Official Translation Speech of YAB PM 12MP
Official Translation Speech of YAB PM 12MP
Official Translation Speech of YAB PM 12MP
Prime Minister of Malaysia
11:30 A.M.
Twelfth Malaysia Plan, 2021-2025
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realises the challenges to restore and reset the economy in achieving sustainable
growth, taking into account the post COVID-19 socioeconomic landscape and
achievements of the Eleventh Malaysia Plan, 2016-2020;
endorses the efforts of the Government to plan and implement the sustainable
national development agenda in line with the spirit of the Keluarga Malaysia,
the aspirations of the Shared Prosperity Vision 2030 and the 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development; and
approves the Twelfth Malaysia Plan for the period of 2021-2025 that sets
a strategic direction to achieve the objective of a “Prosperous, Inclusive,
Sustainable Malaysia”, focusing on efforts to rejuvenate economic growth,
ensure the nation’s prosperity is distributed more fairly and equitably, as well as
maintain environmental sustainability, as set out in the Command Paper CMD. 1
of 2021.
That in approving the Twelfth Malaysia Plan, this august House calls for all
Malaysians to work together in full commitment and firm determination in
developing the country to achieve sustainable growth to provide a decent
standard of living to every member of the Keluarga Malaysia regardless of
religion, race and ethnicity.”
With your permission Mr. Speaker, I hereby table the Twelfth Malaysia Plan,
2021-2025 (Twelfth Plan) to be debated by the Honourable Members of this
august House.
Twelfth Malaysia Plan, 2021-2025
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2. The Twelfth Plan was formulated when the world was facing extreme
challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of us, in the Keluarga
Malaysia, have been affected. In this new environment and norms,
some have lost their lives and jobs. In order to survive, some of us
have to change jobs, while others have to take up a second job. My
sincere condolences to those who have lost their family members due to
COVID-19. Let us pray that all efforts in curbing the pandemic will be
blessed, and that this crisis will be overcome.
3. For almost two years, the country and the whole world have been facing
the dual health and economic crises due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
During this period, the frontliners have been battling the pandemic tirelessly
with high commitment. We are all indebted to the frontliners for carrying
out their responsibilities with commitment in combatting this pandemic. My
utmost appreciation to all the frontliners, you are the heroes of Keluarga
4. The pandemic has also impacted the global economy in 2020 as growth
declined by 3.2 per cent compared to a growth of 2.8 per cent in 2019. All
sectors were significantly affected, especially services related to tourism and
aviation. This has led to an increase in global unemployment and poverty.
The World Bank has estimated that there has been an increase in the
number of global hardcore poor, with an additional 97 million people falling
into poverty in 2020.
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5. Malaysia has not been spared by the impact of the pandemic. Looking
back at our performance in the Eleventh Plan, from 2016 to 2020, the
gross domestic product (GDP) grew at an average rate of 2.7 per cent per
annum, lower than the Eleventh Plan target. This was due to a contraction
of 5.6 per cent in 2020, despite achieving a higher growth of 4.9 per cent
per annum in the first four years of the Eleventh Plan. The gross national
income (GNI) per capita reached RM42,500 or US$10,100 in 2020. This is
20 per cent below the income threshold to achieve a high-income nation
6. During the Eleventh Plan, the Government has spent RM248.5 billion for
development. This comprises expenditure for the economic sector at 58 per
cent, social sector 26 per cent, safety and security sector 11 per cent and
general administration 5 per cent. The largest expenditure in the economic
sector was for the provision of basic utilities and infrastructure. Out of
this expenditure, 46 per cent was allocated to six states that needed more
attention, namely Kedah, Kelantan, Perlis, Sabah, Sarawak and Terengganu.
10. The five-year development plans began in 1956. The plans detailed out
strategies and initiatives in prioritising programmes and projects to be
implemented by the Government. The Twelfth Plan which I am tabling
today is important in complementing the National Recovery Plan. This
plan will restore the economic growth momentum and support long-term
development goals.
