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Eman 2021 43

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Dejan Vukosavljević1
Danijela Vukosavljević2

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31410/EMAN.2021.43

Abstract: Securitization is in wide use and a component of many risk transfer mechanisms between
various parties. It is based on selling risky assets in absolute form, as well as the synthetic transfer of
specific risk aspects. This paper aims to define securitization, various contexts of its use, transaction
participants and their motivation. Securitization in practice is a process in which loans, receivables and
other assets are gathered into pools (packages). Money flows in connection with them are employed as
well as economic value as support to securities settlements. Securitization is turning illiquid securities
and illiquid assets into liquid securities and liquid assets. The final result of securitization is providing
funding for activities of companies by selling their assets gathered into pools (packages), instead of
using loans. Methods used in this paper are desk research, as well as the method of analysis, practical
application worldwide, etc. This paper proves that securitization can practically be based on any asset
the relative value of which can be determined, or which generates relatively predictable future income
flow, which does contribute to providing funding of current business activities of a company.

Keywords: Securitization, Pool, Assets, Risks.


1.1. Objectives of Securitization and Structuring

S ecuritization enables the creation of securities based on the total sum of the assets that are
most attractive to many different investors. Each financial system is complex and within it,
there are different organizational forms of financing as the financial area is very wide, and it is
present in all spheres of social and economic life. Determining a country’s economic policy is a
very responsible job because very important decisions are made in the legal area, budget area,
decisions on economic development policies, etc.

When it comes to an example of structuring, using mortgage loans as a representative asset,

helps to classify the securitization in terms of the borrower’s loan. The market can be roughly
divided into primary borrowres and subprimary borrowers. The primary borrowers are those
with high credit quality since they had a good employment and credit history in the past, an
income sufficient to repay the loan without compromising their creditworthiness as well as suf-
ficient equity in the underlying assets. Granted loans to such individuals are roughly classified
as primary loans, as they have had a low incidence of delays and defaults in the past.

On the contrary, loans granted to borrowers with low credit quality with a potential to be in
defaults are classified as subprimal loans so those borrowers are referred to as subprimal bor-
rowers. The approval of subprimary loans relies on non-traditional measures of the credit risk
assessments since the borrowers have lower incomes, fewer assets and poor credit history.
University UNION – Nikola Tesla, Belgrade, Faculty of Management, Sremski Karlovci, Serbia
University UNION -Nikola Tesla, Belgrade, Faculty of Management, Sremski Karlovci, Serbia
EMAN 2021 Conference Proceedings
The 5th Conference on Economics and Management

After the loan is granted, the loan portfolio has to be serviced by special departments in order
to monitor the repayments of subprimary loans. If there is a delay in repayment of the subprime
loan, the servicers take immediate action either by helping the borrowers to meet their obliga-
tions or by mitigating possible losses due to default.

It is necessary to distinguish between transactions related to primary and subprimal loans be-
cause it affects the credit rating. The high credit quality of loans in the primary sector quite
simplifies raising the credit ratings. For example, the mortgage loans that meet the standards
are considered primary loans while the securities performed with the loans are referred to as
agency transactions (agency deals).

Increasing the credit rating in the agency transactions is achieved through the guarantee mecha-
nisms given by the agency that broadcasts the transaction. This guarantee is paid by the transaction
sponsor via fee. In the case of the other primary loans’ securitization, the used mechanism for in-
creasing the credit rating is a subordinated structure where there are classes of bonds that have dif-
ferent priorities in relation to cash flows and write-offs of losses. Structures are flexible in terms of
creating the most efficient credit rating raising in primary transactions, determining the necessary
credit rating is often conditioned by the rating agency, while the suborded structures are relatively
simple. The execution of the transaction is mostly influenced by the maturity date of the bond.

1.2. Ruling Perceptions

Securitization of sub primary loans has to be highlighted as in the case of the securitized primary
loans, the sub primary loans securitization will have bond classes with different priorities compared
to the cash flow. However, compared to the securitization of the primary loans, the securitization
of the sub-primary loans requires a higher amount to raise the credit rating to create the older bond
classes. This fact affects the economic justification factor of the primary transactions in relation
to sub primary transactions. The motive for creating an efficient structure relates to the primary
transactions is to shape the older bonds, while the goal refers to the subprimary transactions is to
structure the transaction to produce an effective credit rating in order to protect the older bonds.

