PM Scada PCS

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Plant Maintenance (PM)

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Measuring Points and Counters (CS-IB-MC / PM-EQM-SF-MPC)

You use this component in Plant Maintenance (PM) or Customer Service (CS) to enter measurement and counter readings for
technical objects . This can be of use in the following situations:

You want to document the condition of a technical object at a particular point in time.

Documenting the condition of a particular object is of great importance in cases where detailed records regarding the
correct condition have to be kept for legal reasons. This could involve critical values recorded for environmental
protection purposes, hazardous working areas that are monitored for health and safety reasons, the condition of
equipment in hospitals (intensive care units), as well as measurements of emissions and pollution for objects of all types.

You want to perform counter-based maintenance .

Condition and counter-based maintenance tasks are forms of preventive maintenance. Generally, these tasks should
reduce the number of breakdowns for your objects.

In the case of counter-based maintenance, maintenance activities are always performed when the counter of the
technical object has reached a particular counter reading, for example, every 100 operating hours.

You want to perform condition-based maintenance .

In the case of condition-based maintenance, maintenance activities are always performed when the measuring point of a
technical object has reached a particular state, for example, every time a brake pad has been worn away to the minimum
thickness permitted.

This component is composed as follows:

You enter data manually into the SAP System using the SAP user interface.

You use the Internet Application Component (IAC) to enter data in an entry screen in the browser and transfer this data
to the SAP System using the Internet.

You can enter data using a barcode reader and transfer it to the SAP System using the PM-PCS interface .

The PM-PCS Interface is an interface between the SAP System and external systems, such as a Process Control System

You can enter data using a laptop and transfer it to the SAP System using the PM-PCS Interface.

Data from a process control system is data that arises during the monitoring, control, regulation, and optimization of a
technical process. You can transfer this data to the SAP System using the PM-PCS Interface.

When doing this, you can use a SCADA System (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System) which lters the data
from the process control system and only transfers to the SAP System the data that is actually relevant.

You can use the customer exit to automate your business processes.

Overview of all Elements of the ComponentMeasuring Points and Counters

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For more information on the maintenance planning functions in the SAP System (for example, creating a maintenance plan,
scheduling) see Maintenance Planning .

Within the components PM and CS, the component Measuring Points and Counters is divided into:

Basic functions , which are the prerequisites for using measuring points and counters

Additional functions , whose use is optional

Additional Functions
You only use these optional functions once you have represented your measuring points and counters in the SAP system and
are productively using the entry of measurement and counter readings.

You use some of these functions just once when a particular event occurs. None of the additional functions constitutes a
necessary part of your day-to-day work.

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Transfer of Measurement and Counter Readings

Dependencies can exist between measuring points/counters. The measurement readings entered for a measuring point
can also be valid for other measuring points, or the counter reading differences entered for a counter can also be valid
for other counters. In cases such as these, you can make sure that this data is transferred automatically.

Working With a Measurement Reading Entry List

You can compile a freely de nable sequence of measuring points/counters to better plan the actual procedure of
entering measurement and counter readings (for example, in preparation for the work to be performed by the person
taking the readings).

Setting the Total Counter Reading Externally

Representing Counter Replacement

A one-off activity that you only perform when you replace counters.

Converting Units of Measurement

The SAP system converts measurement units automatically. You can simulate this conversion function.

PM-PCS Interface (PM-EQM-SF-MPC)

You can use this interface to transfer measurement and counter readings from feeder systems into the SAP System. In the SAP
System, data is saved in measurement documents and can be used by both the PM (Plant Maintenance) and CS (Customer
Service) application components.

Uses in the SAP system:

Performance-based, planned maintenance enables you to plan maintenance activities based on counter readings that
are maintained for your technical objects .

In the case of condition-based maintenance, maintenance-relevant events are recognized by an external system. By
transferring these events to the PM-PCS interface, malfunction noti cations can be created in the SAP System.

You can use measurement documents to record information that is necessary for plant safety, job safety and
environmental protection.

From Release 4.0, you can also use measurement documents as the basis for consumption billing for real estate

Implementation Considerations
Possible feeder systems:

Portable data entry systems

Process Control Systems (PCS)

Building control systems

SCADA systems (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition Systems)

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Technical Objects

De nition
In the SAP System, you represent the systems to be maintained as technical objects. Technical objects are managed in the
master data of the SAP System as functional locations and pieces of equipment.

A functional location is an organizational unit within Logistics that structures the maintenance objects of a company according
to functional, process-oriented or spatial criteria.

A functional location represents the place at which a maintenance activity is to be performed.

A piece of equipment is an individual, physical object that is to be maintained as an autonomous unit.

Functional locations are structured hierarchically to represent the structure of the system to be maintained. Functional
locations of different hierarchies can be linked to one another. In this way, you can represent the global network structure of a
technical system, the links between different technical systems and the dependencies between individual functional locations.

