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Literature Glimpse of A Polluted Future".

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Student Teacher Christner O.

Quirante Section Eagle

Leaning Area English Time Allotmnt 50 Minutes
Grade Level Three Date May 02, 2023

A. Content Standards Developing Reading and Writing
B. Performance Standards At the end of a 50 minutes’ discussion the pupils are expected to do the following with
75% accuracy/proficiency level.
a. Show awareness of the disappearance of some animals because of what
human do.
b. Enumerate ways to protect animals in their homes.
c. Read the Poem Glimpse of a polluted Future interpretatively.
C. Learning Activate prior knowledge on new knowledge formed.
Competencies/Objectives EN3LC –Iva –j-1.1
Write for the LC code for
II. CONTENT Literature ; Glimpse of a Polluted Future”.
A. References K TO 12 Curriculum Grade 3
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Pages 323-324
2. Learner’s Materials Pages 306-310
3. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning
Before the Lesson Teacher’s Activities Pupils’ Activities
A. Review previous lesson Good morning, class. Good morning, teacher.
/Diagnose if everybody
mastered the previous
Do we have an assignment? No, Sir we don’t have.

Look on the screen

Take a look at the picture what you see?

(Posting the picture of a

We see a stream.
Ask: What do you see in the picture?
Say: This is a stream. Describe how a stream looks like. (various answer of the

B. Establishing a purpose Now we are going to read a poem about

for the lesson
But before anything else what we should do? We should listen
Participate in the

Glimpse of a Polluted Future

Kelly Roper

They're not here anymore, and I have to wonder why.

Where are the birds that used to dot the sky?

Where are the fish that used to swim in this stream?

I can't see them anymore. What does that mean? Where

are the frogs that used to croak around this lake?

I can't hear them anymore. There must be some mistake. (The pupils will
read/listen the poem)
I wish there was a clock whose hands I could rewind.

We might have saved these creatures

if we'd just had more time.

Time to make people see how

we are damaging our Earth, Time to realize what it all

was truly worth.

But the animals are disappearing at an alarming rate. If

we don't finally band together, it may really be too late

C. Presenting Now class I have here some question if you really Answer of the Pupils
examples/instances of the understand listen well our topic!
new lesson
What used to be found in the sky? 1. Birds
What used to be found swimming in the streams? 2. Fish
What used to be found around the lake? 3. Frog
What happened to all the animals that you named? 4. The animals are
disappearing at
an alarming rate.
5. They are
Where are they now? disappearing.
6. Because of us.
Why have they disappeared? 7. Damage
What happened to their homes? 8. Because of us.
Who do you think had caused the destruction of their

During the Lesson What can you do to keep the animals’ homes like waters
D. Discussing new and trees safe? Love them and try to
concepts and practicing
plant some tress.
new skills #1

(various answer of the


E. Discussing new What would you tell people who cause the death of many
concepts and practicing
new skills #2 animals? Stop killing animals and
spread awareness thru
commercial ads or a
small campaign.
F. Developing Mastery Can you name some animals that are endangered today? .1. Philippine Eagle
2. Tarsier
3. Whale
G. Finding practical Okay class can you list down five (5) things you can do to Answer may varies.
applications of concepts protect the animals their home?
and skills in daily living
After the Lesson Okay class, what did you learn today? We should never abuse
H. Making generalizations the nature and love them
and abstractions about the
sincerely because at the
end of the day it is us
who will suffer.
I. Evaluating learning Draw your favorite place or animals and explain why is it
your favorite.
J. Additional activities for Write at least three sentences how we control pollution in
application or remediation our surroundings.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%.

Prepared by:
Student Teacher

Approved by:
Cooperating Teacher

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