Dbms For Final

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#-------chapter 0 notes-------# Q1) what is data?

= data is raw informaion

Q2) what is information?
= information is processed data

Q3)what are programs?

= programs are the set of instructions

Q4) what is a record?

= In database management systems, a complete set of information is called as a ‘record’.

Q5) what is a file?

= 1)In terms of computer we define a file as a collection of bytes stored as an
individual unit/ entity.
All data in disk are stored as a file with an assigned filename that is unique within the directory it
resides in.

2)types of files are data files , text files , program files , directory files

3) different types of files stores different types of information

Q6) what are the two types of operation on the file?

= The two types of operation on the file are 1.
Retrival operation.
2. Update operation.

Retrival operation = When we want to extract the data from file for reading purpose then we perform
retrieval operation on the file. Retrieval operations do not change the contents (data) of file; it only
locates the records in file.

Upddate operation = Update operation on the other hand; change the file by modifying the records,
deleting the records and inserting new records. That is we actually modify the contents in file in
update operation

Q7) what are the types of operation?

1.find = The goal of this operation is to locate the record or records that satisfy the search criteria. A
block that contains the records is transferred to the main memory and the records are searched. The
first record that matches the search criteria is located and the search continues for other records
until the end of file is reached.

2. Read = The goal of this operation is to read the contents of the record

3. Read Next: Searches the next record that matches the selection condition and when found, the
contents of record are copied to the program variable or work area.

4. modify = This command modifies the field values/data of the current record then writes modified
record back to disk

5. Insert = This command is used to insert a new record into thre file

6. Delete = This command is used to delete the current record and update the disk file after the deletion

Q8) Components of database?

= There are 4 components of data base.
1.Data items
2. relationship
1. Data items ==> Each attribute of an entity is represented in storage by data item
A data item is assigned a name in order to refer it in storage, retrieval and processing.
For example: Suppose there is a database of “customer account”. And this database contains
attributes Cust_name, Cust_id, Cust_add, Balance.
Hence there is a data item for Cust_name, another data item for Cust_id etc.

2. relationship ==> Relationship represents relation among different data entities.

3. Constraints ==> we can say that the Constraints within a database are rules, which control values
allowed in columns and also enforce the integrity between columns and tables.

4. schema ==> Schema describes the organization of data in the data base. schema is the logical
structure of the database

Q9) Basic terms related to database :

Entity ==> Entity is anything about which information is stored. suppose we are going to
maintain school level database. In this database student, teachers, books, subjects can be defined as
different entities of that school. Or in a Bank database we can define customer, account etc as different
entities of that particular bank.

attributes ==> The values of attributes describe a particular entity.

For example: Suppose here is a relation or database of “Customer account” so
we can define the attributes of this relation as Cust_name, Cust_add, Cust_id, balance.

Doamin ==> In short a domain is a set of values the attribute can have.

Record ==> The data representation in storage of each instance of an entity commonly
called as record. And it is also called as tuple.

Instance ==> An instance of the entity represented by a set of specific values for each of the attributes
at particular time period

Unit 2
Q1) What is database management system?
= A Database Management system (DBMS) is a collection of programs (or we can say it as a
software) that enables you to store, modify and extract information from a database.DBMS
is software designed to assist in maintaining and utilizing large collections of data in

Q2) why we should use dbms?

= DBMS provides following five services which a conventional File system does not provide

1.Transaction management :
A transaction is sequence of database operations that represents a logical unit of work
(delete record, update record, modify a set of records etc).
DBMS manages these transactions. When the DBMS does a “commit” the changes made
by the transaction are made permanent. If you don’t want to
make changes permanent you can rollback the transaction and the database remain in its
original state

2. Concurrency control :
In a database, number of processes or actions (such as delete record, update record,
insert new record etc) may execute simultaneously i.e. concurrently. So this simultaneous
or concurrent execution of actions must be managed somehow.
DBMS provides concurrency control mechanism by coordinating the actions of database
manipulation processes.

3. Recovery management :
A simple meaning of recovery is to return to a normal/stable condition.
Recovery mechanism in DBMS ensures that the database returned to a consistent state
after a transaction fails or abort i.e. database should not be in inconsistent state.

4. Security management :
Security mechanism of DBMS ensures that only authorized users are given
access to the data in database.

5. Language interface :
To handle data in database a user has to use some kind of language, which will be
understandable for database.
And that’s why DBMS provides languages support, which is used to define and
manipulate the data in database
Basically there are two languages used by DBMS to interact between user and database
and those are DDL and DML.
The data structures are created by the data definition language (DDL) commands.
The data manipulation is done using the data manipulation language (DML) commands.

Q3) application of DBMS?

= Database is widely used all around the world in different sectors such as:

1. Banking: For customer information, accounts loans and banking transactions.

2. Airlines: For reservations and schedule information. 3. Universities: For maintaining

student information, course registrations and grades etc.

4. Credit card transactions: For purchases on credit cards and generation of monthly

5. Telecommunications: For keeping records of calls made, generating monthly bills,

maintaining balances on prepaid calling cards and storing information about the
communication networks.