A piece of equipment can be installed at a functional location or in a superior piece of equipment for a certain period of time. In
the course of its useful life, it can be used at different installation locations.

Equipment can also be assigned hierarchically, enabling you to represent pieces of equipment that have a more complex
structure. Pieces of equipment can also be linked to one another. In this way you can represent the global network structure of a
technical system and the dependencies between the individual pieces of equipment.

Transfer, measurement and counter readings

The PM-PCS interface transfers ltered data from a process control system (PCS) to the SAP System. Measurement
documents are created automatically in the SAP System for the measurement and counter readings.

You should implement this interface if you want to use measurement documents in the SAP System as the basis for performing
maintenance activities or for documenting information.

Process Flow
Process control systems provide a wealth of data that arises within a particular process, building, or infrastructure. SCADA
systems perform a lter function in these circumstances. They lter out the maintenance-relevant data and, in this way, prevent
the SAP System from being ooded with process data.

In addition, SCADA systems enable communication between one or more process control systems and the SAP System.

SCADA System Connected Directly to the Field Bus -> PCS does not require a SCADA interface

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SCADA System as middleware between PCS and SAP System

Some process control systems have their own necessary lter and interface functions, which means that they can be connected
directly to the SAP System without the requirement of an intermediate connection to a SCADA system.

Direct Connection Between PCS and SAP System

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SCADA System as the Integrator of Various PCS

Master Data Call via User Interface

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Both process control systems (PCS) and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems (SCADA) often provide a graphical
user interface, for example:

Process and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&ID)

Site and installation plans in 2D and 3D (GIS and CAD systems)

You can access directly the master data of the technical objects Error! No bookmark name given. from this user interface (for
example, by double-clicking). When doing this, the PM-PCS interface enables a dialog transaction to be started for the speci ed
technical object in the SAP System. The transaction is started on the same PC but in a second window.

First of all, the master record of the technical object is simply displayed. You can switch to the change mode at any time. You can
use the menu functions to access the technical object’s logistics and business environment.

Converting the Object Key


Generally, the same object is managed in different systems under different keys. For example, a measuring point with the
number 4711 in the SAP System corresponds to the data address P-1001 in the process control system.

The conversion of the object key of the external system into the SAP key is generally performed using an assignment table. This
table can either be located in the external system or in the SAP System.

In the case of the PM objects “Functional location” and “Measuring point”, the object key of the external system can be stored
on the part of SAP system as a standard attribute (secondary index) of the SAP object. This means that when the
corresponding RFCs are called up, the SAP primary key does not have to be transferred.


Generally, logging is required in the following areas for monitoring an interface between two systems:

In the source system (PCS/SCADA):

For performing the retrospective entry of events that occurred during a phase when the target system was not available.

In the target system (SAP system):

For saving all incoming events, if processing does not take place simultaneously.

For monitoring event processing, if this takes place in separate steps (transactions), as with Work ow.

For monitoring database updates (asynchronous update in the SAP System).

However, in the case of the PM-PCS interface, SAP logging is not necessary.

Event processing in the SAP system takes place simultaneously.

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Each event results directly in an entry in an SAP application table, meaning that each event generates a measurement
document in the SAP System.

Event processing in the SAP System takes place in a single transaction.

If a malfunction report is generated, then this should happen together with the creation of a measurement document in
an SAP transaction.

The update of the SAP application table occurs simultaneously.

Normal Operating Situation

The only logging is in the source system (PCS/SCADA). There, the SAP measurement document number is logged for each
event that is transferred. This enables the completeness of the transfer to be checked at any time.

When the document number is returned to the source system from the SAP System, the database has already been updated.
This is also the case when a malfunction report is created in addition to the measurement document.

When the SAP System is not Available

The source system must deal with the following scenarios of the SAP System not being available:

The measuring point, for which the event should be transferred, is currently locked in the SAP System.

In the source system log, the exception POINT_LOCKED, that is returned by the SAP System, is logged for the event

The SAP System is not currently available.

The exception ZZ_SAP_NOT_AVAILABLE is written in the log.

For some reason, event processing in the SAP System takes too long.

The exception ZZ_SAP_TIME_OUT is written in the log. Con rmation from the SAP System is no longer being waited for;
the work process in the source system is released.

The PM-PCS interface enables the automatic completion of event transfer. For this, the log in the source system must be
continuously monitored. Where necessary, events are transferred to the SAP System again. The source system recognizes
events that have not yet been transferred by the missing SAP document number in the log.

After the exceptions POINT_LOCKED and ZZ_SAP_NOT_AVAILABLE, the repeated transfer of the event is not critical
because event processing has not taken place in the SAP system.

