FS 1 Personal Identification
FS 1 Personal Identification
FS 1 Personal Identification
• In the prosecution of the criminal offense, the identity of the offender and that of the victim must
be established, otherwise it will be a ground for the dismissal of the charge or acquittal of the
is the determination of the individuality of a person or thing.
• The identification of a person missing or presumed dead will facilitate settlement of the estate,
retirement, insurance and other social benefits. It vests on the heirs the right over the
properties of the identified person
• Identification resolves the anxiety of the next-of-kin, other relatives and friends as to the
whereabouts of a missing person or victim of calamity or criminal act.
• Identification may be needed in some transactions, like cashing of check, entering a premise,
delivery of parcels or registered mail in post office, sale of property, release of dead bodies to
relatives, parties to a contract, etc.
• The greater the number of points of similarities and dissimilarities of two persons BY COMPARISON — Identification criteria recovered during investigation are compared
compared, the greater is the probability for the conclusion to be correct. This is known as with records available in the file, or postmortem finding are compared with ante-mortem records.
the law of Multiplicity of Evidence in Identification.
• The value of the different points of identification varies in the formulation of conclusion.
• The longer the interval between the death and the examination of the remains for BY EXCLUSION — If two or more persons have to be identified and all but one is not yet
purposes of identification, the greater is the need for experts in establishing identity. identified, then the one whose identity has not been established may be known by the process
of elimination.
• Inasmuch as the object to be identified is highly perishable, it is necessary for the team to
act in the shortest possible time specially in cases of mass disaster.
• There is no rigid rule to be observed in the procedure of identification of persons. FIRST KNOWN METHOD OF IDENTIFICATION
1. Tattoo Marks – A method adopted by tribes during ancient times signifying their clan and
family. It is barely used as identification but purely for the purpose of ornamentation. It is
NOT reliable means of identification because it can be duplicated, changed or disfigured.
2. Scarification – A means of identification by cutting or wounding some parts of the body that
forms scars in time and forms pattern after healing which serves as identification
Presence of ovary in female and testis in males.
Experiments have shown that the best known person cannot be recognized by
Growth of pubic hair, beard and mustache: Clearest moonlight – distance of 16 to 17 yards
Pubic Hair: 13 (Female) 14 (Male) Starlight – distance any further than 10 to 13 yards
Mustache and Beard: 16-18 (Male)
Broad daylight - at a distance farther than one hundred yards if the person has
never been seen before but persons who are almost strangers may be
Changes of the breast: 13-14(Female) recognized at a distance of twenty-five yards.
Development of the voice: 16 to 18 (Both)
Changes in color of the hair: 40 (Gray) 50 in Pubic Hair (Gray) Flash of a caliber .22 firearm at a distance of two feet it is hardly possible for a
Wrinkleness : 40 witness to see the assailant in case of a hold-up or a murder because
Menstruation in women: 12 (Warm Countries) The flash of lighting produces sufficient light for the identification of an individual
provided that the person's eye is focused towards the individual he wishes to identify
during the flash.
In case of artificial light, the identity is relative to the kind and intensity of the light
Fingerprint is considered to be the most valuable method of • No two persons have the same fingerprint (based on Statistic Probability)
identification. It is a positive and absolute means of identification SIR FRANCIS GALTON IN 1892
He concluded the theory that the chance of two people to
The use of fingerprints as an infallible means of identification is based on possess identical fingerprints is 1:64 Billion persons.
• There are no two fingerprints that are exactly alike,”(Meyer) except if two
1.Individuality/Variation/Uniqueness (Sir Francis Galton) fingerprints were taken from the same finger and the same person
2. Constancy or Permanency/Immutability (Herman Welcker ) • Two fingerprints maybe alike in its pattern or design but considering its minute
3. Infallibility (Henry Faulds ) characteristics, they differ.
• Fingerprints of two persons can be similar but NOT Identical.
