Progress PDF
Progress PDF
Progress PDF
Matti Pitkänen
Email: [email protected].
Recent postal address: Rinnekatu 2-4 A 8, 03620, Karkkila, Finland.
1 Introduction 2
1. Introduction 2
7 Miscellaneous 71
7.1 General question related to unified theories and sociology around them 71
7.2 Varying topics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
7.3 TGD related topics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
1 Introduction
I started to develop TGD for 43 years ago (towards end of 1977). During last 30
years the understanding of the mathematical aspects of TGD and its connection
with the empirical world has developed rapidly. Therefore it seems appropriate give
an overall view about the developments as links (mostly) to blog postings. Below
I list blog links to Quantum TGD, its applications to physics, to biology and to
consciousness theory with the intention to give an overall view about the sometimes
tortuous development of the ideas (I did not receive the final form of TGD from
heaven and have been forced to work hardly for more than four decades!).
2. Basic Quantum TGD 3
1. The emergence of zero energy ontology (ZEO) was one important step towards
the goal and meant a profound modification of the standard ontology solving
the basic paradox of quantum measurement theory. Zero energy states as
superpositions of classical deterministic time evolutions connecting initial and
final states at boundaries of causal diamond (CD) would replace quantum
states as time=constant snapshots. The counterpart of S-matrix would be
defined in terms of entanglement coefficients between the members of state
pairs at boundaries of causal diamond (CD). But does one obtain a unitary
S-matrix or something more general?
3. The most recent step occurred towards the end of 2020. The basic observation
was that Kähler metric has properties very similar to those of unitary S-matrix.
Both the complex analogs of probabilities and their real counterparts sum up
to unity, and the rows of the Kähler metric as matrix are orthogonal just as in
2.1 Physics as geometry of ”world of classical worlds” (WCW) 4
the case of a unitary S-matrix. One obtains the analogs of unitarity conditions
and under some additional conditions Kähler metric indeed defines unitary S-
matrix. To obtain positive real probabilities a much milder condition stating
that the complex analogs of probabilities define coordinates for Teichmueller
One must provide the base space of the Hilbert space bundle (the ”world of
classical worlds” (WCW)) with a Kähler metric of the base space extending to
a Kähler metric in the bundle having WCW spinor fields as a fiber. This would
mean a geometrization of Hilbert space level analogous to that introduced by
Einstein at the level of space-time.
14. The analog of unitary S-matrix from a curved Kähler geometry of the space
of WCW spinor fields
16. Should one replace the notion of unitary matrix with Kaehler metric of
fermionic state space?
17. More about the replacement of S-matrix with a generalized Kaehler metric in
fermionic degrees of freedom
html Could the existence of exotic smooth structures pose problems for TGD?
html Could the exotic smooth structures have a physical interpretation in the
TGD framework?
html Intersection form for 4-manifolds, knots and 2-knots, smooth exotics, and
html The ultrametric topology of discretized ”world of classical worlds”
html Quantum classical correspondence as a feedback loop between the clas-
sical space-time level and the quantal WCW level?
2.2 TGD counterpart of Dirac action at space-time level 6
At the level of H, this picture suggests that one should add to the 4-D action
also 3-D Chern-Simons-Kähler action associated with the light-like partonic orbits
and also stringy action possibly as the ordinary string area. This could bring in the
gravitational constant as a fundamental coupling parameter and the ratio ~G/R2
(R is CP2 ”radius”) would be fixed by quantum criticality. This is however not
consistent with the AdS/CFT inspired idea that the strings connecting partonic 2-
surfaces are responsible for the formation of gravitational bound states. For ordinary
Planck constant only gravitational bound states of order Planck length would be
possible. Even for hef f = n × h is not enough. For 1/h2ef f proportionality of the
effective string area predicted by Kähler action, the size of bound states is of order
GM/v0 for ~ef f = ~gr = GM m/v0 applying in planetary system.
11. Could categories, tensor networks, and Yangians provide the tools for handling
the complexity of TGD?
2.3 Symmetries of TGD 8
space-time surfaces would consist of points of space-time with almost unique oc-
tonionic coordinates of Oc defining M 8 coordinates with values in the extension
of rationals considered. They would represent the intersection of realities and p-
adicities representing non-deterministic imaginations - non-determinism would be
due to the presence of pseudo-constants as integration constants.
The ideas about p-adic space-time sheets as correlates of intentions, imagina-
tions, and cognitions and the idea about cognitive representations as intersection of
realities and p-adicities have evolved via several sidetracks.
1. The idea has been that p-adic space-time sheets would be not only “thought
bubbles” representing real ones but also correlates for intentions and the trans-
formation of intention to action would would correspond to a quantum jump
in which p-adic space-time sheet is transformed to a real one. Alternatively,
there would be a kind of leakage between p-adic and real sectors. Cognitive act
would be the reversal of this process. In ”big” (ordinary) state function reduc-
tions (BSFRs) p-adic space-time surfaces involving p-adic pseudo constants
as integration constants and not realizable as real spacetime surfaces would
be replaced with real space-time surfaces for which integration constants are
genuine constants.