11. Alhamdulillah, the eight economic stimulus packages which were introduced
from 27 March 2020 have successfully stabilised the economy. GDP
has rebounded by 16.1 per cent in the second quarter of 2021, after
contracting for four consecutive quarters.
12. The Twelfth Plan, with the goal of “Keluarga Malaysia – Prosperous,
Inclusive, Sustainable”, will enable us to enjoy a better standard of living. All
the strategies and initiatives in the Plan are aligned with the 2030 Agenda
for Sustainable Development that was accepted by all the United Nations
member states in 2015.
14. The Twelfth Plan is a comprehensive development plan that will introduce
several reforms to ensure sustainable economic growth with more equitable
distribution of opportunities and outcomes. For this purpose, three Themes
and four Policy Enablers as well as 14 Game Changers are introduced. The
Government will adopt the whole-of-nation approach that involves the
entire government machinery and agencies as well as industry and society
with a common mission of implementing reforms.
15. These reforms are not merely intended to generate national wealth. Rather,
it is meant to address several economic structural challenges, provide a
future-ready workforce, enhance the wellbeing of Keluarga Malaysia and
narrow the gaps in regional development. In addition, it is also to ensure
the implementation of a more effective mechanism in delivering services to
the rakyat.
16. Insya-Allah, with these reforms, by 2025, Malaysia will become a high-
income nation with better quality of life for the rakyat. We also envision
Malaysia to be a high-tech nation. Specifically, I wish to share several key
goals of the Twelfth Plan:
· First: GDP growth is targeted between 4.5 and 5.5 per cent per annum
during the 2021-2025 period;
· Third: The gap in GDP per capita between the Central region and Sabah
to be reduced to 1:2.5, while for Sarawak to 1:1.2 in 2025; and
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17. Moving forward, I wish to highlight the nine focus areas of the Twelfth Plan
as follows:
First Focus:
Revitalising Economic Growth
18. The first focus centres on restoring the growth momentum of all economic
sectors and creating new sources of growth. The growth of several strategic
and high-impact industries, namely electrical and electronics, global services,
aerospace, halal industry, creative, tourism, biomass and smart agriculture
activities will be boosted. The transformation of micro, small and medium
enterprises (MSMEs) will also be intensified.
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21. The Government would like the private sector to resume playing a bigger
role in driving the country’s economic growth. In this regard, I would like to
give an assurance that the Government will reduce red tape, provide quality
and reliable infrastructure, strengthen the ecosystem to support private
investment and develop skilled workforce.
22. The National Investment Aspirations (NIA) policy will be the main
framework in attracting quality investment and positioning Malaysia as an
investment hub in the region. Existing incentives will be reviewed to give
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23. MSMEs are the backbone of the national economy. At the end of 2020, the
number of MSMEs were estimated at 1.2 million, equivalent to 97.2 per
cent of total enterprises. However, most MSMEs remain uncompetitive and
need to be revitalised as they were adversely affected by the pandemic.
The Government is committed to continuously assist and support the
recovery of MSMEs. At the same time, MSMEs are encouraged to continue
with the digital transformation agenda to drive growth in the post pandemic
new norm.
24. I am pleased to inform that the Government has agreed to approve several
key programmes and projects to be undertaken in the Twelfth Plan to
boost the growth of strategic industries and sectors. These include the
establishment of a fund in the form of loans for investment in research
and development in the fields of aerospace as well as electrical and
electronics; the establishment of a Centre of Excellence for Future Industry;
an intellectual property fund. In addition, a soft loan will be provided for
digitalisation and technology adoption to support the transition of local
companies to embrace advanced technology.
25. With the implementation of the above initiatives in the Twelfth Plan period,
I believe we will be able to achieve the average growth target of 5.2 per
cent for the services sector, 5.7 per cent for manufacturing, 3.8 per cent
for agriculture, 2.6 per cent for mining and quarrying, and 4.2 per cent
for construction. The tourism sector that was affected the most by the
pandemic is expected to recover with a targeted growth of 3.8 per cent.