• That fingerprint cannot be easily forged
IMMUTABILITY • That fingerprint is a reliable means of personal identification and all courts accept and adopt
fingerprint as a means of personal identification
• States that fingerprints are unchanging or constant from birth until the decomposition of
• That the friction ridge once fully developed its arrangement will remains the same
throughout man’s life. 1. JOHN DILLINGER- a known criminal who tried to effaced his fingerprint by burning them with acid. It
was a failure because the print appeared again after how many days
• That the friction ridge once fully developed, its arrangement will remains the same
Known U.S. public enemy number one
throughout the man’s life. Ridges appears from 3rd to 4th mos. Of fetus life and
completes at 5th to 6th mos. Before birth. It is also known as the “From Womb to Tomb”
principle. 2. ROBERT (ROSCOE) JAMES PITTS - known as “Man w/o fingerprint” tried to elude arrest by
removing the friction ridge through incision.
He surgically removed his fingerprint of the first joint and covered it with another skin from his chest but
his works were futile.
He is known by name Roscoe Pitts
DERMATOGLYPHICS = is the science which deals with the study of skin pattern. It is
derived from two Greek words, Derma which means Skin and Glype which means
RELATED SCIENCES/BRANCHES OF Some other terms used in the
DACTYLOSCOPY WILLIAM HERSCHEL is considered as “Father of study of palm
DISTAL – means towards the
• CHIROSCOPY PODOSCOPY POROSCOPY EDGEOSCOPY Science of palm print identification
RIDGEOLOGY fingertips
Derived from Greek words:
Cheir - means “a hand” and PROXIMAL – means towards the
Skopien - means “to examine.” wrist
Footprints and footwear identification.
Derived from two Greek words:
1. Podo - means “the foot” and
Study of the pore structure for the purpose of identification.
Derived from the Greek words:
2. Skopien - means “to examine.” 1. poros - means “a pore” and
PATTERN ZONES OF FOOTPRINT: 2. skopein - means “to examine.
BALL ZONE - base of the big toe
Edmond Locard is considered the “Father of Poroscopy”
PLANTAR ZONE – space below the base of the 4 little toes besides the ball zone
CALCAR ZONE – is the area located at the heel combination of:
Edges and shapes of the ridges.
TIBIAL ZONE– side of the foot where the big toe is located This includes the study of: Poroscopy
FIBULAR ZONE– situated on the little toe side of the foot just below the plantar zone • endings, Ridge characteristics.
• puckering,
TREAD AREA – includes that portion of the foot lying between the ball-plantar zone and calcar
• Bifurcations
*The fibular and tibial zones are found within the tread area.
In China, fingerprint is called “Hua Chi”. The value of fingerprints for
purposes of identification was found on a Chinese clay seal made not later
than the 3rd century B.C.
China has been recognized by many authorities as the 1st country that uses
The arches and whorl were called as “LO” (snail) and loops are “KI”
(winnowing basket).
HISTORY AND PERSONALITIES IN Emperor Tein Shi – 1st Chinese ruler who devised a seal carved from the
FINGERPRINT white jade, on the side of it was the name of the owner, and the others side the
thumb mark of the destitute.
In Japan, deeds, dotes, and certificates to be used as proofs were sealed by
the mark of the hand (Palm-print) called “Tegata.”
In England, Thomas Bewick, an English engraver, author, and naturalist
engraved the patterns of his own fingers on every wood-work he had finished
to serve as his mark so as to establish its genuineness.
Warden of the Federal Penitentiaries of Leaven Worth. Established the first
official National Government use of fingerpprint.
MARY K. HOLAND GUERRERO, FBI Washington – gave the first examination in FP in 1927 and
First American instructress in dactyloscopy AGUSTIN PATRICIO of the Phils. Top the Examination
First private school to install laboratories for instruction purposes in PLARIDEL EDUCATION INSTITUTE (PEI) now known as Phil. College of
dactyloscopy Criminology, first government recognized school to teach the Science of
Fingerprint and other Police Sciences.