The latest view about the realization of intention as action [K34] relies on the
representation of the space-time surface at the level of M 8 as a root of the real
part of an octonionic polynomial (real part in quaternionic sense) defining a
co-associative space-time surface mappable to H by M 8 − H duality. p-Adic
sectors would correspond to polynomials, whose coefficients are pseudo con-
stants (vanishing derivative in p-adic sense) and therefore piecewise constant
functions, and therefore not making sense as real space-time surfaces. The
coefficients would be piecewise constant functions of the light-like coordinate
r of the light-like boundary of 8-D CD. In the state function reduction trans-
forming intention to action, the coefficients of P would become constant and
the interpretation as a real space-time surface would become possible.
2. This realization allows to clarify the thoughts about what the intersection
between p-adicities and realities could be. Intersection would corresponds in
strong form of holography (SH) to string world sheets and partonic 2-surfaces
at which spinor modes are localized for several reasons: the most important
reasons are that em charge must be well-defined for the modes and octonionic
and real spinor structures can be equivalent at them to make possible twistori-
alization both at the level of embedding space and its tangent space. Cognitive
representations would consist of points of these 2-surfaces with M 8 coordinates
in the extension of rationals. They would be natural carries of fermion number.
The parameters characterizing space-time surfaces as points of WCW would
be discretized - that is belong to an appropriate algebraic extension of rationals
so that surfaces are continuous and make sense in real number field and p-adic
number fields. By conformal invariance they might be just conformal moduli.
Teichmueller parameters, positions of punctures for partonic 2-surfaces, and
corners and angles at them for string world sheets. In fact, the recent work
2.4 Number theoretic vision 11
4. I have proposed this in p-adic mass calculations for two decades ago. The
discretization by cognitive representations would be a wonderful simplifica-
tion of the theory: by super-symplectic invariance WCW would reduce to
finite-dimensional moduli space as far as calculations of scattering amplitudes
are considered. The testing of the theory requires classical theory and 4-D
space-time. This holography would not mean that one gives up space-time:
it is necessary. Only cognitive and as it seems also fundamental sensory rep-
resentations are 2-dimensional. All that one can mathematically say about
reality is by using data at these 2-surfaces. The rest is needed but it requires
mathematical thinking and transcendence! This view is totally different from
the sloppy and primitive philosophical idea that space-time could somehow
emerge from discrete space-time.
This has led also to modify the ideas about the relation of real and p-adic physics.
2. The problem with p-adic manifolds is that the canonical identification map is
not a general coordinate invariant notion. The hope was that one could over-
come the problem by finding preferred coordinates for the embedding space.
3. One could restrict the canonical identification to the points in cognitive rep-
resentation belonging to the algebraic extension of rationals. These could be
mapped to p-adic points as such or usingcanonical identification or its variant.
For instance, a rational number m/n could be mapped to I(mm)/I(n) , which
is still a rational number and the algebraic numbers defining the units of ex-
tension would be mapped as such. That the p-adic space-time surfaces cannot
be constructed uniquely from the cognitive representation would reflect the
finite measurement resolution.
realizable. The state function reduction to the opposite boundary would give
as outcome 2-surfaces, which also allows a continuation to a real space-time
surface. This is a killer test in quite concrete sense since the mental image
representing intention is transformed to real action. In fact, this option can
be equivalent with the one, described above.
There are two questions, which I have tried to answer during these two decades.
1. What makes some p-adic primes preferred so that one can say that they char-
acterizes elementary particles and presumably any system?
2. What is behind p-adic length scale hypothesis emerging from p-adic mass
calculations and stating that primes near but sligthly below two are favored
physically, Mersenne primes in particular. There is support for a generalization
of this hypothesis: also primes near powers of 3 or powers of 3 might be favored
as length- and time scales which suggests that powers of prime quite generally
are favored.
The adelic view led to possible answers to these questions. The answer to the
first question has been staring directly on my eyes for more than a decade.
2. Also infinite primes seem to finally find the place in the big picture. Infinite
primes are constructed as an infinite hierarchy of second quantization of an
arithmetic quantum field theory. The infinite primes of the previous level
label the single fermion - and boson states of the new level but also bound
2.4 Number theoretic vision 14
The answer to the second question requires what I call a weak form of NMP.
1. Strong form of NMP states that negentropy gain in quantum jump is maximal:
density matrix de-compose into sum of terms proportional to projection opera-
tors: choose the sub-space for which number theoretic negentropy is maximal.
The projection operator containing the largest power of prime is selected. The
problem is that this does not allow free will in the sense as we tend to use: to
make wrong choices!
2. Weak NMP allows to chose any projection operator and sub-space which is
any sub-space of the sub-space defined by the projection operator. Even 1-
dimensional in which case standard state function reduction occurs and the
system is isolated from the environment as a prize for sin! The weak form
of NMP is not at all so weak as one might think. Suppose that the maximal
projector operator has dimension nmax which is a product of a large number
of different but rather small primes. The negentropy gain is small. If it is
possible to choose n = nmax − k, which is a power of prime, negentropy gain
is much larger!
It is largest for powers of prime defining n-ary p-adic length scales. Even more,
large primes correspond to more refined p-adic topology: p = 1 (one could call
it prime) defines discrete topology, p = 2 defines the roughest p-adic topology,
the limit p → ∞ is identified by many mathematicians in terms of reals. Hence
large primes p < nmax are favored. In particular primes near but below powers
of prime are favored: this is nothing but a generalization of p-adic length scale
hypothesis from p = 2 to any prime p.
