Word File XM Afcs
Word File XM Afcs
Word File XM Afcs
01. The aircraft is provided with an Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS). It achieves
Autopilot (AP) function, Flight Director (FD) function and:
a. Altitude Alert function
b. Yaw Damper function
c. Pitch trim function
d. Turn coordination function
02. Autopilot (AP) function of Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS) includes:
a. Automatic pitch trim, Yaw Damper (YD) and Altitude alert
b. Automatic pitch trim, Flight Director (FD) and Turn coordination
c. Altitude Alert, Yaw Damper (YD) and Turn coordination
d. Automatic pitch trim, Yaw Damper (YD) and Turn coordination
05. What is the minimum height autopilot can be used on a CAT I approach:
a. 180ft
b. 200ft
c. 160ft
d. 150ft
08. In AFCS the ADU has four display line, they are:
a. Advisory, Warning Arm and Cap
b. Arm, Cap Alt and Hold
c. Advisory, Caution, Arm and Cap
d. Nav, Vert, Loc and Alt
09. In AFCS the ADU displays information in the following colors:
a. White, Amber and Red
b. White, Amber and Green
c. White, Red and Green
d. White and Green only
10. In AFCS when an altitude is selected it appears in the ADU as ALT SEL…..FT in White,
when ALT* appears, it changes to:
a. ALT SEL….FT colour changes to green
b. ALT SEL….FT colour changes to…..FT only
c. ALT SEL….FT disappears from ADU
d. No changes take place
11. When the GA button is depressed on the PL, the AP is disengaged and FD only
guides to:
a. Hdg to the GA HDG
b. Pitch safe for Gear extended
c. Pitch safe for flap extended
d. all are correct
12. TCS depressed, pitch is rotated to more then 150, when released the pitch will settle
a. Same pitch when the TCS is released
b. Same pitch when TCS was depressed
c. 150
d. 50
14. (All) Touch Control Steering (TCS) button when pressed enables to take temporary
manual control of the aircraft without disconnecting the AP to change the pitch and roll
references. The reference attitude will be the aircraft’s new pitch and roll attitude at the
time the TCS pb is released provided pitch attitude are within:
a. -11°/+12°
b. -11°/+13°
c. -11°/+14°
d. -11°/+15°
15. (All) When Touch Control Steering (TCS) button is released with a pitch attitude
beyond……….. the aircraft will return inside the limits and maintain that attitude.
a.* -11 °/+15 °
b. -11°/+14°
c. -11°/+13°
d. -11°/+12°
16. AP basic modes are:
a. Vertical mode- Pitch and Lateral mode – HDG
b. Vertical mode- IAS and Lateral mode – VOR
c. Vertical mode- GS and Lateral mode – LOC
d. Vertical mode- ALT and Lateral mode – NAV
18. The go-around pbs are on the external side of each Power lever. When pressed, the
go-around mode is engaged. All flight director modes except:
a. VNAV (if engaged before GA) are cancelled
b. LNAV (if engaged before GA) are cancelled
c. LOC (if engaged before GA) are cancelled
d. VOR (if engaged before GA) are cancelled
19. The go-around pbs are on the external side of each Power lever. When pressed, the
go-around mode is engaged. All flight director modes except LNAV (if engaged before
GA) are cancelled. And the autopilot is disengaged. The FGCS provides:
a. Only safe GA pitch for the vertical mode via the FD bars indications.
b. Only Heading (HDG HOLD) for the lateral cancelled mode via the FD bars indications.
c. Heading (HDG HOLD) for the lateral cancelled mode and safe GA pitch for the vertical mode
via the FD bars indications.
d. Heading (HDG HOLD) for the lateral cancelled mode and safe GA pitch for the vertical mode
via the FD bars indications to maintain GA speed.
21. During Altitude capture mode, the ADU and EADI readout changes from white ALT
SEL to:
a. ALT CAP in green
b. ALT CAP in white
c. ALT* in green
d. ALT in white
01. Which aileron has the roll trim tab?
a. Left aileron
b. Right aileron
c. Both Left and Right aileron.
d. There is no aileron trim tab
03. When does the red CCAS FLP UNLK light illuminate?
a. Failure of mechanical lock between inner and outer flaps
b. Inadvertent movement of handle towards retract after selecting take-off flaps 15º on the
c. Retraction of more than 4º with flaps at 15º or more
d. Whenever flaps asymmetry is discovered
04. What is the meaning of the blue EXT flag on the flaps position indicator?
a. Hydraulic fluid is not flowing
b. Hydraulic fluid is flowing
c. Flaps are extended
d. Flaps are not completely extended to the commanded position
05. FLAPS UNLK red message on EWD with other warnings and alerts appear when:
a. Failure of mechanical lock between inner and outer flaps
b. Inadvertent movement of handle towards retract after selecting take-off flaps 15º on the
c. Retraction of more than 4º with flaps extended
d. Whenever flaps asymmetry is discovered
06. FLAP ASYM amber message on EWD appears with other indications when asymmetry
is more than ………… during flaps actuation:
a. 4o
b. 4%
c. 6.7%
d. 6.7o
19. Roll trim is accomplished by changing the neutral position setting of:
a. Left aileron spring tab.
b. Right aileron spring tab
c. Both of the aileron spring tabs
d. Left aileron trim tab
d. Only ADC ½
1. Stick-pusher activation occurs:
a. Before stall warning advisory
b. After stall warning advisory
c. At the same time as stall warning advisory
d. Stick pusher must be activated by the pilot
2. Stick-pusher is inhibited:
a. On ground only
b. On ground and as long as TO INHIBIT is on
c. On ground and for 10 seconds after lift off
d. On ground and as long as flaps are not retracted
3. T/O CONFIG test is used before Take Off to check:
a. PWR MGT selector in TO position, Flaps 15, Pitch Trim in green sector.