MR. JONES LUCILA LALU – the first Filipina Chop-chop lady who was identified through
One who first taught FP in the Phils. (1900) fingerprint
BUREAU OF PRISON - (1968) CARPETAS fingerprint was used.
GENEROSO REYES – First Filipino Fingerprint Technician employed by P.C.
ISABELA BERNALES – first Filipina Fingerprint Technician
Is an impression design by the first joint of the fingers and
is the skeletal finger covered with friction skin.
thumb on smooth surface through the media of ink, sweat or any It is made up of three bones.
substance capable of producing visibility
located at the base of the finger nearest the palm.
b. MIDDLE PHALANGE - the next and above the
basal done.
c. TERMINAL PHALANGE - the particular bone
covered with friction skin, having all the different
types of fingerprint patterns and it is located near
the tip of the finger.
BRACHYDACTYLY – fingers are abnormally short ORTHODACTYL - a condition where then fingers cannot
be stretch.
1. RIDGES – are hill like, elevated,
• Is the epidermal hairless skin found on the ventral/lower surface of the hands and feet appear as black lines with tiny white
covered with minute ridges and furrows. dots called pores in an inked
• This is where fingerprints are formed.
• Also called as Papillary skin/Epidermal skin/Volar skin (Biologist)
ECCRINE GLAND – the only sweat glands that can be found on the palms and soles
APPOCRINE GLAND –found on the pubic, mammary and anal areas. It produces fat for milks
SEBACEOUS GLANDS –located at the forehead, chest, back and abdomen. It produces oil
and fats.
The inner layer of the skin containing blood vessels, arrector pili
muscles, sebaceous glands, sweat glands and nerves. It is where the dermal
papillae are found.
1. EPIDERMAL LAYER (EPIDERMIS) – the outer layer
Ridges starts to form in the fingers and thumb during the 3rd to 4th months of the fetus life
Dermal Papillae = are irregular pegs composed of delicate connective tissue protruding and
forming the ridges of the skin on the fingers, palms, toes and soles of the feet
Damage in the friction skin can be temporary or permanent. Such permanency in the
damage may cause scar or termed as “Sicatriz.”
TYPE LINES – is a diverging ridge that tends to surround the pattern area and serves as a
basic boundary of fingerprint impression.
PATTERN AREA – is a part of a loop of whorl pattern surrounded by the type lines and TRIFURCATING RIDGES - is a friction ridge that divides into three friction ridges.
consisting of the delta, the core and other ridges.
OPPOSED BIFURCATION - are two bifurcations located at both ends of a single ridge.
RECURVING RIDGE – a single ridges that curves back to the direction where it started. SPUR OR HOOK RIDGE - A bifurcation with one short ridge branching off a longer ridge.
PUCKERING RIDGE - A kind of ridge that appears curly, irregular in appearance and
SUFFICIENT RECURVE – a recurving ridge which is complete with its should and free from growth ceases at several ends.
any appendage.
APPENDAGE OR ABUTMENT - A short ridge that spoils the sufficiency of a recurve
APPENDAGE – is a short ridge found at the top or summit of a recurve located at the top or summit of a recurve usually at right angle.
STAPLE - a single recurving ridge on the center of the pattern area. It can be located along
ROD OR BAR – is a short of long ridge found inside the recurve and directed towards the core the looping ridges
OBSTRUCTION RIDGE – is a short ridge found inside the recurve which blocks the inner line
of flow towards the core.
CROSSOVER OR BRIDGE RIDGE - A ridge that connects atleast two ridges. It must have
crossed and connected two ridges.
The DELTA (also called the outer terminus) is a point
FRAGMENT - a ridge of extremely short in length not more than 3 millimeters. along a ridge formation found at the center or near the
center of the diverging type lines.
DOT RIDGE - Any dot or point that can be observed inside a fingerprint pattern.
ENVELOP - A single recurving ridge enclosing one or more bars, short or dot ridge.