After the exception ZZ_SAP_TIME_OUT, it should be checked whether the event is being processed in duplicate after its
repeated transfer to the SAP System (duplicate records).

Recognizing and Avoiding Duplicates (Duplicate Records)

Duplicates are not immediately recognizable in the SAP System because usually every incoming event results in the creation of
a new measurement document. For this reason, the source system must transfer each event with a customer-speci c
document ID. The SAP System is able to recognize the repeated transfer of an event that has already been processed from this
document ID, and can therefore avoid duplicate processing.

Therefore, the recognition of duplicates in the SAP System is controlled on the basis of additional, customer-speci c
information. From Release 3.1I, the necessary enhancements for doing this are included for the PM-PCS interface.

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Transfer of a customer-speci c document ID:

For this, you can create a eld, ZZ_CUST_ID, of any format in the Customizing include CI_IMRG that has been prepared.

Activation of duplicate recognition:

When you call up the SAP function module MEASUREM_DOCUM_RFC_SINGLE_001, set the parameter

Response of the SAP System after recognizing duplicates:

The function module sets the indicator CUSTOM_DUPREC_OCCURED = X. The function module returns the number of
the measurement document that already existed instead of a new measurement document number. This number is
logged for the event in the source system as in the normal operating situation.

Notes about the Function Modules

All individual functions are performed in the SAP System using RFC-enabled function modules (Remote Function Call). These
function modules were rst delivered with Release 3.0E.

The function modules for measurement documents and measuring points are able to return the complete object data to the
calling application from Release 3.1. This is because the inclusion of oating point elds (Format FLTP) in the structures and
tables of the RFC interfaces was not previously supported.

From Release 3.1I / 4.0B, you can use the following Customer Exits for measuring points and measurement documents:

IMRC0001 runs before the update and enables you to de ne particular eld contents in measurement points and
measurement documents, to generate work ow events and to update customer-speci c tables.

IMRC0002 and IMRC0003 make available menu exits in the online processing of measuring points and measurement
documents, so that you can trigger customer-speci c functions or call up customer-de ned screens.

You can also create the Customizing includes CI_IMPTT or CI_IMRG to extend the tables IMPTT (measuring point) or IMRG
(measurement document) respectively, to include customer-de ned elds. For each of the three mentioned Customer exits, you
then maintain control of the customer-speci c elds.

Because all individual functions can be called up using RFC, the calls can also be made by OLE (Object Linking and Embedding)

All function modules are online interfaces. If the SAP System is ever unavailable, the measurement values to be transferred in
the process control system or in the SCADA system must be able to be buffered.



RFC Measurement document: Individual processing, Create


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This RFC enables the following remote calls for creating measurement documents:

Remote dialog (WITH_DIALOG_SCREEN = 'X')

API without Dialog (WITH_DIALOG_SCREEN = ' ')

The session "Create with dialog" can be used for the correction of incorrect data records (compare with processing in the
foreground for incorrect batch input sessions).

You can use the parameter CREATE_NOTIFICATION to determine whether another maintenance noti cation should be created
for the measurement document.

If a noti cation is to be created, a noti cation type that is set in Customizing of the target system can be assigned, using the
parameter NOTIFICATION_TYPE. The standard noti cation type M2 = Malfunction report is preassigned.

Additionally, the noti cation can be assigned a priority that also has to be set in Customizing of the target system.

The following data can be copied into the noti cation from the measurement document or the measuring point:

Measuring point object of the measuring point (functional location or equipment)

The eld Assembly for the measuring point (should be included in the bill of material of the measuring point object)

Measurement time in the eld Malfunction start (date and time) of the noti cation

Counter-reader in the eld Noti er of the noti cation

Short text

Valuation code, as long as its catalog type is the same as the catalog type de ned in Customizing for Problems
(V_TQ80_C-FEKAT) of the respective noti cation type.


If a unique value has been maintained in the eld Measurement position of the measuring point, the measuring point can
also be identi ed by the measurement position. In this case, use the parameter SECONDARY_INDEX.

The following is valid for the parameters RECORDED_VALUE and RECORDED_UNIT:

Both parameters have to be transferred in external format:

RECORDED_VALUE is transferred in CHAR format. If the eld contains decimal places, these must be separated using a comma
or period according to the setting in the user master.

RECORDED_UNIT is interpreted depending on the logon language and is case sensitive.

If the parameter RECORDED_UNIT is transferred blank, the system assumes that the unit of measurement of the
measuring point MEASUREMENT_POINT should be used.

If the measurement document table IMRG has been extended to include customer-spec c elds by creating the Customizing
include CI_IMRG, these elds can be lled using the parameter USER_DATA.

If the parameter CHECK_CUSTOM_DUPREC has been transferred with 'X', the system checks whether a measurement that has
not been canceled already exists for the measuring point and time stamp (READING_DATE + READING_TIME).