6. Finance: For storing information about holdings, sales and purchase of financial
instruments such as stocks and bonds.

7. Sales: For maintaining customer, product and purchase information.

8. Manufacturing: For management of supply chain and for tracking production of items in
factories, inventories of items in warehouses/stores and orders for items.
9. Human Resources: For information about employees, salaries, payroll taxes and benefits
and for generation of paychecks.

10.Web based services: For taking web users feedback, responses, resource sharing online
shopping etc.
Q4) What are the different types of database users?
= 1) Application Programmers:
Application programmer is the person who is responsible for
implementing the required functionality of database for the end user. Application
programmer works according to the specification provided by the system analyst.

2) End Users:
End users are those persons who interact with the application directly. They are
responsible to insert, delete and update data in the database. They get information from the
system as and when require

3) Naive users: Naive users are those users who do not have any technical knowledge
about the DBMS. They use the database through application programs by using simple
user interface. They perform all operations by using simple commands (menus and
buttons) provided in the user interface.

4) Sophisticated users : Sophisticated users are the users who are familiar with the
structure of database and facilities of DBMS. Such users can use a query language such
as SQL to perform the required operations on databases. Some
sophisticated users can also write application programs.

5) Database administrator : Database administrator is responsible for, managing the

whole database system. He designs creates and maintains the database. He manages
the users who can access this database, and controls integrity issues. He also monitors
the performance of the system and makes changes in the system as and when required.

Q5) what is data abstraction and its types?

= abstraction means to hide specific data from different database users.

Three levels of data abstraction are :

1. Physical or Internal level
2. logical or Conceptual level
3. View or External level

1. physical level = This is the lowest level of abstraction which describes how data are
actually stored
It also describes complex low-level data structures in detail
The physical schema (physical level) specifies additional storage details for
data in database. Essentially, the physical schema summarizes how the relations described
in the conceptual schema are actually stored on secondary storage devices such as disks
and tapes.

2. logical level = Describes what data are stored in the database & what relationships exist
among those data
Describes the entire database in terms of relatively simpler structures
The conceptual schema (sometimes called the logical schema) describes the stored
data in terms of the data model of the DBMS.
3. View level = Highest level of abstraction which describes only a part of the DB
User’s view of the DB. This level describes that part of the DB that is relevant to
each user.
Q6) what is DDL and DML?
= 1) The Data Definition Language (DDL) is used to create and destroy databases and
database objects. Database administrators will primarily use these commands during the
setup and removal phases, of a database project.

DDL statements are used to define the database structure or schema.

In below given example there are some DDL commands:

CREATE - to create objects in the database
ALTER - alters the structure of the database
DROP - delete objects from the database
TRUNCATE - remove all records from a table, including all spaces allocated for the records
are removed
COMMENT - add comments to the data dictionary
RENAME - rename an object

2)DML: Data Manipulation Language

DML is used to change the data in the database tables. Instructions of DML are well known
for everyone: insert, update, delete.
DML statements are used for managing data within schema objects i.e. Data within

Some examples:

SELECT - retrieve data from the a database

INSERT - insert data into a table
UPDATE - updates existing data within a table
DELETE - deletes all records from a table, the space for the records remain CALL -
call a PL/SQL or Java subprogram.

There are two tyoes of DML:

a. Procedural DML -

A low-level or procedural DML allows the user, i.e. programmer to specify what data is
needed and how to obtain it. This type of DML typically retrieves individual records
from the database and processes each separately. The programmers use the low-level
Example of procedural DML is “Relational Algebra”.

b. Non procedural DML -

A high-level or non-procedural DML allows the user to specify what data is required
without specifying how it is to be obtained. Many DBMSs allow high-level DML statements
either to be entered interactively from a terminal or to be embedded in a general-purpose
programming language.
Structure of DBMS ( from youtube )

Q)What is metadata ?
=>Metadata is loosely defined as data about data.

For example: a web page may include metadata specifying what language it's written
in, what tools were used to create it, and where to go for more on the subject,
allowing browsers to automatically improve the experience of users.
Metadata is defined as data providing information about one or more aspect of the data :

1) Means of creation of the data

2) Purpose of the data
3) Time and date of creation
4) Creator or author of data
5) Placement on a computer network where the data was created
6) Standards used

Q)What is the structure of the DBMS? => . The components of DBMS perform these
requested operations on the database and provide necessary data to the users. The
various components of DBMS are shown below :

1. DDL compiler : Data Description Language compiler processes schema

definitions specified in the DDL. It includes metadata (data about data) information
such as the name of the files, data items, storage details of each file, mapping
information and constraints etc

2. DML compiler : The DML commands such as insert, update, delete, retrieve
from the application program are sent to the DML compiler for compilation into
object code for database access. The object code is then optimized in the best way
to execute a query by the query optimizer and then send to the data manager.

3. Data Manager : The Data Manager is the central software component of the
DBMS also knows as Database Control System.

4. Data Dictionary : Data Dictionary is a repository of description of data in the

database. It contains
information about ->

Data - names of the tables, names of attributes of each table, length of attributes, and
number of rows in each table.

