Reproductive system - Ôn tập

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- Định nghĩa:

A. vascular organ that attaches to the uterine wall during

1. [placenta]
2. [myometrium] B. muscle layer of the uterus
C. muscular, mucosa-lined canal extending from the
3. [vagina]
uterus to the exterior of the body
4. [ovaries] D. female gonads; producing ova and hormones
5. [endometrium] E. inner lining of the uterus
6. [fimbriae] F. finger-like ends of the fallopian tube
G. developing sac in the ovary that encloses the ovum
7. [ovarian follicle]
 next form is corpus lutenum.
8. [cervix] H. lower, neck-like portion of the uterus
9. [gametes] I. sex cells; the egg and sperm cells
J. ducts through which the egg travels into the uterus
10. [fallopian tubes]
from the ovary

- Tiền tố:

1. galact/o [milk] 5. salping/o [fallopian tubes]

2. hyster/o [uterus] 6. colp/o [vagina]

3. men/o [menstruation] 7. cervic/o [neck of the womb]

4. oophor/o [ovary] 8. mast/o [breast]

- Hậu tố:

1. -ectomy [removal] 5. -arche [beginning]

2. -rrhea [discharge] 6. -itis [inflammation]

3. -rrhaphy [suture] 7. -scopy [visual examination]

4. -rrhagia [excessive/unusual 8. -tocia [labor/birth]


- Ghép tiền tố và hậu tố:

1. [menarche]: the first occurrence of menstruation

2. [menorrhagia]: heavy menstrual bleeding

3. [cervicitis]: an inflammation of the lower, narrow end of the uterus

4. [galactorrhea]: lactation in women who are not breastfeeding

5. [oophorosalpingectomy]: removal of one or both ovaries and the corresponding Fallopian tubes

6. [colposcopy]: a medical diagnostic procedure to visually examine the cervix as well as the vagina
and vulva

7. [dystocia]: abnormal or difficult labor

8. [hysterorrhaphy]: a suturing of an incised or ruptured uterus

9. [dysmenorrhea]: painful menstrual periods = period pain

10. [mastoplasty]: breast lift procedure

Anovulatory: Pertaining to no ovulation (không rụng trứng trong chu kì kinh)

11. Salpingitis  Inflammation of the Fallopian tubes

12. Cervical biopsy  Removal a small amount of tissue from the cervix

13.Gestation  Pregnancy

14. Menopause  Gradual ending of menstrual function

15. Oophoritis  Inflammation of the ovaries

16. Bartholinitis  Inflammation of Bartholin glands

17. Vulvodynia  Pain in the vulva

- The language of medicine:

Amenorrhea no menstrual flow (không có kinh nguyệt)

Leukorrhea white discharge (normally from the vagina and also associated with cervicitis) (khí hư
màu trắng)

Menorrhagia (prolonged menstrual)

Pyosalpinx pus in the fallopian (uterine) tubes (mủ trong ống dẫn trứng)

Dyspareunia painful sexual intercourse

Menometrorrhagia heavy bleeding at and between menstrual periods

Oligomenorrhea scanty menstrual flowv (kinh nguyệt ra ít)

Vulva (external female genitalia)  includes the labia, hymen, clitoris, and vaginal orifice

Vulvovaginitis  Inflammation of the external female genitalia and vagina

- Định nghĩa:

1. A (an) _______condom______ is barrier device worn over the penis during intercourse to reduce
the chance of pregnancy and disease.
2. The______genitalia_____  are the parts of the male and female bodies that are involved in the
process of reproduction.
3. The _____gonads________ are the organs that produce sex cells. They are the testes in males and
ovaries in females.
4. ___infertility___ is the inability to have children.
5. ____intercourse_____ is the sexual act in which the male penis enters the female vagina.
6. The _____ovaries_____ are the organs in the female body that produce egg cells.
7. The ____reproductive_______ system is the bodily system of organs that work together for the
purpose of producing offspring.
8. If a person is ____sexually_______ active, he or she regularly engages in forms of sexual activity.
9. A (an) _____STD___, or sexually−transmitted disease, is an illness that is passed from one person
to another through sexual activity.
10. The __testes___ are the organs in the male body that produce sperm.
11. ____Birth control____ refers to several techniques used to prevent egg fertilization or interrupt
12. A condom is barrier device worn over the penis during ____intercourse____ to reduce the chance
of pregnancy and disease.
13. The genitalia are the parts of the male and _____female____  bodies that are involved in the
process of reproduction.
14. The gonads are the organs that produce ______sex_______  cells. They are the testes in males and
ovaries in females.
15. Infertility is the _____inability_____  to have children.
16. Intercourse is the sexual act in which the male penis enters the female _______vagina____ .
17. The ovaries are the organs in the female body that ____produce___  egg cells.
18. The reproductive system is the bodily system of organs that work together for the purpose of
19. If a person is sexually active, he or she regularly ___engages____ in forms of sexual activity.
20. An STD, or sexually___transmitted__  disease, is an illness that is passed from one person to
another through sexual activity.
21. The testes are the organs in the male body that produce _____sperm____ .
22. Birth control refers to several techniques used to prevent egg ______fertilization_____  or
interrupt pregnancy.

1. The ______ forms in your uterus during pregnancy. It provides oxygen and nutrients to your baby
through the umbilical cord.

a. myometrium

b. inner lining

c. placenta
d. endometrium

2. _____ is the common term for egg cells and sperm cells.

a. Genitalia

b. Gamete

c. Gonad

d. Ovum

3. ______ is another term for fallopian tube.

a. B and C are correct.

b. Uterine tube

c. Salpinx

d. B and C are not correct.

4. ______ is defined as the first menstrual cycle in female humans.

a. Menopause

b. Menstruation

c. Menarche

d. Period

5. ______ is menstrual bleeding that lasts more than 7 days. It can also be bleeding that is very

a. Oligomenorrhea

b. Amenorrhea

c. Dysmenorrhea

d. Menorrhagia

6. What is the term for an inflammation of the lower, narrow end of the uterus that opens into the

a. Oophoritis

b. Cervicitis

c. Dystocia

d. Dysmenorrhea

7. If your Pap test result was abnormal, your doctor may recommend ______ to closely examine
your cervix, vagina and vulva for signs of disease.

a. oophoritis

b. colpopexy
c. colposcopy

d. oophorosalpingectomy

8. _______ is defined as abnormal or difficult labor.

a. Menorrhagia

b. Dystocia

c. Oxytocia

d. Dysmenorrhea

9. ______ is milky breast discharge that happens in women who aren't pregnant or breastfeeding.

a. Mastopexy

b. Lactation

c. Mammography

d. Galactorrhea

10. ______ occurs when an egg is released from your ovary.

a. Oophoritis

b. Oophorocystectomy

c. Ovum

d. Ovulation

11. ______ refers to an unusually rapid childbirth.

a. Dysmenorrhea

b. Galactorrhea

c. Oxytocia

d. Mammography

12. ______ is an uncommon diagnosis, earmarked by cysts, inflammation, and enlargement in one or
both ovaries.

a. Ovulation

b. Oophorocystectomy

c. Colposcopy

d. Oophoritis

13. _____ is the plastic surgery procedure for raising sagging breasts upon the chest of the woman,
by changing and modifying the size, contour, and elevation of the breasts.

a. Mammography

b. Dysmenorrhea
c. Mastopexy

d. Galactorrhea

14. Fimbriae is the term for ______.

a. lower, neck-like portion of the uterus

b. muscle layer of the uterus

c. developing sac in the ovary that encloses the ovum

d. Finger-like ends of the fallopian tube

15. ______, or pain with menstrual cramps, can be primary or secondary.

Select one:

a. Dystocia

b. Galactorrhea

c. Menopause

d. Dysmenorrhea


Câu 1: Treatment of goiter is to increase the supply of __________ in the diet

A. iodine B. calcium C. sodium D. potassium

Câu 2: When the levels of T3 and T4 are excessive, T3 causes ______ on the pituitary and perhaps
the hypothalamus to inhibit TRH and TSH secretion

A. production B. synthesis C. feedback D. replacement

Câu 3: _________ are organs in the female lower abdomen that produce ova and hormones
A. placenta B. ovaries C. cervix D. vagina

Câu 5: Thyrotropin (or TSH) stimulates the thyroid gland to release:

A. Thyroxine B. parathormone C. Calcitonin D. Thymosine

Câu 15: Eggs are produced in the ______________

A. womb B. fallopian tubes C. ovaries D. vagina

Câu 16: TRH is secreted in the ____________________

A. pituitary B. hypothalamus C. thyroid D. parathyroid

*Câu 18: Is there any _______ between period? – A little white

A. clot B. hot flushes C. pain D. discharge

Câu 22: when the patient has pains in her periods, she has got ______
A. Prolonged periods B. Heavy periods C. Dysmenorrhoea D. menorrhagia
Câu 27: ____ is a medical term which means difficult or painful periods.
A. Dysmenorrhea B. Menopause C. Amenorrhea D. Metrorrhagia

Câu 31: Calcitonin is a hormone of the _____

A. Thyroid gland B. Adrenal cortex C. Pituitary gland D. Thymus gland

Câu 35: TRH triggers the _______________of TSH in the pituitary.

A. Replacement B. production  C. synthesis D. feedback

Câu 36: the ............ connects the ovary and the womb.
A. Uterus B. Vagina C. Salpinx D. Neck of womb

Câu 41: Gonadotropin- realeasing hormones are release from the_______.

A. Thalamus B. Hypothalamus C. Puituitary gland D. Thyroid gland

Câu 42: Which gland controls basal metabolic rate ?

A. Testes B. Thyroid  C. Parathyroid D. Pancreas
44) ………is beginning of the first menstrual period during puberty.
A. Menarche
B. Menopause
C. Amenorrhea
D. Metrorrhagia
45) The woman has…………….period lasting 8 days.
A. prolonged
B. light
C. painful
D. heavy
46) The hormone from the hypothalamus stimulates the release of thyrotropin (TSH) from the
pituitary is called………….
53) In diabetes mellitus, ……………… insufficiency or ineffectiveness prevents sugar from leaving the
blood and entering the body cells, where it is normally used to produce energy.
A. calcium
B iodine
C. insulin
D. sodium
55) The gland with can be classified as an endocrine and an exocrine gland is the ………..
A. thyroid
B. thymus
C. pituitary
D. pancreas
58) Thyroxine ( or thyroid hormone ) travels through the bloodstream acting on many target cells to
A. blood sugar B. blood calcium C. Metabolism D. anti-inflammatory reactions
59) The ……….gland secretes both an enzyme and a hormone.
A. The parathyroid
B. Pituitary
C. Pancreas
D. thyroid
60) ………….. is inflammation in the lower, neck-like portion of uterus
A. Cervicitis
B. Hepatitis
C. Oophoritis
D. Cirrhosis
62) The patient says “ I passed some blood in my urine” His symptom is………
A. urgency
B. haematuria
C. dysuria
D. nocturia
Câu 73: Insulin helps transport glucose to cells and decreases ______.
A. Blood calcium B. blood loss C. blood pressure D. blood sugar
*Câu 74: The inability to release urine from the bladder ______.
A. Urinary retention (hesitaton) B. dysuria C. anuria D. oliguria
Câu 76: The question “Do you get period pains” is used to ask about ______.
A.menarche B. menopause C.dysmenorrhoea D.menorrhagia
Câu 78: Scanty urinary output is terned ______.
A. oliguria B. dysuria C. polyuria D. hesitancy
Câu 82: The _____ is the place where urine accumulates, pending micturation.
A. kidney B. bladder C. ureter D. urethra
89. Thyrotrophin (TSH) stimulates the thyroid gland to release ________
A Thyroxine
B calcitonine
C parathomone
D thymosine
Câu 97: If period lasts more than four or five days, it can be described as …
A. painful B. prolonged C. heavy D. difficult
Câu 99: … means bleeding from the uterus at irregular intervals
A. Dysmenorrhea B. Menopause C. Amenorrhea D. Metrorrhagia
*Câu 101: Most hormones of the endocrine system are regulated by a_______
A. hormone-receptor complex B. positive feedback mechanism
C. negative feedback mechanism D. hormone gene complex
104. The patient has to get up three times at night to pass water. He suffers from ......
A. insomnia
B. uremia
C. nocturia
D. anuria
*Câu 109: The surgical procedure where the urinary meatus (lỗ tiểu) is incised for enlargement is
A. meatotomy  B. nephrostomy C. nephrolithotomy D. cystectomy
*Câu 110: ADH stimulates water reabsorption by kidney tubules; decreases ____ output.
A. urine B. water C. sodium D. cholesterone
*114. When Betty's left kidney stopped functioning, her contralateral kidney overdeveloped
or________ to meet the increased workload.
A. removed
B. metastasized (di căn)
C. hypertrophied (phì đại hoặc phát triển)
D. atrophied (teo)
124. The……… is involved in digestion as well as producing hormones.
A. pancreas
B liver
C. heart
D. spleen
Cau 137: Normally at the age of 50, women start get______________.
A. menarche B. menopause C. dysmenorrhoea D. menorrhagia
Cau 140: _______ is a muscular tube extending from the uterus to the exterior of the body.
A. Placenta B. Ovaries C. Vagina D. Cervix
Cau 145 : the question “ How often do you get your periods ? “ is used to ask about ___
A. menopause B. menarche C. menorrhagia D. menstrual cycle
Cau 146 : the term _____ means dysmenorrhoea.
A. heavy periods B. menstruation C. period pains D. amenorrhea 
Cau 150 : T4 is the abbreviation for hormone _____.
A. thyroid B. triiodothyronine C.  thyroxine D. thyrotrophin
Câu 155: The four small gland in the neck whose hormone controls calcium metabolism in the body
are the ......................
A. thyroid
B. thymus
C. parathyroid
D. pituitary
Câu 157: The patient says " I have to pee every half hour or so". His symtom is .....................
A.urgency B.hesitancy C.frequency D.urinary incontinence
Câu 158: Thyroxine and triiodothyronine are secreted by .................
A. thyroid
162. The process of expelling (voiding) urine through the urethra is called …………..
A. passing faeces
B. micturition
C. sweating
D. defecation
*167. ADH stimulates water reabsorption by ………………….. tubules; decreases urine output.
A. stomach
B. lung
C. kidney
D. liver
171. Among the contraceptive methods, …………..are available for both men and women.
A. diaphragms B. oral contraceptive pills C. copper coils D. condoms

