Chem Project New
Chem Project New
Chem Project New
Ascorbic acid
Vitamin C is an essential supplement that is required for humans to keep their
overall health in a desired state. Humans (and other isolated species) do not have
the ability to synthesis Vitamin C vis-a-vis other species, making it an obligation for
them to intake it. For many centuries, the condition scurvy was infamously known to
baffle humankind. Specifically for seafaring men and explorers, this mysterious
ailment inflicted aching pain and suffering, making each journey a gamble with
death. It was not until 1930, that scientists were able to determine the substance for
curing scurvy, and thus referring it to “Vitamin C. It is also known as L- ascorbate. In
living organisms ascorbate which is an ion of ascorbic acid acts as an antioxidant by
protecting the body against oxidative stress. It is also a co-factor in at least eight
enzymatic reactions . Vitamin C also aids in detoxification and in improving ferum
absorption. Other that that, vitamin C also ensure the maintenance of cartilage,
bone, denin and healthy blood vessel.. Humans and rodents cannot synthesis
vitamin C but most of other animals have the ability to synthesis vitamin C
Thus intake of vitamin C ensure healthy lifestyle. Since vitamin C is a water soluble
vitamin, since it cannot be stored in human body. The uses and recommended daily
intake of vitamin C are matters of ongoing debate, with RDI ranging from 45 to 95
mg/day. Vitamin C is mostly present in the liver and at least present in the muscles.
Since muscle provides the majority of meat consumed in the western human diet,
animal products are not a reliable source of the vitamins. Vitamin C is present in
mother's milk but, not present in raw cow's milk. All excess vitamin C is disposed of
through the urinary system.
Apricots, apples, banana, blackberries, cherries, kiwi, grapes, lemon, lime ,mango,
lychee, melon, orange, peach, pear, pineapple, plum, pumpkin, raspberries,
strawberry, tomato and watermelon are some of fruits that contain high content of
vitamin C. On the other hand, vegetables like artichoke, asparagus, avocado,
broccoli, cabbage, corn, paprika, mushroom and spinach have vast content of
vitamin C.
Benefits of Vitamin C include protection against immune system inadequacy,
prenatal health problems, eye disease, skin wrinkling and also cardiovascular
disease. Looking at the studies, one can derive that Vitamin C does indeed provide
numerous benefits to the body. For example, a contemporary study published in
Seminars in Preventive and Alternative Medicine looked and analyzed over 100
studies over 10 years and concluded that Vitamin C did indeed include many
benefits, such as the ones mentioned above.
It can also assist in protein metabolism. (Y, 2019) Vitamin C also provides the
essential nutrients that help maintain the connective tissue and bones in our bodies.
It ensures the optimal functionality of several enzymes, by activating certain liver-
detoxifying systems. Vitamin C also acts as an antioxidant, as it reacts directly with
free radicals in the aqueous state. This is important as it protects cellular functions
and as a result, this function can aid in fighting bacterial infections and increase the
rate of regeneration of burns or wounds.
The chemical name for Vitamin C is ascorbic acid, and primarily exists in 2 forms- L-
ascorbic acid and D-ascorbic acid. The L variety can be found naturally, i.e in fruits or
vegetables but can also be found in its synthetic form (such as supplements), both
versions being interchangeable with their benefits. The D variety carries
indistinguishable antioxidant properties but not the vitamin C content of L-ascorbic
acid. In addition, the D form is not used in forms of supplement. Although they are
both chemically Vitamin C, the nutrient packed properties differ amongst them,
affecting their bio-availability.
Fruits have varying levels of vitamin C. In some fruits, the amount of vitamin C varies
between different varieties of the same species. The vitamin C content of many fruits
is higher when it is slightly unripe, and declines as the fruit becomes ripe. Vitamin C
content also decreases with storage.
Ascorbic acid behaves as a vinologous carboxylic acid, wherein double bond ("vinyl")
transmits electron pairs between the hydroxyl and carbonyl. There are two
resonance structures for the deprotonated form, differing in the position of double
Another way to look at ascorbic acid is to consider it an enol. The deprotonated form
is an enolate, which is usually strong basic. However, adjacent double bond stabilizes
the deprotonated form.
Ascorbic acid is rapidly in converts into two unstable diketone tautomers by proton
transfer, although it is the most stable in the enol form. The proton of the enol is
lost, reacquired by electrons in the form of double bond, to produce a diketone. It is
an enol reaction there are two possible forms: 1,2-diketone and 1,3-diketone.
The concentration of the solution of ascorbic acid can be determined in many ways;
the most common way involves titration with an oxidizing agent. 1.) DCPIP
Another method involving using iodine and a starch indicator, wherein iodine reacts
with ascorbic acid, and when all the ascorbic acid had reacted, the iodine is excess,
then forming a blue - black complex with starch indicator. This indicates the end
point of the titration. As an alternative, ascorbic acid can be reacted with iodine in
excess, followed by back titration with sodium thiosulfate while using starch
The above method involving iodine requires making up and standardizing the iodine
solution. One way around this is to generate the iodine in presence of ascorbic acid
by the reaction of iodate and iodide ion in acid solution.