If this is the case, a new measurement document is not created. Instead, the system returns the parameter

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NOTIFICATION, the data of the already-existing measurement documents is returned. For this reason, the exception
TIMESTAMP_DUPREC cannot be set, also not for counters.

If you want to allow more than one measurement document per time stamp (second), you must create the Customizing include
CI_IMRG with the eld ZZ_CUST_ID. You can de ne the eld ZZ_CUST_ID with any format. It is then available automatically in
the database table IMRG and in the parameter USER_DATA, and is used during the above-mentioned DupRec-check as a
re nement of the time stamp. This means that in the eld ZZ_CUST_ID, you are able to transfer an internal counter per
measuring point and time stamp, an extension of the time stamp in micro/nanoseconds, or the number of the original
document from the feeder system.

Import Parameters

Parameter Type Length Short text

MEASUREMENT_POINT CHAR 12 Measuring point (primary key)

SECONDARY_INDEX CHAR 20 Secondary index: Position no. of

measuring point

READING_DATE DATS 8 Date of measurement

READING_TIME TIMS 6 Time of measurement

SHORT_TEXT CHAR 40 Short text for measurement


READER CHAR 12 Counter reader of measurement


ORIGIN_INDICATOR CHAR 1 Origin indicator

READING_AFTER_ACTION CHAR 1 X = Measurement after

appropriate action

RECORDED_VALUE CHAR 22 Measurement reading in entry


RECORDED_UNIT CHAR 6 Unit of measurement for

document entry

DIFFERENCE_READING CHAR 1 X = MeasReading is counter

reading difference

CODE_CATALOGUE CHAR 1 Catalog type of the valuation


CODE_GROUP CHAR 8 Code group of valuation code

VALUATION_CODE CHAR 4 Valuation code

CODE_VERSION CHAR 6 Version number of valuation


USER_DATA Customer-speci c data

CHECK_CUSTOM_DUPREC CHAR 1 X = Customer-speci c DupRec-


WITH_DIALOG_SCREEN CHAR 1 X = RFC with dialog screen


ABAP level

WAIT_AFTER_COMMIT CHAR 1 X = Wait for database update

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CREATE_NOTIFICATION CHAR 1 X = Create PM noti cation


NOTIFICATION_PRIO CHAR 1 Noti cation priority

Export Parameters

Parameter Type Length Short text

MEASUREMENT_ CHAR 20 Measurement document

(primary key)

COMPLETE_DOCUMENT See IMRG structure See IMRG structure Complete measurement


NOTIFICATION CHAR 12 Noti cation (primary key)

CUSTOM_DUPREC_OCCURED CHAR 1 X = Customer-de ned DupRec


IMRG Structure

Name Type Length Short text

AEDAT DATS 8 Date on which the object was

last changed

AENAM CHAR 12 Name of the user who last

changed the object

CANCL CHAR 1 Cancel indicator

CDIFF FLTP 16 Counter reading difference in SI-


CDIFFI CHAR 1 Indicator to show that the

corresponding eld contains a

CNTRG CHAR 1 Indicator: Counter-reading


CNTRR FLTP 16 Counter reading in SI-units

CNTRRI CHAR 1 Indicator to show that the

corresponding eld contains a

CODCT CHAR 1 Catalog type - Valuation code

for the measurement reading

CODGR CHAR 8 Code group - Valuation code for

the measurement reading

CVERS CHAR 6 Version number

DETAILERG NUMC 8 Development reserve: Format


Length 8

DOCAF CHAR 1 Indicator: Measurement

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document included after
corresponding task

ERDAT DATS 8 Date on which the object was


ERNAM CHAR 12 Name of the user who created

the object

ERUHR TIMS 6 Time at which the object was


EXCHG CHAR 1 Indicator to show that the

register was exchanged

GENER CHAR 1 Origin indicator

IDATE DATS 8 Date of measurement

IDIFF CHAR 1 Indicator to show that the

counter reading was entered as
a difference

INVTS NUMC 11 Internal time stamp format:

