Tokens: Official Dungeons & Dragons Adventures
Tokens: Official Dungeons & Dragons Adventures
Tokens: Official Dungeons & Dragons Adventures
ISSUE 90 • VOL. XV, NO. 6
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28 D
January/February 2002
Issue #90
Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
The Elfwhisper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Tears for Twilight Hollow . . . . . . . . . . . 62
by J.C. Alvarez by Angel Leigh McCoy & Christopher Perkins
Elves and forests don’t always get along. A D&D adventure A paladin’s demise brings pain and despair to the village of
for 8th-level PCs but adaptable for levels 6–11. Twilight Hollow. A D&D FORGOTTEN REALMS adventure for
7th-level PCs but adaptable for levels 3–12.
Totentanz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
by Bernard Mees Critical Threats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Even death cannot keep the citizens of Luzern from dancing by DUNGEON Staff
in the street. A D&D adventure for 4th-level PCs but NEW FEATURE! This lycanthropic cleric savors the taste
adaptable for levels 1–6. of infidels. A D&D FORGOTTEN REALMS Critical Threat.
Brom takes us inside the House of Torment and illustrates two of its most fearsome denizens. Indeed, there are
fates worse than death, as heroes soon discover in “Tears for Twilight Hollow.”
Wizards of the Coast, Inc. PRESENTS “Dungeon Magazine #90” AUTHORS J.C. Alvarez Tim Hitchcock Angel Leigh McCoy Bernard Mees Christopher Perkins Chris Thomasson
ARTISTS Michael Collins Derek Thompson Jeremy Jarvis Chuck Lukacs Christopher West Aaron Williams Craig Zipse AND Diesel COVER BY Brom
ART DIRECTOR Chris Thomasson DESIGNERS Christopher Perkins Theresa Cummins PRODUCTION DIRECTOR John Dunn ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Bob Henning
CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Christopher Perkins ASSISTANT EDITOR Stacie A. Fiorito ASSOCIATE EDITOR Matthew Sernett EDITOR Chris Thomasson
6 january/february 2002
villain from the last adventure and using ments as necessary. ALTERNITY; STAR*DRIVE; DARK•MATTER; ALIEN
him for the current adventure? For Jon Rathbun COMPENDIUM; FIFTH AGE; DUNGEON MASTER; PLAYER’S
example, I have used Acessiwal (from Warren, OH OPTION; DRAGON; DUNGEON; POLYHEDRON; LIVING CITY;
TOKEN OF AFFECTION marks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
I wanted to say kudos for the tokens SUBSCRIPTIONS: Please contact Publishers
you’ve been including in DUNGEON Creative Systems at [email protected] or
Magazine and offer a couple of sugges- call 1-800-395-7760. In the United Kingdom, contact
tions from a user’s point of view. The [email protected] or call +44-18-58-41-4713.
tokens are obviously a great idea for ADVERTISING: Contact our Advertising Sales
those who don’t have a lot of miniatures Director, Bob Henning, at (425) 204-7262. All ads
and don’t really want to (or don’t have are subject to approval by Wizards of the Coast,
the means to) acquire them. But they are Inc., which reserves the right to reject any ad for
also very useful for supplementing a any reason. Advertisers and/or agencies of
miniatures collection. advertisers agree not to hold Wizards of the Coast
While I have a great miniatures col- liable for any loss or expense from alleged wrong-
lection at home, I hate taking it with me doing that may arise out of the publication of such
while traveling (even just across town). advertisements.
Miniatures take up a lot of room and Northeastern Advertising Representatives: Sig
weight, and it’s a pain to pack and or Scott Buchmayr, Buchmayr Associates, 137
unpack them wherever I’m going. Rowayton Avenue, Rowayton, CT 06853, (203)
Tokens, however, are light and take up 855-8834.
very little space and are the ideal DMing
tool away from home. They are a key Printed in the U.S.A.
part of what I call my DMing travel pack.
Another cool thing about tokens is that
they have the feature of being stackable.
You can easily put more than one token in Distribution Nationally and Internationally
the same square or hex, and you can put Curtis Circulation Company
miniatures on top of them. I’ve grown 730 River Road
fond of using tokens for mounts, since a New Milford, NJ 07646
miniature (or a token representing a Tel: 201-634-7400 Fax: 201-634-7499
8 january/february 2002
character or monster) can stack on top of token sheet. The token representing a I’ve only been reading DUNGEON for a
the mount. When the rider dismounts, center of a spell burst might be just the short time but I’ve come to notice the
both it and the mount are still repre- ticket, though. We’ll also consider ways increase in FORGOTTEN REALMS modules. I
sented. I also like using tokens for light to put the monsters’ names on the just bought Issue #88 and when I opened
sources and to indicate things like the tokens (I’d prefer the back, since words it, I found that half the adventures were
center or edge of a spell burst. on the front might cover up too much of for the Realms. I was a little angry; I’m
Now that I’ve explained a couple of the image). I always thought it was cool not a big fan of the FORGOTTEN REALMS. I’d
the things I like to do with tokens, my to have the blank backs in case you personally like to see more DRAGONLANCE
suggestions for future token releases wanted to keep your players in the dark adventures like “Anvil of Time” (Issue
are easy to deduce. I’d like to see light as to what they were facing, but I can #86), but for lower level characters, so
source tokens: torches, hooded lanterns, see the merits of labeling the tokens, too. I could maybe start a campaign.
and bullseye lanterns. (Be sure and put What do the rest of you think? Heather Graham
directional information on the bullseye Trenton, Ontario
lantern so that the position of the token DOWN WITH THE REALMS Canada
shows where it’s pointing!) I’d also sug- Before I start ranting, I love your maga-
gest horses and other mounts, like ponys zine, especially the art. Where I live, Any FORGOTTEN REALMS adventure can
and war dogs, made available. Finally, a there is no place to get fantasy artwork, be used in another fantasy campaign
token that indicates the center of a spell so I look forward to each issue to see the setting with minimal alterations. Try to
burst. Remember that spell bursts are new illustrations. (I always hope for Todd look past the FORGOTTEN REALMS tag and
centered (on a square grid) at a grid Lockwood’s dragons; they kick butt!) judge the adventure on its own merits.
intersection between four squares, not
in the center of a square itself, so the
ideal token for this would be one that has
four grid lines coming out from the cen-
ter burst icon that you could overlay on
top of the corresponding lines on the
battlemat. A similar one should be
designed for a hex map, since many
people use those too. My last suggestion
is to print up tokens that have abstract
icons on them; these can be used for
miscellaneous things like tables, treasure,
or whatever. There are some tokens like
this from the beginners boxed set, but I
suspect most DUNGEON subscribers don’t
have that. I use them more than any of
the other tokens I own.
I have one nitpicky complaint regard-
ing the monster tokens: Put the name of
the monster on the front or back of the
token. Now that you’ve printed a bunch
of them, I can’t remember what they all
are, and I have resorted to writing the
names on the tokens. I realize I can use
any token for any creature (and often
do), but the gamer geek inside me really
wants to know what monster the token
was supposed to be used for.
Thanks again for printing these and
making them available in several issues
of your fine magazine. Count me among
your enthusiastic subscribers!
Peter Adkison
Gaming Mogul (retired)
[email protected]
10 january/february 2002
You Carry A Tune?
by J.C. Alvarez
artwork by Derek Thompson • cartography by Craig Zipse
“The Elfwhisper” is a D&D adventure designed for four 8th-level PCs. Those who
successfully complete the adventure should amass enough experience points to advance
one level. PCs of 9th level should find it challenging as well, but will not gain enough
experience to advance to 10th level. Successfully completing the adventure depends
more on wits than direct confrontation, so with a few modifications, low-level characters
should be able to survive it. See the “Scaling the Adventure” sidebar for details.
At least one PC should know the Elven language or be able to comprehend it with the aid
of magic. Bard, druid, and ranger PCs are ideal for the adventure. Players of elven or
half-elven PCs will find many remarkable roleplaying opportunities.
separately. If you do this, you might want to give one or more of them
SCALING THE ADVENTURE a 1–3 levels of sorcerer to maintain a healthy challenge for the PCs.
Although the adventure is designed for 8th-level characters, the mod- • Make the black pudding in area H7 two gray oozes.
ules can be run for characters of 6th–7th level, as well as for charac- • Reduce the number of scrags in area H8 to 2.
ters of 9th–11th level. 9th- to 11th-level PCs: Run the adventure as written with the fol-
6th- to 7th-level PCs: Run the adventure as written with the fol- lowing changes:
lowing changes: • Add one to three more creatures to each random encounter, or
• Reduce the challenge of the random encounters significantly. For allow for reinforcements to arrive.
example, reduce the number of wolves to 5, the number of shadows • Make the bandits 2nd- or 3rd-level rogues, but you might want
to 2, the number of dire wolves to 2, and the number of boars to 3. to reduce their number, since multiple rogues can be extremely
• Reduce the number of bandits in area W2 to 6. deadly, even to high-level parties.
• Reduce the number of dire badgers in area W3 to 3. • Add two more ettercaps to area W4.
• Reduce the number of dire wolves in area W5 to 7. • Make Mario Navarro’s level equal to the PCs’ party level.
• Make it more clear to the PCs that the pixies are not a physical • Allow the PCs to battle the shadows in area T1 for a round or two
threat or reduce their number. before having the ghosts make an appearance.
• Make Mario Navarro a 6th- or 7th-level fighter. • Give Morgo (area H1) two barbarian levels.
• Reduce the Ygwannach’s Hit Dice to 10. Note that this will drop • Make the huge water elemental (area H4) a greater water ele-
his size from Huge to Large. mental.
• Make Morgo (area H1) a 4th-level ogre fighter. • Don’t pull any punches with the hags’ covey powers. (Use
• Reduce the number of ogres in area H2 to 4. forcecage and mind blank from hiding, for example.)
• Make the water elemental in area H4 Large instead of Huge. • Add a level of fighter to each of the scrags in area H8.
• Reduce the number of crocodiles in area H5 to 6. You will need to adjust the amount of treasure to match the party’s
• Instead of allowing the hag covey to use their covey powers, sep- starting level; use the following simple formula:
arate them into different areas of the lair so the PCs can fight them Total GP Value in Treasure = Party’s Average Level × 7,500 gp.
near the elven Wildwood. Grassguard lies in the direction prised mainly of farmers and woodsmen, with some “special”
Navarro fled when last seen, so it should be a good place to inhabitants who are detailed below. They want only to live
gather additional information on the bandit’s whereabouts. peacefully, away from civilization, but the nearness of the
“The Elfwhisper” takes place in an undefined area inside a Wildwood has been troublesome. The few elven inhabitants
generic fantasy world; it can be adapted to Greyhawk or any from town disappeared not long after Grassguard was built; it
other fantasy setting by changing the names of places like the has been ten years since an elf or half-elf has been seen in the
Wildwood, Grassguard, Sternhelm, and all cities listed in the area (with the exception of Morlaine)—no one knows why. The
wanted notice. It is fairly important, however, that after renam- last few weeks have been especially hard, thanks to Morlaine’s
ing the locations, they remain: haunting tales and the fact that Navarro and his gang are
Sternhelm—A far-off city from which the PCs come seeking stalking the area (his gang just razed the nearby Earfield farm).
for Navarro.
Grassguard—A rural town (hamlet) located near a forest. Gathering Information in Grassguard
The Wildwood—A haunted forest once inhabited by elves. PCs seeking information about Grassguard, Mario Navarro, or
Ilumentarinen—An elven kingdom that once stood in the the Wildwood must make Gather Information checks.
haunted forest.
The Forgotten Realms has many suitable areas for this Grassguard and Mario Navarro
adventure. If you’re playing a Forgotten Realms campaign, • DC 5: “Mayor Rodder knows everything that goes on in
consider using sites in and near the High Forest or sites in the the town. You should talk with him.”
vicinity of Cormanthor and Myth Drannor. • DC 10: “It’s usually pretty quiet around here, but those
bandits who burned down that farm outside town are suppos-
Grassguard edly nearby. That’s making everyone nervous.”
• DC 15: “The Earfield farm was burnt to the ground by the
It’s a sunny afternoon when you finally arrive in Grassguard. bandits. They killed everyone. Those bandits need to be
The town looks like a nice, quiet, rural hamlet, complete with stopped before they come for the rest of us.”
stucco houses, well-groomed gardens, and small stone trails. • DC 18: “Keerath, the militia captain, says that Mayor Rodder
It seems to be primarily inhabited by human folk. If Navarro hasn’t done enough to stop the bandits. I’m not sure what else
actually came by here, he must have done it quietly—that, or the mayor could do, though. We can’t turn Grassguard into a
these people don’t care about danger. The few townsfolk fort; we don’t have the money to build proper walls.”
outside their houses turn and smile at your approach. • DC 20: “It seems like this town is becoming less hospitable
The only bleak part of this idyllic view is the presence of by the day. We used to have elves living in Grassguard, but
many wanted notices, such as the one you’re carrying. they all disappeared a long time ago, and we haven’t seen one
Mario Navarro’s face occupies each one. in years. Then there was the drought last year and a hard win-
ter after that. Now we’ve got bandits, and it looks like the
Grassguard is a small settlement, founded less than fifty Wildwood can make you go crazy like poor Morlaine. If this
years ago by adventurous colonists. The township is com- keeps up for much longer, I’ll pull up roots and heading out.”
12 january/february 2002
14 january/february 2002
going in, feel free to make Morlaine stop
©2002. Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Permission is granted to photocopy this handout for home game use only.
early and invite them in—just remember his
sinister, disquieting manner.
If the PCs enter the house, they find Mario Navarro
Morlaine in a corner of the living room, Dead or Alive!
crouching over his lute and pathetically
twanging its strings. Yellowed, mossy musical
scores litter the dirty floor. Apparently they
have been rotting there for many months.
Once Morlaine sees the PCs, he mercifully
stops his hellish music and stands to greet
them. Morlaine—it should be obvious—is
utterly mad. He had the misfortune of wan-
dering too far inside the Wildwood, stumbled
onto Ilumenine’s spectral host, and heard the
Elfwhisper. His human blood allowed him to
make it home alive, but his mind was nearly
split in two by the experience. Upon return-
ing, he attempted to destroy all his composi-
tions and instruments, but his love for music
stopped him from destroying his lute. He
later tried to kill himself, but the spirit of the
merry, lighthearted man he once was strug-
gled to keep him alive, even through insanity.
Now Morlaine lives in a dreamlike half-life,
experiencing terrible nightmares night and Reward: 5,000 Gold Pieces!
day, and trying to recover his humanity.
Poor Morlaine can appear almost sane, This notorious brigand has been seen near our lands. Any
answering questions in a normal fashion and ccitizens responsible for contributing to his capture will be
acting as if the PCs were old friends come to
visit. He remains this way until asked about rewarded 5,000 coins of gold, paid in full by the guards of
his music or the haunting. Then Morlaine’s Sternhelm at Sternhelm Gate.
eyes go wild, his voice drops to a sharp
whisper, and his movements become jerky This villain is a dangerous killer. Be prepared for a fight!
and frantic. Then, the mad bard tells the PCs This bounty is authorized by the City of Sternhelm, the Counties of Earnst and
about the Elfwhisper. Dellingarn, and the cities of Shar, Adraway, and Corelane.
Use any or all of the following comments
or answers as part of Morlaine’s dialog:
• “I’m half a man; that’s what saved me. Had I been pure
• “No! Not my music! I don’t want to talk about it; my of blood, the song would have trapped me as well, would have
music is dead, dead, DEAD! made me sing the song. The song is a lullaby for elves. It sings
“I . . . I saw the elves. I did. Thousands of elves, looking at them to sleep forever. It makes them sing in their sleep. Elves
me with their dead eyes, singing that eerie song, that dead must not travel to the forest. They must not!”
song—singing, endlessly singing . . . Gods have mercy on me.” • “The witches live in the mud. Yes, they do. They stole the
• “My music? My music is dead. Morlaine is sad. Morlaine lady’s harp, but I dare not go back there. I dare not. The
is dead and so sad. ghosts will kill me. This time not even poor mad Morlaine will
“The ghosts looked at me. ‘Help us,’ they said, but what resist the voices.
could I tell them? What could I do? I begged them to stop, but
they went on singing, singing that hellish music, endlessly If there’s an elf in the group, and all the dialog options have
singing. Ye gods . . . their voices, their voices . . .” been played out, Morlaine suddenly notices the character, pan-
• “The forest is alive, I tell you, alive with the dead—hun- ics, and breathlessly cries out:
dreds of dead elves, and then that thing at the dark heart of
the woods, that creature of gnarled knots and roots . . . It is “You! You’re an elf! You’ll go with them! You’ll take me with
the forest and elves are its slaves, driving wanderers mad— them! No! No! Out! OUT!”
like poor Morlaine, who used to be happy.”
• “Yes . . . There is a way to end the curse, there indeed This should effectively end the conversation. Nothing more
is. There was the lady, the beautiful ghost lady. She sang with comes from Morlaine’s lips except moans and whimpers, nor
them. Among the damned singers, she sang best. Her harp, will he go back to the Wildwood, even if it means ending his
the lady’s harp, can heal me. Its sweet tones can cure me, but curse. If pressed, Morlaine will feel cornered, and he might
now they have it. Cursed devil-women! Evil, hateful, awful attack the PCs in an attempt to escape them.
Encounter 4. Keerath. The PCs might seek out Keerath to ques- all. He helpfully tries to answer whatever questions the PCs
tion him about the bandits, or Keerath might “accidentally” have, unless they mention Mayor Rodder.
encounter them as he goes about his business. Keerath believes in the forest spirits and the threat they
k Keerath, Male Human Ftr6: CR 6; Medium-size represent, if only to provide himself with another reason to
Humanoid (6 ft. 1 in. tall); HD 6d10+12; hp 50; Init +2; Spd 30 belittle Mayor Rodder. He hasn’t run into any ghosts, but he
ft.; AC 15 (touch 12, flat-footed 13); Atk +11/+6 melee has gone into the Wildwood looking for them—and for
(1d8+6/crit ×3, battleaxe), or +10/+5 ranged (1d8+2/crit ×3, Navarro, who he says he’d have caught by now if he didn’t
mighty composite longbow); AL N; SV Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2; have a town to defend.
Str 17, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 16.
Skills: Climb +5, Handle Animal +8, Jump +4, Ride +7, The Earfield Farm
Wilderness Lore +6. Feats: Far Shot, Mounted Combat, Point The Earfield farm is located a mile north of Grassguard. The
Blank Shot, Skill Focus (Wilderness Lore), Track, Weapon PCs’ investigation should take them here. Once the PCs decide
Focus (battleaxe), Weapon Focus (composite longbow), to travel to the farm, read the following:
Weapon Specialization (battleaxe).
Possessions: Masterwork battleaxe, mighty composite long- This once-thriving ranch has been razed. Galloping horses
bow [+2] with 26 arrows, hide armor, pouch containing 14 gp. have churned up the earth, and the air is still heavy with the
Development: Keerath should “stumble” onto the PCs scent of smoke and ashes after more than a week. Nothing is
before they leave Grassguard; he might become important left of the buildings but charred rubble. It looks as though the
later (see the “Continuing the Adventure” section). Keerath is bandits did a thorough job here—everything of value is gone.
a brave but prejudiced hunter who deeply resents being out-
ranked by a halfling. He spends most of his time trying to The farm is not a pretty sight. The Grassguard militia has
gather the town’s sympathies by making daring raids into the already removed the dead, but the ruins remain. A successful
Wildwood and looking for ways to make Mayor Rodder look Search check (DC 10), or Wilderness Lore check (DC 10) for
bad without provoking open enmity. He’s nice and straightfor- characters with the Track feat, reveals the vague tracks of a
ward with the PCs, but his dialog is strewn with impolite state- heavy group of riders setting off toward the forest. This roll
ments about halflings in general (unless there’s one in the can be retried every 10 minutes, as usual. Following these
party) and Quince Rodder in particular—especially his inability tracks leads the PCs into area W2 of the Wildwood.
to deal with the bandits and Wildwood ghosts as compared
with Keerath’s militia (to which he refers as “my boys”). The Wildwood
Keerath talks about himself, mainly, and his many deeds, Once the PCs have gathered enough clues, it should be clear to
without seeming overtly egocentric—his exploits are real, after them that they need to head into the Wildwood.
16 january/february 2002
Skills: Climb +4, Hide +5, Listen +4, Move Silently +5, Spot do not move along or if the badger is not placated within 2
+4, Search +4, Swim –1, Tumble +5, Use Rope +6. Feats: rounds, all four badgers charge out to attack.
Dodge, Mobility. d Dire Badgers (4): hp 30, 23, 18, 22; Monster Manual 56.
Possessions: Studded leather armor, short sword, light
crossbow with 20 bolts, pouch containing 6 gp. W4. Cobwebs. The trail of the horses and the trail of the
Tactics: If the bandits aren’t spotted, they launch an attack ambushing bandits leads through here to area W5. The bandits
when the PCs are within 30 feet. There’s a good chance the never took note of the spiderwebs and always traveled in par-
bandits catch many of the PCs flat-footed, and all nine fire their ties too large for the area’s denizen to attack.
weapons, hoping to gain the benefit of their sneak attack. The
bandits have concealment behind dense foliage, causing the PCs It takes you a few moments to notice it—this area is a little
attacks to suffer a 30% miss chance while the bandits are in hid- darker than the rest of the Wildwood, as if something is
ing. On the round following the ranged attack, the bandits draw blocking the sunlight. It might be a cloud, but something just
shortswords and charge. The bandits hope to flank those PCs doesn’t feel right. There’s also a weird sour smell.
most hurt by their volley of crossbow bolts and take them out.
If the bandits succeed in dropping a PC or two they continue to This area is darker than the rest of the Wildwood; the PCs
fight, hoping to kill the others. This ambush was planned to gauge won’t notice why until they have looked around and succeeded
the strengths and weaknesses of the Grassguard militia; if the at a Spot check (DC 13): The foliage and branches are full of
encounter goes badly for the bandits, they retreat into the thick webbing. Of course, by then it’s too late.
woods, staying near the trails but hoping to hide from or outrun Creature (EL 4): As the PCs look up, allow them a second
the PCs so they can warn their fellows back at camp. Spot check (DC 17); success indicates that they are not sur-
Development: If the PCs can capture and interrogate one prised when the ettercap swings out of its hiding place in the
of the bandits, a successful Intimidate or Diplomacy check branches above and uses its web ability on one of the PCs.
causes the bandit to tell them what he knows. d Ettercap: hp 30; Monster Manual 88.
DC 20: The bandit is loath to tell the PCs anything and Tactics: The ettercap can use its web ability seven more
responds with lies to most of their questions. He exaggerates times, so it stays in the branches above the PCs, using the web
the size of the band, claiming that there are fifty men. He says covered foliage for three-quarters concealment (the PCs suf-
they’re staying five miles to the north (the camp is southeast). fer a 30% miss chance). It continues to attempt to web the PCs
A successful Sense Motive check opposed by the bandit’s Bluff until all of them are immobilized, following them through the
check (–2 Charisma penalty) allows the PCs to catch him in his treetops if they decide to run. Once the PCs are trapped by
lie. If accused of lying, the bandit continues to try to Bluff the the ettercap’s webs (or it runs out of web attack), it moves
PCs, giving other erroneous information, but the PCs can then down to engage in melee.
attempt another check to try to garner more intelligence.
DC 25: The bandit is sullen and resentful, but he’s willing to W5. The Dead City. Telenementelari (areas T1–T3), a city of the
admit that there are twenty more men at the camp. He tells the elven kingdom of Ilumentarinen, is located in a clearing in the
PCs the camp is located in some ruins a few miles down the trail. valley below the ridge described below. Read or paraphrase
DC 35: Truly terrified (if intimidated) or convinced the PCs the boxed text before running the next encounter:
won’t allow him to be killed for his crimes (if Diplomacy was
used), the bandit tells all he knows about the band and the For the past few miles, the ground has been rising, and now
Wildwood. He says there are nineteen more men, plus the trail wends out onto the side of a ridge. Below you, the
Navarro, staying at the camp in some ruins about eight miles Wildwood seems to spread to the horizon. The gusting wind
down the trail to the southeast. He warns the PCs about the causes the treetops of this vast, tangled, and dark forest to
hole in the ground in the clearing at area W3, saying that other undulate in great waves. You can hear the leaves rustling all
bandits saw a bear going inside (actually one of the dire badg- around you; it sounds almost like the ocean.
ers). He also tells the PCs that wolves have been shadowing To the southeast, below the ridge and through a clearing
the bandits in the woods; they have been traveling in large in the trees, you see what might be ruins of some kind, half-
groups to keep the beasts at bay. If asked about forest spirits, hidden among foliage and trees. The path and the trail of the
he admits that some of the bandits said they heard strange bandits’ horses seem to head in that direction.
sounds, but Navarro berated them for being superstitious.
Creatures (EL 10): As they head toward the ruined city, the
W3. Badger Clearing. The PCs should arrive here from area PCs begin to hear howls in the distance. A dire wolf pack has
W1 or W2. There’s a small clearing around the convergence of found their trail and is closing in. The dire wolves are moving
the two trails. A dark hole in the ground, about 3 feet wide, lies at a rate of 100 feet per round—if the PCs can move faster
just before a sizable mound of dirt that dominates the south- than that, they can evade combat by going into the city (it
ern part of the clearing. The horse trail from area W1 and the takes 10 rounds to get there from the ridge); the wolves avoid
Earfield farm continues through here and away to area W4. the place, having encountered shadows in the city before.
Characters with the Track Feat can make a Wilderness lore Otherwise, the pack catches them before they reach area W5,
check (DC 12) to find the trail of the ambushing bandits, going and the encounter occurs in the light forest below the ridge.
through here from area W4 to area W1. The PCs hear the dire wolves long before they have a
Creatures (EL 6): The badgers remain in their den unless a chance to see them. When the dire wolves are 100 feet away,
PC comes within 5 feet of the den. Then one of the badgers the PCs can make a Spot check (DC 14) to see them coming and
rushes to the entrance to growl at the characters. If the PCs take some kind of action, but the dire wolves are upon them in
18 january/february 2002
the next round. If the PCs try to hide from the wolves, they are better off leaving them alone. If the characters want to
have little chance to succeed; the wolves can smell them. talk, they must solve the riddle first—until they say anything
d Dire Wolves (10): hp 45 each; Monster Manual 57. that seems to be an answer to the riddle, the pixies won’t
Tactics: The dire wolves want food. They’ve been tantalized respond to questions. If the PCs answer incorrectly, the pixies
by the smell of horseflesh for the last few days but were wary give them one more chance before disappearing into the
to approach such large bands of humans. The party seems like woods. If the PCs respond correctly, the pixies stop their
a much more manageable meal. flight, laugh, and congratulate whomever solved the riddle.