• Relationships between database transactions and data items referenced by them, which
is useful in determining which transactions are affected when certain data definitions are

• Constraints on data i.e. range of values permitted.

• Detailed information on physical database design such as storage structure, access

paths, files and record sizes
5. Data Files - It contains the data portion of the database.

6. Compiled DML - The DML complier converts the high level Queries into low level file
access commands known as compiled DML.
7. End Users - End users are the one who perform various operations on the database

Unit 4
What is an ER model?
==> When anyone wants to design any database it is necessary to represent all data
such that user can easily visualize database and relationship that exists between the
tables, this can be done with help of
ER (Entity –Relationship) model ER model is a graphical picture of the data for a particular database.
represent real world object that is distinguishable from other object we use entities & for
describing properties of entities we use attribute

What is Data modelling?

==> It is Process, which is used to produce data model for describing data, its
relationships, and its constraints We use data modeling to define and analyze data
requirements that are needed. It is a technique that is used to model data in a standard,
reliable, expected manner so that it manages resources efficiently. It is generally used in
business and information technology to give a suggestion about how information is, how
it should be, how it is stored and used inside a business system.

Importnace of data model is as follows?

==> It defines and analyzes data requirements.
It’s make communication easy for application programmer, end user, and
designer. 78
To define data elements, their structures and relationships between them.
It provides different view for data for end-users It organizes data for
various users.

Types of data models are as follows:

==. 1. Conceptual data models (CDM): -
Conceptual data model also called as domain models. It is a primary step in constructing
data model. It visualizes data structure of group.CDM is created by collecting all business
requirement, it is created .It contains all main entities & relationship but does not consists
of the complete information about attributes.

2.Logical data model (LDM's)

LDMs means logical data model, which is used to give information of logical entity
types, the data attributes describing those entities, and the relationships between
the entities. It includes all entities and relationships between them and also specifies
all attributes for each entity .It also state Primary key & foreign key to identify
relationship in entities.

3. 3. Physical data models (PDMs): -

PDMs means physical data model which explains all table structures, including
column name, column data type, column constraints, primary key, foreign key, and
relationships among tables. In this data model entities are transformed into tables.

What are the components of the ER model?

1. Entity --> An entity is a thing or object in the actual world that is distinguishable from all
other objects. An entity is represented by rectangle containing the entity name.

2.attributes --> An attribute is a property or characteristic. An entity is represented by a set of attributes.

It corresponds to a field in a table. For each attribute there is a set of
allowable values called the domain or value set of the attribute. Attributes are represented
by ovals and are linked to the entity with a line.

3.Entity Set --> In ER model a specific table row is referred as an entity instance or entity occurrence.
Each entity set has a key. All entities in an entity set have the same set of attributes. Thus entity set is a
set of entities of the same type that share the same properties or attributes. Set of entities of particular
type is known as Entity Set.

4.Domain --> Each attribute is connected with a set of values that is known as
domain. The domain defines the possible value that an attribute may grasp.

5.Entity Types --> The existence of an entity may depend on the existence of one or
more other entities, such an entity is said to be existence dependent.

Types of Entities are as follows:

Strong Entities --> An entity set that has a primary key is known as strong entity set. A strong entity
is independent of other entities and can exist on its own.

Weak Entities -->

An entity, which is dependent on one or more entities for its existence, is known as
Weak entity. A weak entity is existence dependent because entity existence depends
on one or more entities. The existence of a weak entity is indicated by a
double rectangle in the ER diagram. An entity set that does not contain enough attributes to form a
primary key is known as a weak entity set.

Recursive Entities --> A recursive entity is one in which a relation can exist between occurrences of
the same entity set. This occurs in a unary relationship

Composite Entities --> Composite means thing composed of other things. Similar to that composite
entity is composed of many parts. It is used to link the relationships that exist between many

What are the types of attributes?


1. Simple attribute -->

When attribute consists of single atomic value it is called as Simple attribute. It consists of only one

2.Composite attribute -->

When the attribute can be subdivided further it is known as composite attribute. When attribute value is
not atomic it is composite attribute

3.Single valued attribute -->

Attribute that have a single value is called as Single valued attribute. For example Date of birth of a

4.Multivalued attribute -->

Multivalued attributes can have multiple values. Multivalued attributes are shown
by a double line connecting to the entity in the ER diagram.

5.Stored attribute -->

An attribute that supplies a value to the related attribute is called as Stored Attribute.
The value for the other attribute is derived from the stored attribute.

6.Derived attribute -->

If value of attribute is derived from a stored attribute such type of attribute is called
as derived attributes. We shown derived attributes name in Dotted ova

7.Complex attribute -->

If value of attribute is derived from a stored attribute such type of attribute is called
as derived attributes. We shown derived attributes name in Dotted oval

Q)What are the keys of the relationship set

1)Super key == >

A Super Key is a set of one or more attributes that are taken collectively and can
identify all other attributes uniquely. Super key stands for superset of a key

2)Candidate key ==>

Candidate Keys are super keys for which no proper subset is a super key.

