Use of English Answers

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14 to: You can apply to an organisation, and apply for ajobo

Test 3 Key 15 so: 'So ... that' links the degree to which something is true with a
consequence: here, sorne companies are very obsessed with results
and profits, and as a result, employees are under stress all the time.
Reading and Use of English Part 1
16 whether: 'Whether ... or not' introduces altemative possibilities-
1 A Gas is used instead of the liquid. 'Substituting X for Y' means you could or you couldn't work in an environme nt like that.
'using X instead ofY'. B: 'To be replaced ' requires ' by' after the
verbo C: 'To be changed' requires 'into' . D: 'To be relieved' requires Reading and Use of English Part 3
'by' and refers to the ending of an unpleasant or painful situation .
17 conquest (s): 'by' shows that the meaning is passive; 'as a result of
2 D 'Properties' are the qualities of a substance , particularly ones being conquered' has the same meaning.
that can be used in sorne way. A and B: These are things that are
owned, usually by a person or people. C: These are the things 18 civilisations / civilizations: 'a number of' introduces a plural
contained within something, e.g. the contents of a cupboard or a noun. The spelling with 's' is usual in British English, and with 'z·
book. in American English .

3 B 'To the full' is a fixed phrase - aerogels are not yet used as 19 unknown : An adjective is required to describe the subject of the
much as they can be. A, C and D: Altho ugh they have fairly similar sente nce, "The Olmecs' . 'Virtually' means 'al most', so ' known'
meanings to B, they can't be used in this phrase with the required would not make sense. ' But' also suggests a contrast between their
meaning. success for over a millennium and being unknown now.

4 B This is a phrasal verb giving the amount of something, i.e. 20 instructive: Only agradable adjective can fit into the structure
99.8% of the materia l is airo The amount describes the subject of 'a very ... guide'. Another adjective from the same root,
the clause (air). A, C and D: These phrasal verbs are transitive, so in 'instructional' , is an ungradable adjective meaning 'con taining
each case the subject and object refer to different things . instructions', e.g. 'an instructionalleaflet' . Only gradable
adjectives can follow 'very'.
5 A This means that the heat doesn't change the flower in any way.
B and D: The subject is normally human . C: This tends to be used of 21 inhabitants: Only a plural noun can follow 'these early ...'.
a person's opinion or behaviour, or to refer to a specific action . 22 discoverie s: Only a plural noun can follow ' numerous recent
6 C This means that aeroge ls are suitable for the specified purpose, ...' . ' Discoverers' would also fit, but it refers to people who
even though they may not have been used in this way yet. A: This have discovered something, and ' draw on' means Oto use your
fits the structure 'There is a possibility that aerogels will be used knowledge of something to help you do something', so only
... ' . B: This is normally used of people and is followed by an 'discoveries' fits the meaning .
infinitive. D: This usually refers to a total amount, e.g. the seating 23 (up) r isings: A noun is required, to match 'beginnings'. 'Uprising'
capaci ty of a theatre. and 'rising' are countable, so as there is no article before the gap, it
7 C This is a type of economic activity in a country, e.g. the financial must be plural.
sector. A, B and D don't have this particular meaning . A: This is 24 implications: 'The' needs to be followed by a noun, and 'are'
used when dividing into groups, e.g. grouping people according to shows that it is plural.
their income . B: This can be part of a large company, e.g. the sales
division. D: This is normally used of a geographical area. Reading and Use of English Part 4
S A This means 'particularly dangerous ' and can also have the sense The verticalline I shows where the answer is split into two partsfor
of being very exciting, as in 'extreme sports'. B, C and D: These marking purposes.
don' t collocate with 'envi ronments'. B is often used to describe a 25 CAN'T have been I pleased to 'Can' t have been' expresses a
feeling. C means 'too much ' , e.g. 'excessive waste' . D means 'more logical deduction or near certai nty about the past, expressing the
than usual or reasonab le' , e.g. 'immoderate drinking' . same idea as ' I'rn sure Ben wasn't'. ' Pleased' is often followed by
an infinitive, e.g. 'P leased to meet you.'
Reading and Use of English Part 2
26 hardly EVER I does what ' Hardly ever' means the same as 'very
9 after: 'After all' introduces additional information to support what
rarely' . Here, 'w hat' means ' the things that' .
has preceded it: 'work is likely to playa significant role in your
life for many years' explains why 'Getting ajob is too important to 27 T URNED out I to be The meaning of Oto tum out' here is Oto be
leave to chance.' discovered finally and surprisingly'. It is followed by an infinitive.
10 what : 'What ' acts as the object of 'think about' and the subject of 28 had 1 been I in such A When a sentence begins with 'Never', there
'woul d really suit you'; it can often be replaced by the informal is inversion of the subjec t ('1') and the first auxiliary verb (' had')
'the thing thatlwhich'. or a form of 'do'. The negative 'Never' with 'suc h' means the same
as ' the most (dangero us)'.
11 which: 'Which' is a relative pronoun, and can follow prepositions.
Placing the preposition in front of 'whic h' is more formal than 29 to FILL the vaca ncy/post I cau sed!created!Ieft "To fill a vacancy'
ending a clause with the preposition, e.g. 'jobs which/that you have means Oto appoin t somebody to a job that nobody is doing, and
an aptitude for' . so is available for someone new'. "Tocause, create or leave a
vacancy' gives the reason why the job has become available.
12 it: 'It' is a 'dummy subject', standing at the beginning of a
sentence instead of the true subject, 'to have your application 30 in ACCO RDANCE with I his ' In accordance with' means
tumed down' . 'obeying or following a rule or wish' . The preposi tion 'w ith' is
followed by a noun, so 'w ishes' here is a noun, not a verboIt is
13 but : 'Not only ... but also' is used to show that two related therefore preceded by 'his', not 'he' .
statements are true.

224 Test 3 Key

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