Group 7 Research Final

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Communication Styles of Teachers and Students Towards

Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Inquires, Investigation and Immersion

Presented to

The Senior High School Department


Sangat, San Fernando, Cebu

In partial Fulfillment of the requirements of Senior High School Research










The researchers express their deepest thanks and heartfelt gratitude to the

people who have generously shared and extended their expertise, efforts and their

priceless contribution in carrying out this study. The researcher would like to express

their special gratitude and appreciation to the following individual who contributed to this

study: Greatest gratitude acknowledges to our Almighty father for guiding us, for giving

us strength and hope, and for everything. With him we made this study into reality

considering the difficulties that we faced.

The research study was made possible through the help and support of our

parents and guardians for giving us the time, effort, and needed available resources to

assist us throughout our journey. Without their full support financially, physically,

spiritually, emotionally and morally, this research study would not turn out to be

successful. We would also like to offer this study and big gratitude towards out research

adviser Mr. Cerelo B. Abasolo, for his unending effort, guidance and encouragement;

and to our school principal, Mrs. Nanette D. Ymalay, for allowing us to conduct this

research study. Lastly, to everyone involved in completion of this study, our sincerest

thank you.







Chapter Pages


Rationale of the Study 1

Theoretical Background 4
Review of Related Literature 7
Statement of the Problem 11
Significance of the Study 12
Research Design 13
Flow of the Study 13
Research Instrument 16
Research Environment 17
Data Gatherings and Procedures 17
Statistical Treatment of Data 18
Profile of the Respondents 21
Commonly Used Communication Styles 22
of the Teachers
Common Reaction of Students to 24
Teacher’s Preferences
Barriers Mediate in Teacher’s Preferences 26
for Communication Style
Summary of Findings 28
Conclusion 28
Recommendations 29
Rationale 30
Objectives 30


Appendix B: Survey Questionnaire 34


1 Profile of the Respondents 21

2 The Commonly Used Communication Styles 22
During the Covid-19 Pandemic
3 The Common Reaction of Students to Teacher’s 24
Preferences for Communication Style
4 The Barriers Mediate in Teacher’s 26
Preferences for Communication Style

Theoretical Framework of the Study 6

Flow of the Study 15

Chapter 1



Rationale of the study

In an actual teacher-student setting, communication is a vital tool in every step of

assessing knowledge needs. In the classroom, a teacher assesses a student through

verbal communication by means of teaching and asking questions. Through this, the

teacher will have a vital knowledge to the specific knowledge that the student’s needs.

In school, teachers use a verbal communication to further assess the students in order

to have goal- oriented interventions suited to the student’s needs. Even in out- students

department, after assessing students’ needs, communication is still needed in

promoting good communication towards other people.

Communication is a continuous process of exchanging verbal and non-verbal

messages. Pre- requisite to communication is a message conveyed through a message

conveyed through a medium to the recipient. It is essential that this message is

understood by the recipient in the same term as intended by the sender. The receiver of

the message responds within a time frame. Thus, communication is a two-way process

and is incomplete without a feedback from the recipient to the sender on how well the

message is understood by him (Raundonis, 2005).

While communication is certainly a powerful process in teaching ways, the

dynamics of communication in teaching context are also very complex, the

communication channels used are numerous, and influences of communication on

teaching outcomes are powerful. Teaching communication inquiry has developed to

demystify the complexity of the multifaceted roles performed by communication in

teaching strategies and teaching promotion. This inquiry is conducted to increase the

knowledge on the influences of communication to teaching outcomes and direct the

knowledge gained toward helping students in modern teaching system use

communication strategically to accomplish their knowledge goals (Kreps, 2011).

There are some observations that teachers are occupied with the task they do at

school, sometimes the interaction between students are neglected. A study about

communication style will help the teachers choose proper communication styles to be

used not just towards students but also towards people they would encounter in their

lives outside work. Furthermore, conducting this study is intended to examine the

communication styles used by Regular Teachers which are favorable for them in

rendering efficient and effective teaching strategy service to the students in Sangat

National High School.

A teacher is always exposed to different kinds of people with different

background and perceptions. This is a challenge not only as a teacher but as a person

as well. However, teaching trainings in Sangat National High School are mostly about

skills and productivity that are needed for continuous improvement.