MSMEs are expected to contribute 45 per cent to the GDP and 25 per cent
to total exports in 2025.
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Second Focus:
Strengthening Growth Enablers
26. For Malaysia to become a high-income and high-tech nation, we have
no option but to adopt new technologies and strive to create as well
as develop our own technology. To catalyse economic growth, we also
need to ensure that infrastructure is strengthened while at the same time
developing future talent.
29. Digital technology has greatly influenced our lives. Our children’s education
has been disrupted due to the lack of devices and access to technology. In
light of these developments, the Government is committed in addressing
the many digital divides by enhancing digital infrastructure and services.
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30. The implementation of the Pelan Jalinan Digital Negara or JENDELA will
provide 100 per cent 4G coverage in populated areas and wider 5G
coverage as well as fixed line broadband for nine million premises by
2025. As of August 2021, 94 per cent of populated areas have access to
4G coverage. The speed of mobile broadband services has reached 29.1
megabits per second and more than 6,000 premises now have access to
fixed line broadband services. The 5G technology network will be launched
by the end of 2021. These digitalisation initiatives are expected to support
the achievement of the target of 25.5 per cent digital economy contribution
to GDP in 2025.
31. The Government realises that the gig economy is an important source of
economic growth. The gig economy has provided greater opportunities for
the rakyat to increase their income. These opportunities include services
using digital platforms such as e-hailing and p-hailing. The Government will
create an ecosystem that supports the development of the gig economy to
encourage the rakyat to fully leverage these opportunities.
33. The Government will narrow the digital divide, especially between rural and
urban areas due to the difference in broadband infrastructure, through the
provision of digital infrastructure facilities. In this regard, Pusat Internet,
Pusat Internet Desa and Pusat Komuniti Desa will be transformed as Pusat
Digital Keluarga Malaysia to provide better and integrated services. These
centres will also be expanded to provide facilities for the local community
to participate in eCommerce, skills training, learning and community
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35. To coordinate all R&D&C&I activities and ensure that they are aligned
to national priorities, the Research Management Unit (RMU) has been
established. The role of RMU is to reduce functional overlaps, strengthen
collaboration between industry, academia and government, as well as to
increase efficiency in utilising existing resources.
37. Quality and reliable infrastructure and basic utilities such as roads, rail as
well as water and electricity supplies are important to stimulate economic
growth, bridge the regional development gap and improve the wellbeing of
the rakyat. Integrated rail and road networks connecting airports and ports
with industrial, urban and rural areas will be enhanced. Among the major
projects are:
· The Klang Valley Double Track Phase One connecting Rawang to Salak
Selatan is expected to be completed in 2022;
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· The Electrified Double Track Gemas to Johor Bahru which is the final
stretch of the electrified double track from Padang Besar, Perlis to
Johor Bahru, Johor is scheduled for completion in 2023;
· The implementation of the East Coast Rail Link (ECRL) project continues
and is expected to be completed in 2026;
· The Rapid Transit System Link (RTS) project which connects Bukit Chagar
station, Johor Bahru with Woodlands North station in Singapore will
commence construction at the end of 2021;
· The Central Spine Road project from Bentong, Pahang to Kuala Krai,
Kelantan is scheduled for full completion in 2025; and
· Four school complexes and five new schools will be constructed involving
a cost of RM848 million;
· Digital education plans for school and tertiary levels will be introduced to
ensure wider access to quality education; and
40. In the Twelfth Plan, the Government will ensure that more skilled jobs are
created through the implementation of the following initiatives:
42. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected several economic sectors which
are highly dependent on foreign workers, especially the construction
and plantation sectors, due to the freeze on foreign workers intake.
To overcome this issue, the industry needs to increase automation and
mechanisation in the production process. In the long-term, total foreign
workers in the workforce will be capped to not more than 15 per cent.