2. Is evolution 3-adic?
12. Could one realize number theoretical universality for functional integral?
16. Does Riemann Zeta Code for Generic Coupling Constant Evolution?
17. Why the non-trivial zeros of Riemann zeta should reside at critical line?
21. p-Adicizable discrete variants of classical Lie groups and coset spaces in TGD
33. Why would primes near powers of two (or small primes) be important?
40. Number theoretic vision about Riemann zeta and evolution of K hler coupling
42. What perfectoid and its tilt introduced by Fields medalist Peter Scholze are?
44. Atyiah, fine structure constant, and TGD view based view about coupling
constant evolution
46. Solution of renormalization group equation for flux tubes having minimum
string tension and RG evolution in terms of Riemann zeta
52. What extensions of rationals could be winners in the fight for survival?
2.4 Number theoretic vision 17
55. When do partonic 2-surfaces and string world sheets define large cognitive
59. About p-adic length scale hypothesis and dark matter hierarchy
65. Minimal value of heff from the ratio of Planck mass and CP2 mass?
67. The conjectured duality between number theory and geometry from TGD
point of view
73. p-Adic particle massivation and entanglement: are all physical states mass-
75. About the TGD based notions of mass, of twistors and hyperbolic counterpart
of Fermi torus
2.4 Number theoretic vision 18
9. What the properties of octonionic product can tell about fundamental physics?
10. Is the quantum leakage between different signatures of the real sectors of the
complexified M 8 possible?
html p-Adic ξ function from Hadamard product
Some comments of the physical interpretation of Riemann zeta in TGD
2.4 Number theoretic vision 19
html How also finite fields could define fundamental number fields in Quantum
2.4.3 M 8 − H duality
A brief summary about the development of the idea is in order.
2. Later emerged the idea that octonionic analyticity realized in terms of real
polynomials P algebraically continued to polynomials of complexified octonion
might realize the dream [L5, L6, L7]. The original idea was that the vanishing
condition for the real/imaginary part of P in quaternion sense could give rise
to co-assocative/associative sense.
M 8 − H duality concretizes number theoretic vision [L9, L8] summarized as
adelic physics fusing ordinary real number based physics for the correlates of
sensory experience and various p-adic physics (p = 2, 3, ...) as physics for the
correlates of cognition. The polynomials of real variable restricted to be ratio-
nal valued defines an extension or rationals via the roots of the polynomials
and one obtains an evolutionary hierachy associated with these extensions in-
creasing in algebraic complexity. These extensions induce extensions of p-adic
numbers and the points of space-time surface in M 8 with coordinates in the
extension of rationals define cognitive representations as unique discretizations
of the space-time surface.
4. The latest progress [L15] involved the realization that only co-associativity
is possible and is so for any distribution of associative normal spaces of the
space-time surface. Also co-commutativity is possible. This makes possible
M 8 − H-duality allowing to map the entire space-time surface in Oc to H so
that the original idea would be realized almost as such. This option allows
both Euclidian and Minkowskian signature for the regions of the space-time
surface. One can say that the situation is finally settled.
16. Critical questions related to the number theoretical view about fundamental
ordering divergences.In the bilocal version of modified Dirac action allowing to avoid
normal ordering divergences, this condition is implied by the modified Dirac action.
I learned however very early that TGD realizes SUSY in the sense that the
bosonic action - Kähler action plus volume term having interpretation in terms
of cosmological constant implied by the twistor lift of TGD - determines a unique
modified Dirac action from the condition of hermiticity. This gives rise to an infinite
number of super-currents associated with the modes of the modified Dirac action.
This form of SUSY is also behind the super-symplectic symmetries crucial in the
construction of the Kähler metric and gamma matrices of WCW.
The recent view about quantum TGD relies on 3 basic pillars: zero energy
ontology (ZEO), hierarchy of Planck constants labelling phases of ordinary matter
identifiable as dark matter and implied by adelic physics, and the identification of
the counterpart in terms of the Kähler metric of Hilbert bundle defined by WCW
spinor fields. The following postings reflect the tortuous path to the final picture.
3. Is hef f = hgr hypothesis really consistent with TGD inspired quantum biology?
7. Could the magnetic flux quanta assigned with criticality carry monopole flux?
14. The new findings about the structure of Milky Way from TGD viewpoint
18. What does one mean with quantum fluctuations in TGD framework?
21. Long range magnetic fields at distance of 5 billion light years and death blow
to dark matter disks
22. Dark matter explanation for the cosmic ray positron excess favoured
25. The prediction of quantum theory for heat transfer rate fails: evidence for the
hierarchy of Planck constants
26. What does one really mean with gravitational Planck constant?
2.7 Hyperfinite factors and TGD 23
29. The newest anomaly of the cold dark matter scenario supports the TGD view
of galactic dark matter
4. The idea of Connes about inherent time evolution of certain algebraic struc-
tures from TGD point of view
9. Some TGD inspired questions and thoughts about hyperfinite factors of type
10. Trying to fuse the basic mathematical ideas of quantum TGD to a single
coherent whole
boundaries of string world sheets at the orbits of partonic 2-surfaces. The two four-
momenta should be identifical by quantum classical correspondence: this is nothing
but a concretization of Equivalence Principle. Also a connection with string model
Twistor approach developed rapidly during years. Witten’s twistor string the-
ory generalizes: the most natural counterpart of Witten’s twistor strings is partonic
2-surface. The notion of positive Grassmannian has emerged and TGD provides
a possible generalization and number theoretic interpretation of this notion. TGD
generalizes the observation that scattering amplitudes in twistor Grassmann ap-
proach correspond to representations for permutations. Since 2-vertex is the only
fermionic vertex in TGD, OZI rules for fermions generalizes, and scattering ampli-
tudes are representations for braidings. Braid interpretation gives further support
for the conjecture that non-planar diagrams can be reduced to ordinary ones by
a procedure analogous to the construction of braid (knot) invariants by gradual
un-braiding (un-knotting).