On every day journey if teaching students, the researcher realized that

communication is the most important aspects in teacher- student relationship. How a

teacher talks to students and relay their thoughts, instructions and information

determine the quality of teaching they render their thoughts, instructions and information

determine the quality of teaching they render to their students. Whether days gets

excruciating and tough including the situation that we are facing right now, the Covid-19

pandemic. The use of communication style that is appropriate for the situation is always


Being in the said experience, this has motivated the researcher to study the

communication styles that are being used by teachers in handling their students. The

of the researcher is to recognize the most common used communication style and the

barriers that affect teachers and students and to strengthen the use of communication in

promoting and providing a learning approach with students in order to uphold and

excellent quality of teaching students.



This research was based on the study of S.F. Scudder in the year 1980.It states

that all living beings existing on the planet communicate although the way of

communication is different. Plants communicate their need to be taken care of and

watered immediately through visible changes in the color of the leaves, and the falling of

leaves and flowers. Animals communicate by sounds, several movements to indicate

that they are hungry or unwell or need of medical attention. A mother would never

understand her child is hungry unless and until the child cries. Crying is again a form

through which the child communicates that he is hungry and needs food. The same

applies when he is injured, where he uses crying again as a tool to communicate his

pain and need of urgent medical attention. Thus, the universal law of communication

theory says that all living beings whether they are plants, animals, human beings

communicate through sound, speech, visible changes, body movements, gestures or in

the best possible way to make the others aware of their thoughts, feelings, problems,

happiness or any other information. If a child scores less marks in examinations,

parents would not speak to the child for something-again an effort to communicate that

the parents are angry over the child’s performance and he needs to buck up for his

further examinations. Like human beings, animals also communicate among

themselves through gestures and body movements. Monkeys always carry their babies

with them wherever they go, again a way through

which the mother tries to communicate that their babies are safe and the mother is there

to take good care of them. During the mating season of animals, communication

through gestures plays a very important role in bringing them close, the same way a

peacock dances to attract its partner. Another model of communication says that

communication is simply the process of transferring the information from the sender to

the recipient where the recipient decodes the information and act accordingly. Large

number of people also support this model of communication.


-S.F. Scudder’s Communication Theory

Communication Styles of Teachers and Students Towards

Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Profile of the respondents Communication styles Reaction of students

to teachers

Seminar workshop /

Skill workshop
Figure 1. Theoretical Framework of the study

Review of Related Literature

Teacher-student communication is widely recognized as an important determinant

of student satisfaction with teaching and learning. Many studies indicate the teacher-

student communication related to students’ satisfaction and dissatisfaction; few examine

in detail the specific communication behaviors directly impacting upon student

satisfaction of quality of teaching strategies. Many researchers realize that quality

teaching strategies depends on the interaction between student and teacher. Student

who perceived that the teacher understood their concerns were also more satisfied with

their learning.

Breakdown of communication can cause negative outcomes. It is important to give

a thorough teaching strategies and qualities (Kozier, 2006). In situations where this

does not occur and important information is not conveyed, learnings and etc. may be

missed. For example, in one situation an oncoming student was not informed that the

teacher was absent or has a seminar workshop. The students therefore did not know to

access the teacher or the activities to be done during the time.

It has been said that as much as eighty percent of communication is verbal.

Students should need to pay attention to a teacher (Edmunds, 2008). This is also true

when addressing teachers’ co-workers, supervisor, principal and virtually everyone else.

Teacher should be empathetic with those in their handled class as known that they

are the face of teaching and the face of the facility of students learning. Teacher will

encounter many students in their professional lives. Students may not remember all

teachers’ names, but they will remember how they are treated during a difficult time in

their lives (Lanette L. Anderson, 2006).

The changes in the teaching strategy systems around the world have intensified

teachers’ responsibilities and workloads. Despite such hardships, teachers must find

ways to preserve their teaching strategies and Jean Watson’s theory can be seen to this


Communication can be defined as “The Process of transmitting messages and

interpreting meaning” (Wilson, 1995). With communication, the sender or teacher seeks

to illicit a response from a receiver, the student that is beneficial to student’s learning.

