ANN - SN - 507 & 550 Effect of SN Addition On Thermal and Optical Properties of PDF
ANN - SN - 507 & 550 Effect of SN Addition On Thermal and Optical Properties of PDF
ANN - SN - 507 & 550 Effect of SN Addition On Thermal and Optical Properties of PDF
Journal of Materials
Volume 2014, Article ID 318262, 8 pages
Research Article
Effect of Sn Addition on Thermal and Optical Properties of
Pb9Se71Ge20−𝑥Sn𝑥 (8 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 12) Glass
Received 10 November 2013; Revised 23 February 2014; Accepted 24 February 2014; Published 27 March 2014
Copyright © 2014 V. Modgil and V. S. Rangra. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
Study of thermal and optical parameters of Pb9 Se71 Ge20−𝑥 Sn𝑥 (8 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 12) glass has been undertaken. Crystallization and glass
transition kinetics has been investigated under nonisothermal conditions by DSC technique. Phase separation has been observed
in the material and is investigated by taking the XRD of annealed bulk samples. The material possesses good glass forming ability,
high value of glass transition temperature about 420 K, and glass stability. Optical band gap and other optical constants such as
refractive index and extinction coefficient have been determined. The isoelectronic substitution of Ge with Sn in the glassy system
reduces the optical band gap and enhances the thermal properties.
420 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Temperature (K)
8 9 10 11 12
Figure 2: DSC thermograms of the samples at heating rate of Heat flow (mw) 10 K/min
10 K/min.
1500 # 600
@ @#
1000 400 @ @
@ @ # ## ## #
500 @ $ ## # # $ 200 @ @ @@ $ $ ## #$
0 0
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Angle (2𝜃) Angle (2𝜃)
# SnSe2 # SnSe2
@ GeSe2 @ GeSe2
$ PbSe $ PbSe
(a) (b)
Figure 4: X-ray diffractograms of sample Pb9 Se71 Ge9 Sn11 annealed at (a) 550 K and (b) 507 K.
432 −8.8
430 −9.0
ln(𝛼/Tg2 )
Tg (K)
425 −9.4
423 −9.6
420 −9.8
2.360 2.365 2.370 2.375 2.380 2.385 2.390
2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2
x=8 x = 11
x = 12 x=9 x=9 x = 12
x = 11 x=8 x = 10
x = 10
Figure 6: Plot between ln(𝛼/𝑇𝑔2 ) and 1000/𝑇𝑔 from Kissinger
Figure 5: Plot of ln 𝛼 against 𝑇𝑔 . equation.
used to find out the activation energy of glass transition. of the straight line gives the activation energy of glass tran-
Kissinger equation is basically used to find activation energy sition. The one more approach used for calculation of acti-
of crystallization process; it can also be used for the deter- vation energy of glass transition is Moynihan’s relation [21]
mination of the activation energy of glass transition using Moynihan has found in his derivation of the dependence of
the peak glass transition temperatures under nonisothermal 𝑇𝑔 on heating rate |𝛼|. Accordingly for a given heating rate
conditions, if similar shift observed in the glass transition
peaks and crystallization peaks with heating rate. As thermal 𝑑 ln |𝛼| −𝐸𝑔
mechanism varies with temperature, the position of peaks ≈ . (3)
𝑑 (1/𝑇𝑔 ) 𝑅
also varies with the heating rate. This temperature shift, in
turn, can be used for the determination of kinetic parameters
of crystallization [20]. Hence Kissinger equation relating the Plots of ln 𝛼 against 1000/𝑇𝑔 are plotted for various glassy
peak glass transition temperature and heating rate is given by alloys shown in Figure 7. The values of activation energies
found by Kissinger and Moynihan approaches are tabulated
−𝐸𝑔 in Table 2.
ln ( )= + constant, (2) Activation energy of glass transition decreases as 𝑥 varies
𝑇𝑔2 𝑅𝑇𝑔 from 8 to 9. This is due to entrance of Sn in Pb-Se-Ge network,
which weakens the network and decrease the activation
where 𝑇𝑔 is the peak glass transition temperature and 𝑅 is the energy of glass transition. Thenafter at 𝑥 = 10 this activation
gas constant. energy increases which might be due to replacement of Se-
A graph is plotted between ln(𝛼/𝑇𝑔2 ) and 1000/𝑇𝑔 shown Se bonds by Sn-Se bonds (having large bond energy). The
in Figure 6, which yields a straight line. The slope (−𝐸𝑔 /𝑅) further addition of Sn to the glass matrix replaces mostly
Journal of Materials 5
3.2 −9.4
−9.4 −9.8
ln(𝛼/Tp2 )
3.0 −10.0
−9.6 −10.4
2.8 −10.6
ln(𝛼/Tp2 )
1.692 1.696 1.700 1.704
ln 𝛼
−9.8 1000/Tp
2.335 2.340 2.345 2.350 2.355 2.360 2.365 −10.4
1000/Tg 1.885 1.886 1.887 1.888 1.889 1.890 1.891 1.892 1.893
x=8 x = 11
x=9 x = 12 x= 8 x = 11 c2
x = 10 x= 9 x = 12 c2
x= 10
Figure 7: Plots of ln 𝛼 against 1000/𝑇𝑔 glassy alloys from Moynihan x= 11 c1
equation. x= 12 c1
(b) Augis and Bennett Method. The activation energy for crys-
the Ge-Se bonds by Sn-Se bonds. So it results in decrease in tallization, 𝐸𝑐 , can be evaluated using the formula suggested
cohesive energy and mean bond energy of the glassy matrix by Augis and Bennett [22] which is given as follows:
as well as the activation energy of glass transition.
