CMSS Analysis Q1
CMSS Analysis Q1
CMSS Analysis Q1
Region X
Division of Bukidnon
Subject Teacher Learners Supplementary Materials School Heads
How many times did the How many of the learners How many teachers with How many school heads
What school has the teacher fail to distributebelonging to those who big number of learners with highest number of
highest number of the modules on time? got rating of 60-79 have who got a rating of 60-79 learners who got rating of
learners who got a rating no family member/adult provided supplementary 60-79 provided TA to the
of 60-79? In terms of module capable of providing materials as activity teachers in terms of
distribution, assistance in terms of sheets, etc? lesson content?
The school that has teachers are always content, following weekly
the highest number on time in the since plan, and supplementary There are 2 All the School
of learners with a that modules are materials? teachers with big Heads with highest
rating of 60-79 is already available number of learners number of learners
Mindagat ahead of time. If There are 19 out of who got a rating of who got a rating of
Elementary School there will be 41 learners 60-79 provided 60-79 regularly
with a total of 41 instances that belonging to those supplementary conduct
(77.35%) out 53 modules cannot be who got a rating of materials such as Instructional
learners. distributed to the 60-79 have no activity sheets, flash Supervision and
intended recipient family cards, etc. provided technical
as to the specific member/adult assistance to the
schedule, it is capable of teachers in terms of
probably the providing assistance lesson content.
parents who in terms of content,
sometimes caused following weekly
the delay in the plan, and
distribution phase. supplementary
materials. Illiteracy
might not be solely
the entire reason
because some of
them claims that
sometimes they
can’t no longer
follow-up their
child’s activity due
to conflict of
schedules among
What subject obtain the How many times did the How many of the learners How many school heads
highest number of teachers follow up the belonging to those who with highest number of
learners with a rating of learners who failed to got rating of 60-79 did not learners who got rating of
60-79? return the modules on return their 60-79 followed up their
time in a quarter? modules/answer sheets teachers in terms of the
The subject obtain the on time? performance of their
highest number of Teachers regularly learners?
learners with a rating follow-up the Almost all of the
of 60-79 is MAPEH learners who failed parents can return All the School Heads
to return the the modules back with highest number
modules on time to school on time. of learners who got a
utilizing various There are instances rating of 60-79
regularly followed up
means just to fast that few of them their teachers in terms
track the retrieval may failed to return of the performance of
of modules. on the scheduled their learners.
date but it’s very
What grade level has the How many times did the How many of the learners How many school heads
highest number of teachers provide feedback belonging to those who with highest number of
learners who obtain a on the performance of the got rating of 60-79 failed learners who got rating of
rating of 60-79? learners in a quarter? to answer the exercises in 60-79 provided other
the modules/answer modalities other than
The grade level that Oftentimes, sheets? modular to cater the
has the highest teachers provide needs of learners?
number of learners feedback on the None of the
who obtain a rating performance of learners belonging All the School
of 60-79 is Grade II. learners in a given to those who got a Heads with highest
quarter by rating of 60-79 number of learners
constantly having failed to answer the who got a rating of
conference with exercises in the 60-79 regularly
parents upon modules/answer provided other
distribution and sheet. modalities other
retrieval of than modular to
modules. In this cater the needs of
manner, teachers learners such as
will be able to utilizing
address any technologies such
possible problems as facebook,
that may arise messenger, text or
encountered by call.
learners through
their parents.
How many times did the What is the reading level How many school heads
teacher provide special of those learners who got with highest number of
assistance to the learners rating of 60-79? learners who got rating of
experiencing difficulty in 60-79 monitored the
answering their modules? Since the 41 implementation of the
learners with a blended modalities?
In the absence of rating of 60-79
face to face belong to the Grade All the School
interaction with the II level, most of Heads with highest
learners, teachers them have the number of learners
will be informed as difficulty in reading who got a rating of
to the progress of or they can be 60-79 regularly
the learners in classified as monitored the
studying and POTENTIAL implementation of
answering the READERS. the blended
modules through modalities through
their parents. constant follow-up.
difficulty in
answering the
modules will be
regularly visited by
teachers in their
home as the
situation requires.
How many teachers with How many kilometers are How many school heads
the highest number of these learners who got with highest number of
learners with a rating of 60-79 away from the learners who got rating of
60-79 conducted reading school? 60-79 capacitated
to the learners identified teachers in terms of
under frustration level? There are 23 out of assssing learning?
41 learners with a
All the teachers rating of 60-79 are All the School
with the highest living 2 kilometers Heads with highest
number of learner away from school. number of learners
with a rating of 60- who got a rating of
79 conducted 60-79 capacitated
reading activity to teachers in terms of
the learners under assessing learning
frustration level. through Learning
The home visitation Action Cell (LAC)
activity will be sessions.
regularly conducted
until such time that
learners can already
read independently.
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