Just as stress has been proven to adversely affect individuals, a communication

approach can actually help.

According to Sheldon (2000), every time a person speaks, that person chooses

and uses one of four basic communication styles: assertive, aggressive, passive and

passive - aggressive. Assertive Communication is the most effective and healthiest form
of communication. It’s how a person naturally express themselves when their self –

esteem is intact, giving them the confidence to communicate without games and

manipulation. When a person is being assertive, people work hard to create mutually

satisfying solutions. They communicate their needs clearly and forthrightly. They care

about relationship and strive for a win situation. They know their limits and refuse to be

pushed beyond them just because someone else wants or needs something from them.

If a

person is serious about taking control of their life, they should practice being more

assertive. It will help them diffuse anger, reduce guilt and build relationships – both

personally and professionally. Aggressive communication always involves manipulation.

People may attempt to make people do what they want by inducing guilt (hurt) or by

using intimidation and control tactics (anger). Covert or overt, they simply want their

needs met instantly which often results to conflict. Passive communication is based on

compliance and hopes to avoid confrontation at all costs. In this mode people don’t talk

much, question even less, and actually do very little. Passives have learned that it is

safer not to react and better to disappear than to stand up and be noticed (Sheldon,


Understanding the four basic types of communication will help people learn how

to react most effectively when confronted with a difficult person. It will also help them

recognize when they are using manipulative behavior to get their own needs met. They

have always a choice as to which communication style to use (Gable, 2001).

Communication is an extremely broad research area, examining many different

levels and channels of communication in a wide range of social contexts. The primary

levels for communication analysis include intrapersonal, interpersonal, group,

organizational, and societal communication. Intrapersonal communication inquiry

examines the internal mental and psychological processes that influence learnings,

such as learning beliefs, learning attitudes, and values that predispose learning

behavior and decisions. Interpersonal communication inquiry examines the relational

influences on learning and teaching outcomes and the exchange of relevant information

in teaching.

Group communication inquiry examines the role communication performs in the

interdependent coordination of members of collectives, such as teachers, support

groups, and students, as these group members shares relevant learning information for

making important learning decisions. Organizational communication inquiry examines

the use of communication to coordinate interdependent groups, mobilize different

specialists, and share relevant learning information within complex teaching strategy

delivery systems to enable effective multidisciplinary provision of learning. Societal

communication examines the generation, dissemination, and utilization of relevant

health information communicated via diverse media to a broad range of professionals

and lay audiences to promote learning education, learning promotion and enlightened

teaching strategies (Bryce, 2008).

Within the school communication field, communication is conceptualized as the

central social process in the provision of delivery of learning. The centrality of the
process of communication is based upon the pervasive role’s communication performs

in creating, gathering, and sharing “learning information”. Learning information is the

most important resource in teaching because it is essential in guiding strategic

behaviors, learnings, and teaching strategies (



Statement of the Problem

This study evaluates and describe the communication styles used by the teachers

and students during the covid-19 pandemic In Sangat National High School.

Furthermore, this study will determine the precipitating factors that affect communication

in rendering their teaching strategies in teaching process.

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of students studied in Sangat National High School in terms of:

1.3 age;

1.2 gender; and

1.3 grade level?

2. What are commonly used communication styles by teachers in Sangat National High

School during Covid-19 pandemic?

3. What is the common reaction of students to teachers’ preferences for communication


4. What are the barriers that mediate in teachers’ preferences for communication style?


Significance of the Study

This study is designed to examine the teachers and students’ communication styles

in an attempt to identify which perceived styles are considerably appropriate in providing

teaching qualities. This finds significance to the following persons:

Teachers. It is needed to make the teachers at the school understand and

appreciate their own communication styles that are considerably appropriate to provide

quality of teaching. Continuous education is essential in all profession thus, this study is

significant for teachers teaching career growth. In this study, they served as the

independent variable, the sender of the message and the ones who render teaching

qualities to the students.

Students. They will benefit from this study because teacher-student relationship

would always fall to proper communication towards the teacher and student. In this

study, students have served as a receiver of the message in communication and

primary focus of teaching strategies. They will serve as the beneficiaries of

improvement in communication skills of the teachers.

