Elements Articolo - 6 PDF
Elements Articolo - 6 PDF
Elements Articolo - 6 PDF
arge volumes of waste rock and mine tailings are stored at mine sites. geochemically equivalent to the
Predicting the environmental impact of these wastes requires an under- rock mined. Exposure of these
wastes to the atmosphere, the
standing of mineral–water interaction and the characterization of the hydrosphere and the action of
solid materials at the microscopic scale. The tendency of mine wastes to mic roorga nisms generates
produce acid or neutral drainage containing potentially toxic metals gener- drainage that may be acid and rich
in dissolved metals and sulfate. As
ally reflects the ratio of primary sulfide to carbonate minerals and the trace explained by Nordstrom (2011 this
element concentrations inherited from the ore deposit, as well as any ore issue), the chemistry of the
processing that may have created new compounds. Whether potentially toxic drainage is mainly the result of the
oxidation of iron sulfide minerals,
elements are released to surface water, groundwater, or bodily fluids (in the such as pyrite and pyrrhotite. This
case of ingestion or inhalation) depends on the host mineral and the possi- reaction generates acidity and
bility of sequestration by secondary minerals. sulfate and releases elements such
as Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb from sulfide
Keywords : mine tailings, secondary minerals, synchrotron microanalysis, minerals that are soluble in low-pH
acid–base accounting, bioaccessibility water. If sufficiently high amounts
of carbonate minerals are present,
INTRODUCTION the drainage may be neutralized, but some potentially toxic
Senior executives of mining companies have been heard elements, such as arsenic and selenium, may still be present
to say that their business is as much concerned with in relatively high concentration in these higher-pH waters.
moving and managing solid waste as it is with producing
The first important attribute inherited from the deposit
metals. The sheer volume of tailings and waste rock
that governs the chemical reactivity of mine wastes from
produced is astounding: on a per capita basis, North
metal mines is the balance between reactive, acid-gener-
Americans produce more than 10 times as much solid mine
ating sulfide minerals (notably pyrite and pyrrhotite) and
waste as household garbage. Despite opportunities to
acid-neutralizing minerals (primarily calcite and other
recycle and reuse this material (Lottermoser 2011 this
carbonate minerals such as dolomite). This balance is
issue), most of it is simply stored. Aside from the physical
evaluated using acid–base accounting methods (Jambor
issues associated with enormous piles of waste rock and
2003; Price 2009). These static tests have two parts: (1)
voluminous tailings in impoundments or filling lakes and
determination of the acid-producing potential (AP) based
streams, the chemical reactivity of some mine wastes,
on sulfide content (assumed to be pyrite), and (2) evalua-
specifically the release of potentially toxic and bioavailable
tion of the neutralization potential (NP) by titrating the
elements to natural waters and, if ingested, bodily fluids,
sample with acid, usually sulfuric. Those materials with
causes the greatest environmental damage. It is the
NP/AP < 1 are considered potentially acid-generating. In
geochemical and mineralogical character of solid mine
modern mining, hundreds of samples are tested, and the
waste that determines the nature of hazardous drainage
results are used to assess the risk that acid mine drainage
and harmful dust, the amount of contamination and, ulti-
might be produced from the wastes. Kinetic tests provide
mately, the risk to human and ecosystem health.
additional information on the rate of acid generation and
This article will show how the prediction of the risk associ- neutralizing processes; using “humidity cells”, crushed rock
ated with mine wastes, particularly whether they will is exposed to alternating dry and humid air over periods
produce acid, sulfate- and metal-rich drainage or, alterna- of weeks or months and then rinsed, and the drainage
tively, pH-neutral or even alkaline drainage with potentially produced is analyzed for pH, sulfate, and other solutes.
toxic elements, is rooted in their geochemical and mineral-
The second important attribute of mine wastes inherited
ogical composition. Examples of exciting new microana-
from the deposit is the trace element association, particu-
lytical techniques will illustrate how detailed mineralogical
larly the potentially toxic elements that are hosted in ore
analysis can provide key insights into the transformation
minerals or accompanying sulfides. The potential for the
of mine wastes through weathering and the implication of
leaching of such elements is evaluated using various types
these reactions for environmental damage.
of leaching experiments, including simple field tests—
where samples are mixed with water and shaken for several
GEOCHEMISTRY OF MINE WASTE minutes and the solution is then decanted and analyzed
Since more than 90% of the material handled during most —and multiyear field bin or column studies designed to
metal mining is discarded, mine wastes are, essentially, simulate mine wastes exposed to weathering conditions
(Price 2009).
* Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering
Queen’s University, Kingston, ON K7L 3N6, Canada
E-mail: [email protected]
Secondary Minerals
Secondary minerals formed from the weathering of primary
sulfide minerals comprise a large group of mine waste
minerals. Selected examples of oxyhydroxides and sulfates
are given in Table 2, but secondary carbonates, sulfides,
silicates and oxides may also precipitate (Alpers et al. 1994;
Lottermoser 2010). Many of these minerals are fine grained
B and have a high capacity for adsorption of potentially toxic
metals. These precipitates can therefore limit the aqueous
concentration of such elements, although not necessarily
to concentrations that are low enough to meet water-
quality guidelines. Identification of these secondary
minerals provides information on the aqueous conditions
under which they form (pH, redox, metal and sulfate
concentrations). For example, under acid conditions galena
may oxidize to anglesite (PbSO4), whereas in a pH-neutral
environment the secondary mineral will be cerussite
(PbCO3). Spectacular examples of secondary minerals are
the Fe sulfate precipitates that occur underground at the
Richmond mine at Iron Mountain in northern California
(Nordstrom et al. 2000; Nordstrom 2011) and downstream
from the Rio Tinto mine workings in Spain (Hudson-
Edwards et al. 1999, 2011 this issue). In many other cases,
Figure 2 Reflected-light photomicrographs of (A) unaltered
Cu–Zn ore from the Geco mine, Ontario, and secondary minerals occur as weathering rims on primary
(B) tailings from Geco exposed to the atmosphere for 3 years. minerals (Fig. 2 b ) or as poorly crystalline crusts and
Pyrrhotite has partially oxidized, while pyrite remains unreacted. cements. Even when present in minor amounts, these
Py = pyrite, Po = pyrrhotite, Sph = sphalerite, Cp = chalcopyrite. secondary minerals are very important in mineral–water
Source : Jamieson et al. (1995)
interaction, and characterizing them requires a combina-
tion of careful and novel analytical techniques.
1998), exhibits textural evidence of dissolution and a reac-
tion rim of Fe oxyhydroxide and sulfate. The adjacent pyrite Methods of Mineral Characterization
grain has less-evident oxidation, suggesting a slower rate Identification of the minerals associated with mine wastes
of reaction. The element of most concern in drainage from is key to understanding mineral–water reactions. Particle
the Geco deposit is Zn released from sphalerite, which also size, porosity, surface area, degree of crystallinity, and trace
appears to dissolve readily in tailings (Jamieson et al. 1995). element concentration are also important since these char-
acteristics may control the long-term stability of the
Primary Non-Sulfide Minerals minerals and their role in releasing potentially toxic
Carbonate minerals in ore deposits or their host rocks have elements to water and organisms. Selected examples of the
an important role in neutralizing acid drainage. In mine- techniques used to characterize mine waste minerals are
tailings impoundments, it has been observed that calcite given in Table 3. If significant quantities of a monominer-
is the most soluble carbonate and dissolves rapidly. alic sample can be collected, as in the case of the Richmond
Dolomite and ankerite dissolve more slowly (Jambor and mine Fe sulfate minerals, then “bulk” techniques, including
Blowes 1998) but can still provide neutralizing capacity. X-ray diffraction (XRD) or the partial or complete dissolu-
However, if Fe and Mn carbonate minerals dissolve under tion of the mineral samples followed by chemical analysis
oxidizing conditions, Fe 2+ and Mn 2+ can hydrolyze and of the resulting solution, can be used (e.g. Peterson 2003).
produce acid. More often, however, samples are mixtures. Conventional
techniques, particularly petrography (reflected and trans-
Silicate minerals may dissolve slowly in mine drainage and
mitted light), electron microprobe analysis, and scanning
are not usually effective in controlling pH (Jambor et al.