3)Secondary key ==> Means we can use this key to identify records that might not be unique

4)Compound key ==> Compound key is known as composite key or concatenated key. It consists of
2 or more attributes. If in a table, no single data element is identified uniquely, then we
can form compound key by combining multiple elements to identify the data element.

5) Primary Key ==>

Primary key is an attribute in table that uniquely identifies each record in table and
we cannot put primary key as null as well as duplicate. In the ER diagram, primary
key is represented by underlining the primary key attribute. Usually primary key is
composed of a single attribute

6)Foreign key ==>

A foreign key (FK) is a field in a database record that point to a key field forming a key
of another database record in different table. A foreign key in one table points to the
primary key (PK) of another table. This way reference can be made to bind the
information together

Q)Relation and relationship sets?

=> Relationships: - A relationship is a combination (association) among the instance of one or
more entity type. Relationship can be classified as one-to-one, one- to -many and many- to many.
The terms connectivity is used to describe this relationship classification

1.One-to-One Relationship :- One manager in the department manages only one department

2.One-to-many relationship :- One proffessor teaches in many classes

3.Many-to-one relationship :-Many employees work in one company

4.Many-to-many relationship :- Many students study many subjects

Types of relationships:-

a. Unary Relationship: -
An Entity can be related to itself, such kind of relationship is known as Unary or
Recursive Relationship. A unary relationship exists when an association is
maintained within a single entity.

b.Binary relationship:-A binary relationship exists when two entities are associated.

c.Ternary relationship:-A ternary relationship exists when three entities are associated

Q)Cardianility Constraints related to ER diagram

=>Cardinality means how many instances of an entity related to one instance of another
entity.Maximum number of relationships is specify as Cardinality and minimum number
of relationships is specify as ordinarily.

One-to-one (1:1) relationship

One-to-many (1:m) relationship
Many-to-one (m: 1) relationship
Many-to-many (m: n) relationsh

Unit 5
Q)What is normalization?
==> SQL offers to use different types of queries but sometime it may happen that we
get redundant, inconsistent data, which is not sufficient. To avoid problems
regarding to database, it necessary to convert database into normalize form means
normal, that concern to standard or norm. So we need normalization of database.

Q)What is an relational database design?

==> While designing relational database it is necessary to design “good” schemas. A
bad design may create many problems such as repetition of data or it may produce
data, which is not sufficient to shows all relations etc.

If we want to create good relational database design we must remember things like
avoiding redundant data, ensuring the relationships among attributes and managing
the consistency of the database.

Q)What is decomposition(Small schema)?

==> In general decomposition means to break down particular thing into many pieces.
Similar to that we decompose relation into several relations to avoid redundancy.
When we decompose relation it is required to check that decomposition does not lead
to bad design.

There are two types of decomposition :-

1) Lossy decomposition = Sometimes we decompose relation into many relations, it may
happen that decomposition of relations may not produce original relation .So at that time we loss
data for original relation. Such type of decomposition is known as Lossy
decomposition. -Loss less decomposition: -When we decompose relation of R into {R1,
R2… Rn} and if the natural join of R1, R2… Rn cannot produce original relation R it is
called as Loss less decomposition.
2) Loss Less decomposition = When we decompose relation of R into {R1, R2,…, Rn} and if the
natural join of R1, R2… Rn produces exactly the relation R it is called as Loss less decomposition.

Q) What is functional dependency?

=> When one entity depends on another entity it is called as Dependency. We represent functional
dependency by
"->" Functional dependencies (FD) are used to express constraints between attributes. It is the
process of decomposing a relation (table) based on functional dependency and primary key.FD exists
when value of one attribute in a table is determined completely by the value of another.

If we write A->B, it means that

-A is determinant of B
-The value of A uniquely determine value of B
-The functional dependences of B on A."

Q) Types of functional dependencies?

=> It is divided into subtypes as follows:
1. Full Functional Dependency
2. Partial Dependency
3. Transitive Dependency

a) Full Functional Dependency --> If we have Functional Dependency P->Q then it can be Full Functional
Dependency only when we cannot remove any attribute of Q from P.In other words Q is fully
functionally dependent on P and there should not be any R->Q, where R is a proper subset of P.

In this case (RollNo, Subject_Code) both form composite key (primary key with more
than one attribute) means if we want to find marks for particular subject we need
RollNo and Subject_ Code.
I.e. Functional Dependency exists in this relation as follows:- Marks->RollNo,

b) Partial Dependency -->

If relations have functional dependency like A -> B, we remove some attribute from
A and yet the dependency stills hold, this type of dependency is known as Partial
dependency. It is type of functional dependency where an attribute is functionally
dependent on only part of the primary key (primary key must be a composite key)

Lets see why we need to remove partial dependency.

Consider Student Schema as given below: -

Student (RollNo, Name, Course, Fee) There
are 3 anomalies.
1. Insertion:-If you want to enter new record having only student’s basic
information like RollNo, name but if we don’t want to enter Fee, Course details we
cannot do like this. It is must for user to enter information about Fees and Course.

