O God Beyond All Praising
O God Beyond All Praising
O God Beyond All Praising
Then hear, O gra cious Sav - ior, ac - cept the love we bring; that we who know your
O God be -yond all prais-ing we wo -ship you to - day; and sing the love a -
Then hear, O gra -cious Sav - ior, ac - cept the love we bring; that we who know your
fa - vor may serve you as our King, and wheth -er to - mor -rows be
maz - ing that songs can -not re - pay; for we can on - ly won - der at
fa - vor may serve you as our King, and wheth - er our to - mor -rows be
filled with good or ill, we will tri - umph thro' sor -rows and bless you
eve - ry gift you send, at bless -ings with - out num - ber and mer -cies with - out
filled with good or ill, we'll tri - umph thro' our sor -rows and rise to bless you
International Reformed Evangelical Church
Last edited 2021.06.28
still; to mar - vel at beau - ty and glo - ry in your
end; we lift our hearts be - fore you and wait up - on your
still; to mar - vel at your beau - ty and glo - ry in your
ways, and make a joy - ful du - ty our sac - ri - fice of praise.
word; we hon - or and a - dore you, our great and might - y Lord.
ways; and make a joy - ful du - ty our sac - ri - fice of praise.