The researcher. Findings will provide a wider perspective about the importance of

the proper communication styles that are substantially applicable in all aspects of

teaching strategies. The output of the study based on the findings will be her

contribution to her colleagues who also need a continued education to improve their

skills in learning.

Future Researchers. This will serve as a springboard for those who would pursue

studies on communication styles. It is important to know the communication styles in


teaching strategies and its corresponding effects to all the people. With the help of this

study, people will be informed of the significance of proper giving, receiving and

exchanging information and ideas to other people without compromising the receiver’s

emotional, physical and mental state.


This section presents the research design, flow of the study, research instrument,

research environment, research respondents, data gathering procedure, and statistical

treatment of data.

Research Design
The research is to be victorious by means of making the data gathering efficient for

the researcher. This study utilized the descriptive design using quantitative and

qualitative approach at gathering knowledge (i.e., descriptions and explanations) about

the communication styles of teachers and students during the Covid-19 pandemic in

Sangat National High School.

Flow of the Study

The study followed the input – process – output model (IPO) undertaken after the

approval of the letter of transmittal by the principal of Sangat National High School

(SNHS) commence gathering data. Researchers coordinated 10 teachers and 10

students as the respondents of the study, the input of the study was respondent’s


communication styles, reactions and barriers that mediate teacher’s preferences during

the Covid-19 pandemic. The teachers were selected by availability and the students

selected randomly.

The survey questionnaires are respondent’s simple percentage profile, teaching

strategies, communication styles, reactions and barriers that mediate teacher’s

preferences during the Covid-19 pandemic. When all the questionnaires were

completed, the researchers gathered the data and conduct analysis, calculations, and

interpretation. Then the final draft was submitted for finalization the results will be the

basis to obtain findings and conclusions. The researchers would determine the

communication styles of teachers and students during the Covid-19 pandemic in Sangat

National High School.



Respondents’ profile

Respondents’ commonly used communication styles

Respondents’ common reaction


Descriptive Survey Research Design

Gathering of Data through survey questionnaires

Retrieval of Data

Tallying of results

Verifying the results


Seminar workshop /

Skill workshop

Figure 2: Flow of the Study


Research Instrument

In order to provide a context for this study and formulate research questions to

guide the analysis, a research-made structured questionnaire which was pre – tested

was used. There were two sets of questionnaires. One is for the teachers and the other

one is for the students.

The first part of the questionnaire for the teachers is in a form of checklist by which

respondents checked the box that corresponds to their answers. This utilized the profile

of respondents in terms of age, civil status, gender, and years of service as a teacher.

Though, the second part of the questionnaire of the randomly selected 10 teachers
answered it in their most convenient time. The questions were answered thematically.

All respondents are informed about the activity and were allowed to express freely their

concerns about certain questions until all ideas are saturated. A thematic interpretation

will be used in order to interpret the general ideas of the respondents.

The second self-made questionnaire was given to 10 randomly selected students

that are studying in Sangat National High School. The first part of the questionnaire for

the teachers was in a form of checklist by which respondents checked the box that

corresponds to their answers. This utilized the profile of respondents in terms of age,

gender, civil status, and years of service in SNHS. The second part of the questionnaire

was answered thematically. All respondents are informed about the activity and will also

allowed to express freely their concerns about certain questions until all ideas are

saturated. A thematic interpretation is used in order to interpret the general ideas of the

respondents. 16

Research Environment

The Sangat National High School (SNHS) is a public secondary school located in

Sangat, San Fernando, Cebu. It was established on January 01, 1980. The school

provides quality, fair culture-based and complete basic education to produce graduates

who are intellectually and technologically competent.

The school implements a K to 12 basic education program that offers junior and

senior high school. It is under the resolution ordered by the Department of Education

(DepEd). It has STEM strand, HUMSS strand, and ABM strand under the Academic

Research Participants/ Respondents

There will be two sets of respondents on this study. The first set of respondents

consisted of ten teachers in Sangat National High School. There are approximately

thirty (30) teachers in the said school and in this study, the researcher utilized the

Random sampling wherein they were selected depending on their availability. Ten

teachers are given a questionnaire via messenger application. The second set

respondents will be consisted of ten students that are randomly selected who were

given a different set of questionnaires to seek the answer of the third question in the

statement of the problem.

