Unit 3 - System Design

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Systems design is an interdisciplinary engineering activity that
enables the realization of successful systems. In business,
System Design refers to the process of examining a
business situation with the intent of improving it through
better procedures and methods. System design relates to
shaping organizations, improving performance and achieving
objectives for profitability and growth. The emphasis is on
systems in action, the relationships among subsystems and
their contribution to meeting a common goal.
System design focus on systems, processes and
This module is composed of three topics: Goods and
Services Design; Process Selection, Design and Analysis;
and Facility and Work Design
Topic 1-Goods and Service Design, focuses on the
design of goods and services and the processes that create and deliver them to customers.
Topics include an integrated framework for goods and service design, quality function
deployment (QFD), Taguchi loss functions, reliability, design for manufacturability and
sustainability, service-delivery system design areas, and service encounter design.
Topic 2- Process, Selection, Design and Analysis, addresses process choice decisions
and types of processes used to produce goods and services (projects, job shops, flow shops,
and continuous flow). It also discusses the product-process matrix, the service-positioning
matrix, process design using hierarchical levels of work and process/value stream mapping,
mistake-proofing concepts, and approaches to process improvement, including reengineering.
Topic 3- Facility and Work Design, deals with facility layout and work design issues. It
includes discussions of broad facility design issues, the four common types of facility layout
patterns, assembly line balancing, and basic concepts of work measurement. It also addresses
workplace safety, ergonomics, and workforce ethics in global supply chains.

1. Describe the steps involved in designing goods and services;
2. Describe the four types of processes used to produce goods and services;
3. Explain how to imprve process designs and analyze process maps;
4. Explain the concepts of process layout; and
5. Describe issues related to workplace design.

System design is the process of defining the components,
modules, interfaces, and data for a system to satisfy specified
requirements. A system may be denned as an integrated set of
components that accomplish a defined objective. The process of
systems design includes defining software and hardware
architecture, components, modules, interfaces, and data to enable
a system to satisfy a set of well-specified operational requirements.
In general, systems design, systems engineering, and
systems design engineering all refer to the same intellectual
process of being able to define and model complex interactions
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among many components that comprise a system, and being able to implement the system
with proper and effective use of available resources.



To design and improve goods and services, most companies use some type of
structured process. The typical goods and services development processes are shown in
Exhibit 3.1. In general, the designs of both goods and services follow a similar path. The critical
differences lie in the detailed product and process design phases.
Steps 1 and 2—Strategic Mission, Analysis, and Competitive Priorities
Strategic directions and competitive priorities should be consistent with and support the
firm’s mission and vision. These steps require a significant amount of research and innovation
involving marketing, engineering, operations, and sales functions, and should involve
customers, suppliers, and employees throughout the value chain. The data and information
that result from this effort provide the key input for designing the final customer benefit package.

Exhibit 3.1
Step 3—Customer Benefit Package Design and Configuration
Clearly, firms have a large variety of possible choices in configuring a customer benefit
package (CBP). For example, when buying a new vehicle, an automobile dealer might include
such options as leasing, free oil changes and/or maintenance, a performance driving school,
free auto washes, service pickup and delivery, loaner cars, and so on.


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Essentially, CBP design and configuration choices revolve around a solid understanding
of customer needs and target markets, and the value that customers place on such attributes
as the following:
 Time—Many grocery stores now offer self-service checkout to reduce customer waiting
time. Manufacturers such as Dell use the Internet to acquire customer information for more
responsive product design.
 Place—UPS has UPS Stores strategically located for customer convenience that also
provide packaging services; many companies offer day-care centers on-site to provide
convenience to their employees.
 Information—Bank of America provides an Internet search capability for the best home
equity loan. A business dedicated to providing guitar music books and videos
(www.ChordMelody.com) offers a telephone hot line to speak with a professional guitarist
for questions on selecting the proper instructional and performance material.
 Entertainment—Some Dick’s Sporting Goods Stores provide a rock-climbing wall for
children while other family members shop. A pianist serenades shoppers at Nordstrom’s
department stores. Some minivans have built-in DVD players.
 Exchange—Retail stores such as Best Buy allow customers to travel to the store and buy
the goods, purchase goods on their websites and have them delivered, or purchase goods
on their websites and have them ready to be picked up at the store.
 Form—For manufactured goods, form is associated with the physical characteristics of the
good and addresses the important customer need of aesthetics. An interior designer might
use methods such as sketches, photographs, physical samples, or even computer-
simulated renderings to show how a kitchen might be transformed.
A job-seeking service such as Monster.com provides pure information value, whereas
buying an automobile or going on a vacation involves all six types.
Step 4—Detailed Goods, Services, and Process Design
The process by which the service is created and delivered (i.e.,“produced”) is, in
essence, the service itself!
If a proposal survives the concept stage—and many do not—each good or service in the
CBP, as well as the process that creates it, must be designed in more detail. This is where the
designs of goods and services differ, as suggested by the alternate paths in Exhibit 3.1. The
first three steps in Exhibit 3.1 are more strategic and conceptual in nature, whereas step 4
focuses on detailed design and implementation.
The design of a manufactured goods focuses on its physical characteristics—
dimensions, materials, color, and so on. Much of this work is done by artists and engineers
to translate customer requirements into physical specifications. This is the focus of step 4a in
the exhibit. The process by which the good is manufactured (i.e., the configuration of machines
and labor) can be designed as a separate activity (step 4b), with, of course, proper
communication and coordination with the designers of the good.
The design of a service in steps 4c and 4d in Exhibit 3.1, however, cannot be done
independently from the “process” by which the service is delivered. The process by which the
service is created and delivered (i.e., “produced”) is, in essence, the service itself! For example,
the steps that a desk clerk follows to check in a guest at a hotel represent the process by which
the guest is served and (hopefully) experiences a sense of satisfaction. Thus, service design
must be addressed from two perspectives—the service delivery system and the service
encounter— as noted in steps 4c and 4d in Exhibit 3.1.


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For both goods and services, this phase usually includes prototype testing. Prototype
testing is the process by which a model (real or simulated) is constructed to test the
product’s performance under actual operating conditions, as well as consumer
reactions to the prototypes. For example, at General Motors (GM), parts are designed and
digitally analyzed using special software; one-third scale models are produced, assembled,
and tested in a wind tunnel to evaluate the aerodynamics of automobile designs. Today, many
companies use advanced technology to perform rapid prototyping—the process of building
prototypes quickly to reduce product development cost and time to market. GM has a
laboratory where 15 specialists take part orders from GM design centers all over the world,
build them within hours, and then express ship them back, allowing designers and engineers to
quickly evaluate them.
Step 5—Market Introduction/Deployment
In this step, the final bundle of goods and services—the customer benefit package—is
advertised, marketed, and offered to customers. For manufactured goods, this includes making
the item in the factory and shipping it to warehouses or wholesale and retail stores; for services,
it might include hiring and training employees or staying open an extra hour in the evening. For
many services it means building sites such as branch banks or hotels or retail stores.
Step 6—Marketplace Evaluation
The marketplace is a graveyard of missed opportunities: poorly designed goods and
services and failed execution resulting from ineffective operations. The final step in designing
and delivering a customer benefit package is to constantly evaluate how well the goods and
services are selling, and customers’ reactions to them.

The design of a good or service should reflect customer wants and needs, which are
often termed customer requirements. Customer requirements, as expressed in the
customer’s own words, are called the voice of the customer. The design process must
translate the voice of the customer into specific technical features that characterize a design
and provide the “blueprint” for manufacturing or service delivery. Technical features are
generally expressed in the language of
designers and engineers; examples
include the type and amount of materials,
size and shape of parts, strength
requirements, service procedures to
follow, and employee behavior during
service interactions. An effective
approach for doing this is called quality
function deployment. Quality function
deployment (QFD) is an approach to
guide the design, creation, and
marketing of goods and services by
integrating the voice of the customer
into all decisions. QFD can be applied
to a specific manufactured good or
service, or to the entire CBP. The
process is initiated with a matrix, which,
because of its structure (as shown in
Exhibit 3.2), is often called the House of
Quality. Exhibit 3.2. The House of Quality