The dire wolves concentrate their attacks on the weakest- They will now discuss any topic the PCs desire. The pixies can
looking characters. When the dire wolves drop a PC, one breaks be used to tell the players a bit more about the Elfwhisper
off the attack to drag the PC’s body away while the others con- story. Stick to the following pieces of information:
tinue to fight. If Morlaine is traveling openly with the PCs, the • The pixies don’t know Ilumenine or her story, but they
wolves don’t hesitate to attack him. The dire wolves hope to get know the elf ghosts come from “a ruined city not far to the
at least two characters, but they settle for one if they lose a third southwest” (areas T1–T3).
of their number or if the majority of the dire wolves are reduced • They tell the PCs the full story of the Ygwannach’s
to fewer than half their hit points. appearance and subsequent control of the woods (“that mad
Development: The dire wolves present a real threat; the spirit made our tree branches and nymphs all cold . . . they
PCs could lose Morlaine or a party member if they’re not don’t play with us anymore”). Any worshiper of nature should
careful. This battle is meant to catch the PCs off-guard and recognize that the Ygwannach is a perversion of nature from
soften them up before they go into Ilumentarinen. After the the feys’ words. The pixies also know the Ygwannach has its
encounter is resolved, the PCs should follow the trail of the sanctuary somewhere in the ruined city.
bandits into the ruins (area T1). • The pixies can tell the PCs there’s a covey of green hags
somewhere inside the bog, but they strongly warn the PCs
W6. Pixie Grove. Run this encounter if the PCs make an effort against seeking them out. They don’t know that these hags
to track down Mario Navarro, even after discovering the were Ilumenine’s traitorous sisters, nor that they were the
curse of the Elfwhisper. As described in area T2, Ilumenine, ones who summoned the Ygwannach.
through Morlaine, can point the PCs in the direction of areas • The pixies know about Navarro; they saw some armed men
W6 and W7, where Mario flees after first encountering the set up camp near the city to the southwest. If the PCs haven’t
shadows that slay his gang. The pixies saw Navarro pass found the camp and are interested in reaching it, this could be
through and mocked him as he ran. their cue. The fey saw the bandit leader not long before the PCs
When the PCs enter the grove, read or paraphrase the fol- arrive, heading deeper into the bog. The pixies mention that he
lowing aloud: looked frightened, which they found endlessly amusing. Some flit
about with looks of mock terror on their faces, which causes the
Here the forest thickens and gets darker; strangely enough, other pixies to roll about laughing and giggling.
the ominous aura you’ve been feeling since you entered the If they learn the PCs are going into the Dead City, the pix-
forest seems to lessen. The trees, flowers, and even the fire- ies warn them against the Spirit Tree. They’ve seen many trav-
flies all convey the feeling of a more natural setting. elers in its vicinity, so they’re familiar with the area. The pixies
are meant to give PCs clues they might have missed (such as
Let the PCs declare their initial reactions, then proceed with the Dead City, the bog, and Navarro’s camp), and prepare
the following: them for the Spirit Tree (see area T2). The DM might want to
let the fey warn the PCs anyway, whether they solve the rid-
Suddenly, you notice that the fireflies aren’t fireflies at all; dle or not. The pixies know everything about the tree and its
as they flit near, you realize they’re small winged humanoids, curse, but they don’t know how to defend against the
about 2 feet tall. They’re dressed in many shades of green Elfwhisper. Finally, the pixies warn the PCs that the bogs to the
and fly around you sporting wry smiles and singing some south are a place of evil.
kind of rhyme.
Creatures (EL 9): The PCs face a band of pixies; they buzz PIXIE PUZZLE
around the characters reciting a riddle. The words are in The pixies’ riddle can be anything the DM has heard or devel-
Common, but the PCs have to specifically declare they’re pay- oped according to his or her knowledge of the players’ problem-
ing attention; then the DM can recite the riddle to them (see solving skills. The following examples work, as well:
the “Pixie Puzzle” sidebar for more details on this riddle). On metal I sleep, with rock on my side;
d Pixies (6): hp 5, 6, 5, 4, 3, 3; Monster Manual 172. None On air do I move, my fire’s inside;
of the pixies knows Otto’s irresistible dance. My blood will give life, my life will give death;
Tactics: If attacked, the pixies scatter as fast as they can, And you’ll see your luck when I catch my breath.
hiding then shooting sleep arrows. If there are no pixie casu- Answer: a dragon.
alties, they are content with trying to put the PCs to sleep and
stealing their easy-to-carry valuables (mostly coins, gems, or Only the dragon’s eyes do peer through my endless days;
small knick-knacks). If one or more pixies are killed by the PCs, Only the dragon’s breath does blow through my endless ways;
they fight to the death using the full extent of their abilities. Only the dragon’s tongue does lighten my stormy portals;
Development: The pixies are not hostile—they just want to And only the dragon’s tears do I ever give to mortals.
play a bit. If the players attack, they respond in kind. The PCs Answer: the sky.
Treasure: If the PCs answer the riddle correctly on their Skills: Climb +7, Hide +3, Jump +5, Listen +4, Move Silently
first try and they show “good form” (by catching onto the +3, Ride +12, Spot +4, Swim –5. Feats: Combat Reflexes, Dodge,
game quickly and not interrupting the riddle nor the pixies’ Expertise, Improved Initiative, Improved Disarm, Leadership,
flight, not trying to change the subject until they’ve solved the Mobility, Weapon Focus (longsword), Weapon Specialization
riddle, and not attacking), the pixies give them a ring of swim- (longsword).
ming as a parting gift. Possessions: +2 scale mail, +1 large wooden shield, +1
longsword, boots of speed, masterwork heavy crossbow with
W7. The Bog. 10 bolts, treasure map (shows the location of Navarro’s stash
in area T2).
After walking for an hour, you notice the ground has grad- Mario Navarro is a true scoundrel. He trusts no one and
ually turned soft and muddy—you’re entering a swamp. The expects no trust; he’s also a poor loser. If he feels he’s losing
cold air and lack of animal sounds make it feel dark, eerie, the edge over someone (especially in non-violent situations),
and foreboding. he goes childishly irrational until he can show everybody he’s
in control. He likes to mock those he perceives as inferior, but
After just a few minutes of travel through the swamp, the he hates to be mocked by others. He’s also given to tasteless
PCs hear a man’s voice crying for help. remarks and crude insults, especially if he feels that not doing
Trap (EL 5): If the characters approach the source of the so might result in a loss of face.
pleading, they find a man slowly sinking in a sinkhole. The PCs Development: If Navarro survives the fight against the will-
have 2 rounds to get him out. Finding and using a rope counts o’-wisp and the PCs manage to stop his escape, they are now
as a partial action; finding a stick or branch for the sinking man faced with a number of possibilities:
to hold on to takes a full round. After this, a successful • Attack Navarro there, be it to capture or kill him. In this
Strength check (DC 13) pulls the man out (PCs can use the Aid case, the bandit defends himself and tries to escape, fighting
Another action to help whoever is doing the pulling). Going in to the death if cornered.
the mud to save the man requires a successful Swim check • If Navarro is captured or slain, the PCs can return with
(DC 20). A character who fails this check begins to sink as well. him to Grassguard or Sternhelm.
a Sinkhole Trap: CR 5; no attack roll necessary (see note If the PCs leave Navarro alive at Grassguard, Keerath and his
below); Reflex save (DC 20) avoids; Swim check (DC 20) men volunteer to take care of him, and the PCs can return to
escapes; Search (DC 20); Disable Device (DC 25). Note: the Elfwhisper quest if they wish. Have NPCs ask if they found
Characters caught in sinkhole sink in 4 rounds (see The the “secret of the haunted forest,” the origin of Morlaine’s mad-
Drowning Rule, DUNGEON MASTER’s Guide page 85). ness, or a clue on the lack of elves in the area. If this prompts
If the PCs save the man, they discover he’s none other than the PCs to go back, proceed again to “The Wildwood” section.
Mario Navarro, who got lost in the Wildwood after trying to If the PCs decide to return to Sternhelm and Navarro is still
escape the slaughter of his men. But before the PCs can do alive, he tries to escape every night.
anything with their prisoner, they have to deal with what led • If Navarro is captured and the PCs decide to take him
Navarro to the sinkhole: a will-o’-wisp. while continuing the Elfwhisper quest, he escapes as soon as he
Creatures (EL 6): While discussing Navarro’s fate, the PCs can unless the PCs take good measures to keep him subdued.
see a flashing light floating in front of them, which promptly • The PCs can try to make peace with Navarro, at least until
disappears; an instant later it reappears again, to follow with they get out of the forest. This being the case, Navarro feigns
an intermittent blinking that produces a visual effect similar to goodwill until he sees a good chance to escape.
a dancing lights spell. This is the will-o’-wisp.
d Will-O’-Wisp: hp 46; Monster Manual 183. W8. The Hags’ Hut. When the PCs reach this area, refer to
Tactics: Since the “follow the light” routine rarely works areas H1–H11, since area H represents a detailed version of
with adventurers, and this particular will-o’-wisp knows this, it area W8. They are separated only so as to be marked in both
prefers to rely on a hit-and-run, appear-and-disappear tactic the Wildwood map and the Hags’ Hut maps. Proceed to the
to confuse its prey. It tries to become visible in such positions “Hags’ Hut” section, detailed below.
as to be in reach of only a single character, and then disap-
pear before other PCs can attack it, using its Dodge feat to Telenementelari (Areas T1-T3)
maximum effect. Becoming invisible or visible during a round Read or paraphrase the boxed text below once the party
counts as a partial action for the creature. reaches the ruins:
The will-o’-wisp tries to focus its attacks on a single PC. If it
manages to reduce a character to 0 hit points or fewer, it This must have been a great elven city centuries ago; now it
retreats, its hunger satisfied. Obviously, this doesn’t count as is reduced to heaps of vine-covered, rotting wood and piles
defeating the creature for XP purposes. Mario Navarro is nat- of moss-covered stone. Nothing remains of its former glory
urally a valid target; he tries to flee if he can (he couldn’t care except for a few moldy houses and bridges. Everything is
less about his saviors, especially if he sees they recognize him). wrecked beyond any hope or repair; time and the weather
k Mario Navarro, Male Human Ftr8: CR 8; Medium-size have taken their toll.
Humanoid (5 ft. 4 in. tall); HD 8d10+16; hp 60; Init +7; Spd 20 ft.; It’s quiet here. The sound of birds and other forest ani-
AC 22 (touch 13, flat-footed 19); Atk +12/+7 melee (1d8+5/crit mals, infrequent before, is now gone completely.
19–20, +1 longsword) or +12/+7 ranged (1d10/crit 19–20, heavy
crossbow); AL NE; SV Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +2; Str 15, Dex 16, This was once the city of Telenementelari, center of the
Con 14, Int 15, Wis 11, Cha 13. Ilumentarinen kingdom. Now only the ruins of its glory remain.
20 january/february 2002
22 january/february 2002
The leader of this eerie choir floats slowly toward Morlaine Finally, in a sweeter tone, but one full of despair, the choir
and makes an entreating gesture with her hands. The crazed finishes as Ilumenine’s tale concludes:
bard stops his shuddering and moaning as he watches her,
and then he slowly nods his head. Two voices are heard amid a cacophony of screams and a
With that cue, the beautiful ghost melds with Morlaine’s rumble of devastation. One is clearly supposed to be that of
body, and after a moment, the bard looks at you with new Ilumenine, and the other seems to represent her father:
eyes—eyes marked by long pain and suffering. “Father . . . father? What be this curse come upon us in
Morlaine begins to sing, but his voice has changed. No such a dark hour? What enmity hath doomed our house?”
longer is his voice broken from screaming and weeping. “Cursed child, it is thy heavenly voice which hath sum-
Instead he sounds almost normal, with just a hint of a femi- moned the forest’s wrath! Cursed, the Ilumentarinen king-
nine inflection. dom, all cursed! Thus Ilarnesil’s house dies, and I rue the day
“Help us,” sings Morlaine. “Please help us end this eternal I engendered a maiden with a voice that wouldst charm the
damning torment.” forest spirits and turn them upon us!”
If the PCs nod or verbally agree to aid the ghosts, Here, witty PCs might make the connection between the
Ilumenine/Morlaine beckons for the characters to follow. If hateful voices from the tale and Ilumenine’s plight. If the PCs
Morlaine isn’t with the party for some reason, he now steps have deduced that Ilumenine is innocent and try to convince her
forward from the trees to receive Ilumenine’s spirit. of this, she disdains the notion with a shake of her head. Her sis-
ters took her harp when she died, and though she knows they
T2. The Spirit Tree. The Spirit Tree is the blackened husk of an now live in the swamp, she doesn’t want to recover the instru-
old oak; inside it, Ilumenine’s elven hosts sleep and wait for ment for her own sake. She’s convinced that she’s receiving just
hapless travelers to come by. Whether or not the PCs follow punishment for her “crimes.” She wants only to end the curse to
Ilumenine to the Spirit Tree, read or paraphrase the following bring rest to the tortured souls who have died from her song.
to them when they enter the area: That the curse is her fault is completely untrue, of course;
the three sisters keep the silver harp as a deterrent against their
Nothing has prepared you for this sight; the bushes and sister’s freedom. The only way to save Ilumenine (and end the
thorns are so thick here that they seem to actively oppose Elfwhisper curse) is to recover the harp and play it at the tree.
your advance. The wind stirs a blanket of dead leaves on the Though Ilumenine knows where her sisters hide (areas
ground, and cobwebs hang from nearly every branch. H1–H11), she won’t go there. She doesn’t know they have
Nightshade bushes grow everywhere. Amid these twisted become green hags. She also doesn’t know it was her sisters
vines stands a dead, black tree. who actually lured the Ygwannach to her song and doesn’t
believe it if told so. She’s too guilt-ridden to admit she was
Development: If the PCs have followed the ghosts here, betrayed. The only chance to convince her of her innocence,
some of them begin to flit into the tree, while others appear and end the curse, is to bring back her silver harp.
from its limbs and trunk. It should become clear that this is As soon as the story is complete, Ilumenine abruptly leaves
what passes for a material “home” for the ghosts. the sanctuary of Morlaine’s body and resumes singing with her
Ilumenine then begins to tell her tale the best she can, in the choir. A short while later, Ilumenine returns to the Spirit Tree
only way she is able. While her choir continues the Elfwhisper, with her choir, and nothing the PCs do gets her out again unless
she, through Morlaine, sings three short passages that illus- they bring the silver harp with them (proceed to “Ending the
trate the events that led to the curse. Curse”). Meanwhile, the bard collapses to the ground, nearly
While Morlaine sings, his face grows hateful and his voice unconscious. Exhausted, he manages to gasp out some of the
changes to almost perfectly mimic the voices of Ilumenine’s information he managed to winnow from Ilumenine while she
family as they sounded so many years ago. This performance resided in his body:
is especially remarkable, as the bard seems to be able to sing
multiple voices at the same time. “Defeat Ygwannach. Strike the root—its power. End curse.
Song eternal. Her silver harp—her sisters took it to the bog.
“Death and pain and vile blister, let us doom our hated sister; It is lost. Her father’s shalm, the harp . . . summon . . .
Let us sheath her cursed song, ever more than ever long; “No way to redeem Ilumenine. All victims—her voice
Let us watch at once she dies, and then stop at where she lies; summoned it. The Ygwannach—it ravaged Ilumentarinen.
Let us dance and sing all day, for poor Ilumenine!” Chasing her, her song brought the curse . . .
“The curse can end. The harp—bring it. Sisters have it in
This chant is repeated softly once more, then Ilumenine/ the bog. But it is lost . . .”
Morlaine continues:
Morlaine can tell the PCs nothing more about the ghosts.
The same voices as before, now sounding grimly sinister: He can tell them, though, that Ilumenine saw a man fitting
“Oh, Ygwannach, wrath of the forest! We are thy daugh- Mario Navarro’s description running toward the bog to the
ters! Our guardian, we beseech thee; come to us! For our southeast. She tried to intercept him to get his help, but her
sister has haunted thy silence! Become as the living hate of appearance only frightened him even further.
the forest; Slay, destroy, dance to our sister’s voice! Bring Allow the PCs two or three questions of Morlaine, making it
down what you have guarded for so many centuries! Let clear that he is exhausted by his ordeal. If the PCs fail to ask
sweet Ilumenine be the cause of her house’s fall!” about Navarro, volunteer the information or not; it should be
24 january/february 2002
Development: If Morlaine stole the silver harp from the H2. Main Cave.
PCs, they find his bloodied, unconscious body here; he unsuc-
cessfully tried to appease the Ygwannach (it appeared when he Following the entrance there’s a vast, dark and slimy cave.
played the harp). The harp is nowhere to be found. As soon as The muddy waters are filled with unidentified droppings and
the PCs enact the ritual, the Ygwannach manifests in the clear- remains. There are no light sources at all, except what dim
ing, the silver harp tucked inside its body. Proceed to the light comes from outside, which is barely sufficient. The
“Fighting the Ygwannach” section below, using the harp’s pow- cave’s full size remains unknown because of this poor light,
ers as an extra special attack for the Ygwannach. but it clearly continues ahead, although you’d need an alter-
nate light source to explore that area. There’s also a small
The Hags’ Hut exit tunnel to the northeast.
Although the sisters call it “the hut,” the lair is simply a slimy,
dark cave. While inside, the PCs consistently find the following: Creatures (EL 7): The sisters’ other bodyguards stalk this
• Bones litter every bend and corner. area: a band of six ogres.
• Slime drips from the muddy walls and ceiling. d Ogres (6): hp 38, 28, 34, 20, 25, 30; Monster Manual 144.
• Undergrowth and darkened roots protrude from nearly Possessions: Each ogre guard has a pouch holding 25 gp.
every wall. Development: If the ogres die and the PCs leave the cave
before finding the hags, the sisters use their animate dead
Level One (Areas H1-H6) covey ability to create zombies from the ogres’ corpses (they
H1. Entrance Cave. can make three zombies each day). They command their new
undead minions to attack any other intruders.
The vegetation here is so dense here that the foliage hang- Creatures (EL 3 or 5): The zombies, whether there are three
ing from trees merges with the algae floating in the putrid (after one day) or six (after two) attack mindlessly until slain.
mud. Amid this quagmire of rotted vegetation, there’s a huge d Large Ogre Zombies (6): hp 29 each; Monster Manual
cave; lichen floats in the knee-level dark waters at its 192.
entrance. As you approach, something huge moves by the
cave and growls, “Who’s there?”
H5. Stream.
H4. The Guardian. Read or paraphrase the following when the As you reach the end of the tunnel, you realize it’s some kind
PCs reach this cave: of illuminated cave. Then, you hear multiple voices engaged
in eerie chanting; the voices sound strangely familiar . . .
When you reach this dark cave, you see a surface of shim-
mering water, clogged by refuse and debris. The stench is The PCs are listening to the sisters practicing their rituals.
horrible, but you can dimly see another passage on the far If the PCs destroyed Morgo’s hag eye, they don’t hear any
side of the 20-foot-long room, and the only way to reach it chanting—the hags are not here.
is through the water. Whether they find the sisters or not, read this aloud when
the PCs enter the cave:
If the PCs wade into the water, read the following when one
of them has passed the center of the room: Unlike the other caves in this complex, this room is strangely
furnished. There is a mystic circle drawn on the floor, as well
You feel the bottom gradually sinking until the muddy water as many censers, candles, and two shelves filled with
becomes waist deep. After a while, you feel something like assorted jars containing various animal parts.
26 january/february 2002
d Shtara, Ilumari, and Imaril, Green Hags (3): hp 45, 51, 47;
Monster Manual 115. The sisters have the full powers of a covey. Level Two (Areas H7-H11)
Possessions: If the sisters are found here, Shtara is carry- H7. Underswamp.
ing a staff of swarming insects (17 charges).
Tactics: The sisters use their magic to appear as they did long The area at the bottom of the cascade is more wet, cold, and
ago: as beautiful elven sorceresses. Dispel magic, true seeing, or slimy. there seems to be an exit far to the east, but with the
similar magic bypasses the illusion. Remember that the PCs have deep shadows it’s hard to tell if it is a tunnel or a crevice.
no cause to think the sisters are hags; when they enter the area,
the sisters try to sweet-talk the PCs, claiming they were prison- A secret passage in the north wall of the cave is hidden
ers of the hill giant. One hag attempts to convince two charac- among lichen and wet brambles. It leads to the tunnel that ends
ters to accompany her to area H3 (to eat at her leisure), while in area H9. Not even the hags know the secret tunnel exists.
the other sisters ambush the remaining PCs 3 rounds after their Finding it requires a successful Search check (DC 20).
sister leaves. If things go badly for separated sisters, they don’t Creatures (EL 8): Halfway through this cave, the PCs are
hesitate to use their invisibility to flee and regroup. attacked by a black pudding that the sisters have allowed to live
If the sisters are questioned about Ilumenine’s story, they in the cave. They feed it enough to keep it from wandering.
present their own version of the tale. Use the following argu- d Black Pudding: hp 108; Monster Manual 145.
ments as a guideline, but feel free to elaborate.
H8. False Den. This cave has been prepared by the witches as
• “Oh, yes, sweet Ilumenine. What did she knew about real a decoy to mislead intruders; their real den is hidden behind a
feeling with her perfect melodies, her soft voice—everything secret passage on the north wall, but finding it requires a suc-
given to her as if by birthright? What did her dead heart cessful Search check (DC 22).
know of earning true love from those who loved her?”
• “We loved our father! We loved our people! We spent You get a sense of foreboding as soon as you set foot in the
hundreds of years watching him cherish her for no merit other room. The cave isn’t that big, but its earthy walls are marked
than her voice, while we were left to gather dust and rot! Don’t with scores of cryptic signs and runes. Suddenly, you see
pretend to fathom the depths of an immortal sorrow.” three figures awkwardly wading through the filthy pond in
• “Evil? Evil, are we? More evil are those who deny love your direction. They appear gaunt and clad in stained, some-
to their own children! More evil are those who ignore inno- what tattered rags.
cent pleas for love, to attend instead to the shallow sophis-
tication of an affected song. Ilarnesil deserved what he got!” Creatures (EL 8): The sisters put these scrags (water trolls)
• “We did not deal the final blow. It was the Ygwannach, here as guards; they are dressed in witches’ rags and have
our kingdom’s guardian, summoned through the Ygwannach been ordered to pretend they are the hags.
altar! He alone deigned to hear our humble pleas! d Scrags (3): hp 70, 65, 59; Monster Manual 180.
“There was no ‘evil’ in our righteous vengeance, and if Development: Once the trolls have fallen, a successful Spot
you think so, then your short life spans won’t ever allow you check (DC 15) or a thorough examination of the bodies reveals
to grasp the true meaning of the word.” that the rags are poor disguises, and the “hags” are regenerat-
ing. Even if the PCs fall for the decoy (unlikely if they have
If the PCs aren’t convinced by these words, the hags drop already encountered the real sisters), they should be prompted
their disguises and attack to the full extent of their abilities. to look around and locate the secret passage to area H10.
The sisters begin combat by turning invisible. One then uses
the covey’s polymorph other ability on a less physically impos- H9. Lost Cave. This hidden cave has been a part of the com-
ing target. Another uses the forcecage ability, trying to catch plex since many years before the hags came to live here. Its
one or two targets within a 10-foot cube windowless cell (sav- current occupant, a reclusive water naga, lives here without
ing that meat for later). The third uses the mind blank ability the sisters’ consent, trying to keep its lair a secret. Read the
on a spellcaster. The hags then converge on remaining PCs following aloud as soon as the PCs enter the area:
with polymorph other or bestow curse abilities, making things
more complicated by occasionally turning invisible. Note that As you enter this cave, you are assaulted by the smell of
the covey spell-like abilities function only as long as all three dank, damp waters, and find yourselves in a musty pool,
hags are within 10 feet of each other. strangely illuminated by a blue light.
In the center of the cave, the huge, scaled body of a blue Tactics: The water naga stays hidden, even if the PCs start
dragon blocks your gaze. The light seems to emanate from it, to poke around. Spotting the naga requires a successful Spot
and the creature is moving as if it were breathing. check opposed by the naga’s Hide check.
The naga only attacks if treated aggressively. It casts scare
Creatures (EL 7): This dragon is an illusion created by the first, then suggestion. It follows that with the rest of its spells
water naga (using its silent image spell) to drive away intrud- until the PCs leave the area or kill the creature. It doesn’t
ers. If the PCs try to examine the dragon more closely, allow resort to damaging spells unless damaged itself.
them a Will save (DC 16) to disbelieve, with a +2 circumstance If spoken to, the naga lisps (in Draconic; it doesn’t speak
bonus if one of the PCs succeeds and can aid the others. Common) that it comes from the deep waters under this land,
d Water Naga: hp 59; Monster Manual 138. looking for its eggs, which were sold as a curiosity to a local
Spells Known (6/7/7/4; base DC = 12 + spell level): 0—daze, merchant. However, the water naga cannot leave its lair due
detect magic, flare, ghost sound, light, mending, ray of frost; to a cave-in underwater, and it has spent the last months
1st—color spray, magic missile, sleep, silent image, ventriloquism; waiting for an opportunity to swim near a city and find its
2nd—invisibility, scare, web; 3rd—lightning bolt, suggestion. eggs. If the PCs are friendly and offer to help the naga, have
Possessions: The water naga has a quartz crystal ring the characters make a Diplomacy check (DC 18). If successful,
(1,300 gp value), a chest with 680 gp, and a wand of silence the naga gives them with a cracked eggshell, explaining that
(22 charges) stored in its cave. they can compare the texture of the shell to identify lost eggs.
H10. Den. This area is much like areas H8 and H3. However,
the plant life is much more dense, and weak light filters into
ENCOUNTER LEVEL CHART the room from numerous holes in the ceiling during the day.