174. After Sue’s bilateral renal failure, her doctor advised……………………to save her life.
A. nephrotomography (chụp cắt lớp thận)
B. nephrostomy (phẫu thuật mở thận)
C. renal transplantation
D. nephrolithotomy (mở thận lấy sỏi)

176: ……… means prenancy prevention.

A. Family way
B. Menopause
C. Contraception 
D. Concetion

180. ……….. helps transport glucose to cells and decreases blood sugar.
A. Thyroxine 
B. testosterone
C. insulin
D. cortisol

*189. The condition where urine is turbid (cloudy) owing to the presence of polymorphonuclear
leukocytes (bạch cầu đa nhân) and pus is.....
A. pyuria
B. ketonuria
C. glycosuria
D. hematuria
191. ........... is an  organ under the stomach. It produces insulin and enzymes.
A. Rectum
B. Stomach
C. Pancreas
D. Liver
Cau 192: The patient says "l get a scalding pain when pass water". His symptom is...?
A. urgency
B. hesitancy
C. dysuria.
D. incontinence
*Câu 194: The adrenal gland is nearest the……………
A. Kidney 
B. Liver
C. Brain
D. Throat
*Câu 196: ……………………… is a hormone produced by the ovaries, responsible for femaleness and
build-up of the uterine lining during the menstrual cycle.
A. Estrogen 
B. Testosterone
C. Calcitonin
D. Insulin
*Câu 197: ………..increases metabolism in body cell.
A. Parathyroid
B. Triiodothyronin
C. Thyroid
D. Thyroxine 
206. Salpinx is another term for the………
A. womb
B. vagina
C. ovary
D. Fallopian tube 
Câu 208: The time when a woman stops menstruating is called the…
A. Menopause 
B. Menstrual cycle
C. Menstrual period
D. Menarche
Câu 213: ____________is a lower, neck-like portion of the uterus.
A. Ovaries.
B. Placenta.
C. Vagina.
D. Cervix . 
Câu 214: An enlargement of the thyroid gland is the condition known as____________.
A. parathyroidism.
B. goiter
C. acromegaly.
D. Cushings disease
*216………… is a medical term which means no menstrual flow
A. cervicitis B. menopause C. amenorrhea D. metrorrhagia
*224 ____is another name of the womb
A vagina
B uterus
C salpinx
D ovary
235. The patient had difficulty starting to pass urine. This symptom is______
A. Dysuria B. Urgency C. Hesitancy. D. Frequency
Cau 244: The question “ Do you get clots ” is used to ask about…………
A. menstrual cycle 
B. menorrhagia 
C. menopause
D. menarche
Cau 246: The condition where there is sugar in the urine; a symptom of diabetes mellitus and a
result of hyperglycemia is ………..
A. pyuria
B. ketonuria
C. glycosuria
D. hematuria
Cau 247: The notch on the surface of the kidney where blood vesssels and nerves enter is………..
A. Bowman’s capsule B. hilum C. trigone D. cortex
*Câu 249: Ever since Bill’s condition of gout was diagnosed, he has been warned that uric acid
crystals could accumulate in his blood and tissues, leading to………..
A. pyuria
B. enuresis
C. cystocele
D. renal calculi 
*Câu 250: ……… a hormone produced by the endocrine cells of the pancreas. It transports sugar
into cells from the blood and stimulates glycogen formation by the liver.
A. Enzyme
B. Glucose
C. Insulin 
D. Glycogen
*Câu 251: Hypercalcemia occurs as…….. leaves the bones and enters the bloodstream.
A. glucose
B. calcium  
C. sodium
D. potassium
*Câu 255: ………. or menorrhagia means excessive blood loss.
A. Dysmenorrhoea B. Heavy periods C.Prolonged periods D.Painful periods
Cau 259: “ Do you ever lose control of your………..? Any leaking or dribbling?”.
A. bladder  
264. Urine is expelled through the _____ .
B. kidney
C. bladder
D. urethra
268: The term “heavy periods” means excessive blood loss or ______
A. menorrhagia
B. passage of clots
C. climacteric
D. dysmenorrhoea
269: The cup - like collecting region of the renal pelvis is the ________
A. hilus        B. Hilum C. Glomerulus D. calyx
273: Thyroiditis is the____ of the thyroid gland.