2. Deletion:-If we want to delete particular basic information of student’s and we

didn’t want to delete other information like fees, Course at that time problem arises.

3. Modification:-If we want to update any information many times at that time

anomaly may appear.

All these anomalies must be avoided so it is needed to remove partial dependency

To remove partial functional dependency split table into new relation according to Functional

Personal (RollNo, Name, Course)

Fees (RollNo, Course, Fee)

c)Transitive Dependency:- A Functional dependency between two (or more) non-key attributes in
relation is known as Transitive functional dependency.

Q)What are the types of normalization?

= Types of Normalization: -

Un-Normalized Form :
It is a relation that contains non-atomic values. A non-atomic value means it can
be decomposed .To create UN normalize form we must list attribute of entity,
identify repeating groups of attributes, their keys, identify main keys.

First Normal Form (1 NF) :

For 1NF it is must that each cell of the table must have single value i.e. atomic. Every
row of table contains exactly one value for each attribute. No two rows in a table may
have similar values

For converting table in 1NF we must follow rules: - 1.

Remove duplicate columns from the same table.
2. After removing duplicate columns, you have to make separate tables for each group
of related data and recognize each row with a unique column (the primary key).

Second Normal Form (2 NF) :

After producing first normal form we found redundant data in tables so we use second
normal form to normalize it again. Second normal form is use to reduce the amount of
redundant data in a table. This is done by extracting it and placing that redundant data
in new table(s) and creating relationships between those tables.

Note --> We can say that a relation R is said to be in 2NF if relation is in 1NF and every
attribute is depend on Primary key.

If primary key of relation is single attribute means that it has only one value,
and then we did not require to convert it in 2NF.
But if primary key exists in relation is not single means primary key is
composite attributes then we require to identify primary key and functional
dependencies that exist in relation for 1NF. o If any partial dependency is
depending upon primary key, then remove those dependencies by placing
them in new relation along with copy of determinant

Third Normal Form (3 NF): In

3NF we first check that
relation satisfies 1NF and 2NF, after that we remove columns that are not fully
dependent upon the primary key. i.e. we remove transitive dependencies. So we can say that a relation R
is in 3NF, if it is in 2NF and it has no transitive dependency.

Steps to convert 2NF into Third Normalize Form: - First

necessary condition is that relation must be in 2NF.
In next step you have to identify transitive functional dependencies that exist in
relation .If transitive functional dependency is exist then remove that
dependencies by placing them in new relation along with copy of determinant

Q)What is denormalization?
==> De-normalization is the process of converting normalized form into unnormalized
form. It is a technique to move from higher to lower normal forms of database.

We used denormalization for following purposes: - To

optimize the performance of a database.
To speed up database access
Sometime users want to access data in different ways.
In database many critical queries and reports exist which depends upon data from
more than one table.
Sometime users want to apply many calculations to one or many columns for expected

Denormalization gives Performance benefits by:-

Minimizing the need for joins.
Precomputing aggregate values, that is, computing them at data modification
time, rather than at select time
Reducing the number of tables, in some case

Disadvantages of Denormalization:- It
makes updating process slow.
It increase the size of tables.
It makes coding more complex.
It is mostly application specific .So if application changes, it need to revaluate

Unit 6
Q)What are SQL statements?
=> It provides an interface to relational database. All SQL
statements are like instructions to the database. Query is used to
give instruction to database.There are 3 types of SQL statements

1)DDL(Data definition language)

=>When we want to create & modify structure of objects in a
database, we use
DDL Statements. DDL statements are:

2)DML(Data manipulation language)

=>When we want to retrieve, store, modify, delete, insert and
update data in database we use DML Statements. DML
statements are:

3)DCL(Data control language)

=> DCL statements are used for database administration.
DENY (SQL Server Only)

Q)Data type in SQL?

=>- A data type is a set of data with values having predefined
A data type is a type of data. In SQL a wide range of data types is
present. By
using different data types we can store data in different forms,
including character strings, numbers, file and date.

The types of data in SQl are as follows:

1)Integer --> Integer numerical

2)Float --

blah blah blah blah

Description about all the SQL commands

1) SELECT ===>
The SELECT statement is used to select data from a
The data returned is stored in a result table, called the

Syntax --> SELECT column1,column2...

FROM table_name;
SELECT * FROM table ==> Here the * will select all
the coloumns


the SELECT DISTINCT statement is used to return
only distinct (different) values.
Inside a table, a column often contains many duplicate
values; and sometimes you only want to list the different (distinct)

2)WHERE(conditional) ==> The WHERE clause is used to filter

It is used to extract only those records that fulfill a specified

Note: The WHERE clause is not only used in SELECT

statements, it is also used in UPDATE, DELETE, etc.!

Syntax --> SELECT column1, column2, ...

FROM table_name
WHERE condition;

2.a)AND , OR , NOT ===>

The WHERE clause can be combined with AND, OR,
and NOT operators.