Summarized below are the Encounter Levels (ELs) for all the Creatures (EL 8): If the PCs arrive here within 24 hours of
encounters in “The Elfwhisper.” destroying the hag eye Morgo was carrying, the sisters are
here instead of their sanctuary (area H6). If the sisters are
Area Encounter EL found here, their stats are almost the same as listed on area
* k Morlaine, Male Half-Elf Brd4 4 H6, with minior differences:
** d Wolves (7) 6 d Shtara and Ilumari, Green Hags (2): hp 38, 42; Monster
** d Shadows (3) 6 Manual 115.
** d Dire Wolves (2) 5 d Imaril, Green Hag (Blind): hp 43; Monster Manual 115.
** d Assassin Vine 3 Note: See the blindness spell (Player’s Handbook, page 180) for
** d Boars (4) 6 a description of the effects of blindness.
** d Dire Bear 7 Possessions: Imaril holds the staff of swarming insects (17
** d Ravens (23) — charges).
W2 k Bandits, Male Human Rog1 (9) 7 Tactics: These are the same as in area H6 (when combat is
W3 d Dire Badgers (4) 6 joined), except Imaril, the blind hag, is unable to pick a target
W4 d Ettercap 4 for mind blank, polymorph other, and forcecage. She remains
W5 d Dire Wolves (10) 10 invisible near the center of the room, waiting for a PCs to
W6 d Pixies (6) 9 enter her 5-foot square, then attempting to make a touch
W7 a Sinkhole Trap 5 attack and use her bestow curse or weakness power. The
d Will-o’-wisp 6+ other hags have full use of their covey powers provided they
k Mario Navarro, Human Ftr1 8 remain with 10 feet of each other.
T1 d Shadows (12) 10 Both sighted hags wait to ambush the PCs underwater; they
T1/T2 d Elven Ghosts (7) — attack with surprise unless the PCs detect them with a success-
k Ilumenine, Female Elven Ghost Brd8 — ful Spot check, opposed by the hags’ Hide checks.
a The Elfwhisper 8 Imaril is trying to protect the entrance to area H11. Unlike
T3 d The Ygwannach 8 her sisters, she’s still enshrouded in the illusion making her
H1 d Morgo the Hill Giant 7 appear as a beautiful elven sorceress. If she never gets the
H2 d Ogres (6) 7 opportunity to attack and her invisibility is rendered ineffec-
d Ogre Zombies 5 tive, she tries to fool the PCs, giving her own version of
H4 d Huge Water Elemental 7 Ilumenine’s story as described in area H6.
H5 d Crocodiles (8) 8 Note: Even though Imaril has a 50% chance to miss in com-
H6/H10† d Hag Covey 12 bat, her Blind-Fight Feat still makes her a tough opponent (see
H7 d Black Pudding 7 the Player’s Handbook, page 80).
H8 d Scrag Trolls (3) 8 Trap (EL 5): Imaril stands on a secret trapdoor, obscured by
H9 d Water Naga 7 the slime of the cave walls. The trapdoor leads to area H11, but
H10 a Flooding Room Trap 5 if the PCs open it without deactivating the trap, it triggers a flood
H11 a Acid Floor 6 that fills the room in 4 rounds and the entire hut in 1 hour.
*Morlaine is not tied to a single area. a Flooding Room Trap: CR 5; no attack roll necessary (see
**These are random encounters in the Wildwood. note in area H11 below); Search (DC 20); Disable Device (DC
†This encounter occurs in area H6 if the hag eye isn’t destroyed, and in 25). Note: Room floods in 4 rounds (see The Drowning Rule in
area H10 if the hag eye is destroyed. the DUNGEON MASTER’s Guide, page 85).
28 january/february 2002
H11. Spoils Cave. If Morlaine is still present (whether hidden or openly accom-
panying them). He jumps forward at the sight of the harp,
This murky, oppressive, dark grotto is filled with ankle-deep attempting to wrest it from whomever holds it (opposed
mud. Algae covers the floor, and the entire cave is filled with Strength checks). If he gains possession of it, Morlaine flees,
rotting vegetation, lichen, and fungus. casting expeditious retreat as soon as he can to boost his speed.
If the PCs catch Morlaine, he struggles briefly, but soon sur-
Trap (EL 6): The treasure is well protected; part of the floor renders and breaks out crying and whimpering. He grudgingly
is actually a pool of acid disguised with an illusion. agrees to follow the PCs to the city again, but he tries to steal
a Acid Floor: CR 6; section of floor (10d6); Reflex save the silver harp again as the PCs leave the hags’ lair.
(DC 16) negates; Search (DC 28); Disable Device (DC 30). If the PCs don’t catch the bard, they find him upon return-
Note: Successful save means character dives to safety in time. ing to the Ygwannach altar (see “Fighting the Ygwannach”).
If the flooding trap in h10 was activated, all of area H11
(treasure included) also becomes flooded in 4 rounds. The sil- Ending The Curse
ver lining to the flooding is that it dilutes the acid to the point If the PCs return to area T2 with the silver harp, Ilumenine
of negating its harmful effects. appears again and makes strumming gestures while she sings.
Treasure: The sisters’ treasure lies in a heap on a corner The PCs can give her the silver harp or play it themselves. If
of the cave. It includes 2,000 gp (unevenly distributed among a character has the Perform (harp) skill, he or she can make
five rotted sacks), six black pearls (800 gp each), a potion of the check (DC 15). Morlaine is also available (if he’s alive).
alter self, a potion of cure light wounds, and a potion of levi- If either the PCs, Morlaine, or Ilumenine plays the harp, the
tate. There’s also a rotting vine in the floor; finding it requires Elfwhisper begins, but this time it doesn’t have any harmful
a successful Spot check (DC 16). One end of the vine is effects; it just moves listeners to the point of tears, and its
attached to the cave wall, the other seems to disappear into chords become the relieved sighs of hundreds of freed elven
the floor (it actually leads into the pool of acid). The slightest souls. Ilumenine is the last to disappear (if the PCs gave her the
tug causes the vine to snap from years of soaking in acid; silver harp, it disappears as well). If she takes the harp with her,
whatever hung from the opposite end sinks into the acid pool she then shows the party the shalm lying in the tree’s roots (if
to a depth of 10 feet. If the PCs find a way to retrieve the item they don’t have it already), and tells them that they will need it,
hanging from the other side of the vine, they discover it is pointing them to the “magic circle of stones; there, the true end
Ilumenine’s silver harp (a harp of charming). A successful Spot for the curse awaits.” (This should lead the PCs to area T3).
check (DC 25) or Search check (DC 18) reveals that one of the If Morlaine witnesses the end of the curse, he’s cured of his
tuning pegs of the instrument is actually a ring of shooting madness, and with tears in his eyes tells the PCs that he can
stars that the sisters tucked there. make music again.
30 january/february 2002
34 january/february 2002
Dance of the Dead
by Bernard Mees
artwork by Michael Collins • cartography by Diesel
Adventure Background the fief; guided by her father’s former companions, she governed
The town of Luzern lies in a small valley of the same name, on a well. The young baroness, Lady Gudrun Talluth, has been taken
trail that wends through the Tronewald, a domain bordering the prisoner by the undead, and her father’s companions are slain or
Yatil Mountains and the Vesve Forest. Once a fertile area whose lost. Now the castle of the baroness is garrisoned by these strange
people enjoyed peace and prosperity, Tronewald has changed. The skeletons, and the barony suffers.
walking dead have come to Luzern in the form of skeletons. They The self-styled Wraith King, the undead priest who was once
now rule the town and the valley around it. The protectors of the the discarded son of a noble, has returned to Luzern to seek
valley have vanished or been captured by the dead, and no one his revenge. Although his presence remains a secret to the few
knows what brought these strange events to pass. remaining living inhabitants of the area, his handiwork is not. With
Long ago, the bastard son of one of the local nobles sought legiti- the aid of the artifact called the Totentanz Gate, he has converted
macy and acknowledgement of his heritage, hoping to gain a noble the living denizens of Luzern into undead who live a grim mockery
title and possibly a parcel of land. Unfortunately for him, this sort of of their former lives. These undead perform the labors of the
thing just wasn’t done. After all, the nobles thought, noble titles are townsfolk, but they do not do them well. The fields are neglected,
for the pure born. Led by the charismatic young baron of Luzern, fences lie unmended, and the streets of the town grow rutted and
the other nobles of the area drove the young man from the area, weary. The last living inhabitants of Luzern have mostly fled to
mocking his attempts to prove his family ties. parts unknown. It is in this state that the characters find Luzern
The experience left the ostracized young fellow on the edge when they arrive.
of sanity. In a moment of weakness, he allied himself with dark Information on the Totentanz Gate can be found in an ancient
powers, vowing to undo his humiliation, and demand the respect, book hidden in town, and the baroness is waiting for rescue from
of the nobles who had so mercilessly ridiculed him. He spent her grim fate as the bride of the Wraith King, who still hopes to
years of his life in seclusion, researching the perfect means of legitimize his claim to the nobility by marrying the daughter of
obtaining his heart’s desire. His plans were not meant to come to his hated enemy. Lady Talluth can provide some information on
pass in his lifetime, though, and the deranged and evil cleric died this mysterious figure.
before he could find the item he longed for, the Totentanz Gate, Arriving in the valley, the characters soon discover the
and return to Luzern. His rage and hatred were stronger than presence of the undead. They appear to behave as normal
death, though, and he returned in the form of a wraith who still people: they work, tire, and at night return to their homes.
hungered for vengeance. Indeed they appear almost unremarkable (if one can overlook
Now a curse has befallen Luzern, a curse due, in part, to the the fact that they are obviously dead).
late baron of Luzern’s actions all those years ago. Having passed
away hundreds of years since, his progeny have followed in his For the Players
footsteps as paladins and ruled the barony justly. The most recent The adventure begins when the characters hear rumors of a curse
baron passed away ten years ago, and his only child came to rule afflicting the barony of Luzern. Mindful of these rumors, travelers
now avoid the barony, taking other routes to pass through the “After the third night of disappearances, some of us went
forest. The trail to Luzern is well known, so the characters can to the castle to see the baroness. She was good to us, see?
easily find people at hospices and inns in the lowlands who can tell “But the baroness didn’t come to see us. Nope. The skel-
them how to find the valley. Not much, however, can be gleaned etons did. Dressed in her livery, they were, just like they were
as to the nature of the curse. The barony has not been the subject her guards, but dead. Well, we ran.
of rumor in the past, and the feats of its late ruler are not known “Some of the menfolk thought they were tough and
in these parts. Some tavern owners and merchants speak of an decided to try to rescue the baroness—they thought she
evil plague that afflicts the region. Others avoid all mention of might still be alive. About thirty of them went, and they didn’t
Luzern as if the very name were cursed. No word has come from come back.
the barony since the first rumors of its unrest began to circulate “That’s when folk started packin’ up and headin’ out. It
nearly a year ago. meant leavin’ everything they had—land, homes, most valu-
The journey to Luzern takes the adventurers into a valley ables—but it also meant survivin’. Some of us stayed a little
nestled between the mountains. The trail wends its way through longer, but then the dead started movin’ in to the homes
the valley, past scattered settlements and through wilder lands. vacated by the missing. They were skeletons, mark my words,
As they near Luzern, the characters might hear more rumors of and they started dressin’ and actin’ almost like they were livin’
the affliction that has plagued the barony. folk. The weirdest part was the dancin’. Each night, they’d take
There are three settlements that lie on the way to Luzern; in out all these instruments and have a parade through town,
each, the folk have rumors to share regarding Luzern. Each of honkin’ and beatin’ on the things with a noise so harsh and
these bits of information can be gained with a successful Gather shrill it made milk curdle.
Information check (DC 12). Although normally quite willing to That was the last straw for me and mine. We packed up
gossip about their nearby neighbor, the citizens of these hamlets the next day for greener pastures. Luzern’s a ghost town, now,
have grown close-mouthed about the city. friend. Don’t go near it.”
• At the village of Thun, if they inquire about the barony, the
characters hear of its wealth and the treasures said to be hidden No one in the nearby villages has visited Luzern since the
in the castle there. past winter. Only travelers who have come through the bar-
• At Chur, they might be told of a church that stands in the ony have brought word in the last few months. Even they have
town with its bright windows and golden ceiling, and the piety of become scarce of late.
the folk who live there. Refer to the “Encounters in the Tronewald” sidebar to run
• In Bregentz, willing ears hear of a silence in the streets of the the journey to Luzern.
once friendly town of Luzern, of unkempt fields and stray cows,
and people stolen in the night. Luzern
With a Gather Information check result of 18 or better in Thun,
the PCs actually manage to locate a former resident of Luzern. In A river of the deepest blue runs through the vale of Luzern.
Chur, the DC drops to 16, and in Bregentz, to 14. The encounter On either side mountains rise up out of the morning mists that
with these displaced folk goes something like this: begin to fade with the warmth of the sun. Past the trees of the
Tronewald, the scene changes as grassy meadows and golden
“Yeah, I lived in Luzern until the people started vanishin’ and fields replace the verdant forest. It is clear even from here that
the dead started walkin’ and dancin’ in the streets. something is amiss. No cattle, pigs, or goats can be seen in the
“It started when a few folks just up and vanished. Some pens and fallow fields. Indeed, the fences are unmended, and
thought they’d decided to move on, but they left all their wild animals and birds foray through crops ripe for harvest
goods. Then more went missin’ the next night. Then some that lie seemingly untended in the fields.
more the night after. As you head toward Luzern, you see a farmer harvesting
36 january/february 2002
Human form: HD 5d8+10; hp 37; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (touch 10,
Encounters in the Tronewald
flat-footed 12); Atk +6 melee (1d3+1 subdual, unarmed strike); SA wolf
The adventurers have several encounters as they journey to the barony. empathy; SV Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +3; Str 13, Dex 11, Con 15, Int 13, Wis
It will take at least a full week to travel the forest trail to Luzern. Each of 10, Cha 10.
the following encounters happens at the proper spot on the map. If you Skills: Climb +6, Control Shape +6, Craft (woodcarving) +6, Jump +6,
want to substitute another encounter suitable to your campaign, this is Knowledge (nature) +4, Listen +4, Search +5, Spot +4. Feats: Combat
a good opportunity. Reflexes, Great Fortitude, Improved Unarmed Strike.
Hybrid Form: HD 5d8+20; hp 47; Init +6; Spd 50 ft.; AC 16 (touch 12,
1. Creatures (EL 6): A pack of wolves attacks; the wolves flee if one-half their flat-footed 14); Atk +7 melee (1d6+2, bite); SA trip, curse of lycanthropy,
number are injured or slain. wolf empathy; SQ scent, damage reduction 15/silver; SV Fort +10, Ref +5,
d Wolves (6): hp 13 each; Monster Manual 204. Will +3; Str 15, Dex 15, Con 19, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 10.
Skills: Climb +6, Control Shape +6, Craft (woodcarving) +6, Hide +3,
2. Creature (EL —): The party meets a bird catcher named Tamino who sets Jump +6, Knowledge (nature) +4, Listen +13, Move Silently +4, Search
nets to capture birds that he sells at fairs in the lowlands. If asked of Luzern, +9, Spot +11, Wilderness Lore +0*. Feats: Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes,
he replies that he does not travel as far as Luzern often, as he does not Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike, Weapon
think the people there would buy his birds if he did. If the strange curse is Finesse (bite).
mentioned, Tamino answers only with a gasp and a nod. He is not prone *Wolves receive a +4 racial bonus to Wilderness Lore checks when
to talking about anything other than birds and music. tracking by scent.
k Tamino the Bird-Catcher, Male Human Brd2: CR 2; Medium-size Wolf Form: As hybrid form, except the Wild Man can’t use his Craft skill
Humanoid (5 ft. 7 in. tall); HD 2d6+2; hp 12; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (touch while in wolf form.
11, flat-footed 10); Atk +1 melee (1d4/crit 19–20, dagger), or +2 ranged SA—Wolf Empathy (Ex): Can communicate and empathize with wolves
(1d4/crit 19–20, dagger); SA bardic music, spells; SQ bardic knowledge; or dire wolves, granting a +4 racial bonus to checks when influencing a
AL CG; SV Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +2; Str 10, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, wolf’s attitude and allowing the communication of simple concepts and
Cha 15. commands.
Skills: Bluff +7, Craft (trapmaking) +7, Diplomacy +7, Listen +4, Perform SA—Curse of Lycanthropy (Su): Any humanoid hit by the werewolf’s
+7, Spellcraft +7, Tumble +6. Feats: Dodge, Endurance. bite attack in animal form must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15) or
Spells Known (3/1; save DC = 12 + spell level): 0—dancing lights, contract lycanthropy.
mending, resistance; 1st—expeditious retreat. SA—Trip (Ex): A werewolf that hits with a bite can attempt to trip as
Possessions: Dagger, bird traps, silver box (Tamino’s only treasure is a free action (see page 130 in the Player’s Handbook) without making a
this small silver box that plays a short tune when opened. Tamino doesn’t touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the
wish to talk about his clockwork toy, although it could fetch as much as opponent cannot react to trip the werewolf.
500 gp at market). SQ—Alternate Form (Su): Can assume a bipedal hybrid form or the
form of a wolf as though using a polymorph self spell as a standard action;
3. Creature (EL 4): An ogre fighter stands by the trail here, charging a toll upon assuming either form, he regains hit points as if having rested for a
on all who would pass. This unsavory creature calls himself Sir Waltherus day.
and wears a broken helmet and a shirt of mail taken from a knight he once SQ—Damage Reduction (Ex): A lycanthrope in animal or hybrid form
bested. He is inclined to ask for as much as he thinks he can extort from the gains damage reduction 15/silver.
passer-by and delights in humiliating his victims. The favorite demands of The Wild Man is the master of a number of werewolves in the
Sir Waltherus include the swords of warriors or the holy symbols of clerics. Tronewald. The strain of lycanthropy that produced the werewolves of the
He might even demand beards as a toll. Tronewald is part of an old curse.
d Sir Waltherus, Male Ogre Ftr2: CR 4; Large Giant (10 ft. tall); HD 4d8+8
plus 2d10+4; hp 44; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 17 (touch 9, flat-footed 17); Atk 5. Creature (EL —): An old fur trader carrying his traps meets the char-
+10 melee (2d6+7, huge greatclub); Reach 10 ft.; AL NE; SV Fort +9, Ref +0, acters on the road. He wears a green tunic, a gray cloak with wolf-fur trim,
Will +1; Str 21, Dex 8, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 7. and a gray hood. Guntrum can tell the PCs that the people of Luzern have
Skills: Climb +5, Jump +5, Listen +2, Spot +2. Feats: Combat Reflexes, changed. Some say they are under the influence of an enchantment. He
Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (greatclub). knows that the old baron is dead, but he has not entered the town for
Possessions: Chain shirt, helmet, huge greatclub, and Treasure. some time. He also knows that a wizard dwells in the valley, but the town
Treasure: Behind a nearby rock the ogre has stashed a bag that holds does not interest him, as few of the folk there buy his furs.
317 gp, 32 sp, 6 cp, and 3 dead hares. k Guntrum the Fur Trader, Male Human War3: CR 2; Medium-size
Humanoid (5 ft. 11 in. tall); HD 3d10+6; hp 23; Init +5; Spd 30 ft.; AC 11
4. Creature (EL 8): The party sees a bearded man dressed in rags approach- (touch 11, flat-footed 10); Atk +3 melee (1d6/crit x3, handaxe); AL CG; SV
ing. He seeks to avoid the party and does not answer questions willingly. Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +3; Str 16, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 13.
Travelers in these parts call him the Wild Man and give him a wide berth. If Skills: Disable Device +4, Handle Animal +7, Intuit Direction +5,
angered, he transforms into a lupine beast and attacks. Profession (fur trader) +5, Wilderness Lore +5. Feats: Combat Reflexes,
k The Wild Man, Male Werewolf War5: CR 8; Medium-size Shapechanger Dodge, Improved Initiative.
(5 ft. 10 in. tall); AL CE; three alternate forms. Possessions: Handaxe, dagger, animal traps, and 7 gp.
Wraith King has left them with an imprint of their former lives.
This results in the desultory application the skeletons have
shown to the lives they once led. The skeletons are otherwise
normal in behavior, and unless otherwise specified, bear the
1 statistics provided in the “Residents of Luzern” sidebar.
Most skeleton men do not attack unless one of them is
attacked first, in which case all skeletons within line of sight rush
to defend their fellow “townsfolk.”
DM Note: Attacking the skeletons could quickly lead to an
2 overwhelming situation for the PCs if they decide to start a
battle in the town square or another heavily populated area.
Make an effort to point out that the skeletons aren’t harassing
anyone, and concentrate on the eerie feeling of mystery.
The only creatures active in the valley outside the town of
Luzern are farmers, all of which are skeletons. As the sun sets,
each farmer leaves the fields and returns to its dwelling in the
town. The only other building in the valley, save for the town
itself and a few barns, is a castle of white stone. The river sepa-
rates it from the trail, however, and the only place of crossing is
3 a bridge leading from within the confines of the town.
The walled town of Luzern has five gates, one of which lies at
the end of the forest trail. At the north end of town, twin spires
mark some large building, and a castle overlooks the town’s
main square. Upstream from the bridge, boats are moored by
the river, although none seems in use. The gates lie open, and
a few lone figures can be seen coming and going. No sentries
guard the gate or walk the walls.
4 The trail from the Tronewald leads up to the Whitegate, a
three-story tower that guards the entrance to the town. A lone
figure piles harvested rye from a nearby field, taking it through
the gate, and returning after a time for another load. The
Whitegate itself is uninhabited. A shutter to a window on the
third floor swings on its hinge in the breeze, but the tower is
5 otherwise silent. There are no signs of a siege or battle.
Inside Luzern the streets are mostly empty. Skeletons
dressed in the manner typical of the folk of the Tronewald walk
the streets but make no tokens of address. There don’t appear
to be humans left in town, but that isn’t entirely true.
One last family has decided that moving isn’t an option.
Elner Poortis isn’t going to budge, and neither is his family as
long as he has a say in the matter. As a result, Elner, his wife
Yurvihiun, and their two daughters Wesal and Firthis have
holed up in their house. The three women are miserable and
frightened, and not a day goes by that they don’t plead with
Elner to leave. So far, their loyalty to family has kept them by his
side, but Yurvihiun has nearly reached her breaking point and is
contemplating a break for safety.
T1. Castle. The gate to this gray limestone keep remains closed
during the day. No gonfalons or other signs of who holds the
castle are apparent, though the device of a falcon on a shield
is graven over a number of the windows on the second floor.
As you approach the farmer, none of the other figures in the Any window large enough to be entered by a climbing or
fields stop to take notice. The farmer wears a loose woolen flying character is shuttered (Break DC 20), and no sounds
tunic, dyed blue, and a brimmed felt hat of scarlet. Although emanate from within. It is, however, inhabited by the undead;
his dress and behavior seem appropriate for a normal farmer, any attempts to break in are resisted vigorously by the skeletal
they cannot hide his skeletal appearance. All the other figures garrison. A description of the rooms inside the castle follows in
working in the fields are also skeletons. the section entitled “Rescuing the Baroness.”
Like skeletons created by an animate dead spell, the undead T2. Lady Church. The building with the twin spires seen outside
of Luzern are completely mindless, but their creation by the the town is the Lady Church. It is dedicated to the memory of a
38 january/february 2002
40 january/february 2002
Wizard’s Keep
Beyond the fields that lie across the
Chapel Bridge is a white limestone keep.
The keep is rectangular with four round,
corner towers and a gatehouse. Each
tower is topped with a peaked roof,
and similar structures are built over the
body of the keep and the gatehouse. The
trail to the keep leads to the base of the
mound upon which the structure sits.
The keep was formerly the home of
the wizard Tollerath, who died trying to
rescue the baroness from her castle. As
such, a number of magical effects will be
encountered in the castle. Unless speci-
fied otherwise, doors in the keep have the
following statistics:
s Wooden Doors: 4 in. thick; Hardness
5; hp 40; Break (DC 23); Open Lock (DC
The front doors are made of heavy
oak, unlocked, and closed. The glass that
once filled the windows of the castle has
all been broken, but shutters remain.
They are all closed and latched (Break DC
20, Open Lock DC 20).
knives hang on hooks along the south wall. A large cauldron K9. Dining Room.
sits in the fireplace in the west wall, which sheds an eerie glow
on the room due to the green flames that flicker within. The grand table of this dining room is smashed, and the chairs and
plates have been broken, their remains hurled into the southwest cor-
Creature (EL 6): Hiding behind some barrels at the west ner. Of the wall decorations, only an old stuffed stag’s head remains.
end of the room is Taurian, a werewolf. This townsman was a
friend of the wizard Tollerath, who once inhabited this keep. The dead have no need to eat, so this room has remained unused
Tollerath long sought the cure for Taurian’s lycanthropy, but and unoccupied.
was unsuccessful. Taurian’s wolf personality has overcome his
better nature now, and he attacks without provocation. K10. Werewolf Den.
d Taurian, Male Werewolf War3: CR 6; Medium-size
Shapechanger (6 ft tall); AL CE; three alternate forms. Some creature has made itself at home here. A pile of blankets and
Human form: HD 3d8; hp 15; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 13 straw lies against one wall, and some scattered bones litter the floor.
(touch 11, flat-footed 12); Atk +3 melee (1d3 subdual, unarmed
strike); SA wolf empathy; SV Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +3; Str 11, Taurian the werewolf has claimed this room as his own.
Dex 12, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10. Treasure: A successful Search check (DC 15) reveals Taurian’s short
Skill: Craft (bowmaking) +8, Jump +6, Listen +6, Search sword among the tattered bedding. A gem in its pommel is worth 650 gp,
+4, Spot +9. Feats: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Skill Focus but the sword is otherwise normal.
Hybrid Form: HD 3d8+6; hp 21; Init +7; Spd 50 ft.; AC 17
Second Floor
K11. Portrait Room.