Twistor approach has hitherto left open the explicit construction of geometric
3-vertices of the scattering amplitudes and the question how 3-vertices and fermionic
dynamics relate. A concrete realization of super-symplectic Yangian leads in terms
of multi-stringy generators leads to a very concrete proposal for the 3-vertices of the
twistorial scattering amplitudes in terms of commutators and co-commutators. The
old idea is that Universe could be performing arithmetics in an algebra involving
besides product also co-product which is in well-defined sense ”time-inverse” of the
product. The natural identification of this algebra is as a super-symplectic Yangian
and the product and co-product have interpretation in terms of basic 3-vertices.
It is easy to hear the comments of the skeptic listener in the back row.
1. The attribute ”minimal” - , which could translate to minimal value of Kähler
function - is dangerous. It might be very difficult to determine what the
minimal diagram is - consider only travelling salesman problem or the task of
finding the shortest proof of theorem. It would be much nicer to have simple
calculational rules.
The original proposal might help here. The generalization of string model
duality was in question. It stated that that it is possible to move the posi-
tions of the vertices of the diagrams just as one does to transform s-channel
resonances to t-channel exchange. All loops of generalized diagrams could
be be eliminated by transforming the to tadpoles and snipped away so that
only tree diagrams would be left. The variants of the diagram were identified
as different continuation paths between different paths connecting sectors of
WCW corresponding to different 3-topologies. Each step in the continuation
procedure would involve product or co-product defining what continuation be-
tween two sectors means for WCW spinors. The continuations between two
states require some minimal number of steps. If this is true, all computations
connecting identical states are also physically equivalent. The value of the
vacuum functional be same for all of them. This looks very natural.
That the Kähler action should be same for all computational sequences con-
necting the same initial and final states looks strange but might be understood
in terms of the vacuum degeneracy of Kähler action closed related to quantum
2.8 Twistors and TGD 26
criticality, which means infinite gauge degeneracy associated with the Yangian
of a sub-algebra of super-symplectic algebra.
10. About the twistorial description of light-likeness in 8-D sense using octonionic
15. Cosmic evolution of the radius of the fiber of the twistor space of space-time
17. Twistor googly problem transforms from a curse to blessing in TGD framework
18. How the hierarchy of Planck constants might relate to the almost vacuum
degeneracy for twistor lift
20. Generalized Kähler structure for Minkowski space and CP breaking and matter
antimatter asymmetry
34. About the generalization of dual conformal symmetry and Yangian in TGD
42. Complex 8-momenta are necessary for the realization of massless many-particle
states implying unitary without loops
43. New insights about quantum criticality for twistor lift inspired by analogy with
ordinary criticality
45. Are space-time surfaces minimal surfaces everywhere except at 2-D interaction
46. How could Planck length be actually equal to much larger CP2 radius?!
50. About gauge bosons and their decay vertices in TGD framework
52. Number theoretical view about unitarity conditions for twistor lift
64. Should one replace the notion of unitary matrix with Kähler metric of fermionic
state space?
65. More about the replacement of S-matrix with a generalized Kaehler metric in
fermionic degrees of freedom
2.9 Zero energy ontology (ZEO) 29
68. About the TGD based notions of mass, of twistors and hyperbolic counterpart
of Fermi torus
(a) ZEO does not mean that physical states in the usual 3-D sense as snap-
shots of time evolution would have zero energy state pairs defining zero
energy states as initial and final states have same conserved quantities
such as energy. Conservation implies that one can adopt the conventions
that the values of conserved quantities are opposite for these states so
that their sum vanishes: one can think that incoming and outgoing par-
ticles come from geometric past and future is the picture used in quantum
field theories.
(b) ZEO means two times: subjective time as sequence of quantum jumps
and geometric time as space-time coordinate. These times are identifiable
but are strongly correlated.
3. In BSFRs the arrow of time is changed and the time evolution in the final state
occurs backwards with respect to the time of the external observer. BSFRs can
occur in all scales since TGD predicts a hierarchy of effective Planck constants
with arbitrarily large values. There is empirical support for BSFRs.
(a) The findings of Minev et al [L10] in atomic scale can be explained by the
same mechanism [L10]. In BSFR a final zero energy state as a superposi-
tion of classical deterministic time evolutions emerges and for an observer
with a standard arrow of time looks like a superposition of deterministic
2.9 Zero energy ontology (ZEO) 30
smooth time evolutions leading to the final state. Interestingly, once this
evolution has started, it cannot be stopped unless one changes the stimu-
lus signal inducing the evolution in which case the process does not lead
to anywhere: the interpretation would be that BSFR back to the initial
state occurs!
