La-1 1
La-1 1
La-1 1
Learning Activity 1
The Elements and Types of English Communication
A. Introduction
In today’s world, everywhere, competition can be seen, so it is necessary
for a student to have good communication skills to achieve success and make
a beautiful career. In the development of communication skills, language
plays an important role for each person. The Study of the English language is
very important because it is used as a medium of communication in most
To achieve good communication, the students need to know the general
view of communication theory, such as elements and types of English
communication as a basis for good communication. Knowing this topic
hopefully can help students to understand how to deliver and understand ideas
in English. This topic started to identify the senders, receivers, messages,
channels, and feedback. After that, they can learn about types of
communication which consist of verbal and nonverbal communication.
B. Relevance
After participating in these learning activities, students are expected to
have knowledge of the elements and types of communication in English. In
this module, students will complete one learning activity starting with
identifying the senders and receivers, message, channel, and feedback. After
that, the students are expected to identify types of communication which
consist of verbal and non-verbal communication.
1. Description
1.1. What is Communication?
The root of the word “communication” in Latin is communicare,
which means to share or to make common (Weekley, 1967). Communication
a. The sender
The communication process begins with the sender. The sender is the
person who shares and sends the message. The sender has some kind of
information — a command, request, question, or idea — that he or she wants
to present to others. For that message to be received, the sender must encode
meaning from the message in a form that can be understood, such as by the
use of a common language, and then transmit it.
b. The message
The second element of the communication process is the message or the
information that is being communicated. It is the subject matter of the
communication which is intended to be passed to the receiver from the
sender. Simply, it is the meaning transferred from the sender’s mind to the
receiver’s mind. This happens mainly in two ways: verbal and non-verbal
c. The receiver
The person to whom a message is directed is called the receiver. The
receiver tries to understand the message in the best possible manner in
achieving the objectives, is responsible for decoding the meaning of the
message, and provides feedback to the sender.
e. Feedback
Feedback is the process of ensuring that the receiver has received the
message and understood it in the same sense as the sender meant it. It is
important as it determines whether or not the decoder (receiver) grasped the
intended meaning and whether the communication was successful.
Facial Expression:
Eye Contact:
In daily life, we respond to thousands of nonverbal cues and behaviors,
including postures, facial expressions, eye gaze, gestures, and tone of voice.
2. Conclusion
Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one
place, person, or group to another. It is a process of sending and receiving
messages that enable humans to share knowledge, ideas, thoughts,
information, emotions, and attitudes. There are 5 basic elements in
a. The sender is the person who shares and sends the message and
encodes meaning,
b. The message is the subject matter of the communication which is
intended to be passed to the receiver from the sender,
c. The receiver is who tries to understand the message in the best
possible manner in achieving the objectives, and responsible for
decoding the meaning of the message, and responsible for providing
feedback to the sender,
d. The channel is the means by which the message is transmitted
(medium), and it is the tool the sender and receiver use to
communicate successfully. There are many categories of
communication channels to describe their role in the communication
process, including verbal, non-verbal, written, and digital,
3. References
• Boukhatem, A., 2019. Teaching Vocabulary Through Non-Verbal
Communication. Abdalhamid Ibn Badis University of Mostaganem
Faculty of Foreign languages Department of English.
• Christianingsih. 2022. Mengapa Banyak Orang Indonesia Masih Gagap
Berbicara Bahasa Inggris?.
• Hull R. The art of nonverbal communication in practice. Hear J.
2016;69(5);22-24. doi:10.1097/
• Pearson, J., & Nelson, P. (2000). An introduction to human
communication: Understanding and sharing (p. 6). Boston, MA:
• Weekley, E. (1967). An etymological dictionary of modern English (Vol.
1, p. 338). New York, NY: Dover Publications.
D. Formative Test
c. the tool that the sender and the receiver use to have successful
d. tries to understand the message in the best possible manner in
achieving the objectives, is responsible for decoding the meaning of
the message, and responsible for providing feedback to the sender
Key Answer:
1. b 2. d 3. a 4. a 5. e
E. Feedback
If you feel you have answered the formative test well, compare your
answers with the key answers provided in this module. If the calculation
results show that you have achieved a level of mastery equal to or greater
than 80%, you are welcome to proceed to the next learning activity. To find
out the percentage of mastery of the material in this learning activity 1, you
can simply calculate it using the following formula:
Number of correct answers
x 100 %
All the questions (or 5)
F. Assessment
Assignment 1:
1. Explain the elements of English communication!
2. Explain the types of English communication!
Assessment Rubric
Criteria Score Grade
• accuracy in identifying 5 definitions of elements in
English communication (Senders, Receivers, 5 Very
Message, Chanel, and Feedback) Good
• accuracy in identifying 2 types of English
communication (verbal and non-verbal
• accuracy in identifying 2-4 definitions of elements
in English communication (Senders, Receivers, 3 Good
Message, Chanel, and Feedback)
• accuracy in identifying 1-2 types of English
communication (verbal and non-verbal
• accuracy in identifying 1-2 definitions of
elements in English communication (Senders, 2 Poor
Receivers, Message, Chanel, and Feedback)
• accuracy in identifying 0-1 type of English
communication (verbal and non-verbal