Foreign worker-related enforcement will be strengthened to support this
Third Focus:
Increasing the Wellbeing of Keluarga Malaysia
43. A decent wellbeing is a human right and cannot be denied. I am well aware
that in the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the rakyat places high hopes on
the Government. The Government will continue to find the best measures
to ensure the wellbeing of Keluarga Malaysia in various aspects, especially in
healthcare and the provision of quality housing.
46. In line with the National Housing Policy, the Government is committed
to ensure the provision of adequate, quality and affordable housing for
the wellbeing of Keluarga Malaysia. To achieve this, the Government has
built more than 282,000 affordable houses in the Eleventh Plan. A total
of 500,000 more affordable houses will be built in the Twelfth Plan to
provide more opportunities for the B40 and M40 groups to own a house.
In addition, financing facilities including the Fund for Affordable Housing,
Youth Housing Scheme and Rent-to-Own Program (RTO) will be improved to
ensure the B40 and M40 are not burdened by instalment payments.
47. In providing housing assistance to the poor, the Government will allocate
RM2.25 billion in the Twelfth Plan. This allocation is to build and repair
85,500 houses under the Housing Assistance Programme, involving 75,000
houses in the rural area and almost 10,500 houses in the urban area. These
do not include houses built by the state governments, corporate sector and
civil society organisations (CSOs).
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48. Wellbeing is meaningless if we are not united. History has taught us the
importance of maintaining unity in nation building. In strengthening the
cohesion of Keluarga Malaysia, inclusive and comprehensive sports and
unity programmes will be intensified. Unity among the rakyat of different
ethnicity, religion and race as well as national integration that cuts across
culture and political ideology, are the pillars of our strength as Keluarga
Malaysia. Let us mobilise all our strength to continue spreading the spirit of
patriotism and volunteerism by leveraging digital and other media platforms.
The understanding and appreciation of the Federal Constitution and the
Rukun Negara should continue to be instilled and strengthened among our
children and youth.
Fourth Focus:
Enhancing Security and Public Safety
49. The safety of the rakyat and sovereignty of the country are the foundation
in ensuring a peaceful and stable Malaysia. Among the initiatives to be
implemented include measures in improving preparedness, border control
and enforcement, enhancing public safety, strengthening cyber security
and cyber defence as well as ensuring the welfare of personnel. I will
ensure firm measures will be undertaken to implement a holistic plan and
strengthen Ops Benteng in curbing illegal immigrants.
50. Among the projects to be implemented, include the Marine Police Sea
Monitoring System in five maritime regions, the construction of Air Forces
Bare Base Bintulu, Sarawak and Military Hospital Terendak, Melaka as
well as the enhancement of maritime assets’ capability. In addition, a new
military camp in Felda Sahabat, Camp 5 Brigade in Kota Belud and the
General Operations Force Camp in Beluran, Sabah will be completed during
the Twelfth Plan period. The National Defence and Security Industry Policy
will be introduced to provide direction on the development of the local
defence and security industry.
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51. In ensuring the welfare of armed forces and enforcement personnel, close
to 10,200 units of army family houses and quarters are being built and will
be ready to be occupied in the Twelfth Plan.
Fifth Focus:
Eradicating Hardcore Poverty and Narrowing
Income Gaps
52. The issue of poverty is very close to my heart. As a person born and
raised in a rubber tapper family, I truly understand the difficulties and the
hardships of the rakyat. The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the poverty
rate, affecting individual and household incomes, and further pushing our
families into poverty. I would like to thank all parties, including CSOs,
corporate bodies, individuals and state Islamic religious councils for their
continuous care and support to the Government in helping the affected
communities throughout the pandemic.
55. The Government cannot single-handedly fight this battle. I call upon
the corporate sector and individuals to help Keluarga Malaysia to escape
poverty. No matter how small the assistance, including alternative funding
sources such as zakat and waqf, if mobilised, will bring great benefits.
56. At present, poverty is also viewed from multiple dimensions other than
finance. In this regard, in terms of education, more students from B40
families will be given priority for admission into high-performing schools
and scholarships. In terms of health, access to healthcare will be expanded.