(b) Libets’ experiments about active aspects of consciousness [?] can be un-
derstood. Subject person raises his finger and neural activity starts be-
fore the conscious decision to do so. In the physicalistic framework it is
thought to lead to raising of the finger. The problem with the explanation
is that the activity beginning .5 seconds earlier seems to be dissipation
with a reversed arrow of time: from chaotic and disordered to ordered
at around .15 seconds. ZEO explanation is that macroscopic quantum
jump occurred and generated a signal proceeding backwards in time and
generated neural activity and dissipated to randomness.
(c) Earthquakes involve a strange anomaly: they are preceded by ELF radi-
ation. One would expect that they generate ELF radiation. The identifi-
cation as BSFR would explain the anomaly [L11]. In biology the reversal
of the arrow of time would occur routinely and be a central element of bi-
ological self-organization, in particular self-organized quantum criticality
(see [L12, L21].
1. Second law in the standard sense does not favor - perhaps even not allow -
realization of planned actions. ZEO forces a generalization of thermodynamics:
dissipation with a non-standard arrow of time for a subsystem would look like
self-organization and planned action and its realization.
Could most if not all planned action be like this - induced by BSFR in the
geometric future and only apparently planned? There would be however the
experience of planning and realizing induced by the signals from geometric
future by a higher level in the hierarchy of conscious entities predicted by
TGD! In long time scales we would be realizing our fates or wishes of higher
level conscious entities rather than agents with completely free will.
2. The notion of magnetic body (MB) serving as a boss of ordinary matter would
be central. MB carries dark matter as hef f = nh0 phases of ordinary matter
with n serving as a measure for algebraic complexity of extension of rationals
as its dimension and defining a kind of universal IQ. There is a hierarchy of
these phases and MBs labelled by extension of rationals and the value of n.
MBs would form a hierarchy of bosses - a realization for master slave hierarchy.
Ordinary matter would be at the bottom and its coherent behavior would be
induced from quantum coherence at higher levels. BSFR for higher level MB
2.9 Zero energy ontology (ZEO) 31
would give rise to what looks like planned actions and experienced as planned
action at the lower levels of hierarchy. One could speak of planned actions
inducing a cascade of planned actions in shorter time scales and eventually
proceeding to atomic level.
7. How the life cycle of self could corresponds to a transition to chaos as iteration
of polynomial?
13. Some comments about classical conservation laws in Zero Energy Ontology
16. Zero energy states as scattering amplitudes and subjective time evolution as
sequence of SSFRs
20. Self-organized quantum criticality and 1/f noise as a possible signature for
the reversal of the arrow of time
3. Applications to astrophysics, cosmology and galactic physics 32
1. Further progress concerning the relationship between TGD and GRT and
Kähler-Dirac action
3. Neutrinos from the galactic center as a further piece of evidence for many-
sheeted space-time?
8. How the QFT-GRT limit of TGD differs from QFT and GRT?
3.1 TGD, GRT, and astrophysics 33
7. About the new proposal of Hawking, Perry, and Strominger to solve the black-
hole information loss problem
11. What could the gamma ray pulse detected .4 seconds after the LIGO merger
12. Gravitational Waves from Black Hole Megamergers Are Weaker Than Pre-
15. Cosmic redshift but no expansion of receding objects: one further piece of
evidence for TGD cosmology
17. Does GW150914 force to modify the views about formation of binary blackhole
18. What happens to the extremals of Kähler action when volume term is intro-
20. Does the presence of cosmological constant term make Kähler coupling strength
a genuine coupling constant classically?
24. Minimal surface analog of Schwartschild solution: two horizons and possible
connection LIGO anomaly
25. LIGO blackhole anomaly and minimal surface model for star
29. How the QFT-GRT limit of TGD differs from QFT and GRT?
30. How the QFT-GRT limit of TGD differs from QFT and GRT?
39. Two problems with a common solution: the problem of two Hubble constants
and enormous value of cosmological constant
40. Is the hierarchy of Planck constants behind the reported variation of Newton’s
3.1 TGD, GRT, and astrophysics 35
41. Did LIGO observe non-standard value of G and are galactic blackholes really
47. Some aspects of the TGD inspired model of blackhole like objects
52. A test for the quantum character of gravity as a test for quantum TGD
html Are wormholes really created in quantum computer?
html Comparison of AdS/CFT duality with the TGD based holographic du-
html How do AdS/CFT- and TGD based holographic dualities relate?
A rather spectacular support for the model comes from Pioneer and Flyby
anomalies [K26] allowing to estimate the density of the needed dark matter sphere.
Estimate is consistent with the estimate for the effective surface density assignable
to galactic dark matter and also with constraints from the model identifying bio-
photons as decay products of dark photons [K25].
5. Mystery: How Was Ancient Mars Warm Enough for Liquid Water?
7. New support for the view about Cambrian explosion being caused by rapid
increase of Earth radius
11. What smoothed out Earth’s surface for 600 million years ago - or was it
already smooth?
12. What created the craters of Moon and other celestial bodies?
16. Correlation between earthquakes and volcanic eruptions with the spin dynam-
ics of Earth
19. Planning to move to Mars?: have you asked the opinion of your magnetic
24. The mysterious precession of the Earth’s spin axis from the TGD point of
html Why do meteors always land in craters?
