Research Log Official 1
Research Log Official 1
Research Log Official 1
Thesis: Although Honolulu has made strides towards becoming a cycling friendly city with the implementation of a 2-
mile protected bike lane on King Street, still few of the city's residents commute by bicycle due to poor bike
infrastructure and a lack of bicycle education, along with access to affordable bicycles.
Essay Sections:
#1 What is the problem? What are the systemic causes? Who is hurt and who benefits? Fundamentally, there
aren’t enough people on bikes in Oahu and this creates too much vehicular traffic in downtown Honolulu.
#2: What has been and is being done? protected bike lane, 3-foot passing law, public transportation systems
(bike accommodation), The Hawaii Cycling League BikeEd Program, Biki bike-share program
#3: What do you think should be done and what do you intend to do? People for Bikes, Kalihi Valley
Instructional Bike Exchange (KVIBE), Bill SB2517
Excerpts: Green = Quote introduction, try introducing quotes in various ways (, : ; etc.)
Purple = Evidence, try using varied lengths, but make sure it is important regardless!
Red = Parenthetical Citation, (author’s last name, publication year) – if no author, use source title
1. Fleming gives the example of the KGP Design Studio's Bikestation in Washington D.C.: "The project
was funded completely by the District of Columbia Department of Transportation (DDOT) and carried a
$3M price tag. This elaborate glass and steel structure, located adjacent to the D.C. Union Train Station,
supplies 100 storage spaces for local cyclists" (Bike Plan Update, 2019).
2. Honolulu needs to confront the visibility, safety, and accessibility issues that plague the current cycling
infrastructure to realize bicycle commuting to its fullest potential. The Portland Bureau of
Transportation categorized four general groups and their differing needs; For example, “The strong and
fearless" (<1% of the total population), "The enthused and the confident" (7%), "The interested but
concerned" (60%), and "The no way, no how" (33%). After many surveys and polls, the primary
concern for cyclists who did not fall under the "strong and fearless" group, is the fear of being on the
road on a bicycle. The "interested but concerned" group represents the majority of Portland's residents”
(Bike Plan Update, 2019).
3. For example, in recent years, Hawaii has passed legislation in the form of a "3-foot passing law that
requires motorists to provide at least three feet of clear space when passing a cyclist. This new law
represents an important opportunity for DTS and the bicycling community to collaborate with HPD on
public education and enforcement campaign" (Bike Plan Update, 2019).
1. Although costs were high in constructing the D.C. Bikestation, the DDOT speculates that the
structure will convert more than 100 D.C. drivers into cyclists. Converting drivers into cyclists is no
small task; the above Bikestation idea has potential, but the cost is high. A more cost-effective way
the state can tackle this issue is through education. Suppose the state requires all public schools to
include bicycle safety into their curricula. In that case, one can hope that more people will grow up
with the knowledge, appreciation, and awareness surrounding bikes. This can potentially shift the
negative connotation that often surrounds cycling, not to mention creating more "safety-first"
minded individuals, decreasing the likelihood of bike-related accidents on the road.
2. Unfortunately, Honolulu has not conducted extensive studies related to Portland's four cyclist
groups, but by generalizing these group distributions and applying them to Honolulu, approximately
half of the population falls into the "interested but concerned" category. In Honolulu this would
consist of about 200,000 residents. This group and existing cyclists should be the target audience
moving forward as the city aims to get more cyclists on the road.
3. The city is looking at many factors when promoting cycling in Honolulu. Nevertheless, it is most
beneficial to focus on what has been accomplished to promote the city's cycling goals. This further
dispels the myth that it is dangerous to cycle on Island. Most local cyclists find motorists
accommodating on the road, especially in similar cities on the mainland.
This is a reputable and reliable article because is directly involved with the implementation of bike
infrastructure on Oahu. It is a government source, and the “Bike Plan Update” is a report that compiles cycling data
from the past serval years.
Research Log #1 - Solutionary Project 2023
Date: 7 March 2023
Name: Aundrea Oxentine
Central Question: Why does Hawai’i have such a big population of cats?
Thesis: Despite how inhumane and disruptive abandoning cats is to the ecosystem, people continue leaving
their domestic cats to fend for themselves in an environment where they will only hurt and be hurt.
Essay Sections:
#1 What is the problem? What are the systemic causes? Who is hurt and who benefits? There are too many
feral and stray cats on Oahu.
#2: What has been and is being done? There are multiple non-profit organizations like the humane society
that help take in these animals before they are abandoned. The government also has an American bird conservancy’s
cat indoors program that helps keep cats safe while protecting birds.