INCIPIENT RIDGES ( OR NASCENT RIDGES) - NOT counted because they are only the
result of dirts, dirty fingerprint paraphernalia and other factors, found between two well
formed ridges.
The CORE (also known as the heart or the inner
DISSOCIATED RIDGES - NOT counted. Appears like patches and has no no well defined
terminus) usually found at the center or innermost
pattern. recurve.
4. Incipient ridges, puckering, dissociated and creases are NOT counted. 1 RIDGE COUNT
5. Fragments and dot ridges are counted as ridges only if they appear as thick as the A short ridge, long ridge, dot ridge,
surrounding ridges. An abrupt ending of ridges is given one ridge count.
• DO NOT include in your counting the delta and core Ridge that bifurcates
The process of tracing the ridges intervening between the tracing ridge (flows TYPES OF WHORL TRACING
from the left delta to the right delta) and the right delta.
• In a whorl pattern, look for the left delta and trace towards the front of the right delta. 1. INNER WHORL (I) – result is 3 or more ridge count above or inside the right delta.
• When the ridge being traced abruptly ends, drop to the next ridge just below the 2. OUTER WHORL (O) - result is 3 or more ridge count below or outside the right delta.
original tracing ridge and continue the tracing until it reaches the point nearest to the 3. MEETING WHORL (M) – the ridge count is 0, 1, 2 either below or above the right delta.
right delta.
• When the left delta is a dot, the same procedure in No. 1 shall be followed.
• When the ridge that is being traced is a bifurcation, always follow the lower branch
until tracing is completed.
• Determine whether the tracing ridge flows inside (above) or outside (below) the right
• Draw and imaginary line between the tracing ridge (refers to the left delta that was
moved towards the right delta) and the right delta and count the intervening ridge
that touch or cross it.
• Exclude the tracing ridge and deltas when counting the intervening ridges.
1. Subject should be instructed to stand straight but relax facing the slab.
1. Filling Out and Recording
2. Interpretation of the Patterns 2. The subject hand should be completely dry
3. Blocking out
4. Classification Proper 3. In case of split/webbed thumb, it should be rolled together and be classified
based on: get the bigger one; if the same size, get the inner one.
4. Thumb fingers are rolled towards the body while other fingers are rolled away
from the body.
FINGERPRINT CARD – 8x8 card for recording
If the left thumb is a whorl and the right thumb is a loop, use Formula
No. 1.
In case a whorl pattern appears on either or both thumbs it should apply ridge tracing (IMO) FINAL DIVISION/CLASSIFICATION
This is done by ridge counting of loops and whorls from the two little
RIDGE TRACING OF WHORL: fingers. In this division whorls are ridge counted not to be ridge traced.
3 or more intervening ridges 3 or more intervening ridges 2 or less intervening ridges LOOPS –Ridge counted in its conventional way
right delta right delta
the right delta WHORLS
ulnar loop from the hand of origin
DOUBLE LOOP – is ridge counted to an upright loop or the ridge count of
Appearance of PLAIN ARCH and TENTED ARCH should be represented with a dash (-) the top loop
Numerator – Right Thumb ACCIDENTAL WHORL – be ridge counted in all but the least ridge count
Denominator – Left Thumb will be used
Appearance of Plain Arch and Tented Ach should be represented with a Dash (-)
This division is derived by getting the ridge count of the first loop CLASSIFICATION OF MISSING OR
formation appearing in the ten fingers except the two little fingers. In case AMPUTATED FINGERS
of absence of a loop, the first whorl will be ridge counted following the
rules of ridge counting under final division. 1. When one or more fingers from the same hands are amputated or missing, it
has the same classification with that of the opposite finger (together with the
ridge count and tracing) except with the primary classification.
LOOPS –Ridge counted in its conventional way
2. Two or more opposite finger are amputated or missing, it is given the
WHORLS classification of PLAIN WHORL, with ridge trace of MEETING.
