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DLP Q3W1 Day 1

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Quarter 3 Week 1 Day 1
A. Content The learner…
Standards • manifests beginning oral language skills to communicate in
different contexts
• demonstrates developing knowledge and use of
appropriate grade level vocabulary and concepts
• demonstrates understanding of grade level narrative and
informational text
• demonstrates the ability to formulate ideas into sentences
or longer texts using developmental and conventional
• demonstrates positive attitudes towards language, literacy
and literature
B. Performance The learner…
Standards o uses beginning oral language skills to communicate
personal experiences, ideas, and feelings in different
o uses developing vocabulary in both oral and written form
o comprehends and appreciates grade level narrative and
informational text
o uses basic knowledge and skills to write clear, coherent
sentences, and simple paragraphs based on a variety of
stimulus materials
o uses literary and narrative texts to develop comprehension
and appreciation of grade level appropriate reading
o values reading and writing as communicative activities
C. Learning MT1OLIIIa-i-6.2
Competencies/ Participate actively in class discussions on familiar topics
Objectives MT1OLIIIa-i-1.3
Talk about family, friends, and school using descriptive words
Give meanings of words through: a. picture clues; b. context
Note important details in grade level literary and informational
texts listened to
Express ideas through phrases, sentences or longer texts using
both invented and conventional spelling
Show interest in texts by browsing/reading available print
II. CONTENT Noting important details in grade level literary texts listened to
Expressing ideas through phrases, sentences or longer texts
using both invented and conventional spelling
References K to 12 Curriculum Guide Mother Tongue 2016 pp. 49 - 50
1. Teacher’s
Guide Pages
2. Learner’s
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
the LR Portal
5. Other Learning o Powerpoint presentation for the lesson: Quarter 1 Week 1
Resources Day 1
o eBook “An Sakuyang Pamilya”
o Graphic Organizer for the small group activity
o Plastic flowers and wrappers to be used for the making of the
o Worksheets for the Basic, Average and Fast Groups in the
o Graphic Organizers for the Skill Development – Group
A. Reviewing the The teacher shows the following pictures one at a time. Have the
previous learners name each picture.
lesson or
presenting the Say: I will show you a picture. Name the picture. (Teacher shows
new lesson the picture and learners name it.)

Ask: Sain nindo nadangog an tanog na /ng/ sa pangaran kaini?

(Where did you hear the /ng/ in its name?)
Do this until all the pictures were presented.

Suggested pictures to be used:

sanga ngabil bungo

ngipon tanga
B. Establishing a A. Oral Language Activity
purpose for the 1. Teacher shows a picture of his/her own family.
lesson 2. Say: This is my family. (Teacher describes his/her family
while showing the pictures. Then after describing your own
family, ask questions about it.)
3. Say: This time I would like you to get a partner. Describe
your family while your partner listens to you. When you are
done, your partner will also describe his/her family. Listen
well so that you will be able to tell about your partner’s
family in the big group. (Give the learners 3 minutes to talk
with each other.)
4. Ask: Now, who would like to share the things that your
partner have shared with you? (Ask 2 – 3 volunteers to talk
in front of the class.)
5. Say: Today, we will talk about a family. We will see what
kind of family we have in the story. (Ngunyan na aldaw
maurulay kita manungod sa pamilya. Hilingon ta kun anong
klaseng pamilya igwa sa satuyang istorya.)
C. Presenting B. Pre Reading
examples/ Say: Before I read the story to you, let us know the meaning of
instances of the following words and phrases. Show the words/phrase and
the new lesson have the learners read it.
• mabuot saka mapindangat
• suanoy
• maray na iribanan
Say: What do these words/phrases mean? Let us find out.