3.2 TGD and galactic dark matter 38
1. TGD interpretation for the new discovery about galactic dark matter
5. Early galactic collision gives support for TGD based model of galactic dark
10. TGD view about universal galactic rotation curves for spiral galaxies
12. Dark matter explanation for the cosmic ray positron excess favoured
21. Cosmic strings and magnetic flux tubes as basic building bricks of TGD
22. Some remarks about cosmic string model for the formation of galaxies and
23. Too fast
24. Two new findings supporting the cosmic string model of galaxy formation
25. Local supercluster Laniakea from TGD point of view
26. Why the interstellar gas is ionized?
27. Fluctuations of Newton’s constant in sub-millimeter scales as evidence for
28. Lense effect as support for TGD view about galaxies
29. New findings challenging the notion of galactic dark matter halo and its
identification as exotic particles
30. Halo model of dark matter meets further difficulties
31. A model for the formation of galaxies
32. Direct astrophysical evidence for monopole flux tubes
33. Evidence for 3 different temperatures at Milky Way halo
34. Cosmic spinning filaments that are too long
35. TGD view of the engine powering jets from active galactic nuclei
36. Gentral engine of galactic nuclei as a time reversed blackhole-like object
37. Do we really understand how galaxies are formed?
38. Can the initial stellar mass distribution of galaxy really depend on its distance
from Earth?
39. The first findings of the James Webb telescope might revolutionize the views
of the formation of galaxies
40. Quantization of cosmic redshifts in the TGD framework
html Dwarf galaxies do not have dark matter halo
html The findings of the James Webb telescope from the TGD point of view
html The asymmetry of tidal tails as a support for the TGD view of dark mat-
3.3 TGD and cosmology 40
html Too many thin disk galaxies
html More anomalies related to the standard model of galaxy formation
8. Conformal cyclic cosmology of Penrose and zero energy ontology based cos-
26. Helium problem and CNO problem: two anomalies explained by dark fusion
29. Planning to move to Mars?: have you asked the opinion of your magnetic
36. Empirical support for the Expanding Earth Model and TGD view about
classical gauge fields
40. The effects of Cambrian Explosion in deep mantle: TGD point of view
2. Dark matter nightmare is not due to wrong equations but wrong philosophy
3. Has the decay of dark photons to visible photons been observed in cosmological
The newest twist in the development is the realization that Higgs in standard
model framework is metastable: the sign of the quartic coupling λ at energy range
1010 −1012 GeV changes sign if standard model is correct and a new energy minimum
emerges making the standard minimum meta-stable. This supports the view that
coupling might vanish at CP2 scale in the dynamics provided by TGD.
4. Still about induced spinor fields and TGD counterpart for Higgs
5. Could the two photon emissions of dark particles reveal the value of hef f ?
A further possible application relates to the reported large parity breaking effects
in proton-proton collisions. Could it be that M89 hadrons with large Planck constant
hef f = 29 ×h are created so that their size is same as that of ordinary hadrons? [K10]
9. First indications for the breaking of lepton universality due to the higher weak
boson generations
14. M89 hadron physics is there and maybe also MG,79 hadron physics!
16. New evidence for second generation weak bosons predicted by TGD
21. CMS provides evidence for two new spin 2 mesons of M89 hadron physics
22. Could second generation of weak bosons explain the reduction of proton charge
25. Phase transition from M107 hadron physics to M89 hadron physics as TGD
counterpart for de-confinement phase transition?
26. Anomalous J/Ψ production and TGD
27. Breaking of lepton universality seems to be real
28. Excess of cosmic ray antiprotons as a further support for M89 hadron physics?
29. Chinese satellite provides evidence for second generation Z boson predicted by
30. Further evidence for the third generation of weak bosons
31. How to describe family replication phenomenon gauge theoretically?
32. Still about quark gluon plasma and M89 physics
33. Aleph anomaly just refuses to disappear
34. A new twist in the spin puzzle of proton
35. The masses of hadrons, weak bosons, and Higgs in p-adic mass calculations
36. Evidence for omega meson of M89 hadron physics from CMS?
37. Indications for an axionlike state in mass range 1-7 keV from XENON
38. Is Standard Model tumbling down?: W boson mass is .1 per cent higher than
2. The recent view [L19] assumes only quarks as fundamental fermions and lep-
tons are composites of 3 quarks. This discovery was preceded by the idea [L14]
that leptons could be purely local 3-quark composites, and that there would
be an analog of SUSY in which polynomials of theta parameters as super fields
would be replaced by polynomials of quark and antiquark oscillator operators
with well-defined quark number so that strictly speaking leptons would not
correspond component of quark superfield.
It turned out this picture leads to normal ordering divergences if the quark
field at space-time surface is induced from the second quantized quark field
in H. To avoid divergences, quarks and antiquarks must reside at opposite
throats of wormhole contacts defining a pair of partonic 2-surfaces. Strictly
local composites are not possible but leptons can be composites of 3 quarks
located at the same partonic 2-surface. This is possible because quark color is
not a spin-like quantum number.
This implies N = 2 can be only an approximate SUSY - as also the proposed
modification of SUSY.
2. Could sparticles have same p-adic mass scale as particles and be dark matter
in TGD sense?
down by a factor 1/n and dark nuclei could be formed at room temperatures from
dark protons generated by Pollack effect.
Dark nuclei could explain ”cold fusion” and play a crucial arole also in ordinary
nuclear physics leading to a new view about the pre-stellar evolution by serving as a
”warm-up band” by transforming to ordinary nuclei and liberating almost all nuclear
binding energy and raising the temperature so high that ordinary nuclear fusion
becomes possible. This would also make possible nuclear fusion outside stellar cores
at rather low temperatures. The technological implications are rather obvious [L16].
