Lab Report 3
Lab Report 3
Lab Report 3
Submitted To:
Ms. Samavia Ilyas
Submitted by:
Seerat Fatima
Roll # 22014110-049
Course Title:
Mechanics Lab
Course code: PHYS-111
University of Gujrat
Hafiz Hayat campus
“To study damping features of an oscillating system
using compound pendulum”
A systematic method to measure the damping coefficient of simple pendulum carrying
out small oscillations using resonance phenomena considered. Methods only required standard
function generator, simple pendulum and loud speakers. The result obtain from experiment
shows that damping coefficient is very small, which is conserved by observed beats.
Studying simple harmonic motion using simple pendulum for small oscillations, first a
assumption that is usually made is that damping force on pendulum bob so small that can be
neglected. The coefficient of damping is given by:
K=2.3036 log_10 An/ ∆ t
Where An is amplitude of nth damped simple harmonic motion at any time t. The
relaxation time t in which energy of oscillations reduced to 1/e of the original value and given
The quality factor of simple harmonic motion is 2π times the rotations of energy stored to
energy loss per cycle and given by:
Q=2π/T t
• A long simple pendulum with mass bob.
• Two extra bobs (one aluminum and one of wood) same mass.
• A meter scales.
• A stop watch.
Let us setup the arrangement of with length of thread about 3 meter long. Now give
pendulum of displacement about 60-70 cm and leave it. Allow the first 6-8 oscillations to pass
and endure, that the thread and the bob would not touch bell. When amplitude of oscillations
is approximately 50-60 note that this amplitude and start counting. The number of oscillations
than note down the amplitude on equal interval say 5 of oscillations. Counting of oscillations
should continue all amplitude becomes about 10cm. Again, allow pendulum to oscillate simple
harmonically with small amplitude and note time taken about 10-15 oscillations with stopwatch
divide whole time by number of oscillations to calculate time period t. we will should take at
least 3 sets and calculate mean period of pendulum. Now repeat the whole experiment with
bobs of aluminum rod and wood. Which are either of same mass or of the same diameter as
brass bob.
No. Bob mass (m) Diameter (cm) Radius (cm)
1. 30 g 10 cm 5 cm
2. 20 g 8 cm 4 cm
3. 15 g 5 cm 2.5 cm
1. 300 10
2. 200 30
3. 110 20
4. 840 40
5. 800 50
6. 700 60
To evaluate the angle to time period, the bob remind bob 3 and string remains string 2,
then use angle was changed from 5 to 15 and 30 degrees. According to equation for time
period in simple pendulum, change of angle cannot affect the time period, so theoretical time
period remains same when the angle is bigger than 5 degrees, motion of pendulum bob was no
longer the simple harmonic motion and time period was no longer.
We have derived approximate results for damped harmonic motion by variable mass. By
modeling the damping force. For instance, the oscillatory behavior of a sliding variable mass
spring system with a linear damping term due to air drag and velocity independent dry friction
could be analyzed, that would be tested experimentally in variable mass vibration system by
damping force proportional to |v|n, for arbitrary n.
• The length of the pendulum should be sufficiently large.
• Pendulum should not touch the scale.
• The readings should be taken carefully.