Final Demo Lp-Caliso-March 14 2023
Final Demo Lp-Caliso-March 14 2023
Final Demo Lp-Caliso-March 14 2023
VALUE CONCEPT: Cultural heritage is the pieces of history and one’s identity
representing their culture and values. Showing appreciation
towards one’s heritage manifests in different forms, whether
through literary or academic writings for many cultures.
Whether to tell a story or state facts, one’s cultural heritage can
be strengthened and manifested through these.
PREPARATORY A. Preliminaries
● Greetings
● Prayer
● Checking of Attendance
● Class rules
B. Review
The teacher will ask the students the previous topic about the
difference of Oral and Written Communication. The former is the
type of communication done verbally. While the latter form of
communication is done through written or literary mediums.
D. Lesson Proper
I. Activity
'Philippines is a country
Blessed with beauties of nature,
A country that has
Their own unique culture.
Festivals can help recreate the image of the town to get on the
tourism map which helps the tourism industry of a specific area
like Batangas by extending the tourism season. Every
development that happens in the province gives them the
opportunity for life improvement. Festivals provide identity to the
people that nourish the Filipino culture and strengthen the
economic benefits through hard work and perseverance of the
Batanguenos to be known their festivals worldwide.
II. Analysis
III. Abstraction
1. Literary Writing
● The language used in literary writing is creative and
imaginative. It also uses a lot of figures of speech and
literary techniques such as hyperboles, personification,
similes, and metaphors.
● In literary writing, the point of view is usually in first or
third-person POV.
● And its audience is the general population. It is suitable for
● Its sentence and paragraph structures are complex. It may
follow a certain length and rhythm, especially with poems.
● The purpose of literary writing is to entertain, amuse, and
appeal to our emotions.
● Its examples are novels, poems, short stories, and
dramas. In our country, we also have folktales, myths,
legends, and epics.
2. Academic writing
● Also known as technical writing. This type of literature is
usually used for non-fiction.
● The language used in this writing is direct, factual, and
straightforward. It is written in a clear and concise manner,
and with a formal tone.
● The point of view in academic writing is usually in the third
person or second person POV.
● Its audiences are typically those who are experts in that
specific field, or within a particular group of people
● Its sentence structure is usually simple and in an objective
● The purpose of academic writing is to state factual
information about a certain topic, subject, or area of study.
● It appeals to the mind.
● Its examples are research articles, academic essays,
academic journals, reports, thesis, dissertations, and
annotated bibliographies.
Direction: The students will read the following excerpts. They will
then identify and justify if the excerpt is an example of literary
writing or academic writing
1. “From that day on, Ulap and Magayon spent many happy
hours together. He told her that her people are called Tagalogs
because they were taga-ilog, meaning “from the river.” This
explained why he was an excellent swimmer. He could even dive
from the top of the highest waterfall in his region.”
E. Evaluation (Assessment)
A. A research article.
B. A business report.
C. A poem.
D. An annotated bibliography.
A. Literary writing
B. Business writing
C. Creative writing
D. Academic writing
1. B
2. C
3. C
4. B
5. B
B. Essay
F. Assignment