Interview-with-Walter Bowart-H

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Interview with Walter H.


July 16, 1995

San Jose, California


Interview participants:
Marilyn Colman: MC
Will Robinson: WR
Walter Bowart: WB

WR: Here on the Lighthouse Report it is our pleasure to have before us a

person whom we've interviewed many times on phone, Walter Boward.
Walter, how are you doing today?

WB: Well, I'm doing great and it is my pleasure to be here in person with

WR: I think the first place to start is regarding the talk that you gave just last
night, or I should say, Saturday night when this program is aired....why don't
we get to the areas that you said that you didn't get to cover but would like
to touch on, on the subject of mind control and manipulation.

WB: Well, of course the new areas of's flooding in all the time
and that's...that's been called, what, the "cordless mind control area" if you
will, some kind of broadcasting of technology that puts a human voice inside
of.. human voice in teams, twenty-four hours a day, inside of a person's mind.
Now we want to try to come... we are working on...Freedom of Thought
Foundation is building a network and we're working with scientists to try and
come up with ways to discern between people that are paranoid-
schizophrenics. Because traditionally, if you had a voice inside your head
you're diagnosed as paranoid-schizophrenic. And that was it. But we found a
lot of these people that are hearing these voices are not paranoid-
schizophrenic and function otherwise normally. They just hear these voices.

MC: And I think it's important to realize that not everything continues to be
the same truth. Part of the problem we have with today's medical associations
is they are not able to look at what's really happening and I think, Walter, it
is important that you are one of the vanguard of opening up the new

WB: Yeah, well, this is what we are learning, in our experience, is that the
therapist and social workers down in the lowest level have the best handle
because they really treat people hands-on. The next level that knows about
it are the psychologists and the ones that know the least about all of this
mind-control stuff are the psychiatrists. They are twenty years behind time.
I mean, the idea of Freudian analysis is still going on and it is pathetic to think
that people will pay lots of money-what is it? – hundreds of dollars an hour...

MC: ... and many, many years. About ten years... WB: ...and all talking about
your problems does is reinforce your problem.

WR: In other words, what you are saying is they're more like the New York
Dental Association.

WB: Yeah-it's like a closed shop and they're twenty years behind the time.
They are working with outdated technology and ideas. MC: And that's right,
because the New ,Age medicine adopted the work of the shaman and of the
occult and of the spiritual side of man and we are now seeing that these two
things, both the mechanical aspect of mind and body and the spiritual side,
have to come together to heal the whole person.

WB: We have a False Memory "Spindrome" Foundation. I call it "spindrome"

because it's not a syndrome what they describe a~ false memories. And the
concept of this group is that memories can be implanted in your mind. False
memories, untrue things. You will remember untrue things. Now, this is not
established very well in law and there is a plus side to this because, in fact,
false memories can be implanted. And also, people are inept at hypnosis and
various other things so that they will pollute others unintentionally with false
memories and things like that. However, the board of this organization is
made up of a lot of CIA people, CIA contracts, "spychiatrists", and pedophiles,
child molesters, people that are on the side of pedophilia. They are trying to
defend pedophilia. And it is a very litigious, very aggresive organization that
has struck terror in the hearts of the psychiatric, psychological and
therapeutic community.

MC: Now how can we relate this to the two things like the Prince and the
McMartin Cases?

WB: The McMartin case, I don't know exactly how it relates but...

MC: Well, if the children, they claim that the children's memories of being
molested were implanted by the therapists working with them.
WB: Yeah, that's what they claim, but I don't think that had any bearing on
the case and the outcome. I think that the withholding of evidence had more
to do, and what evidence was found later that the children said was true of
the tunnels and whatnot, that was discovered later, so I think the case fell
because of bad...

MC: But you know that the folks that espoused this were using this as
ammunition against you.

WR: Yeah, Yeah because the bottom line is you have a verdict turned back
that they were acquitted. And they were using that to foster the idea to give
the people like the False Memory Spindrome Foundation (FMSF) more
ammunition to say "see?"

WB: Yes. Have you talked to Allan Shefland about this?

WR: No we haven't.

WB: He would be a good one to interview because he is a lawyer and he

knows the ins and outs and if I have not misunderstood him, all of the
decisions that have been made that seem to be in favor of the False Memory
Spindrome Foundation will be reversed on appeal because they are all third
party lawsuits and there is a good body of law that bars this kind of thing.
And this is just a temporary thing.

MC: Because they're claiming, for instance this case where the girl, twenty
years later, claims she was abused by her father and then they claim that the
psychiatrist put this information into her head and now you are saying that
these have a chance of being overturned back the other way.

WB: Yes back. Yeah, on appeal. And what concerns me though are people
like Dr. Colin Ross with (Charter Hospital who is a leading psychiatrist who is
supposed to understand Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD)) and says he
understands the degree that the intelligence community has influenced and
created Multiple Personality Disorders and yet he has joined the False Memory
Syndrome Foundation and is trying, or at least pretending, to be an apologist
to bring unity between this group and another, and it scares me because he
also said "I want to make money from this" beforehand. And it's like a
turncoat sort of... though his intentions may be to subvert the FMSF he is
grossly outnumbered. And I think it is going to hurt his practice in the end. I
don't think that the survivors are going to trust this man anymore.
WR: You know, we see something else happening also, an interesting
phenomena, if you want to call it....l wouldn't call it a phenomena but....and
that is, it seems that the people that are fostering this new form, I guess we
could say new form of thought control, are working both sides of the fence.
We also have an organization by the name of the Colt Awareness Network
that works the other side of the street counter to the False Memory Syndrome
but in a manner of speaking they make interesting bedfellows in some of the

WB: Yes, yes. And both of of the things they have in common
however you divide it up to keep it simple.. .both of them are targeting
psychologists and therapists. Primarily psychologists 'cause the psychiatrists
are god on Mt. Olympus, protected by the AMA and above reproach generally.
But the psychologists and therapists, the people who are really doing the work
with these people hands-on are vulnerable to this kind of intimidation and
litigation and threat. And right now in the summer of 1995 there is a climate
of panic in the community. People are running scared. They are afraid to take
clients. And of course you are dealing with Multiple Personality Disorder, a lot
of which is government induced or manipulated through intelligence. I mean.
Ross told me that 20% of his patients, he thinks, are government related.
Another prominent psychologist told me that 40% of his patients are the
government mind control, MPDs.

MC: Now as I understand this, his kind of breakdown of the personality is

done out of trauma-based. And to disassociate means to survive as an entity,
as a human. So the people break down into various fragments personality-
wise to survive the pain of what they've experienced. Now that happens
naturally also and also as we are reading...