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“In the house of quality, the relationship matrix is the main building. The attic
represents the technical features, and the basement represents technical feature
priorities. The voice of the customer, customer requirement priorities and competitive
evaluation are the supporting structures of the house of quality.”
Building a House of Quality begins by identifying the voice of the customer and technical
features of the design and listing them in the appropriate places in the diagram. As shown in
Exhibit 3.2, the voice of the customer and the technical features create a matrix structure in the
center of the diagram. By evaluating how each technical feature relates to each customer
requirement (using a scale such as “very strong,” “strong,” “weak,” or “no relationship”),
designers can determine how well a design reflects the actual customer requirements. This
might be based on expert experience, customer surveys, or other experiments. The lack of a
relationship between a customer requirement and any of the technical features would suggest
that the final good or service will have difficulty in meeting customer needs. Similarly, if a
technical feature does not relate to any customer requirement, it may be unnecessary in the
design. The roof of the House of Quality shows the interrelationships between any pair of
technical features, and these relationships help in answering questions such as “How does a
change in one product characteristic affect others?” This can help refine a design and evaluate
trade-offs in design decisions.
Using the House of Quality: Building a Better Pizza
A restaurant wants to develop a “signature” pizza. The
voice of the customer in this case consists of four
attributes. The pizza should be tasty, healthy, and
visually appealing, and should provide good value. The
“technical features” that can be designed into this
particular product are price, size, amount of cheese, type
of additional toppings, and amount of additional toppings.
The symbols in the matrix in the exhibit at the right show
the relationships between each customer requirement
and technical feature. For example, taste bears a
moderate relationship with amount of cheese and a
strong relationship with type of additional toppings. In the
roof, the price and size area seem to be strongly related
(as size increases, the price must increase). The
competitive evaluation shows that competitors are
currently weak on nutrition and value, so those attributes
can become key selling points in a marketing plan if the
restaurant can capitalize on them. Finally, at the bottom
of the house are targets for the technical features based
on an analysis of customer-importance ratings and
competitive ratings. The features with asterisks are the ones to be “deployed,” or emphasized, in subsequent
design and production activities.

To the right of the relationship matrix is an assessment of the importance of each

customer requirement and how competitors’ products compare with the proposed design in
terms of meeting the voice of the customer. This helps identify key “selling points” and features
that would help to differentiate the good or service from competitors’ products.
The final step (bottom of the House) is to identify those technical features that have
the strongest relationships to customer requirements, have poor competitive performance, or
will be strong selling points. This helps prioritize those technical features that should be
“deployed,” or paid the most attention to during subsequent design and production or
QFD has been used successfully by many companies, such as Mitsubishi, Toyota,
Motorola, Xerox, IBM, Procter & Gamble, and AT&T. Toyota, for example, reduced start-up
costs by over 60 percent and product development time by one-third using QFD.


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For a manufactured good such as an automobile, computer, or textbook, design
involves determining technical specifications such as dimensions, tolerances, materials, and
purchased components; or choice of fonts and page layout for a textbook. This step also
requires coordination with operations managers to ensure that manufacturing processes can
produce the design (step 4b of Exhibit 3.1). Many different tools and techniques are used to
support product design activities; we review some of the most important ones in this section.
 Tolerance Design and the Taguchi Loss Function
For most manufactured goods, design blueprints specify a target dimension (called the
nominal), along with a range of permissible variation (called the tolerance); for example, 0.500
± 0.020 cm. The nominal dimension is 0.500 cm but may vary anywhere in the range from
0.480 to 0.520 cm. This is sometimes called the goal-post model (see Exhibit 3.3). Tolerance
design involves determining the acceptable tolerance. Narrow tolerances improve product
functionality and performance, but tend to raise manufacturing costs because they usually
require higher-precision technology. Wide tolerances, on the other hand, reduce costs, but may
have a negative impact on product performance. Thus, designers must consider these trade-
offs and should use sound scientific and engineering approaches to optimizing tolerances
rather than simply setting them judgmentally.

Exhibit 3.3 Traditional Goal-Post View of Conforming to Specifications

Genichi Taguchi, a Japanese engineer, maintained that the traditional practice of

setting design specifications is inherently flawed. The goal-post model assumes that any value
within the tolerance range is acceptable, but those outside are not. In the previous example,
what is the real difference between 0.479 and 0.481? Not much; the impact of either value on
the performance characteristic of the product would be about the same, yet a part having the
dimension of 0.481 would be acceptable, whereas the other would not be. In reality, neither
value is close to the nominal specification. Taguchi argued that the smaller the variation from
the nominal specification, the better the quality. In turn, products are more consistent and fail
less frequently, and thus are less costly in the long run.
Taguchi measured quality as the variation from the target value of a design specification
and then translated that variation into an economic “loss function” that expresses the cost of
variation in monetary terms. This approach can be applied to both goods and services.
Taguchi proposed measuring the loss resulting from the deviation from the target by a
quadratic function so that larger deviations cause increasingly larger losses. The loss function
L(x)=k(x-T)2 (equation 3.1)

L(x) is the monetary value of the loss associated with deviating from the target, T;
x is the actual value of the dimension; and
k is a constant that translates the deviation into dollars.
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Exhibit 3.4 Nominal-Is-Best Taguchi Loss Function

Exhibit 3.4 illustrates this Taguchi loss function. The constant, , is estimated by
determining the cost of repair or replacement if a certain deviation from the target occurs.
Problems 3.1 and 3.2 show an example of the Taguchi loss function and how it can be used to
set design tolerances.
Example Problem 3.1
Cassette tapes are still used in some handheld recording devices and in less expensive portable musical instrument
recording devices. The desired speed of a cassette tape is 1.875 inches per second. Any deviation from this value
causes a change in pitch and tempo and thus poor sound quality. Suppose that adjusting the tape speed under warranty
when a customer complains and returns a device costs a manufacturer $20. Based on past information, the company
knows the average customer will return a device if the tape speed is off the target by at least 0.15 inch per second; in
other words, when the speed is either 2.025 or 1.725. Find the Taguchi loss function.
The loss associated with a deviation of (x-T)=0.15 from the target is
L(x)=$20. To find the loss function for any value of x, we substitute
these values into Equation 3.1 and solve for k:
and thus the loss function is
Exhibit 3.5 Excel Taguchi Template.xlsx-Microsoft Excel

For example, if the actual speed is 1.925 inches per second, the Taguchi loss function estimates that the economic loss
will be L(1.9)=888.89 (1.925-1.875)2= $2.22. Some, but not all, customers might perceive poor sound quality for this
small of a deviation and return the product for adjustment, so the average loss is smaller. Exhibit 3.5 shows a portion of
the Excel Taguchi template that can be used to perform these calculations.

Example Problem 3.2

For the scenario in Solved Problem 3.1, suppose that a technician tests the tape
speed prior to packaging and can adjust the speed to the target of 1.875 at a cost of
$5. What should the economic specification limits be?
The accompanying table shows the loss associated with tape speeds from 1.725 to
Note that if the tape speed is less than 1.800 or greater than 1.950, the loss incurred
by not adjusting the tape is greater than $5. Therefore, it is more economical to inspect
and adjust the tape if the actual speed is outside of these limits. If the speed is greater
than 1.800 or less than 1.950 (shown in red), then clearly it costs more to inspect and
adjust than to simply ship the unit as is. Therefore, 1.800 and 1.950 represent the
economical design specifications that the company should try to achieve. The Excel
Taguchi template computes these economic specifications using a break-even
analysis approach in rows 15–19, as shown in Exhibit 3.6.


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Exhibit 5.6 Economic Design Specifications Using the Excel Taguchi Spreadsheet Template

 Design for Reliability

Everyone expects their car to start each morning and their computer to work without
crashing. Reliability is the probability that a manufactured good, piece of equipment, or
system performs its intended function for a stated period of time under specified
operating conditions. Reliability applies to services as well as manufacturing; a system could
be a service process where each stage (work activity or station) is analogous to a component
part in a manufactured good.
Reliability is a probability, that is, a value between 0 and 1. For example, a reliability of
0.97 indicates that, on average, 97 out of 100 times the item will perform its function for a given
period of time under specified operating conditions. Often, reliability is expressed as a
percentage simply to be more descriptive (97 percent reliable). Reliability can be improved by
using better components or by adding redundant components. In either case, costs increase;
thus, trade-offs must be made.
Many manufactured goods consist of several components that are arranged in series
but are assumed to be independent of one another, as illustrated in Exhibit 3.7. If one
component or process step fails, the entire system fails. If we know the individual reliability, pj,
for each component, j , we can compute the total reliability of an n-component series system, R.
If the individual reliabilities are denoted by p1, p2, ….pn and the system reliability is denoted by R,
Rs=(p1)(p2)(p3)…(pn) equation 3.2

Exhibit 3.7 Structure of a Serial System

The structure of a serial system consists of component 1 to component n arranged in
Other designs consist of several parallel components that function independently of
each other, as illustrated in Exhibit 3.8. The entire system will fail only if all components fail;


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this is an example of redundancy. The system reliability of an -component parallel system is
computed as
(1-p3)…(1-pn) equation 3.3

