct location.
Directions: Watch the video overview and take brief bullet point notes below.
Video Notes:
- Israel is the only Jewish state
- Known for its conflict with Palestine
- Jews and Muslims have ties to Israel because of Abraham (founder of both religions)
- Conquered and ruled by many groups
- Jews fled from Israel, Diaspora
- Manyv Jews returned to Palestine, under the rule of the Ottoman Empire
- Britain promised a Jewish Homeland
- The division of Palestine was supposed to happen but eventually Israel took too much land
- Other countries took more of Israel
- Palestinians fled to the West Bank and Gaza strip
- Violent clashes began; first and second intifada
- Oslo accords stalled the decision but resulted in more violence and tension
Note: As you are navigating the links located in the article, please click “Everything you need to know about
Israel - Palestine” on the bottom of each article to get back to the main page
Section 1: Questions
Directions: Before you begin exploring the article, what questions do you have about the conflict? Is there any
vocabulary or events that you have heard of but don’t understand? List them below.
We will check in after the webquest and see if you found answers to these questions.
1. Where are the West Bank and the Gaza Strip? What is the tension there?
2. What did Israel’s Prime Minister do to anger the Palestinians?
3. What did President Trump do to increase tension in the region during his presidency?
I can read articles from that time and see watch news clips from that year.
I can watch a video that explains why the Prime Minister’s visit was provocative.
Section 2: Exploring the Geography
Directions: You are going to click on the links below and read about each of the places listed. Please answer the
questions about each place. If you have additional questions after reading, please keep adding to your list in
Section 1.
Location: West Bank (this link will take you to the page “What is the West Bank?”)
Location: Gaza (this link will take you to the page “What is Gaza?”)
Location: Jerusalem (this link will take you to the page “What is Jerusalem?”)
Section 3: Vocabulary
Directions: You are going to explore and learn more about some of the terms used to describe specific events or
groups involved in the conflict. Please take brief notes under each term. Bullet points are acceptable.
I chose to learn about the relations between Israel and the U.S. and what caused this relationship.
I learned that Israel was viewed as a buffer against communism during the Cold war and eventually the U.S.
began to see Israel as the most stable democracy in the Middle East which led to their friendly relationship. The
U.S. has given Israel huge sums of money in aid and when President Trump formally recognized Jerusalem as
the capital, he caused more tension in the Middle East.
Once you have finished the Webquest, return to Section 1. Review the questions you had before starting the
webquest. Which questions do you have answers to? Do you have additional questions? Add them to your list!
Next, brainstorm ways you can find information to answer those questions. You can list your ideas under the
questions in Section 1.