001 - Au t2 M 4321 Years 3 and 4 Composite Class Australian Curriculum Mathematics S - Ver - 3
001 - Au t2 M 4321 Years 3 and 4 Composite Class Australian Curriculum Mathematics S - Ver - 3
001 - Au t2 M 4321 Years 3 and 4 Composite Class Australian Curriculum Mathematics S - Ver - 3
Approved ,te
Australian Curriculum Content Descriptor
Year 3 Year 4
NUMBER and ALGEBRA - Multiplication NUMBER and ALGEBRA - Multiplication
Recall multiplication facts of two, three, five and ten (ACMNA056) Investigate number sequences involving multiples of 3, 4, 6,
Represent and solve problems involving multiplication using 7, 8, and 9 (ACMNA074)
efficient mental and written strategies and appropriate digital Recall multiplication facts up to 10 x 10 (ACMNA075)
technologies (ACMNA057)
Develop efficient mental and written strategies and
appropriate digital technologies for multiplication where there is
no remainder (ACMNA076)
Solve word problems by using number sentences involving
berm 1
MEASUREMENT AND GEOMETRY - Location and transformation MEASUREMENT AND GEOMETRY: Location and transformation
8 Create and interpret simple grid maps to show position and
pathways (ACMMG065)
Use simple scales, legends and directions to interpret
information contained in basic maps (ACMMG090)
berm 1
NUMBER and ALGEBRA - Fractions and decimals NUMBER and ALGEBRA - Fractions and decimals
1 1 1 1
Investigate equivalent fractions used in contexts (ACMNA077)
Model and represent unit fractions including —2 ' 1
3' Count by quarters, halves and thirds, including with mixed
and their multiples to a complete whole (ACMNA058) numerals. Locate and represent these fractions on a number
9 line (ACMNA078)
Recognise that the place value system can be extended to
tenths and hundredths. Make connections between fractions
and decimal notation (ACMNA079)
NUMBER and ALGEBRA - Fractions and decimals NUMBER and ALGEBRA - Fractions and decimals
1 1 1 1
Model and represent unit fractions including —2 ' — 1 Investigate equivalent fractions used in contexts (ACMNA077)
' 3 ' —5 Count by quarters, halves and thirds, including with mixed
and their multiples to a complete whole (ACMNA058) numerals. Locate and represent these fractions on a number
1 0 line (ACMNA078)
Recognise that the place value system can be extended to
tenths and hundredths. Make connections between fractions
and decimal notation (ACMNA079)
0 1 ! *
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Proficiency Strands at Year 3 level: Proficiency Strands at Year 4 level:
understanding includes connecting number representations understanding includes making connections between
with number sequences, partitioning and combining numbers flexibly, representations of numbers, partitioning and combining numbers
representing unit fractions, using appropriate language to communicate flexibly, extending place value to decimals, using appropriate language to
times, and identifying environmental symmetry communicate times and describing properties of symmetrical shapes
fluency includes recalling multiplication facts, using familiar fluency includes recalling multiplication tables, communicating
metric units to order and compare objects, identifying and describing sequences of simple fractions, using instruments to measure
outcomes of chance experiments, interpreting maps and accurately, creating patterns with shapes and their transformations and
communicating positions collecting and recording data
problem-solving includes formulating and modelling authentic problem-solving includes formulating, modelling and recording
situations involving planning methods of data collection and authentic situations involving operations, comparing large numbers with
representation, making models of three-dimensional objects and using each other, comparing time durations and using properties of numbers
number properties to continue number patterns to continue patterns
reasoning includes generalising from number properties and reasoning includes generalising from number properties and
results of calculations, comparing angles and creating and interpreting results of calculations, deriving strategies for unfamiliar multiplication
variations in the results of data collections and data displays and division tasks, comparing angles, communicating information using
graphical displays and evaluating the appropriateness of different
NUMBER and ALGEBRA - Money and financial mathematics NUMBER and ALGEBRA - Money and financial mathematics
Represent money values in multiple ways and count the change Solve problems involving purchases and the calculation of
2 required for simple transactions to the nearest five cents change to the nearest five cents with and without digital
berm 2
NUMBER and ALGEBRA - Number and Place Value NUMBER and ALGEBRA - Number and Place Value
3 Investigate the conditions required for a number to be odd or
even and identify odd and even numbers (ACMNA051)
Investigate and use the properties of odd and even numbers
STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY - Data representation and STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY - Data representation and
interpretation interpretation
Identify questions or issues for categorical variables. Identify Select and trial methods for data collection, including survey
data sources and plan methods of data collection and recording questions and recording sheets (ACMSP095)
Construct suitable data displays, with and without the use of
Collect data, organise into categories and create displays using digital technologies, from given or collected data. Include tables,