99.999.999.999 - seconds

ITIME TIMS 6 Time of measurement

KZLTX CHAR 1 Long text indicator

LVORM CHAR 1 Deletion ag


MBEWERTG CHAR 1 Valuation of test result

MDOCM CHAR 20 Measurement document

MDTXT CHAR 40 Measurement document text

MERKNR NUMC 4 Inspection characteristic


MLANG LANG 1 Language key

POINT CHAR 12 Measuring point

PREST CHAR 1 Processing status

PROBENR NUMC 6 Number of the partial sample

PRUEFLOS NUMC 12 Inspection lot number

READG FLTP 16 Measurement reading / total

counter reading in SI-units

READGI CHAR 1 Indicator to show that the

corresponding eld contains a

READR CHAR 12 Counter reader of the

measurement reading

RECDU UNIT 3 Unit of measurement for

document entry

RECDV FLTP 16 Measurement reading in unit of

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RECDVI CHAR 1 Indicator to show that the

corresponding eld contains a

ROOTD CHAR 20 Source document for

measurement reading transfer

TOLID NUMC 8 Object ID of the production


TOLTY CHAR 2 Object type of the CIM resource

for production resource/tool

TOTEX CHAR 1 Indicator to show that the total

counter reading was set

VLCOD CHAR 4 Valuation code

VORGLFNR NUMC 8 Current node number from

order counter APLZL

WOOB1 CHAR 22 Object number of the order

operation / con rmation
counter, etc.

WOOBJ CHAR 22 Object number of the order etc.

CI_IMRG Customer-speci c data


Parameter Short text

NO_AUTHORITY No authorization

POINT_NOT_FOUND Measuring point (table IMPTT) not found

INDEX_NOT_UNIQUE Secondary index is not unique

TYPE_NOT_FOUND Measuring point category not found

POINT_LOCKED Measuring point blocked by dialog user

POINT_INACTIVE Measuring point inactive -> no document entry

TIMESTAMP_IN_FUTURE Measurement time point lies in the future

TIMESTAMP_DUPREC A counter reading already exists

UNIT_UNFIT Unit of measurement does not suit dimension to be measured

VALUE_NOT_FLTP RECORDED_VALUE cannot be read as oating point number

VALUE_OVERFLOW Measurement range exceeded/not reached

VALUE_UNFIT Counter reading does not suit monotone development

VALUE_MISSING Measurement/counter reading missing

CODE_NOT_FOUND Valuation code not de ned

NOTIF_TYPE_NOT_FOUND Noti cation type not de ned or not authorized

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NOTIF_PRIO_NOT_FOUND Priority not de ned

UPDATE_FAILED Database update failed (during WAIT_AFTER_COMMIT)



RFC Measurement document: Individual processing, Change/Display or Read


This RFC enables the following remote calls:

Remote dialog (WITH_DIALOG_SCREEN = 'X')

Remote dialog in display mode (EDIT_MODE = ' ')

Remote dialog in change mode (EDIT_MODE = 'X')

Remote reading of measurement document data (WITH_DIALOG_SCREEN = ' ')


Apart from when an EXCEPTION occurs, the measurement document data (structure IMRG) is always returned.

After a remote dialog in change mode, the redundant elds of the measurement document in the calling system can be

Import Parameters

Parameter Type Length Short text

MEASUREMENT_ CHAR 20 Measurement document


WITH_DIALOG_SCREEN CHAR 1 X = RFC with dialog screen

EDIT_MODE CHAR 1 X = Call in change mode


ABAP level

WAIT_AFTER_COMMIT CHAR 1 X = Wait for database update

Export Parameters

Parameter Type Length Short text

IMRG_BA See IMRG structure See IMRG structure Work area returned from

UPDATE_SUCCESS CHAR 1 X = Update performed

IMRG Structure

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Name Type Length Short text

AEDAT DATS 8 Date on which the object was

last changed

AENAM CHAR 12 Name of the user who last

changed the object

CANCL CHAR 1 Cancel indicator

CDIFF FLTP 16 Counter reading difference in SI-


CDIFFI CHAR 1 Indicator to show that the

corresponding eld contains a

CNTRG CHAR 1 Indicator: Counter-reading


CNTRR FLTP 16 Counter reading in SI-units

CNTRRI CHAR 1 Indicator to show that the

corresponding eld contains a

CODCT CHAR 1 Catalog type - Valuation code

for the measurement reading

CODGR CHAR 8 Code group - Valuation code for

the measurement reading

CVERS CHAR 6 Version number

DETAILERG NUMC 8 Development reserve: Format


Length 8

DOCAF CHAR 1 Indicator: Measurement

document included after
corresponding task

ERDAT DATS 8 Date on which the object was


ERNAM CHAR 12 Name of the user who created

the object

ERUHR TIMS 6 Time at which the object was


EXCHG CHAR 1 Indicator to show that the

register was exchanged

GENER CHAR 1 Origin indicator

IDATE DATS 8 Date of measurement

IDIFF CHAR 1 Indicator to show that the

counter reading was entered as
a difference

INVTS NUMC 11 Internal time stamp format:

99.999.999.999 - seconds

ITIME TIMS 6 Time of measurement

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KZLTX CHAR 1 Long text indicator

