Data Audit Example - Odt
Data Audit Example - Odt
Data Audit Example - Odt
Important Notes
This is an audit checklist to help you identify what personal data you hold about your tenants and how you
handle this data. You need to review the way you personally work because no two rental businesses are the
same. Although we have set out what a typical landlord may do it is essential that you customise this to
reflect the way in which you operate. You may well need to add additional items of data and/or ways in
which you handle this data to make sure that all aspects of your operations are fully covered. You may not
necessarily collect some of the items listed.
This audit checklist is the starting point for you to prepare a privacy notice telling your tenants (and
potential tenants) and guarantors (if any) what you do with the data you collect from them and the legal
gateway you rely on. This does not mean you will use everything listed in all cases. However, experience will
tell you what you information you have to use from time to time. You should carry out your audit based on
what you could need to use. The NRLA provides an example privacy notice to help you do this.
The NRLA also provides a tenancy application form to enable you to collect appropriate information from
prospective tenants and this data audit assumes that you collect this information.
You must read the accompanying guidance notes before you start to complete this checklist as it explains
your responsibilities relating to privacy notices in detail.
References to correspondence include emails, text messages, social media messaging etc.,
If you do not process a particular category of data or there are additional items of information which you
use then they should be deleted or added to the privacy notice as required.
If you do not take guarantors please disregard any references to guarantors or guarantees.
Version A20
Notification to tenancy deposit scheme/correspondence relating to
release of deposit:
Notification/correspondence relating to tenancy deposit disputes:
Details of tenant’s belongings left behind/Correspondence relating to
return of belongings left behind:
Health, disability etc. (This is sensitive/special category data) Do you collect/handle this information?
Information about tenant disabilities:
Information about tenant health/disability:
Requests for adaptations (disability discrimination legislation):
Children Yes/No
Does any of the information you collect identify children?
Version A20
Other- list out any other purposes you use the information for –
You next need to consider who you may share information relating to any tenant/resident or prospective
tenant/resident with where appropriate. Depending on the type of information and circumstances you take you
may share the information with -
Version A20
Information obtained by you from a third party
Additionally, you need to consider from whom you may collect information regarding any tenant or
resident/prospective tenant or resident. This could include any of the above and in addition any neighbours/ other
tenant/owner or resident.
Version A20