Collins 26J-3 Compression Amplifier and 26U-3 Limiting Amplifier Catalog Circa 1969

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2°'J-:J (:on1pression \n1plifie1/ 26l -:1 Lhniting \1nplifier


26-J-3 c:on1pres.."iio11 \1nplifier
A block diagram of the 26J-3 is shown at lower left with
the exception of the power supply. It illustrates in greata
simplified form the unit's functional elements. •
The input level control is a balanced H-pad network
with 600-ohm impedance. The result is a truly balanced
600-ohm load for proper operation for a balanced or un-
balanced source. AC amplifier (1) is a fixed gain amplifier
which sets the relative level at which signal compression
begins. The signal compression begins. The amplifier output
is passed through the threshold level detector. The detector
output is used to control the reference AGC level. This
establishes the overall gain of the 26J-3 for signal inputs
below threshold level. The delay time in the detector serves
to inhibit the reference AGC for a specified period of time
after the input signal drops below the threshold level. This
ensures that short pauses in program material are not recog-
nized as a no-signal condition; and yet it allows the unit to
return to nomina.l gain for long signal absences. This elimi-
nates the noise background associated with amplifiers that
return to maximum gain under no-signal conditions.
AC amplifier (2) serves as a level controlling device for
the 26J-3 by means of negative feedback. As the output
increases above the threshold level the voltage controlled
resistor (R) becomes larger, allowing a greater amount of
negative feedback and thus reducing the gain of the ampli-
fier. This action continues until the input level has stabilized
at a value where feedback holds the amplifier in equilibrium.
The amplifier also drives two level detectors that are
DC isolated from each other. These level detectors are e~c
part of a time constant circuit that generates a speci
time controlled AGC voltage. Level detector (1) is design
to charge at a nominally fast rate (IO ms), but its discharge
rate may be as long as 10 seconds. This allows amplifier (2) to
attenuate rapidly for a sudden signal impulse and respond
slowly when it is apparent that t he average signal is
decreasing. Level detector (2) allows level detector (I ) to
hold its ch arge unless the average signal level suddenly
decreases more than 6 db. When this point is reached, level
detector (I ) discharges thru detector (2) and assumes a new
AGC level. The selected AGC is connected thru a diode
gate to a DC amplifier. The reference AGC voltage is also
connected to the DC amplifier and the signal with the
g reatest p ositive potential controls the gain of the unit.
The output of the DC amplifier and an external AGC in-
put are connected to the voltage variable resistor. The one
of the greatest magnitude controls the gain of AC amplifier
(2). F or stereo operation, the AGC output of one unit is
connected to the AGC input of the other. The channel with
the larger signal input controls the gain of both channels.
This helps to maintain near ideal channel separation. The
meter merely indicates the relative gain of the unit and can
be used to set the lnput Level Control for nominal com-
pression operation.
AC amplifier (2) also drives the output power amplifier
through the output level control. The power amplifier out-
put is a low impedance complementary emitter follower
circuit connected to a transfom1er with dual 150-ohm seccA
daries. The output then may be connected as a 150-ohm ~
600-ohm source with a power output of 20 dbm maximum.
Any mono broadcast installation utilizing the 26J-3
may simply convert to stereo operation by adding another
unit and cross-coupling their respective AGC signals.

2(il -:J Litniti ng \1nplifier
The basic purpose of the 26U-3 is to ensure that peak sig-
• s are attenuated sufficiently to prevent over-modulation
• the transmitter output. Some "soft" means of accomplish-
mg this is desirable to keep distortion, due to clipping, at a
minimum, and yet keep the overall signal level as high as
possible. This has been accomplished by utilizing optimum
attack and release times for the AGC signal. Since the 26U-
3 is normally used in connection with the 26J-3 compres-
sion amplifier, the limiting required by the 26U-3 is of
reasonably short periods.
In the 26U-3 block diagram, at lower right, the out-
put of the AC amplifier drives a single level detector. The
detector develops an AGC voltage that is controlled by an
RC network. The shaped AGC signal is sent through the
DC amplifier to provide impedance and level matching. The
resistance value of R is controlled by either the DC ampli-
fier thru CRl or by the reference AGC through CR2. When-
ever the input signal level is large enough to develop an
AGC voltage that is larger than the reference AGC, the AC
amplifier begins to compress the peak signals in a manner
determined by the shape of AGC voltage. Fast attack time
and release time corresponding to normal program level
fluctuations assure a more constant output signal level.

