Final Demo Lp-Caliso-March 14 2023

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Prepared by: Caliso, Noel Sebastian R. DATE: March 14, 2023

DLC # AND EN7WC-I-b-c-4.2- Differentiating literary writing from Academic


TOPIC: Differentiating Literary Writing and Academic Writing

VALUE TO BE Appreciation of Cultural Heritage - Political Dimension


VALUE CONCEPT: Cultural heritage is the pieces of history and one’s identity
representing their culture and values. Showing appreciation
towards one’s heritage manifests in different forms, whether
through literary or academic writings for many cultures.
Whether to tell a story or state facts, one’s cultural heritage can
be strengthened and manifested through these.

At the end of the session, the learners are expected to:

1. Understand the differences between literary and

OBJECTIVES: academic writing; - C
2. appreciate one’s cultural heritage; and - A
3. differentiate literary writing from academic writing. -B

MATERIALS: ● Internet access

● Laptop
● Google Meet/Zoom
● Prezi
● TypeForm
● Quizziz
● Canva

LEARNING ● Chapter 7: Promoting Philippine Culture and Values

Bayanihan. (2021). PDP 2017-2022, 100.
● Elmira. (2022, January 26). Technical vs. academic,
business, and literary writing: What is the difference?
● Estanque, R. (2005). Philippines is a blessed nation
Poem Hunter.
● Gonzales, V. (2017). Cultural and Economic Benefits of
Festivals to Community Residents of Batangas,
Philippines. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and
Sciences, 4(2), 1.
● Kempis, J. (2011). Filipinos. Poem Hunter.
● Osmond, C. (2023, January 5). What is academic
Common types with examples. GRAMMARIST.
● Serrano, J. B., & Lapid, M. G. (2018). English
Arts and Skills through Philippine Literature. The
Phoenix Publishing House Inc.
● Volcano of Love and Death. The Termite Queen and
Other Classic Philippine Earth Tales. Sylvia Mendez
Ventura. Ilaw ng Tahanan Books. 1997. Retrieved from

PREPARATORY A. Preliminaries

● Greetings
● Prayer
● Checking of Attendance
● Class rules

B. Review
The teacher will ask the students the previous topic about the
difference of Oral and Written Communication. The former is the
type of communication done verbally. While the latter form of
communication is done through written or literary mediums.

C. Motivation (BOOKS/Reading materials)


ACTIVITY TITLE: Let’s Judge the Book by its Cover!

Directions: The students will choose between the presented

literary books and academic books.

1. Noli Me Tang Ere (Dr. Jose Rizal) or The Propaganda

Movement (John Schumacher)?
2. Alamat ng Gubat (Bob Ong) or The Philippine Economy
(Arsenio Balisacan & Hal Hill)?


1. Which of the books were you more interested in?

2. Where do you usually read or see the books on the left side?
3. How about the books on the right side?

D. Lesson Proper

I. Activity

TITLE: The Philippines’ Beauty (START OF VTI)

Directions: The students will read an excerpt from a poem entitled

Philippines is a Blessed Nation, and an abstract of a research
study entitled Cultural and Economic Benefits of Festivals to
Community Residents of Batangas, Philippines.

Philippines is a Blessed Nation by Ramon Amancio Estanque

'Philippines is a country
Blessed with beauties of nature,
A country that has
Their own unique culture.

Though we may think Philippines

Is corrupted and poor,
But with all the problems it faced,
It was still able to endure.

Natural resources are also rich in this land,

With farmers who work hard, hand in hand.
They plow the field and harvest grains,
For our sake, they work in pain.

Philippines has a very interesting history

It will certainly take time to uncover its
And when all of these we’ll be able to study,
We’ll now understand its secrets and beauty.

Cultural and Economic Benefits of Festivals to Community

Residents of Batangas, Philippines by Vanessa D. Gonzales

This study determined the cultural and economic benefits of

conducting festivals in the cities and municipalities of Batangas
Province, Philippines. A descriptive type of research was utilized
in the study. The respondents are the 250 local residents based in
ten cities and municipalities forming the top 10 Batangas
Festivals. Results showed that the community respondents
strongly agreed that festival helps in the preservation of local
culture and traditions. Those who belong to the high and average
class, have a more positive response compared to those in the
lower class.

Festivals can help recreate the image of the town to get on the
tourism map which helps the tourism industry of a specific area
like Batangas by extending the tourism season. Every
development that happens in the province gives them the
opportunity for life improvement. Festivals provide identity to the
people that nourish the Filipino culture and strengthen the
economic benefits through hard work and perseverance of the
Batanguenos to be known their festivals worldwide.

II. Analysis

1. What did the literature talk about? - C

2. Why do we need to dwell on this topic? - A
3. Why is it important that we talk about our culture? -A
4. How can you show your appreciation towards your culture? A
5. Did you notice any difference in the writings you have read? - C
6. Which literature do you prefer to read? - C

III. Abstraction


Literary Writing and Academic Writing by NOEL SEBASTIAN
CALISO on Prezi Next
● What is the difference between literary writing from
academic writing?