electron microscope imaging and analysis, can be very
2002). In some cases, however, soluble silicates may signifi-
helpful in identifying minerals and characterizing textures
cantly influence the composition of drainage. At the Ekati
(Jambor and Blowes 1998; Hudson-Edwards et al. 1999).
diamond mine, Northwest Territories, Canada, crushing
Figure 3 shows how element mapping and electron imaging
and washing of kimberlite during the diamond-removal
using an electron microprobe can characterize a primary
process produces alkaline, high-Mg discharge water due to
sulfide grain rimmed by a secondary mineral. Researchers
the rapid dissolution of serpentine and olivine (Rollo and
have recognized that many mineral–water interactions
Jamieson 2006). This also involves the trapping of atmo-
occur in microenvironments (Fig. 4) and require nanoscale
spheric CO2 and production of secondary carbonates, a
characterization (Hochella et al. 2005; Petrunic et al.
process that can balance the greenhouse gas emissions of
mining operations (Wilson et al. 2009; Lottermoser 2011).
The availability of powerful X-ray beams generated at
Compounds Produced by Ore Processing synchrotron facilities has produced a new family of tech-
On-site processing (such as ore roasting, heap leaching and niques that are very useful for characterizing mine waste
pressure oxidation) may produce new solid compounds minerals. Synchrotron-based X-ray absorption spectros-
that are part of mine wastes. In some cases, this involves copy (XAS) can be used to identify the minerals hosting
converting sulfide minerals to oxides, thus reducing the potentially toxic elements such as Pb (Cotter-Howells et
al. 1994) and As (Foster et al. 1998; Hudson-Edwards et al. mineral crystals formed by high-temperature geological
2005). These techniques are called X-ray absorption near processes since the large individual crystals are unlikely to
edge spectroscopy (XANES) or extended X-ray absorption diffract using the microfocused monochromatic X-ray
fine structure (EXAFS), depending on which part of the beam. Thus the method eliminates patterns from quartz,
absorption spectrum is used. If a microfocused synchrotron feldspar, and other abundant minerals that tend to domi-
beam is used, near-simultaneous analysis using micro-XAS, nant mine waste, enhancing the ability to discern metal-
micro-XRF (which uses the X-ray fluorescence signal to bearing minerals of interest.
provide information on elemental composition) and micro-
Rarely is one method adequate to thoroughly characterize
XRD (X-ray diffraction) can be accomplished (Walker et
the minerals in mine waste, especially as multiple hosts
al. 2005, 2009). Figure 5 shows an example of synchrotron-
are to be expected, and most researchers use a combination
based micro-XRD, which is similar to conventional XRD
of techniques to characterize mine waste minerals and
in that the unknown pattern can be compared with thou-
coexisting water (e.g. Hudson-Edwards et al. 2005; Fawcett
sands of reference mineral patterns; however, micro-XRD
and Jamieson 2011). Identification of contaminant-hosting
has the special advantage that a microfocused synchrotron
grains is not possible with conventional tools. This last
beam can collect information from individual grains or
point is an important consideration for risk assessors in
alteration rims of minerals that are present in low abun-
situations where the potential hazard associated with mine
dance and would not be apparent in a bulk XRD pattern.
waste depends on the mineral host, as explained in the
Moreover, the powerful synchrotron beam tends to produce
following example.
diffraction from microcrystalline and nearly amorphous
materials, typical of secondary minerals in mine wastes.
In fact, micro-XRD tends not to work well for coarser
Abandoned gold-mine tailings from several sites in Nova
Scotia, Canada, contain high concentrations of As, a result
of mining and processing arsenopyrite-rich ore from 1860
to 1945. Many of these tailings are now located close to
residential areas, and they are publicly accessible and used
Figure 3 Element maps for S, Ca, As, Si, and Fe and a backscat- (A) TEM image of sphalerite with a bright Cu-rich
tered-electron image of a grain of arsenopyrite found
Figure 4 zone visible along the outer margin. (B) STEM–EDS
in gold mine tailings; the grain has partially oxidized and is data collected along the path shown in (A) using a nominal probe
surrounded by a rim of secondary Ca–Fe arsenate. Source : Corriveau size of 5 nm and showing concentrations in mol%. Source : Petrunic
et al . (2011) et al . 2009, reprinted with permission
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