LVORM CHAR 1 Deletion ag


MBEWERTG CHAR 1 Valuation of test result

MDOCM CHAR 20 Measurement document

MDTXT CHAR 40 Measurement document text

MERKNR NUMC 4 Inspection characteristic


MLANG LANG 1 Language key

POINT CHAR 12 Measuring point

PREST CHAR 1 Processing status

PROBENR NUMC 6 Number of the partial sample

PRUEFLOS NUMC 12 Inspection lot number

READG FLTP 16 Measurement reading / total

counter reading in SI-units

READGI CHAR 1 Indicator to show that the

corresponding eld contains a

READR CHAR 12 Counter reader of the

measurement reading

RECDU UNIT 3 Unit of measurement for

document entry

RECDV FLTP 16 Measurement reading in unit of


RECDVI CHAR 1 Indicator to show that the

corresponding eld contains a

ROOTD CHAR 20 Source document for

measurement reading transfer

TOLID NUMC 8 Object ID of the production


TOLTY CHAR 2 Object type of the CIM resource

for production resource/tool

TOTEX CHAR 1 Indicator to show that the total

counter reading was set

VLCOD CHAR 4 Valuation code

VORGLFNR NUMC 8 Current node number from

order counter APLZL

WOOB1 CHAR 22 Object number of the order

operation / con rmation
counter, etc.

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WOOBJ CHAR 22 Object number of the order etc.

CI_IMRG Customer-speci c data


Parameter Short text

NO_AUTHORITY No authorization

DOCUMENT_NOT_FOUND Measurement document (table IMRG) not found

POINT_NOT_FOUND Corresponding measuring point not available

UPDATE_FAILED Database update failed (during WAIT_AFTER_COMMIT)



RFC Measuring point: Individual processing, Change/Display or Read


This RFC enables the following remote calls:

Remote dialog (WITH_DIALOG_SCREEN = 'X')

Remote dialog in display mode (EDIT_MODE = ' ')

Remote dialog in change mode (EDIT_MODE = 'X')

Remote read of measuring point data (WITH_DIALOG_SCREEN = ' ')


1. Apart from when an EXCEPTION occurs, the measuring point data (structure IMPT) is always returned.

2. After a remote dialog in change mode, the redundant elds of the measuring point in the calling system can be

3. If a unique value has been maintained in the eld Measurement position for the measuring point, the measuring point
can also be identi ed by the measurement position. In this case, use the parameter SECONDARY_INDEX.

Import Parameters

Parameter Type Length Short text

MEASUREMENT_POINT CHAR 12 Measuring point (primary key)

SECONDARY_INDEX CHAR 20 Secondary index: Position no. of

measuring point

WITH_DIALOG_SCREEN CHAR 1 X = RFC with dialog screen

EDIT_MODE CHAR 1 X = Call in change mode


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ABAP level

WAIT_AFTER_COMMIT CHAR 1 X = Wait for database update

Export Parameters

Parameter Type Length Short text

IMPT_BA See IMPT structure See IMPT structure Work area returned from

UPDATE_SUCCESS CHAR 1 X = Update performed

IMPT Structure

Name Type Length Short text

AEDAT DATS 8 Date on which the object was

last changed

AENAM CHAR 12 Name of the user who last

changed the object

ANZDZ INT2 5 Number of decimal places

ATDIM INT2 5 Exponent in the screen display

ATFOR CHAR 4 Data type of the characteristic

ATINN NUMC 10 Internal characteristic

ATINNR CHAR 1 Indicator: Characteristic

originates from the reference
measuring point

ATNAM CHAR 30 Characteristic name

ATVOR CHAR 1 Indicator: Negative readings



BEGRU CHAR 4 Authorization group for the

technical object

CDSUF CHAR 1 Indicator to show that the

valuation code for the
measurement document is

CJUMP FLTP 16 Counter over ow reading in SI-


CJUMPI CHAR 1 Indicator to show that the

corresponding eld contains a

CODCT CHAR 1 Catalog type - Valuation code

for the measurement reading

CODGR CHAR 8 Code group - Valuation code for

the measurement reading

CODGRR CHAR 1 Indicator: Code group originates

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from the reference measuring

DECIM INT2 5 Number of decimal places when

representing gures

DESIR FLTP 16 Target value for the measuring


DESIRI CHAR 1 Indicator to show that the

corresponding eld contains a

DESIRR CHAR 1 Indicator: Target value

originates from the reference
measuring point

DSTXT CHAR 40 Additional short text for the

measuring point

DSTXTR CHAR 1 Indicator: Additional short text

originates from the reference
measuring point

ERDAT DATS 8 Date on which the object was


ERNAM CHAR 12 Name of the user who created

the object

EXPON INT2 5 10-digit exponent for oating

point representation

INACT CHAR 1 Indicator to show that the

measuring point is deactivated

INDCT CHAR 1 Indicator to show that the

measuring point is a counter

INDRV CHAR 1 Indicator to show that the

counter runs backwards

INDTR CHAR 1 Indicator to show that a

measurement reading transfer
is intended

IRFMP CHAR 1 Indicator to show that the

measuring point is a reference
measuring point

KZLTX CHAR 1 Long text indicator

LOCAS CHAR 18 Assembly for locating the

measuring point

LVORM CHAR 1 Deletion ag


MLANG LANG 1 Language key

MPOBJ CHAR 22 Object number of measuring

point object

MPTYP CHAR 1 Measuring point category

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MRMAX FLTP 16 Upper measurement range limit
or maximum total counter