Exhibit 5.8 Structure of a Parallel System

Many other systems are combinations of series and parallel components. To compute
the reliability of such systems, first compute the reliability of the parallel components using
Equation 5.3 and treat the result as a single series component; then use Equation 5.2 to
compute the reliability of the resulting series system. These formulas can help designers and
engineers assess the reliability of proposed designs and optimize their performance.
Many aspects of product design can adversely affect manufacturability and, hence,
quality. Some parts may be designed with features difficult to fabricate repeatedly or with
unnecessarily tight tolerances. Some parts may lack details for self-alignment or features for
correct insertion. In other cases, parts so fragile or so susceptible to corrosion or contamination
may be damaged in shipping or by internal handling. Sometimes a design simply has more
parts than are needed to perform the desired functions, which increases the chance of
assembly error. Thus, problems of poor design may show up as errors, poor yield, damage, or
functional failure in fabrication, assembly, test, transport, and end use.
Design for manufacturability (DFM) is the process of designing a product for
efficient production at the highest level of quality. One way of doing this is through product
simplification. Product simplification is the process of trying to simplify designs to reduce
complexity and costs and thus improve productivity, quality, flexibility, and customer
satisfaction. The simpler the design, the fewer opportunities for error, the faster the flow time,
the better the chance of high process efficiency, and the more reliable the manufactured good
or service process.
For example, the redesign of the Cadillac Seville rear-bumper assembly reduced the
number of parts by half and cut assembly time by 57 percent, to less than eight minutes,
saving the company over $450,000 annually in labor costs. Because many of the eliminated
parts were squeak- and rattle-causing fasteners, nuts, bolts, and screws, the change also
improved the quality of the car.
Environmental concerns are placing increased pressure on design. Pressures from
environmental groups clamoring for “socially responsible” designs, states and municipalities
that are running out of space for landfills, and consumers who want the most for their money
have caused designers and managers to look carefully at the concept of Design for
Environment. Design for Environment (DfE) is the explicit consideration of environmental
concerns during the design of goods, services, and processes, and includes such
practices as designing for recycling and disassembly.
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For example, Energy Star dishwashers use advanced technology to get your dishes
clean while using less water and energy. A dishwasher built in 1994 uses considerably more
water per cycle than today’s Energy Star–certified models and costs an extra $40 a year in
electrical utility bills. In addition, an Energy Star dishwasher results in a reduction of 1,140
pounds of carbon dioxide that is released to the air due to less demand on electrical power and
water plants. One aspect of designing for sustainability is designing products that can easily be
repaired and refurbished or otherwise salvaged for reuse.


As we illustrated in Exhibit 3.1, the design of services revolves around designing the
service-delivery system and service encounters. Service-delivery system design includes
facility location and layout, the servicescape, service process and job design, and
technology and information support systems. Integrating all of these elements is necessary
to design a service that provides value to customers and can create a competitive advantage.
A poor choice on any one of these components, such as technology or job design, can
degrade service system efficiency and effectiveness.
A. Facility Location and Layout
Location affects a customer’s travel time and is an important competitive priority in a
service business. Health clinics, rental car firms, post offices, health clubs, branch banks,
libraries, hotels, emergency service facilities, retail stores, and many other types of service
facilities depend on good location decisions. Starbucks Coffee shops, for example, are
ubiquitous in many cities, airports, and shopping malls. The layout of a facility affects process
flow, costs, and customer perception and satisfaction.
B. Servicescape
The servicescape is all the physical evidence a customer might use to form an
impression. The servicescape also provides the behavioral setting where service
encounters take place. People around the world, for example, recognize the servicescape of
McDonald’s restaurants. The building design (golden arches), decorative schemes and colors,
playground, menu board, packaging, employee uniforms, drive-through, and so on all support
McDonald’s competitive priorities of speed, consistency, cleanliness, and customer service.
The standardization and integration of the servicescape and service processes enhance
efficiency. McDonald’s servicescape helps establish its brand image.
A servicescape has three principal dimensions:
1. Ambient conditions—made manifest by sight, sound, smell, touch, and temperature.
These are designed into a servicescape to please the five human senses. For example,
Starbucks decided to quit serving a warm breakfast in all Starbucks stores because the egg-
and-cheese breakfast sandwiches were interfering with the aroma of the coffee in stores.
2. Spatial layout and functionality—how furniture, equipment, and office spaces are
arranged. This includes building footprints and facades, streets, and parking lots. A law firm
would probably design various conference areas for conversations to take place in a quiet and
private setting; a children’s hospital would probably include safe, enclosed play areas for kids.
3. Signs, symbols, and artifacts—the more explicit signals that communicate an image about
a firm. Examples include mission statements and diplomas on a wall, a prominently displayed
company logo on company vehicles, a trophy case of awards, letterhead, and company
uniforms. Luxury automobile dealers offer free food and soft drinks instead of vending


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Some servicescapes, termed lean servicescape environments (provide service using
simple designs (e.g., online outlets or FedEx kiosks).) , are very simple. Online ticket outlets
and Federal Express drop-off kiosks would qualify as lean servicescape environments, as both
provide service from one simple design. More complicated designs and service systems
are termed elaborate servicescape environments. (provide service using more complicated
designs and service systems (e.g., hospitals,airports, and universities).) Examples include
hospitals, airports, and universities.
C. Service Process and Job Design
Service process design is the activity of developing an efficient sequence of
activities to satisfy both internal and external customer requirements. Service process
designers must concentrate on developing procedures to ensure that things are done right the
first time, that interactions between customers and service providers are simple and quick, and
that human error is avoided. Fast-food restaurants, for example, have carefully designed their
processes for a high degree of accuracy and fast response time. New hands-free intercom
systems, better microphones that reduce ambient kitchen noise, and screens that display a
customer’s order are all focused on these requirements.
In many services, the customer and service provider coproduce the service, which
makes service process and job design more uncertain and challenging. For example,
customers can slow down or upset service providers and other customers at any time.
Therefore, managers need to anticipate potential service upsets—including those caused by
customers —and develop appropriate responses such as providing extra capacity, training
service providers on proper behavior, and empowering them to deal with problems when they
occur. Superior service management training is critical for excellent service process and job
D. Technology and Information Support Systems
Hard and soft technologies are important factors in designing services to ensure speed,
accuracy, customization, and flexibility. Nurses, airline flight attendants, bank tellers, police,
insurance claims processors, dentists, auto mechanics and service-counter personnel,
engineers, hotel room maids, financial portfolio managers, purchasing buyers, and waiters are
just a few examples of job designs that are highly dependent on accurate and timely