(touch 13, flat-footed 14); Atk +6 melee (1d6+1, bite); SA trip,
curse of lycanthropy, wolf empathy; SQ scent, damage reduc-
tion 15/silver; SV Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +3; Str 13, Dex 16, Con A bas-relief portrait of a woman fills the alcove in the north
14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10. wall of this room. She is depicted carrying a book in her left
Skills: Craft (bowmaking) +8, Hide +4, Jump +7, Listen hand; her right hand is held in a sign of benediction. The
+10, Move Silently +5, Search +8, Spot +13, Wilderness Lore likeness has been defaced with charcoal. A stained glass win-
+0*. Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Improved dow to the east has been shattered, and shards of ceramic
Initiative, Skill Focus (bowmaking), Weapon Finesse (bite). and glass litter the floor nearby. An ashlar has also been
*Wolves receive a +4 racial bonus to Wilderness Lore removed from the south wall, revealing a hidden cupboard.
checks when tracking by scent.
Wolf Form: As hybrid form, except Taurian cannot use his
Craft skill while in wolf form. Treasure: Tucked in a crack within the cupboard is a ragged scroll.
SA—Wolf Empathy (Ex): Can communicate and empathize It bears a knock spell (cast at 12th level).
with wolves or dire wolves, granting a +4 racial bonus to
checks when influencing a wolf’s attitude and allowing the K12. Guard Room. A rack holding three longspears stands here.
communication of simple concepts and commands.
SA—Curse of Lycanthropy (Su): Any humanoid hit by K13. Winch Room.
the werewolf’s bite attack in animal form must succeed at a
Fortitude save (DC 15) or contract lycanthropy A large winch against the east wall of this bare room appears to
SA—Trip (Ex): A werewolf that hits with a bite can attempt operate the portcullis below. Four skeletal guardsmen dressed
to trip as a free action (see page 130 in the Player’s Handbook) in chainmail and bearing longswords rush to attack.
without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of
opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to
trip the werewolf. Creatures (EL 1): The four skeletal guardsmen guard the winch that
SQ—Alternate Form (Su): Can assume a bipedal hybrid operates the portcullis to the gate below.
form or the form of a wolf as though using a polymorph self d Skeletal Guardsmen (4): These skeletons are identical to those
spell as a standard action; upon assuming either form, he provided in the “Residents of Luzern” sidebar except they wear chain-
regains hit points as if having rested for a day. mail (AC 18) and wield longswords (1d8+1/crit 19–20).
SQ—Damage Reduction (Ex): A lycanthrope in animal or
hybrid form gains damage reduction 15/silver. K14. Toppled Statuary.
Tactics: Taurian waits until the PCs begin searching the This unremarkable room has been searched thoroughly.
room before leaping from his hiding place and attacking. He
attacks unarmored or lightly armored characters first, and
Taurian continues attacking one opponent until that person Four broken, man-sized statues lie fallen about this room, as
goes down before attacking a new target. He fights until he do the shattered remains of a half-dozen swords. The door
is slain. to the southeast has been torn from its hinges.
K8. Bakery. A dead giant rat lies on the floor here. Sitting on K15. Burnt Dead.
the shelves on the walls of this former bakehouse are some
moldy loaves of bread and wheels of cheese. The stench of burnt flesh pervades this area. The blackened
remains of a man and three broken chests litter the floor.
42 january/february 2002
K17. Study. Creatures (EL 2): Seven monstrous centipedes have made a nest
Hidden in the surviving spine of one of the books is a brass within the torn remains of the rugs.
d Small Monstrous Centipedes (7): hp 4 each, Monster Manual 207.
The floor of this tower room is littered with loose pages fallen from
books whose spines have been torn or broken. The pages bear lists K23. Bedchamber.
of rents and fees and other mundane writings.
The floor of this chamber is covered with a red carpet. About the
key. Finding it requires a Search check (DC 18). It opens the door in room are a canopied bed, a chair, and an armoire.
area K3 that leads to the dungeon. The posts of the bed are pitted and scratched, and its linen has
been torn and thrown to the floor. Two urns have been smashed
K18. Stairway Up. The door to the southwest is sealed by an arcane open, and a painting can be seen, torn down from the wall. The
lock spell (12th-level). If the PCs manage to make their way into the portrait, though slashed, still bears a recognizable figure: It shows
room, read or paraphrase the following: a bearded man of middling years wearing a purple, brimless, naped
cap of heavy silk and a heavy woolen robe with a high neckline and
A broken lantern on the floor is the only furnishing in this room. long dagged sleeves.
The chamber is lit by a flaming stone orb affixed to the ceiling. A
staircase seems to lead up, but it disappears in from view in the thick Creature (EL 3): Lurking near the bed is a shadow—one of the
and dusty cobwebs that obscure the ceiling. undead that accompanied the Wraith King to Luzern.
d Shadow (1): hp 19; Monster Manual 161.
The stairway leading up is cleverly blocked by the sticky effect of SQ—Totentanz (Su): The shadow is under the influence of a
a permanent web spell (cast at 12th level). The stone orb on the ceiling desecrate spell cast at 10th level. This gives it a +1 profane bonus to
is under the effect of a continual flame spell (12th level). Detaching it attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws. Turning checks in this
requires a way up to the ceiling of the 10-foot-high room and a suc- area suffer a –3 profane penalty.
cessful Strength check (DC 20). Ad-hoc XP: Award 10% more experience for the shadow; the
desecrate effect makes it tougher than normal.
Tactics: The shadow attacks the PC closest to it and fights
Third Floor until turned or destroyed.
K19. Great Hall.
K24. Laboratory.
The great hall of the keep is a scene of devastation.
Something has clearly taken the time to loot this chamber The tower contains a large open and empty iron chest. The
wall to the south is pierced with mounts for brackets, but the
rackets and shelves that once sat upon them have fallen to
the floor. Lying about the shelves are broken pots and glass-
ware, powders, spilt unguents, and withered herbs. The wall
to the left of the shelves is blank, bare even of dust.
K25. Workroom.
Treasure: Few of the books bear titles, but they include works on
topics such as astronomy, divination, and architecture. One book,
titled Curse of the Wolf, contains opinions on cures for lycanthropy.
Another is entitled Arcana and describes the functions of rare
magic items: the mattock of the titans, mirror of life trapping, and
the apparatus of Kwalish. Wedged between two untitled volumes
is a scroll that contains three spells scribed by a 12th-level wizard:
stinking cloud, dispel magic, and remove curse.
Development: The parchment on the table bears a series
of mathematical calculations. A Knowledge (arcana) check
(DC 20) reveals that they are astronomically determined
measurements from which the wizard Tollerath hoped he
could divine how to rid the valley of the undead. Some words
are also scribbled in Common at the end: “the castle,” “the
undead,” and a woman’s name: Gudrun.
K26. Fog Room.
At the foot of the stairs is a room filled with eerily still mist
that limits your view to a 5-foot distance. You see vaguely
humanoid shapes lying on the floor the chamber.
The mists were created by a permanent fog cloud spell. About the
room lie three inanimate human skeletons, the remains of former servi-
tors of the Wraith King that were destroyed after setting off the Trap.
Trap (EL 4): The trap consists of an electrified floor that covers the
entire area from the door to the four hallways leading from the room.
The mist obscures it just enough to prevent intruders from seeing the
arcane glyphs carved into its surface and becoming suspicious when they
first enter the room. Once it is discharged, the trap remains inactive for
4 rounds before resetting.
44 january/february 2002
a Electrified Floor Trap: CR 4; section of floor (3d10); Reflex save effective in combating the Wraith King. The skeleton men have
(DC 14) for half damage; Search (DC 25); Disable Device (DC 25). been searching for it since they first arrived in the valley. The
blade is hidden in the Lady Church in the chancel, under the tile
K27. Well. This chamber contains the castle well. decorated with the sword and scroll. There lies the sarcophagus
Creature (El 4): An ooze that lairs within the well lashes out at anyone of Lord Bohort, the late baron of Luzern. It takes several min-
who approaches it. utes to lift the tiles and reveal his final resting place. Atop his
d Gray Ooze (1): hp 26; Monster Manual 145. sarcophagus lies the sword.
Treasure: The room holds only a broken and pitted short sword. The “place where the fair nymph pointed” references the
Down the well, however, a bucket on a chain holds a small stone coffer legend of Chapel Bridge and its construction. In a niche hidden
that holds 130 gp, two 500-gp gems, and a +2 dagger. behind the altar in the chapel, a tome can be found entitled The
Book of the Dancing Death. This book details the Totentanz Gate,
K28. Stolen Goods. how it operates, and its effects once it has been activated and put
to use. It also specifically mentions that the gate is utterly evil and
Two charred, inanimate human skeletons lie on the floor at perverts the natural cycle of life and death.
this end of the passage. A layer of soot covers the floor and The final stanza refers to the Baroness Gudrun Talluth, who
walls of most of the last 5 feet of the passage. A ledge at the is imprisoned in the town castle. After a brief investigation,
end of the passage is similarly blackened with soot, save for Tollerath, familiar with the region’s history, determined who the
a small untouched circular area in the middle. Wraith King was in life and what his goals must be. He reasoned
(incorrectly) that if the baroness managed to regain her family’s
The item that stood on the ledge was stolen by the undead. ancestral blade, she could call upon its legendary power to defeat
the Wraith King and destroy the Totentanz Gate. The truth is far
K29. Shrine. more mundane. The Wraith King must be defeated to destroy
the Totentanz Gate, but the sword only gives the PCs an added
A figurine of a woman holding a book lies shattered on the advantage in the combat if Lady Gudrun Talluth is present and
ground here amid broken candles. A ledge above the statue wielding it (see “The Wraith King” for details). The party must,
bears wax imprints where it and the candles once stood. therefore, gain access to the castle. The castle gate is open only
during the nightly parade of the skeleton men.
Lord Bohort’s blade is a +2 longsword that grants its
K30. The Message. wielder the Extra Turning feat. In the hands of a paladin, it
also emits a magical light in a 10-foot-radius that has the power
A small ledge at the rear of this otherwise empty room holds a to protect against undead. This power functions exactly like
rotting pile of hay, under which you can see a glint of metal. a protection from evil spell cast at 10th level, except it works
against undead only (instead of evil creatures).
The metal is a scroll tube missed by the undead raiders. Inside is The Castle of the Baroness
a scroll that bears the message elucidated in the next section. Each night after the sun sets, the skeletons set out on their parade
about the streets of the town. During the procession, the gate to
the town castle (area T1) remains open.
The Wizard’s Message If the castle is attacked during the day, a total of forty-five
Being a wizard and a cautious man, Tollerath felt compelled to skeletons defend it. These guardians equip themselves with cross-
leave his message in the form of a riddle. The scroll found in bows and man the arrow slits and windows throughout the castle
area K30 reads: (one at each). The remaining thirty skeletons take up positions in
areas C1, C3, C4, C5, C8, and C9, armed with light crossbows
To find the arm he had us hide and longswords, in squads of five. The other inhabitants of the
You must go to the hall of the lady blessed. castle (the wights and shadows) stay where the Wraith King has
There, under that which never lied placed them. The portcullis to the front gate can be raised only
He found a place of rest. by the winch in area C5, and the rear door to the castle (to area
C4) is locked.
By the place where the fair nymph pointed At night, most skeletons are absent, as many of them join the
A place of honor was decreed. dance through the streets.
There behind the stone anointed
You will find the work you need. First Floor
C1. Anteroom.
Only then one worthy shall
Cast away the spirits foul. The walls of this entrance chamber are decorated with two black shields
The storm will wash away the lie; bearing a silver skull over two crossed swords. You can see a corridor
May you have better luck than I. to the east, a staircase to the west, and a large room to the south.
d Skeletal Guardsmen (3): These skeletons are identical to d Skeletal Guardsmen (12 or 36): These skeletons are
those provided in the “Residents of Luzern” sidebar except they identical to those provided in the “Residents of Luzern” sidebar
wear chainmail (AC 18) and wield longswords (1d8+1/crit 19–20). except they wear chainmail (AC 18) and wield longswords
(1d8+1/crit 19–20) and light crossbows (1d8/crit 19–20).
C2. Foyer. Read or paraphrase the following if the PCs arrive
here at night: C6. Armory. One of the only rooms left mostly untouched, the
armory holds 24 light crossbows, 300 bolts, and 12 spears.
This foyer has been stripped of its furnishings, leaving only bare
walls and a pair of stools. Standing in a silent parody of a normal C7. Prison Chamber. The door to this chamber is made of
court are a half-dozen skeletons wearing the trappings of nobility. sturdy iron-bound wood. It is locked.
As you watch, one of the undead fops seems to make a joke, as evi-
denced by the silent laughter of its companions. Each skeleton also The room is poorly furnished with a stool, as well as straw
wears a longsword, and as they turn toward you, they draw their and rags for a bed. Hanging from a wooden hook on the wall
weapons and advance. is an ancient, moth-eaten wedding gown, apparently meant
for the woman coolly regarding you from the far side of the
Creatures (EL 1): Each of these skeletons wears a fine hat room. Dressed in a simple white robe that has seen better
and a colorful tunic over its armor. days, she addresses you:
d Skeletal Courtiers (3): These skeletons are identical to “So, has the vile creature that would claim my hand now
those provided in the “Residents of Luzern” sidebar except gained the services of the living, as well?”
they wear chainmail (AC 18) and wield longswords (1d8+1/crit
19–20). s Locked Wooden Door: 4 in. thick; Hardness 5; hp 40;
Break (DC 23); Open Lock (DC 25).
C3. Treasure Chamber. In this room, the Wraith King has If the PCs open the door, read or paraphrase the following:
collected all the wealth looted from the town, the baroness’s This chamber serves as the prison of the baroness. She is eager to
castle, and the wizard’s keep. help the PCs fight and is grateful for their aid. A pious and compas-
sionate woman, she wants her barony returned to normal.
This large chamber is piled high with goods: tapestries, gilded furniture, k Lady Gudrun Talluth, Baroness of Luzern, Female Human
sacks of money, and ornamental knick-knacks. Stamped on all the sacks Pal3: CR —; Medium-size Humanoid (5 ft. 9 in. tall); HD 3d10+3;
is the seal of Luzern, indicating that these and the rest of the items in hp 28; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (touch 12, flat-footed 10); Atk
the room belong to the Lady Gudrun Talluth and her barony. +4 melee (1d3+1 subdual, unarmed strike); SA smite evil, turn
undead; SQ detect evil, divine grace, lay on hands, divine
Treasure: Piled here is the following treasure: 3,400 gp, health, aura of courage, remove disease; AL LG; SV Fort +7,
2,700 sp, 1,200 cp, 78 gems (50 × 5 gp, 18 × 10 gp, 5 × 50 gp, Ref +6, Will +8; Str 12, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 16.
3 × 100 gp, 1 × 500 gp, 1 × 1,000 gp), a gold goblet (500 gp), an Skills: Heal +8, Diplomacy +8, Knowledge (nobility and roy-
ivory drinking horn (750 gp), a silver and ruby ring (900 gp), alty) +4, Knowledge (religion) +5, Ride +8. Feats: Blind-Fight,
a gold filigree brooch (1,300 gp), and a silver and lapis chalice Iron Will, Weapon Focus (longsword).
(2,000 gp). The chalice was stolen from the Lady Church. Development: If Gudrun sees anything that the PCs have
taken from area C3, she thanks them for retrieving the wealth
C4. Kitchen. Once the castle’s kitchen, this room has been of her barony and politely asks for the item back.
unused since the Wraith King seized power. The iron-bound If she sees the PCs carrying the sword of Lord Bohort, she
postern gate in the south wall is bolted shut from the inside. becomes visibly excited and asks where the weapon came from.
Creatures (EL 1): During the day, three skeletal guardsmen She then thanks the characters once more before asking for it.
watch this area. If the PCs don’t return the baroness’s property to her (any of it),
d Skeletal Guardsmen (3): These skeletons are identical to she becomes noticeably distant, demanding that they either
those provided in the “Residents of Luzern” sidebar except they return the barony’s belongings or she will have them arrested.
wear chainmail (AC 18) and wield longswords (1d8+1/crit 19–20). She tells them that they will be rewarded if they obey the law,
but that looters in Luzern are treated harshly. The fact that she
Second Floor is alone and unarmed is no deterrent.
C5. Barracks.
Creatures (EL 4 or 7): By night, a six skeletal guardsmen Third Floor
C8. Last Stand.
This room has been converted into a barracks, as evidenced
by the scattered cots and filthy rags that litter the floor. It looks Once the hall where the castle residents would gather to make their
like this room might once have actually been several smaller last stand in case of a siege, this room is now barren save for its
chambers, but nearly all the doors have been torn from their two new occupants: two creatures with rotting, mottled flesh and
hinges, and in places entire walls have been removed. sharp fangs moving quickly your way.
man the machicolations that protect the main gate. This number Creatures (EL 2): Two ghouls inhabit this chamber.
grows to twenty during the day. The skeletons here during the d Ghouls (2): hp 13 each; Monster Manual 97.
day are only marginally interested in their duty. As a result, only SQ—Totentanz (Su): The ghouls are under the influence
1d6 join the battle each round while the rest lounge about. of a desecrate spell cast at 10th level. This gives them a +1
46 january/february 2002
A bed, two tables, and four chairs have been turned on their
sides and destroyed. Tapestries, ceramics, or glassware once
found here have long since been smashed. Again, this room
was apparently once several chambers. Rubble from walls
and the kindling from doors litters the floor.
C10. Wraith King’s Lair.
New Artifact: Totentanz Gate The final effect of the gate is the Totentanz itself. The Totentanz, or
A powerful device of evil constructed hundreds of years ago by dance of the dead, is an eerie and potentially deadly nightly ritual. Each
members of a death cult loosely tied to Nerull, this hideous device (a night while the gate is active, 5d10 skeletons created by the gate who
minor artifact) is a perversion of the natural world. reside within one mile of the device participate in a macabre celebra-
Standing 7 feet high and 3 feet wide, the gate roughly resembles a tion that includes wailing music (played by the skeletons on whatever
normal doorway. However, this doorframe—there isn’t actually a door instruments they can find), dancing, and a processional that proceeds
or gate—is constructed entirely of the bones of humanoids, animals, through a random portion of the gate’s effect (that is, the skeletons
and other creatures foreign to the Prime Material Plane. Once activated don’t follow the same path each night, and neither do they cover the
(with a command word), the air within the portal’s frame shimmers as if entire range with each Totentanz). The skeletons will enter buildings as
covered with a thin layer of oil. they go, searching for living creatures to join their bizarre parade.
Once active, the gate can be used to create skeletons, although Any living creature within 30 feet of the procession who can see
not the “normal” sort. Any creature who passes through the Totentanz or hear the skeletons caper about must make a successful Will save
Gate must make a Fortitude save (DC 17) or be instantly slain as the (DC 15) or become captivated by the song and dance. (Those creature
spell slay living. In addition, that creature’s now-dead body is imme- immune to the gate’s animate dead effect are also immune to this
diately stripped of its flesh and subject to an animate dead spell and charm.) This is a mind-affecting charm. If the save is successful, that
reintroduced to the world as a skeleton. A creature who makes its save creature cannot be affected by the Totentanz for one day.
takes 3d6+20 points of damage but passes through the gate without A captivated victim walks toward the dancing skeletons, taking the
further incident. most direct route. If the path leads into a dangerous area, that creature
Any living creature that can fit through the doorframe can be gets a second saving throw. Captivated creatures can take no actions
affected; elementals, oozes, plants, and vermin are subject to the slay other than to defend themselves. The effect persists for as long as the
living effects but are immune to the animate dead effects. dance continues. Creatures who are unaffected by the Totentanz can
Undead created with the Totentanz Gate are considered uncon- attempt to shake those affected out of their stupor, allowing the victim
trolled, but there is an additional effect to being brought to unlife in this to make another save with a +4 circumstance bonus.
fashion: Skeletons created by the gate retain an imprint of their former The Totentanz dance lasts for 3 hours. Toward the end of this
lives, which they are now compelled to resume as best they can. time, the procession moves back toward the gate, new victims in
The gate continuously radiates a desecrate effect in a one-mile tow. These unfortunates are then made to dance through the gate to
radius, which is also the area of its life imprint effect. Skeletons created (probably) become skeletons themselves.
by the gate that leave the one-mile range are instantly destroyed. If the skeletons are attacked, as many as seven others will attempt
Undead who enter the area gain the benefits of the desecrate power, to grapple the attacker. While one starts the grapple, the others use
but do not gain the life imprint (only undead created by the gate the Aid Another action until the attacker is pinned. At this point,
behave in this fashion). all the skeletons strike to deal subdual damage until the victim is
The Totentanz Gate is unnaturally heavy (it weighs 4,000 pounds). unconscious, at which point they carry him or her off to the Totentanz
Its insane creators fashioned it this way since its purpose was to create Gate. A protection from evil spell provides proof against this magic.
kingdoms populated by undead, not to be used as weapon. Alternatively, the affected person can be freed by any of the follow-
The gate has a hardness of 8 and 90 hit points. It radiates a strong ing spells: break enchantment (DC 26), dispel magic (DC 26), or hold
evil aura. person (granted the character fails to make a Will save).
laughter and scorn. Determined to force his father to acknowl- has his revenge against the ancestors of the baron who spurned
edge him, he went to Baron Bohort. Fully confident that the him so long ago. His only remaining task is to wed the current
worldly wise lord would grant his plea, he was shocked and baroness to cement his claim to the nobility and perfect his
ultimately shattered by the baron’s curt refusal before his entire vengeance.
court. Followed by the mocking sounds of the nobles’ laughter, Creature (EL 10): The Wraith King is a powerful foe. Feel
the young man fled Luzern. free not to add him to the battle until the wights are slain. If the
The experience shattered more than his carefully crafted baroness is with the PCs and wielding the sword of Lord Bohort,
self image. Indeed, his sanity was nearly lost. In the depths of the Wraith King is greatly intimidated. His deluded mind sees his
deep despair, he made a pact with dark forces to achieve some ancient, hated foe in the baroness. As a result, he suffers a –4
measure of revenge. He became a servant of these powers, a morale penalty to attacks, save, skill checks, and ability checks.
cleric of death and darkness. In the course of his studies, he d The “Wraith King,” Wraith Clr5: CR 10; Medium-size
learned of an artifact called the Totentanz Gate, which had the Undead (Incorporeal) (6 ft. 2 in. tall); HD 10d12; hp 60; Init +7;
power to convert entire regions of the living into realms of the Spd 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (good); AC 15 (touch 15, flat-footed 12);
dead. Atk +9 melee (incorporeal touch (1d4+1 and 1d6 permanent
Unfortunately, his plans to recover the artifact never came to Constitution drain); SA Constitution drain, create spawn,
pass during his life. He died when his small home caught fire. His spells; SQ undead, incorporeal, +2 turn resistance, unnatural
rage was stronger than death, though, and the priest rose as a aura, daylight powerlessness, Totentanz; AL LE; SV Fort +6,
wraith. Styling himself the Wraith King, the creature went about Ref +6, Will +11; Str —, Dex 16, Con —, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 15.
recruiting more undead as his servants. No longer fettered by Skills: Concentration +8, Hide +11, Intimidate +10, Intuit
the bands of time, he continued his research to find the resting Direction +6, Knowledge (arcana) +4, Knowledge (religion) +7,
place of the Totentanz Gate. Many years later, he found its loca- Listen +12, Search +10, Sense Motive +8, Spellcraft +7 (+9
tion and made the journey to recover the artifact. necromancy), Spot +12. Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat
Now, having hauled its bulk across the land, the Wraith King Reflexes, Extra Turning, Improved Initiative, Spell Focus
48 january/february 2002
50 january/february 2002
Raised in Luskan, Oblivion (born Ravu Jhuristhen) showed his vicious
streak early. Larger and stronger than other children his age, he was a
clever bully who led his own gang of street children by the time he was
nine. At twelve, his parents, who ran a candlemaking shop below their
modest home, ordered him to give up these activities to help run the fam-
ily business. Unwilling to relinquish the power he craved, Oblivion burnt
the candle shop to the ground after looting it of portable valuables. Many
organizations in Luskan recognized that his leadership potential would
make him a worthy addition to their cause, but the cult of Malar offered
him something none of the others could: lycanthropy.
Oblivion was fully aware of the power he stood to gain by joining
the ranks of the church of Malar, and his acceptance was immediate.
By age sixteen, he had slaughtered two of his fellow initiates; by twenty,
the count had risen to six. It was at this time that Oblivion changed his
name to his current moniker, saying that his abilities as a servant of
Malar enabled him to bring the sweet oblivion of death to his prey.
Oblivion became a high-priest at twenty-six. He took to his job with
abandon, quickly earning the respect of the normally unruly priests and
acolytes who served beneath him through a strength of will and
viciousness matched by few.
Appearance: In human form, Oblivion is an imposing figure. He
shaves his head bald but wears a wild, coarse black beard on his
square jaw (the same color as his wolf-form’s fur). His piercing eyes
9th-level Werewolf Cleric of Malar: Medium-size Shapechanger are yellow, like those of a wolf, a trait that no longer changes with his
(6 ft. 5 in. tall); AL CE; three alternate forms transition from wolf to man. Strong even as a human, his shoulders
Human Form: HD 9d8+36; hp 84; Init +1 (Dex); Spd 20 ft., AC 18 are broad and his frame fit and lean. Oblivion has learned that his ani-
(+1 Dex, +5 mithral breastplate, +2 natural); Atk +12/+7 melee (2d4+8, mal impulses repel most folk, so he has become adept at hiding them
+2 scythe); SA wolf empathy; SV Fort +12, Ref +4, Will +11; Str 18, Dex behind an unemotional mask. When battle fury is upon him, feelings of
12, Con 18, Int 11, Wis 16, Cha 16. savage animalism take over, and his face is a rictus of savage glee.
Skills: Concentration +15, Diplomacy +8, Intimidate +5, Knowledge The priest’s mithral armor is etched with the symbol of his god, but
(religion) +7, Listen +7, Search +4, Scry +9, Spellcraft +4, Spot +7. Oblivion wears plain red robes over the armor outside the temple. He
Feats: Cleave, Improved Control Shape, Martial Weapon Proficiency much prefers his wolf-man hybrid form to this one, however, and in
(scythe), Power Attack, Sunder. the safety of his church, this is the form to which he reverts (although
Hybrid Form: HD 9d8+54; hp 102; Init +7 (Dex, Improved he remains armed and armored).