MRMAXI CHAR 1 Indicator to show that the

corresponding eld contains a

MRMIN FLTP 16 Lower measurement range limit

or minimum total counter

MRMINI CHAR 1 Indicator to show that the

corresponding eld contains a

MRNGU UNIT 3 Measurement range unit

MSEHI UNIT 3 Unit of measurement

POINT CHAR 12 Measuring point

PSORT CHAR 20 Item number of the measuring

point at the object (sort eld)

PSORTR CHAR 1 Indicator: Item number

originates from the reference
measuring point

PTTXT CHAR 40 Description of the measuring


PYEAR FLTP 16 Annual performance in SI-units

PYEARI CHAR 1 Indicator to show that the

corresponding eld contains a

REFMP CHAR 12 Reference measuring point

TRANS CHAR 12 Measuring point from which the

measurement reading transfer

CI_IMPTT Customer-speci c data


Parameter Short text

NO_AUTHORITY No authorization

POINT_NOT_FOUND Measuring point (table IMPTT) not found

INDEX_NOT_UNIQUE Secondary index is not unique

TYPE_NOT_FOUND Measuring point category not found

UPDATE_FAILED Database update failed (during WAIT_AFTER_COMMIT)

Function Module FUNC_LOCATION_RFC_002

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 22

RFC to functional location: Individual processing, Change/Display/Read

This RFC enables the following remote calls for functional locations:

Dialog transaction (WITH_DIALOG_SCREEN = 'X')

Display mode (EDIT_MODE = ' ')

Change mode (EDIT_MODE = 'X')

Just reading of location data (WITH_DIALOG_SCREEN = ' ')

1. Apart from when an EXCEPTION occurs, the location data (view IFLO) is always returned.

After a remote dialog in change mode, the redundant elds of the location in the calling system can be synchronized.

2. If a unique value has been maintained in the sort eld of the functional location, the location can also be identi ed by the
sort eld. In this case use the parameter SECONDARY_INDEX and create an index with the following elds for the table



3. If alternative labeling of functional locations is active in your system, you can also identify the functional location using

You can therefore represent in parallel the location labels of different partner systems in the SAP System and use them
when calling up the SAP System to identify the functional locations.

Import Parameters

Parameter Type Length Short text

FUNC_LOCATION CHAR 30 Key eld for functional location

SECONDARY_INDEX CHAR 30 Secondary index: Sort eld


FUNC_LOCATION_LABEL Alternative label

LABELLING_SYSTEM Labeling system

WITH_DIALOG_SCREEN CHAR 1 X = RFC with dialog screen

EDIT_MODE CHAR 1 X = Call in change mode

WAIT_AFTER_COMMIT CHAR 1 X = Wait for database update

Export Parameters

Parameter Type Length Short text

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IFLO_BA SeeIFLO structure SeeIFLO structure Work area returned from

UPDATE_SUCCESS CHAR 1 X = Update performed

Name Type Length Short text

ABCKZ CHAR 1 ABC indicator for the technical


ABCKZI CHAR 1 Data origin for the eld 'ABC


ADRNR CHAR 10 Address number

ADRNRI CHAR 1 Data origin for the eld


AEDAT DATS 8 Date on which the object was

last changed

AENAM CHAR 12 Name of the user who last

changed the object

ANLNR CHAR 12 System main number

ANLNRI CHAR 1 Data origin for the elds

ʻSystem main no.' and 'sub-no.'

ANLUN CHAR 4 System sub-number

ANLUNI CHAR 1 Indicator: Data origin

AUFNR CHAR 12 Settlement order

AUFNRI CHAR 1 Data origin for the eld

'Settlement order'

BEBER CHAR 3 Plant section

BEBERI CHAR 1 Data origin for the eld 'Plant


BEGRU CHAR 4 Authorization group for the

technical object

BUKRS CHAR 4 Company code

BUKRSI CHAR 1 Data origin for the eld '

Company code'

CR_OBJTY CHAR 2 CIM resource object type

DATAB DATS 8 Start-up date of the functional


DAUFN CHAR 12 Standing order number

DAUFNI CHAR 1 Data origin for the eld

'Standing order number'

EINZL CHAR 1 Single installation of equipment

at the functional location

EINZLI CHAR 1 Data origin for the eld

'Authorization group'