6. Could cold fusion solve some problems of the standard view about nucleosyn-
8. Very strong support for TGD based model of cold fusion from the recent
article of Holmlid and Kotzias
10. Pear-shaped Barium nucleus as evidence for large parity breaking effects in
nuclear scales?
11. Is cold fusion taking place in 175 year battery still working?
12. 175 year old battery still working, Pollack’s EZs, cold fusion, self-loading
batteries, membrane potential, and nerve pulse
20. Two different values for the metallicity of Sun and heating of solar corona:
two puzzles with a common solution?
22. Confession
37. Support for the quantization of Planck constant from the decays of heavy
38. TGD based interpretation for the strange findings of Eric Reiter
39. Three unexpected findings in hadron and nuclear physics from TGD point of
41. 10 times too high amount of He-4 in atmosphere as evidence for cold fusion
2. More precise view about high Tc superconductivity taking into account recent
experimental results
6. Does the physics of SmB6 make the fundamental dynamics of TGD directly
28. Mysteriously disappearing valence electrons of rare Earth metals and hierarchy
of Planck constants
33. Condensed matter simulation of 4-D quantum Hall effect from TGD point of
Maxwell’s lever rule and expansion of water in freezing: two poorly understood
Dark valence electrons and color vision
Two new findings related to high Tc super-conductivity
More about badly behaving photons
TGD explanation for the finding challenging the reported high Tc superconductivity
Dark valence electrons, dark photons, bio-photons, and carcinogens
The prediction of quantum theory for heat transfer rate fails: evidence for the
hierarchy of Planck constants
BCS super conductivity at almost room temperature
Tesla inspires still
Quantum scarring from TGD point of view
The implications of TGD view about magnetic fiels for superconductivity
Snow flakes and macrocopic quantum criticality
Three condensed matter surprises
New ideas about the transition to ferromagnetic phase
New support for TGD view about quantum tunnelling
Ballistic resonance as breaking of second law: TGD view point
Comparing the Berry phase model of super-conductivity with the TGD based model
Beltrami flow as space-time correlate for non-dissipative flow
The 4 anomalies of BCS model of superconductivity in TGD framework
Possible implications of the TGD based model of superconductivity
Connection with parity breaking, massivation, and PCAC hypothesis
Non-dissipative waves in excitonic insulators: a connection with superconductivity?
Hyperon problem of stellar cores in TGD framework
Time crystals in TGD framework
Fractons and TGD
5. TGD inspired quantum biology 54
would occur spontaneously so that chemical reaction becomes possible as the molecules
find each other. The energy liberated in the reduction could kick the reactants over
the potential wall preventing the reaction from occurring.
5. TGD view about homeopathy, water memory, and evolution of immune system
6. More Precise TGD Based View about Quantum Biology and Prebiotic Evolu-
7. Is the view about evolution as approach away from criticality consistent with
8. Are lithium, phosphate, and Posner molecule fundamental for quantum biol-
13. Quantum phase transitions and 4-D spin glass energy landscape
14. About a model for the control of biological body by magnetic body
15. How molecules in cells ”find” one another and organize into structures?
22. Could Posner molecules and cortex realize a representation of genetic code?
24. Getting philosophical: some comments about the problems of physics, neuro-
science, and biology
31. Libet’s paradoxical findings and strange findings about state function reduc-
tion in atomic scales
35. TGD based view about dark matter at the level of molecular biology
36. TGD view about water memory and the notion of morphogenetic field
37. Dark meiosis and the mystery of why different cells express the chromosomes
of father and mother in different manner
4. Is hef f = hgr hypothesis really consistent with TGD inspired quantum biology?
New results about dark DNA inspired by the model for remote DNA replication
Three variants of dark genetic code and an objection against bio-harmony
About the role of possible longitudinal electric field of DNA
Quantum gravitation in TGD inspired quantum biology
Could the metabolism of cilia and flagella rely on gravitationally dark electrons?
How animals without brain can behave as if they had brain?
Connection between dark nucleon code and bioharmony
Implications of the model of pre-nervous system to the basic biochemistry and
model nerve pulse
The language of fungi
Objection against the quantum gravitational metabolism
Quantum gravitational metabolism in contrast to the standard view about metabolism
Could quantum gravitation play a key role in the DNA metabolism and DNA
replication and transcription?
Quantum gravitation as an explanation for the different chemistries of living and
inanimate matter
Metabolism involves also the gravitational field of Sun
Jupiter’s Moon Europa as a candidate for a seat of life
Quantum Gravitation and Topological Quantum Computation
Comparison of Orch-OR hypothesis with the TGD point of view
Snow flakes, Emoto effect, and Pollack effect: life at quantum criticality?
TGD view of Krebs cycle
The Possible Role of Spin Glass Phase and P-Adic Thermodynamics in Topological
Quantum Computation: the TGD View
emerged first. All them could have emerged simultaneously as the mimicry of their
dark analogs. Even cell membrane could be seen as a realization of a higher level 2-
D representation of genetic code. Replication, transcription, and translation could
have dark variants. In accordance with the basic idea about MB as boss, these
processes could actually induce the corresponding processes at chemical level.
