Basic Competencies 3

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Session Plan

Sector : Metals and Engineering

Qualification Title : Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) NC II
Unit of Competency : Practice Career Professionalism
Module : Practicing Career Professionalism

Learning Outcomes :

1. Upon completion of this module, the trainee/student must be able to:

LO1 Integrate personal objectives with organizational goals

LO2 Set and meet work priorities

LO3 Maintain professional growth and development

A. Introduction:
This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in promoting career growth and advancement,
specifically to integrate personal objectives with the organizational goals set and meet work
priorities and maintain professional growth and development

B. Learning Activities
LO 1: Integrate personal objectives with organizational goals

Learning Content Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time

 Evident personal  Read  Self check  Compare to answer  Information 2 hrs

growth and work information (Answer key sheet
plans towards Sheet. written  Instructor check  Job sheet
improving the question) evaluation and  Instructor aid
 Lecture –
qualifications set for recommendation  Calculator
demonstration  Perform
professionalism instruction  Basic
 Participate in
 Maintain intra and on job mathematics
interpersonal discussion sheet
relationship in the  Return
 Read Job
course of managing demonstra
oneself based on tion
 Demonstrate
commitment to the
organization and its
goal in the
performance of
 Observed practice of
appropriate personal
 Attained job targets
within key result

LO 2: Set and meet work priorities

Learning Content Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time

 Prioritized  Read  Self check  Compare to answer  Information sheet 2 hrs

competing demands information (Answer written key  Work values and
to achieve personal, Sheet. question)  Instructor check ethical standards
team and evaluation and  Instructor aid
 Lecture –  Perform
organizational goals recommendation  Organizational
demonstrati instruction on job
and objectives on sheet  Role play Key Results
 Utilized resources Areas (KRA)
 Participate  Return  Interview
efficiently and in group demonstration  Company policies
effectively to discussion on the use and
 Structured
manage work maintenance of
 Interactive activity
priorities and equipment
 Followed practices
and economic use
and maintenance of
equipment and
facilities as per
 Attained job targets
within key result
LO 3: Maintain professional growth and development

Learning Content Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time

 Read  Self check  Compare to answer  Information sheet 2 hrs

 Identified and informatio (Answer written key  Gender and
availed training and n question)  Instructor check development
career opportunities Sheet. evaluation and (GAD) sensitivity
 Role
relevant to the job recommendation  Instructor aid
 Lecture – play/simulation
requirements demonstrat  Interview  Qualification
 Return
 Acquired and ion standards
demonstration  Portfolio assessment
maintained licenses  Participate  List of
and or certifications in group professional
according to the discussion licenses
requirements of the  Film
qualifications viewing
 Manifested/
fundamental rights
at work including
gender sensitivity
 Completed and
updated training
and career
opportunities based
on the requirements
of industry

C. Assessment Plan
 Written examination
 Observation with oral questioning
 Demonstration with oral questioning

As the above activities are completed, the trainees/students will document the action performed in the progress

D. Trainor’s/Teacher’s Self-Reflection of the Session

 Identify the strong points/ interest of the trainees/students.
 Identify the weakness of the trainees/students.
 Ask the students for their feedback with regards the procedure performed.
 Ask the trainees/students on how they want the trainor to deliver the next competency in order them
to understand it more clearly
Prepared By:
Mariam M. Salonga

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