PLAIN WHORL AND CENTRAL POCKET LOOP – shall be treated 3. If all fingers are missing, all shall be treated as PLAIN WHORL AND MEETING.
as ulnar loop from the hand of origin 4. If all 10 fingers are amputated or missing at birth, the classification will be:
Horizontal double loop – from delta to the nearest core M 32 W MMM
Vertical double loop – from left delta to the upright loop
ACCIDENTAL WHORL – be ridge counted in all but the least ridge
count will be used
• Opinion - means, the result of the critical study and comparison by a fingerprint examiner.
• Only the Judge – is authorized to declare whether a person is expert witness or an ordinary
• PRESERVATION OF PLASTIC FINGERPINTS The computer has greatly affected how fingerprints can be taken.
• PRESERVATION WITH FINGERPINT LIFTERS (E.G RUBBER LIFTERS) An Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) can digitize
fingerprint information to produce inkless fingerprints. Latent fingerprints
are scanned and converted into an electronic image that is stored in a
data base for rapid retrieval.
1. It is the lower or the inner layer of the skin that must not be 2. What is the rule when there is a choice between a bifurcation and
destructed for it could possibly create a permanent injury that may other type of delta found in the fingerprint?
result to the lost of the ridges. What is that canal like structure found
between the ridges?
A. Bifurcation is selected
A. Dermis
B. the other type of delta is selected
B. Epidermis
C. Bifurcation is disregarded
C. furrows
D. the one towards the core is selected
D. Delta
3. A Dogmatic Principle which postulates that the fingerprint cannot be 4. Which of the following is not true about the value or the importance
forged. of fingerprinting?
A. Principle of individuality A. Serve to provide evidence
B. Principle of constancy/permanency B. prevent criminal substitution
C. Principle of infallibility C. help identify victims of calamities like crime
D. All of these D. speedily identifying the perpetrator
5. When a ridge bifurcates, it sends two ridges across the imaginary 6. PINS Cardo is examining a fingerprint pattern having a 2 delta and a
line, how is it counted? core with few spiral formations at the center but no complete circuiting
A. One ridge is cut. What type of pattern INS Cardo is examining?
B. Two A. W
C. Three B. X
D. Six C. C
D. D
7. In ridge tracing, the reference is on 8. is process of placing in under each pattern the letter symbols
A. upper side or point of the extreme right delta representing their pattern interpretation prior to the actual
classification formula.
B. lower side or point of the extreme left delta
C. upper side or point of the moderate left delta
B. Classification
D. upper side or point of the moderate right delta
C. Blocking-out
D. Fingerprinting
9. In the Major Division, what table should be used for the right thumb 10. In case of an amputated finger, what shall be the interpretation of
when the left thumb reaches 17 or more? the left index finger if the right index finger is amputated?
A. Table No. 1 A. Plain whorl and meet tracing
B. Table No. 3 B. The classification in the left index finger shall be same of that the
C. Table No. 2 right index.
D. Table No. 4 C. The classification of the right index finger shall be the same of that
the left index finger.
D. There is no interpretation at all.
11. In the classification line, the order should be 12. If all the fingers in the right hand are whorl pattern while in the left
A. primary, secondary, subsecondary, final, key, major hand are all loop pattern, what will be the primary classification?
B. major, key, primary, secondary, subsecondary final A. 25/29
C. key, major, primary, secondary, subsecondary, final B. 24/28
D. primary, secondary, subsecondary, major, key, final C. 25/1
D. 32/32
13. Which of the following personal Identification is not easy to 14. It is considered as simplest and traditional method in developing
change? prints in the scene of the crime.
