Billy Elliot Visual Rep
Billy Elliot Visual Rep
Billy Elliot Visual Rep
es in, Masculine, Right Wing, Poorness. 2) Boxing VS Ballet The contrast between hes past life and hes possible future as a Ballet dancer. The start of his ballet loving. 3) Punishment Shows the obstacles in the way of accomplishing a dream. The view of others on your choice isnt always positive. Represents difficulty and times of confusion. 4) Picket Line Represents the barriers that might hold you back from achieving your dream. 5) Mrs. Wilkinson/Michael Ms. gives him private lessons, is the catalyst to help him become a ballet dancer, and represents the support network. 6) Dance of Defiance Turning Point Big moment of the movie where he comes out with hes talent and represents the big moment that determines our future. 7) The Letter Shows the achievement of his goals, represents the beginning of a career, big step into the unknown/world. Support of family with his venture. Maos Last Dancer Visual Rep Ideas 1) Family Shows that we all come from a different start in life. And that its up to use to choose the path we choose. 2) Labour in the Fields Represents the decision we make to whether you want to do the same as your family or make your own path. 3) Getting chosen to audition Represents the idea of destiny, that we all have our own path. That lucky things may happen that may ultimately change your life forever. 4) Chan Represents the catalysts that help with accomplishing the dream. The support network that picks you out of the dust when youre down. 5) Chance/Dice Shows the time in life where you have the chance of a lifetime, and can determine the rest of your life for the better or worst. 6) Courage The tough decision to go to USA and leave his family, doing something that no china man has done. Shows the tough decisions in life that need to be made. 7) USA Achieving the goals of getting a better life and becoming a pro ballet dancer. Entering the new world with a range of opportunities.