1. Unlocking of Difficulties:
a. mabuot saka mapinadangat
Say: (while showing a picture) Ini an sakuyang ama.
Mabuot saka mapinadangat siya. Sa hiling nindo ano
kaya an mga rason ta nasabi ko na mabuot saka
mapinadangat siya? Siisay an makakaukod. (This is
my father. He is kind and loving. What do you think are
the reasons why I said that my father is loving and
kind? Can you guess?)
Affirm the answers of the learners to establish the
meaning of kind and loving.
b. suanoy
Say: Igwa ako igding sitwasyon. Post the strip of paper
with this text: “Kadakul akong mga suanoy na bado.
Itatao ko na ini sa mga saradit kong pinsan ta haloy ko
na ining dai nagagamit. Binakalan na ako ni Nanay Lily
nin bagong mga bado.” Read the text to the learners.
Have the learners read the sentence, too. Then, ask
while underlining the word: “Ano kaya an tataramon
igdi na kabaligtaramon kan tataramon na suanoy?”
(What is the antonym of the word suanoy?)
Have the learner underline the antonym of the word
suanoy. Ask: “Ano sa sitwasyon na ini an nagtao
saimong ideya na ini an kabaligtaramon kan suanoy?”
(What is the clue in the text that gave you the idea that
this is the antonym of the word suanoy?)

c. maray na iribanan
Say: “Igwa pa akong sarong sitwasyon igdi. (Post the
strip of paper with this text: “Maray an samuyang
iribanan sa harong. Kun kami nag-iiriwal, dai
nagtatarabangan sa mga gibuhon sa harong,
siguradong maribok an samuyang pamilya.” Read the
sentence to the learners. Ask: “Ano kaya an buot
sabihon kan maray na iribanan? Pano ta masasabi na
an sarong pamilya igwang maray na iribanan?”

2. Motivation:
What chores have you done at home? Which among the
chores was difficult? Why? Does helping each other at
home makes your family happy? What else can you do to
make your family happy?

3. Motive Question
Say: “In the story, find out what chores are done by the
members of the family.”

C. During Reading
(Note to the teacher: You may use the eBook/Story on PPT provided that
you prepared the projector, screen, and laptop ahead of time. If the school
has no provision of electricity, the teacher may print the pages of the eBook
and make it into a big book.)

Say: I have a story. The story is entitled “An Sakuyang

Pamilya.” The story is written by Jeiahly Fae Ramos Corporal.
The pictures in this story was illustrated by Ma. Teresa A.
Ask: Ano ngani po an aaramon ta sa istoryang “An Sakuyang

An Sakuyang Pamilya
ni Jeiahly Fae Ramos Corporal
Drowing ni: Ma. Teresa A. Balona

Ako si Nene. Mahigos akong magsigid sa samuyang

Ini si Nanay. Matibay siyang magluto. Pirming masiram an
samuyang kakanon.
Ini si Tatay. Mabuot saka mapinadangat siyang ama.
Nagtatrabaho siya para samuya.
Ini si Kuya Jazz. Pirming malinig an samuyang natad dahil
Ini si Ate Mutya. Siya an dahilan kun tano ta pirming
malinig saka mahamot an samuyang mga bado.
Ini si Lolo Isko. Kadakul siyang mga suanoy na istorya.
Kada hapon nag-iistorya siya samuya.
Ini si Lola Lily. Maluya na an saiyang mata. Kaya pirmi
siyang pig-aalalayan.
Kaiba ni Lola si Ate Jiya. Pirmi siya an kaiba kaini.
Matiyaga siyang mag-asikaso ki Lola Lily.
Pito sindang kapamilya ko. Si Lolo Isko, si Lola Lily, si
Tatay, si Nanay, si Kuya Jazz, si Ate Mutya, saka si Ate Jiya.
Maugma kami sa samuyang pamilya. Pagtatarabangan,
pagkamuot saka maray na iribahan an sikreto mi.

D. Discussing D. Post Reading

new concepts 1. Answering the Motive Question:
and practicing Ask: What are the chores being done by the members of
new skills #1 the family? (Ask 3 – 4 volunteers to answer the question.)
Say: Let us look know more about the story.
E. Discussing 2. Small Group Activity
new concepts Note to the Teacher: Prepare the materials for these activities.
and practicing Make use of a Manila paper for Group 1 and 2. Cartolina must be
new skills #2 used for groups 3, 4 & 6. The Thank You Card should be big
enough for the presentation. If possible instruct the learners to
put some decorations in it. For group 5, provide them with
flowers, and other materials so they make a bouquet out of it.
See to it that you need to place an open-ended lines in the cards
and letter. Example of an open ended lines is found in the Group
3 template.
The teacher should give first all the instructions before the
materials will be given to the group.
Say: I will divide you in 6 groups. Each group will have the
following activities:
Group 1 – Write the task of each member in the family
opposite their name. Have them use this

Myembro kan Ano an ginigibo niya?