Service-encounter design focuses on the interaction, directly or indirectly,
between the service provider(s) and the customer. It is during these points of contact with
the customer that perceptions of the firm and its goods and services are created. Service-
encounter design and job design are frequently done in iterative improvement cycles.
The principal elements of service-encounter design are
 customer-contact behavior and skills;
 service-provider selection, development, and empowerment;
 recognition and reward; and
 service recovery and guarantees.
These elements are necessary to support excellent performance and create customer
value and satisfaction.
A. Customer-Contact Behavior and Skills
Customer contact refers to the physical or virtual presence of the customer in the
service-delivery system during a service experience. Customer contact is measured by the
percentage of time the customer must be in the system relative to the total time it takes to
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provide the service. Systems in which the percentage of customer contact is high are
called high-contact systems; those in which it is low are called low-contact systems.
Examples of high-contact systems are estate planning and hotel check-in; examples of low-
contact systems are construction services and package sorting and distribution.
Many low-contact systems, such as processing an insurance policy in the backroom,
can be treated much like an assembly line, whereas service-delivery systems with high
customer contact are more difficult to design and control. One reason for this is the variation
and uncertainty that people (customers) introduce into high-contact service processes. For
example, the time it takes to check a customer into a hotel can be affected by special requests
(e.g., a king bed or handicapped-accessible room) and questions that customers might ask the
desk clerk. Low-customer-contact systems are essentially free of this type of customer-induced
uncertainty and therefore are capable of operating at higher levels of operating efficiency.
High-customer-contact areas of the organization are sometimes described as the “front room
or front office” and low-customer-contact areas as “back room or back office.”
Customer-contact requirements are measurable performance levels or
expectations that define the quality of customer contact with representatives of an
organization. These might include such technical requirements as response time (answering
the telephone within two rings), service management skills such as cross-selling other services,
and/or behavioral requirements (using a customer’s name whenever possible). Walt Disney
Company, highly recognized for extraordinary customer service, clearly defines expected
behaviors in its guidelines for guest service, which include making eye contact and smiling,
greeting and welcoming every guest, seeking out guests who may need assistance, providing
immediate service recovery, displaying approachable body language, focusing on the positive
rather than rules and regulations, and thanking each and every guest.
B. Service-Provider Selection, Development and Empowerment
Companies must carefully select customer-contact employees, train them well, and
empower them to meet and exceed customer expectations. Many companies begin with the
recruiting process, selecting those employees who show the ability and desire to develop good
customer relationships. Major companies such as Procter & Gamble seek people with excellent
interpersonal and communication skills, strong problem-solving and analytical skills,
assertiveness, stress tolerance, patience and empathy, accuracy and attention to detail, and
computer literacy.
Empowerment means giving people authority to make decisions based on what
they feel is right, to have control over their work, to take risks and learn from mistakes,
and to promote change.
At The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, no matter what their normal duties are, employees
must assist a fellow service provider who is responding to a guest’s complaint or wish if such
assistance is requested. Ritz-Carlton employees can spend up to $2,000 to resolve complaints,
with no questions asked. However, the actions of empowered employees should be guided by
a common vision. That is, employees require a consistent understanding of what actions they
may or should take.
C. Recognition and Reward
After a firm hires, trains, and empowers excellent service providers, the next challenge
is how to motivate and keep them. Research has identified key motivational factors to be
recognition, advancement, achievement, and the nature of the work itself. A good
compensation system can help to attract, retain, and motivate employees. Other forms of
recognition such as formal and informal employee and team recognition, preferred parking
spots, free trips and extra vacation days, discounts and gift certificates, and a simple “thank
you” from supervisors are vital to achieving a high-performance workplace.
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D. Service Guarantees and Recovery
Despite all efforts to satisfy customers, every business experiences unhappy customers.
A service upset is any problem a customer has—real or perceived—with the service-
delivery system and includes terms such as service failure, error, defect, mistake, and
crisis. Service upsets can adversely affect business if not dealt with effectively.
A service guarantee is a promise to reward and compensate a customer if a
service upset occurs during the service experience.
Many organizations—for example, Federal Express and Disney—have well-publicized
service guarantees to gain competitive advantage. An explicit service guarantee is in writing
and included in service provider publications and advertisements. Taco Bell and Hampton Inns
use explicit service guarantees to differentiate themselves from competitors. Implicit
guarantees are not in writing but are implied in everything the service provider does. Premium
service providers such as The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company and many engineering, consulting,
and medical organizations use implicit service guarantees. Objectives of service guarantees
include setting customer expectations prior to experiencing the service, setting employee
performance expectations, reducing customer risk, allowing premium pricing, forcing
operational improvement, building customer loyalty and brand image, and increasing sales and
Service guarantees are carefully designed and offered prior to the customer
experiencing the service. A good service guarantee includes determining what services to
include, procedures for the customer and service provider to invoke the guarantee, and the
best economic payout amount. Clearly, the best a firm can hope for is never to have to invoke
a service guarantee; thus, the firm must design its processes and operational capability to
minimize service upsets.
Nevertheless, service upsets occasionally occur. When this happens, companies need
to recover the customer’s trust and confidence. Service recovery is the process of
correcting a service upset and satisfying the customer. Service recovery should begin
immediately after a service upset occurs and when the customer is visibly upset; the longer
customers wait, the angrier they might get. Service-recovery processes should be clearly
documented, and employees should be trained and empowered to use them whenever
necessary. Service providers need to listen carefully to determine the customer’s feelings and
then respond sympathetically, ensuring that the issue is understood. Then they should make
every effort to resolve the problem quickly, provide a simple apology, and perhaps offer
compensation such as free meals or discount coupons.



Firms generally produce either in response to customer orders and demand or in
anticipation of them. This leads to three major types of goods and services: Custom, Option-
oriented, and Standard.
 Custom, or make-to-order, goods and services are generally produced and delivered
as one-of-a-kind or in small quantities, and are designed to meet specific customers'
Examples include ships, Internet sites, weddings, taxi service, estate plans, buildings,
and surgery. Because custom goods and services are produced on demand, the customer
must wait for them, often for a long time because the good or service must be designed,
created, and delivered.
 Option, or assemble-to-order, goods and services are configurations of standard parts,
subassemblies, or services that can be selected by customers from a limited set. Common
(Pulmones 2022)
examples are Dell computers, Subway sandwiches, machine tools, and travel agent
Although the customer chooses how the good or service is configured, any unique
technical specifications or requirements cannot generally be accommodated.
 Standard, or make-to-stock, goods and services are made according to a fixed design,
and the customer has no options from which to choose.
Appliances, shoes, sporting goods, credit cards, on-line Web-based courses, and bus
service are some examples. Standard goods are made in anticipation of customer demand
and stocked in inventory and therefore are usually available, although in some cases the
proper colour or size might be out of stock.
We note that manufacturing systems often use the terms make-to-order, assemble-to-
order, and make-to stock to describe the types of systems used to manufacture goods. The
terminology is not as standardized in service industries although the concepts are similar.
Four principal types of processes are used to produce goods and services:
1. Projects
2. Job shop processes
3. Flow shop processes
4. Continuous flow processes

1. Projects are large-scale, customized initiatives that consist of many smaller tasks and
activities that must be coordinated and completed to finish on time and within budget.
Some examples of projects are legal defense preparation, construction, and software
development. Projects are often used for custom goods and services, and occasionally for
standardized products, such as "market homes" that are built from a standard design.
2. Job shop processes are organized around particular types of general-purpose
equipment that are flexible and capable of customizing work for individual customers.
Job shops produce a wide variety of goods and services, often in small quantities. Thus they
are often used for custom or option type products. In job shops, customer orders are generally
processed in batches, and different orders may require a different sequence of processing
steps and movement to different work areas.
3. Flow shop processes are organized around a fixed sequence of activities and
process steps, such as an assembly line, to produce a limited variety of similar goods
or services. An assembly line is a common example of a flow shop process. Many large-
volume option-oriented and standard goods and services are produced in flow shop settings.
Some common examples are automobiles, appliances, insurance policies, checking account
statements, and hospital laboratory work. Flow shops tend to use highly productive,
specialized equipment and computer software.
4. Continuous flow processes create highly standardized goods or services, usually
around the clock in very high volumes. Examples of continuous flow processes are
automated car washes, paper and steel mills, paint factories, and many electronic information-
intensive services such as credit card authorizations and security systems. The sequence of
work tasks is very rigid and the processes use highly specialized and use automated
equipment that is often controlled by computers with minimal human oversight.
Exhibit 3.9 summarizes these different process types and their characteristics.


(Pulmones 2022)
Exhibit 3.9 Characteristics of Different Process Types

A product life cycle is a characterization of product growth maturity, and decline

over time. It is important to understand product life cycles because when goods and services
change and mature, so must the processes and value chains that create and deliver them.
The traditional Product Life Cycle (PLC) generally consists of four the phases
introduction, growth, maturity, and decline and turnaround. A product's life cycle has
important implications in terms of process design and choice. For example, new products with
low sales volume might be produced in a job shop process; however, as sales grow and
volumes increase, a flow shop process might be more efficient. As another example, a firm
might introduce a standard product that is produced with a flow shop process, but as the
market matures, the product might become more customized. In this case, a job shop process
might be more advantageous. What often happens in many firms is that product strategies
change, but managers do not make the necessary changes in the process to reflect the new
product characteristics.
Two approaches to help understand the relationships between product characteristics
for goods and services and process choice decisions are the Product-Process Matrix and
Service-Positioning Matrix.


The product-process matrix was first proposed by Hayes and Wheelwright. The
product-process matrix is a model that describes the alignment of process choice with
the characteristics of the manufactured good. The most appropriate match between type of
product and type of process occurs along the diagonal in the product-process matrix. As one
moves down the diagonal, the emphasis on both product and process structure shifts from low
volume and high flexibility, to higher volumes and more standardization.


(Pulmones 2022)
Exhibit 3.10 Product-Process Matrix

If product and process characteristics are not well matched, the firm will be unable to
achieve its competitive priorities effectively.
For example, consider a firm that manufactures only a few products with high volumes
and low customization using a flow shop process structure. This process choice best matches
the product characteristics. However, suppose that as time goes on and customer needs
evolve, marketing and engineering functions develop more product options and add new
products to the mix. This results in a larger number and variety of products to make, lower
volumes, and increased customization. The firm finds itself "off-the-diagonal" and in the lower
left-hand corner of the matrix (denoted by Position A in Exhibit 3.10). There is a mismatch
between product characteristics and process choice. If the firm continues to use the flow shop
process, it may find itself struggling to meet delivery promises and incur unnecessary costs
because of low efficiencies.
On the other hand, by selectively and consciously positioning a business off the
diagonal of the product process matrix (often called a "positioning strategy"), a company can
differentiate itself from its competitors. However, it must be careful not to get too far off the
diagonal or it must have a market where high prices absorb any operational inefficiencies. For
example, Rolls-Royce produces a small line of automobiles using a process similar to a job
shop rather than the traditional flow shop of other automobile manufacturers. Each car
requires about 900 hours of labour. For Rolls Royce this strategy has worked, but their target
market is willing to pay premium prices for premium quality and features.
The theory of the product-process matrix has been challenged by some who suggest
that advanced manufacturing technologies may allow firms to be successful even when they
position themselves off the diagonal. These new technologies provide manufacturers with the
capability to be highly flexible and produce lower volumes of products in greater varieties at
lower costs. Therefore, off-diagonal positioning strategies are becoming more and more viable
for many organizations and allow for "mass customization" strategies and capabilities.