WB: Oh, it does happen naturally, yes indeed but it rarely happens naturally
to say 20% of the people that experience it because you have to have a
certain imagination and a certain intelligence level. All of the multiple
personality people are extremely brilliant and very gifted in many ways. and
then the MPD...which comes first the chicken or the egg? But then after you've
developed this Associative Development Disorder, or MPD? as it used to be
called, you develop incredible extrasensory perception and various other gifts,
at least that's the way they describe it and experience it. Now people like
Ross say it's not demonstrable, I mean you can't repeat it, you can't prove
that they have this ESP that they talk about and that remains to he seen.
Because, time and time again? interviewing these people, you've heard them
talk about the government, the United States clandestine intelligence interest
in this, remote viewing and how to locate submarines under water and you
know targeting objects at a distance, things like that.

WR: Now using a term or word that was actually invented by you, this is the
offspring of the word, why don't we talk about what one would call the
"cryptocratic" time line of when this really began and what has and how it's
developed and escalated. – love that word. by the way. Marilyn and I are
going to adopt that and use it more and more.

WB: Thank you, I think it's a good idea. I mean on behalf of the English
language it's a prefix. "Crypto" is in the dictionary, and "ocracy" is in the
dictionary, and "cryptocracy" isn't, and all it means is "secret government."
But it plays against...cryptocracy plays against democracy. And some of the
early stuff, the earliest modern evidence that we have... now Allan Shefland
does a neat tape...we made a tape of his presentation and its available
through the Freedom of Thought Foundation for $39.95 (can I say that?)

WR: We will give out the information toward the end of this interview and
also on the program and how they can get in touch with you.

WB: Super, but he starts out with a slide show of the history of mind control.
And it starts out with a picture of a skull with a hole in the middle of the head.
And he says "this i9 the first attempt at mind control" and he goes through
history with that. So you know, it starts with water torture and various things
and they were experimenting with all kinds of shock treatments before
electricity was invented. And then when electricity came on they used that
and you can see the progress. And he's got vivid slides of the straight jackets,
and I'm sure you've seen the reproduction of that thing they put around their
head to keep them from biting their tongue off when they shock them.

MC: What's interesting, we might mention here, is that much of this work
done over the centuries was done on female subjects. And it's important to
note, because females were much easier to restrain, put away, put into
institutions. And there was always a lot of cash to be made, because women
could not inherit in England or in France until the laws were liberated. One in
Napoleon's codus liberated the females so that they could inherit. The point
is that women were often used, women and children, and they were not only
operated on physically to deform them, but they were also put into institutions
and experimented on. They really were the first mind experiment subjects.
WB: Yes, well no longer. Thank God. Things have changed in our society, and
there is a great deal of empowerment going on for women and children, at

MC: And this is important in this whole discussion because I know, and I can
tell you from my own research, that much of the military experimentation...
and this is what Mr. Boward has done here... was done on the children of the
doctors themselves. They used their own offspring to do these horrible things.

WB: Yes, as a matter of fact, that's the terrible thing, that children, the way
they tortured the children. It's lurid and disgusting; we can talk about it if you

WR: I think we need to get back to the time line first.

WB: On the first page of Operation Mind Control, or on the second or third
page, it says under a photograph, "Operation Mind Control is largely a male
chauvinist game, because women and children were the targets." Eighty
percent of the people we're finding now are women.

WR: Now I think we should start with the time line and see how this
incorporates itself.

WB: I'm glad someone is keeping us organized. In 1940-41, the earliest thing
we found in the modern context, as I was about to say, is a naval officer who
had his memory suppressed, because it contained secrets of torture at the
hands of the Japanese. Apparently he both did torturing and was tortured. He
remembered these terrors and relived them only in the last days of his life in
his late eighties after he began to suffer the side effects of a series of strokes,
cardiovascular accidents. So this man got out of WWII, had his memories
suppressed by mind control, this new science emerging. And lived a happy
life and there's a VA history of him and all this. And he married and you know
you have every bit of documentation on this man. Until the last days, only
recently, he died, and he died in terror. He died screaming. He died from all
the suppressed memories, memories that were suppressed by mind control.

WR: It literally came back and killed him.

WB: Well, the cardiovascular accidents or whatever was going on.

WR: Well, that could have been caused by the terror.

WB: Good question, good point.

MC: I'd like to ask you this – in many cases with children that have been
abused. When they become adults they claim to have no memory of their
childhood. Is that true that there is an age line on this, that it starts to wear
off at a certain point and they start to remember?

WB: Well, actually we had here a guy, this guy must have been a grown man
before they used whatever they did to suppress his memories. But normally,
to create a multiple personality, they start before five years old. They start
really young, and by five they've finished. The work is done.

MC: What's the normal memory for a child? What does a normal person
remember before they are five?

WB: Oh, I remember being six months old.

MC: You do?

WB: Oh, sure. Yeah, I think a lot of people remember really early, some
incidents. You don't remember continuously. But you remember falling off the
bed, or you remember that suddenly I'm walking, how did I get to walking?

MC: So is that true that in many cases a person that does not have any
memory, let's say before six, could have an incident of this, because people
ask this...

WB: Oh, yes, I think one of the signs of abuse and trauma is lack of memory.
If they continue to have missing time like if any of you listeners out there
have clothes hanging in your closet that are your size but not your style, and
they're over on one side of the closet and they change now and then, but you
don't ever remember wearing them, it's time to consult somebody.

WR: It's funny, now last night, you know how you're dozing off and you've
got the TV on, I just happened to catch a movie that was on HBO that was
about a daughter being abused by her father. And the way it came about, it
was that she was a teenager, and all of a sudden she started having
nightmares, and she was always withdrawn from people, and it was because
she never felt she was good enough. She felt guilty, she felt dirty. Now, you've
got to remember, this was a drama, but I'm sure it was based on a study of
some cases. It turns out that her father had been abusing since she was very
small, just sneaking into the bedroom, a little at first, and then getting more
agressive with it and to the point that she finally couldn't take it anymore,
but she felt more than anything else that it was her fault. And it's sad...

WB: Yes, that's usually it. And also the child often seeks out the abuser. Like
if there's a choice to live between Mom and Dad, and one of them is the
abuser, the child will often choose the abuser to live with.

MC: Now this is the natural or non-mind control method, now how is this done

WB: Well you see now, you can live with all that. But I mean let's just talk
about the so-called natural...

MC: Then oppose it to the way it's done under mind control.

WB: As far as I'm concerned from what I'm finding out, the natural level of
abuse of children is too high.

MC: But what I'm saying is that I'd like to know if ... now again my experience
with some of the people that I know, for instance behaviorists, Skinnerians,
they did things to their children, now I'm talking about 25 years ago,
acquaintances of mine that I've worked with, well they used Skinnerian cribs,
they used various behavioral techniques on their children which I would not
constitute as torture or mind control but did, to me, seem non humane. Now
what did the government do beyond the Skinnerian Behavioral Techniques?
What we want to know here is ... so people can understand what happened
and then bring it up to now ... and its being done even on a higher level of

WR: For the benefit of the audience, let's go into a little detail on Skinnerian

MC: After, a Skinnerian crib, as I observed it, was an environment to create

a womb-like environment for the child after birth, which in itself was not cruel,
but the parents were supposed to have limited sensation by touch of this
child. The child was suspended in something that loved somewhat like a
waterbed, it was suspended in the air and according to Skinner it would create
a person that was non-dependent on his parents. It would be a freer, non-
non-contaminated individual. It would grow up to be one of the super people
because Skinner felt that you could create any personality by nutrition; there
would be lights, there would be sound, and there would be things. But the
parents were asked to limit their touching of this child except to feed it. And
it was done on a very very ... the schedules were very abrupt. By our

WR: What I'm. getting at: how would that effect the family unit?