A. Hair A. Fuming Method
B. Dress B. Laser Ion Argon
C. Speech C. Rolling Method
D. personal paraphernalia D. Dusting Method
15. Fingerprints help to positively identify people because of the 16. The first forensic professional organization is
principle that: a. DNA
A. its pattern reveals racial origin b. IAI
B. they are available in most places c. FBI
C. no two persons have identical fingerprints d. NBI
D. it can be lifted at the crime scene
17. The Delta is placed upon or within the innermost sufficient recurve. 18. This principle states that there are no two fingerprints which are
a. True exactly alike.
b. False a. Principle of Individuality
c. Partially True b. Principle of Permanency
d. Partially False c. Principle of Infallibility
d. Principle of Constancy
19. It refers to a bone condition wherein the finger joints cannot be 20. In reporting a missing person, which among the following is the
bent. most vital information necessary to locate the said person?
a. Ankylosis a. Clinical or medical history of the person
b. Chiroscopy b. Personal traits and habits
c. Calcar c. Mental attitude and condition at the time of the disappearance
d. Webb Finger d. Physical description
21. In ridge counting of loops, which among the following is not 22. The numerical value of the right thumb and right index for purposes
counted? of primary classification is:
a. Delta a. 16
b. Intervening ridges b. 8
c. Core c. 4
d. Both A and B d. 2
23. In his “Philosophical Transaction”, he presented his observation on 24. There are three (3) principles of Fingerprint science. Which among
the appearance of the ridges on the fingers and palms. the following is not included?
a. Dr. Marcelo Malpighi a. Principle of Individuality
b. Govard Bidloo b. Principle of Permanency
c. Sir Francis Galton c. Principle of Infallibility
d. Dr. Nehemiah Grew d. Principle of Uniqueness
25. Fingerprint pattern are ______, as all fingerprint experts agree. 26. It is a kind of gait or manner of walking of a person in which he/she
a. Always inherited walks in a swaying movement due to knock-knee feet.
b. Sometimes inherited A. Ataxic Gait
c. Inherited as mendelian characteristics B. Cow’s Gait
d. Never Inherited C. Spastic Gait
D. Paretic Gait
27. It was noticed by a friend that Mr. Jangkook walks like a robot, it 28. Under the starlight, a person can be recognized at a distance of
was difficult for him to control the muscles of his legs. what do you call a. 16-17 yards
his medical condition?
b. 10-13 yards
a. spastic
c. 25 yards
b. espastic
d. 100 yards
c. orthoplastic
d. aplastic
29. _______ are rolled towards the body and ____ are rolled away from 30. The science of fingerprint study, which deals with the interpretation
the body. of one’s personality?
a. Thumb; index A. Dactyloscopy
b. Index; thumb B. Dactylography
c. All other fingers; thumb C. Dactylomancy
d. Thumb; all other fingers D. Dermatoglyphics
1. It is the lower or the inner layer of the skin that must not be
destructed for it could possibly create a permanent injury that may
result to the lost of the ridges. What is that canal like structure found
between the ridges?
LET’S CHECK! A. Dermis
B. Epidermis
C. furrows
D. Delta
2. What is the rule when there is a choice between a bifurcation and 3. A Dogmatic Principle which postulates that the fingerprint cannot be
other type of delta found in the fingerprint? forged.
A. Principle of individuality
A. Bifurcation is selected B. Principle of constancy/permanency
B. the other type of delta is selected C. Principle of infallibility
C. Bifurcation is disregarded D. All of these
D. the one towards the core is selected
4. Which of the following is not true about the value or the importance 5. When a ridge bifurcates, it sends two ridges across the imaginary
of fingerprinting? line, how is it counted?
A. Serve to provide evidence A. One
B. prevent criminal substitution B. Two
C. help identify victims of calamities like crime C. Three
D. speedily identifying the perpetrator D. Six
6. PINS Cardo is examining a fingerprint pattern having a 2 delta and a 7. In ridge tracing, the reference is on
core with few spiral formations at the center but no complete circuiting A. upper side or point of the extreme right delta
ridge is cut. What type of pattern INS Cardo is examining?
