Pred Module

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Southern Baptist College

Bialong, Mlang, Cotabato

Module 3: Social Science Theories and Their Education Implications to Education

Activity 1
Research about The Structural-Functional Model. How does this model address the
question of social organization and how it is maintained?

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Activity 2 evolve
Research/Interview a teacher on the influence of the conflict theory on their work as
to meet
a teacher. Submit a write-up of the research/interview.

1. Cite how schools at present are working on the realization of these 4 purposes as
cited by the functionalists.
2. Adherents to the conflict theory claim that schools teach loyalty so that those in
power remain in power and those below will forever be at the bottom. Do you
agree? Why or why not?
3. Individuals act based on meaning. This meaning is based on individuals’
experiences. Meanings change. Give two implications of these symbolic
interactionist thoughts to education.

Module 4: The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Filipino Character: A Socio-Cultural Issue
Activity 1: Let’s Analyze

1. Do you agree with the finding? Why or why not? Explain your answer.
2. According to the report, one weakness of the Filipino character is lack of analysis
and emphasis on form (pormal). The report states that this lack of analysis and
emphasis on form are reinforced by an educational system that is more form than
 What is meant by an educational system that is more form than substance?

 Do you agree that the Philippine education system is more form than
substance? If yes, why? If not, why not?

 Teacher observes that when students submit report, the more ornate and
artistic the folder is, the less substantial the report. Which weakness in the
Filipino character is pointed to? If you were the teacher how do you counteract

 Research on the Curriculum Guide for Education sa pagpapakatao (ESP) from

Grades 1 to 10. Check on the pamantayan (standards) of EsP from Grades 1 to
10. Does the teaching of EsP in the grades help in eliminating the weaknesses
of the Filipino character as given in Sen. Shahani’s Report? Share your finding.

 The K to 10 Curriculum Guide for Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao

(EsP) and the Grade 11-12 Curriculum Guide for Philosophy of the Human
Person and Personal Development show that there is an intensive and
purposive effort of the Philippine educational system to eliminate the
weaknesses of the Filipino character that is more substance than form. Which
proofs can you give?

 List the strengths of the Filipino then in a phrase or clause, explain when that
strength becomes a weakness.
Strength It becomes a weakness when





Module 5: Global Issues that concern Schools and Society

Let’s Analyze

1. Do the top ten global issues correspond to the 17 SDG’s 2015-2030?


Let’s Conceptualize

As an educator, how can you help address the top ten global issues?

1. Climate Change

2. Pollution
3. Violence

4. Security and Well Being


5. Lack of Education

6. Unemployment

7. Government Corruption

8. Malnourishment and Hunger


9. Substance Abuse

10. Terrorism

Let’s Check for Understanding

List down at least 5 global issues most applicable to the Philippines.

Research on Philippine laws to address the problem.

Problem/Issue Philippine Law meant to Specific Provision/s of the Law

address the problem
Module 6: The Why and How of School and Community Partnership
Let’s Do This
1. Based on your school experiences, list down ways by which a community helps a
school and ways a school and ways by which a school helps a community. Give at
least 5.
a. ___________________________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________________________________
d. ___________________________________________________________________________
Let’s Apply
1. In short/long bond paper, illustrate with a cartoon or a diagram the partnership
between school and community.

2. School and community partnership enhances sense of ownership and sense of

belonging. What do these mean? How will these impacts on schools and

 School and community partnership means school head, teachers, learners,
parents of learners and non-teaching personnel working together with civic and
religious leaders, alumni, other parents, non-government organizations, and
government organizations for the good of children.
 The upbringing of children is the main and irreplaceable duty and responsibility of
the family. But with the weakening influence of the family on the upbringing of
children and with children’s unlimited exposure to modern technology like the
internet, the challenge for schools to teach the young has become even greater. So
schools cannot do it all. They have to partner with community.
 In this partnership, children, the primary customers of schools, are most
benefited but school and community are likewise mutually benefited.
 RA 9155, also known as the Governance of Basic Education Act, BP 232 which is
the Education Act of 1982, RA. 8525, Adopt-A-School Program Act and Agenda
2030 stipulate school and community partnership.
 There are many opportunities for school and community partnership. The Brigada
Eskwela which is now institutionalized in DepEd Schools is a glaring proof of
school and community partnership. Schools with all its human and material
resources can offer services also to the community in many ways.

Let’s Check for Understanding

1. Can schools take the place of families in the rearing of children? Why or why not?

2. What sociological reality in the Philippines and in the world demand that schools
partner with the community (Church, mass media, business establishments, etc.)
for the education of children?

3. State the provisions of law that refer to school-community partnership.


4. Cite additional examples of school-community partnerships that benefit the


Let’s Reflect
In what way am I involved in school and community partnership? What good have I
done to school and community? What else can I do?


Taking it to the Net

Research on successful school and partnerships in high performing countries like
Finland, Singapore and Canada.

Module 7: The Teacher and the Community: Teacher’s Ethical and Professional Behavior
Let’s Read These
1. Think of your favourite teacher. Why was he/she your favourite? What qualities
did he/she your ideal teacher? What influence did he/she have in your life? Did
she act in accordance to the expectations of the community?

2. Here are quotes on teachers. Read and understand them. Do you agree with each
of the quotation?

“Teachers change the world, one child at a time.”

“Teachers, I believe are the most responsible and most important

members of society because their professional efforts affect the fate
of the earth.”

“Every child deserves a champion, an adult who will never give up

on them, who understands the power of connection and insists they
become the best they can possibly be.”
- Rita Pierson
“The influence of good teacher can never be erased.”

“I am a teacher.
I am not in for the income.
I am in it for the outcome.
I am a teacher.
It’s who I am.
It’s my passion, my calling, and my world.”

What is your favourite quote? Any message for you?


Let’s Analyze
Based on your observation, do all teachers embody the traits expected of
professional teachers?

Let’s Apply

1. A teacher is fully convinced that her religion is the only true religion, the only way to
salvation. As a result, she proselytes. Can her good intention of salvation for all
justify her proselyting? Why or why not?
2. As a community leader, what will you do if you see something negative in the
community culture? Cite an example.

3. Your mayor has a teacher candidate for teaching position. Your ranking is over. Your
mayor’s candidate was not part of the ranking and is not a licensed teacher. As a
professional teacher. What would you do?

Taking It to the Net

1. One instance that proves that school-community partnership has been

established is the Brigada Eskwela of the Department of Education. Research on
what Brigada Eskwela is and the good things it has brought to schools.

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