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EQFNR CHAR 30 Sort eld

EQFNRI CHAR 1 Data origin for the eld 'Sort


ERDAT DATS 8 Date on which the object was


ERNAM CHAR 12 Name of the user who created

the object

FLTYP CHAR 1 Type of functional location

GSBER CHAR 4 Business area

GSBERI CHAR 1 Data origin for the eld '

Business area '

IEQUI CHAR 1 Installation of equipment at

functional location allowed

IEQUII CHAR 1 Data origin for the eld

ʻInstallation of equipment

ILOAN CHAR 12 Location and account

assignment for the maintenance

INGRP CHAR 3 Maintenance planner group

INGRPI CHAR 1 Data origin for the eld

'Maintenance planner group'

ISTYP CHAR 1 Object type for Industry

Solution (IS)

IWERK CHAR 4 Maintenance planning plant

IWERKI CHAR 1 Data origin for the eld

'Maintenance planning plant'

KOKRS CHAR 4 Controlling area

KOKRSI CHAR 1 Data origin for the eld

'Controlling area'

KOSTL CHAR 10 Cost center

KOSTLI CHAR 1 Data origin for the eld 'Cost


KZLTX CHAR 1 Long text indicator

KZMLA CHAR 1 Indicator:Text segment in

primary language

LGWID NUMC 8 Object ID of the PM work center

LGWIDI CHAR 1 Data origin for the eld 'PM

work center’

LVORM CHAR 1 Development reserve: Format

CHAR, Length 1


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MAPAR CHAR 30 Development reserve: Format
CHAR, Length 30

MAPARI CHAR 1 Development reserve: Format

CHAR, Length 1

MLANG LANG 1 Primary language for object text


MSGRPI CHAR 1 Data origin for the eld 'Room


OBJNR CHAR 22 Object number

OWNER CHAR 1 Object reference indicator

PLTXT CHAR 40 Description of functional


PLTXU CHAR 40 Description of functional

location in capital letters

PM_OBJTY CHAR 2 Object type of the CIM resource

for PM work center

POSNR CHAR 4 Item at the superior functional


PPSID NUMC 8 Object ID of the PPS work


PPSIDI CHAR 1 Data origin for the eld ʻPPS

work center’

PREMS CHAR 10 Point of consumption

PROID NUMC 8 Work Breakdown Structure

element (WBS element)

PROIDI CHAR 1 Data origin for the eld ʻWBS


PSTAE CHAR 4 Development reserve: Format

CHAR, Length 4

RBNR CHAR 9 Catalog pro le

RBNR_I CHAR 1 Data origin for the eld 'Catalog

pro le'

SPART CHAR 2 Division

SPARTI CHAR 1 Data origin for the eld


SPRAS LANG 1 Language key

STNAM CHAR 12 Development reserve: Format

CHAR, Length 12

STORT CHAR 10 Location of the maintenance


STORTI CHAR 1 Data origin for the eld


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SUBMT CHAR 18 Construction type material of
the technical object

SUBMTI CHAR 1 Data origin for the eld

'Construction type'

SWERK CHAR 4 Maintenance plant

SWERKI CHAR 1 Data origin for the eld

'Maintenance plant'

TPLKZ CHAR 5 Functional location structure


TPLMA CHAR 30 Superior functional location

TPLNR CHAR 30 Functional locations

TRPNR CHAR 30 Reference functional location

VKORG CHAR 4 Sales organization

VKORGI CHAR 1 Data origin for the eld 'Sales


VTWEG CHAR 2 Distribution channel

VTWEGI CHAR 1 Data origin for the eld

'Distribution channel'

CI_IFLOT Customer-speci c data

Table Parameters

Parameter Short text

ALTERNATIVE_LABELS Alternative labels


Parameter Short text

NO_AUTHORITY No authorization

INDEX_NOT_UNIQUE Secondary index is not unique

LOCATION_NOT_FOUND Functional location not found

LOCATION_LOCKED Functional location blocked by dialog user

Data Elements

Data element IMRC_RECDV, Measurement reading in entry unit



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When you enter the document, the system makes an identical record in the database of the measurement reading entered,
together with its associated unit of measurement due to veri cation purposes. The system then converts the measurement
reading on the basis of its SI-unit and records this in the database as well.

All further processing is then performed on the basis of the measurement reading after conversion to its SI-unit.

Data element IMRC_GENER, Origin indicator

De nition:

The system enters in this eld the information on the origin of the measurement document.


Lower limit Upper limit Description of value

A Transfer from API, without dialog

D Entry in normal dialog

I Entry via batch input

M Migration R/2 -> R/3

Q Automatic creation by QM application

R Manual transfer from QM application

T Automatic creation by measurement

reading transfer

1 Customer variant 1

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