Data Gathering Procedures

After the approval of the letter of transmittal by the principal of Sangat National

High School commence gathering of the data. During the actual gathering of data, the


researcher distributed the tool to the most available number of respondents during their

free time. To describe the process of the key information interview, 100% of teacher

respondents will be those who were chosen over random sampling.

The key informant interview is a standard anthropological method that is widely

used in different social development inquiry. The term “key informant” refers to anyone

who can provide detailed information and opinion based on his or her knowledge of a
particular issue. The key informant interview seeks qualitative information that can be

narrated and can be cross checked with qualitative data, a method called “triangulation”.

The ten teacher respondents that were given a questionnaire during the random

sampling are the participants of the key informant interview. They were interviewed

individually or by group via messenger application. After they have answered the

questionnaire, the second part will then be asked in a written form by the researcher

and the answers will then be noted by the researcher on the questionnaire below each

question. These are the questions for the interview that are stated on the second part of

the questionnaire in a form of follow up questions which is appeared in appendix B1.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data that were gathered went through several statistical treatments to further

grasp the interpretations of the results of the study:

Simple percentage for profile used in determining simple demographic data

such as age, gender, civil status, and years of experience.


Qualitative Thematic Analysis was used on the identification of themes in

qualitative material, often identified by means of a coding scheme. This is widely used

approach to qualitative study for finding out about the reality or experiences of the

respondents. This was used to further explain the teacher respondents’ answer on the

second part of the questionnaire.

To understand and appreciate this study, the following terms are operationally


Barriers. Refers to anything that restrains or obstructs progress. In this study, it is the

hindrance in providing a quality teacher- student interaction.

Sangat National High School. Refers to a secondary school located at Sangat, San

Fernando, Cebu City. In this study, it is the research environment in which the

respondents worked and studied.

Commonly used Communication Styles. Refers to how a person send a message to

a receiver. In this study, this is defined as a basis on how teachers communicate with

their students. There are three (3) types of communication styles used in this study.

First is the Assertive style in which stand up for your rights while maintaining a respect

for the rights of others. Second communication style is Passive style in which you put

the rights of others before your own, minimizing your own self- worth and lastly is the

Aggressive style in which you stand up for you rights but you violate the rights of others.


Common Reaction of Student. Refers to how a person reacts or respond to a specific

stimulus. In this study, this is defined as the basis on how the students react to teachers

during interaction. This study used 3 common responses. First is Positive Response in

which student respond optimistically. Second is Negative Response in which students’

responds with an expression of refusal to do something as a reaction to the teachers.

Next is Slight Response in which student provides deficient response as a reaction to

the teachers and lastly in Unresponsive in which student does not respond at all.

Communication Styles. Refers to how a person makes use of the communication

process which includes ideation, encoding, transmission, receiving and giving response

to a message. In this study, this is defined as how the teachers in Sangat National High

School communicate to their students upon execution of teaching strategies.

Teaching Strategies. Refers to how teachers at Sangat National High School provide

teaching strategies upon rendering quality service to the students. In this study, this is

defined as the main purpose why teachers communicate with their students.

Promoting Communication Skills Seminar. In this study, this refers to the

recommended seminar workshop to further enhance quality of strategies with the use of

communication style techniques to promote a holistic approach in teaching strategies

and strengthen the teacher- student relationship. This seminar will be an eye- opener

and an introductory phase on how communication affects the approach on quality

teaching strategies that are given to students. Moreover, this will be the start of giving

importance on to preventing communication barriers that are being experienced during

ineffective communication. 20

Chapter 2


This chapter takes into account the data in relation to the problems and sub-
problems of the study and their subsequent analysis and interpretation. All calculations
were done using the Statistical package for the licensed statistical program.


The profile of the teacher respondents and selected student respondents were
gathered through unstructured survey instrument for both set of respondents. The
instrument aim was to collect data on age, gender, and section of respondents.