MC: They were experimenting on their own child.

WR: No that's not what I mean. What kind of product would this create?

MC: We don't know. The products are walking around. Who knows which ones
they are.

WB: We know about Debbie Skinner. She committed suicide.

MC: Yes, thank you, that's true. He did his own kids.

WR: That's what I wanted to know. I was trying to get some feedback from
somebody who knows a little more about this. Either you or Walter.

MC: Now I don't know what happened to this child that I observed.

WB: I only know about Skinner what I've read and I haven't read all that but
I think they were rather extreme. I don't think most people would go to that

MC: And that's the point. In the university setting people have used their
children. Again we know this from our research, they use their children. Now
some at a very sinister level. but these people felt they were doing the right

WB: Yes well ... we find MPD is multi-generational and this is what the
intelligence community has known for a long time.

MC: And these were the highest level of the intellectual, cream of the crop,
in your ivory tower academia, they were doing that.

WB: If you were abused as a child you will probably abuse your children. And
probably this goes back to your grandfather or your grandparents.

MC: And according to the program that I went to: almost at the same age
you were abused. the abuser goes to seek out the child. If he was abused at
six months, he will go and abuse, he or she because there are shes that do it
also, at six months. It's amazing, they will repeat what was done to them.
WB: And sometimes, it amazing and surprising that the mothers do it. That's
what surprised me.

MC: There are many more female abusers of children. Society does not want
to talk about that.

WR: Have you ever come in contact with any of the Skinnerian products, you
might say?

WB: yeah, I have.

WR: Any observations?

WB: Well, Just that it was a form of abuse. Isolation, deprivation, alienation,
man that's what it was. It was a foam of abuse.

WR: But what I'm saying is can you actually tell one by a personality trait
possibly or ...

WB: Not specifically, it all fits into this abuse pattern. One of these files I
have, I'm. looking for a picture of this Debbie Skinner, I don't know, have you
seen it in here?

MC: But, you know what I'm getting at. I'm trying to talk about what's being
done now and how a person would have been altered as a child in
experimentation, because I think people would like to know if they were
possibly exposed to that kind of medical treatment.

WB: Well, if they can't remember their childhood, say ten or before, then
chances are there is something going on.

Now, we could be talking here and there is certainly enough on this tape to
trigger certain people and if they lapse into unconsciousness and have missing
time they should see a therapist and start therapy as soon as possible. Now
again, Colin Ross said he thought there could be as many as ten million people
that were so programmed. A lot of them were abused by their parents and
then picked up by the intelligence community. In one case, a very vocal
naming names and everything is Kathy O'Brian. And she tells the story of her
father using herself and her brother in porn films as children and sending
them through the mails. And he got busted by the postal authorities or
whoever it is that checks that. Then they came to him and he was about to
go to trial. And they said look if you want to get out of this you'll play ball
with us and its the Department of Defense. Of course, they weren't ... they
were probably CIA, but they said we'll show you how to do this for real. We'll
show you how to torture her and then you'll torture her for us, for our
purposes. And that started a lifetime of her service to, first of all, as a cute
little girl to have sex with politicians and then later as a drug mule and then
as a courier to carry secret messages and so on.

WR: Which brings us a little further along in the time-line.

WB: This was in the sixties.

WR: I don't want to jump ahead if there is a part in between there let me
know but I think if we jump to the fifties then we get into Candy Jones. Which
is a classic example that you mention in your book.

WB: After 194l we have this early case and in '43 Hoffman discovered LSD
and then ten years later the CIA tried to corner the world supply and buy it
all up. From '40 to '47 the US Army conducted numerous experiments in
hypnosis, and Estabrooks, Watkins and Fischer were the prominent
researchers. In 1950 Richard Helms was the DCI and was accompanied by
two doctors who visited the USA embassy annex in Japan where four Japanese
were suspected of being Soviet agents and they were interrogated with
sodium amitol and Benzedrine and after experiencing the ultimate injections
of these depressants and stimulants for 24 hours the CIA documents indicate
that the guys confessed. In October of the same year the team flew to Korea
where they conducted similar tests on twenty-five North Korean POWs and
this time they had no success. Now these are just some of the highlights of
the kind of research and the way this thing developed. That same year in
1950, the director of the Research Center for Addiction at Lexington, Kentucky
kept some men on LSD for 77 straight days and addicts were paid off in heroin
if they took part in the CIA drug test. In '51 McGills University's Donald Held
received a $23,000 contract with Canada's Defense Research Board to study
methods of producing attitude change through perceptual isolation have also
received $30,000 from Rockefeller Foundation for similar research. And I'm
going to get to Candy Jones in just a minute. In '5l, scientists representing
the US CIA, Canada's DRB and Great Britain's MI6 met on June first to discuss
sharing their research findings on mind control. Britain's Henry Tissard said
his country had not, at that time, conducted any such research. And of course
the CIA representatives are Carl Haskins and R.J. Williams. In '52 the
Department of Navy awarded $300,000 to a Dr. Richard Wendt of the
University of Rochester to conduct mind control research, originally known as
"Project Chatterbox". This secret project was later renamed "Project
Castigate" after the CIA got involved. Wendt claimed he had a substance that
would rnake anyone talk but he refused to disclose the ingredients and his
research was carried out in Frankfurt, West Germany. After some effort the
cryptocracy learned that Wendt was using dexadrine secanol and
tetrahydrocanibanol. The records did not say that the CIA used his own potion
on Wendt to obtain this information.

MC: And this is a footnote to say that this is some of your mad doctors and
even they couldn't control this fellow. He's sort of a legend as being really out

WR: Yeah, in '53 "Operation Artichoke" used subjects who were suspected of
being double agents and individuals of "dubious loyalty" in mind control
experiments and that went on for ten years. And years later the Congressional
investigation revealed that it was satisfied with six drugs it had developed for
use in a variety of operations. So in the same year, 1953, the CIA rented
adjacent apartments in Greenwich village where they photographed
unsuspecting civilian guinea pigs as they reacted to drugs as they were
slipped surreptitiously into their drinks. The agency claimed that only 53
subjects were drugged in this field experiment and in the same year CIA
funded National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) grants which found their
way to the University of California, Berkeley, where Timothy Leary was hard
at work studying how to diagnose personality. There he was introduced to the
cryptocracy by his drinking buddy, Frank Baron. In 1954, CIA secret grants
flowed to Harvard where Ph.D. Timothy Leary was conducting a study of how
to change behavior by giving prisoners LSD in the Concord Corrections
Facility. Leary's boss at Harvard was David McClellan Former OSS employee.
In 1955 to '59 MKUltra Mind Control Research was conducted at forty-four US
colleges and universities in the United States and

Canada. In 1956 the society for the Investigation of Human Ecology headed
by Herald Wolf gave Canadian Dr. Ewing Cameron $38,000 plus for psychic
driving experiments. It was revealed years later that the society was a CIA
front organization. A little footnote on that. That human ecology group funded
John Max's early stuff.

