Clas Note Introduction To UX Design 1
Clas Note Introduction To UX Design 1
Clas Note Introduction To UX Design 1
Introduction To UX Design
● What is User Experience Design?
● Historical Context of UX Design
● Roles and Responsibilities of a UX Designer
● Importance of UX Design
● Career Prospects and Remuneration in UX Design
What is User Experience Design?
UX - User Experience
Therefore User Experience Design means to plan how something (Product) looks and works to make the activity of user
easy and enjoyable. Product in this case can either be physical (e.g Foldable Chair), digital (e.g Mobile Banking App) or
non material (E.g Advice)
The first factor is meeting, the users needs this mean, that whatever the user came to do using your product or service, you
must make sure that they are able to achieve that outcome. As an example, in an online food, delivery service, the user has
come to get food delivered within acertain time. So simply put this first factor means that you deliver on those needs and the
person gets the food on time to their house.
The second factor is that your product or service is easy to use and easy to learn. Going back to the food delivery example.
This means that you would find it easy to browse and find the food, you willt put in your address specify the time and
complete the order.
And the easy-to-learn part means that even if you've never used this service before, you know exactly what todo and it's
just as easy as though you've done it a hundred times.
The third factor is that the user should always have control and freedom in the process in the food. Delivery example, again
this means that they could change their mind about the Food or even cancel or reschedule during the process.
The User Must Enjoy Using It (Suprice And Delight)
Still using the delivery example, this might mean getting afree voucher for your next order or that the delivery person greets
you with a warm smile and a thank you for using their service. Something that really makes you feel special and want to use
that product again.
The core of ux design is that it's all about putting the user first. Detailed explanation about factors of ux design will be
discussed in the subsequent class.
UX Design can be defined as an approach to designing product (Physical or Digital), that are useful and fun to
interact with. It is about improving the experience of people when they interact with your product and making sure
they find value in what you offer.
A happy lady sharing the picture of her engagement A young man relaxing comfortably on a wooden chair Happy couple receiving professional advice
rign with a messaging app.
Historical Context of UX Design
The idea of making things user-friendly goes back a long way in history. Over 4000 years ago, the Chinese used the
philosophy of Feng Shui to make sure their surroundings were organized in the best way possible. In Ancient Greece, over
2500 years ago, people made sure their tools and workplaces were comfortable to use by following ergonomic principles.
In the late 1800s, important people in business and industry like Frederick Winslow Taylor and Henry Ford started to use
basic design principles to make their products better. Taylor studied how workers used their tools and Henry Ford wanted to
make work more efficient.
Henry Dreyfuss, an industrial engineer, wrote a book called "Designing for People" in 1955. In it, he explained what UX
design is all about: making products that are easy and enjoyable to use. If a product causes trouble or frustration, the
designer has failed. But if the product makes people happier, safer, more efficient, or more eager to buy, the designer has
done a good job
As time goes on, HMI (Human Machine Interface) came into existence. The first computer mouse was created by Douglas
Engelbart in the 1960’s. The mouse enable users to interact more with micro computers. Today the mouse is still used, and
has given birth to torch pads and torch screens.
Nowadays, companies often hire people for specific UX jobs, like UX researcher or interaction designer, to focus on
different parts of the user experience. Although UX design is mostly associated with technology these days, like websites
and apps, the concept has been around for centuries and can also be applied to non-digital products
Pillars of UX Design
Expanding it further, there are six discipline under UX.
Details about them will be explained in the subsequent class.
Information architecture
Interaction Design
User Research
Content Strategy
As a UX designer, you are an important part of a product team. You help create a good experience for users by making
sure the product meets their needs and also fits the goals of the business.
Your job is to act as a bridge between the users, developers, and the business leaders. The projects you work on and
your team size may vary, but your goal is always to make the product the best it can be for the users.
As a UX designer, you design product that is useful and help the users achieve their goals and at the same time, you make money for the business.
Importance of UX Design
Why does UX matter?
93% of executives said increasing UX is a top strategic priority. That matters to you, because if you are not focused on
1 UX, you probably going to be left behind by your competitors who are focusing on UX.
2 Company succeeds in 83% increase in Key performance Indicators (KPIs) when they follow UX practices
According to Adobe, 38% of people will stop engaging with a website if the content and layout is unattractive. That’s not
3 good if you are relying on the website to bring majority of your business.
4 88% of online consumers are less likely to return to your product after a bad experience
Yahoomail Sign in 1997 Yahoomail Sign in 2022
“Every dollar invested in UX yields a return between 2 dollars and 100 dollars. Let me repete it another way, UX yields a
7 return between 2 dollars and 100 dollars on every dollar invested.” - Charlie Claxtan (Head Of UX Amazon)
2. Check the assignment section in the class room and answer the questions.