Table 1
Age and Gender of the Respondents
Male Female

Age F % F %

16-21 4 66.00 6 42.00

22-27 2 33.00 4 28.00

28-33 0 0 2 14.00

34-39 0 0 0 0

40-45 0 0 0 0

46-51 0 0 0 0

52-57 0 0 0 14.00

Total 6 100 14 100

Table 1 shows the profile of the teachers and students with corresponding percentage
of the respondents. The research study involved both male and female found out that
majority of the respondents age 16-21 got the highest percentage with 66 percent for
male and 42 percent for female. Respondents ages 22-27 were second in rank with 33
percent for male and 28 percent for female. Respondents ages 28-33 were the third
rank with 0 percent for male and 14 percent for female. While respondents ages 34-51
were fifth in rank with 0 percent for both male and female. The study found out that
there were 6 male and 14 female who were the respondents of the study.




Table 2

Commonly used Communication Styles of the Teachers

Indicators Weighted Description Rank

Giving information
and instruction via
application. 3.75 Agree 4.5

Lecturing with a
3.76 Agree 2.5

based discussion.
3.75 Agree 4.5

Modular learning
3.95 Agree 1

In class task
3.76 Agree 2.5

Text based
3.45 Agree 6.5

The used of google

classroom and
zoom application.
3.45 Agree 6.5

Legend: Strongly Disagree = 1.00-1.80; Disagree = 1.90-2.60: N= 2.70-3.40 Agree =

3.50 - 4.20 Strongly Disagree = 4.30 – 5.00


It was found out that the commonly used communication styles by teachers in Sangat
Nation High during the Covid-19 pandemic were modular learning materials, lecturing
with a presentation screen, in class task (assignment) allocation, giving information and
instruction via messenger application, video-/audio-based discussion. Through the
commonly used communication of the teachers, this study found out that the text-based
discussion and the used of google classroom and zoom application were rarely
accustomed with the commonly used.
The commonly used communication styles after the conduct of the study wasn’t
good enough for both teachers and students in Sangat National High school during the
Covid-19 pandemic. Hence, the communication styles stated above serves as an
alternative in continuing one’s education and learning.




Common Reaction of Students to Teacher’s Preferences

Table 3

Indicators Weighted mean Description Rank

3.55 Agree 2.5

Use different online

application such as
zoom, google class,
messenger and 3.95 Agree 1
other online app.

Take down notes

during lecturing with
3.6 Neutral 5.5
An effective
modular learning
3.55 Agree 2.5
Give feedbacks to
the subject
3.6 Neutral 5.5
Helped me a lot 3.7 Neutral 4
with my studies.
Understand the
lessons discussed
via zoom or google
class application. 3.2 Neutral 7

Legend: Strongly Disagree = 1.00-1.80; Disagree =1.90-2.60; Neutral = 2.70 - 3.40;

Agree = 3.50 - 4.20; Strongly Agree = 4.30 -5.00


It was found out that the common reaction of students to teacher’s preference for
communication style was the use of different online application such as zoom, google
classroom, messenger and other online app, communicate through action/gestures, an
effective modular learning materials which helped a lot of students with their studies.
Majority of the students take down notes during the lecture with presentation screen and
give feedbacks to the subject teachers. As a result of data analysis, understanding the
lessons discussed via zoom or google application weren’t effective for the students to
gain enough learning.
The common reaction of students to teacher’s preferences for communication
style weren’t good enough. Hence, students were slowly adapting the new normal way
of learning.




Barriers Mediate in Teacher’s Preferences for Communication Style

Table 4

Indicators Weighted Description Rank

Lack of training and 4 Agree 1
Lack of technical 2.9 Disagree 9
Inadequate 2.8 Disagree 10
Lack of qualification 2.4 Disagree 11

Insufficient 2.85 Neutral 8

investment and
Poor connectivity 3.1 Neutral 5

Difficulties in using 3.35 Neutral 2

distance learning
and lack of student
Dissatisfaction with 3.05 Neutral 6
distance learning
Inability of distance 3.3 Neutral 4
learning to meet
students’ needs
Inability to buy 3.15 Neutral 3
Inability to pay for 3 Neutral 7
internet services.
Legend: Strongly Disagree = 4.00 – 1.80; Disagree = 1.90 – 2.60; Neutral = 2.70 – 3.40;
Agree = 3.50 – 4.20; Strongly Agree = 4.30- 5.00


It was found out that the barriers Mediate in teachers’ preferences for communication
style includes lack of training and support, difficulties in using distance learning and lack
of student preparation, inability to buy technology, inability of distance learning to meet
students’ needs, or connectivity, dissatisfaction with distance learning modality, inability
to pay internet services, insufficient investment and maintenance, and lack of technical
expertise. As a result, inadequate communication were visible which resulted to lack of
qualifications as it was focused by the researchers in Sangat National High School.