WR: You know there's another footnote to that, too. If my memory serves
me well, I think it's mentioned ... it's either in Mass Murderers in White Coats,
the one by Lenny Lapin. I believe Margaret Singer was connected with this

WB: And Robert J. Lifton was a partner of Max.

WR: Now, Singer went on to join the Occult Awareness Network. In fact she
was the big front person out there at Waco.

MC: In fact I was sitting there watching Waco burn down and she looms on
my TV and I almost fainted right in my living room! There are folks! We have
to be sure we can track these faces, that why we're going back this way.

WR: So to continue, in 1957 the Technical Services Division of CIA moved six
drugs from the experimental category to the operational category. The CIA
operators used LSD and psychoactive chemicals on 33 targets in 6 different
operations. This is all official, released by the CIA.

MC: That's the point. This is what we know about.

WB: In 1952, and it went on until 1962, the MKUltra experiments continued
but in the end it was announced that the CIA experiments scored no major
breakthrough with LSD or any other of the 149 different drugs that they
experimented with. They said they found no effective truth drug, recruitment
pill or aphrodisiac. They could not control any body's mind. They were
unsuccessful in creating even one Manchurian candidate, the classified
documents said. In 1959 to 1971 pinup poster girl Candy Jones or Jessica
Wilcox was involved in years of courier and sex operations under the CIA's
MKUltra direction. She used aliases such as Arlene Grant and is thought to be
one of the first presidential models along with Marilyn Monroe by other
surviving presidential models. She was a multiple personality - she had MPD.
So that brings us up to Candy Jones.

MC: I have a questions. I would like to know if you have this information. All
right, here we have a scenario of drug use by the government on the
population. At what point did we have our freelancers going out there and
using these drugs for profit and for play out on the streets. Because I know
there must have been a leak and where do you think that happened?

WB: Well, we know that some of the drug labs Leary was connected with and
that Billy Hitchcock got involved in funding and banking, putting the profits in
the Swiss banks. That's all public information in the courts and that happened
throughout this period in the 60's and into the 70's apparently.

MC: Was that freelance or was the government involved with those profits
and the manufacture.
WB: See this is the way the visible government works. Hitchcock went to
school with all the spooks. His dad was the roommate, Tommy Hitchcock. was
the roommate in WWII with David Bruce who was the Chief of Technological
Intelligence of OSS. Avril Harriman was a family

friend. They're part of the establishment. So even though they were making
profits from this no questions but there was an intelligence atmosphere
around this whole thing. And we have the records in the CIA files of the CIA
contacting Leary and Alsley and Huxley and various other people.

MC: The reason I ask is because when you talk about a time-line about the
experimentation with LSD and various other drugs, five or six of them, my
experience was that I was in a program but I want to know whether it was
sanctioned by the University of California or whether it was a freelance. Is
there documentation to that effect?

You can probably find your files in there, except that Richard Helms destroyed
152 separate files. But we have reason to believe that ...

WR: Now back in, I'm not sure which year - it might have been in '78 - it
might even have been 1980, but it was quite a few years ago. There was a
little blip byline that I believe appeared in Freedom Magazine in which you
mentioned that you had proof or that you had Leary admit that he was
working for the CIA.

WB: Yes I even have an audio tape of it.

MC: I'd like to interject this before people think I'm a nut case. I have never
had, as far as I could see, any bad effects of any of the things in the program
that I was in. In fact, I think it's enhanced me as a human being. I do not use
this as an endorsement to use drugs. I am not a drug addict. I never have
been. But I have to say that some of the work was done by a lot of very
legitimate people into me mind and into the expansion of mind. It's
unfortunate that these people used it to hurt mankind when there was
probably a point where it could have been used to help people.

WB: Well, the strange thing about all this government testing and everything
is that it's as old as our history and very often it comes out of war. And of
course we were in a thing called the Cold War at the time. Even though it may
have been an artificial war it was a war for the battle for men's minds.

WR: And their pocketbooks.

WB: Oh yeah, but I mean grab their minds, their pocketbooks follow you
know. As a matter of tact, one high ranking ... on CCN-it was on there once,
when the Soviet Union fell and the whole thing fell apart, they flew a guy back
to New York, a high-ranking KGB officer Karl somebody or other-l can't
pronounce his name-and he said ... they asked him why did this fall apart -
collapse? And he said America won the battle for the mind. And that was it.
And they did it once and they never put it on again.

MC: It's one of those things you hear and you just want the rest.

WB: Leary and those boys were all involved and of course it was involved
many Hollywood characters were involved. John Lilly was around. You know
the famous story about Court Meyer's wife, Mary Meyer and Leary. And she
was turning on President Kennedy and John Kennedy and then she was
murdered. And so there's a lot of CIA ... there were several factions in the
CIA. Now we know for example Olson - Frank Olson - who in "Operation Mind
Control #1. I forgot what I said, in '78 he pushed, fell or otherwise exited
from the whatever Story.

MC: And his wife very recently got compensation.

WB: Well more than that. They exhumed his body just a year ago and they
found out he was dead before he left the window. He was thrown out. They
crushed his skull and threw him out the window. You know so someone killed
him. Now, it wasn't LSD at all. Probably LSD wasn't even involved in that.

MC: They used that as a cover.

WB: As a cover.

WR: Which brings us back to how on a lot of things in order to get at the
truth you have to go through a lot of cut out stories and layers.

MC: So what's happened with that case since then?

WB: We don't know about that but they're going to reopen the suit. Murder
is a different case.

WR: Now he was running around with the crowd Gottlieb ...

WB: Lashbrook ...

WR: White, Colonel White ...

WB: Was he there?

WR: I don't know if he was in the room hut he was part of that crowd.

WB: Colonel White was one of the most insidious part because he was part
of the Bureau of Narcotics and dangerous drugs. It was a precursor, his
behavior's been linked to "the war on drugs" operations of the DEA.

MC: He was a cop!

WB: He's a smuggler and he used the drugs and he sold the drugs.

MC: Who does that sound like? It's sounds like so many of our political fellows
we have running around now who are nothing more than fancy drug pushers.

WR: Well they had to have a role model!

WB; We know for a fact that what the government denies free enterprise
supplies. And it's well documented that if you make something illegal, no
matter what you do you give power to it and people want it if you say you
can't have it. So that raises price and then in comes the underground
economy. And that's one of the reasons ... the underground economy is
bigger than the regular economy in the United States of America. And that's
one of the reasons they want to do away with the income tax.