1. Literary Writing
● The language used in literary writing is creative and
imaginative. It also uses a lot of figures of speech and
literary techniques such as hyperboles, personification,
similes, and metaphors.
● In literary writing, the point of view is usually in first or
third-person POV.
● And its audience is the general population. It is suitable for
● Its sentence and paragraph structures are complex. It may
follow a certain length and rhythm, especially with poems.
● The purpose of literary writing is to entertain, amuse, and
appeal to our emotions.
● Its examples are novels, poems, short stories, and
dramas. In our country, we also have folktales, myths,
legends, and epics.

2. Academic writing
● Also known as technical writing. This type of literature is
usually used for non-fiction.
● The language used in this writing is direct, factual, and
straightforward. It is written in a clear and concise manner,
and with a formal tone.
● The point of view in academic writing is usually in the third
person or second person POV.
● Its audiences are typically those who are experts in that
specific field, or within a particular group of people
● Its sentence structure is usually simple and in an objective
● The purpose of academic writing is to state factual
information about a certain topic, subject, or area of study.
● It appeals to the mind.
● Its examples are research articles, academic essays,
academic journals, reports, thesis, dissertations, and
annotated bibliographies.

3. Difference between Literary writing from Academic Writing

● The main difference between literary writing vs academic
writing is that Literary writing is used in fiction and creative
● Literary writing tells a story, is read for pleasure, and is
written in a more creative manner. Meanwhile, academic
writing aims to inform, is written clearly and concisely, and
assumes a formal tone.
● Literary writing appeals to emotion. Academic writing
appeals to the minds
IV. Application

ACTIVITY TITLE: Lit’ or Acad’?


Direction: The students will read the following excerpts. They will
then identify and justify if the excerpt is an example of literary
writing or academic writing

1. “From that day on, Ulap and Magayon spent many happy
hours together. He told her that her people are called Tagalogs
because they were taga-ilog, meaning “from the river.” This
explained why he was an excellent swimmer. He could even dive
from the top of the highest waterfall in his region.”

Answer: Literary writing. Volcano of Love and Death by Sylvia

Mendez Ventura.

2. “ Based on the National Commission for Culture and the Arts

(NCCA) Study on Filipino Values, these include valuing family,
education, faith, health and wellness, basic needs, self, work and
livelihood, peace and development, honesty and integrity,
resilience, life and purpose, human rights, environment, love for
country, happiness, kapwa, governance, culture, arts and
sciences, and creative excellence”

Answer: Academic writing. Promoting Philippine Culture and

Values towards Bayanihan by NEDA

3. “Filipinos are hardworking and responsible

Friendly to others and all hospitable
Good moral values and respectful most of all
With long-patience and all lovable.”

Answer: Literary writing. A poem entitled Filipino by Judith Kempis

4. AmBisyon Natin 2040

The Life of All Filipinos in 2040:

Matatag, Maginhawa at Panatag na Buhay

By 2040, Filipinos enjoy a strongly rooted, comfortable, and

secure life.

In 2040, we will all enjoy a stable and comfortable lifestyle, secure

in the knowledge that we have enough for our daily needs and
unexpected expenses, that we can plan and prepare for our own
and our children’s future. Our family lives together in a place of
our own, and we have the freedom to go where we desire,
protected and enabled by a clean, efficient, and fair government.

AmBisyon Natin 2040 is the result of a long-term visioning

process that began in 2015. More than 300 citizens participated in
focus group discussions and close to 10,000 answered the
national survey.

Answer: Academic Writing. Research and vision project presented

by the National Economic and Development Authority.

E. Evaluation (Assessment)


Direction: Read the questions carefully and choose the letter of

the best answer.

1. Which of the following is true of literary writing?

A. It is primarily used for non-fiction.

B. It uses complex sentence and paragraph structures.
C. It is written in a direct, factual, and straightforward manner.
D. It appeals to the minds of readers.
2. What is the main purpose of academic writing?

A. To entertain and amuse readers.

B. To appeal to readers' emotions.
C. To state factual information about a certain topic or area of
D. To use literary techniques such as similes and metaphors.

3. Which of the following is a common example of literary writing?

A. A research article.
B. A business report.
C. A poem.
D. An annotated bibliography.

4. What is the main difference between literary writing and

academic writing?

A. Literary writing is used for non-fiction, while academic writing is

used for fiction.
B. Literary writing appeals to the emotions, while academic writing
appeals to the mind.
C. Literary writing is written in a direct and straightforward
manner, while academic writing uses complex sentence
D. Literary writing assumes a formal tone, while academic writing
is more creative.

5. What type of writing is best suited for an academic research

paper on the impact of festivals in the Filipino community?

A. Literary writing
B. Business writing
C. Creative writing
D. Academic writing

1. B
2. C
3. C
4. B
5. B

B. Essay

Direction: Read the question carefully and answer it within 5


1. What is the purpose of literary and academic writing and how

do they differ from each other?

F. Assignment



Direction: As a take-home activity. The students will research 3

literary writings and 3 academic writings about the different
Filipino cultures and festivities. After curating the writings, the
students will create a two-column table creating a reference list for
it, with a 3 sentences description for each writing.


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