Synopsis Abhishek
Synopsis Abhishek
Synopsis Abhishek
of India. It always aimed at creating job opportunities for a multitude of country men and
provides high quality of products. It has driven to make India self reliant by pioneering
the production of number of industrial and consumer products, by adopting latest as well
as developing its own know-how. It has also under taken industrial ventures in several
other countries.
charitable trust. Its member companies, employing nearly 50000 persons are engaged
education, religious values and providing better living and recreational facility. With the
The flagship company of JK Organisation, JK Tyre & Industries Ltd is one of India’s foremost tyre
manufacturers and is also amongst the top 25 manufacturers in the world. Its head office is situated
in New Delhi.
JK Tyre is present in 105 countries with over 180 Global distributors. The Company has 12 globally-
benchmarked ‘sustainable’ manufacturing facilities - 9 in India and 3 in Mexico – that collectively
produce around 35 million tyres annually.
JK Tyre launched India’s first ever ‘Smart Tyre’ technology-and introduced Tyre Pressure Monitoring
Systems (TPMS) by offering TREEL Sensors, which monitors the tyre’s vital statistics, including
pressure and temperature. JK Tyre is also synonymous with motorsport in the country. For over three
decades, the Company has relentlessly worked towards shaping India’s positioning as the motorsport
hub of Asia, developing the right infrastructure for the sport and promoting young talent in the
❖ Internal Mixing (rubber, carbon, process oil, accelerator, activator, resin) & formation
of compound.
❖ Bead winding
❖ Calendaring
❖ Extrusion
❖ Green tyre
❖ Curing
Work Flow Model
BU 1
1) Compound At Banbury:
Compound is the process of mixing the necessary raw materials with selected
enclosed mixing chamber with two spiral shaped rotors. There is a hoper to feed the
ingredients and a door to discharge the mix. The rubber ingredients like chemicals are
weighted as mentioned in specification file and feed into hoper. Then the mixing
process takes place. Required mixing time is fixed to get better quality mixing.
2) Extruder:
The main function of an extruder is to produce tread and side wall, bead, apex.
Extrusion is a process of forcing the mixed compound by means of screw, which rotates
inside the barrel. There are two types of extruder: a) Screw extruder, b) Ram extruder.
The dipping process takes places in a zeal plant. Here rayon, nylon. Polyesters
improve adhesive properties. Then the fabric is dried at a temperature of about 280-300
4) Calendaring:
work used to produce the rubber sheets of required strength and length. To get a better
quality calendared fabric with uniform gauges, viscosity is important in the same way,
hot temperature of about 110-137mm.
BU 2
5) Bias Cutter:
width and angle, which are used in the production of tyres. Bias angle is the angle of
cords in tyres with respect to the central line. Based on the ideal cured angle, required
for particular type size and pattern, bias angle is calculated for the particular drum.
6) Pocket Making:
It is a process of making the pocket from the angle cutter fabrics. In pocket
making section, three types of pockets are constructed. The ply’s used for the first and
second pocket are known ad inner ply and those used for third pocket are known as
outer ply.
7) Bead Assembly :
Bead wire – High tensile copper coated Steelwire coated with compound wound on a former ,
fillered and flipped
8) Tyre Assembly :
Sidewall are assembled on a Building drum and the finished product is called as Green
– Tyre.
BU 3
9) Bladder:
Butyl rubber compound is used for making the bladder. As first, butyl rubber is
mixed with specified chemicals properly and then it enters the extruder section by the
use of the extruder, a specific length and width of slug is extruded. Then the ends of the
slugs are cut into the specified angle for proper joining.
8) Tyre Moulding:
Before moulding operations, the green tyre has to be made ready for painting
with inner lubricants inside tyre for easy release from the bladder and the side walls are
It is a process of cross linking the rubber compounds through heat and pressure.
For the pressure of curing tyres presses are used. These pressed are pre warmed
before loading of green tyre is done in the top ring raise condition with vacuum.
After curing, the tyres obtained by trimming of the extensions on the tyres
surfaces are checked for defects. Thus the process of removing excess materials from
the tyre after curing is called finishing. The finishing process is done either by buffing or
trimming method. All the tyres then are inspected and separated.
BU 5 :
Finished Goods Storage and dispatch : Storing of Okay tyres and arranging
The tire compound material in contact with the road surface and under the cyclic deformation
dissipates energy due to its viscoelastic nature. On the other hand the friction between the road and
the tire surface is required for a safe drive.
Loss factor (tanδ) is a determining parameter in analyzing the tire tread material performance. It has
been accepted that the tanδ value of a tread compound measured at a temperature around 60°C
and a frequency of 10Hz can be representative of the Rolling Resistance performance of a tire made
thereof. Part of this thesis deals with different dynamic mechanical measuring methods and the
analysis afterwards to receive a reliable viscoelasticity and defines the interpretations of the results.
With the introduction of silica technology in passenger car tire tread applications, the filler-polymer
interactions have become of key importance.
Tyre rolling resistance refers to the resistance experienced by your car tyre as it rolls over a surface.
The main causes of this resistance are tyre deformation, wing drag, and friction with the ground. The
higher the rolling resistance is, the more energy to overcome it is needed.
Tyre rolling resistance is the energy that your vehicle needs to send to your tyres to maintain
movement at a consistent speed over a surface. In other words, it is the effort required to keep a tyre
It means Low rolling resistance tyres can be much more fuel-efficient tyre than conventional tyres.