The issue of malnutrition among children from B40 families is on the rise.
To this end, the issue will be addressed comprehensively among others, by
providing nutritious food.
Sixth Focus:
Enhancing the Bumiputera Agenda and
Keluarga Malaysia
58. Keluarga Malaysia encompasses Bumiputera, Orang Asli and Anak Negeri
Sabah which consists of 42 ethnic groups and more than 200 sub- groups
among others Kadazan, Dusun, Murut, Rungus and Bajau. Also, Bumiputera
Sarawak which consists of 27 ethnic groups, among others Iban, Orang Ulu,
Melanau and Bidayuh, as well as Chinese, Indian and others. Low-income
members of our family as well as targeted and vulnerable groups, who need
support and assistance, will be given attention.
59. The Government is aware that a large number of Bumiputera are still
in the low-income and poor categories compared with other ethnicities.
The median income gap between Bumiputera and Chinese is widening,
quadrupling in 2019 compared with the gap in 1989.
60. I would like to assure that the Bumiputera agenda will continue to be
enhanced and will not be ignored. This is as in Article 153 of the Federal
Constitution which stipulates the rights and privileges of the Malays and
natives, which are natives of Sabah and Sarawak, as well as the legitimate
interests of other communities. The Government aspires to achieve fair,
equitable and inclusive socioeconomic development, in line with the spirit
of Keluarga Malaysia.
· Skills for careers of the future such as data analysts and scientists as
well as big data experts.
66. Bumiputera corporate equity ownership has yet to reach the target of
at least 30 per cent. Today, I would like to share the status of corporate
sector equity ownership based on market value in 2019, as follows:
67. To ensure sustainable Bumiputera equity ownership, the equity safety net
framework will be introduced in order for disposal of Bumiputera shares
or companies to only be offered and sold to Bumiputera consortiums,
companies or other Bumiputera individuals. In addition, the ownership
and disposal by Bumiputera companies will be monitored by the relevant
ministries and agencies as the sector regulators.
69. The Orang Asli community are among the vulnerable groups whose
needs are always a concern to the Government. A majority of Orang Asli
households are in the B40 group with a high incidence of poverty, at
33.6 per cent in 2019. This group is a part of Keluarga Malaysia that we
need to empower to develop together. Hence, a comprehensive Orang Asli
socioeconomic development plan is being drafted, encompassing aspects
from increasing income and wellbeing to basic infrastructure.
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71. I am aware that there are still low-income Chinese households, specifically
in Kampung Baru throughout the country. The Government will also
continue to assist this group by increasing access to and improving the Skim
Pinjaman Khas Penduduk Kampung Baru. This facility is for them to expand
their businesses and participate in entrepreneurship. In addition, basic
infrastructure and social amenity programmes will be continued to improve
the wellbeing of residents in Kampung Baru Cina.
72. Some of the Indian communities also need to be assisted, especially those
in the low-income category. Therefore, in achieving inclusive development,
their wellbeing will continue to be prioritised, in line with the Malaysian
Indian Blueprint. The Government will support the community by providing
skills development programmes and targeted financial assistance as well as
entrepreneurial opportunities.
73. Our youth will become the future leaders of Keluarga Malaysia. Hence,
they need to be guided and supported in shaping the future of Malaysia
together. A national plan on youth economic empowerment is being
developed to enhance the role of youth in national development. The
capacity and capability of youth will be strengthened to produce skilled
workers. The spirit of patriotism and responsibility to the country will also
be instilled. The Malaysian Youth Development Academy and several youth
and sports complexes will be upgraded, while the first Malaysia regional
youth centre will be built to intensify youth activities.
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75. The number of registered persons with disabilities (PWDs) has increased
by 8 per cent, from 548,000 in 2019 to 593,000 in 2020. This group will
continue to be empowered through the implementation of programmes such
as Job Coach, Community-based Rehabilitation, Independence Living Centre
service, PWDs entrepreneurial programmes and special job carnivals.
