FT 05
FT 05
FT 05
29-09-2022 CODE-B
Corporate Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456
Test 5
:Motion in a Plane: Introduction, Scalars and Vectors, Multiplication of vectors by real numbers,
Physics Addition and subtraction of vectors-graphical method., Resolution of vectors, Vector addition-
constant acceleration.
analytical method., Motion in a plane, Motion in a plane with
and Periodicity in Properties
Chemistry : Classification of Elements Archaebacteria-
Classification(Contd.): EconomicC bacteria,
importance of
Botany : Biological
methanogens, halophiles, thermoacidophiles, Eubacteria - Cyanobacteria, Mycoplasma, Protista-
General characters, Chrysophytes, Dinoflagellates, Euglenoids, Slime moulds, Protozoans-major
groups with some salient features
structure of Larynx, sound production,
Zoology :Breathing and Exchange of Gases-l: Respiratory passage,
Internal structure, alveoli., Mechanism of breathing-
lungs, pleurae, external structure of lungs,
Inspiration, expiration thoracic and abdominal breathing. Respiratory/Pulmonary
of between alveoli & blood; exchange of gases
volumes/Respiratory capacities, Exchange gases
of carbon dioxide,
between blood and tissue cells., Transport of oxygen, Bohr's effect; Transport
Chloride shift (Hamburger's phenomenon), Haldane effect
(i) Use Blue/Black ballpoint pen only t darken the appropriate circle.
(i) Mark should be dark and should completely fill the circle.
each entry.
(ii) Dark only one circle for
(iv) Dark the circle in the space provided only. rubbing
the Answer sheet and do not use white-fluid or any other
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() Rough
material on Answer sheet.
1 mark shall be deducted from total score.
Each question carries 4 marks. For every wrong response
y-coordinate of particle in 2 s is
2 A- (2) 16 m
(1) 24 m
(3) A-0-Ö
(3) 8 m (4) 12 m
(4) 0-A
Fortnightly Test-5 (TYMR_Code-B) Two Year Medical-2024
3. When a vector is multiplied by -1 then its 10. Which of the following set of magnitudes of three
(1) Only magnitude will change forces can't make zero resultant (All are
2y Only direction will change coplanar)?
(3) Both magnitude and direction will change (1) 2,11,5 (2) 8,6, 6
(4) Neither magnitude nor direction will change (3) 3,5, 4 (4) 12, 16, 18
(2) 10-10j m/s (3)- ( A
y plane Is
given by r = (3ti +2tj)) m. Acceleration of the
(1) tan (2) tan particle at t = 2 s is
Two Year Medical-2024 Fortnightly Test-5 (TYMR Code-8)
16. Position of changes from 21. if vector A shown in the figure is having
an object
(2-3j +4k)m to (3/+4j -2k)m magnitude of 10 unit, then component of vector
(3) 2 (4) 1
24. In period, on moving left to right, non-metallic 27. The value of negative electron gain enthalpy
be maximum for
character generally
(1) F (2) CI
(2) Decreases (3). Br (4)
(3) Remains constant 28. The correct order of successive ionisation
enthalpy of an element is
(4) First increases then decreases
Two Year Medical-2024
Fortnightly Test-5 (TYMR_Code-B)
30. Which is the correct order of atomic radii? 37. Modern periodic law is based upon
(1van der Waals radius Metallic radius Atomic number (2) Atomic mass
18 (4) 7 (3) B 4) Be
46. Entamoeba causes 48. Match column I with column Il w.r.t. habitats of
(1) Sleeping sickness organism.
(2) Malaria
Column Column
3Dysentery a. | Methanogens Extreme
) salty
(4) Typhoid areas
47. In which of the following organisms cell wall
resemble soap box in structure?
b. Halophiles i ) | Hot springs
Two Year Medical-2024
Fortnightly Test-5 (TYMR_Code-B)
67. Read the following statements and select the
64. Vibrio cholerae causes
correct option.
(1) Typhoid
Statement A: Methanogens are present in the
(2) Tetanus T
gut of several ruminant animals.
Cholera Statement B: Halophiles are autotrophic
(4) Citrus canker disease bacteria. 7
65. Mark the feature which is correct for
(1) Only A is correct
(2) Only B is correct
(1) They cannot survive without oxygen correct
Both A and are
69. Which of the following factors inversely affects 72. Read the statements A and B and choose the
the rate of diffusion? correct option.
(1) Partial pressure of individual gas A: Solubility of the gases as well as the
thickness of the diffusion membrane involved
(2 Thickness of respiratory membrane affect the rate of diffusion.
(3) Solubility of respiratory gases
B: Pressure contributed by an individual gas in a
(4) Surface area of respiratory membrane mixture of gases is called partial pressure.7
70. Following are the muscles involved in the (1) Both A and B are incorrect
breathing, in humans. (2) A is correct but B is incorrect
a. External intercostal muscles 3) Both A and B are correct
b. Internal intercostal muscles 4) B is correct but A is incorrect
73. Read the following statements regarding diffusion
C. Diaphragm
membrane and state them as true (T) or false (F).
Select the correct option w.r.t. muscles involved
a. It is made up of three major layers. T
in the normal breathing.
b. It is made up of the thin squamous epithelium
(1) a andb (2) only b
of alveoli, the endothelium of alveolar
(3) b andc A a andc capillaries and the basement substance in
71. Choose the incorrect match w.r.t. respiratory between them.
Its total thickness is
capacities and respiratory volumes. more than a metre.F
Choose the correct option.
a b
(2) EC ERV+TV (1) T T