The AND and OR operators are used to filter records

based on more than one condition:

The AND operator displays a record if all the

conditions separated by AND are TRUE.
syntax ==>
SELECT * FROM column1, column2, ....
WHERE condition1 AND condition2 AND condition3;

The OR operator displays a record if any of the

conditions separated by OR is TRUE.
syntax ==>
SELECT * FROM column1, column2....
WHERE condition 1 OR condition1;
The NOT operator displays a record if the condition(s)
syntax ==>
SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE NOT condition;

3) ORDER BY ===>
ORDER BY clause is used to sort the result in the
ascending and descending order

ORDER by sorts the database in the ascending order by

default to sort the database in the descending order we use the
DESC keyword

Syntax ==>

SELECT * FROM Customers

ORDER BY Country;

SELECT * FROM Customers


4) INSERT INTO ====>

INSERT INTO statement is used to insert new reocrd in
the table

There are two ways to insert data in the table

way 1 =
INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2,
column3, ...)
VALUES (value1, value2, value3, ...);
way 2 =
INSERT INTO table_name
VALUES (value1, value2, value3, ...);

5)NULL value ===>

field with a NULL value is a field with no value.
If a field in a table is optional, it is possible to insert a
new record or update a record without adding a value to this field.
Then, the field will be saved with a NULL value.

It is not possible to test for NULL values with comparison

operators, such as =, <, or <>.
We will have to use the IS NULL and IS NOT NULL
operators instead.

Syntax for IS NULL:

SELECT column_names
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name IS NULL;

Syntax for IS NOT NULL:

SELECT column_names
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name IS NOT NULL;

6)UPDATE ===>
The UPDATE statement is used to modify the existing
record in the table

Syntax --
UPDATE table_name
SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2, ...
WHERE condition;
Note ==> IT is important to use where clause without
where clause the whole table would be updated

7)DELETE ===>
DELETE statement is used to delete the existing record in
the table

Note - The WHERE command should be used with DELETE

or else the whole table would be deleted

Syntax -->
DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition;

8)LIMIT ==>
The LIMIT clause is used to specify the number of records to
The LIMIT clause is useful on large tables with thousands of
records. Returning a large number of records can impact

Syntax --> SELECT column_name(s)

FROM table_name
WHERE condition
LIMIT number;

9)MIN and MAX ==>

MIN is used to find out the smallest value in the selected

syntax -->
SELECT MIN(column_name)
FROM table_name
WHERE condition;

MAX is used to find out the largest value in the selected

syntax -->
SELECT MAX(column_name)
FROM table_name
WHERE condition;

10) COUNT,AVG anad SUM ==>

COUNT --> (COUNT goes with statements)

The COUNT() function returns the number of
rows that matches a specified criterion

Syntax ==>
SELECT COUNT(column_name)
WHERE condition;

AVG --->
The AVG() function returns the average value
of a numeric column

SELECT AVG(column_name)
FROM table_name
WHERE condition;

SUM --->
The SUM() function returns the total sum of a
numeric column.

SELECT SUM(column_name)
FROM table_name
WHERE condition;

11)LIKE operator ==>

The LIKE operator is used in a WHERE clause to
search for a specified pattern in a column.

There are two wildcards often used in conjunction with

the LIKE operator:
The percent sign (%) represents zero, one, or multiple
(% Represents zero or more characters bl% finds bl,
black, blue, and blob)

The underscore sign (_) represents one, single

(_ Represents a single character h_t finds hot, hat, and

Synatx :
SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE columnN LIKE pattern;

12) IN operator ==>

The IN operator allows you to specify multiple values in
WHERE clause.
The IN operator is a shorthand for multiple OR

Syntax :
SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name IN (value1, value2, ...);

Q)Different operations on the table?


1)Rename: -
We can rename any table by using RENAME SQL command. If we
rename command, the data will not be lost only the table name will
be changed to
new name
2)Tuple Variables: -
Set of one or more attributes is known as tuples. Tuple variables
are used in the SQL clause known as FROM.

3. Set Operations: -
SQL set operators allows to join (combine) results from two or
more SELECT statements. It combines rows from different
queries. The four set operators union,
union all, intersect and minus allows to serially combine more than
one select statement.

Q)UNION operation?
=>UNION combines the results of two SQL queries into a single
table of all
matching rows. The two queries must result in the same number of
columns and compatible data types in order to unite.

Syntax: -

UNION all operator :- The UNION operator selects only distinct

values by default. To allow duplicate values, use UNION ALL.

Q)Intersect Operator?
=> The Intersect operator takes the results of two queries and
returns only rows that appear in both result sets. This operator
does not distinguish between Nulls. It
removes duplicate rows from the final result set. The INTERSECT
ALL operator does not remove duplicate rows from the final
result set.