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusion and recommendations

of the study.
Summary of Findings

The goal of this research study is to determine the commonly used

communication styles of teachers and students towards learning during the Covid-19

The results showed that commonly used communication styles by teachers in

Sangat National High School during the Covid-19 pandemic were modular learning
materials and some of the communication styles weren’t good enough for both teachers
and students. Hence, the communication styles stated serves as an alternative in
continuing one’s education and leaning. As the common reaction of students to
teacher’s preferences for communication style was the use of different online
application such as zoom, google classroom, messenger and other online app. As the
result of the findings, understanding the lessons discussed via zoom or google
application weren’t effective enough for the students to gain enough learning. It was
found out that the barriers Mediate in teachers’ preferences for communication style
includes lack of training and support. As a result, inadequate communication were
visible which resulted to lack of qualification.


Based on the results, the study concludes that Communication Styles of

Teachers and Students Towards Leaning During the Covid-19 Pandemic wasn’t
effective enough. Although, through the use of modular leaning maters given to
students, it helped them acclaimed as an alternative way of supporting and gaining
knowledge. Aside from that, the common reaction of students to teacher’s preference
for communication style was the use of different online application such as zoom,
google classroom, messenger and other online app. The Communication Styles of
Teachers and Students Towards Learning has visible barriers mediate in teachers’
preferences for communication style includes lack of training and support during the
Covid-19 Pandemic.


Based on the findings and conclusions, this study is recommended for the

1. The Seminar-workshop should be implemented to further enhance quality care

with the use of communication style techniques of teachers in order to promote an
effective way of rendering knowledge to students. This seminar will be an eye-opener
and an introductory phase on how communication affects the approach on quality
learning that are given to students. Moreover, this will be the start of giving importance
on to preventing communication barriers that are being experience during ineffective

2.Teachers and students should understand and appreciate their own

communication styles that are considerably appropriate to provide quality of teaching
and learning. Continuous education is essential in all profession thus, study is
recommended to help aide in providing information that can help the teachers and
students’ career and personal growth.

3. This study should provide a wider perspective about the importance of the
proper communication styles that are substantially applicable in all aspects of teaching
strategies to be able for the researcher to provide an excellent teaching quality.

4. This study should be recommended for further research especially those who
want to pursue studies on communication styles to be able to further know the
communication styles in teaching with the recent dilemma we are all in and its
corresponding effects to all the people. With this, people will be more informed and
made aware about the significance of proper giving, receiving and exchanging
information and ideas to other people with the use of modern technology.



This study pertains to the outputs of the study.

I. Rationale

This study looked into the communication styles of teachers and students in
Sangat National High School towards learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. This
motivates to the researcher to think of the commonly used communication styles by
teachers and students during the Covid-19 pandemic and its corresponding barriers and
precipitating factors that affect communication in rendering their teaching strategies in
teaching process.

On every day journey, communication is certainly a powerful process in teaching

ways. In some cases, teachers and students faces different barriers and students are
expected to have enough knowledge with the common communication styles to use,
also their common reaction and how they overcome barriers.

The purpose of this study is to examine the teachers and students’

communication styles in an attempt to identify which perceived styles are considerably
appropriate in providing teaching qualities.

II. Objectives

A. Determine the commonly used communication styles by teachers and students

during the Covid-19 pandemic.

B. Examine the common reaction of students to teachers’ preferences for

communication style.

C. Determine the barriers mediate in teachers’ preferences for communication style.



Internet Sources


Appendix A
Division Superintendent
Cebu Province



School Head
Sangat National High School
Sangat, San Fernando, Cebu

Dear Mdm,

We, the researchers of the twelfth grade in Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)
academic strand, and presently conducting a study on the “Communication Styles of
Teachers and Students Towards Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic”. In
connection with this, we would like to distribute our survey questionnaire to the selected
teachers and Senior high school students in HUMMS strand in this school year 2021-
2021 as it is an essential part for our research study to proceed.