Kuya Jazz
Ate Mutya

Group 2 – Write the task of each member in the family

opposite their name. Have them use this

Myembro kan Ano an ginigibo niya?

Lolo Isko
Ate Jiya

Group 3 – Pretend that you are Lola Lily. What will you
say to Ate Jiya. Write a Thank You Letter to
Ate Jiya.

Dear __________,
Salamat ____________________. Dahil
saimo _____________________.
Group 4 – Make a Thank You Card for Nanay and
Group 5 – Make a bouquet of flower and make a script
of how you will give this to Ate Mutya and
Group 6 – Write a Thank You Letter to Kuya Jazz and
Lolo Isko.
F. Developing 3. Comprehension Questions
mastery a. What do Nanay, Nene, Kuya Jazz and Ate Mutya do at
(Leads to home? (Ano an ginigibo ninda Nanay, Nene, Kuya Jazz saka Ate
Formative Mutya sa saindang harong?)
Assessment 3 Group 1 presents their output. After the presentation,
teacher recaps the report.
b. What do Tatay, Lolo Isko and Ate Jiya do for their
family? (Ano man an ginigibo ni Tatay, Lolo Isko saka Ate Jiya
para sa saindang pamilya?)
Group 2 presents their output. After the presentation,
teacher recaps the report.
c. Do all the members of the family have a task to do?
Why? (Gabos daw na myembro kan pamilya sa istorya igwang
ginigibo sa harong o para sa pamilya? Tano?

d. How does Ate Jiya take care of Lola Lily? (Pano pig-
aasikaso ni Ate Jiya si Lola Lily?)

e. If you are Lola Lily, what will you say to Ate Jiya? (Kun
ika si Lola Lily, ano an sasabihon mo ki Ate Jiya?)
Group 3 presents their output. After the presentation,
teacher recaps the report.
f. Should she be thankful only to Ate Jiya? Why? (Tama
lang daw na ki Ate Jiya sana dapat magpasalamat? Tano?)

G. Finding g. If you are a member of this family, what will you say to
practical them? Why? (Kun ika saro sa myembro kan pamilyang ini, ano
application of an sasabihon mo sainda?)
concepts and Group 4 presents their output. After the presentation,
skills in daily teacher recaps the report.
living Group 5 presents their output. After the presentation,
teacher recaps the report.
Group 6 presents their output. After the presentation,
teacher recaps the report.
H. Making h. What else can you do to show that we are thankful to
generalizations what the members of the family do for us? (Sa ano pang
of concepts paagi ta maipapahiling an satuyang pagpapasalamat sa mga
and skills in ginigibo kan satuyang kapamilya?)
daily living
I. Evaluating E. Composing
learning Say: This time I would like you to write a Thank You Letter to
your family.
Show them how the letter should like by using the output in
the small group activity. Emphasize that a letter has those
Have them submit their output to you for recording. Be sure to
return the letters to them in the afternoon.
J. Additional F. Home Activity
activities for 1. Say: This afternoon before you go home you need to ask
application or for these letters from me. Be sure that you will give these
remediation letters to your family. (Atyan na hapon bago kamo magpuli
hagadon nindo sakuya an mga surat nindo. Siguraduhon na
pag-abot sa harong maitao nindo ini sa saindong pamilya.)
2. Say: Look for jokes and be ready to share it tomorrow.
(Maghanap nin mga jokes o suba. Siguraduhon na handa kamo
sa aga na ipadangog ini sa klase.)
A. No. of
Learners who
earned 80%
on the
formative test
B. No. of
Learners who
activities for
C. Did the
lesson/s work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners
who continue
to require
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did this
F. What
difficulties did I
which my
head help me
G. What
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish to
share with

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