Q)Minus operator?
=>EXCEPT operator also called MINUS .It returns
rows that appear in one input
but not in the other, so it also eliminates
duplicates. The EXCEPT ALL operator does not
remove duplicates. The EXCEPT operator can’t
distinguish between Nulls in case if you are
doing row removal and duplicate data removal
from table

unit 7
Q)Transaction concept
=> The execution of a program that includes
database access operations is called the
transaction. A transaction is a unit of program
execution that accesses and updates various
data items. Whenever we read from and/or write
(update) a database, we create a transaction. If
the database operations in a transaction do not
modify the data in the database, but only reads
the data, then the transaction is called as the
read-only transaction.A transaction is a single
unit of database operations that are either
completed entirely or not performed at all. The
transaction should be completed or aborted, no
intermediate states are allowed.The transaction
consists of simple SQL
statements such as select, insert, delete, When
the transaction is executing, the DBMS must
ensure that the data item used should not be
accessed by any other transaction.
Q)What are the properties of the transactions?
=> Transactions properties have the acronym of
ACID properties which stands for Atomic ,
consistent , isolation , Durability.
1) Atomicity: A transaction is an atomic unit of
processing; it is either performed in its entirety
or not performed at all.
2) Consistency Preservation: A correct
execution of a transaction must take the
database from one consistent state to another.
3) Isolation: A transaction should not make its
updates visible to other transactions until it is
committed. This property is useful in multi-user
database environment because several different
users can access and update the database at the
same time.
4) Durability or Permanency: Once a
transaction changes the database and the
changes are committed, these changes must
never be lost because of the software or
hardware failures.

Q)What are transaction terminologies? =>

1)Commit = When the transaction completes
the exection successfully it is known as an
commited transcation. A commited transaction
should take the database from one consistent
state to other consistent state.
2)Abort = When the transaction are not
completed or executed successfully then they are
said to be aborted
3)Roll back = If we want to obey the atomicity
property then all the changes made by the
aborted transactions must be undone. When we
undo the changes of a transaction we say that
the transaction has been rolled back.
4)Restart = If a transaction is aborted because
of hardware or software failure, a transaction
restarts as a new transaction
5) Kill: A transaction is killed, if there is some
internal logic problem, or input
problem or output problem
6)Average response time: It is the average time
taken by a transaction to complete
after it has been submitted
Q)What are transaction states?
=> The transaction may be in one of the following
states while executing:
1) Active: This is the initial state. The transaction
is in this state while it is executing.
2) Partially Committed: The entire transaction has
been executed, but not yet committed.
3) Failed: The transaction cannot execute
4) Aborted: The transaction is rolled back and
the database is stored to its prior state.
5) Committed: After a successful completion

Q)What are the operations on a transaction?

=>The database access operations are:
1) Read-item (X): Reads the database item
named X into a program variable. The Read-
item (X) includes the following steps: Find the
address of disk block that contains item X.
Copy the contents of disk block into a buffer in
main memory.
Copy the item X from the buffer to the program
variable named X.

2) Write-item (X): Writes the value of a program

variable X into the database item named X.
Write-item (X) includes the following steps:
Find the address of the disk block that contains
item X.
Copy the contents of disk block into a buffer in
main memory.
Copy item X from program variable named X into
its correct location in the buffer.
Store the updated block from the buffer back to

Q)Concurrent control and it's problems?

=> Concurrency Control
In multi-user systems, programs are executed
concurrently i.e. at the same
time. Concurrency control is a mechanism used
to ensure that the programs do not interfere
with other executing programs. The major task
performed by
concurrency control protocols is to manage the
concurrent operations on the
database by executing programs. Multiple users
can concurrently share the data stored in the
database. The database can remain consistent,
if all the programs are only reading the data in
the database. The problem arises when some
programs are reading the data in the database
and some program is updating the same data in
the database, leaving the database in an
inconsistent state.

Issue of the concurrent issues are:

1)Multiple Update Problem : Multiple Update
problem occurs when two transactions access
the same database item and are interleaved in
a way, which results in incorrect final value
of the database item
2)Uncommitted Dependency (Dirty Read)
The Uncommitted Dependency problem occurs
when one transaction updates
a database item and writes it into the database
and after some time it fails due to
some reason. This updated value is accessed by
another transaction before it is
changed back to its original value. The updated
value read by the transaction is
called as dirty read because it has been modified
by the transaction that has not
completed or committed

3)Incorrect Analysis Problem : If the transaction

is calculating an aggregate function on a number
of records
while the other transaction is updating some of
these records then the aggregate functions may
take some values before updating and other after

Q)What are schedules?

