1 Oaw

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1 Oxyacetylene

Welding and

• Oxyacetylene welding (OAW) produces approximately 5,600°F
temperature flame at torch tip.
• Oxygen cylinder-to-regulator threads are Right-hand threads.
• Oxygen at high pressures Can accelerate combustion of oil into an
• advantages of the oxyacetylene (OAW) process:
1. Low cost.
2. Readily portable.
3. No external power required.
4. Fuel mixture is hot enough to melt steel.
5. Excellent control of heat input and puddle viscosity.
• Oxyacetylene welding (OAW) is just one member of the Oxyfuel welding
(OFW) family.
• Acetylene cylinder-to-regulator fitting and acetylene hose-to-torch
fitting threads are Left-handed.
• The oxygen cylinder valves should be opened Slowly Until valve hits the
upper stop and will turn no further.
• the high-pressure, cylinder side pressure gauges indicate on full
cylinders 2,250 psi (155 bar) in oxygen and 225 psi (15.5 bar) in
• Caution should be taken to never adjust the acetylene regulator
pressure above 15 psi (1 bar).
• the system for leaks at the cylinder-to-regulator fittings and all hose
fittings be accomplished By using special leak detection solutions;
bubbles indicate leaks.
• acetylene potentially so dangerous because It forms explosive mixtures
with air at all concentrations between 2.5 and 80%.
• other fuel gases can be used in place of acetylene Propane, natural gas,
hydrogen, and propylene.
• Oil saturated cloth cannot be used on high-pressure gas fittings.
• the odor of acetylene gas Garlic odor.
• oxygen is made for welding by Atmospheric air is repeatedly cooled and
compressed until it becomes a very cold liquid. This liquid is gradually
warmed until each component gas reaches its vaporization temperature
and separates itself. This is called fractional distillation.
• acetylene considered the best gas for welding because It delivers the
highest concentration of heat of all fuel gases.
• Oxygen cylinders are seamless vessels of special high strength alloy
steel that contain a welded neck ring that Are made from a single billet
by draw forming and contain no welds.
• Acetylene cylinders contain One to four fusible safety plugs depending
on cylinder capacity.
• the welder should position the cylinders between himself and the
regulators when opening the cylinder valves because If a regulator fails
internally, the housing and gauges may explode.
• the best way to determine a cylinder’s remaining contents By
comparing the cylinder’s current weight with its empty weight.
• oxygen and acetylene gas hoses are color coded The acetylene hose is
red. Oxygen hoses are green or black.
• Flashback A recession of the flame into the back of the mixing chamber
of the oxygen fuel gas torch or flame spraying gun
occurs when a mixture of fuel and oxygen burn inside the mixing
chamber in the torch handle and reaches the hoses to regulators or
cylinders. flashback can be prevented By installation of flashback
• it important to purge each gas hose separately and not simultaneously A
deadly explosion can occur.
• oxyacetylene torch tip should be cleaned At the start of each day’s
welding and whenever flashback occurs or When the flame spits, or
when the sharp inner cone no longer exists.
• Backfire A small explosion of flame at the torch tip, sometimes repeated
(sounding like a machine gun)
• Back fire causes the tip may be overheated from being held too close to
the weld / Carbon deposits or metal particles inside the torch tip act like
spark plugs.
• backfire can be prevented by Let tip cool off and clean thoroughly.
• types of flames that different ratios of oxygen and acetylene can
produce: Oxidizing flames , Neutral flames , Carburizing flames.
• Besides welding the other processes that OAW assemblies can
1. Brazing and soldering.
2. Case hardening.
3. Descaling.
4. Pre/Post-heating.
5. Oxyacetylene cutting.
6. Forging.
7. Heating for forming and bending.
• the maximum steel thickness that may be cut with the oxyacetylene
cutting (OAC) process OAC has no practical limit.
• the minimum mild steel thickness that may be cut with OAC .035"
• Carburizing flames add carbon to the weld pool and can change its
metallurgy, usually adversely.
• Oxidizing flame changes the metallurgy of the weld pool by lowering the
carbon content. And produces the hottest flame. Used for Welding
heavy, thick parts with brass
or bronze rods. Required for oxygen-fuel cutting.
• Neutral flame has just enough oxygen to burn all of the acetylene
present, having the least effect on the weld pool. And results in only
carbon monoxide and hydrogen combustion products and is most
frequently used in welding common materials
• When using the oxyacetylene cutting (OAC) process and cutting below
the minimum thickness, cutting becomes irregular with uncontrollable
melting. it can be cut with A large tip to plate angle and fast travel speed.
• precautions should be taken to prevent a deadly explosion should a
regulator fail Open the acetylene cylinder valve gradually and not more
than 1½ turns.
• flux is applied when using the oxyfuel welding process By dipping the
heated rod into the flux.
• metals where oxyfuel cutting would be a poor choice:
8. Aluminum, Magnesium.
9. Stainless steel.
10. Lead,Zinc.
11. Copper,Brass.
• Stainless steel and high alloy steel can be cut by the OAC process if
additional steps are taken (because OAC uses oxidizing flame.)
• metals that can be readily cut using the OAC process:
1. Mild steel (steel with a carbon content, <.3% carbon).
2. Low-alloy steels.
3. Cast iron (though not readily, may need pre-heat).
4. Titanium.
• A waster plate is A low carbon steel waster plate is secured to the top of
the stainless steel to be cut , it used to initiate thermal cutting.
• Snapping a valve is Rapidly opening and closing a valve to clear the
orifice of unwanted foreign material.
• For oxygen, positive pressure torches should supply pressure at the
same pressure as acetylene for welding.
• post-flow time: The time interval from current shutoff to either
shielding gas or cooling water shut off.
• characteristics of an oxidizing flame: An oxyfuel flame in which there is
an excess of oxygen, resulting in an oxygen-rich zone extending around
and beyond the cone.
• characteristics of a carburizing flame: A reducing oxygen fuel gas flame
in which there is an excess of fuel gas, resulting in a carbon-rich zone
around and beyond the inner cone of the flame.
• the best way to flame cut 1⁄4 inch through 1⁄2 inch thick metal is to
Position torch tip perpendicular to the metal surface.
• the best way to flame cut thin metal 10 gauge (1⁄8") or thinner is to
Position torch tip 20–40 degrees to the metal surface.
• When cutting thin-gauge sheet metal, the step that can be taken to
eliminate slag from accumulating on the underside of the good part is
Tipping torch away from the side you will use.
• Never cut into a sealed container regardless of its size.

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