We are hoping for your positive response for this research study may also benefit the
culture of research and innovation in our school.
Sincerely yours,


Researcher/ Team Leader
Division Superintendent
School Head


Appendix B

We, the researcher, Shonie Lauron, Jed Fritz Manugas, Jeff Marc Navales,

Daphnie Lastimosa, Ricardo Namang, Grade 12 HUMSS students of Sangat National

High School are conducting a study titled Communication Styles of Teachers and

Students Towards Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic.

This Study evaluates and describe the communication styles used by the

teachers and students during the Covid-19 pandemic in Sangat National High School.

This study will determine the precipitating factors that affect communication in rendering

their teaching strategies in teaching process.

There are possible risks can pose danger to you in any form as this research will

be done in an actual meeting. However, the researchers and respondents are

requested to strictly follow the safety protocols. The answering of these survey and

questionnaire, however, may consume a portion of your time hence; these will be given

for you to answer at your vacant time. Your personal information will be protected and

discarded right after conducting the study. Your responses will be kept confidential and

will never be linked to you personally. If you feel uncomfortable answering some items,

you may skip it. Thank you for cooperation and time. God Bless!

Survey Questionnaire

We, the researcher, Shonie Lauron, Jed Fritz Manugas, Jeff Marc Navales,

Daphnie Lastimosa, Ricardo Namang, Grade 12 HUMMS students of Sangat National

High School are conducting a study titled Communication Styles of Teachers and

Students Towards Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic.

This study evaluates and describe the communication styles used by the

teachers and students during the Covid-19 pandemic in Sangat National High School.

This study will determine the precipitating factors that affect communication in rendering

their teaching strategies in teaching process.

There are possible risk can pose danger to you in any form as this research will

be done in an actual meeting. However, the researcher and respondents are requested

to strictly follow the safety protocols. The answering of these survey questionnaire,

however, may consume a portion of your time hence; these will be given for you to

answer at your vacant time. Your personal information will be protected and discarded

right after conducting the study. Your responses will be kept confidential and will never

be linked to you personally. If you feel uncomfortable answering some items, you may

skip it. Thank you for cooperation and time. God Bless!


I.A. Personal Background


Address: Sangat, San Fernando, Cebu

Age: 18

Birth Date: September 16, 2003

Birthplace: Sangat, San Fernando, Cebu

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Name of Parents: Melodina Lauron

Jose Rene Lauron

B. Education al Background

Elementary: Sangat Elementary School

Secondary: Sangat National High School

I.A. Personal Background

Name: Jed Fritz T. Manugas

Address: Suba, Sangat, San Fernando, Cebu

Age: 18

Birth Date: May 12, 2004

Birthplace: Perpetual Succour Hospital Cebu

Gender: male

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Name of Parents: Bibiana T. Manugas

Rosalindo B. Manugas

B. Educational Background

Elementary: Sangat Elementary School

Secondary: Sangat National High School

I.A. Personal Background

Name: Jeff Marc Navales

Address: South Poblacion. San Fernando, Cebu

Age: 18

Birth Date: October 18, 2003

Birthplace: San Fernando

Gender: male

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Name of Parents: Maria Jinky Navales

Esmeraldo Navales

B. Educational Background

Elementary: Cabatbatan elementary School

Secondary: Notre Dame Academy of San

Fernando Cebu

I.A. Personal Background

Name: Daphnie Christma P. Lastimosa

Address: Tinubdan, San Fernando, Cebu

Age: 18

Birth Date: December 25, 2003

Birthplace: Visayas Community Medical


Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Name of Parents: Lourdesita P. Lastimosa

Lemuel B. Lastimosa

B. Educational Background

Elementary: San Isidro Elementary School

(Talisay City)

Secondary: Sangat National High School

I.A. Personal Background

Name: Ricadro F Namang Jr.

Address: Luknay South Poblacion San

Fernando Cebu

Age: 18

Birth Date: October 9, 2003

Birthplace: Luknay South Poblacion San


Gender: male

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Name of Parents: Clemencia Namang

B. Educational Background

Elementary: South Poblacion Elementary


Secondary: Sangat National High School


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