lists, tables, picture graphs and simple column graphs, with and column graphs and picture graphs where one picture can represent
without the use of digital technologies (ACMSP069) many data values (ACMSP096)
Interpret and compare data displays (ACMSP070) Evaluate the effectiveness of different displays in illustrating
data features including variability (ACMSP097)
Approved ,te
Australian Curriculum Content Descriptor
Year 3 Year 4
STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY - Data representation and STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY - Data representation and
interpretation interpretation
Identify questions or issues for categorical variables. Identify Select and trial methods for data collection, including survey
data sources and plan methods of data collection and recording questions and recording sheets (ACMSP095)
Construct suitable data displays, with and without the use of
5 Collect data, organise into categories and create displays using
lists, tables, picture graphs and simple column graphs, with and
digital technologies, from given or collected data. Include tables,
column graphs and picture graphs where one picture can represent
without the use of digital technologies (ACMSP069) many data values (ACMSP096)
Interpret and compare data displays (ACMSP070)
berm 2
Australian Curriculum Content Descriptor
Year 3 Year 4
Make models of three-dimensional objects and describe key Compare the areas of regular and irregular shapes by informal
features (ACMMG063) means (ACMMG087)
berm 2
MEASUREMENT AND GEOMETRY - Using units of measurement MEASUREMENT AND GEOMETRY - Using units of measurement
9 Measure, order and compare objects using familiar metric units of Use scaled instruments to measure and compare masses
mass (ACMMG061) (ACMMG084)
MEASUREMENT AND GEOMETRY - Using units of measurement MEASUREMENT AND GEOMETRY - Using units of measurement
10 Measure, order and compare objects using familiar metric units of Use scaled instruments to measure and compare masses
mass (ACMMG061) (ACMMG084)
NUMBER and ALGEBRA - Number and Place Value NUMBER and ALGEBRA - Number and Place Value
Recognise, model, represent and order numbers to at least Recognise, represent and order numbers to at least tens of
10 000 (ACMNA052) thousands (ACMNA072)
Apply place value to partition, rearrange and regroup numbers Apply place value to partition, rearrange and regroup numbers
to at least 10 000 to assist calculations and solve problems to at least tens of thousands to assist calculations and solve
(ACMNA073) problems (ACMNA073)
MEASUREMENT AND GEOMETRY - Using units of measurement MEASUREMENT AND GEOMETRY - Using units of measurement
3 Measure, order and compare objects using familiar metric units of Use scaled instruments to measure and compare capacities
capacity (ACMMG061) (ACMMG084)
MEASUREMENT AND GEOMETRY - Using units of measurement MEASUREMENT AND GEOMETRY - Using units of measurement
Measure, order and compare objects using familiar metric units of Use scaled instruments to measure and compare capacities
appropriate digital technologies for multiplication and for
division where there is no remainder (ACMNA076)
Solve word problems by using number sentences involving
berm 3
appropriate digital technologies for multiplication and for
division where there is no remainder (ACMNA076)
Solve word problems by using number sentences involving
multiplication or division where there is no remainder
NUMBER and ALGEBRA - Patterns and algebra NUMBER and ALGEBRA - Patterns and algebra
NUMBER and ALGEBRA - Patterns and algebra NUMBER and ALGEBRA - Patterns and algebra
P a g e 10 o f 14 visit twinkl.com.au 0
Australian Curriculum Content Descriptor
Year 3 Year 4
erm 3
MEASUREMENT AND GEOMETRY - Using units of measurement MEASUREMENT AND GEOMETRY - Using units of measurement
9 Measure, order and compare objects using familiar metric units of
length (ACMMG061)
Use scaled instruments to measure and compare lengths
MEASUREMENT AND GEOMETRY - Using units of measurement MEASUREMENT AND GEOMETRY - Using units of measurement
Measure, order and compare objects using familiar metric units of Use scaled instruments to measure and compare lengths
length (ACMMG061) (ACMMG084)
Compare objects using familiar metric units of area (ACMMG290)
fluency includes recalling multiplication facts, using familiar fluency includes recalling multiplication tables, communicating
metric units to order and compare objects, identifying and describing sequences of simple fractions, using instruments to measure
outcomes of chance experiments, interpreting maps and communicating accurately, creating patterns with shapes and their transformations and
positions collecting and recording data
problem-solving includes formulating and modelling authentic problem-solving includes formulating, modelling and recording
situations involving planning methods of data collection and authentic situations involving operations, comparing large numbers with
representation, making models of three-dimensional objects and using each other, comparing time durations and using properties of numbers
number properties to continue number patterns to continue patterns
reasoning includes generalising from number properties and reasoning includes generalising from number properties and
results of calculations, comparing angles and creating and interpreting results of calculations, deriving strategies for unfamiliar multiplication and
variations in the results of data collections and data displays division tasks, comparing angles, communicating information using