Initiative); Spd 50 ft., AC 22 (+3 Dex, +5 mithral breastplate, +4 nat- Tactics: Oblivion has many agents who feed him whatever infor-
ural); Atk +12/+7 melee (2d4+9, +2 scythe) or +8 melee (1d6+5, bite); mation he requests. However, he doesn’t rely on these individuals
SA curse of lycanthropy, trip, wolf empathy; SQ damage reduction exclusively. He regularly prepares the scrying spell, using it to keep
15/silver, scent; SV Fort +14, Ref +6, Will +11; Str 20, Dex 16, Con 22, tabs on the enemies of Malar.
Int 11, Wis 16, Cha 14. In battle, Oblivion prefers melee combat to all other forms. As a
Skills: Concentration +17, Diplomacy +8, Hide +3, Intimidate +5, result, he almost exclusively prepares those spells in his repertoire that
Knowledge (religion) +7, Listen +11, Move Silently +5, Search +8, Scry can make him a tougher opponent physically. His favorite spells include
+9, Spellcraft +4, Spot +11, Wilderness Lore +3*. Feats: Blind-Fight, greater magic weapon, endurance, righteous might, and divine favor.
Cleave, Improved Control Shape, Improved Initiative, Martial Weapon He targets those who openly espouse other faiths to his (such as
Proficiency (scythe), Power Attack, Sunder, Weapon Finesse (bite). clerics and paladins) to the exclusion of almost all others in a fight. His
*Wolves receive a +4 racial bonus to Wilderness Lore checks greatest joy is lopping off the head of a rival priest before tearing into
when tracking by scent. their corpse with his fangs.
Wolf Form: As hybrid form, except AC 17 (+3 Dex, +4 natural), no Development: Oblivion often goes into crowded marketplaces or
scythe attack or spells, and Oblivion can’t use his Diplomacy or Scry town squares to expound upon the glories of the Blood God, demand-
skills while in wolf form. ing that Malar be given the tribute he is due.
Possessions: Mithral breastplate, +2 scythe, potion of haste [×2], The PCs might run into members of the congregation of Malar
potion of cure moderate wounds [×2], brooch of shielding (63 points), hunting homeless folk in the streets of whatever city they dwell in.
+2 cloak of Charisma. These hunts will doubtless lead them to someone attempting to turn the
As a priest of Malar, Oblivion’s domains are Strength and Moon sinful depredations of civilization back to the glorious violent wilder-
(from the FORGOTTEN REALMS setting—use Destruction if the Moon ness that Malar so loves, someone who sheds the blood of faithful and
domain doesn’t appear in your campaign). innocent alike without regret—someone like Oblivion. Ω
52 january/february 2002
“Prey for Tyrinth” is a short D&D scenario that can be added to any existing
adventure. It is suitable for four 5th-level player characters (PCs) but could easily
be scaled for PCs of 3rd–13th level. The module focuses on the specific combat
strategies of a water naga—stealth, trickery, traps, and spellcasting. It would help to
review the section in the DUNGEON MASTER’s Guide on water dangers (page 85).
56 january/february 2002
minor image, Tasha’s hideous laughter, web; 3rd—gaseous PCs who fall while attempting to climb down the wellshaft
form, stinking cloud. land at the point marked X on the map and take 5d6 points of
Tactics: Tyrinth uses different tactics depending on where damage plus 1d6 points of subdual damage. (The 3 feet of
she encounters the PCs and how many adversaries she faces. water at the bottom of the shaft cushions only part of the fall.)
(See the various encounter area descriptions, below, for specific
tactics in each location.) 1. Bottom of the Well.
In general, she likes to slither under the murky water, staying
out of sight until she’s prepared to strike. In melee, she likes to The well opens into a small cavern about 20 feet in diame-
precede a poisonous bite attack with true strike and cold ter. There are two openings in the cave walls one north and
embrace spells. (Note that Tyrinth’s cold embrace spell is iden- the other south. The water here is 3 feet deep and flows
tical to the shocking grasp spell save that the energy type is south to north. There are small 6-inch long blind fish swim-
cold instead of electricity.) If dealt 5 or more points of dam- ming about, and the bottom directly beneath the well is lit-
age in a single attack, the naga flees, using gaseous form if tered with copper, silver, and a few gold coins.
necessary (she tends to save one of her 3rd-level spell slots
for this purpose). Treasure: Characters searching the bottom of the cavern
find 340 cp, 80 sp, and 14 gp.
Exploring Tyrinth’s Well
The wellshaft leading to Tyrinth’s lair is 50 feet deep and 2. The Wedge. The passageway is narrow, forcing the PCs to
opens into a 10-foot-high cave (area 1), meaning that the well move in single file. If they venture down this passage, Tyrinth
is actually 60 feet deep. PCs who toss a coin or similar item casts true strike on herself and attacks the last PC in the
down the well can hear it hit water if they succeed at a Listen marching order from behind. She attempts to bite and run
check. The DC depends on the size of the item dropped: Fine— before the PCs can launch a counterattack.
DC 30; Diminutive—DC 25; Tiny—DC 20; Small—DC 15;
Medium-size—DC 5; Large or bigger—automatic. PCs who hear 3. Blood in the Water. If the characters attempt to go in this
the sound can gauge the approximate depth of the well with a direction, Tyrinth tries to get them to turn around by killing a
successful Intelligence check (DC 10). Whether Tyrinth hears few blind fish upstream. She lets the blood flow out from the
the noise also depends on the size of the item dropped down cracks in the northern walls. Then she casts ghost sound, cre-
the shaft; add +5 to all of the above Listen check DCs. (Tyrinth, ating the sound of a young girl shrieking. The noise echoes
who has a +10 modifier to Listen checks, has no chance of eerily throughout the complex, making it nearly impossible to
hearing a Fine object dropped down the shaft.) pinpoint the direction of the scream (Listen, DC 30).
The current here is noticeably faster, and the floor is cov- This passage widens and the current slows. Tiny blind fish
ered with slippery moss. bump into your legs every time you move.
The water in the center of this room is 4 feet deep. The The naga attempts to distract PCs, using minor image to
slippery moss means that PCs moving through this area must create a giant blind fish. The fish leaps out of the water sev-
make a successful Balance check (DC 10) each round or fall eral times and then disappears. While the characters are dis-
prone. PCs who fall are then pulled toward the whirlpool in tracted by this, Tyrinth casts a sleep spell. She attempts to bite
area 10. the closest sleeping character, dragging the victim into area 10.
Trap (EL 1): To make things even more difficult, once the Note: The naga cannot maintain the illusion and cast sleep.
shortest PC enters the center of the room, Tyrinth pushes a
3-foot by 4-foot pile of debris from upstream (area 2). Any 6. Eagle Eye.
characters struck by the debris must make a successful Reflex
save (DC 15) or lose their footing and be swept toward area The passage opens into a 25-foot by 15-foot cavern with a
10. The current travels 10 feet per round. Characters who small cul-de-sac in the southeast corner. Another exit leads
have lost their footing must make a successful Swim check (DC northwest.
18) to regain their feet.
a Debris Trap: CR 1; +5 slam (1d4); Reflex negates (DC 15); Trap (EL 5): In addition to the danger of drowning, there is
Search (DC 15); this trap cannot be disabled unless the PCs a collection of large rocks and debris that Tyrinth has stacked
remove the debris the naga has pushed into area 2. up on a ledge just north of the pool (between this area and
area 13). One round after the characters
step into the room, she darts in under-
water and slaps an innocuous rock
against the south wall with her tail before
darting out of the room again. This trig-
gers the rockfall from the ledge above,
which spills into a 5-foot by 15-foot area.
All PCs struck by the rocks take 6d6
points of damage. Give rogues a free
Spot check (DC 25) upon entering the
room to notice the trigger stone. On a
successful roll, they notice it’s a little out
of place and can warn the party not to
enter the room right away.
a Falling Rocks Trap: CR 5; +15
melee (6d6); Search (Spot) (DC 25);
Disable Device (DC 25). Note: can strike
all characters in two adjacent specified
Treasure: Characters who search the
southeast cul-de-sac find a half-rotted
hobgoblin carcass wedged in the corner.
It is wearing rotting leather armor and
carries a rusted falchion. It is also wear-
ing one lens over its left eye. This is one
lens of a set of eyes of the eagle (see the
DUNGEON MASTER’s Guide page 216 for
rules about using one lens). Characters
searching the southwest corner of the
larger cavern can find the other lens
with a successful Search check (DC 25).
58 january/february 2002
© 2001. Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Permission is granted to photocopy this handout for home game use only.
ter, getting drenched. Delight in the wildness of the eternal screaming.
9. Hit and Run. If characters walk down this dead end passage, The tithes one pays to gods, in the name of
the naga casts web above the water line. She then swims below gods! We who breathe immortal air, when
the webs and attempts to bite one character before fleeing.
we must share its warmth in our ever dying
10. Whirlpool. A whirlpool spins clockwise in the center of this lungs. Ceaseless it bears fruit, and then in
cavern. PCs must make a successful Swim check (DC 23) or
be sucked into it. Any character sucked into the whirlpool must withering and dusk, turns pallid. For them, for
succeed at a another Swim check (DC 20) or be pulled under- myself, for tales of our own mortal
water and placed in danger of drowning (see the DUNGEON
MASTER’s Guide, page 85). The water depth in this room is 10 vengeance, the gods smile in mockery and
feet. There is also a chance that the shambling mound which
lives in area 11 is watching (30% chance). If so, it attempts to
irony. Now with my own twilight, I indulge in
grab characters who are stuck in the whirlpool and pull them solemn coronation and crown myself king
into its lair. Note that characters with magical effects such as
spider climb or fly can easily free themselves from the
fool, the greatest of rogues, whose true tale
whirlpool, or even aid companions who have been sucked will never be revealed. Heir apparent to lost
under the surface provided they make a successful Strength
check (DC 15).
titles, master thief of the kingdom’s greatest
treasure! All these years of illusion and deceit.
11. Shambler.
Ha! Never once did their prying fingers find my
This 15-foot by 15-foot cavern has an 8-foot-high ceiling that trove. Those fools, those poor fools, gave me
is completely covered with strange brownish-green, hang-
ing, moss-like plants. There is also a thin layer of gray plank- far more than baubles. Never can they retrieve
ton floating on surface of the water. what they’ve lost. They never peered into the
Creature (EL 6): Tyrinth generally avoids this area because well, not once. All their pathetic longing, all
a shambling mound lives here. Sometimes the shambler their wasted tears, all their vain prayers. It’s
reaches into area 10 to pull trapped animals (or humanoids) out
of the whirlpool with its tentacle-like appendages. too bad they never thought to make a wish.
d Shambling Mound (1): hp 60; Monster Manual 162.
Tactics: The shambling mound immediately attacks anyone
who enters its lair, fighting until slain. The underwater circle of stones is actually a nest contain-
Treasure: PCs who search the floor find 12 gp and 23 sp. PCs ing four small naga eggs. Tyrinth attacks any PC who disturbs
who search the mossy plants and make a successful Search the nest, although if she feels like her life is in jeopardy she
check (DC 15) find a bent gold hair comb set with abalone inlays turns gaseous (using a gaseous form spell) and flees to area 10.
(10 gp value) and a masterwork bastard sword. The sword and
hilt are forged out of a strange bluish black metal, and the han- 13. Attack Point. If the characters wander this deep into the
dle is wrapped with black sharkskin. The sword is incredibly well cavern, Tyrinth attacks them openly. Her favorite tactic is to
balanced and the metal appears to be oiled. The metal is vakar, use a stinking cloud or color spray spell, then attack from
which gives the sword a +1 bonus to damage. Vakar also natu- beneath the water. She arduously tries to keep characters
rally exudes an oil that is especially caustic to anyone of pure away from area 12. If she feels like her life is in jeopardy, she
elven blood. Any elf who is struck with a weapon made of vakar turns gaseous and flees to area 10.
takes an additional +2d6 points of damage.
14. Pit. Water erosion has created a 10-foot-long, 5-foot-wide,
12. Naga’s Lair. 20-foot-deep pit in the middle of this intersection. PCs can
spot the pit easily (the water looks considerably darker there).
Debris clings to the edges of this cave. The floor is strewn If Tyrinth attacks from area 13, she tries to push PCs into the
with broken bones, many of them humanoid. There also pit with underwater bull rush attacks. PCs who are pushed in
appears to be a large circle of rocks in the east corner, but (and who are carrying more than 10 pounds of gear) must
water distortions make it difficult to see. make a successful Swim check (DC 10) or sink to the bottom
and risk drowning (see the DUNGEON MASTER’s Guide page 85).
This is Tyrinth’s home. She tries to keep characters from The pit is visible if PCs are actively looking, but it is more dif-
going near it, but if they do she attacks first and then tries to ficult to see if PCs are being attacked, especially if Tyrinth has
draw characters south into area 15. cast a spell that obscures sight.
Treasure: Also in the bone pile is a small greenish-white EXTENT AND NATURE OF CIRCULATION
stone carved into the likeness of a young girl’s face. A bard Issue Date for Circulation Data Below: Nov/Dec 2001
Average No. Copies No. Copies of
who makes a successful bardic knowledge check (DC 13) rec- Each Issue During Single Issue
ognizes the face as Princess Adthene, who mysteriously dis- Preceding 12 Months Published Nearest
to Filing Date
appeared thirty years ago. At the time, the king publically Total Number of Copies 46,067 47,579
Paid/Requested Outside-County
mourned her disappearance as “the loss of the kingdom’s Mail Subscriptions 7,986 9,977
greatest treasure.” This information can also be learned by Sales Through Dealers and
Carriers, Street Vendors, Counter
making a successful Knowledge (history) check (DC 18). The Sales, and Other Non-USPS Paid
stone radiates Conjuration magic if subject to a detect magic Distribution 16,677 16,044
Total Paid and/or Requested
spell, and it functions as a periapt of wound closure if worn. Circulation 24,663 26,021
Free Distribution Outside the Mail 761 784
60 january/february 2002
62 january/february 2002
“Tears for Twilight Hollow” is a D&D adventure that presents the heroes
with a mystery involving an evil cleric, a dead paladin, and a devourer.
It is designed to challenge four 7th-level player characters (PCs), and
PCs should advance at least one level during its course. For maximum
playability, the party should include at least one cleric or paladin. As the
Dungeon Master (DM), you can modify the challenges in this module for
stronger or weaker parties by adjusting the number of monsters faced.
See the “Scaling the Adventure” sidebar for alternative suggestions and the
DUNGEON MASTER’s Guide, page 102, for more information on encounter difficulty.
Adventure Background Sweet lady, sets behind the hills and shrouds it in pre-
Thunderstorms rage often in the foothills mature twilight.
west of the Sunset Mountains. Hefty winds blessed twilight to my The recent woe in Twilight Hollow began
blow unexpectedly through the valleys. In years ago with two young girls—best friends.
the not-so-ancient past, a temple to the evil
god Talos spanned one such valley.
wretched day, One became a lawful good paladin named
Shaunnra Stillhand. The other girl, Andress
The temple, shaped like a statue with its Nagheson, showed early promise as a sor-
stony face and hands lifted to the sky, was
send me your enemies cerer but gave up magic in a vain attempt to
known as Tempest Tower. The clerics of emulate Shaunnra. They studied together
Talos built a trestle bridge connecting the and your critics. Send under an elder cleric of Ilmater, but Andress
structure to both sides of the valley. The couldn’t measure up to Shaunnra. Before
sole entrance was more than 40 feet off the me the blind and the long, she left Twilight Hollow on a pilgrim-
ground and accessible only by the bridge. age in Ilmater’s name.
The clerics cloistered themselves in their uninitiated, and I will On the road, Andress’s bitterness grew.
temple, worshiped their stormy god, and She searched for, but failed to find, the
buried their dead in the catacombs below.
One day, clerics of good Ilmater attacked
show them the power she craved. One cold night, a black-
eyed pilgrim made Andress an offer. He
Tempest Tower. A bloody battle ensued. The
clerics of Ilmater killed the fleeing, profane
enlightenment that showed Andress the darkness in her soul.
He offered her a place among those who
priests and cast down the tower, which fell master pain rather than suffer passively.
into the valley and dented the marshes. A comes from agony. He revealed the power that could be hers,
few miles east of the site, the clerics of and then he gifted her with the means to
Ilmater constructed their own church to In your name, make it happen. Andress chose her destiny.
watch over the previously desecrated valley. While Shaunnra was swearing the pal-
Over time, a village formed around the I am strong. adin oath of Ilmater, Andress was taking the
church. The community became known as vows of servitude to Loviatar. Years passed
Twilight Hollow, so named because the sun (Prayer to Loviatar) before Andress heard that Twilight Hollow’s
64 january/february 2002
old cleric had died, leaving the village without spiritual direc- Adventure Synopsis
tion. She returned and presented herself as a cleric of Ilmater. The heroes discover the village of Twilight Hollow, where they
The ring of mind shielding given to her by the black-eyed pil- have the opportunity to solve a mystery, save a legendary pal-
grim combined with her knowledge of Ilmater’s rites and cere- adin’s soul, and end a dreadful evil. Their own self-motivation
monies allowed the masquerade to succeed. takes them on a quest to learn the source of the gloom that
Loviatar answered Andress’s prayers, guiding numerous low- hangs over the village.
level devotees to the Temple of Ilmater. These sinister acolytes This adventure follows no particular timeline. The PCs can
helped Andress construct a network of tunnels and catacombs investigate the various locations in any order, though logic dic-
beneath the Temple of Ilmater and raise a secret, subterranean tates a certain progression to their investigation. The three
shrine to the pain goddess. The church’s gold went toward hir- main locations include the village of Twilight Hollow, the ruined
ing a band of miscreants and outlaws to distract Shaunnra—the Talosian temple of Stormhold in the western valley, and the
village’s valiant defender—with petty raids on outlying farms catacombs under the village where Andress is building her fol-
and caravans. This kept the paladin from discovering what was lowing. The PCs enter the adventure when they arrive in
happening beneath the village. Twilight Hollow and get acquainted with the locals. Andress
Through divination spells, Andress learned of a stone caul- requests their aid in finding the soul of a holy paladin of
dron half-sunk in the marshes of the western valley. The magic Ilmater and sends them on a wild goose chase to the western
cauldron, once employed by the clerics of Talos, would enable valley. Items found in the ruins of Stormhold guide them back
her to enslave the village and eliminate Shaunnra. Andress to Twilight Hollow. Further evidence eventually reveals the
gathered her acolytes and animated undead servants and went catacombs under the Temple of Ilmater and Twilight Hollow.
to the valley to retrieve it. She bribed a local green hag druid Ultimately, the story’s progression depends entirely on the
for safe passage through the marsh by offering the hag three PCs’ choices and actions, and you shouldn’t feel like you have
of her most devout lieutenants (who graciously sacrificed them- to force them down one path. Several encounters could easily
selves for the glory of Loviatar). Finding the cauldron, Andress provide a tense, dramatic climax.
was soon confronted by its guardian—a devourer—which used
its control undead ability to usurp control of Andress’s skele- For the Players
tons and zombies. After watching her undead minions slay her In the course of their travels, the characters find their way to
living ones, Andress cleverly appeased the devourer by prom- Twilight Hollow. You can arrange this in whatever way works
ising to deliver a paladin’s soul into its clutches. The wicked duo best for you and fits into your ongoing campaign. Feel free to
agreed to help each other if Andress could “make good” on employ one of the hooks listed below:
her promise. Alone, Andress returned to Twilight Hollow. • The PCs wander into the village looking for rest, supplies,
Andress tricked Shaunnra into the clutches of the devourer or a market for their sellable items.
by claiming that divination spells had allowed her to locate the • A paladin or cleric PC receives orders from his church
brigands’ secret base. Determined to rid Twilight Hollow of the superiors or his god to investigate Shaunnra’s death.
brigands, Shaunnra rode off with her squire, Marthos. They • A young bride traveled to another town or village for a
entered the western valley, drove off the druid hag, and stum- family funeral. The family hires the PCs to accompany the
bled upon the stone cauldron. In a battle worthy of song, the bride back to her husband in Twilight Hollow.
devourer consumed the paladin’s soul while its controlled • A dead body, trunk, pouch, or other such item from a
undead minions slew her faithful squire. previous encounter holds a letter. The deceased or owner of
On a cold Harvesttide evening, Shaunnra’s horse, exhausted the item has family in Twilight Hollow. See the example letter
and near death, returned home with its master’s dead body. below. If you do not use this method to bring the PCs to
The people took Shaunnra to the temple. Andress acted out an Twilight Hollow, you can alternately plant the letter in the ruins
unsuccessful raising, then reported to a worried crowd that of Stormhold west of the village and have the PCs stumble on
she had learned “through means divine, that an evil being the note as they explore the area.
keeps Shaunnra’s soul from its final reward.” Andress had a
modest tomb built for the paladin and used regular gentle repose Dear Cousin,
spells to keep Shaunnra’s body in stasis. I pray this missive finds you well. You may or may not
Under the shroud of night, the devourer came to the Temple remember me. I am Valkoris, from your mother’s side of the
of Ilmater, using Andress’s undead creations and a lesser pla- family. I am son to Tylis, your uncle. My father has spoken
nar ally (a fiendish girallon) to transport the cauldron to the to me of your stalwart heart, dedication to good, and the brav-
secret temple of Loviatar under Twilight Hollow. Fueled by ery of your traveling companions. If indeed, as I’ve heard, you
Shaunnra’s trapped life essence and its hatred for living crea- have sworn to fight all that is evil in the world, then I beg
tures, the devourer has entered a compact with Andress, you to come to Twilight Hollow on the western slopes of the
allowing the evil cleric to use the cauldron to spread suffering Sunset Mountains. I offer you a chance to further do your
and lure more powerful life forces into its clutches. family proud. Our troubles overwhelm us here. The soul of a
Andress has perpetuated a vile ruse and a terrible black- great lady sleeps amid nightmares. I am a mere cobbler. I can
mail upon the citizens of Twilight Hollow, essentially holding do nothing. Perhaps you can.
Shaunnra’s soul for ransom. The payment is the continued suf- With deepest regards,
fering of the villagers. She parades the paladin’s body before Valkoris
them, reminding them of their lost hero and of their own cow-
ardice. She pretends her own curse is as tragic as Shaunnra’s. Regardless of which hook you use, the adventure begins as
It’s a role she enjoys very much. the PCs reach Twilight Hollow.
PART I: TWILIGHT HOLLOW Other Notable Figures: Okrosh Danrat, male human Com7,
LG (innkeeper); Mikiti, male human Com2, NG (barboy); Dhokkel
There’s something unpleasant about Twilight Hollow. A doomed Hammersong, male dwarf Exp6, LG (blacksmith); Valkoris, male
sobriety pervades the village, lending it a surreal atmosphere human Exp5, LG (cobbler); others as noted in the adventure
of separation from the rest of the world. Andress encourages text or determined by DM.
this sobriety, subjecting the villagers to guilt if they show any Notes: Mayor Raezhi has lost his mind. Quite simply, the old
happiness, for how dare they smile when Shaunnra’s soul suf- man misplaced it shortly after he turned 70 and hasn’t found
fers in her martyr’s prison! it since. The other residents allow him to keep his position,
Twilight Hollow has approximately 420 residents, most of realizing that the village has little need for a mayor. The church
whom earn their living as farmers and shepherds. The village takes care of judicial matters. The laws haven’t changed since
also has its own baker, tailor, and blacksmith. The settlement the first clerics of Ilmater scribed them, and in other mayoral
developed around the Temple of Ilmater. Far off the trade matters the town runs self-sufficiently. Mayor Raezhi putters
route, Twilight Hollow doesn’t see many visitors. Its self-suffi- around and raises his mayoral voice on occasion. The other
cient population has little need for anything besides what they residents of Twilight Hollow like him, but they don’t bother to
make for themselves. listen to him anymore. He resembles a baby robin, with tufty
The locals share a common philosophy about life, at least gray hair and pinched eyes.
outwardly. Twilight Hollow is a lawful good village at its core. Valkoris, the village’s 48-year-old cobbler, has lived in
The laws in Twilight Hollow are strict and relative to lawful Twilight Hollow his whole life. He has a wife and three daugh-
good beliefs. Although not all the residents are lawful good, ters. The eldest daughter (Belsa, age 17) helps out in the cob-
they abide by the laws and maintain a peaceful community as bler shop. His middle daughter (Mercia, age 15) intends to join
a result. Ilmater’s clergy. The youngest (Ternina, age 7) stays close to
c Twilight Hollow (Village): Conventional; AL LG (LE); 200- her mother.
gp limit; Assets 7,200 gp; Population 420; Isolated (human PCs might have intercepted Valkoris’s letter to his cousin,
96%, halfling 2%, dwarf 1%, other races 1%). requesting aid for Shaunnra (see “For the Players” above).
Authority Figures: Mayor Bryston Raezhi, male human Ari2, Determine his cousin’s story and what happened to him (based
NG; Andress Nagheson, female human Sor1/Clr8, LE. on when and where you wish to introduce the letter to the
66 january/february 2002
PCs). Valkoris remembers when Shaunnra and Andress were Andress leads the weekly funeral procession, staff in hand.
young and remembers when Andress’s parents died in an ava- The procession leaves Shaunnra’s Tomb (area T4) and moves
lanche one particularly harsh winter. Shaunnra’s family took in a counter-clockwise direction around the Temple of Ilmater.
the orphaned girl into their home. Valkoris also remembers It ends back at the tomb, and the pallbearers return the coffin
how the two girls were inseparable, as much like sisters as any to its sepulcher. After leading the procession, Andress returns
young girls could be. He remembers how they used to fight as to the church with her acolytes of Ilmater.
well, like siblings. Any attempt to interrupt the procession is met with jeers
from the spectating villagers and a cold scowl from Andress.
Event 1. The Arrival She says, bluntly, “Meet me later, if you wish, at the temple.”