A. synthesis
B. inflammation
C. replacement
D. secretion
275: Structures that release their secretions through ducts are called _____ .
A. endocrine glands B. salivary glands C. sweat glands D. exocrine glands
*283: _____develops and maintains female sex characteristics.
A. Insulin
B. Testosterone
C. Cortisol
D. Estradiol
*286. The surgical formation of an opening from the bladder to the body is termed_____.
A. cystectomy
B. nephrostomy
C. nephrectomy
D. cystostomy
288: The glands produce an oily substance called sebum.
A. sweat
B. endocrine
C. sebaceous
D. melanin
290: He is suffering from ______ . He passes water excessively during the night.
A. urinary incontinence B. nocturia C. constipation D. insomnia
291: The sebaceous glands produce an oily substance called_____ .
A. sweat
B. sebum
C. secretion
D. duct
*296: The patient says” I can’t hold my water”. His symptom is _____ .
A. hesitancy
B. urgency
C. incontinence 
D. frequency
*297: Menstrual cycle means ______of periods.
A. length and frequency
B. pain and bet flushes
C. volume and frequency
D. length and pain
298: Eight-year-old Willy was wetting his bed at night while sleeping. His mother limited Willy’s
intake of fluids at nighttime to discourage his____.
A. enuresis
B. oliguria
C. pyuria
D. nocturia 
300:____ raises blood calcium.
A. Thyroxine B. Parathyroid C. Parathyroid hormone D. Thyroid
301: Elderly patients may experience uncontrolled loss of urine from the bladder. They may suffer
from the condition known as _____ .
A. Dysuria B. urinary incontinence C. hesitancy D. urgency
*Câu 305: The testosterone – producing cells of testes are called:
A.Sertoli cells
B.Leydig cells
D.Granulosa cells
Câu 307: The patient says:” I have trouble getting started”. His symptom is:
B. Hesitancy
C. Frequency
D. Incontinence
Câu 308:____________ is the creation of an artificial opening into the kidney ( via catheter) from the
outside of the body.
C.Cystectomy .
D. Nephrolithotomy
Câu 309: The patient says:” I passes some blood in my urine”. His symptom is:
A, Urgency
B. Hesitancy
Câu 310: After diagnosis of renal cell carcinoma, Dr. Davis advised Donna that______ would be
*Câu 313: ___________ is the condition where dark pigment accumulates in urine as a result of
the liver or gallbladder disease.
D. Bilirubinuria 
Câu 314: Premature termination of pregnancy before the embryo or fetus is able to exist on its own
is known as_________:
A,Down syndrome
D.Abortion (nạo phá thai)
Cau 316: The condition where color of the urine is smoky red owing to to presence of blood is
Cau 318: An enlarged __________ gland is called a goiter.
Cau 319: The tiny ball of capillaries (microscopic blood vessels) in cortex of kidney is the _____:
Cau 320:______ means gradual ending of menstrual function:
A, Menopause
*Cau 321: _________ is the hernia of urinary bladder:
A. Cystocele
B. Renal ischemia
C. Amenorrhea
D. Metrorrhagia
Cau 324: An estrogen ( female hormone) is produced by the:
Câu 325: The hormones regulating blood calcium levels are _______:
A, Insulin and glucagon
B. Parathyroid hormone and calcitonin
C. Estrogen and progesteron
D.Glycogen and parathyroid hormone
Câu 326: An incision to remove a stone from the renal pelvis is:
Câu 331: Do you have any problems ______ your water works?
Câu 339: Cortisol increases:
A. Blood pressure
B. Blood sugar
C. Blood Calcium
D, Blood loss
*Câu 341: Climacte is also called :
A, Menarche
B, Hot flushes
C, Menorrhagia
D, Menopause
Câu 343: 4/28 is written form of
A, Menstruate B,Menstruation C,Menstrual cycle D,Menstrual periods
Cau 346: Thyroxine anf triodothyronine are secreted by the:
A. Parathyroid
B, Pituitary
C, Thyroid
D, Pancreas