MC: So the next thing we're talking about here is what I see in this time-line
is drugs being used at a certain point. Now I guess what we're going to
continue on is when they get beyond drugs into the next step of the occult.
These things keep moving along. The attempts to control ...

WB: Now the occult has always been with us. T he occult is any myth,
metaphor or symbol in your mind, in my mind, in any body's mind that means

WR: Just like me word "crypto" means "secret" "occult" means "hidden".

WB: That's it. It's something inside yourself. Now if I know that you think
that you had a mystical experience and it involved butterflies, I'm going to
use a butterfly to control you. If neurolinguistics programming has taught us
anything it has taught us that if you understand a person's beliefs you can
manipulate by their own beliefs. So that's what all the symbolology is about.
I would like to take exception and maybe this is not the appropriate time to
do it with the word "occult" because it means a "small group". that's all it
means. And I think that we're misplacing what is a tribal, even a McCluan
approach would be appropriate, a retribalization is going on. Our families have
failed us. Family society has failed us. Therefore people are looking to "gangs"
and "cults" and other things to replace the failure of the family. These are
tribal things.

WR: sort of a surrogate family you might say.

WB: Yeah, someone said to me there is no such thing as a homeless person.

There are only people without a tribe. And they are tribeless people. And if
you think McCluan predicted this in the 60's. And in fact its playing out right
now m the information age mat we are retribalizing and there is a
realignment. You know your family isn't going to support you as much as the
members of your own People that are locked together in a like belief system.

MC: And that is exactly what I was saying in the beginning of this, that its up
to us to hold ourselves together, to trust and to love and to share these
concepts and ideas so that we can protect the tribe of humans. Because the
tribe of humans are dying!

WB: The tribe of humanity. And here I go again saying about this new
technology leapfrogging to the end of the story, fast forward from the 50's to
the 90's. OK in 1963 CIA personnel helped the underground chemists in the
San Francisco hay area set up illegal laboratories to manufacture LSD and
related psychedelic drugs. President John Kennedy decided to do away with
the federal deficit and was considering taking monetary production away from
the Federal Reserve Board when he was assassinated in a public blood ritual
traumatizing the nation. Was the media used to issue the imbedded
commands? Good question. What's the first thing that changed that came to
your mind alter the assassination You have to ask yourself.

WR: Well, the first change was the Vietnam War was back on track and

MC: Which was also of course a blood letting and vary ritualistic. War being
one of the primary sacrificial aspects of human life.

WB: Yeah, so the way it would happen is trauma, then suggestion. And then
the suggestion would forever change something in the public consciousness.
What do you think; that was?

MC: Public execution for one - assassination.

WB: I think that after the assassination of John Kennedy people no longer
believed in the government.

MC: Oh yes, but I mean the whole idea of the fact that it could be done.

WR: What was practiced overseas by the CIA had come home to roost at that

MC: I see what you're saying.

WB: Now they feared the government. And I think it was done on purpose in
public. They could have ... I understand attempts were made to kill him in
private. Yes, so it's like a parental control. Like a punishment concept.

WB: So now you guys are going to get in line because we can even kill your
president. And I understand from survivors in those days, women who that
are now in their forties, most of them late forties, who were teenagers at the
time Kennedy was assassinated, their handler came to them. These were
traumatized women, abused women, controlled women that were being used
as gorgeous little sex slaves and their handlers came to them and said, "See?
We can kill Kennedy; we can kill anybody." And this has been repeated to me
several times in several interviews by various people.

MC: Now here's something off the cuff: Marilyn Monroe had a history of abuse
and had gone to foster homes and various things. Do you think she could
have been a mind control subject?

WB: The survivors have told me that she was. They know more about it than
I do. But they said the pattern of her life and her behavior indicates that she
was one of the first so-called presidential models. And you know she was right
up there sleeping at the top.

MC: That's right. Because you know all the things that I've read ... many
books ... Susan Strasburg's book is very interesting because it shows that
personality. That she was different personalities with different people.
Everyone knew a different Marilyn Monroe according to Susan Strasburg. We
may have a different personality changing.

WB: So we may have another Candy Jones. And that's what they said. In
1964, the DCI and the CIA Director Richard Helms ordered that a Soviet
defector, KGB Colonel Yuri Senko undergo psychiatric evaluation to determine
if he was telling the truth. Now Senko gave the CIA information about bugs
in the US embassy in Moscow and named over twenty KGB sleeper agents in
the west. After 3 1/2 years in the hands of the mind control specialists, he
was released. Helms remained skeptical of this Senko story some which
eventually proved to be true. In '65-'66, the CIA funded project Operation
Resurrection which subjected lobotomized apes to radio telemetric electronic
brain stimulation. The apes brains were stimulated by wires implanted inside
their skulls for a while. Then their heads were decapitated and transferred to
other bodies to see if energy from radio frequency could revive the animals.
In 1966, other apes were bombarded with radar waves which sautéed their
brains within their craniums. Today that technology is available through a
private company, run by a former government weapons engineer in
Alamagordo, New Mexico. And does this not sound like Nazi experimentation?


And crackpot Nazi experimentation at that.

WR: We might add at that time nobody knew where Mengele' whereabouts
were. He was supposedly running all over from South America to Central
Southwest to Arizona, he was in Arizona in me 60's.

WB: Yes. In 1965, the CIA paid Baltimore Laboratories $15,000 to find a drug
which could be used to fake a means of suicide. They came up with several
they thought might work with a careless pathologist. Now one wonders...I'd
like to see the files on that. It would be hilarious, you know. Corpses)reviving
in the morgue and stuff. The same year the CIA spent seven hundred
thousand dollars on research with terminal cancer patients. That was '65. And
mental defectives at Georgetown University. The unsuspecting patients were
given a combination of stimulants, depressants and stress inducing drugs in
a failed attempt to replicate the psychic driving techniques developed earlier
by Cameron in Canada.

WR: ln the near future, theres going to be a footnote to that information.

Theres a gentleman who's going to be coming out with a book on the subject
of Dr. Mary Sherman, working out of Tulane University and her strange
connection with David Ferry. ..

WB: Oh, Oh!

WR: ...and cancer experiments that were being performed in New Orleans.
MC: And we've been following...and in fact we've been waiting with baited
breath for this gentleman to finish the book and get it published so we can
interview him, so we could read to book. We're very excited about it. And
there's far more to it.

WB: Well I hope he puts me on the review list

WR: The gentleman's name is Ed Haslam and I believe he's not too far from
where you are located.

MC: We will do that. We will put you in touch.

WR: We will get that information to you when we get home.

WB: That would be great In '65, do you want me to continue? In '65...

WR: Yes! Sorry, I just wanted to interject that because you said cancer...