Keep in mind that, unless the PCs stay more than a week,
Twilight Hollow resembles most other small villages that dot they won’t know immediately that the funeral occurs weekly.
the face of Faerûn. A stone temple dominates the village’s
profile. Most of the remaining buildings have wooden walls Andress’s Prophecy
and thatched roofs. The aroma of burning pine spreads an Andress has made a prophecy to further isolate the people of
ashen pungency through the air. The smell of a hearty roast Twilight Hollow from the outside world. She knows she can
rolls out from the local inn, and the blacksmith shop rings more easily maintain the villagers’ ignorance and obedience if
with the sound of metal striking metal. The residents bustle she insulates them from outsiders. Her prophecy accomplishes
about, performing their daily chores—until they see you. The just that:
moment they spot you, their natural rhythm falters. They
stop. They stare. They whisper among themselves, and they “A day of darkness yet awaits the people of Twilight Hollow.
disappear a bit too hurriedly into their shelters. The day will come when a stranger arrives in town. This
stranger comes for the innocent among us. This stranger has
Shortly after the PCs arrive in Twilight Hollow, dark clouds a handsome shell, but inside this stranger hides a broken and
gather overhead and begin unleashing torrents of rain. As the warped soul. This stranger knows us. This stranger has
PCs explore the village, use the “Village Encounters” sidebar to watched us. This stranger knows the blessings of the beast
capture the fear and woe gripping Twilight Hollow. that plagues us. Death walks with this stranger.”
PCs can secure lodging at the Double Bolt Inn (area T1). If
they found Valkoris’s letter (see “For the Players”), they might Every man, woman, and child living in Twilight Hollow has
wish to question the cobbler (see above). Getting directions from heard Andress’s prophecy and can recite it word-for-word.
suspicious residents requires a successful Gather Information Andress herself is loath to share her prophecy with outsiders,
check (DC 20). although she has no fears about visitors learning of it. If the
Although the villagers are wary of strangers, those who run PCs question her or one of her acolytes, they learn only that
businesses (such as Dhokkel the dwarven blacksmith) can be Andress received the prophecy from Ilmater while endeavor-
approached and paid for services and supplies. PCs are charged ing to raise Shaunnra from the dead.
standard rates for everything. Such dealings aren’t likely to
win the villagers’ trust, however (see the “Unfriendly NPCs” Event 3. The Acolyte
section in the “Village Encounters” sidebar for details). If the PCs don’t seek out Andress, she sends for them. Have
an acolyte of Ilmater approach the PCs, targeting a paladin or
Event 2. The Funeral cleric if there is one. The acolyte informs the PCs, very politely
Give PCs the opportunity to rest, regain hit points, or replen- and respectfully, that Her Holiness Andress of Ilmater requests
ish supplies before continuing the adventure, but don’t let them an audience with them.
dally and grow bored. When you’re ready, read the following
to the group (or to a PC who would notice the event): The white-robed cleric stands with her head bowed respect-
fully. Large hazel eyes steal glances at each of you. In a voice
A cold rain drizzles down on the village, casting misery upon as soft as breeze-ruffled grass, the young woman says, “I
everything. As if on cue, a black-clad woman comes down come in the name of Her Holiness Andress of Ilmater, Loyal
the street at the head of a funeral procession. Her hooded Head Cleric of the Church of Ilmater in Twilight Hollow. She
cloak hangs heavy and wet. The woman carries a wooden sent me to request an audience with you. I am to guide you
staff so dark and knotted that it matches the expression of to her or return to her with a message. What is your will?”
pain on her face.
Six pallbearers in black hoods carry a coffin. The ornate The acolyte of Ilmater, Gwenned, will answer the following
box glows with a soft magic light. The citizens of Twilight questions. She believes she is telling the truth:
Hollow emerge from their buildings to stand in respect as the What does Andress want? (Respectfully) “Her Holiness
procession passes. Some hold up banners bearing the sym- Andress serves Our Lady Ilmater, leading us as the shepherd
bol of Ilmater. Some step forward to join the parade and walk leads her sheep. She needs your help to end our curse.”
along with the other villagers. The funeral approaches. You How long has Andress been here? “Her Holiness was born
hear the mourners chant in a practiced monotone: in Twilight Hollow.”
“Sacred Ilmater, hold your child in your arms. In these What do you know about Shaunnra? (Sadly) “My heart is
dark times, watch over her and protect her from harm. We broken for the loss of our paladin, Shaunnra. We pray daily
pray not for ourselves, but for her. We pray that, one day that her soul be freed and allowed to either return to us or to
soon, her soul will know rest or return.” find its final peace.”
Where is Shaunnra’s soul? “We don’t know exactly. All we tells you. “Most importantly, I know that Shaunnra suffers.
know is that she is trapped between death and life, somewhere She suffers as few have ever suffered. I tried to raise her,
nearby.” but I couldn’t. Something has her soul and won’t release it.
Creature (EL —): Gwenned is a devout worshiper of Ilmater. She can’t go forward, but neither can she go back.” Andress
She believes that Andress and Shaunnra were very close (like turns away and touches her hand to the simple stone well. “I
sisters) and views Andress as a tower of strength. Gwenned prayed and took divine communion with my god. Ilmater
does not suspect anyone at the temple of wrongdoing. gave me a glimpse of Shaunnra’s circumstance. It was horri-
k Gwenned, Female Human Clr2 (Ilmater): CR 2; Medium- ble. Her imprisonment serves no purpose but to amuse a
size Humanoid (5 ft. 2 in. tall); HD 2d8; hp 11; Init +0; AC 10; Spd merciless thing. This creature exists somewhere between life
30 ft.; Atk +1 melee (1d6, light mace); SA turn undead 7/day, and death, in the valley to the west.”
spells; AL LG; SV Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +3; Str 11, Dex 10, Con
10, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 11. Andress’ ring of mind shielding renders her immune to any
Skills: Concentration +5, Diplomacy +5, Heal +6, Knowledge attempt to detect thoughts, discern lies, or magically ascertain
(religion) +6. Feats: Combat Casting, Extra Turning. her alignment.
Spells (4/3+1, base save DC = 11 + spell level): 0—detect Andress gives the following answers to these questions or
magic, guidance, light, virtue; 1st—bless, cure light wounds†, their equivalents:
magic weapon, sanctuary. Who has Shaunnra’s soul? “I don’t know, exactly.”
Domain spell. Domains: Healing (cast healing spells at +1 Where did Shaunnra die? “Her soul separated from her
level), Law (cast law spells at +1 caster level). body in a valley to the west. Her horse returned from there,
Possessions: Light mace, wooden holy symbol of Ilmater. bearing Shaunnra’s body. Adored Ilmater told me that a crea-
ture keeps her there still, feeding on her life force. May Ilmater
Event 4. The Temple take mercy on her, and on you, if you find her and free her
If the PCs accompany the acolyte back to the temple, they find from this abominable torture.”
Andress waiting for them in the courtyard (area T5b). Why did Shaunnra go to the valley? “With my blessing, she
went to find the lair of a band of ruthless brigands known as
Standing before the great temple is a rainworn statue depict- Harular’s Claws. These brigands were attacking farmsteads on
ing a crying man in flowing robes. Walking around him, you the outskirts of Twilight Hollow. Shaunnra wanted to end the
head down a long alley enfolded by the temple’s walls. The threat once and for all. According to my divinations, Harular’s
smell of aged grime rises from the uneven cobblestones. Claws were hiding in the ruins of an evil temple.”
Arrow slits eye you as you pass. You step beneath a raised Was Shaunnra alone when she died? “No. She had her
wooden portcullis into a rain-soaked, diamond-shaped court- squire with her, a young hero named Marthos. He disappeared
yard. A robed woman leans against a stone cistern at the that night.”
courtyard’s center. Your escort steps to one side and bows What do you know about Harular’s Claws? “They haven’t
reverently to the holy woman. The woman bows back and attacked us since Shaunnra died. I suspect that she eradicated
murmurs, “My blessings for your service, child.” them—or something else did. I know little else except that the
Suffering has put wrinkles at the corners of the cleric’s brigands are mostly humans, orcs, and half-orcs who take their
eyes. Her pain tugs down the edges of her mouth. She wears name from their leader, Harular.”
her hair in ragged tufts, cut short and without style. Dressed Was there anyone in Twilight Hollow who wanted to harm
in drenched robes of mourning, the cleric turns toward you Shaunnra? “Of course not. We all loved her. She was our pro-
with a welcoming gesture. She nods and attempts to smile, tector—our strength. Without her, we’re horribly weakened.”
but her lips don’t quite manage the gesture. “Thank you for Creatures (EL 9): When Andress was young, she showed
coming,” she greets quietly. “I am Andress. Welcome to promise as a sorcerer. Unfortunately, she didn’t pursue it. She
Twilight Hollow.” She pauses only briefly, then confesses, did, however, acquire a familiar that has accompanied her on
“I’m afraid I must beg a favor from you—one for which I can her journeys. Andress calls the yellow tabby Sphinx. The cat
offer very little in return.” prowls Twilight Hollow day and night, serving as Andress’s
eyes and ears.
Andress feigns friendliness toward the heroes. She asks them k Andress Nagheson, Female Human Sor1/Clr8 (Loviatar):
to go in search of Shaunnra’s soul, but she misdirects them to CR 9; Medium-size Humanoid (5 ft. 2 in. tall); HD 1d4+2 (Sor)
the ruins of Tempest Tower in the hopes that they, like so many plus 8d8+16 (Clr); hp 52; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15 (touch 11,
heroes before them, will die in the endeavor. Presumably, the flat-footed 14); Atk +7/+2 melee (2d4+1, +1 spiked chain) or
PCs willingly agree to aid the cleric. Andress offers them noth- +7/+2 melee (1d4/crit 19–20, masterwork dagger); Reach 10 ft.
ing in exchange for their aid. She does, however, help them (with +1 spiked chain); SA rebuke undead 5/day; SQ familiar;
acquire any provisions or nonmagical weaponry they require, AL LE; SV Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +12; Str 11, Dex 12, Con 14, Int
within reason. She makes herself appear as helpful as possible. 14, Wis 18, Cha 15.
If the PCs request it, Andress gives them three potions of cure Skills: Concentration +14, Craft (trapmaking) +10, Diplomacy
moderate wounds (one of which doesn’t work). +6, Disguise +4, Forgery +4, Heal +8, Hide +5, Knowledge
Andress also provides more—albeit incomplete—information (arcana) +6, Knowledge (religion) +6, Move Silently +4 (includes
regarding Shaunnra’s fate: +2 for cat familiar), Spellcraft +8. Feats: Alertness (granted by
cat familiar), Combat Casting, Exotic Weapon Proficiency
A veil of sadness falls over Andress’ face as she speaks of (spiked chain), Leadership, Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Finesse
Shaunnra. “I have only limited knowledge of her fate,” she (spiked chain).
68 january/february 2002
Sorcerer Spells (5/4, base save DC = 12 + spell level): 0— Keyed Encounters (Areas T1–T5)
daze, ghost sound, mage hand, read magic; 1st—expeditious The following encounters detail key areas in Twilight Hollow,
retreat, mage armor. including the Double Bolt Inn (where the PCs are likely to stay),
Cleric Spells (6/5+1/4+1/4+1/3+1, base save DC = 14 + spell the Uhlstan farmstead (which has been taken over by Harular’s
level): 0—cure minor wounds (×2), detect magic, light, mend- Claws and Andress’s acolytes), the statue of Ilmater in the vil-
ing, resistance; 1st—bane, cause fear, command, curse water, lage square, Shaunnra’s Tomb (where the paladin’s body is kept),
endure elements†, entropic shield; 2nd—bull’s strength†, death and the Temple of Ilmater (where the PCs first meet Andress).
knell, enthrall, gentle repose, spiritual weapon; 3rd—animate
dead, bestow curse†, cure serious wounds, invisibility purge, T1. The Double Bolt Inn. Locals and travelers alike come here
summon monster III; 4th—freedom of movement, poison, spell for food, drinks, and companionship. While the PCs are in the
immunity†, summon monster IV. village, the locals stay away from the inn, fearful of Andress’s
Domain spells. Domains: Strength (feat of strength 1/day: prophecy (see Event 2). The Double Bolt Inn offers a common
+8 Strength for 1 round), Suffering (pain touch 1/day; suc- sleeping area (see area T1j) for 5 sp/bed and private guest-
cessful melee touch attack bestows –2 enhancement penalty to rooms (see areas T1k and T1l) for 2 gp/bed.
Strength and Dexterity for 1 minute; does not affect creatures Creatures (EL —): The innkeeper, Okrosh Danrat, has trou-
immune to critical hits). ble masking his suspicions toward the PCs. He makes them pay
Possessions: +1 spiked chain, ring of mind shielding, silver up-front and doesn’t waste words with idle chat, but arranges
holy symbol of Ilmater (amulet of undead turning), potion of their lodging, meals, and baths in a brusque, businesslike man-
cat’s grace, masterwork dagger, iron keys (to areas T4, T5i, and ner. He shows them to their rooms and goes back to work. He
T5l, the manacles in area U15, and the chests in area U39). knows how to fight and will defend his inn. He adopted his
d Sphinx (Cat Familiar): CR 1; Tiny Animal; HD special; hp nephew, Mikiti, after his mother perished in a fire and consid-
26; Init +2; Spd 30 ft; AC 15 (touch 14, flat-footed 13); Atk +6 ers the boy his own son.
melee (1d2–4, 2 claws), +1 melee (1d3–4, bite); SQ improved eva- Okrosh has been charmed by Glaster, a wizard allied with
sion, share spells, empathic link; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +4, Will the brigand leader Harular (see area U4 for Glaster’s statistics).
+9; Str 3, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 7. The innkeeper allows members of Harular’s Claws to use the
Skills: Balance +10, Climb +5*, Hide +17*, Listen +4, Move trapdoor in the inn’s kitchen (area T1b) to reach the secret cel-
Silently +9, Spot +4. Feats: Weapon Finesse (claw, bite). lars below (areas U1–U7), and Glaster has given Okrosh clear
*Cats receive a +8 racial bonus to Hide and Move Silently instructions not to share this with anyone.
checks and a +8 racial bonus to Balance checks. They use their Mikiti, the 16-year-old barboy, speaks only when spoken to,
Dexterity modifier for Climb checks. and only when necessary. His response to any question that
70 january/february 2002
Treasure: The chest contains extra clothes, a suit of leather T1i. Broom Closet. A pair of brooms and other cleaning sup-
armor (Medium-size), and a sack of 70 gp and 360 sp. plies are stored here. Okrosh also uses this room to store
extra chairs for the tavern (area T1a).
T1e. Stables. Baled hay and sacks of oats are piled against the
west wall across from three cramped horse stalls. Makiti cleans T1j. Common Room. Six double bunks fill this room. (Okrosh
the stalls (and the nearby outhouse) every morning. charges 5 sp per night per bed.) Hooks on the east wall allow
Two of the stalls are currently empty; the middle stall con- guests to hang their cloaks and other apparel.
tains Shaunnra Stillhand’s mount, a chestnut-brown war horse PCs who inspect the west wall and make a successful Search
named Ruth. Okrosh consented to look after the horse out of or Spot check (DC 25) notice three tiny peepholes at eye level,
respect for the fallen paladin. spaced about 10 feet apart. See area T1m for details. Two mem-
Creatures (EL —): If the PCs can speak with Ruth, the horse bers of Harular’s Claws—Sestra and Lyrr—take turns watching
gives the following answers to specific questions: this chamber through the peepholes. Any useful information
What happened to Shaunnra? (Mournfully) “I carried my they overhear is relayed to the inhabitants of areas U1–U7 and
lady into battle against an unholy undead creature. With a rake eventually shared with Andress.
of its claws, the monster killed her. A horrible mockery of my
lady took form in the creature’s ribcage. Overcome with sad- T1k. Private Guestrooms. Each of these rooms contains a sin-
ness and fear, I fled with my lady’s corpse in the saddle.” Ruth gle bed, desk, chair, and unlocked (empty) wooden chest.
does not understand the devourer’s ability to trap essences Anyone inspecting the east wall can make a Search or Spot
and cannot explain in clearer terms what happened. check (DC 25) to notice a tiny peephole at eye level. See area
Where did you encounter the undead creature? “One day’s T1j and T1m for details.
ride to the west, in a valley of swamp and rubble, near a half-
sunken cauldron of stone.” T1l. Private Guestroom. This guest room contains a single bed,
What other creatures live in the valley? “My lady and her desk, chair, wardrobe (empty), and sea chest (unlocked and
faithful squire, Marthos, frightened off an insane crone. They empty). The sea chest measures 4 feet long by 2 feet wide by
also slew a creature that rose from the river. It had an orange 2 feet high and is carved with intricate mosaics depicting tri-
shell and great pincers, but it was no match for Shaunnra.” The tons astride large seahorses, octopi, and seashells.
crone was, in fact, Skriku the green hag using a change self
spell to hide her true appearance (see Event 5). The pincered T1m. Secret Corridor. This hall extends nearly the entire width
creature was a chuul; its remains can be found at area V3. of the inn. A fixed wooden ladder at the south end climbs 10
What happened to Shaunnra’s squire, Marthos? “Marthos feet to an arcane locked trapdoor in the ceiling (see area T1b).
and his horse were killed by the creature that slew my lady. Another ladder at the north end plunges down a 30-foot-deep
The creature was aided by its lesser undead minions—skeletons shaft to area U1 and is trapped (see Trap below).
and zombies mostly.” Marthos and his mount now linger in the The inn’s previous owner built this secret hall so he could
valley as ghosts (see Event 6). eavesdrop on his guests. He drilled six small holes in the walls
Did you find the brigands in the valley? “We saw no sign of and covered them with flaps of wood that keep light from leak-
the brigands, but before she was slain my lady was determined ing through to the other side. To eavesdrop, one must lift one
to find their lair and end their evil ways.” of the flaps. Okrosh, the current owner, has no use for this
d Ruth, Light War Horse (Shaunnra’s Mount): CR 2; Large hall. After buying the inn, he nailed down the wooden flaps.
Magical Beast; HD 7d8+21; hp 48; Init +1; Spd 60 ft.; AC 20 Mikiti, however, removed the nails to spy on guests, particu-
(touch 10, flat-footed 19); Atk +5 melee (1d4+4, 2 hooves), +0 larly adventurers. He found the thought of adventure both
melee (1d3+2, bite); Face 5 ft. × 10 ft.; SQ scent, improved eva- terrifying and intriguing, and his curiosity overpowered his
sion, share spells, empathic link, share saving throws; AL N; SV sense of propriety. Mikiti, however, has not come down here
Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +2; Str 18, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 7, Wis 13, since he ran into one of Andress’s evil acolytes; he was hauled
Cha 6. before Glaster (see area U4), charmed, and instructed not to
Skills: Listen +7, Spot +7. speak of the hallway or the dungeon’s inhabitants to anyone.
Creature (EL 4 for Sestra, EL 4 for Lyrr): One of Harular’s
T1f. Bathroom. Two wooden bathtubs occupy this room. Water Claws stands watch here, using the peepholes to spy on adja-
spouts diverted rainwater from a cistern on the roof to a pair cent guestrooms. The PCs encounter either Sestra or Lyrr
of barrels under the window. Hanging from hooks nearby are (choose randomly). Regardless of which NPC is present, the
two buckets used to fill the tubs. other can be found in area U3.
Sestra’s black hair is pulled back from her face in a pony-
T1g. Basement Door. This door is bolted from the inside (see tail. Her tanned face and arms are scarred and bruised from
area T1c above for door statistics). countless fights. She is temperamental, but her rogue skills and
riding ability serve Harular well.
T1h. Storage. Wooden shelves line the east wall of this other- k Sestra, Female Human Ftr2/Rog2: CR 4; Medium-size
wise empty room. They are stacked with mundane supplies Humanoid (5 ft. 6 in. tall); HD 2d10+2 (Ftr) plus 2d6+2 (Rog);
including blankets, bottles, candles, firewood, flint and steel, hp 29; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15 (touch 12, flat-footed 13); Atk
boxes of tools, lanterns, oil flasks, ropes, sacks, and saddle- +6 melee (1d8+2/crit ×3, masterwork warhammer) or +5
bags. A wooden staircase ends at a bolted wooden door lead- ranged (1d8/crit 19–20, light crossbow); SA sneak attack +1d6;
ing outside (see area T1g). SQ evasion; AL NE; SV Fort +4, Ref +5, Will –1; Str 14, Dex 15,
Con 12, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 10.
Skills: Climb +5, Craft (trapmaking) +1, Disable Device +4, by hostile PCs, she withdraws to area U3 to alert Ghosgor and
Hide +4, Listen +0, Move Silently +4, Open Lock +4, Search the others. Lyrr is cowardly and uses expeditious retreat to
+1, Ride +6, Swim +5, Tumble +5. Feats: Dodge, Mobility, outrun pursuers, finding courage only when he is joined by
Mounted Combat, Ride-By Attack. other members of Harular’s Claws.
Possessions: Masterwork studded leather armor, master- Trap (EL 1): Sestra has weakened two of the rungs on the
work warhammer, light crossbow with 10 bolts, potion of spi- north ladder, about 10 feet down the shaft. Unless a rogue points
der climb, pouch containing 55 gp and 30 sp, necklace of brass out the subtle sawmarks with a successful Search check (DC
dragon wyrmling teeth, ring made from an orc toe bone. 15), the first PC who descends or climbs the ladder causes two
Lyrr is a slim weasel of a man with oily black hair hidden of the rungs to break away. On a failed Reflex save (DC 14),
under a red leather cap. His features are pale and angular, and the PC falls and takes 2d6 points of damage. The trap cannot
he wears a red and black vest that has seen better days. He be disabled (unless PCs take time to glue or replace the dam-
serves Harular by gathering information on villages the brig- aged rungs) but is easily avoided once detected.
ands plan to raid; some find his dry wit amusing. a Weakened Ladder: CR 1; 2d6 points of damage; Reflex
k Lyrr, Male Human Brd4: CR 4; Medium-size Humanoid save (DC 14) negates; Search (DC 15); Disable Device (n/a).
(5 ft. 7 in. tall); HD 4d6; hp 16; Init +2; Spd 30 ft ; AC 12 (touch
12, flat-footed 10); Atk +4 melee (1d6/crit 19–20, masterwork T2. Uhlstan Farm. This farmstead plays an important role in the
short sword) or +5 ranged (1d6/crit ×3, composite shortbow); story. Less than a year ago, eight-year-old Tamara Uhlstan
SA bardic music; SQ bardic knowledge; AL NE; SV Fort +1, Ref died when she reportedly fell into a dry wellshaft over which
+4, Will +6; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 6, Cha 15. the family’s barn had been built decades earlier. As the story
Skills: Appraise +7, Bluff +6, Concentration +2, Disguise +5, goes, rotten floorboards in one of the stables gave way
Escape Artist +7, Gather Information +9, Hide +6, Listen +2 beneath her, dropping the child 30 feet to her death. The hor-
(includes Alertness feat), Move Silently +6, Perform (ballad, rified parents recovered the corpse and brought Tamara to
buffoonery, comedy, dance, lute, mime, storytelling) +9, Pick the temple, but Andress was unable to do anything but admin-
Pocket +4, Spot +2 (includes Alertness feat), Use Magic Device ister last rites. (If questioned as to why she did not raise the
+4. Feats: Alertness, Combat Casting, Iron Will. child, Andress claims that, at the time, she lacked sufficient faith
Spells Prepared (3/3/1, base save DC = 12 + spell level): 0— in Ilmater to call upon such a great blessing.)
dancing lights, daze, ghost sound, mage hand, open/close, read The true fate of Tamara Uhlstan is far more gruesome:
magic; 1st—charm person, expeditious retreat, message; 2nd— Andress’s undead minions were extending the catacombs and
hold person, mirror image. tunnels under Twilight Hollow when they broke through the
Possessions: Masterwork short sword, composite shortbow wall of a dried-up well, over which the Uhlstans had built their
with 16 arrows, lute, scroll of undetectable alignment. barn. The zombies clamored up the shaft, tore through the
Tactics: Sestra is not afraid to take the fight to her enemy, floorboards of the barn, and hid in the shadows. When Tamara
but she prefers to have allies watching her back. If confronted entered the barn in the morning, the zombies ambushed her,
dragged her below, and tore her limb
from limb. Upon learning what had hap-
pened, Andress used a make whole spell
on the girl’s corpse, placed it at the bot-
tom of the well to be found by her dis-
traught parents, and instructed her
zombies to fix the hole in the wellshaft.
Lamarr and Rellyth Uhlstan sold the
farm to the church and moved away
with their surviving daughter. Andress
had a trapdoor built over the wellshaft in
the barn and placed a pair of acolytes at
the farm to guard this entrance to the
catacombs. Members of Harular’s Claws
use the barn as a place to rest and hide
their horses.
72 january/february 2002
Skills: Climb +0*, Handle Animal +4, Ride +3, Swim –1*. Feats: s Locked Iron Door: 2 in. thick; Hardness 10; hp 60; Break
Cleave, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (battleaxe), Weapon (DC 28); Open Lock (DC 28).
Specialization (battleaxe). s Locked Wooden Door: 2 in. thick; Hardness 5; hp 20;
*Includes –8 armor check penalty for full plate and shield. Break (DC 23); Open Lock (DC 25).
Possessions: Full plate, large steel shield, helmet, +1 battle- A semicircular stone dais set against the far wall of the 20-
axe, mighty composite shortbow [+4] with 30 arrows, 60 gp. foot-deep, 30-foot-wide tomb supports Shaunnra’s coffin. The
d Orcs (6): hp 4 each; Monster Manual 146. coffin lid is closed, and only Andress can open it without trig-
d Heavy War Horses (12): hp 30 each; Monster Manual gering the Trap. The coffin holds Shaunnra’s body as well as
197. the paladin’s equipment (see Treasure below).
Tactics: Once the PCs are detected, the four orcs in the loft Trap (EL 2): Andress has placed a sonic glyph of warding on
leap down into melee (using small piles of hay to cushion their the coffin, filling the tomb with an ear-splitting scream when
jumps). Vochnar orders the remaining two orcs to hold off the the lid is raised by someone not authorized to do so.
heroes while he uses the trapdoor to flee. Once in the tunnels, a Sonic Glyph of Warding: CR 2; 5-foot radius; 4d8 points
the half-orc gathers reinforcements from areas U10 and U13 of sonic damage; Reflex save (DC 17) for half damage; Search
and heads to area U26, where he and his sergeants make their (DC 28); Disable Device (DC 28); Dispel (DC 19).
final stand. The fatalistic orcs left behind fight to the death (“for Treasure: Shaunnra’s corpse, upon which Andress has cast
the glory of Gruumsh!”) gentle repose, is dressed in +2 half-plate. Clasped in the young
Development: The war horses have brands identifying their woman’s hands is a +1 holy longsword with a lion-shaped hilt,
rightful owners. If the PCs see fit to return them, they are and resting atop the body is the paladin’s +1 large steel shield of
rewarded 200 gp per horse. light fortification. The shield is painted with the sign of Ilmater
(a pair of white hands bound at the wrists with a red cord).