Seventh Focus:
Boosting the Development of Sabah, Sarawak
and Less Developed States
78. As I have mentioned earlier, I am committed to resolve the issues relating
to Sabah and Sarawak claims based on the Malaysia Agreement 1963. This
includes basic infrastructure requirements, gas and electricity regulation,
digitalisation and security. Hence, the development of Sabah and Sarawak
will continue to be given priority in the Twelfth Plan. The provision of basic
infrastructure will be extended through the construction of bridges and
upgrading of 1,400 km of rural paved roads as well as completion of 1,150
km of the Pan Borneo Highway.
79. Efforts to reduce the economic development gap between states and
regions, as well as between urban and rural areas will continue to be given
focus. Efforts to boost the growth of the less developed states, especially
Sabah and Sarawak will be intensified. It aims to accelerate the GDP growth
of Kedah, Kelantan, Perlis, Sabah, Sarawak and Terengganu as well as reduce
poverty incidence, especially in Sabah, Kelantan and Sarawak.
80. For this purpose, at least 50 per cent of the total Federal Basic
Development Expenditure will be distributed to these states. This allocation
will focus on the provision of basic infrastructure, digitalisation, education,
healthcare services and economic development. I myself, will monitor its
implementation closely.
85. In the efforts to transform rural areas, high value-added economic activities
will be intensified through e-commerce platforms, smart farming and
rural industry. Rural infrastructure will be improved by constructing and
upgrading 2,800 km of paved roads, among others:
Twelfth Malaysia Plan, 2021-2025
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· A rural road from Simpang FELCRA Ulu Kerut to Kampung Orang Asli Bot-
Bot to FELDA Jengka 7 to Jalan Kilang Sawit Jengka 18 in Maran, Pahang,
at a cost of RM135.3 million; and
86. In addition, efforts will also be enhanced to ensure access to clean water
supply reaches 98 per cent of the population and electricity supply 99 per
cent. In order to intensify local socioeconomic activities, small rural projects
will continue to be implemented such as Program Ameniti Sosial with an
allocation of RM310 million and the construction of Jalan Perhubungan Desa
with the cost of RM1.6 billion. These efforts are expected to narrow the
income gap between rural and urban areas.
87. I appreciate every drop of sweat and the tireless efforts of farmers,
livestock rearers and fishermen. They are also an important component of
rural development. These family members of ours should not be left behind
in the economic transformation.
Eighth Focus:
Advancing Green Growth
90. Economic development should not jeopardise the environment, while green
area coverage should be protected. Efforts to accelerate green growth,
enhance energy sustainability and transform the water sector should remain
a pillar for national socioeconomic development.
91. In this regard, Government will take into consideration the environmental,
social and governance (ESG) principles in our decision-making process.
Although Malaysia only contributes 0.7 per cent of GHG emissions, the
Government will continue to fulfil its commitment to reduce the GHG
intensity to GDP up to 45 per cent by 2030, based on emission intensity in
2005, in line with the aspiration towards becoming a low-carbon nation.
92. I welcome the initiatives by the private sector that have taken a step
forward to pledge their commitments in achieving net zero carbon emissions
by 2050. This includes GLCs and GLICs such as PETRONAS, Tenaga
Nasional Berhad, Employees Provident Fund and Sarawak Energy Berhad. I
urge other companies to follow suit by expressing similar commitments. This
step is becoming increasingly important as trading partners, capital markets
and financial institutions impose conditions of compliance with the ESG
principles in their investment and production decisions.
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93. The Government will work together with the private sector to achieve
this goal. We are committed to be a carbon neutral country at the earliest
in 2050. In supporting this effort, economic instruments such as carbon
pricing and carbon tax will be introduced. Details of other measures in
carbon reduction will be announced after a study on the long-term low
emissions development strategies is completed at the end of 2022. In this
connection, the Government has given its commitment not to build any new
coal-fired power plants.
98. The circular economy model will be implemented in the Twelfth Plan to
reduce pollution, waste generation and natural resources dependency.