Although the structuring approach is similar in comparison to creating bond classes with dif-
ferent priorities and ratings, the credit rating-raising techniques used for the primary loans’ se-
curitization would not be effective enough if it has been applied to subprimary loans, especially
if subording is used as the only form of credit support. There are at least two reasons for that.
First, the subordinated bond classes would be higher compared to the bond classes in the prima-
ry loan securitization. In addition, the incremental interest rate paid by borrowers can be used
optimally to provide credit support for older bond classes. For this reason, the securitization of
subprimary loans uses a combination of mechanisms to raise the credit rating. Another reason
is the cash flows allocation rules for the subprimary loan’s securitization must have more tests
to store older bond classes compared to the primary loan’s securitization.

For the initiator, the investment bankers will structure the transaction by acting as agents or
as the principals. It is not uncommon for some securitization to have dozens of bond classes,
because maximizing the number of bond classes is not the goal of the structure. The only eco-
nomic goal is to maximize the total revenue by selling all classes of bonds provided by pool
assets. (In market jargon) the goal is to ensure the best execution. Alternatively, the goal is to
acquire the lowest average cost for the financing.


Maximizing the assets securitization income can be achieved by structuring cash flow in two
ways. First, shaping the cash flow of collateral to create the bond classes that better suit par-
ticular interest rate risk (i.e. effective duration, conversation and duration of the key rate) and
yields or views of different investors. Another way of maximizing income in the assets securiti-
zation is when the investment banker tries to create more economical structures, especially for
non-agency transactions where the cost of raising the credit rating is contained in the transac-
tion through co-boarding mechanisms. In general, the securitization initiator in such cases will
achieve better execution by creating the highest possible amount of the older bonds while at the
same time receiving the highest possible income for the younger bond classes (i.e. sub-corpo-
rate bond classes and interests).

1.3. Future Income Securitization

Traditional transactions secured by the asset refer to the asset that exists, while the future flows
transactions refer to the asset that is expected to be in place There is a source, business or in-
frastructure, from which the assets will arise. Business or infrastructure needs to be worked
on to generate the revenue, in other words, the income is not created therefore the securities
repayments are liquidated by themselves. On the other hand, the future flows are like corporate
financing as the asset performance or infrastructure must be in place to see the cash flow that
will repay the securities.

1.3.1. The Future Flows Can Be Securitized

The basic premise of the future flows` securitization is the framework’s existence. Based on that
the cash flows will occur in the future so they can be securitized. If the framework does not
exist itself, the investors will expose themselves to the unknown risk, their rights would be less
than insured lending.

The following future flows can be securitized: revenues from the sales of air tickets, electricity
sales, telephone equipment rental, export revenues based on natural resources, etc.

1.3.2. Uncertain Receivables

The future flows receivables are uncertain and unpredictable therefore the initiator transfers a
certain part of the receivables and keeps the excess above the transferred part as the seller in-
terest. The transferred part is a basic receivable and it is based on the past recorded results. The
transferred part is used to service investors, therefore the transferred part can be used as the re-
quested funds for servicing the investors. The seller’s interest varies depending on the initiation
of the securitization in the process of the transaction.

1.3.3. Cash Flow Capturing

The future flow transaction essentially represents the cash flow capturing. The receivables sales
mechanism is presumed to exist (the transaction is with receivables transfer) but it is obvious
that the whole concept will not make sense unless the trust members have the ability to phys-
ically capture the cash flows that generate certain receivables before they are redirected to the
initiator – since what is being sold has yet to be raised.

EMAN 2021 Conference Proceedings
The 5th Conference on Economics and Management

1.4. Categories Transaction Securitization

As the financial market matured and evolved, three general categories of securitization trans-
actions were established. Financing and capital management transactions are the basic type of
transactions in the securitization arena.

Initiators generate assets such as loans and receivables that represent the total payment obliga-
tions of their clients (debtors). When such assets are securitized (or interest per the asset), the
initiator achieves liquidity. Clients typically do not know that the asset is securitized therefore
there has been an effective change in controlling their obligation – the change does not have
to be published, since the synthetic structure does not have to lead to any control changes but
solely to risk transfer.

