Science Lesson Plan
Science Lesson Plan
Science Lesson Plan
Grade V- ROXAS
CES-SpEd Center Level/Section
LESSON Teaching Date MAY 18, 2022 Quarter 4TH
EXEMPLAR Teaching Time 3:00-3:50 pm No. of Day/s 1
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of the phases of the
Standards Moon and the beliefs and practices associated with it.
B. Performance The learners should be able to debug local myths and folklore
Standards about the Moon and the Stars by presenting pieces of evidence
to convince the community folks
C. Most Essential Infer the pattern in the changes in the appearance of the Moon
Learning S5FE-IVg-h-7
A. References
a. Teacher’s K to 12 Most Essential Learning Competencies with
Guide Pages corresponding CG Codes
c. Textbook
d. Additional * ADM LRMDS BEAM 4 Unit 10 DLP 64: Phases of the Moon
from LRMDS
B. Establishing a
purpose of the new
lesson (Motivation)
(Paghahabi sa
layunin ng aralin)
C. Presenting *Say: Did you enjoy the song and the game learners? Now, the
examples/ instances different shapes of the moon that you see are what we called
of the new lesson the Phases of the Moon, and that is our topic for today
(Pag-uugnay ng mga
halimbawa sa *Present the objectives of the lesson to the class.
bagong aralin)
*Say: To understand more about the Moon and its phases let us
watch the video.
Guided Questions:
1. Where does the moon get its light?
2. Who was the first man landed on the moon?
3. What do you call the changes of the moon’s appearance?
4. Why does the appearance of the moon seem to differ in
shape? 5. How do phases of the moon happen?
1. It shines by the reflected light of the Sun
2. Neil Armstrong
3. The changes of the moon’s appearance are what we called
the phases of the moon.
4. As the moon revolves around the Earth, we see more of its
lighted part, then we see less and less of its lighted part that is
why its shape appears to change
5. As the Moon orbits the Earth, the portion of illuminated
Moon that we see changes – giving rise to the phases of the
D. Discussing new PHASES OF THE MOON Moon phases are determined by the
concepts and relative positions of the Moon, Earth, and Sun.
practicing new skills WAXING means the moon is gradually increasing in magnitude;
#1 (Pagtalakay ng it’s getting brighter from smallest size to another size.
bagong konsepto at CRESCENT means it is between new moon and half-moon
paglalahad ng GIBBOUS mean humped or something rounded.
bagong kasanayan WANING is when it is decreasing in size from full moon to
#1) quarter moon.
LUNAR ECLIPSE Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon,
blocking the sunlight falling on the Moon. Earth's shadow
covers all or part of the lunar surface.
H. Making
Generalization and
abstraction about
the lesson
(Paglalahat ng
I. Evaluating
Learning (Pagtataya
ng aralin)
J. Additional
activities for
application and
gawain para sa
takdang-aralin at
K. Reflection
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