Exposure to oxygen, metals, light, and heat destroys ascorbic acid, so it must be
stored in dark, cold and not metal container.
The L-enantiomer of ascorbic acid is known as vitamin C. The name "ascorbic" comes
from its property of preventing and curing scurvy.
Primates including humans and few other species of the same animal kingdom,
notably the guinea pig, have lost the ability to synthesize ascorbic acid, and must
obtain it in their food.
Ascorbic and its sodium, potassium, calcium salts are commonly used as antioxidant
food additives. These compounds are water-soluble and thus cannot protect facts
from oxidation. For this purpose, the fat soluble esters of ascorbic acid with long
chain fatty acid can be used as food antioxidants.
Volume of Iodine
Fresh Mean±S.D. Mass of vitamin Mass of vitamins
solution consumed
fruits a
C gm/20 ml mg/100 ml
S1 S2 S3
Vitamin C
Volume of Vitamin-C
Temperatur content Degradation
Sample titrant Mean±SDa content
e mg/100 in %
consumed µg/ml
Trial Trial Trial
1 2 3
24.56% at 50
apple 0 °C 5.3 5.3 5.4 5.3±0.0577 0.0047 23.90
10 °C 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.8±0.100 0.004 21.64
20 °C 4.8 4.7 4.7 4.7±0.0577 0.0042 21.19
30 °C 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6±0.00 0.0041 20.74
40 °C 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.3±0.100 0.0038 19.39
50 °C 4.0 4.0 4.1 4±0.0577 0.0036 18.03
10.1±0.057 10.89% at 50
orange 0 °C 10.1 10.2 10.1 0.0091 45.54
7 °C
10 °C 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0±0.00 0.0090 45.09
20 °C 9.8 9.7 9.7 9.7±0.0577 0.0087 43.74
30 °C 9.4 9.5 9.3 9.4±0.100 0.0084 42.38
40 °C 9.4 9.4 9.5 9.4±0.0577 0.0084 42.38
50 °C 9.0 9.0 9.1 9±0.0577 0.0081 40.58
12.70% at 50
grapes 0 °C 6.4 6.3 6.3 6.3±0.0577 0.0056 28.41
10 °C 6.3 6.3 6.2 6.3±0.0577 0.0056 28.41
20 °C 6.3 6.2 6.0 6.2±0.1527 0.0055 27.95
30 °C 6.0 6.0 6.0 6±0.00 0.0054 27.05
40 °C 6.0 6.0 6.1 6±0.0577 0.0054 27.05
50 °C 5.5 5.5 5.6 5.5±0.0577 0.0049 24.80
The higher the volume of fruit juices needed to decolourise DCPIP solution, the
lower the vitamin C content in the fruit juice. Fresh lime juice has the highest
content of Vitamin C among the fresh juices and orange cartoon juice has the highest
content of Vitamin C among carton juices.
Test tubes
0.5ml syringe
10ml syringe
1000mg vitamin C tablets
1% dichlorophenolindophenol solution (DCPIP)
freshly squeezed lime
Lemon and orange juices
100ml distilled water
orange carton juice.
Preparation of standard solution
1. A full vitamin C weighing 1g was crushed into a fine powder with a mortar and
2. The powder was then dissolved in 100ml of distilled water to form 1g/100ml
ascorbic acid.
3. Steps 1 and 2 were repeated thrice to get average volume of vitamin C needed to
decolourise DCPIP solution.
4. Steps 1 until 3 were repeated by using ¾ tablet, ½ tablet, ¼ tablet and ⅛ tablet of
vitamin C to produce 0.75g/100ml , 0.5g/100ml , 0.25g/100ml and 0.125g/100ml
1. 0.5ml of 1.0% DCPIP solution was measured using 0.5ml syringe and placed into a
test tube.
3. The ascorbic acid was titrated drop by drop into test tube containing DCPIP
4. Ascorbic acid was added with extra care, drop by drop until the blue color of
DCPIP solution turned colourless.
1. 0.5ml of 1.0%DCPIP solution was measured and placed into a test tube.
2. Then, 5ml of freshly squeezed orange juice was measured using a syringe.
3. The needle of the syringe was placed into the DCPIP solution.
4. The freshly squeezed orange juice was added drop by drop to the DCPIP solution.
The mixture is gently stirred with the needle of the syringe. The juice is continuously
added with extra care until the DCPIP solution is decolourised. The step is repeated
5. The volume of fruit juice needed to decolourise the DCPIP solution was recorded.
6. If more than 5 cmᵌ of fruit juice needed to decolourise the DCPIP solution, then
one control colour was set up. With another test tube containing DCPIP solution,
fruit juice was added until the colour changed exactly the same. The volume of fruit
juices needed was recorded.
7. Steps 1 until 5 were repeated by replacing freshly squeezed orange juice with
freshly squeezed lemon juice and freshly squeezed lime juice. The data was
8. Steps 1 until 5 were repeated by replacing freshly squeezed orange juice with
orange carton juice, lemon carton juice and lime carton juice. The data was
9. The concentration of each group of juice and each of the juice was calculated by
using the following formula :
V =K/C