1. This document outlines priorities and interventions for optimizing organ donors who are brainstem dead. It includes bundles for fluid/metabolic management, cardiovascular support, respiratory support, thromboembolic prevention, monitoring, and physiological goals.
2. The cardiovascular bundle focuses on assessing volume status, using vasopressin as the preferred vasopressor, and inotropes like dopamine if needed to maintain a mean arterial pressure of 60-80 mmHg.
3. The respiratory bundle aims to maintain oxygenation, using lung-protective ventilation, suctioning, positioning, and recruitment maneuvers to achieve a PaO2 over 10 kPa.
1. This document outlines priorities and interventions for optimizing organ donors who are brainstem dead. It includes bundles for fluid/metabolic management, cardiovascular support, respiratory support, thromboembolic prevention, monitoring, and physiological goals.
2. The cardiovascular bundle focuses on assessing volume status, using vasopressin as the preferred vasopressor, and inotropes like dopamine if needed to maintain a mean arterial pressure of 60-80 mmHg.
3. The respiratory bundle aims to maintain oxygenation, using lung-protective ventilation, suctioning, positioning, and recruitment maneuvers to achieve a PaO2 over 10 kPa.
1. This document outlines priorities and interventions for optimizing organ donors who are brainstem dead. It includes bundles for fluid/metabolic management, cardiovascular support, respiratory support, thromboembolic prevention, monitoring, and physiological goals.
2. The cardiovascular bundle focuses on assessing volume status, using vasopressin as the preferred vasopressor, and inotropes like dopamine if needed to maintain a mean arterial pressure of 60-80 mmHg.
3. The respiratory bundle aims to maintain oxygenation, using lung-protective ventilation, suctioning, positioning, and recruitment maneuvers to achieve a PaO2 over 10 kPa.
1. This document outlines priorities and interventions for optimizing organ donors who are brainstem dead. It includes bundles for fluid/metabolic management, cardiovascular support, respiratory support, thromboembolic prevention, monitoring, and physiological goals.
2. The cardiovascular bundle focuses on assessing volume status, using vasopressin as the preferred vasopressor, and inotropes like dopamine if needed to maintain a mean arterial pressure of 60-80 mmHg.
3. The respiratory bundle aims to maintain oxygenation, using lung-protective ventilation, suctioning, positioning, and recruitment maneuvers to achieve a PaO2 over 10 kPa.
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Donation after Brainstem Death (DBD) Trust / Board logo –
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Donor Optimisation Extended Care Bundle as required
Patient Name_______________________ Date of Birth_________________
Unit Number________________________ Date and Time_______________
Signature _________________ Print Name __________________ Priorities to address are 1. Assess fluid status and correct hypovolaemia with fluid boluses Y N/A 2. Introduce vasopressin infusion where required introduce flow monitoring Fluids and metabolic management 3. Perform lung recruitment manoeuvres (e.g. following apnoea tests, 1. Administer methylprednisolone (dose 15 mg/kg, max 1 g) disconnections, deterioration in oxygenation or suctioning) 2. Review fluid administration. IV crystalloid maintenance fluid 4. Identify, arrest and reverse effects of diabetes insipidus (or NG water where appropriate) to maintain Na+ < 150 mmol/l 5. Administer methylprednisolone (all donors) Y N/A 3. Maintain urine output between 0.5 – 2.0 ml/kg/hour (If > 4ml/kg/hr, consider Diabetes insipidus and treat promptly with vasopressin and/or Cardiovascular (primary target MAP 60 – 80 mm Hg) DDAVP. Dose of DDAVP 1 – 4 mcg ivi titrated to effect) 1. Review intravascular fluid status and correct hypovolaemia 4. Start insulin infusion to keep blood sugar at 4 –10 mmol/l with fluid boluses (minimum 1 unit/h; add a glucose containing fluid if required to maintain blood sugar) 2. Commence cardiac output / flow monitoring 5. Continue NG feeding (unless SN-OD advises otherwise) 3. Commence vasopressin (0.5 – 4 units/hour) where vasopressor required, wean or stop catecholamine pressors as able Thrombo-embolic prevention 4. Introduce dopamine (preferred inotrope) or dobutamine if required 1. Ensure anti-embolic stockings are in place (as applicable) 5. Commence Liothyronine at 3 units/hour (+/- 4 unit bolus) 2. Ensure sequential compression devices are in place (as applicable) (in cases of high vaso-active drug requirements or as directed by the cardiothoracic retrieval team) 3. Continue, or prescribe low molecular weight heparin Respiratory (primary target PaO2 10 kPa, pH > 7.25) Lines, Monitoring and Investigations (if not already done) 1. Perform lung recruitment manoeuvres 2. Review ventilation, ensure lung protective strategy 1. Insert arterial line: left side preferable (radial or brachial) (Tidal volumes 4 – 8ml/kg ideal body weight and optimum PEEP (5 – 10 cm H2O) 2. Insert CVC: right side preferable (int jugular or subclavian) 3. Maintain regular chest physio incl. suctioning as per unit protocol 3. Continue hourly observations as per critical care policy 4. Maintain 30 – 45 degrees head of bed elevation 4. Maintain normothermia using active warming where required 5. Ensure cuff of endotracheal tube is appropriately inflated 5. Perform a 12-lead ECG (to exclude Q-waves) 6. Patient positioning (side, back, side) as per unit protocol 6. Perform CXR (post recruitment procedure where possible) 7. Where available, and in the context of lung donation, perform 7. Send Troponin level in all cardiac arrest cases bronchoscopy, bronchial lavage and - toilet for therapeutic purposes (and follow-up sample where patient in ICU > 24 hours) Donor Optimisation Extended Care Bundle Version 20092012 8. Where available, perform an Echocardiogram Date _________________ Time __________________ 9. Review and stop all unnecessary medications Donation after Brainstem Death (DBD) Trust / Board logo – retain or remove NHSBT logo Donor Optimisation Extended Care Bundle as required / Board logo Patient Name_______________________ Date of Birth_________________
Unit Number________________________ Date and Time_______________