T2d. Outhouse. This unremarkable wooden shack has a wild
hedge growing on two sides of it. T5. Temple of Ilmater.
Development: If the PCs spy on the farmstead, there’s a
30% chance per hour that one of the farm’s residents (Hlann, The temple is made of enormous blocks of dark stone neatly
Lornyk, Vochlar, or an orc) visits the outhouse. mortared together. Jutting from the building’s bleak, win-
dowless façade are two galleries perforated with arrow slits.
T2e. Grain Silo. This wooden tower has an access chute at its The entrance, which reminds you of a gaping mouth, stands
base. The silo is currently empty and not in use. between these galleries. A raised wooden portcullis gives the
entrance the illusion of having teeth. A rain-drenched court-
T2f. Well. This well was dug when the old one (under the barn) yard lies beyond this gate. Rising up from the center of the
dried up. The shaft is 30 feet deep and contains 10 feet of courtyard is the stone lip of a cistern.
fresh, drinkable water. A bucket rigged to a metal winch by an
old, frayed rope allows one to fetch water easily. The one-story edifice has a long entryway (area T5a) end-
ing in a diamond-shaped courtyard open to the sky (area T5b).
T3. Statue of Ilmater. The roof of the temple is flat and enclosed by a 3-foot-high
crenelated wall. Access to the roof is granted by a spiral stair-
Atop a tall, rectangular plinth of granite stands a life-sized case (area T5l).
statue of a robed figure. The sculpture must once have been
exquisite. Now, it has rain stains that flow down the stone. T5a. Path of Sufferance. This walkway is open to the sky and
The gray watermarks follow the contours of the carving, watched by the archers stationed in areas T5c and T5d.
shadowing the folds of the statue’s robes and dripping down
the figure’s stony cheeks like tears from its eyes. T5b. Courtyard. The portcullis is raised and lowered by the
winches in areas T5c and T5d. It is normally raised but can be
This statue of Ilmater is somewhat diminished by the great dropped with a standard action using either winch. Its great
temple standing behind it. A weather-worn inscription on the size makes it hard to lift by other means.
statue’s base reads (in Common): “Ilmater protect us and give s Heavy Wooden Portcullis: 6 in. thick; Hardness 5; hp 60;
us faith. Your suffering brings us strength.” Break (DC 32); Strength check to lift (DC 32). Up to eight
Medium-size creatures can attempt to lift the portcullis at once
T4. Shaunnra’s Tomb. (four per side).
The stone cistern in the courtyard collects rain water; in
A small tomb stands behind the temple of Ilmater in a clear- dry months, the clerics use create water spells to ensure that
ing enclosed to the north by dark trees. Iron vines weave the cistern is never empty.
over the tomb’s recently mortared stone walls. An iron door The two sets of double doors leading into the temple are not
faces the road. Carved into the stonework above the portal locked, but they can be barred from the inside.
is a single word: SHAUNNRA. s Barred Wooden Doors: 4 in. thick; Hardness 5; hp 40;
Break (DC 28).
Andress used village labor to build Shaunnra’s tomb. The
entrance is blocked by two doors: a locked outer door made of T5c. West Gallery. Eight arrow slits line this otherwise fea-
iron and a locked inner door of sturdy wood. Andress has the tureless stone gallery. The winch for the portcullis in area T5b
keys to both. is built into one wall.
74 january/february 2002
Creature (EL —): A temple archer stands guard here. If an T5f. Cloisters. Each of these ten rooms contains a wooden cot,
attacking force tries to enter the temple, he uses the winch to a small desk and chair, and a tiny shrine to Ilmater (basically a
lower the portcullis and takes aim at foes with his shortbow. latched box holding a wooden effigy of Ilmater and incense).
Behind the arrow slits, he has nine-tenths cover (+10 AC, +4 These rooms are used by Andress’s acolytes. Five of the
cover bonus to Reflex saves). clerics are loyal worshipers of Ilmater, but the five most recent
k Guard, Male Human War1: CR 1; Medium-size Humanoid; additions to Andress’s order are clerics of Loviatar. Only the
HD 1d8; hp 5; Init +4; AC 13 (touch 10, flat-footed 13) or 23 clerics of Ilmater are present, however, as Andress keeps her
(touch 20, flat-footed 23); Atk +1 melee (1d6/crit 19–20, short evil servitors busy in the catacombs below the village. (The
sword); or +1 ranged (1d6/crit ×3, shortbow); AL LG; SV Fort good acolytes believe that Andress sends them abroad to
+2, Ref +0, Will –1; Str 13, Dex 10, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 10. spread faith in Ilmater.)
Skills: Climb +2*, Jump +2*, Ride +2. Feats: Improved Initiative, Creatures (EL —): The five acolytes of Ilmater who serve
Quick Draw. under Andress are named Gwenned (see Event 3), Paraster,
*Includes –1 armor check penalty for studded leather armor. Relx, Kendra, and Gaelan. None of them suspects Andress’s
Possessions: Studded leather armor, short sword, shortbow true motives, although Relx has suspicions about one of his
with 30 arrows, 2d6 gp in pouch. mistress’s new followers, a foul-mouthed and unfriendly cleric
named Dyrch (see area U5). Relx plans to cast detect evil on
T5d. East Gallery. This gallery is similar to area T5b. Dyrch the next time he returns “from abroad.”
Creature (EL —): One archer is stationed here. See area T5b k Gwenned and Paraster, Female and Male Human Clr2
for statistics and equipment. (5): CR 2; Medium-size Humanoid; HD 2d8; hp 11; Init +0; AC
10; Spd 30 ft.; Atk +1 melee (1d6, light mace); SA turn undead
T5e. Lavatory. Each of these two chambers contains a pair of 7/day, spells; AL LG; SV Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +4; Str 11, Dex
stone wash basins carved into the wall. The basins are fed by 10, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 11.
small cisterns on the roof; stone spigots allow the clerics to Skills: Concentration +5, Diplomacy +5, Heal +6, Knowledge
start or stop the flow of water. (When the roof cisterns are (religion) +6. Feats: Combat Casting, Extra Turning.
dry, the clerics fill the basins with water from the cistern in the Spells (4/3+1, base save DC = 11 + spell level): 0—detect
courtyard.) magic, guidance, light, virtue; 1st—bless, cure light wounds†,
In one corner sits a chair with a hole carved into the seat. magic weapon, sanctuary.
A wooden bowl tucked underneath catches the waste. †
Domain spell. Domains: Healing (cast healing spells at +1
level), Law (cast law spells at +1 caster level).
76 january/february 2002
• A scroll tells how clerics of Ilmater stormed the Talosian chance); and targets 20 feet and beyond have total conceal-
temple in the western valley. It lists those martyred in the bat- ment (50% miss chance, and must guess target’s location). See
tle. Shaunnra was named after one of the holy warriors who page 133 of the Player’s Handbook for concealment rules.
perished in the conflict.
• The PCs find a scroll listing Andress and Shaunnra as new Event 5. The Valley
acolytes in the service of Ilmater. The scroll describes the cer-
emony in which they took the vows to begin training as pal- The trip across the sloping hills takes several hours. You see
adins. It is dated 15 years ago. The scroll also mentions that farmers tending their fields and shepherds walking among
Andress and Shaunnra served His Holiness Ransoth, high cleric their flocks. You spot farmhouses with smoke curling from
of Twilight Hollow. their chimneys. In the distance, mountaintops peek at you
• A scroll records the death of Ransoth six months prior to over the shoulders of the foothills.
the start of the adventure, and his replacement by Andress Eventually, you top a small hill and the valley comes into
shortly thereafter. sight. More a crevice than a valley, the sides rise at sharp
angles. A thick fog lurks there, rising from the ground itself
T5l. Stairs To Roof. The door to this staircase is bolt-locked, and sitting fat and heavy between the enclosing ridges on
and Andress carries the key. The door, which is reinforced either side. The broken ends of a wooden trestle bridge hang
with iron bands, is difficult to break down. from the hillsides. Sharp-edged remnants jut into mid-air.
s Iron-reinforced Wooden Door: 2 in. thick; Hardness 8; hp The trails that once continued to either side of the bridge
20; Break (DC 28); Open Lock (DC 25). now disappear in the forest, neglected and overgrown.
The spiral steps lead to a flat rooftop enclosed by a 3-foot- More impressive still are the shadows that cling to the
high crenelated wall. One can stand on the roof and see the valley. The wall of fog looms over you as you get closer. The
rest of the village, as well as peer down into the courtyard (area ground takes on a sucking wetness that clings with muddy
T5b) or stand above the galleries (areas T5c and T5d). squelches. The smell of mildew and rotting vegetation
offends your nose.
T5m. Temple.
Specific areas of interest in the valley are noted below. The
This is the heart of the temple. Ten rows of pine pews face nature of the terrain makes it difficult for the heroes to know
an enormous, sculpted and painted mural of the god Ilmater, what lies ahead. Not only does the fog limit their visibility, the
whose sublime tears somehow convey both anguish and marsh itself gives few clues as to what lies beyond the current
strength. In front of the painted bas-relief rests an altar tangle of tall reeds, deadwood, overgrown bushes, weeping
draped in white cloth with two wooden candlesticks on it.
The white incense candles give the temple a sour scent. A
pair of stone fonts carved to resemble cherubim stand near
the temple’s foyers.
willows, and other vegetation. Even the most navigable patches The valley home to many crawling and swarming insects.
are overgrown with moss-draped trees, bushes, and vines. These are a relatively minor nuisance, but reminding the PCs
The PCs have a few options: They can use fly spells and of their presence heightens the atmosphere.
similar magic to avoid overland exploration, they can scale the There are two planned encounters in the valley: Event 6
ridges to observe the valley from above (although the fog will occurs as the PCs make their way toward the ruins of Tempest
hide just about everything of interest), or they can plod through Tower, and Event 7 occurs as they prepare to leave the valley.
the marshes on foot or horseback. The following boxed text Feel free to include random encounters as you see fit.
assumes that the PCs move across the floor of the valley:
Event 6. The Hag
Moss-covered trees resemble hulking creatures that emerge With the departure of the devourer, the green hag Skriku has
from the fog to menace you. Vines threaten to trip you at become the undisputed mistress of the marsh. Andress warned
every turn. Insects hum their disgruntlement at your intru- the green hag druid that the PCs might show up, so the hag lis-
sion. Just when you think the ground has begun to feel more tens for them. Skriku, her stirge animal companions, and her
solid, it gives way to mud that threatens to tug off a boot or shambling mound “consort” can navigate the bogs and under-
send you sprawling face-first into the marsh. Creatures rus- growth without impediment, and the shambler is not visually
tle the underbrush just out of sight. Moisture settles on your hampered by the fog.
skin like a chilling death-mist. After a few minutes of plod- Creatures (EL 6 for the shambling mound, EL 8 for Skriku
ding through the fog, you begin to see great chunks of slick, and her stirges): The hag tests the party’s strength by order-
shattered stone jutting from the marsh like the slimy teeth ing the shambler to attack the PCs. The shambling mound
and claws of some enormous, petrified beast. moves through the foliage and twisted undergrowth and has a
This would be a terrible place to die. chance of catching the PCs flat-footed. (It also has a 10-foot
reach.) As the PCs battle the shambler, Skriku casts change
There are three types of terrain in the valley: boggy marsh, self to appear as an old woman. She then uses detect magic to
islands of thick vegetation, and warm-water streams. Each type determine the number, strength, and auras of magic items in
of terrain presents challenges to visitors: the party’s possession. If the PCs overcome the shambling
Boggy Marsh: The valley’s hot springs not only cause the mound, Skriku appears before them in disguise:
fog but also create small, warm mires and lagoons that collect
fallen trees and other debris. The marsh rarely gets any deeper Your victory is tempered by the arrival of a withered crone.
than 4 feet but cannot easily be navigated without a boat or The old woman steps from the fog into view 20 feet away.
raft. All PCs and horses are considered entangled. Entangled Perched on each of her bony shoulders is a tiny, bat-winged
creatures suffer a –2 penalty to attack rolls, a –4 penalty to creature with a needlelike proboscis.
effective Dexterity, cannot run or charge, and move at half The crone’s face splits into a wide grin. “I see now what
speed. The boggy marsh has no adverse effect on spellcasting, the ruckus is about. Someone finally slew the shambling
however. PCs can use magic (such as freedom of movement mound that’s been eating my favorite pets! My name is
spells) to avoid being entangled. As the DM, you might allow Skriku. What brings you to my home?”
Escape Artist checks (DC 15) in combat to negate the penalties
to attack rolls and effective Dexterity. A druid with woodland Skriku and Andress came to an understanding, and now
stride can move through this terrain without impediment. Skriku rules the valley with Andress’s support. They have a
Islands of Thick Vegetation: When the PCs or their mounts truce. Skriku suspects that the PCs have come in search of the
first enter an area of thick vegetation, they must succeed at a creature that slew Shaunnra the paladin and her squire, but
Wilderness Lore check (DC 18) or become entangled in the she is not prepared to impart any useful information.
undergrowth. Entangled PCs can move only at half speed, can’t If questioned, she imparts the following information:
run or charge, and suffer a –2 penalty to attack rolls and a –4 • “A paladin came to the valley looking for trouble. She
penalty to effective Dexterity. To cast a spell, an entangled PC found it in the form of a string of will-o’-wisps that lurk in the
must succeed at a Concentration check (DC 15) or lose the spell. ruined foundation of Tempest Tower. The will-o’-wisps killed
A druid with woodland stride can move through this terrain both the paladin and her squire.” (False. Although the will-o’-
without impediment. wisps are real, they did not kill Shaunnra and Marthos. Skriku
Warm-water Streams: These 5-foot-deep, slow-moving just wants the PCs to destroy the creatures so she can explore
streams are fed by hot springs and choked with sludge and the dungeon complex beneath the ruined tower.)
decaying matter. Any creature moving through or across a • “A band of brigands came through the valley a while back.
stream must succeed at a Swim check (DC 12) or become They, too, were killed by the will-o’-wisps. Nasty balls of light!”
checked (unable to move in any direction). A checked PC or (False. Andress told Skriku that the PCs might inquire about
horse can make a new Swim or Strength check each round to brigands in the valley. Again, the green hag wants the PCs to
resume normal movement. A checked creature can attack a destroy the will-o’-wisps.)
foe within melee range, make ranged attacks, and cast spells Skriku allows the PCs to continue to the ruins unmolested,
without penalty. hoping they destroy the two will-o’-wisps there (see area V5).
Rubble: The toppling of Tempest Tower filled the valley with If the PCs are successful but weakened by the encounter,
huge chunks of half-shattered stone. Climbing these slippery Skriku takes advantage of the situation and attacks. If the PCs
monoliths requires a successful Climb check (DC 25). The destroy the will-o’-wisps without suffering any major injuries
stony protrusions are spaced too far apart to use as a means or losses, Skriku waits until they leave before exploring the
of circumventing travel through the wet marshland. dungeon under the ruined tower (areas V5a–V5i).
78 january/february 2002
d Skriku, Green Hag Drd2: CR 7; Medium-sized Monstrous remove all signs of her passing. She then follows the PCs
Humanoid; HD 9d8+9 (hag) plus 2d8+2 (Drd); hp 57; Init +5; underwater for awhile and carefully chooses her moment to
Spd: 30 ft., swim 30 ft.; AC 22 (touch 11, flat-footed 21); Atk +14 attack. She prefers charismatic females to others.
melee (1d4+4, 2 claws); SQ woodland stride, animal compan- The green hag has no trouble moving through the valley,
ions, spell-like abilities, weakness, mimicry; SQ darkvision 90 thanks to her woodland stride ability. If the PCs stick together,
ft., SR 18; AL NE; SV Fort +9 (includes Great Fortitude feat), Skriku casts entangle to slow them down.
Ref +7, Will +10; Str 19, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 10. Keep in mind that Skriku has above-average intelligence.
Skills: Animal Empathy +2, Concentration +13, Diplomacy +1, She uses animal friendship and invisibility to animals spells and
Handle Animal +1, Heal +3, Hide +11, Intuit Direction +3, her Animal Empathy skill to keep on good terms with the other
Knowledge (nature) +5, Listen +11, Spot +11, Wilderness Lore creatures in the marsh. Because she just wants to kill the PCs,
+3. Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Casting, Great she might drive or lure them toward one of the other monsters.
Fortitude, Improved Initiative.
SA—Weakness (Su): Touch attack; target must succeed at a Event 7. The Squire
Fort save (DC 13) or take 2d4 points of temporary Str damage. This encounter occurs after the PCs have wasted precious
SA—Mimicry (Ex): Skriku can imitate the sounds of almost time exploring the valley and the dungeons of Tempest Tower.
any animal found nearby. The ghost of Shaunnra’s slain squire, Marthos, appears astride
SA—Spell-like Abilities: At will, as cast by an 8th-level sor- his spectral mount as the PCs leave the valley:
cerer (save DC = 10 + spell level): change self, dancing lights,
ghost sound, invisibility, pass without trace, tongues, water The pale apparition of a tattered and torn young man emerges
breathing. silently from the fog astride a translucent gray war horse. The
Druid Spells (4/3, base save DC = 11 + spell level): 0—detect spirit wears a tunic decorated with an embroidered symbol of
magic, flare, resistance, virtue; 1st—animal friendship, entangle, Ilmater. His eyes convey an eternity of grief. Now, looking at
invisibility to animals. you, the man’s face shifts and changes, hardening into rage.
Possessions: Gnarled staff (used for probing the depths of You can almost sense his frustrated need for vengeance.
bogs), locket showing the wife of a dead half-elf adventurer (10
gp), potion of cure moderate wounds. Marthos’s spirit cannot rest because he feels he let down
d Stirges (2): hp 5 each; Monster Manual 173. his mistress. The ghost roams the valley, searching for Shaunnra
d Shambling Mound (1): hp 60; Monster Manual 162. and bemoaning her death. It views anyone in the area as an
Tactics: If attacked, Skriku orders her stirges to fight while enemy unless convinced otherwise. (Skriku the green hag was
she flees into the fog and uses her pass without trace ability to able to persuade the ghost to leave her alone.)
80 january/february 2002
V4. Moldering Corpse. V5a. Undercroft. The damp, mold-encrusted staircase leading
from the surface to this room switches back several times,
The landscape rises somewhat and offers more solid footing. descending a total of 90 feet. Assuming the PCs have a light
Chunks of hewn stone and large slivers of wood appear out source or darkvision, read or paraphrase the following:
of the fog, littering your path as you near the temple ruins.
The debris gradually becomes more prevalent, and you come The stone steps end at one corner of a roughly octagonal
to a wall. The wall curves in a wide circle and varies in height room supported by three stone pillars. Directly across from
from 5 to 25 feet. The majority of that stone building now the stairs is an empty niche. Tunnels to the north and east
lies in rubble around you. collapse after 20 feet so so, but a tunnel to the west contin-
Gaps in the ruin allow you to pass through wall of stones. ues for 40 feet before opening into another room. Another
Due east of the ruin, among some smaller shattered stones, mold-encrusted staircase descends to the south.
you spot a moldering humanoid corpse.
None of the rooms in this dungeon are illuminated, and ceil-
The corpse belongs to a half-elf rogue named Nellfar who ings are a uniform 10 feet high throughout. The niche in the
came to the valley in search of treasure. He managed to slip northeast wall once held a clay golem, but this guardian was
past Skriku and her guardians but was caught flat-footed by summoned into battle when the tower was attacked and sum-
the will-o’-wisps in area V5. He tried to flee but was eventu- marily destroyed. A 6-foot-wide circular secret door (Search,
ally killed here. Skriku later found and looted his body; she car- DC 15) dominates the southeast wall and is opened by rolling it
ries with her a locket taken from the half-elf and keeps the rest into the wall to the left. The collapsed section in the north tun-
of his gear in area V6d. nel can be cleared with 12 man-hours of work; beyond the col-
Development: The following information can be gleaned by lapse lies a hidden chamber (area V5c).
casting a speak with dead spell on the slain half-elf (who was Development: Light sources or loud noise in this area alerts
a neutral evil 5th-level rogue): the creatures in area V5b, which arrive in 1 round.
What is your name? “Nellfar Shadowblade.”
Why did you come here? “Treasure.” V5b. Crawler Lair.
What killed you? “Orbs of light.”
How did the “orbs” kill you? “With bolts of lightning.” This room is roughly the same size and shape as the one to
Where did you encounter them? “Ruins.” the east. Between four stone pillars, a large puddle of murky
Any questions about Shaunnra, Marthos, Skriku, Harular’s water has formed. The water spills into the room through a
Claws or other valley denizens receive a standard response: “I pair of narrow, rough-hewn passages in the north wall and
don’t know.” exits through three similar passages in the south wall.
V5. Tempest Tower Ruins. The tunnels to the north and south were formed by water
erosion. They are tubelike, 3 feet wide, and carved from clay.
The great edifice that once stood here is now but a jumbled Creatures (EL 7): Three carrion crawlers entered this room
ruin surrounding you. The tall splinters of hewn rock form through the north passages. One clings to the northeast pillar
countless nooks and crannies large enough to conceal vari- (within tentacles’ reach of the room’s entrance), one clings to
ous lurking beasts. Emanating from within one of these cran- the north wall, and the third clings to the ceiling over the cen-
nies, near to the ground, is a dim yellow light. tral pool. They attack on sight and fight until slain.
d Carrion Crawlers (3): hp 19 each; Monster Manual 29.
The light emanates from a descending stone staircase set in
the ground. The staircase is partially covered by a massive V5c. The Digging Machine.
chunk of stone. Moving the 10-foot-wide, 20-foot-long, 12-foot
tall stone is difficult given its size (Strength check, DC 40), but A thin layer of mud and slime covers the floor of this dark,
Medium-size PCs can squeeze through the narrow opening 40-foot-square chamber. Hunched in the middle of room,
with a successful Escape Artist check (DC 15). Small creatures nearly scraping the 10-foot-high ceiling, is a hulking creature
have no trouble slipping through the hole and descending the with an insectoid head, enormous mandibles, and great claws
staircase. However, any PC who approaches within 5 feet of that drag on the floor.
the staircase incurs the wrath of two hiding will-o’-wisps (the
source of the dim yellow light). The creature standing in the middle of the room is actually
Creatures (EL 8): PCs who approach the will-o’-wisps are a mechanical umber hulk built by the clerics of Talos. It is not
attacked. The will-o’-wisps shun PCs with protection from evil or an animated construct but rather a digging tool. A hatch in the
protection from chaos (or magic circle variations of these spells) back of the 10-foot tall hulk hides a compartment designed to
cast on them, using their natural invisibility to hide until the accommodate one Small or Medium-size humanoid. The hatch
warded interlopers depart. can be locked from the inside.
d Will-o’-Wisps (2): hp 40 each; Monster Manual 183. The digging machine is controlled by a series of levers and
Development: Shaunnra’s protection from evil aura kept the pedals. Figuring out how the gizmos work requires a success-
will-o’-wisps at bay. Rather than explore the covered staircase, ful Knowledge (architecture and engineering) check (DC 20).
the paladin and her squire followed splashing footfalls—actually The hulk can burrow (5 feet per round through rock, 10 feet
Skriku’s ghost sound spell—southwest, where they encountered per round through soft or loose earth) or attack. The four
the devourer (area V7). “eyes” enable the driver to see forward and both forward
flanks. The digging machine provides total cover for the driver, Treasure: The operational digging machine can be sold to
but it is not airtight and does not protect the driver against gas an interested buyer for 32,000 gp, minus 400 gp per point of
attacks. It also affords no protection against electrical attacks, damage it has sustained.
against which the driver can make no saving throw (unless she
bails out of the machine). V5d. Tomb of the Stormriders. The following boxed text assumes
If the digging machine is reduced to 0 hit points, it releases that the PCs enter the room via the north stairs. The text should
its magical energy in a 20-foot-radius explosion of twisted be modified if the PCs enter through the narrow, tubelike pas-
shrapnel that deals 6d6 points of damage; a successful Reflex sages to the west.
save (DC 14) halves the damage. Make whole and similar spells
can repair the hulk (restoring its lost hit points) but cannot ani- The stairs descend to a T-shaped room flooded with murky
mate it; an animate objects spell accompanied by a permanency water. Against the walls stand thirteen sarcophagi, their lids
spell must be cast on the hulk to make it operational. carved to resemble priestly figures with clenched fists and
The digging machine radiates moderate Transmutation magic terrible scowls. Stylized lightning bolts adorn the sides and
under the scrutiny of detect magic. A successful dispel magic edges of these stone caskets.
(DC 25) renders the device inoperable for 1d4 rounds; a suc-
cessful break enchantment spell (DC 25) negates the magic The stagnant water flooding this room is 1 foot deep and
that powers the hulk. carries a foul stench. The thirteen sarcophagi are not attached
s Digging Machine: Large Construct; Hardness 10; hp 80; to the walls and can be moved or tipped over with a success-
Init –2; Spd 20 ft., burrow 5 ft. (100 ft. through soft or loose ful Strength check (DC 20). The sarcophagus lids are snug and
earth); AC 17 (touch 7, flat-footed 17); Atk +6 melee (2d4+6, 2 must be forced or broken open.
claws), +1 melee (2d8+3, bite); Reach 10 ft.; SQ provides total s Sarcophagus Lid: 2 in. thick; Hardness 8; hp 45; Break
cover for driver, construct; AL —; SV Fort +0, Ref –2, Will —; (DC 23); Strength check to open (DC 18).
Str 23, Dex 6, Con —, Int —, Wis —, Cha —. Twelve of the thirteen sarcophagi contain the mummified
SQ—Construct: The digging machine is immune to mind- bones of Stormriders, clerics of Talos who wrought havoc
influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, across the realm before the fall of Tempest Tower. Water has
death effects, necromantic effects, and death from massive seeped into some of the sarcophagi, moldering the mummies
damage. It is not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, abil- and their bandages. None of the mummies or sarcophagi hold
ity damage, ability drain, or energy drain and is immune to any treasure (but see below).
effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also PCs who move aside the two sarcophagi in the lower west
works on objects, such as disintegrate). end of the room discover two 3-foot-wide, tubelike passages
s Metal Hatch: 1 in. thick; Hardness 10; hp 10; Break (DC at the base of the wall. Both lead to a network of narrow pas-
28); Open Lock (DC 28). sages that eventually connect to areas V5b and V5f.