WB: Yeah, Colonel George White former Bureau of Narcotics agent, famous
George White repeated a 1953 field experiment with adjoining apartments on
'Telegraph Hill m San Francisco. 'The project was code-named Midnight
Climax. White filmed the CIA paid prostitutes giving their johns LSD from
behind a one-way mirror. It was believed that LSD effects on sexuality would
show up on the film. White was also active in New York City giving powerful
psychoactive chemicals like ivolgain and undocumented drugs in unmeasured
quantities to selective leaders of the anti-war movement and other targeted
political and civil rights activists. In 1966 Ronald Reagan was elected governor
of California. Operation Spellbinder was a CIA research project which
attempted to hypnotize an agent into becoming a sleeper killer. The FOIA
released documents saying that several Cuban immigrants were found upon
which hypnosis was tried. The goal was to plant an agent in Cuba w-ho, when
triggered, would kill Fidel Castro. The CIA documents say this didn't work and
independent research turned up first person witnesses that classically
conditioned MPD, Multiple Personality Disorder, agents were at work within
Cuba from Castro's rise to power in the late 1950's. In 1966 in October,
possession of LSD was declared a Class One felony, stopping all research on
it. The psychedelic 60's were over and the war on drugs began. 'The
cryptocracy black ops’ funds grew fat. ln 1967 DARPA, that's the Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency, was called Project Pandora got under
way with Dr. Joseph Sharpe who is presently in NASA-Ames Laboratory today.
Pandora concluded in 1969 stating that nothing would be clear without
experiments on human subjects in their natural settings. Nixon approved-
"basic research" on voluntary human subjects. In 1968 at the peak of the
student unrest Dr. Gordon J.F. McDonald, Science Advisor to Lyndon B.
Johnson described how man-made changes in the earth's ionosphere could
be used for mass behavior control. He pointed out that low frequency
electromagnetic operations could be used to attack the brain-waves of human
beings. He stated, "perturbation of the environment can produce changes in
behavioral patterns".

MC: Now I want to interject here, is this information recently unclassified'?

Was it available in print at the time, was it, you know...I'm trying to find out
this was…

WB: In '68? No.

MC: So this was secret in '68?

WB: Yes.

MC: About what time was much of this information declassified.

WB: Oh in the late '70's.

MC: In the late '70's…

WB: Right.

MC: And very few people ever saw this declassified information.

WB: Oh yeah, most of it.

MC: See, this is important because people think oh well that's ancient history
and everybody knew about it. Ho! That’s exactly why we're doing this because
we're showing you that there's been a progression and that's why this is

WB: Yeah. I have recently pitched a documentary through my agent in New

York to several major television companies and one of them being 60 Minutes.
And 60 Minutes said, "Oh we've done that. We did that in the 70's already".
But the understanding that they did in the 70's it was very shallow and it's
nothing like what we know today. And it should be done and redone and
redone until people get it. You know. It's the biggest story since the atom
WR: As long as you have Mike Wallace with 60 Minutes you're not going to
have that story come out in full flower.

WB: Yeah. Is that right?

WR: I have my, well let's just say I have my feelings about who Mike Wallace
is and a couple of other people.

WB: He's one smart fellow, I’ll tell you that.

WR: Oh yeah!

WB: In 1968, presidential models and members of the secret team were
giving vaccinations against Auto immune Deficiency syndrome. AIDS is still
believed to be a blood transmitted disease which can be sexually transmitted.
It is still commonly believed that there is yet no cure at all. Eyewitnesses,
people from the intelligence community, people recovering, MPDs, Project
Monarch victims testify differently. Though it wasn't called AIDS in those days
many of them were given vaccinations and Fletcher Prouty tells us that some
of the boys on his secret team were also inoculated to Auto immune Deficiency
type problems.

MC: And that is the information this book is going to cover that we just told
you about. It’s going to go into what we believe in the secret history of the
origin of AIDS and it is most definitely not just a retroactive virus, something

WB: Right. There’s definitely a pattern in all of this that says that the United
States, citizens of the United States, ...were...

WR: We're one big laboratory.

WB: Well, they’re considered rats in a lab. Now anybody that works for the
government is owned by the government in the minds of these people. And
they would be the first to be experimented on.

MC: And that's something that people who are in the military now really, if
they look at themselves as valuable human beings, even though they do sign
themselves away when they join the military, pay attention to what you are
being given. You do have civil rights even though you have a contract with
the US government.
WB: But I mean the concept of "I will die for my country" is the wrong
premise to run things on. Nobody needs to die now. You can let the robots
die. And nobody needs to die for country. Die for something more worthwhile
than the country. Which is obsolete. Which is an institution that's been
replaced by networks.

MC: And as we go through this time-line it is important to note that this is

not set in steel. That anyone out here hearing this can stop it. If you are a
part of this and you feel bad about it, you can stop it. I don't know about
putting your life on the line, but you would be saving your fellow human

WB: But see now the United States has signed an agreement to stop. So the
government is probably stopped.

MC: You think that?

WB: I would think that. 'Two years ago, a year and a half' ago, they signed
the agreement, an international treaty that they wouldn't experiment on their
own citizens anymore. But they proposed the treaty four years before. And
they took their time signing it. But now it gave them the time to go private
with all this research and there is no controls on private enterprise.

MC: You do remember Mr... Dear Mr. Kissinger saying in a congressional

hearing, "we do not assassinate foreign leaders. That's after the leaders were
assassinated. And everyone just looked at him. You know you can claim

W13: Yes. Shall I continue?

WR: Yes, I would like to mention that in the time-line we can't prevent what
has already happened. And it needs to be studied. Which brings us back to
your book.

WB: Well we can prevent it in the future! That’s the main thing. Never let it

WR: Well, that's what I'm talking about. But what's happened up to now is
still going on. Like you say, it's entered the private sector and I would like to
talk about what may be the latest phase in this which was one that they've
sort of kept alive all the way back in the '50's and that is the connection
between alien abduction and mind control... which part. OK. Excuse me...
WB: You're jumping way ahead.

WR: I don't want to do that. We'll back up then.

WB: We're going to be in 1970 now.


MC: And along with the recent privatization of the prisons because much of
the experimentation is being done in facilities like Pelican Bay.

WB: Yes.

WR: And the facility in Pennsylvania where Mumia abu Jamal is being kept
and Butner.

WB: I wanted to do a bumper sticker that said, "Americas economy needs

more prisons". Because it's the growth industry in America.

MC: A private growth industry.

WB: It's the private growth industry and we've got even more people in
prison than any other country per capita. In 1970, Sheila Ostrander and Lynn
Schroeder published "Psychic Discoveries Behind The Iron Curtain". The book
motivated Congress to order the Department of Defense to close the mind-
gap. National Security Advisor Svignu Berzynski, the founding director of
David Rockefellers's Trilateral Commission, founder of the infamous FEMA,
wrote "Technology will make available to leaders of major nations a variety
of techniques for conducting secret warfare of which only a bare minimum of
the security forces need to be apprised.