𝛼 𝐸
ln ( ) = − ( 𝑐 ) + constant. (5)
𝑇𝑝 𝑅𝑇𝑝
3.2.2. Activation Energy of Crystallization. For the determi-
nation of crystallization kinetics, the established Kissinger The plot of ln(𝛼/𝑇𝑝 ) versus 1000/𝑇𝑝 is shown in Figure 9. The
and Augis-Bennett models are applied. calculated activation energies of crystallization are tabulated
in Table 3.
(a) Kissinger Model. The activation energy for crystallization, The addition of Sn causes the structural disorder in the
𝐸𝑐 , can be obtained from the dependence of peak crystal- glassy matrix; beyond 𝑥 = 10 phase separation in the
lization temperature 𝑇𝑝 on heating rate, using the equation material has been found. Mainly two phases GeSe2 and SnSe2
derived by Kissinger [18, 19]: appear in the material which causes phase splitting and
double crystallization peaks. The peak at high crystallization
temperature is due to GeSe2 phase and at lower temperature
𝛼 −𝐸𝑐 due to SnSe2 phase. We analyze from Table 2 that activa-
ln ( 2
)= + constant. (4)
𝑇𝑝 𝑅𝑇𝑝 tion energies obtained from Augis and Bennett method is
approximately around the activation energies obtained from
the Kissinger’s approach. However, this slight difference in
The plot of ln(𝛼/𝑇𝑝2 ) versus 1000/𝑇𝑝 is shown in Figure 8. The the activation energies obtained by these approaches may be
activation energy of crystallization is calculated from slope of attributed to the different formalism of the equations in these
the straight lines in Figure 8 and tabulated in Table 3. models based on approximations. The addition of Sn has
6 Journal of Materials
−3.0 −3.2 1.0
ln 𝛼/Tp
−3.2 0.8
−3.4 −4.2 0.6 3.5
ln 𝛼/Tp
1.885 1.886 1.887 1.888 1.889 1.890 1.891 1.892 1.893 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
1000/Tp 𝜆 (nm)
x= 8 x = 11 c1 x= 8 x= 8
x= 9 x = 12 c1 x= 9 x= 9
x= 10 x= 10 x= 10
x= 11 x= 11 x= 11
x= 12 x= 12 x= 12
Figure 9: The plot of ln(𝛼/𝑇𝑝 ) versus 1000/𝑇𝑝 for Augis and Bennett Figure 10: The transmission spectrum and variation of extinction
approach. coefficient with wavelength of chalcogenide glass thin films of
Pb9 Se71 Ge20−𝑥 Sn𝑥 .
caused the structural disorder or configurational changes in compositional disorder in material. The value of extinction
the material. Beyond 𝑥 = 10 phase separation in the material coefficient (𝑘) has been calculated using the relation
has been observed. The double crystallization peaks in the
material are due to phase splitting into two amorphous phases 𝛼𝜆
GeSe2 and SnSe2 . In double crystallization peaks, the high 𝑘= , (8)
crystallization temperature peak is due to Ge-rich phase and
peak at lower crystallization temperature is due to Sn-rich where 𝛼 is the absorption coefficient [24] and is given by
1 1
𝛼= ln ( ) , (9)
𝑑 𝑥
3.3. Optical and Dielectric Parameters. Generally the optical
band gap and refractive index (𝑛) are the basic parameters where 𝑥 is the absorbance. The variations of the extinction
to know the material’s optical behavior. The refractive index coefficient with the wavelength are shown in Figure 10 inset.
changes under the influence of light. The optical constants The optical absorption spectrum is the important tool for
are calculated using Swanepoel’s method. According to studying the band gap of materials. The absorption coefficient
Swanepoel’s method [23, 24], the value of the refractive index of an amorphous semiconductor in the high absorption
of film in the spectral region of medium and weak absorption region can be calculated by using Tauc’s relation [25] 𝛼ℎ] =
can be calculated by the expression 𝐵(ℎ] − 𝐸𝑔opt ) where 𝐵 is a constant, 𝐸𝑔opt is the optical energy
gap of the material, and 𝑚 determines the type of transition
1/2 1/2 (𝑚 = 1/2 for the direct transition and 𝑚 = 2 for the indirect
𝑛 = [𝑁 + (𝑁2 − 𝑠2 ) ] , (6) allowed transition).
The values of the optical energy gap (𝐸𝑔opt ) obtained for
where indirect allowed transition for thin films of Pb9 Se71 Ge20−𝑥 Sn𝑥
by making (𝛼ℎ])0.5 → 0 are given in Table 3 and shown
in Figure 11. The optical parameters refractive index (𝑛) and
𝑇𝑀 − 𝑇𝑚 𝑠2 + 1
𝑁 = 2𝑠 + , (7) extinction coefficient 𝑘 have the compositional dependence
𝑇𝑀𝑇𝑚 2 as both increase with increasing Sn content. In covalent
solids, variation in charge density results change in bond
where 𝑇𝑀 and 𝑇𝑚 are the transmission maximum and the polarizability and hence permittivity; this variation alters the
corresponding minimum at a certain wavelength 𝜆. The refractive index and the extinction coefficient of the material
transmission spectra of material are shown in Figure 10. [26]. Optical constants (𝑛, 𝑘) in anisotropic media depend
The spectra for 𝑥 = 8 is different than that for others. on electronic polarization of atoms, ions, or molecules of the
This might be due to some foreign element introduction at the material when subjected to an electric field. The polarization
time of bulk or thin film preparation; this has created some does not respond instantly to an applied field and results in
Journal of Materials 7
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