The product-process matrix does not transfer well to service businesses and
processes. The relationship between volume and process is not found in many service
(Pulmones 2022)
businesses. For example, to meet increased volume, service businesses such as retail outlets,
banks, and hotels have historically added capacity in the form of new stores, branch banks,
and hotels to meet demand but do not change their processes. These limitations are resolved
by introducing the service-positioning matrix. To better understand it, we first discuss the
concept of a pathway in a service delivery system.
A pathway is a unique route through a service system. Pathways can be customer-
or provider-driven, depending on the level of control that the service firm wants to ensure.
Pathways can also be physical in nature, as in walking around Disney World or a golf course;
procedural, as in initiating a transaction via the telephone with a brokerage firm; or purely
mental and virtual as in doing an Internet search.
When considering a pathway the service encounter activity sequence will often need to
be considered. The service encounter activity sequence consists of all the process steps and
associated service encounters necessary to complete a service transaction and fulfill
customer’s wants and needs.
Customer-routed services are those that offer customers broad freedom to select
the pathways that are best suited for their immediate needs and wants from many
possible pathways through the service delivery system. The customer decides what path
to take through the service delivery system with only minimal guidance from management.
Searching the Internet to purchase an item or visit a park are examples.
Provider-routed services constrain customers to follow a very small number of
possible and predefined pathways through the service system. An automatic teller
machine (ATM) is an example. A limited number of pathways exist-for example, getting cash,
making a deposit, checking an account balance, and moving money from one account to
another. Mailing and processing a package using the Australian Postal Service is another
example of a provider-routed service.
Designs for customer-routed services require a solid understanding of the features that
can delight customers, as well as methods to educate customers about the variety of
pathways that may exist and how to select and navigate through them.
Some services fall in between these extremes. For example, consider placing a
telephone order from a company such as L.L. Bean. The pathway is relatively constrained
(that is, provider-routed) as the service representative first acquires the customer's name and
address, takes the order and asks questions about colours and sizes, and then processes the
credit card payment.
However, while placing the order, customers have complete freedom in selecting the
sequence in which items are ordered, asking questions, or obtaining additional information.
The Service-Positioning Matrix (SPM), shown in Exhibit 3.11, is roughly analogous to
the product-process matrix for manufacturing. The SPM focuses on the service encounter
level and helps management design a service system that best meets the technical and
behavioral needs of customers. The position along the horizontal axis is described by the
sequence of service encounters. The service encounter activity sequence consists of all the
process steps and associated service encounters necessary to complete a service transaction
and fulfil a customer's wants and needs. It depends on two things:
1. The degree of customer discretion, freedom, and decision-making power in selecting
the service encounter activity sequence. Customers may want the opportunity to design
their own unique service encounter activity sequence, in any order they choose.
2. The degree of repeatability of the service encounter activity sequence. Service
encounter repeatability refers to the frequency that a specific service encounter activity
sequence is used by customers. Service encounter repeatability provides a measure
analogous to product volume for goods-producing firms.


(Pulmones 2022)
Exhibit 3.11 The Service-Positioning Matrix

The more unique the service encounter, the less repeatable it is. A high degree of
repeatability encourages standardized process and equipment design and dedicated service
channels and results in lower costs and improved efficiency. A low degree of repeatability
encourages more customization and more flexible equipment and process designs and
typically results in higher relative cost per transaction and lower efficiency.
The position along the vertical axis of the Service-Positioning Matrix reflects the number
of pathways built into the service system design by management. That is, the designers or
management predefine exactly how many pathways will be possible for the customer to select,
ranging from one to an infinite number of pathways.
The Service-Positioning Matrix is similar to the product-process matrix in that it
suggests that the nature of the customer's desired service encounter activity sequence should
lead to the most appropriate service system design and that superior performance results by
generally staying along the diagonal of the matrix. Like the product process matrix,
organizations that venture too far off the diagonal create a mismatch between service system
characteristics and desired activity sequence characteristics. As we move down the diagonal
of the Service-Positioning Matrix, the service encounter activity sequence becomes less
unique and more repeatable with fewer pathways. Like the Product-Process Matrix, the
midrange portion of the matrix contains a broad range of intermediate design choices.

The goal of process design is to create the right combination of equipment, labour,
software, work methods, and environment to produce and deliver goods and services that
satisfy both internal and external customer requirements. Process design can have a
significant impact on cost (and hence profitability), flexibility (the ability to produce the right
types and amounts of products as customer demand or preferences change), and the quality
of the output.
We can think about work at four levels:
1. Task
2. Activity
3. Process
4. Value Chain
A task is a specific unit of work required to create an output. Examples are inserting
a circuit board into an iPad subassembly or typing the address on an invoice.
(Pulmones 2022)
An activity is a group of tasks needed to create and deliver an intermediate or
final output. Examples include all the tasks necessary to build an iPad, for example,
connecting the battery and assembling the cover pieces; or inputting all the information
correctly on an invoice, such as the items ordered, prices, discounts, and so on.
A process consists of a group of activities, and a Value Chain is a network of
processes. Examples of processes would be moving the parts and materials for an Apple's
iPad to the assembly stations, building the iPad, and packaging the unit and peripherals; or
taking a customer order, filling the order, shipping it, and processing the invoice. An example
of a value chain might include developing the Web site and video clips for advertising an iPad,
purchasing the materials for an iPad, manufacturing and packaging the units, transporting
them to warehouses and retail stores, distributing them to customers, and providing customer
support, software updates, and so on.

Exhibit 3.12 The Heirarchy of Work and Cascading Flowcharts for Antacid Tablets

Exhibit 3.12 presents an example a hierarchy of work and cascading flow charts for the
production of antacid tablets. The value chain shows an aggregate view focused on the
goods-producing processes (supporting services such as engineering, shipping, accounts
payable, advertising, and retailing are not shown).
The next level in the hierarchy of work is at the production process level where
tablets are made.
The third level focuses on the mixing workstation (or work activities) where the
ingredients are unloaded into mixers. The mixer must be set up for each batch and cleaned for
the next batch since many different flavours, such as peppermint, strawberry banana, cherry,
and mandarin orange, are produced using the same mixers.
The fourth and final level in the work hierarchy is the flavouring tasks, which are
defined as three tasks each with specific procedures, standard times per task, and labour
requirements. These three tasks could be broken down into even more detail if required.


Understanding process design objectives focuses on answering the question: What is
the process intended to accomplish? An example process objective might be “to create and
deliver the output to the customer in 48 hours.” Another key question to consider is: What are
the critical customer and organizational requirements that must be achieved?
Designing a goods-producing or service-providing process requires six major activities:
1. Define the purpose and objective of the process.
(Pulmones 2022)
2. Create a detailed process or value stream map that describes how the process is currently
3. Evaluate alternative process design.
4. Identify and define appropriate performance measures for the process.
5. Select the appropriate equipment and technology.
6. Develop an implementation plan to introduce the new or revised process design.

A process map (flowchart) describes the sequence of all process activities and
tasks necessary to create and deliver a desired output or outcome. It documents how
work either is, or should be, accomplished and how the transformation process creates value.
We usually first develop a “baseline” map of how the current process operates in order to
understand it and identify improvements for redesign.
Process maps delineate the boundaries of a process. A process boundary is the
beginning or end of a process. The advantages of a clearly defined process boundary are
that it makes it easier to obtain senior management support, assign process ownership to
individuals or teams, identify key interfaces with internal or external customers, and identify
where performance measurements should be taken. Thus, each of the levels in Exhibit 3.12
represents a process map defining different process boundaries.
In service applications, flowcharts generally highlight the points of contact with the
customer and are often called service blueprints or service maps. Such flowcharts often
show the separation between the back office and the front office with a “line of customer
visibility,” as can be seen in the one shown in Exhibit 3.13.

Typical symbols used for process maps are the following:

 A rectangle denotes a task or work activity.
 A triangle indicates waiting.
 An oval denotes the “start” or “end” of the process and defines the process boundaries.
 An arrow denotes movement, transfer, or flow to the next task or activity.
 A double-headed arrow denotes an input or arrival into a process.
 A diamond denotes a decision that might result in taking alternative paths.

