Block F TALATTAD D SYLLABUS On Child and Adoloscent Learners and Teaching Principles - 1676264883
Block F TALATTAD D SYLLABUS On Child and Adoloscent Learners and Teaching Principles - 1676264883
Block F TALATTAD D SYLLABUS On Child and Adoloscent Learners and Teaching Principles - 1676264883
F.L. VARGAS COLLEGE, INC Date Last Revised: July 15, 2022
College of Teacher Education Revision Date
Earning Units Semester Adopted
Vision Mission
The F. L. Vargas College envisions empowered Filipino youth The F. L. Vargas College is committed to produce God-
armed with acceptable human values and a strong desire to fearing, self-reliant, highly productive, globally
positively respond to quality education competitive, responsible and morally upright members
of society who are ever willing and dedicated to serve
God, country, community, fellowmen and family.
Program Outcomes:
6.2.b. Demonstrate mastery of subject matter/discipline
6.2.f. Demonstrate a variety of thinking skills in planning, monitoring, assessing, and reporting learning processes and
Class Information Instructor's Information
Section Earning Units Block E Instructor's Name Daisy L. Talattad, PhD
Schedule Saturday 7:00-10:00; 1:00-4:00 Office Part Time Instructor
Sunday 7:00-10:00 Designation
Time Saturday 7:00-10:00; 1:00-4:00 Office Hours N/A
Sunday 7:00-10:00
Venue Bagay Road, San Gabriel Village Mobile 09157035249
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan Phone 09604280291
Term Second Semester E-mail Address [email protected]
Course Name The Child and Adolescent Learners and Course Code Prof Ed 1
Learning Principles
Pre-requisite Course Credit 3 units, 3 hrs./wk. (18 weeks, 54 hrs.
Subject total)
Course Requirements
Major Exams
Summative quizzes
Per unit outputs as specified in the assessment
End of course learning log (reflective journal) and portfolio (compilation of outputs) on the different learning theories and
research with reflections on their applications and implications to teaching child and adolescent learners.
Grading System
At the end of the unit, the pre-service teacher (PST) Unit 3 – Cognitive Development
can: A. Cognitive Development Theories
a. Describe and explain cognitive development of 1. Piaget -
children and adolescents 2. Vygotsky – REVELYN CUDAL
B. Intelligence and Individual Differences
b. Link theories using knowledge on current research 1. Processing Theory (Atkinson and Shiffrin)-JONA ABIDIS
literature, between cognitive development theories C. Factors Affecting Cognitive Development – MARK ZIPAGAN
and developmentally appropriate teaching D. Language Development – RJEAN ACOSTA
approaches suited to learners' gender, needs, E. Factors Affecting Cognitive and Language.
strengths, interests, and experiences to practice 1. Concept of Intelligence (Binet)
2. General Intelligence (Spearman)-
3. Primary Mental Abilities (Thurstone) GENE BANATAO
4. Multiple Intelligences (Gardner) -
5. Triarchic Theory of Intelligence (Sternberg)
6. Cognitive Information Development – KRISTINE JOY BANAGA
F. Current Research and Pedagogical Applications
Week 6-9 At the end of the unit, the pre-service teacher (PST) Unit 4 – Social and Emotional Development
A. Socio-emotional Development- SEVERO BALA
a. Discuss the concepts and theories related to the B. Development of Self and Social Understandings
socio-emotional development of children and 1. Psychoanalytic Theory (Freud)
adolescents. 2. Psychosocial Theory (Erikson)-
b. makes connections, using knowledge on current 3. Social Learning Theory (Bandura)- ANABELLE TABBU
research literature, between socioemotional C. Development of Motivation and Self-Regulation
development theories and developmentally 1. Content Theories - Hierarchy of Needs (Maslow)
appropriate teaching approaches suited to learners’ ERG Theory - (Alderfer- Theory of Needs (McClelland) – RODWEBSTER ACEDO
gender, needs, strengths, interests, and experiences Two Factors Theory (Herzberg)
2. Process Theories - Reinforcement Theory (Skinner)
– Expectancy Theory (Vroom)
- Goal Setting Theory (Locke) - Self-determination Theory (Deci & Ryan)- RYNA
D. Moral Development Theories
1. Piaget
2. Kohlberg-
3. Turiel
4. Gilligan- EVY LAURENTE
E. Current Research and Pedagogical Applications
Week 10- At the end of the unit, the pre-service teacher (PST) Unit 5 – Behavioral Learning Theories and Approaches to Learning
13 can:
a. compare and contrast various approaches to A. What is Learning?
learning and describe how they are manifested in
the classroom. B. Approaches to Learning
1. Behavioral-
2. Social cognitive – LERMA BARAN
c. apply behavior analysis in teaching child and 3. Information processing-
adolescent learners across curriculum areas. 4. Cognitive constructivist
c. make connections, using knowledge on current 5. Social constructivist – JANINE PAYAS
research literature, between behavioral learning C. Connectionism – RAVIE BARENG
theories and developmentally appropriate teaching D. Conditioning-
approaches suited to learners’ gender, needs, 1. Classical.
strengths, interests and experiences 2. Contiguous
E. Behavior Analysis in Education- SHYRILLE BUCAYU
F. Gestalt-Insight Learning- WINNIE RIAMBON
G. Experiential Learning Theory- REVELYN CUDAL
H. Current Research and Pedagogical Applications
Week 14- At the end of the unit, the pre-service teacher (PST) Unit 7 – Safety and Security in the Learning Environment
16 can:
a. Explain the importance of the laws, policies, A. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and PD 603 –
guidelines, and procedures that protect B. Anti-Bullying Act of 2013 (Republic Act 10627) –
children’s rights and assure their safety and C. Child Protection Policy -
security in school D. Positive Discipline –
Corpuz, B.B., Lucas, M.R.D., Borabo, H.G.L., & Lucido, P.I. (2018) The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles. Lorimar Publishing,
Inc, Quezon City, Philippines. Corpuz, B.B., Lucas, M.R.D., Borabo, H.G.L., & Lucido, P.I. (2015) Child and Adolescent Development.
Lucas, Ma. Rita D. & Corpuz, Brenda B. (2014) Facilitating Learning: A metacognitive process. Lorimar
Publishing, Inc, Quezon City, Philippines. Cohen, L., Manion, L., Morrison, K. & Wyse, D. (2010) A Guide to
Teaching Practice, 5e. Routeledge, 270 Madison Ave., New York, NY. Santrock, J.W. (2011) Educational
UN-OHCHR (n.d.) 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child. UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. Retrieved from
Presidential Decree No. 603 (1974) The Child and Youth Welfare Code of the Philippines. Retrieved from
Republic Act No. 7610 (1992) Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act. Available online:
Department Order No. 40, series of 2012 – Child Protection Policy. Available online: DO_s2012_40.pdf
Department of Education (2015) – Positive discipline in everyday teaching: A primer for Filipino teachers. Available online: DISCIPLINE-IN-