It is possible and tempting to exploit for strategic political purposes the fruits
of research on the brain and on human behavior. Accurately timed, artificially
excited electronic strokes could lead to a pattern of oscillations that produce
relative high power levels over certain regions of earth. In this way, one could
develop a system that would seriously impair the brain performance of a very
large population in selected regions over an extended period. " You can see
what's coming in 1970. In 1971, the CIA paid three professional astrologers
$350 a week to predict the future in Operation Often which ran from May, 71
to October 72. I wonder if those predictions came true? In 1973 ,Dr. Joseph
Sharp discovered he could hear his own voice when the microwave analog of
sound waves was beamed at the back of his head in an experiment conducted
at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research.
WR: 1973!

WB: 1973. And I have a document here from 1962.

WR: So now we're getting into the wireless, you might way.

WB: Yes. Now you can see what's coming after Sbignu predicted this. This
thing is written by Allan H. Frey, of General Electric Advanced Electronics
Center, Cornell University in Ithaca, New York and it was published in The
Journal of Applied Physiology in l 962 . The human auditory system responds
to modulated electromagnetic energy. And it says that they used extremelv
low average;rage power intensities of electromagnetic energy and that
humans had the perceptions of sounds as induced in normal and deaf
humans. The effect was induced from several hundred feet from an antenna
the instant the transmitter was turned on and is a function of' carrier
frequency-y and modulation. Attempts were made to match the sounds
induced by electromagnetic energy and acoustic energy. The closest match
occurred when the acoustic amplifier is driven by the RF transmitters
modulator. and it goes into the technical thing. But me interesting thing about
this...with that it says here that one can shield oneself from this
kind of technology by taking a two inch piece of fly screen and putting it on
the temples of your- head above y our cars.

MC: ' That's right where your audio nerve is and right in here its your audio

WB: Yes.

WR: So it sort of scrambles and deflects it.

MC: See the thing that gets me here is...

WB: Over the temporal lobe...

MC: Oh so that's light here. . . See now if you massage this area here many
things. . .I do massage...and this in here can relieve eye strain. This can
loosen up all the facial muscles. It's obviously, even on the outside, very
important to the function of the eyes. the brain, your balance. But we have
to see here that magazines publish data like this and people somehow think
that it's crackpot data. I know that's not true. We have lots of data that we
don't understand right now.
WR: People if they really want to find out more about this they don't have to
rely on digging into some clandestine files as much as they have to follow the
scientific journals in certain electronic areas and fields such as this.

WB: YES and then were going to get there...we're going to advance up to the
alien abduction experiences which sound very much like this stuff we're
hearing from now on in this research. . and ;if so we have the survivors
reports...human intelligence, citizens intelligence where we're just
interviewing people. And Theyre describing hearing voices and having the
effects of this thing.

And right on up to 1994-45......these experiments with magnetic waves

inducing alien abduction experiences. But between now and then we are still
dealing with the 70's on this time-line.

OK. And so. in 1973, the Rockefeller Report revealed that DCl Richard Helms
ordered 153 separate MK-Ultra files destroyed as his Last act of office and in
years to come many of those files which were thought destroyed were
discovered as "misplaced" files, behind cabinets and what have you . And they
reveal a long history of criminal activities by individuals who hid behind the
National Security Act and ran amok arrogantly treating citizens of their own
country as so many lab rats.

And to date nobody has been brought to justice on this criminal behavior.
Maybe perhaps we should have them all a pardon so that they can tell us the
secrets that they’ve hidden so long. If we give them all a pardon we can have
Cold War clime trials and let everybody go. But let's find out what happened
and it's never going happen again.

MC: Now we have here an ethical problem that the government funds various
research scientists that do this kind of work and tells them its alright and their
ethics are thrown out the window.

WB: Yeah. Well also the need to know, the compartmentalized need to know
keeps scientists from knowing real}y what they are working on. And I
remember back in...doing a video of.. in the 60's at Lawrence Livermore Labs
in Long Island. They were shooting lasers around. And one o~ the camera
crews said, "Oh look! as my laser burned a hole through a two inch piece of
steel. Pop! You know. The guy said, "A death ray!", and the scientist said, "a
measuring device'"

MC: That's correct. That’s part of our information.

WB: 'That was the Brooking Institute not the Livermore Labs and also it was
'75 for the Rockefeller Report? not 73, corrections here. We have a technical
editor in our midst whose cleaning up our act...OK so anyway, going through
all this we end up with Jolly West in '73 trying to brainwash students at the
Center for the Study and Treatment of Violence with Earl Brian. We have in
76, 50 million people in the United States being inoculated in a germ warfare
self-defense drill against swine flu that was found only in a couple of soldiers
outside the gates of Fort Dix. In '73 to '76 we have the Pike Committee,
Church Committee, Rockefeller Commission holding hearings about the tip of
the mind control iceberg and in '74 the mind control exploratory development
began. This term needs to be defined. It has specific DOD meaning. In 1975
the CIA began conducting research on how human beings responded to
stimuli. The CIA claimed it had used no drugs in these experiments which
were conducted in a Diego Hospital. It was said the optical experiments ended
in 77. In '76 George Bush Ronald Reagan's protégé' was appointed DCI by
Gerald Ford but Bush wasn't Ford's choice. One of Bush's first decisions as
DCI was to authorize experiments on involuntary human subjects with radar
pulse...microwave beams. The woodpecker signal disrupted global radio
communications in Eugene Oregon. In '77 eight institutions including 44
colleges and universities were notified by the CIA that their campuses had
hosted MKUtra and related research in the 50's and 60's. The Gestichner Fund
for Medical Research based in Georgetown and Human Ecology Fund chaired
by the Brown University President were two of the main CIA conduits passing
MKUltra research funds. From '79 to '84 advanced development got under
way. Whatever that meant in the terms of "advanced development". In 1980,
Reagan was elected the law and order president and things began to roll
behind the scenes with George Bush running the addle-headed actor turned
president. In 1981 Albert Gore was appointed to the House Permanent Select
Committee on Intelligence on which he served on the Energy and Commerce
Sub Committee with oversight on all government sponsored research at
university laboratories. Gore was subsequently in a position to quash
investigations of involuntary human subject research and he also served on
the Appropriation Sub- Committee dealing with the flow of funds to the
intelligence community. In '8l Major Oliver North was brought to the White
House to set up a domestic Project Phoenix for the National Security Council.
North was a junior officer under Col. Fletcher Proudy in earlier days and
Proudy said "North was so dumb I wouldn't send him out to mail a letter".
North's first job at the White House was to set up the Crisis Management
Center in the basement from which George Bush ran the intelligence
community for eight years. In '83 William French Smith Attorney General split
the domestic counter- intelligence and terrorism turf up between the FBI and
FEMA. Major North was the NSC liaison to FEMA. Mind control operations went
to FEMA over which there was no congressional oversight. In May of 83 the
Department of Defense stole the PROMIS software from lNSLAW. Cryptocracy
insiders described all this and its been in all the...there's been descriptions of
the whole thing which you know... research and development which included
extremely low level energy, electromagnetism, photons, bioplasms and
similar categories of electrobiological communication and interception
techniques that utilize advanced electronic technology. In '84 prototype
development began. Thats another term that needs to be researched in its
history of uses under the DOD. There were massive demonstrations and so
called field tests of invisible weapons. In March 1984, Tyler's paper, The
Electromagnetic Spectrum in Low lntensity Conflict was written at Maxwell
Airforce Base, Alabama. The same year Slammer was proposed to the DCI by
the Air Force. In April or thereabouts the CIA raided North's office and took
over mind control operations. The same year Greenham Common women
were assaulted with radio frequency and other weapons by brave worriors of
the US Air force, General Electric Aerospace and NASA. They all went into
invisible weapons and mind control in a big way. In 84 "Mind Wars" by Ronald
Macrae was published. Macrae was a journalist who had previously worked
with the Office of Naval Research. Then later, recently, I believe in 94, ten
years later he recanted after a brief stay in a mental institution. ln '85,Vitali
Yvchenko was kidnapped in Rome by the CIA.