Exhibit 3.13 Automobile Repair Flowchart


(Pulmones 2022)
This example flowchart represent an automobile repair process. The process starts with
a customers car needing a repair or service. At this point the customer calls to make an
appointment to leave the car at the service centre. This results in a customer service
representative logging an appointment in the organisations computerised booking
management system. On the day an time of the appointment the customer arrive. The
customer talks to the customer service representative complete the booking in of the car and if
required the mechanic may have a quick discussion about what needs to be done. At this
point the customer either waits either in the premises or elsewhere. Most importantly the
customer looses visibility of their car which may result in an elevated level of anxiety which
should be addressed in some way by the organisation.
Next a repair order is generated by the computer system and passed to the mechanic
responsible for that vehicle. The mechanic then diagnoses the problems and produces a
recommendation. The customer is then contacted with the recommendation upon which the
customer either authorises the repair work or not.
If the customer does NOT authorise the repairs there may be some negotiation around
what is to be done, upon which the customer might authorise the work. If they don’t authorise
any work they simply leave the premises. If they DO authorise the renegotiated work then the
resultant process is the same as if they had authorised the original proposed repairs.
Once authorisation is received from the customer, the repairs are completed which may
required the process of ordering parts. The parts ordering process would be common to all
other processes in the facility and as such a separate process chart would be produced for it.
After the repairs a complete, the repairs and the cost would be explained to the
customer. The customer would then pay the bill, the service guaranteed would be explained to
the customer and the customer would leave with their car.
Finally, sometime later a follow-up phone call would be placed to the customer and
perhaps the customer would be survey for find out if there were any improvements in the
process the organisation might implement.
The value stream refers to all value-added activities involved in designing,
producing, and delivering goods and services to customers. A value stream map (VSM)
shows the process flows in a manner similar to an ordinary process map; however, the
difference lies in that value stream maps highlight value-added versus non-value added
activities and include costs associated with work activities for both value- and non-value-added
Non-value-added activities, such as transferring materials between two nonadjacent
workstations, waiting for service, or requiring multiple approvals for a low-cost electronic
transaction simply lengthen processing time, increase costs, and, often, increase customer
frustration. Eliminating non-value-added activities in a process design is one of the most
important responsibilities of operations managers. This is often accomplished using value
stream mapping, a variant of more generic process mapping.
Examples of non-value-added activities include:
 Transferring materials between two nonadjacent workstations
 Overproducing
 Waiting for service or work to do
 Not doing work correctly the first time
 Requiring multiple approvals for a low cost electronic transaction


(Pulmones 2022)
Exhibit 3.14 Restaurant Order Posting and Fulfillment Process
To illustrate this, consider a process map for the order fulfilment process in a restaurant
shown in Exhibit 3.14. From the times on the process map, the "service standard" order
posting and fulfilment time is an average of 30 minutes per order (5 + 1 + 4 + 12 + 3 + 5). The
restaurant's service guarantee requires that if this order posting and fulfilment time is more than
40 minutes, the customer's order is free of charge.
The chef's time is valued at $30 per hour, oven operation is $10 per hour, precooking
order waiting time is $5 per hour, and post cooking order waiting time is $60 per hour. The
$60 estimate reflects the cost of poor quality for a dinner waiting too long that might be
delivered to the customer late (and cold!).
In producing this type of weighted map a manager is describing the cost of both
efficient and inefficient processing.

Exhibit 3.15 Value Stream Map for Restaurant Order Posting and Fulfillment Process
(Pulmones 2022)
Exhibit 3.15 illustrates a value stream map for the order posting and fulfilment process in
Exhibit 3.14. The map also demonstrates one of many formats for value stream mapping.
Here, non-value-added time is 33.3% which can be seen on the right as two lots of 5 minutes
where orders are waiting and the result being 10 minutes waiting divided by 30 minutes to
process total order. We can also see that the total order posting and fulfilment time, and non-
value added cost is 31.7% ($5.417/$17.087) of total cost. Suppose that a process
improvement incorporates wireless technology to transmit food orders to the kitchen and notify
the waiter when the order is ready so that the waiting time can be reduced from 10 minutes to
4 minutes on the front and back ends of the process. Hence, the total processing time is
reduced from 30 to 24 minutes (a 20% improvement). Costs are reduced by $3.25 with a 3-
minute wait time reduction on the front and back ends of the process. Therefore, cost per
order goes from $17.087 to $13.837 (a 19% improvement). Increasing the speed of this part of
the restaurant delivery process may also allow for a higher seat turnover during peak demand
periods and help to increase total revenue and contribute to profit and overhead.
Process design methodologies will often follow similar step, for example:
1. Operations Management would start by defining the purpose and objectives of the process.
2. They would produce a map for each of the processes of the value stream. These would
describe how each processes is currently performed. This would include performance
indicators on each of the activities or sub-processes represented on the map.
3. Then an evaluation of alternative process designs would be conducted to compare and
contrast the current and alternate designs.
4. Once a process has been replaced or redesigned, management would focus on identifying
and defining a set of appropriate performance measures for the process.
5. For each step in the process appropriate equipment and technology would then be
selected, and
6. Finally, a deployment plan would be develop and implementation for the introduction of the
new or revised process design.


In reality, most processes are not designed from scratch they normally develop and
expand in an ad hoc manner. This is why we need to understand how to analyse and improve
systems, because systems normally develop in a piece-meal fashion over time. That is to say,
parts of systems are often introduced or modified in response to new environmental influences
impacting the system rather than overhauling the system to best fit the new environment when
a change in it is realised.
In this light there are a number of strategies Operations Management use to improve
process design, these are:
1. Increasing Revenue by improving process efficiency in creating goods and services and
delivery of the customer benefit package.
2. Increasing Agility by improving flexibility and response to changes in demand and
customer expectations.
3. Increasing Product and/ or service quality by reducing defects, mistakes, failures, or
service upsets.
4. Decreasing Costs through better technology or elimination of non-value-added activities.
5. Decreasing Process Flow Time by reducing waiting time or speeding up movement
through the process and value chain.
6. Decreasing the Carbon Footprint of the task, activity, process and/or value chain.
Process and Value stream maps are fundamental tools used to help management
improve systems and processes. When analysing a process or systems which will involve one
or more of these maps Operations Management will ask questions such as:
1. Are the steps in the process arranged in logical sequence?
2. Do all steps add value? Depending on the answer to this other questions may also be asked
such as:
(Pulmones 2022)
 Does each step add an optimal amount of value?
 Can some steps be eliminated and should others be added in order to improve quality or
operational performance?
 Can some be combined?
 Should some be reordered?
3. Are capacities of each step in balance; that is, do bottlenecks exist for which customers will
incur excessive waiting time?
4. What skills, equipment, and tools are required at each step of the process?
 Depending on the answer to this you might also ask if the steps need to be automated?
5. At which points in the system (sometimes called process fail points) might errors occur that
would result in customer dissatisfaction, and how might these errors be corrected?
6. At which point or points in the process should performance be measured? In relation to this
question Operations Management might also ask:
 What are appropriate measures to use?
7. Where interaction with the customer occurs, what procedures, behaviors, and guidelines
should employees follow that will present a positive image?
8. What is the impact of the process on sustainability? And in the same vein:
 Can we quantify the carbon footprint of the current process?

As mention already, processes and system often develop in an ad hoc manner over
time, and although the new individual sub portions of a system or process might seem efficient
in there own right the overall system often becomes less efficient because the system or
process as a whole is not considered. What inevitably happens is management will overhauled
a system or process to improve its overall performance and this is called Reengineering.
Reengineering has been defined as “the fundamental rethinking and radical
redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical,
contemporary measures of performance, such as cost, quality, service, and speed.”
. The need for reengineering has grown significantly as customer demands have increase
to a level that requires intricate systems to produce customised products and services and
because of the increasing competitiveness of the market place.
Reengineering sees management asking the two very important questions of:
1. Why do we do it?
2. Why is it done this way?
These questions are asked because in answering them management can often uncover
obsolete, erroneous, or inappropriate assumptions which can lead to the need to radically
redesign a process or system. This of course will involve the removal of existing procedures
and reinventing of the process to avoid the ad hoc incremental development of a more
inefficient system.
The goal is to achieve quantum leaps in performance which means all processes and
functional areas will participate in reengineering efforts, each requiring knowledge and skills in
operations management.