B. lower side or point of the extreme left delta
A. W
C. upper side or point of the moderate left delta
B. X
D. upper side or point of the moderate right delta
C. C
D. D
8. is process of placing in under each pattern the letter symbols 9. In the Major Division, what table should be used for the right thumb
representing their pattern interpretation prior to the actual when the left thumb reaches 17 or more?
classification formula. A. Table No. 1
A.Checking B. Table No. 3
B. Classification C. Table No. 2
C. Blocking-out D. Table No. 4
D. Fingerprinting
10. In case of an amputated finger, what shall be the interpretation of 11. In the classification line, the order should be
the left index finger if the right index finger is amputated? A. primary, secondary, subsecondary, final, key, major
A. Plain whorl and meet tracing B. major, key, primary, secondary, subsecondary final
B. The classification in the left index finger shall be same of that the C. key, major, primary, secondary, subsecondary, final
right index.
D. primary, secondary, subsecondary, major, key, final
C. The classification of the right index finger shall be the same of that
the left index finger.
D. There is no interpretation at all.
12. If all the fingers in the right hand are whorl pattern while in the left 13. Which of the following personal Identification is not easy to
hand are all loop pattern, what will be the primary classification? change?
A. 25/29 A. Hair
B. 24/28 B. Dress
C. 25/1 C. Speech
D. 32/32 D. personal paraphernalia
14. It is considered as simplest and traditional method in developing 15. Fingerprints help to positively identify people because of the
prints in the scene of the crime. principle that:
A. Fuming Method A. its pattern reveals racial origin
B. Laser Ion Argon B. they are available in most places
C. Rolling Method C. no two persons have identical fingerprints
D. Dusting Method D. it can be lifted at the crime scene
16. The first forensic professional organization is 17. The Delta is placed upon or within the innermost sufficient recurve.
a. DNA a. True
b. IAI b. False
c. FBI c. Partially True
d. NBI d. Partially False
18. This principle states that there are no two fingerprints which are 19. It refers to a bone condition wherein the finger joints cannot be
exactly alike. bent.
a. Principle of Individuality a. Ankylosis
b. Principle of Permanency b. Chiroscopy
c. Principle of Infallibility c. Calcar
d. Principle of Constancy d. Webb Finger
20. In reporting a missing person, which among the following is the 21. In ridge counting of loops, which among the following is not
most vital information necessary to locate the said person? counted?
a. Clinical or medical history of the person a. Delta
b. Personal traits and habits b. Intervening ridges
c. Mental attitude and condition at the time of the disappearance c. Core
d. Physical description d. Both A and B
22. The numerical value of the right thumb and right index for purposes 23. In his “Philosophical Transaction”, he presented his observation on
of primary classification is: the appearance of the ridges on the fingers and palms.
a. 16 a. Dr. Marcelo Malpighi
b. 8 b. Govard Bidloo
c. 4 c. Sir Francis Galton
d. 2 d. Dr. Nehemiah Grew
24. There are three (3) principles of Fingerprint science. Which among 25. Fingerprint pattern are ______, as all fingerprint experts agree.
the following is not included? a. Always inherited
a. Principle of Individuality b. Sometimes inherited
b. Principle of Permanency c. Inherited as mendelian characteristics
c. Principle of Infallibility d. Never Inherited
d. Principle of Uniqueness
26. It is a kind of gait or manner of walking of a person in which he/she 27. It was noticed by a friend that Mr. Jangkook walks like a robot, it
walks in a swaying movement due to knock-knee feet. was difficult for him to control the muscles of his legs. what do you call
A. Ataxic Gait his medical condition?
B. Cow’s Gait a. spastic
C. Spastic Gait b. espastic
D. Paretic Gait c. orthoplastic
d. aplastic
28. Under the starlight, a person can be recognized at a distance of 29. _______ are rolled towards the body and ____ are rolled away from
a. 16-17 yards the body.
b. 10-13 yards a. Thumb; index
c. 25 yards b. Index; thumb
d. 100 yards c. All other fingers; thumb
d. Thumb; all other fingers
30. The science of fingerprint study, which deals with the interpretation
of one’s personality?
A. Dactyloscopy
D. Dermatoglyphics