1. Evidence of ancient life discovered in mantle rocks deep below the seafloor
3. Could the replication of mirror DNA teach something about chiral selection?
10. Did animals emerge only 100,000-200,000 y ago or did the mitochondrial mu-
tation rate increase dramatically at that time?
13. The mysterious dichloromethane droplet, which refuses to sink in water and
begins to spin
14. Epigenesis, inherited memories and moods lasting over several generations
3. Pollack’s findings and quantum model of cell membrane using square root of
5. How transition from dark life to biochemical life could have taken place?
12. Could dark protons and electrons be involved with di-electric breakdown and
conduction in electrolytes?
14. Mysteries associated with lightnings, ball lightnings and the electrosphere of
4. Mechanism for the transfer of genetic information from soma cells to germ
6. TGD inspired theory of consciousness 61
6. Gut cells having no mitochondria survive: evidence for quantum credit card
7. Could the replication of mirror DNA teach something about chiral selection?
14. Could also RNA and protein methylation be involved with expression of molec-
ular emotions
3. There is no need to keep the idea that p-adic-to-real transitions represent the
transformation of intentions to actions and their reversals to the formation of
thoughts. Sensory and cognitive aspects of existence are present as real and
p-adic sectors of adelic space-time in all scales - even in elementary particle
length scales as the success of p-adic mass calculations demonstrated already
two decades ago - I am a slow learner!
One gets rid of the notion of p-adic manifold based on the map of real manifold
to its p-adic counter part since strong from of holography allows to construct
both real and p-adic preferred extremals from string world sheets and partonic
2-surfaces as basic data in the intersection of reality and various p-adicities.
Preferred p-adic primes can be understood: it might even be that the preferred
extremals exist only for them.
9. Is evolution 3-adic?
12. Can one identify quantum physical correlates of ethics and moral?
14. Could adelic approach allow to understand the origin of preferred p-adic
33. About interactions of selves and their time reversals (and few words about
43. Sensory perception and motor action as time reversals of each other: a royal
road to the understanding of other minds?
45. Quantum theory cannot consistently describe the use of itself: really?
58. Chemical bonds as flux tube links and realization of dark codons using only
dark protons
4. Sensory organs as seats of primary sensory qualia and memory recall as seeing
in time direction
5. Does the flow of subjective time correspond to the increase of the average
value of effective Planck constant?
(h) About the Correspondence of Dark Nuclear Genetic Code and Ordinary
Genetic Code
(o) The details of the genetic code in the model based on bio-harmony
(p) How could the representations of genetic code as dark 3-chords and
nucleotide triplets relate?
(g) Evidence for the notion of magnetic body from brain synchrony without
corpus callosum
(i) Two proposals for physical realization of genetic code predicting correctly
the numbers of codons coding given amino-acid
(k) Could dark DNA, RNA, tRNA and amino-acids correspond to different
charge states of codons?
(o) Comparing TGD view about quantum biology with McFadden’s views
(s) Evidence for the notion of magnetic body from brain synchrony without
corpus callosum
(v) DMT, pineal gland, and the new view about sensory perception,dreams/hallucinations,
and imagination
() Multilocal viruses
() The rational and intuitive modes of problem solving from the TGD
point of view
() Sensory hubs in the brain are shifting although they should not
(b) Orch-Or theory of Penrose and Hameroff and new experimental findings
about microtubules
(j) Snow flakes, Emoto effect, and Pollack effect: life at quantum criticality?
7 Miscellaneous
(d) Does quantum gravity look like a mission impossible because of our cher-
ished beliefs?
(h) Could the sufferings of the dying superstring theory be finally over?
(n) Why AI pattern recognition can differ dramatically from human pattern
(f) The world is really simple: even neural nets are able to model it!
(c) Can one apply Occam’s razor as a general purpose debunking argument
to TGD?
Books related to TGD
[K1] Pitkänen M. About Nature of Time. In TGD Inspired Theory of Con-
sciousness. Available at: https:/
pdf, 2006.
[K2] Pitkänen M. About Strange Effects Related to Rotating Magnetic Sys-
tems . In TGD and Fringe Physics. Available at: https:/tgdtheory.
fi/pdfpool/Faraday.pdf, 2006.
[K3] Pitkänen M. Bio-Systems as Super-Conductors: part I. In Quan-
tum Hardware of Living Matter. Available at: https:/
pdfpool/superc1.pdf, 2006.
[K4] Pitkänen M. Bio-Systems as Super-Conductors: part II. In Quan-
tum Hardware of Living Matter. Available at: https:/
pdfpool/superc2.pdf, 2006.
[K5] Pitkänen M. Construction of WCW Kähler Geometry from Symme-
try Principles. In Quantum Physics as Infinite-Dimensional Geometry.
Available at: https:/, 2006.
[K14] Pitkänen M. Quantum Model for Hearing. In TGD and EEG. Available
at: https:/, 2006.
[K18] Pitkänen M. Recent View about Kähler Geometry and Spin Structure of
WCW . In Quantum Physics as Infinite-Dimensional Geometry. Available
at: https:/, 2014.
[L4] Pitkänen M. Cold fusion, low energy nuclear reactions, or dark nu-
clear synthesis? Available at: https:/
articles/krivit.pdf., 2017.
[L16] Pitkänen M. Could TGD provide new solutions to the energy prob-
lem? Available at: https:/
proposal.pdf., 2020.