In designing or redesigning a process management will often need to evaluate how
effectively equipment is being used. Obviously the more a piece of equipment is used the
better return on investment (ROI) the organistation will realise. Part of making this type of
judgment is the calculation of how much a piece of equipment is being utilised. To do this
management will calculate a utilization figure.
Utilization is the fraction of time a piece of equipment, workstation or individual is
busy or being “utilized” over the long run. As is the case with many things in business, it is
difficult to achieve 100 percent utilization. For example, utilization in most job shops ranges
from only 65 percent up to 90 percent. In flow shops, it might be between 80 to 95 percent,
and for most continuous flow processes, above 95 percent.
(Pulmones 2022)
Job shops require frequent machine changeovers and delays, whereas flow shops and
continuous flow processes keep equipment more fully utilized. Service facilities have a greater
range of resource utilization. Movie theatres, for example, average 5 to 20 percent utilization
when seat utilization is computed over the entire week. Similar comments apply to hotels,
airlines, and other services other services. There are two alternate ways of calculating
Utilization, one represent the amount a resource is available to the amount it is actually used,
the other represents the amount of service facility is available to the amount of demand for that
Utilization (U) = Resources Used / Resources Available
Utilization (U) = Demand Rate / [Service Rate × Number of Servers]

The average number of units of a good or part of a good completed within a specific
amount of time from a process is called Throughput. This can also be measure or represented
by the output rate of a process or as parts per day, transactions per minute, or customers per
hour, depending on the context.
A bottleneck is a work activity that effectively limits throughput of the entire
process. Identifying and breaking process bottlenecks is an important part of process design
and improvement, and will increase the speed of the process, reduce waiting and work-in-
process inventory, and use resources more efficiently.
At any moment of time, people, orders, jobs, documents, money, and other entities that
flow through processes are in various stages of completion and may be waiting in queues.
Flow time or cycle time is the average time it takes to complete one cycle of a
process. It makes sense that the flow time will depend not only on the actual time to perform
the tasks required but also on how many other entities are in the "work-inprocess" stage.
Little's Law is a simple formula that explains the relationship among flow time (T),
throughput (R), and work-in-process (WIP).
Littles Law is expressed as:
Work-In-Process = Throughput × Flow Time
WIP = R × T
Little's Law provides a simple way of evaluating average process performance. Of
course, if we know any two of the three variables, we can compute the third. Little's Law can be
applied to many different types of manufacturing and service operations.
It is important to understand that Little's Law is based on simple averages for all
variables. Such an analysis serves as a good baseline for understanding process performance
on an aggregate basis, but it does not take into account any randomness in arrivals or service
times or different probability distributions.


“A good layout should support the ability of operations to accomplish its mission.”
Facility Layout refers to the specific arrangement of physical facilities. Facility
layout studies are necessary whenever (1) a new facility is constructed; (2) there is a
significant change in demand or throughput volume; (3) a new good or service is introduced to
the customer benefit package; and (4) different processes, equipment, and/or technology are
The purposes of layout studies are to minimize delays in materials handling and
customer movement, maintain flexibility, use labor and space effectively, promote high
employee morale and customer satisfaction, provide for good housekeeping and maintenance,
and enhance sales as appropriate in manufacturing and service facilities.
(Pulmones 2022)
➢ Four Major Layout Patterns
1. Product Layout – is an arrangement based on the sequence of operations that is
performed during the manufacturing of a good or delivery of a service. It support a smooth and
logical flow where all goods or services move in a continuous path from one process stage to
the next using the same sequence of work tasks and activities. Examples of industries that are
using a product-layout pattern include wine-making, credit card processing, paper
manufacturers, insurance policy processing, and automobile assembly lines.
1. Lower work-in-process inventories
2. Shorter processing times
3. Less material handling
4. Lower labor skills
5. Simple planning and control systems
1. A breakdown of one piece of equipment can cause the entire process to shut down
2. A change in product design or the introduction of new products may require major changes
in the layout 3. Flexibility can be limited

2. Process Layout – consists of a functional grouping of equipment or activities that do

similar work. Job shops are an example of firms that use process layouts to provide flexibility in
the products that can be made and the utilization of equipment and labor. Legal offices, shoe
manufacturing, jet engine turbine blades, and hospitals use a process layout.
1. Generally require a lower investment in equipment
2. Equipment is normally more general purpose
3. The diversity of jobs inherent in a process layout can lead to increased worker satisfaction
1. High movement and transportation costs
2. More complicated planning and control systems
3. Longer total processing time and higher worker-skill requirements

3. Cellular Layout – the design is not according to the functional characteristics of equipment,
but rather by self-contained groups of equipment (called cells) needed for producing a
particular set of goods or services.
The cellular concept was developed at the Toyota Motor Company. Cellular layout
facilitate the processing of families or parts with similar processing requirements. The
procedure of classifying parts into such families is called group technology. Because the work
flow is standardized and centrally located in a cellular layout, materials-handling requirements
are reduced, enabling workers to concentrate on production rather than on moving parts
between machines. Quicker response to quality problems within cells can improve the overall
level of quality. Since Machines are closely linked within a cell, additional floor space becomes
available for other productive uses.
Because workers have greater responsibility in a cellular manufacturing system, they
become more aware of their contribution to the final product; this increases morale and
satisfaction and ultimately, quality and productivity.

4. Fixed-Position Layout - consolidates the resources necessary to manufacture a good or

deliver a service, such as people, materials, and equipment, in one physical location. Rather
than moving work-in-process from one work center to another, it remains stationary. The
production of large items such as heavy machine tools, airplanes, buildings, locomotives, and
ships usually accomplished in a fixed-position layout. The fixed position layout is synonymous
with the “project” classification of process. Service providing firms also use fixed-position
layouts; examples include major hardware and software installations, sporting events, and
(Pulmones 2022)
Facility Layout in Service Organizations
Service organizations use a product, process, cellular, and fixed-position layouts to
organize different type of work. In service organizations, the basic trade-off between product
and process layouts concerns the degree of specialization versus flexibility.
Services must consider:
1. volume of demand;
2. range of the types of services offered;
3. degree of personalization of the service;
4. skills of employees; and
5. cost
Those that need the ability to provide a wide variety of services to customers with
differing requirements usually use a process layout. For example, libraries place reference
materials, serials, and microfilms into separate areas; hospitals group services by function also,
such as maternity, oncology, surgery, and X-ray; and insurance companies have office layouts
in which claims, underwriting, and filing are individual departments. Service organizations that
provide highly standardized services tend to use product layouts. For example, the layout of
the kitchen at a small pizza restaurant that has both dine-in and delivery.


Assembly-Line Balancing
An assembly line is a product layout dedicated to combining the components of a
good or service that has been created previously.Examples: Automobile assembly,
Subway sandwich shops, insurance policy processing.
Assembly line balancing is a technique to group tasks among workstations so
that each workstation has—in the ideal case—the same amount of work.

Exhibit 3. 16 A Typical manufacturing Workstation Layout

(Pulmones 2022)
Required information:
1. The set of tasks to be performed and the time required to perform each task.
2. The precedence relations among the tasks—that is, the sequence in which tasks must be
3. The desired output rate or forecast of demand for the assembly line.

A Three-Task Assembly Line

 One workstation: In an eight-hour day, could produce (1 part/1.0 min)(60 minutes per
hour)(8 hours per day) = 480 parts/day
 Three workstation s (one for each task): The first operator can produce 120 parts per
hour, or 960 parts/day. The second could produce 1,600 parts/day. The third operator can
produce 2,400 parts/day. Maximum output is 960 parts/day.
 Two workstations (A/BC): Since each operator needs 0.5 minute to perform the assigned
duties, the line is in perfect balance, and 960 parts per day can be produced.

Exhibit 3.17 A Three-Task Assembly Line

Cycle time is the interval between successive outputs coming off the assembly
line. In the previous example, with one workstation, the cycle time is 1 minute; that is, one
completed assembly is produced every minute. If two workstations are used, the cycle time is
0.5 minute/unit.If three workstations are used, the cycle time is still 0.5 minute/unit, because
task A is the bottleneck, or slowest operation. The line can produce only one assembly every
0.5 minute.
Cycle time (CT) is related to the output (R) by the following equation:CT = A/R [8.2]A =
available time to produce the output.The output (R) is normally the demand forecast in units,
adjusted for on-hand inventory if appropriate, or orders released to the factory.Both A and R
must have the same time units of measure (hour, day, week, month, and so on).