=> Instructions in the transaction are executed in
a particular sequence to accomplish the task.
Schedules are used to represent the sequence in
which the instructions are executed.
A schedule is a timely ordered sequence of the
instructions in the transactions. A schedule for a
set of transactions must consist of all the
instructions of those transactions and must
maintain the order in which they appear in
individual transaction.
When the system executes several transactions
concurrently then schedule need not be a
If two transactions are running concurrently the
system may execute one transaction for some
time and other transaction for some time and
then again switch back to first transaction. With
concurrent execution CPU time is shared among
all the transaction.
It is the job of Concurrency control mechanism to
ensure that schedules that
are executed concurrently should always result
as if they were executed in a serial manner.
This is done to ensure the consistency of the
Q)What is recoverability?
=> If a transaction fails we have to undo the
effect of the transaction and bring the database
to the consistent state. So when a transaction
aborts, all the transactions dependent on the
aborted transaction should also be aborted and
rolled back. To achieve this, there are certain
restrictions imposed on the type of schedules
permitted in the system.
To bring the database back to a consistent state,
there is a limit on the acceptable
schedules.Those are as follows:
1)Recoverable schedule:
A Recoverable Schedule is a schedule in which, if
a transaction Tj reads a data
item previously written by a transaction Ti, then
the commit operation of Ti should appear before
the commit operation of Tj. Suppose if
transaction Ti fails
for some reason, we need to undo the updates of
this transaction. In the concurrent
execution it is also necessary to ensure that any
transaction Tj which was
dependent on Ti is also aborted.If a transaction Ti
aborts, Tj would read an inconsistent database.
Hence the
database must ensure that schedules are
2)Cascading rollback:
=> A single transaction failure leads to a series
of transaction rollbacks. This is called as
Cascading Rollback. Consider the following
schedule where none of the transactions has yet
committed (so the schedule is recoverable. If T1
aborts due to some reason, then the transactions
T2 and T3 must also be rolled back because
they have read the value of A which is updated
by T1.
Note: Cascading rollbacks can lead to a large
amount of work

3)Cascadeless schedules:
=> r each pair of transactions Ti and Tj such that
Tj reads a data item previously written by Ti,
then the commit operation of Ti should appear
before the read operation of Tj. This schedule
is called as Cascadeless Schedule. In this type
of schedule cascading rollbacks cannot occur.

Unit 8
Q)What is PL Sql?
=> PL stands for procedural extension to SQL. PLSQL has the features of programming language and
can executes programs just as any other programming language. SQL commands are included in the
proceudral blocks. Inorder to begin a PLSQL program we need to use the "Begin" keyword and to end
the program we use the "end" keyword and in between that we write in those block.Features of the
PLSQL are as follows:

1)Performance benefits
4)Programming features
5)Exception handling
Q)PL/SQL architecture?
=>The architecture of the PL?SQL is divided into three different sectors. 1)PL/SQL
2)PL/SQL engine
3)SQL statement executor

When an application program or a user invokes a PL/SQL block, it is submitted to the PL/SQL engine
available locally. PL/SQL engine extracts the Procedural Language statements of the block. These
statements are then executed separately by the PL/SQL processor. The SQL statements in the block are
passed to the SQL processor of Oracle server. These are separately executed

Q)Data type of PL/SQl?

=>There are 4 different types of data types in PL/SQl they are as follows:
2)Large object

PL/SQL Scalar data types and sub types are as follows:

1)Numeric => numeric values are stored

2)Character => Alphanumeric values that represent single characters or string of characters
3)BOOL => Logical values on which logical operations are performed
4)Date and time => Stores date an time values

PL/SQL NUMERIC data types and sub types are as follows:

Signed integer in range -2,147,483,648 through 2,147,483,647, represented in 32 bits

Signed integer in range -2,147,483,648 through 2,147,483,647, represented in 32 bits

Q)Procedures in PL/SQL
=>At the schema level, subprogram is a standalone subprogram. It is created with the CREATE
PROCEDURE or the CREATE FUNCTION statement. It is stored in the database and can be deleted with
the DROP PROCEDURE or DROP FUNCTION statement. The PL/SQL contains these two:
The procedure contains a header and a body.
Header: The header contains the name of the procedure and the parameters or variables passed to the

Body: The body contains a declaration section, execution section and exception section similar to a
general PL/SQL block.

hen you want to create a procedure or function, you have to define parameters .There is three ways to
pass parameters in procedure:

IN parameters: The IN parameter can be referenced by the procedure or function. The value of the
parameter cannot be overwritten by the procedure or the function.

OUT parameters: The OUT parameter cannot be referenced by the procedure or function, but the value
of the parameter can be overwritten by the procedure or function.

INOUT parameters: The INOUT parameter can be referenced by the procedure or function and the value
of the parameter can be overwritten by the procedure or function.

Q)Exception handling in PL/SQL?

=> The error occurs during the program execution is called Exception in PL/SQL.

PL/SQL facilitates programmers to catch such conditions using exception block in the program and an
appropriate action is taken against the error condition.

There are two type of exceptions:

1) System-defined Exceptions
2) User-defined Exceptions : PL/SQL facilitates their users to define their own exceptions according to
the need of the program. A user-defined exception can be raised explicitly, using either a RAISE

Q)Database triggers in PL/SQL?

=> PL/SQL Trigger
Trigger is invoked by Oracle engine automatically whenever a specified event occurs.Trigger is stored
into database and invoked repeatedly, when specific condition match.

Triggers are stored programs, which are automatically executed or fired when some event occurs.

Triggers are written to be executed in response to any of the following events.

A database manipulation (DML) statement (DELETE, INSERT, or UPDATE).

A database definition (DDL) statement (CREATE, ALTER, or DROP).

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