#3: What do you think should be done and what do you intend to do? I think that pet owners need to be aware
of the choices that they are making and to not just abandon their animals, instead bring them to a shelter.
1. Cats have always been household pets but when does it become an invasive species? According to Big Island
Invasive Species Committee (BIISC), “A key characteristic of invasive species is their ability to reach
reproductive maturity quickly, and cats are no exception...” (Feral Cats, 2020)
2. For example, the government has helped advocate and “...educates the public and policy makers about the many
benefits to birds, cats and people when cats are maintained indoors or under an owner’s direct control.” (Cats
Indoors, 2019)
3. Feral cats are an invasive species that hunt birds, mammals and reptiles into extinction and that is just through
hunting. They also carry a very deadly disease called Toxoplasma gondii which affects the wildlife around them.
T. gondii is killing multiple types of mammals like cats, birds, dolphins and seals. For example, “Feral cats on
islands are responsible for at least 14% of global bird, mammal, reptile extinctions and are the principal threat to
almost 8% of critically endangered species.” (Feral Cats, 2020)
This is a reputable and reliable article because it is a government website that has correct information about the
situation with cats.
Thesis: Many people dislike cats due to them being aloof and a prick, and yet even more love them for that,
perhaps looking into cat behaviors can help.
Essay Sections:
#1 The history of cats and why they were originally domesticated.
1. Although many people find cats to be household pets nowadays, back in the day, many people saw them
as excellent hunters that would hunt rodents away from their farms. “When people started storing grain
in barns and attracting rodents, cats took advantage of the freebie meals, slinking in for midnight raids.”
(The Evolution of the Social Feline, 2021)
2. Cats have so many different wants and needs, and just like dogs they do have personalities. They can be
jealous, talkative, or very lovable. They even learned how to speak with us through certain sounds that
they make. For example, “They have a knack for training their owners to heed their ever-expanding
vocabulary used to voice different desires.” (The Evolution of the Social Feline, 2021)
3. Many times, people often say that cats are an asshole and so it’s basically become a personality trait
when you think of a cat. Some people also like to compare them to dogs, but dogs have been
domesticated much longer than cats, which is why cats often seem to be more like their wild ancestors.
“Because their domestication is so recent, the most congenial pussycat still harbors a touch of wildcat.,
…the house cat’s gene pool continues to mix with that of its closer-to-wild ancestor when pets mate
with stray or feral cats.”
MLA Work Cited: Fellegi, Vivien. “The Evolution of the Social Feline.” The Evolution of the Social Feline, Modern
Cat, 28 June 2021,
This is a reputable and reliable article because it has quotes from a reputable doctor that studies cat behavior as his
Research Log #3 - Solutionary Project 2023
Date: 3/29/23
Name: Aundrea Oxentine
Central Question: What is inside of a cat's mind?
Thesis: Like any other living being, cats have a mind of their own.
Essay Sections:
#1 What makes a cat, a cat?
1. The scientific name for cats is Felius catus which Carl Linnaeus proposed for domesticated cats. Cats
have many traits that define a cat to be a cat, from their behavior to their physical appearance. One
prominent feature is their flexibility. This is due to their spine. “Their vertebrae also have especially
elastic cushioning disk between them, so their spines are incredibly flexible. This flexible design helps
make the cat the fastest animal on land.” (Inside the Mind of a Cat, Dr. Bruce Korniech, 2022)
2. Cats have many different personalities and behaviors but a lot of them also have the same tendencies.
Things like the slow blink, purring, or rubbing their body on you are all positive actions from your cat. If
you treat your cat right, you will form a strong bond with your cat. “The human cat attachment bond
may be an extension of that attachment bond that they have with their mother as kittens.” (Inside the
Mind of a Cat, Dr. Kristyn Vitale, 2022)
3. Cats are amazing creatures that have been on this planet for a long time. As incredible as they are, they
are also amazing predators. Dr. Kornriech says that “If one were asked to engineer the perfect land
predator in terms of physical traits, in terms of behavior, perception, it’s hard to imagine a better one
than a cat.” (Inside the Mind of a Cat, Dr. Bruce Kornriech, 2022)
This is a reputable and reliable article because it takes famous cat doctors and researchers and ask them genuine
questions about cats.
Thesis: Cats are known for their aggressive behavior and being rude.
Essay Sections:
#1 Why are cats so aggressive?