graphical displays and evaluating the appropriateness of different
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Years 3 and 4
subtraction facts to develop increasingly efficient mental sentences involving addition and subtraction (ACMNA083)
strategies for computation (ACMNA055)
Recognise and explain the connection between addition and NUMBER and ALGEBRA
subtraction facts to develop increasingly efficient mental sentences involving addition and subtraction (ACMNA083)
strategies for computation (ACMNA055)
STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY - Data representation and STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY - Data representation and
interpretation interpretation
Identify questions or issues for categorical variables. Identify Select and trial methods for data collection, including survey
data sources and plan methods of data collection and recording questions and recording sheets (ACMSP095)
Construct suitable data displays, with and without the use of
Collect data, organise into categories and create displays using digital technologies, from given or collected data. Include tables,
lists, tables, picture graphs and simple column graphs, with and column graphs and picture graphs where one picture can represent
without the use of digital technologies (ACMSP069) many data values (ACMSP096)
Interpret and compare data displays (ACMSP070) Evaluate the effectiveness of different displays in illustrating
data features including variability (ACMSP097)
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Quali1ty Standard
Approved ,te
Australian Curriculum Content Descriptor
Year 3 Year 4
STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY - Data representation and STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY - Data representation and
interpretation interpretation
Identify questions or issues for categorical variables. Identify Select and trial methods for data collection, including survey
data sources and plan methods of data collection and recording questions and recording sheets (ACMSP095)
Construct suitable data displays, with and without the use of
Collect data, organise into categories and create displays using digital technologies, from given or collected data. Include tables,
lists, tables, picture graphs and simple column graphs, with and column graphs and picture graphs where one picture can represent
without the use of digital technologies (ACMSP069) many data values (ACMSP096)
Interpret and compare data displays (ACMSP070) Evaluate the effectiveness of different displays in illustrating
data features including variability (ACMSP097)
berm 4
MEASUREMENT AND GEOMETRY - Using units of measurement MEASUREMENT AND GEOMETRY - Using units of measurement
5 Measure, order and compare objects using familiar metric units of
length, mass and capacity (ACMMG06 1)
Use scaled instruments to measure and compare temperatures
MEASUREMENT AND GEOMETRY - Using units of measurement MEASUREMENT AND GEOMETRY - Using units of measurement
6 Measure, order and compare objects using familiar metric units of
length, mass and capacity (ACMMG06 1)
Use scaled instruments to measure and compare temperatures
Identify symmetry in the environment (ACMMGO66)
7 Create symmetrical patterns, pictures and
without digital technologies (ACMMG091)
shapes with and
Revision/Consolidation/Applying maths skills to the real world Revision/Consolidation/Applying maths skills to the real world
Revision/Consolidation/Applying maths skills to the real world Revision/Consolidation/Applying maths skills to the real world
P a g e 13 o f 14 visit twinkl.com.au
Oualay Standard
Proficiency Strands at Year 3 level: Proficiency Strands at Year 4 level:
understanding includes connecting number representations understanding includes making connections between
with number sequences, partitioning and combining numbers flexibly, representations of numbers, partitioning and combining numbers
representing unit fractions, using appropriate language to communicate flexibly, extending place value to decimals, using appropriate language to
times, and identifying environmental symmetry communicate times and describing properties of symmetrical shapes
fluency includes recalling multiplication facts, using familiar fluency includes recalling multiplication tables, communicating
metric units to order and compare objects, identifying and describing sequences of simple fractions, using instruments to measure
outcomes of chance experiments, interpreting maps and accurately, creating patterns with shapes and their transformations and
communicating positions collecting and recording data
problem-solving includes formulating and modelling authentic problem-solving includes formulating, modelling and recording
situations involving planning methods of data collection and authentic situations involving operations, comparing large numbers with
representation, making models of three-dimensional objects and using each other, comparing time durations and using properties of numbers
number properties to continue number patterns to continue patterns
reasoning includes generalising from number properties and reasoning includes generalising from number properties and
results of calculations, comparing angles and creating and interpreting results of calculations, deriving strategies for unfamiliar multiplication
variations in the results of data collections and data displays and division tasks, comparing angles, communicating information using
graphical displays and evaluating the appropriateness of different