1.4.2. Arbitration Repackaging

Repackaging transactions are typically the Treasury Bills series issued as ABS (Asset Backed
Securities) secured by the bond portfolio (including the ABS itself), credit derivatives, loan
portfolio and other forms of credit risk. Arbitration exists between portfolio yield and the re-
quired total cost of bills, so the success is often measured by comparing the relative costs of
the current assets “in the balance sheet” relative to possession through securitization structure.

1.4.3. Market Value Transactions

In relation to the market-based transactions, the asset manager must take certain measures, usu-
ally to sell the collateral, to liquidate assets. This puts the investor at liquidity and markets risk.

1.4.4. Transaction Characteristics and Participants in the Transaction

Securitization structures seem complex, but there are common characteristics that facilitate
their understanding and enable analysis and comparison.

The initiator approves funds to the debtor, so the initiator buys or uses the assets. This creates
financial assets. When it is created, the initiator usually continues to charge and manage the
assets in accordance with the current lending and collection procedures. These activities are
usually referred to as servicing and the party that performs it is called a servicer. To create the
ABS (Asset Backed Securities), the initiator entrusts the assets to be securitized to another enti-
ty (it’s usually the separate SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle). SPV or trustee issues debt securities
for the capital markets. The Securities are typically bought by institutional investors (including
banks, transaction brokers, insurance companies, pension funds and portfolio managers).

The Issuer uses the Treasury bills income to pay the purchase price of the asset being secu-
ritized. The transfer of initiator assets to the issuer is usually a securitization with receivables
transfer (traditional securitization). Traditional securitization separates the assets from the as-
sets in case of initiator’s bankruptcy or insolvency. In line with that, the investors can expect
payment only from the assets in case of the initiator’s usual operations, as well as in the case of
possible insolvency or bankruptcy. All these methods do not affect liquidity. An overview of the
mechanisms is given in Table 1.


Table 1. Risk transfer mechanisms

Mechanism Effect on
Measures taken
risk transfer balance sheet
The asset is usually erased from the
Traditional securitization The initiator sells assets to SPV
initiator balance sheet
In the practice, the asset is erased
The initiator ‘’assign’ its interest to
from the initiator’s balance sheet,
Assignment pool assets that are securitized in
but it is still in it – only risk and
favor of the SPV
rights are transferred
SPV takes interest
Secured loan (Usually 1st priority) Assets are still on the balance sheet

SPV together with the initiator are

in default credit swap, arranging
the payment of certain amounts to The asset remains on the initiators´
Default credit swap
the initiator in case of certain credit balance sheet
events in relation to the asset’s
SPV guarantees to the initiator,
but the regulations refer to loan The asset remains on the initiators´
derivatives may not be applied on balance sheet
the guaranty
Source: Commerzbank Securities / 2012.


A securitization is a form of structural financing. Common to all types of transactions is that

transactions are structured to modify or redistribute collateral risk to different classes of inves-
tors based on the structure.

Securitization implies the pooling (packages) formation of the assets/receivables and securi-
ties emissions by a SPV. The result of the transaction is the corporation can obtain funds by
selling the assets. The asset securitization process transforms pool assets into one or more
securities, such as ABS (asset backed securities) Securitization is different from traditional fi-
nancing methods as the cash flow is generated by assets can be used for one or more securities.
Three advantages of securitization in relation to non-regression factoring and factoring with the
modified regression right are: the essence of the securitization is primarily the monetization of
financial assets in a way that reduces collateral, risk (credit risk, interest rate risk, risk of early
repayment and liquidity risk) primarily for their repayment, but not for the performance of the
particular project or entity.

The most important reasons the corporations use securitization are the possibility of reducing
funding costs, the ability to diversify funding sources, the ability to manage corporate risk,
reducing the capital requirements, the possibility of generating income on the service basis
commission. A key role related to the bond emissions has the SPV since the entity separates the
assets and it is used as collateral for securitization compared to the corporation that needs the
funds (initiator/seller).

EMAN 2021 Conference Proceedings
The 5th Conference on Economics and Management


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