Soviet psychotronic research and operations continued so that "one can

program anything into the brain of experimental subjects" it was said. "A
human being becomes a silent cog in a hellish machine of all devouring fear.
An individuals brain can be suppressed, activities curtailed, so that an
individual will submit to any wish of the operators" said Emil Fedorovich
Bucharin and Molodoya Gvardya. In 1986 CIA director, William Casey died
suddenly of a brain tumor. The mind control operations went into a holding
pattern while the Senate confirmed William Webster as DCI.

MC: I just want to make a comment here that I found something very
interesting. The Hoover Institute, about that time, about six months before
that had a very large involved conference on, strange thing, on brain tumors
and how to treat them. Ive been told by others who were involved with the
Hoover Institute that they do not do that type of work. And that was on call.
It is on record. lt is on their paper at :
Stanford University. Very interesting that very soon after that, Casey dies at
a very convenient...night before the hearings, of a brain tumor.

WR: He died in May o f '87.

WB: Yeah, in May of 87, but I didn't get a chance to finish. Anyhow in 19...if
you ask a doctor he will tell you that can't inject cancer. Apparently cancer
cells don't mean anything, you can't inject them. But you can inject plutonium
which will give you cancer real fast. In 1987 GWEN, the Ground Wave
Emergency Network had begun in the early 80's. Dr. Robert Vecter said,
GWEN is a superb system in combination with cyclotron resonance for
producing behavioral alterations in the civilian population. And I refer you to
PROJECT HAARP. ln 1988, Former CIA Director, George Bush was elected
president. Some researchers think that mind control was used to detain
Michael Dukakis in the Massachusetts State House until after Labor Day. In
1989 Bush declared this would be the "decade of the brain". Mind control went
fully operational. Several researchers told that literally thousands of
individuals were designated to be killed in behavioral neuroscience
experiments. Especially ONR's University Research Initiative. Those who lived
were recycled into other uses by the cryptocracy. In the same year George
Bush declared war on drugs using the embedded command" Just say No" drug
consumption went up. Prices went up. The black ops funds of the cryptocracy
swelled. And we know that if you tell a kid "no" he does the opposite and "no"
is an embedded command to do the opposite. In I991 operations Bug, Third
Chance, Derby Hat and MKUltra under which various aspects of mind control
were performed from BB size ear, eye nose and brain implants had been
studied for two decades. And they were placed in the hands of South American
dictators and others in operations against high echelon captured drug dealers
and other prisoners. In '93 the FBI? ATF and Delta Force teams tested
psychological and psychotronic warfare on the Branch Davidians at Waco,
Texas. Microwaves were beamed at the compound as evidenced by a number
of videos of the dishes pointed directly at the main building. Loudspeakers
play all night, along with bright lights and a psychology of terror as well as
Subliminal commands were used on the surrounded Davidians. Also, Dr.
Jolian West visited there as a consultant to the spooks and FBI and ATF who
surrounded the compound. In 1994 Energy Secretary Hazel Oleary
declassified millions of secret documents. It was learned quickly that
radioactive materials were used on US adults and children, so-called project
Monarch survivors began to understand why so many of them...those are
mind control survivors... why so many of them had radioactive-like damaged
thyroid glands. And October 21st, 1994 the US
became a state party to the convention against torture and other cruel,
inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. The Senate ratified it four
years before it was signed. On September 10th the space shuttle Discovery
utilized a powerful green laser directed at key sections of North America and
other parts of the globe. Pulses from the shuttle laser bounced off thick high
clouds aver a tropical storm. Pulsed at 10 hertz, researchers believe that this
was a behavioral experiment that had been predicted ten years before. Ten
cycles per second is the same frequency as the woodpecker signal and it is
within the human brain wave frequency. Researchers believe it was used in
conjunction with RF broadcast from the Arco Haarp Antenna in Alaska which
was tested during the Discoverys flight. As Dr. Becker says in the Body
Electric, Hypnotists often use a strobe light flashing at alpha wave frequencies
to ease me subject into trance. The same or other signal could carry a
subliminal message". More for the researchers.

MC: Is that why strobe lights were used in the 60's in open dances because
they certainly altered behavior.

WB: Good chance, yeah. In 1995 the Residential Committee on Radiation

began to hear evidence of me MKUltra survivors who were used as radiation
guinea pigs in their childhood. Most of us were victims and still are targets of
experiments and operations by the United States government or its assigns
in private government, contract government. Most of us are survivors of a
dark age in American History known as me Cold War. The history is still
unfolding and we are waiting every day for the new revelations which will
come from the cryptocracy. And I understand, very soon, we are going to
have some Kennedy assassination news, is it today or tomorrow? They are
releasing documents. This week I think.

WR: There's a deadline.

WB: Yeah the deadline.

And the remaining Oswald files.

MC: And as you heard time. . .

WR: John Newman has evaluated the ones that have been released in his
new book out...
WB: I know Ive got the book and I am reading it now. Im getting ready to
interview him. I met him in Dallas at the 3Oth anniversary symposium. Were
you there ? Ah, it's a shame we didn't run into you there.

MC: To draw this to a close as you heard the time is running out. You heard
the...If you could hear on this tape you could hear the beautiful chimes of
many clocks in this room and we want to thank Walter Boward and if he would
wind it up here...

WB let me just wind it up.

MC: Do you want to wind it up because then I would like you to put for the
listeners out how they could contact you, how they can see the rest ot this

WB: Now this sounds like its all the downside but in 50 years of this secret
experimentation the crypttocracy discovered a language of the subconscious
and while technology is employed, it an boils down to the human mind and
the way it works. And human language, and language and peer pressure and
those behavioral things are more powerful than any hardware. The
cryptocracy found the Rosetta Stone to the human mind which, if ever fully
released from the cryptocracy safe, might make criminality and mental illness
a thing of the past. It might make every child a genius and every citizen
happy, creative and intellectually productive from the cradle to the grave. It
might produce a golden age in which the human species will begin to claim
its birthright and rediscover its suppressed higher abilities and finally be
allowed to leave this playpen of a planet to wander sanely among the stars.

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