Personal Statement - Tufts History
Personal Statement - Tufts History
Personal Statement - Tufts History
time. They use a range of methods and analytical tools to answer questions about the
past and to reconstruct the diversity of past human experience: how profoundly people
have differed in their ideas, institutions, and cultural practices; how widely their
experiences have varied by time and place, and the ways they have struggled while
2. Because history gives us the tools to analyse and explain problems in the past, it
positions us to see patterns that might otherwise be invisible in the present – thus
providing a crucial perspective for understanding (and solving) current and future
problems. For example, a course on the history of public health might emphasize how
factor in the Flint water crisis. Understanding immigration patterns may provide crucial
and traditions that are not our own – and to recognize them as meaningful products of
specific times and places. History helps us realize how different our lived experience
is from that of our ancestors, yet how similar we are in our goals and values.
4. I wish to get enrolled in the Tufts University to get a better understanding about
History and its various facets. Tufts University is renowned for its Graduate School of
Arts and pursuing MA (History) would give me a better perspective in the
5. Imagine asking a question about the past, assembling a set of clues through
documents, artifacts, or other sources, and then piecing those clues together to tell a
story that answers your question and tells you something unexpected about a different
time and place. That is doing history. Everything we do, everything we use, everything
else we study is the product of a complex set of causes, ideas, and practices. Even
the material we learn in other courses has important historical elements – whether
because our understanding of a topic changed over time or because the discipline