The AGC signal is passed through a DC amplifier which

drives a relative gain indicating meter and the voltage con-
trolled resistor (R), which controls the gain of the AC am-
plifier. This operation is the same as described for the 26J-3.

In normal transmitter installations the peak limiting

• plifier is the final signal conditioner prior to the modu-
lation circuitry. lt thus becomes the responsibility of this
unit to provide adequate means to keep transmitter over-
modulation at an absolute minimum while maintaining aver-
age modulation at the highest possible level. The Collins
26U-3 Limiting Amplifier retains the proved method of
diode clipping following the automatic gain control cir-
cuitry, and provides the operator the option to control the
amount of clipping he desires. This, of course, may be signi-
ficantly diHerent from one installation to another, depending
on the type of program material transmitted. The variable
clipper shown in the block diagram enables the operator to
select only one or both signal peaks for clipping. He may
also adjust the amount of clipping from no clipping at all
to approximately 6 db continuous clipping, referenced to a
continuous sine wave. Both controls are a "behind the panel"
adjustment so that inadvertent adjustment is impossible.

Manual control switches, S1 and S2, engage pre-empha-

sis and de-emphasis networks for FM transmitter installa-
tions. The pre-emphasis network enables the automatic gain
control amplifier to attenuate the higher frequencies to a
greater extent. This feature is necessary to compensate for
the pre-emphasis of signals in an FM transmitter. The de-
emphasis network, controlled by S2, matches the pre-empha-
sis network to reestablish proper signal level relationship
er the audio bandwidth.
• The result of these additional functions allows the 26U-
3 Limiting Amplifier to be used in either AM or FM instal-
lations. Because of the time constants chosen, cross-coupling
for stereo is unnecessary, thus enabling any mono broadcast
station utilizing the 26U-3 to convert to stereo operation.

Spccifieations l◄l..atures


... 50- 15 kHz

Flat within 1 db

50-15 kHz
Flat within 1 db
• 26J-3 has 1O db more automatic gain control range than
units heretofore avallable.

Total • 26J-3 and 26U-3 provide a true balanced 600-ohm input,
Distortion . . . . . . . . . Less than 1% Less than 1% I not just a floating input. Both units provide either 600-ohm or
at maximum out- at maximum out-
put & all com- put & all com- I
150-ohm operation.
pression levels pression levels

Automatic Gain 30 db dynamic 10 db dynamic • Either unit may be added to a station's existing amplifier
Control Range . . . . . . range min. range min. to establish stereo operation.
Ratio . . . . . . . . . . . 15:1 minimum 10:1 minimum
• The 26U-3 will operate in either AM or FM Installations.
Normal Input/ Converting from one to the other is achieved with simple
Output Levels . . . . . . 10 dbm 10dbm changes of two internal switches.
Output Levels . . . . . . 20 dbm 20dbm
• In the 26U-3, symmetrical or unsymmetrical clipping is
Input selected with a switch. Soldering of jumper wires on a circuit
Impedance . . . . . . . . Fully balanced Fully balanced board Is not required.
600 ohms 600ohms
Impedance . . . . . . Dual floating Dual floating
150-ohm secon- 150-ohm secon-
daries for any daries for any

600 or 150 600 or 150
connections connections
Gain Control
Threshold . . . . . . . 20 dbm below Not applicable
normal input
Gain Below
Threshold . . . . . . .. Automatically Not appllcable
returns to
nominal gain
after extended
signal pause
Suggested Input
Level Range . . . . . . . + 30 to - 15 dbm + 20 to - 5 dbm
Requirements . . . . . . 30 watts max. 30 watts max.
@ 115 - 120 vac @ 115 - 120 vac
Weight . . . . . . . . . . 15 lbs. max. 15 lbs. max.

Dimensions . . . . . . 5¼" H x 15¾" D,
std. 19" EIA rack
5¼" H X 15¾" D,
std. 19" EIA rack
mtg. mtg.
Output Control Not applicable Adjustable
symmetrical or
For additional Information contact

AM / FM Collins Radio Company, Broadcast Marketing,
Operation . . . . . . • Either Either Dallas, Texas 75207. Phone (214) 235-9511

1103.97 3M P.P. 3/M Prlntod In U.S.A.


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