In designing process layouts, we are concerned with the arrangement of departments or
work centers relative to each other. Two major approaches are commonly used.
1. The first focuses on the costs associated with moving materials or the inconvenience
that customers might experience in moving between physical locations. This approach is
widely used in manufacturing. In general, work centers with a large number of moves between
them should be located close to one another. This approach usually starts with an initial layout
and data on the historical or forecasted volume between departments and the
materialshandling costs. The centroid of each department, which is the geometric center of the
shape, is used to compute distances and materials-handling costs for a particular layout. In an
effort to improve the current solution, exchanges between the locations of two or three
departments at a time are made, and the new total cost is calculated. If the total cost has been
reduced, then this solution is used to examine other location changes in an effort to reduce the
total cost.
2. The second approach is used when it is difficult to obtain data on costs or volumes
moved between departments. This approach is useful in many service applications such as
offices, laboratories, retail stores, and so on. Rather than using materials-handling costs as the
(Pulmones 2022)
primary criterion, the user constructs a preference table that specifies how important it is for
two departments to be close to one another. An example of such “closeness ratings” follows:

A. Absolutely necessary
B. Especially important
C. Important
D. Ordinary closeness okay
E. Unimportant
F. Undesirable
Using these ratings, the approach attempts to optimize the total closeness rating of the
layout. Computer graphics and design software are providing a major advance in layout
planning. They allow interactive design of layouts in real time and can eliminate some of the
disadvantages, such as irregularly shaped departments, that often result from manual design
on a block grid. Despite the capabilities of the computer, no layout program will provide optimal
solutions for large, realistic problems. Like many practical solution procedures in management
science, they are heuristic; that is, they can help the user to find a very good, but not
necessarily the optimal, solution.


Not only is it important to effectively design the overall facility layout, but it is equally
important to focus on the design of individual workstations and the jobs performed by the
workforce. A well-designed workplace should allow for maximum efficiency and effectiveness
as the work task or activity is performed, and may also need to facilitate service management
skills, particularly in high-contact, front-office environments.
Key questions that must be addressed in designing the workplace include:
1. Who will use the workplace? Will the workstation be shared? How much space is
required? Workplace designs must take into account different physical characteristics of
individuals, such as differences in size, arm length, strength, and dexterity. For offices, layouts
range from open formats to encourage collaboration and relationship building to isolated
cubicles and offices with walls and few windows. As described in previous topics, defining the
office servicescape and service-encounter design are also important.
2. How will the work be performed? What tasks are required? How much time does
each task take? How much time is required to set up for the workday or for a particular job?
How might the tasks be grouped into work activities most effectively? This includes knowing
what information, equipment, items, and procedures are required for each task, work activity,
and job.
3. What technology is needed? Employees may need to use a computer or have access
to customer records and files, special equipment, intercoms, tablets, and other forms of
4. What must the employee be able to see? Employees might need special fixtures for
blueprints, test procedures, sorting paper, antiglare computer screens, and so on.
5. What must the employee be able to hear? Employees may need to communicate with
others, wear a telephone headset all day, be able to listen for certain sounds during product
and laboratory testing, or be able to hear warning sounds.
(Pulmones 2022)
6. What environmental and safety issues need to be addressed? What protective
clothing or gear should the employee wear? What is an acceptable noise level? Are all
employees trained on emergency evacuation procedures and plans?
To illustrate some of these issues, let us consider the design of the pizza-preparation
table for a pizza restaurant. The objective of a design is to maximize throughput—that is, the
number of pizzas that can be made—minimize errors in fulfilling customer orders; and minimize
total flow time and customer waiting and delivery time. In slow-demand periods, one or two
employees may make the entire pizza. During periods of high demand, such as weekends and
holidays, more employees may be needed. The workplace Operations managers design would
need to accommodate this. An example of a pizza-p reparation workstation is shown in who
design jobs for Exhibit 3.18. Ingredients should be put on the pizzas in the folindividual workers
need lowing order: sauce, vegetables (mushrooms, peppers, onions, etc.), to understand how
the cheese, and, finally, meat. Because cheese and meat are the highestphysical environment
cost items and also greatly affect taste and customer satisfaction, the manager requires that
those items be weighed to ensure that the can affect people. proper amounts are included. All
items are arranged in the order of assembly within easy reach of the employee and, as the
front view illustrates, order tickets are hung at eye level, with the most recent orders on the left
to ensure that pizzas are prepared on a firstcome-first-served basis. In office cubicles, e-mails,
telephone calls, cell phones, pagers, and the like interrupt office workers so much that some
companies have established “information-free zones” within the office. If you work in one of
these zones, all of these interruption devices are turned off or blocked from operating so
employees can focus on their work. Companies think information-free zones improve employee
attention spans and productivity.

Exhibit 3.18 Pizza- Preparation Workplace Design

The physical design of a facility and the workplace can influence significantly how
workers perform their jobs as well as their psychological well-being. Thus, operations
managers who design jobs for individual workers need to understand how the physical
environment can affect people. A job is the set of tasks an individual performs. Job design
involves determining the specific job tasks and responsibilities, the work environment, and the
methods by which the tasks will be carried out to meet the goals of operations.
Two broad objectives must be satisfied in job design. One is to meet the firm’s
competitive priorities—cost, efficiency, flexibility, quality, and so on; the other is to make the job
safe, satisfying, and motivating for the worker. Resolving conflicts between the need for
(Pulmones 2022)
technical and economic efficiency and the need for employee satisfaction is the challenge that
faces operations managers in designing jobs. Clearly, efficiency improvements are needed to
keep a firm competitive. However, it is also clear that any organization with a large percentage
of dissatisfied employees cannot be competitive. What is sought is a job design that provides
for high levels of performance and at the same time a satisfying job and work environment.
This is true for manufacturing jobs such as working on an assembly line, as well as for service
jobs such as working in a lawyer’s office or medical clinic. The relationships between the
technology of operations and the social/psychological aspects of work has been understood
since the 1950s. It is known as the sociotechnical approach to job design and provides useful
ideas for operations managers. Sociotechnical approaches to work design provide
opportunities for continual learning and personal growth for all employees. Job enlargement is
the horizontal expansion of the job to give the worker more variety—although not necessarily
more responsibility. Job enlargement might be accomplished, for example, by giving a
production-line worker the task of building an entire product rather than a small subassembly,
or by job rotation, such as rotating nurses among hospital wards or flight crews on different
airline routes.
Job enrichment is vertical expansion of job duties to give the worker more
responsibility. For instance, an assembly worker may be given the added responsibility of
testing a completed assembly, so that he or she acts also as a quality inspector. A highly
effective approach to job enrichment is to use teams. Some of the more common ones are:
▶ ▶ natural work teams, which perform entire jobs, rather than specialized, assembly-
line work;
▶ ▶ virtual teams, in which members communicate by computer, take turns as leaders,
and join and leave the team as necessary; and
▶ ▶ self-managed teams (SMTs), which are empowered work teams that also assume
many traditional management responsibilities.
Virtual teams, in particular, have taken on increased importance in today’s business
world. Information technology provides the ability to assemble virtual teams of people located
in different geographic locations.5 For example, product designers and engineers in the United
States can work with counterparts in Japan, transferring files at the end of each work shift to
provide an almost continuous product development effort. Teams not only enrich jobs; they
also provide numerous benefits for quality and productivity. For example, it has been noted that
medical errors are reduced when doctors and other health care professionals work together in
teams. Honda reorganized its product development organization so that sales, manufacturing,
research and development, and purchasing associates work together as a team to improve
decisions and make them more quickly.


Safety is one of the most important aspects of workplace design, particuSafety is one of
the most important aspects larly in today’s society. To provide safe and healthful working
conditions and of workplace design, reduce hazards in the work environparticularly in ment, the
Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) was passed in today’s society. 1970. It requires
employers to furnish to each of their employees a place of employment free from recognized
hazards that cause or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm. Business and
industry must abide by OSHA guidelines or face potential fines and penalties.
Safety is a function of the job, the person performing the job, and the surrounding
environment. The job should be designed so that it will be highly unlikely that a worker can
injure him- or herself. At the same time, the worker must be educated in the proper use of
equipment and the methods designed for performing the job. Finally, the surrounding
(Pulmones 2022)
environment must be conducive to safety. This might include nonslip surfaces, warning signs,
buzzers, mirrors, and clearly marked exit signs.
Ergonomics is concerned with improving productivity and safety by designing
workplaces, equipment, instruments, computers, workstations, and so on that take into account
the physical capabilities of people . The objective of ergonomics is to reduce fatigue, the cost
of training, human errors, the cost of doing the job, and energy requirements while increasing
accuracy, speed, reliability, and flexibility. Finally, it is important to pay serious attention to the
work environment, not only in factories but in every facility where work is performed, such as
offices, restaurants, hospitals, and retail stores. A Gallup study showed that the less satisfied
workers are with the physical aspects of their work environment, such as temperature, noise,
or visual surroundings, the more likely they are to be dissatisfied with their jobs.


1. Design a process for the following activities:
A. Preparing for an exam
B. Planning a vacation
2. Discussion Questions
A. How might modern technology such as the Internet be used to understand the voice of the
B. How might sustainability issues be incorporated into the design of facilities and workplaces?
Provide examples and explain your reasoning.

Collier, D., et.al (2020). Operations Management and Total Quality Management. Cengage
Learning Asia Pte. Ltd.

(2016).Operations Management. McGraw-Hill Education

er Revie


(Pulmones 2022)

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