The concept of producer responsibility will be intensified to enhance the
implementation of sustainable consumption and production. In addition,
more green investment will be encouraged, including public-private
partnership projects as well as GLCs.
102. Every year, rakyat across the country are hit by floods and landslides.
These disasters have resulted in property losses, loss of lives and incomes.
Recently, the country was struck by disasters such as the water surge
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phenomenon in the Yan and Kuala Muda districts in Kedah, the flood in
Penampang, Sabah as well as the landslide in Kemensah Heights, Selangor.
Hence, environmental protection is important to safeguard lives and reduce
property losses. In this regard, during the Twelfth and Thirteenth Plan, a
number of projects with a cost of RM16 billion will be implemented under
flood mitigation programmes, integrated river basin management and coastal
erosion control as well as flood forecasting and warning programmes.
Ninth Focus:
Increasing the Efficiency of Public Service
Delivery and Ensuring Effective Policy
105. I would like to give my commitment that the civil service, the pulse of
national administration, will continue to be strengthened to improve
transparency and efficiency. Towards this end, the public service will
be transformed through the whole-of-government approach, taking into
account that the successful implementation of initiatives, will require the
involvement from all levels of government. An effective service delivery is
crucial in ensuring that Keluarga Malaysia truly benefits from development.
106. The structures and functions of ministries and agencies will be streamlined
to establish a flatter organisation and reduce bureaucracy. The mechanism
of selecting and recruiting professional and managerial officers under
various schemes will also be strengthened to attract the best talent. A
public service act will be introduced to enable the implementation of a
clear demarcation of powers and responsibilities between Members of the
Administration and civil servants.
108. I realise that today’s youth are keen in expressing their intentions and
views to develop the nation together through the practice of democracy.
In realising this dream, the Government will ensure the constitutional
amendment, allowing citizens aged 18 to vote (Undi18), will be implemented
in the near future.
110. For that purpose, the Twelfth Plan’s Pelan Pelaksanaan Dasar will serve as
a guideline for ministries and agencies in leading and implementing all the
policies. I want all Ministers and ministries to work together with me in
implementing and monitoring the achievement of the Twelfth Plan targets.
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Mr. Speaker, Sir,
111. The nation witnessed its economic growth negatively affected by global
economic uncertainties and the COVID-19 pandemic at the end of the
Eleventh Plan period. In the past 18 months, we have focused our efforts
on protecting the lives and livelihoods of Keluarga Malaysia. Now, it is time
for us to focus on the agenda of restructuring and restoring the nation’s
economic strength and competitiveness.
112. The Twelfth Plan was drafted bearing in mind current changes in the global
and domestic economic landscape as well as the need to address current
issues for the brighter future of Keluarga Malaysia. With the objective of
‘Keluarga Malaysia - Prosperous, Inclusive, Sustainable’, the Twelfth Plan
outlines a comprehensive strategic plan to enable Malaysia to become
a high-income and high-tech nation with a skilled workforce, towards
achieving inclusive growth without compromising the environment. At the
same time, the Government will work earnestly to improve the wellbeing of
the rakyat and ensuring that no one is left behind.
113. Indeed, this crisis has united us all. This crisis has also opened up
opportunities for us to transform. On 13th September, we have created
history. For the first time, the Government and Pakatan Harapan signed a
Memorandum of Understanding for Political Transformation and Stability.
This is a manifestation of an inclusive Government policy. I hope, this
understanding will enable us to focus on the efforts to combat the
pandemic and place the country on a stronger growth foundation.
114. In the spirit of Keluarga Malaysia, we will put aside all our differences, work
together to build a competitive, resilient and an enduring Malaysia. Let us
pull all our energy, expertise and experience from both sides of the house,
in realising the Twelfth Plan’s objectives. We must closely embrace the
principle of working with the rakyat for Keluarga Malaysia.
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115. I am confident, with the blessing and grace of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala,
with this five-year plan, Malaysia will be able to rise again and Insya-Allah,
we can forge a better future.
I beg to propose.