1. Many cats live different lives and have personalities like humans. They have emotions like humans and
can become sad or angry. They can also become traumatized through certain situations or environments
that they grew up in. “Cats become aggressive in order to catch prey or deal with conflict with other
cats… Cats aren’t born aggressive, and it’s not a personality trait.”
2. There are many types of aggression in cats like play, fear, pain induced, pet induced, etc. There are
many different types of aggression, and a cat can even show multiple types. There are many different
types of ways to deal with certain aggressive behavior but the best thing to do is, “Keep the cat to one
room with everything they would normally have access to i.e., food, water, a bed, a litter tray, a
scratching post and somewhere to hide.”
3. Just like all animals, cats have ways to show their emotion through their body. “… include dilated
pupils, ears flattened backward on the head, tail held erect with hairs raised, and an arched back.”
MLA Work Cited: “Feline Behavior Problems: Aggression.” Cornell University College of Veterinary
Medicine, 24 July 2018,
This is a reputable and reliable article because it was written by Cornell’s Veterinary health center. Cornell is also
known to be a well-known college with reliable information.
Research Log #5 - Solutionary Project 2023
Date: 4/26/23
Name: Aundrea Oxentine
Central Question: Where are cats from?
Essay Sections:
#1 Why did humans first domesticate cats?
1. Humans didn’t domesticate cats, instead cats and humans just learned to live with each other naturally.
Instead, cats found a natural and easy food source and took it. “Both these food sources would have
encouraged cats to adapt to living with people; in the lingo of evolutionary biology, natural selection
favored those cats that were able to cohabitate with humans and thereby gain access to the trash and
2. Cats have been a favorite house pet for humans for years. But they serve no purpose to human survival.
Whereas other wild animals that were domesticated provided milk, wool, or protection. So why did
humans domesticate cats? Researchers believe, “that the ancient Egyptians were the first to keep cats as
pets, starting around 3,600 years ago.”
3. Everybody knows that cats are a big cultural symbol in Egypt. They even consider then to be gods and
would shave their eyebrows if their cat would die, and then mourn until their eyebrow grew back.
Within Egyptian mythology, gods and goddesses were able to turn themselves into animals and go down
and interact with humans, a certain cat god would do that to. “According to Egyptian mythology, gods
and goddesses had the power to transform themselves into different animals. Only one deity, the
goddess named Bastet, had the power to become a cat. In the city of Per-Bast, a beautiful temple was
built, and people came from all over to experience its splendor.”
MLA Work Cited: “Cats Rule in Ancient Egypt.” Pages, National Geographic Kids, 10 Feb. 2021,
Driscoll, Carlos A. “The Evolution of House Cats.” Scientific American, Scientific American, 1 June 2009,
This is a reputable and reliable article because it is from the national geographic.
Thesis: Cats are known for having a positive emotional effect on humans, but they can also bring negative
physical effects.
Essay Sections:
#1 What is toxoplasmosis?
1. Toxoplasmosis is a well-known disease in cats, especially stray cats. It is caused by a parasite that can
get into food, specifically meat and shellfish. People get infected through infected food or water or by
touching infected feces. This mostly happens due to people cleaning their infected cat’s litter and not
washing their hands. The way that cats get this is by eating infected rodents, birds, or other small
animals. But it doesn’t only affect people and animals, it effects the environments. The Hawai’i
government invasive species specialists have stated that, “Toxoplasmosis is an identified threat to the
conservation of endangered species such as Nēnē (Hawaiian goose; Branta sandvicensis), ‘Alala
(Hawaiian crow; Corvus hawaiiensis), and Hawaiian monk seals (Monachus schauinslandi).”
2. Campylobacteriosis is a type of bacteria from campylobacter which affects cats and humans. People
often get campylobacteriosis from infected feces or infected animals, mostly cats. Although symptoms
are light for humans’ people who are younger or much older are easily susceptible to the bacteria.
According to the CDC, “Anyone can get a Campylobacter infection, but children younger than 5 years
of age, adults over 65 years of age, and people with weakened immune systems are more at risk for
serious illness.”
3. Tularemia is another disease cause by the bacteria Francisella tularensis is a bacterium that is found in
smaller mammals. Anyone can get tularemia and dogs and cats get it easily. Specifically for cats, their
symptoms can include things like fever, fatigue, or lack of appetite. According to the CDC, “Cats can
get infected by eating or killing infected rodents or small mammals, or through tick bites. People can
become infected through cat scratches and bites.”
“Cats.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 19 Jan. 2022,
This is a reputable and reliable article because both websites are government runned.