b. TLU is in LO SPD
c. There is no disagreement between the gust lock and its actuators
d. A, B and C are correct
4. The Flaps 15 limiting speed is:
a. 185 kt
b. 180 kt
c. 170 kt
d. 160 kt
5. “FLT CTL PUSHER” on the Alert Window of the Flight Warning System means that:
a. Stick shaker failure
b. Stick shaker or stick pusher failures
c. Stick pusher failure
6. “PITCH DISC” on the Alert Window of the Flight Warning System means that:
a. Elevators are uncoupled
b. Pilots are authorized by the MFCs to uncouple the elevators
c. Discrepancy between left and right AHRS on the pitch data information
7. “FLAPS ASYM” on the Alert Window of the Flight Warning System means that:
a. Asymmetry of more than 4° between left and right flap
b. Asymmetry of more than 6.7° between left and right flaps, flaps can be reset
c. Asymmetry of more than 6.7° between left and right flaps, flaps are frozen in position
11. Flap unlock is displayed on the alter window of the flight warning system and a warning
alert is triggered when:
a. Flaps retract untimely more than 4° when flaps are selected at Flap 30
b. Flaps retract untimely more than 4° when flaps are selected at Flap 15 or more
c. Flaps retract untimely more than 6° when flaps are selected at Flap30
29. Each of the two roll spoilers have a hydraulic actuator which is controlled
a. Mechanically, by the related aileron linkage
b. Mechanically, by control of aileron deflection
c. Electrically, by control of the WHEEL position
30. SPLR light illuminates to indicate:
a. Associated spoiler has failed
b. Associated spoiler is in the retracted position
c. Associated spoiler is not in the retracted position
35. In the go-around phase, action on either go-around push button will:
a. Disengage AP and hide FD bars
b. Disengage AP. AFCS provides FD commands only to manually acquire and maintain the
predetermined minimum safe attitude and present heading
c. Automatically move the PL to the required power setting, but the pilot should maintain the
speed manually
d. Command the aircraft to fly both the vertical and lateral go around procedure as
programs in the FMS, and if still engaged, the AP remains engaged.
41. If the AP is on, with the FD engaged in the HDG and ALT mode, what happens if the
HDG push button is selected again?
a. The vertical bar disappears from the EADI and the AP returns to basic mode on the roll
axis only
b. Nothing
c. AP disengages and YD disengage
d. The AP only disengages
42. What happens when the pitch wheel is actuated with the AP engaged in ALT HOLD
a. A new altitude reference is set and will be acquired by the AP
b. Nothing, it is inhibited in ALT HOLD
c. The AP disconnects and the pitch wheel can be used only in FD mode for IAs and VS
d. The aircraft reverts to basic pitch mode.
43. The YD function is activated automatically
a. Anytime the AP is engaged
b. By selecting the YD push button
c. Answers A and B are correct
d. The YD automatically engages when the landing gear retracts
46. When the touch control steering (TCS) is operated, this allows:
a. Temporary manual control of the aircraft without disengaging the active FD and/or AP
b. Temporary manual control of the aircraft and return in basic mode
c. Disconnection of the AP, but YD remains connected
d. An alternative way to change the active FD mode
50. What happens if ALT and GS vertical mode are armed at the same time?
a. The one that first meets capture conditions becomes active
b. If GS track captures first, it will inhibit the capture of ALT SEL (no ALT alert)
c. If ALT SEL captures first, it will not inhibit the capture and track phases of GS
d. Answers A, B and C are correct
51. The ALT select mode is automatically armed when the aircraft climbs or descends
toward the selected altitude
a. This assertion is correct
b. Incorrect, the ALT SEL mode must be armed then engaged before selecting a new
c. Incorrect, the STBY mode push button must be pushed to enable the new altitude to be
d. Incorrect, this is only true when operating in IAS mode
52. What color will indicate that an AP mode is ARMED?
a. Green
b. White
c. Amber
d. Blue
53. In APP mode (LOC and GS ARM) which push button must be selected on the AFCS
control panel to intercept and follow the GS?
a. The GS will be captured automatically in any case
b. The GS will be captured automatically after LOC capture
c. After LOC capture, you must select the APP mode push button again
d. The GS will capture automatically but only if the aircraft intercepts the glide from below
54. Which push button must be selected on the AFCS control panel to intercept and track
a VOR radial?
a. APP
b. NAV
c. VOR
d. BC
55. Flight director and autopilot modes:
a. The GO AROUND mode is only FD mode not AP
b. The GO AROUND mode switches the FD bars to STBY
c. The APP and GO AROUND modes both have vertical and lateral modes
d. Answers A and C are correct
56. Which of the flight director lateral (roll) modes have an armed phase?
a. HDG and NAV
b. APP and BC
c. NAV, APP and BC
d. NAV and APP
57. Which flight director vertical (pitch) modes have an armed phase?
b. ALT SEL, GA and VS
d. ALT SEL and GS
58. Which are the FD and AP lateral (roll) modes operated by lateral modes push button
59. The electrical supply of the main AFCS component is
a. DC EMER and DC STBY mainly
b. ESS BUS for AP off lights and AP disconnect circuit
c. Answers A and B are correct
60. How can you check if the AFCS altitude capture mode is armed?
a. By checking on the ADU of the autopilot
b. By checking line 1 of the FMA, displayed on the MFD
c. On the autopilot systems page displayed on the PFD
d. By checking line 2 of the FMA displayed on the PFD
61. The aircraft is fitted with an automatic digital flight control system (AFCS) and it
a. Autopilot (AP) and/or yaw damper (YD) functions
b. Flight director (FD) function
c. Altitude alerting functions
d. Answers A, B and C are correct