354: One of the symsptoms of menopause is ________- sudden sensation of heat.

A. hot flashes B. night sweat C. change D. climacteric

356: The _____ stores urine until the person finds an appropriate time and place to void.
A. Urethra B. ureter C. bladder D. kidney

357: Do you get any burning or _____ when you pass water ?
A. leaking B. blood C. pain  D. flow

358: Thyroxine increases ________ in body cell.

A. production B. synthesis C. secretion D. Metabolism 

366: The patient says “ I have to rush to go to the toilet”. His symptom is ______
A. Hesitancy B. urgency C. incotinencei D. frequency

371: _______ promotes the growth and maintenance of male sex characteristics.
A. Cortisol B. Testosterone C. Insulin D.Thyroxine

375: New opening from the colon to the outside of the body is termed ________.
A. colostomy B. enterophathy C. cholecystectomy D. colonostomy

381: The onset of mentruation is known as ____.

A. Menarche  B. dysmenorrhoea C.climacteric D. period

385: GnRH is produced by the _____ and acts on the ______.

A. hypothalamus ; pituitary
B. pituitary ; thyroid
C.adrenal ; ovary
D. kidney ; adrenal

387: The ___ gland is situated in the interior of the cranium.

A. Parathyroid B.thyroid C. adrenal D. pituitary

392: She passes urine involuntarily. Her condition is called…………….

A.strangury B.incontinence C.frequency D.dysuria

*398: All of the following are endocrine glands EXCEPT:……….

A.pituitary glands B.adrenal glands C.pineal glands D.sebaceous glands

404. The surgical procedure where the urinary bladder is removed is……………….
A.nephrectomy                B.nephrostomy
C.cystectomy D.cystostomy

*408. The secretions of the endocrine glands are distributed throughout the body by the……..
A.nerves B.hormones C.blood D.lymph

413: …………..means prolonged menstrual bleeding occurring at regular intervals.

A. Menorrhagia B. Metrorrhagia C. Menopause D. Amenorrhagia

416/ the physical , chemical , and microscopic evaluation of unire.

A.Nocturia B.Dysuria C.Dialysis D.Urinalysis

419/ Unire is formed in the kidneys and stored in the bladder until it is............
A.rushed B.formed C.used D.passed

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