82 january/february 2002
The sarcophagus that stands in the middle of the south wall V5f. Dead Meazel.
is empty and conceals a secret door. (PCs inspecting the sar-
cophagus can detect the secret door with a DC 15 Search check.) The tubular, half-flooded, 3-foot-wide tunnel widens into a
Opening the lid causes the whole sarcophagus to pivot to one roughly circular, 10-foot-wide alcove with a dry ledge 1 foot
side, revealing a secret vault beyond (area V5e). Unfortunately, above the water level. Slumped in one corner of this niche
this also triggers the Trap. is a small humanoid skeleton covered in a layer of glistening,
Trap (EL 6): Opening the secret sarcophagus door triggers a yellowish-brown slime. Still clutched in the skeleton’s hand is
greater glyph of warding left behind by the Stormpriests of Talos. a shiny dagger that seems to have weathered the passage of
The greater glyph releases a blast of electricity that not only time and the dampness.
engulfs the sarcophagus but also courses through the water,
potentially damaging anyone standing in the flooded room. (It The skeleton is all that remains of a meazel recently slain by
does not affect PCs in the narrow passages west of the chamber. an ochre jelly.
a Greater Glyph of Warding: CR 6; 5 ft. radius (plus see Creature (EL 5): The ochre jelly still coats its most recent
above); 10d8 points of electrical damage; Reflex save (DC 20) prey but lashes out at any PC coming within 10 feet.
for half damage; Search (DC 31); Disable Device (DC 31); Dispel d Ochre Jelly (1): hp 66; Monster Manual 145.
(DC 23). Treasure: The dead meazel grasps a +1 dagger with the abil-
ity to render its wielder invisible (as the invisibility spell, cast
V5e. Treasure Vault. by a 5th-level sorcerer) once per day. The dagger’s market
price is 2,763 gp.
Behind the sarcophagus you find another flooded chamber,
this one considerably smaller. A stone shelf is built across V5g. Blasting Bones.
the far wall of the room and holds eight hollow gourds made
of ceramic and painted with violent scenes. Above these The walls of this corridor are carved with 6-foot-tall, 5-
gourds, hanging on the south wall, is a small black shield foot-wide, 5-foot-deep niches. Lying in each niche is a neat
adorned with three lightning bolts and a black halfspear, its stack of bones and a skull with three black lightning bolts on
shaft wrapped in dark blue snakeskin or lizardskin. its forehead.
The items stored here represent Treasure left behind by the The bones and skulls in the northern niches radiate faint
Stormriders of Talos entombed in area V5d. Lifting or remov- necromantic auras when a detect magic spell is cast. The skulls
ing the shield from the wall triggers a Trap. also radiate faint Transmutation magic.
Trap (EL 4): A 1-inch-wide hole in the wall behind the shield Creatures/Trap (EL 7): If the PCs open the door to area
releases a blast of ungol dust when the shield is lifted or V5h or V5i, the skeletal remains in the northern niches ani-
removed. The dust fills the vault for 1 round. mate and attack. The skeletons were created by clerics of Talos
a Ungol Dust Trap: CR 4; affects any living creature in the using the cauldron of desecration (see area U33). The skele-
10-foot by 20-foot room; initial 1 temporary Cha, secondary tons gain a +1 profane bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and
1d6 temporary Cha + 1 permanent Cha, Fortitude save (DC 18) saves, and attempts to turn them suffer a –3 profane penalty.
negates; Search (DC 21); Disable Device (DC 25). Each skeleton has a sonic glyph of warding imprinted on its
Treasure: The twelve gourds contain magic potions, and the skull. A glyph discharges when the skeleton first takes damage.
images painted on each gourd offer clues as to the nature of An exploding glyph affects all creatures within 5 feet, includ-
their contents: ing other skeletons; thus, skeletons in close proximity could set
Gourd #1 depicts a dwarf barbarian thrashing several ene- off each other’s glyphs.
mies and holds a potion of heroism. The glyphs of warding are not triggered by a successful
Gourd #2 depicts an elf casting lightning bolts while cling- turning attempt and cannot be disabled once the skeletons are
ing to a ceiling and contains a potion of spider climb. animated. They can be dispelled, however.
Gourd #3 depicts a human warrior fending off tentacles The bones and skulls in the southern niches are neither
underwater with a spear; it holds a potion of water breathing. animated nor magical.
Gourd #4 has a scantily clad human woman wrestling with d Medium-size (Human) Skeletons (9): hp 7 each; Monster
a fiery salamander amid great flames; this fungal flask contains Manual 165.
a potion of protection from elements (fire). a Sonic Glyphs of Warding (9): CR 2; 5-foot-radius sonic
Gourd #5 depicts a gnome wizard in rune-covered robes blast; 3d8 points of damage; Reflex save (DC 17) for half dam-
breathing fire at a band of kobold warriors and contains a age; Search (DC 28); Disable Device (DC 28); Dispel (DC 17).
potion of fire breath.
Gourd #6 shows an armored troll fighter tearing the heart V5h. Mummification Chamber. Most of this room collapsed
out of a human foe and contains a potion of bull’s strength. with the fall of Tempest Tower.
Gourd #7 is black except for several pairs of evil, glowing PCs can spend time digging through the rubble, but they
eyes; this gourd holds a potion of darkvision. won’t find anything of value. The room was originally 40 feet
Gourd #8 depicts a dead warrior with a pair of daggers stuck deep, and buried under the rubble are four stone biers
in his back and holds a potion of sneaking. inscribed with symbols of Talos (recognized as such with a DC
The mounted shield is actually a +1 small wooden shield of 15 Knowledge—religion check). Clerics would lay bodies atop
lightning resistance. The spear, which is wrapped in shocker these biers to be embalmed and mummified. The remains of a
lizard hide, is a +1 shock halfspear. few tattered shrouds can also be found here and there.
84 january/february 2002
Apart from the gaping mouth, PCs can enter the head via V6d. Skriku’s Trove. This 30-foot-wide, 40-foot-high, partially
its left eye. Its right eye lies below the water line but is also flooded room contains the green hag’s hoard, detailed below.
open. (Skriku uses the submerged right eye to enter and leave Treasure: Above the water line, to the right of the entrance,
her lair.) The statue’s nostrils and left ear are simply concave is a shattered wooden beam jutting from the wall. Balanced
indentations filled with weeds. atop this beam is a locked wooden chest filled to the brim with
Development: If the PCs make a good deal of noise, make a purloined valuables:
Listen check for the denizen of area V6b. (If the PCs are mak- • a sack containing 326 gp and 125 sp;
ing no effort to silence themselves, assume they roll 0 on their • three potions (darkvision, delay poison, levitate);
Move Silently checks.) If the creature hears the PCs, it inves- • an arcane scroll (claws of darkness; see page 67 of the
tigates after 1 round. FORGOTTEN REALMS Campaign Setting);
• a divine scroll (dominate animal);
V6a. Behind the Face. The flooded space behind the “face” of • a bag of holding (type 1) containing a suit of +1 studded
Tempest Tower once consisted of two levels separated by a leather armor, a suit of masterwork half-plate, a silver basilisk
wooden floor. This floor splintered when the tower collapsed. statuette (40 gp) with two beads of force for eyes, a gold chal-
Broken-off timbers jut from the stonework where the floor ice with amethyst inlays (550 gp), a grappling hook tied to 50
used to be, but the floor itself exists only as a rotten pile of feet of silk rope, a healer’s kit, three bedrolls, and three back-
timbers under the water. packs stuffed with trail rations (enough for 15 days).
Light enters this area through the left eyehole, and the walls
are covered with weeds, mud and detritus. A layer of scum V7. Marthos’s Diary.
covers the water, forming a blackish-green skin.
Development: If the PCs make any noise, they attract the Through the clouds of insects you spot a hemispherical inden-
attention of the creature in area V6b, which emerges to attack. tation in the mud. Half-filled with water and mud, the earthen
If Skriku has retreated to her lair (area V6c) and detects any bowl suggests that something large and round once occupied
disturbance in the water, she swims into this area and tries to the space. Scattered among the reeds are numerous chunks
grapple, pin, and drown one of the characters. of broken stone, as well as humanoid bones.
V6b. Centipede Lair. This room sits above the water line but is With the help of Andress’s undead minions and a fiendish
nevertheless damp. Hairline cracks in the walls behind the head’s girallon lesser planar ally, the devourer removed the cauldron
left ear allow slivers of light to enter from outside. Rocks and of desecration that once sat in the bowl-shaped indentation;
debris have been pushed under the sideways arch leading to the both the devourer and its foul cauldron now reside in the cham-
room, providing a crude ramp. The room itself is empty except bers beneath Twilight Hollow (see area U33). Shaunnra struck
for its lone occupant (see Creature below). down a handful of skeletons before she was vanquished by the
Creature (EL 6): A 60-foot-long centipede nests in the cool devourer; the scattered humanoid bones are all that remain of
darkness. It does not consider the green hag tantalizing prey, these once-animated servants.
but it attacks anyone and everything else. PCs who inspect the area and make a successful Search
d Gargantuan Monstrous Centipede: hp 72; Monster Manual check (DC 15) find the rotted, mostly-devoured remains of a
208. light war horse and its rider: the remains of Marthos and his
mount. Tucked in one of the dead squire’s saddlebags is a
V6c. Skriku’s Trophy Room. The open doorway that leads to leather-bound diary. Moisture has taken its toll, warping the
this room lies 10 feet below the water level. Another open paper and smearing the ink. However, one section of Marthos’s
doorway leads to area T6d. Finding either portal in the murky
water requires a successful Search check (DC 15).
This sideways room is 15 feet wide. The green hag sleeps
on a bed of mud on the “floor” of the chamber. However,
swimming PCs who break through the skum that coats the sur-
face of the water can find a 20-foot-high pocket of air and a
doorway leading to the ruined spiral staircase.
Hanging from the “ceiling” of the room by fibrous ropes
made of reeds and dried intestines, suspended mere inches
above the water line, are four moldering humanoid corpses.
These are the remains of a band of adventurers who stumbled
upon the hag while exploring the valley. These fallen heroes
have been stripped of their belongings (Skriku placed the most
valuable items in area T6d) and hang as sanguine trophies. The
bodies dangling from four iron rungs bolted to the ceiling but
can be easily cut down.
Creature (EL 7 if Skriku is present): If she has withdrawn to
her lair, Skriku is either resting atop her bed of mud (30%
chance) or perched in the doorway to the spiral staircase,
admiring her trophies. She fights to the death to defend her
lair and her treasure.
diary remains intact. It reads: “My lady plans to travel to the If cornered by the PCs, Renadra explains that she’s not
far side of the mountains and find the elusive brigands known allowed to speak with them. She explains that the town doesn’t
as Harular’s Claws. I must accompany her and help her over- trust the PCs because Andress says that all strangers want to
come this foul scourge of the tradeways. Shaunnra has heard hurt the people of Twilight Hollow. If questioned further, she
rumors that Harular has dragon’s blood coursing through his informs them of Andress’s prophecy (see Event 2). If the PCs
veins. As Shaunnra’s squire, I’ve learned a great deal, but as succeed at a Diplomacy or Intimidate check (DC 15), she might
her adventuring partner, I will have a chance to prove myself. even tell them that Andress threatened to poke out her eyes
My life begins soon.” once. Renadra has also heard stories from other kids in town
claiming that “Her Ladyship” curses small children who make
her cross; this is what many children suspect happened to poor
PART III: UNDER TWILIGHT HOLLOW Tamara Uhlstan (see area T2). Renadra’s parents and Andress
dismiss her accusations as the overactive imaginings of a child.
The PCs might return to Twilight Hollow several times between k Renadra and Brenor Wrenbow, Human Com1 (2): CR —;
excursions to the ruins of Tempest Tower. The village itself does Small Humanoid; HD 1d4–1; hp 2 each; Init +0; Spd 20 ft.; AC 11
not change much in their absence, although the catacombs (touch 11, flat-footed 11); Atk –2 melee (1d2–2 subdual, punch or
beneath the village continue to shelter the sinister brigands wooden sword); AL LG; SV Fort –1, Ref +0, Will –1; Str 6, Dex
known as Harular’s Claws, the vile worshipers of Loviatar, and 10, Con 9, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 10.
the dreaded creature that has captured Shaunnra’s soul. Skills: Climb –1, Jump –1, Spot +0, Swim +0. Note: Because
Eventually the PCs should discover (either on their own or they are merely children, Renadra and Brenor receive only 4
by talking to Marthos’s ghost or the children in Events 8 and skill points (bonus skill points for being human) and no feats.
9) the secret catacombs beneath the village. There are several
entrances into the catacombs: Event 9. The Hero
• The Double Bolt Inn (area T1): A ladder in the cellar (area Two different situations might trigger this event. First, if the
T1m) leads to area U1. PCs can’t find the catacombs and are frustrated, use this
• The Uhlstan Farm (area T2): A hidden wellshaft in the barn encounter to drop them a solid hint. Second, if the PCs return
(area T2c) leads to area U8. from the catacombs before they’ve faced the devourer (area
• The Temple of Ilmater (area T5): A trapdoor in the secret U33), use this encounter to raise the stakes somewhat.
library (area T5k) leads to area U15. Renadra Wrenbow finds the heroes at the Double Bolt Inn
If Andress has no reason to believe that the PCs have found (or wherever they happen to be staying in the town). Her face
the catacombs, she leaves them be. Feel free to allow the PCs is streaked with tears as she flies into the arms of whichever
a chance to rest and recuperate in the town. However, if she hero she most adores or admires. Through tears and blubber-
learns that the PCs have found the catacombs, she instructs ing, Renadra explains that her little brother, Brenor, has wan-
Harular to eliminate them (see Event 10). dered off to fight the monsters. Before she continues, Renadra
makes the character cross his or her heart and swear not to
Event 8. The Innocents tell her parents. Eventually, she spills everything she knows:
This event can occur anytime after the PCs return from the Where has your brother gone? “To the old Uhlstan farm.”
ruins of Tempest Tower, preferably before they find a way into Why did Brenor go to the Uhlstan farm? “Some other boys
the catacombs. Run this encounter at a time when the PCs are say it’s haunted by the ghost of Tamara Uhlstan.”
resting, searching the village, questioning the locals, or merely Who is Tamara Uhlstan? “A young girl who died. She fell
killing time. down a well. Her Ladyship, Andress, tried to bring her back to
Creatures (EL —): Nine-year-old Renadra Wrenbow devel- life but couldn’t.”
ops a crush on a male PC or idolizes a female PC (determine Who lives on the Uhlstan farm now? “A man and a woman.
randomly, or chose the character with the highest Charisma I don’t know their names, but I think they’re married. They
score). Renadra follows the PC around as much as possible don’t have any kids or animals. I see them sometimes at the
without openly revealing herself. She lurks in the shadows and temple speaking with Her Ladyship before services. They
behind the corners of buildings, watching the character with moved in a couple months after the Uhlstans left town.”
her big, brown eyes. Her 8-year-old little brother, Brenor, tags What makes you think monsters live on the Uhlstan farm?
along, clutching his toy wooden sword and shield. He wears a “Brenor said he heard growls coming from the barn. I told him
home-made cape with fake magic symbols embroidered at the to stay away from that place because it’s haunted, but he said
collar, and he has pieces of cloth tied around his wrists to he wasn’t afraid of them. He’s taken daddy’s short sword and
resemble gauntlets. gone to slay the monsters. He thinks he’s a hero like you!”
Whenever the heroes return from the ruins, have them roll Development: Brenor, brave little man that he is, has decided
a Spot check (DC 10) to glimpse Renadra and Brenor spying on to emulate the heroes by vanquishing the “monsters” at the
them. If the PCs approach the children openly, they run away. Uhlstan farm with his wooden shield and his father’s short
Their father has warned them of big trouble should they talk sword. By the time the PCs reach the Uhlstan barn, Brenor has
to or approach the strangers. been captured by the orcs hiding there. If the PCs head to the
Renadra has experienced Andress’s mean side. The priestess farmstead immediately, they arrive before Vochnar can order
caught Renadra innocently poking through Shaunnra’s room at one of his orcs to take the boy to Sharloc (see area U13). If the
the church following a weekly sermon. She threatened the PCs dawdle, Brenor is dragged down into the catacombs and
child with punishments a cleric of Ilmater would never think to left to the mercy of the vile acolyte of Loviatar.
inflict. Renadra fled and harbors a strong fear of Andress.
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U5. Dyrch’s Room. The cots belong to Harular and Olipur (see Creatures for
details). PCs who peer beyond the curtain that divides the room
The southwest corner of this room has collapsed into a heap also see a pair of wooden chests (containing the Treasure) fit-
of rubble. A wooden mannequin draped in black cloth stands ted with iron clasps and leather straps that allow them to be
against the wall opposite the entrance. The mannequin’s transported by mounts.
wooden head is painted with black eyes and pierced with The saddles are designed to fit a pair of giant lizards that
black needles and hooks. In its hands it clutches a portable Harular has befriended with animal friendship spells. These
wooden shrine containing a small bowl and incense burner. creatures typically sleep in the western half of the room.
An unremarkable cot rests in the northwest corner. Creatures (EL 11): Harular, the offspring of a polymorphed
green dragon and a demented halfling sorcerer, rules a mot-
The mannequin is a representation of Loviatar assembled ley band of brigands known as Harular’s Claws. He has used
by the occupant of this room—an acolyte named Dyrch. his knowledge of the surrounding wilderness to avoid capture,
Creature (EL 2): Andress sent Dyrch to keep an eye on and he considers Andress Nagheson a powerful ally.
Harular’s Claws and make sure the brigands didn’t do any- Harular looks like a halfling with green scales, hornlets jut-
thing to jeopardize her plan to build a temple of Loviatar ting from his brow and chin, and a spiky crest instead of hair.
under the village. The repugnant, sycophantic acolyte was His hands resemble a dragon’s claws, and his oversized jaws
easily cowed by the half-dragon and his thugs; thus, Dyrch are lined with sharp yellow teeth.
spends most of his time inflicting small bodily cuts and Harular is joined by his most trusted lieutenant—a gnome
wounds on himself and dripping the blood in his small shrine’s rogue named Olipur—and two giant lizard animal companions.
sacrificial bowl. d Harular, Male Half-halfling/Half-dragon (Green) Rgr6:
Dyrch has numerous birth defects, including a hunched CR 8; Small Dragon (3 ft. 4 in. tall); HD 6d12+12; hp 50; Init +2;
back, a pronounced jaw, and three fingers on his left hand. He Spd 20 ft.; AC 21 (touch 14, flat-footed 19) or 25 (touch 18, flat-
teeth are horribly crooked, and his face, arms, and legs are footed 23) or 26 (touch 19, flat-footed 24); Atk +11 melee (1d3+5,
covered with small scars (some old and others fresh). He both 2 claws), +6 melee (1d4+2, bite) or +9/+4 melee (1d6+5/crit
fears and respects Andress. 17–20, +1 keen shortsword), +9 melee (1d4+2/crit 19–20, +1 dag-
k Dyrch, Male Human Clr2 (Loviatar): CR 2; Medium-size ger), +6 melee (1d4+2, bite) or +9/+4 ranged (1d6+5/crit ×3,
Humanoid (5 ft. 6 in. tall); HD 2d8+7 (includes Toughness feat); mighty composite shortbow with +1 arrows); SA breath weapon,
hp 18; Init –1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (touch 9, flat-footed 12); Atk +2 favored enemies (1st—fey, 2nd—giants), two-weapon fighting; SQ
melee (1d8+1 plus poison, scourge or 1d4+1/crit 19–20 plus poi- Track; low-light vision; darkvision 60 ft.; immune to sleep, paral-
son, dagger); SA rebuke undead 1/day; AL CE; SV Fort +5, Ref ysis, and acid; AL LE; SV Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2; Str 20, Dex 15,
–1, Will +5; Str 12, Dex 8, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 7. Con 15, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 16.
Skills: Concentration +6, Heal +6, Knowledge (religion) +3,
Spellcraft +3. Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (scourge),
Spells Prepared (4/3+1, base save DC = 12 + spell level): 0—
cure minor wounds, detect magic, read magic, resistance; 1st—
command, cure light wounds, protection from good†.
Domain spell. Domains: Evil (casts evil spells at +1 caster
level), Suffering (pain touch 1/day; see page 65 of the FORGOTTEN
REALMS Campaign Setting for details).
Possessions: Red ceremonial robe with hood, scourge, dag-
ger, vial of blue whinnis poison (see page 80 of the DUNGEON
MASTER’s Guide for details), holy symbol of Loviatar.
U6. Torch Storage. The far wall of this 10-foot by 10-foot room
is lined with shelves. The brigands and clerics of Loviatar keep
300 torches and two boxes of tindertwigs (50 tindertwigs per
box) here.
Development: Dyrch (area U5) and Sharloc (area U13) are
responsible for replenishing burnt-out torches in the cata-
combs. They leave this room several times each day with small
bundles of torches and tindertwigs.
SA—Breath Weapon (Su): Cone of corrosive gas (30 feet Tactics: Harular activates his boots of speed. He then sends
long): 6d6 points of damage; Reflex saving throw (DC 17) for his giant lizard companions into battle while he hangs back and
half damage. fires arrows. If one of his lizards is slain, he summons another
Skills: Animal Empathy +7, Climb +8, Concentration +7, animal using his bag of tricks. Before entering melee, Harular
Handle Animal +7, Heal +4, Hide +7, Intuit Direction +2, Listen drinks his potion of cat’s grace to improve his AC. He fights
+3, Ride +4, Spot +3, Swim +8, Wilderness Lore +7. Feats: with his magic short sword, dagger, and his bite.
Dodge, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Track. Olipur uses his dust of disappearance to render himself
Spells Prepared (2, base save DC = 10 + spell level): 1st— unseen and stays close to Harular, waiting for a chance to
animal friendship, pass without trace. flank (and sneak attack) anyone who enters melee with the
Possessions: +2 leather armor, +1 ring of protection, +1 keen half-dragon ranger. Note that the dust thwarts see invisibility
short sword, +1 dagger, mighty composite shortbow [+4] with (but not true seeing) spells.
22 +1 arrows, boots of speed, rust-colored bag of tricks, potion Treasure: The wooden chests are locked, and Harular and
of cat’s grace, potion of resist elements (fire), ivory horn (15 Olipur each carries a key for his own chest. Harular’s chest
gp), key to wooden chest (see Treasure below). contains a neatly folded, embroidered green cloak (45 gp) that
Olipur has long, braided red hair and twinkling blue eyes. A he dons when trying to keep a low profile. Beneath the cloak
tiny birthmark on his forehead vaguely resembles a broken lies a sack of 360 pp and an ebony box with gem inlays (225
four-pointed star. His wiry frame belies impressive strength. gp) containing six platinum bracelets (150 gp each). Olipur’s
k Olipur Shatterstar, Male Gnome Rog4: CR 4; Small chest contains a set of masterwork thieves’ tools and a pair of
Humanoid (3 ft. 6 in. tall); HD 4d6; hp 18; Init +8; Spd 20 ft.; AC collapsible wooden stilts. The stilts allow a Small humanoid who
16 (touch 14, flat-footed 16); Atk +6 melee (1d6+2/crit 19–20, makes a successful Balance check (DC 10) to increase his base
masterwork short sword) or +7 ranged (1d8/crit 19–20, light speed by 10 feet. A new Balance check is required each round.
crossbow); SA sneak attack +2d6; SQ evasion, uncanny dodge The stilts can be sold for 50 gp to an interested buyer.
(Dex bonus to AC); AL NE; SV Fort +1, Ref +10, Will +3; Str 14,
Dex 19, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 9. Beneath the Uhlstan Farm (Areas U8–U14)
Skills: Balance +9, Climb +7, Disable Device +6, Hide +11, Characters who descend the well shaft under the Uhlstan barn
Listen +7, Move Silently +11, Open Lock +9, Pick Pocket +9, (area T1c) and open the secret door at the bottom find them-
Search +6, Tumble +11, Use Magic Device +6. Feats: Improved selves in a particularly dank corner of the catacombs occupied
Initiative, Lightning Reflexes. by a cleric of Loviatar and orcs loyal to Harular’s Claws.
Possessions: Leather armor, masterwork short sword, light
crossbow with 20 bolts, dust of disappearance (in pouch), sack U8. Sliding Blocks. This 10-foot-square section of floor contains
of 152 gp and 18 sp, key to wooden chest (see Treasure). a pressure plate that activates the Trap. The pressure plate can
d Giant Lizards (2): hp 22 each; Monster Manual 198. be found by a rogue making a successful Search check (DC 24).
90 january/february 2002
Pulling one of two levers hidden in the nearby walls (marked X referred to as “the Painmistress” (by Harular). They have seen
on the map) disarms the trap and allows safe passage through her once, but she was wearing red robes and a mask.
the corridor. The levers can be detected with a successful k Embrul and Thulk, Male Human War3: CR 2; Medium-size
Search check (DC 15). The hidden levers are treated as secret Humanoid (6 ft. tall); HD 3d8+6 (includes Toughness feat); hp
doors for purposes of elves noticing them. 24 each; Init +0; Spd 20 ft.; AC 16 (touch 10, flat-footed 16); Atk
Trap (EL 5): Stepping on the hidden pressure plate causes a +6 melee (1d12+2/crit ×3, greataxe with Weapon Focus feat) or
pair of 10-foot by 10-foot by 10-foot stone blocks to roll out +3 ranged (1d8/crit ×3, longbow); AL CE; SV Fort +3, Ref +1,
from niches to the north and south. The south block rolls 10 Will +1; Str 14, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 7, Wis 8, Cha 10.
feet, blocking the passage to area U9. The north block rolls Skills: Intimidate +2, Listen +2 (includes Alertness feat), Spot
southward until it hits the south block, crushing everything in +1 (includes Alertness feat), Swim +4. Feats: Alertness, Weapon
its path. Focus (greataxe), Toughness.
PCs caught between the two blocks must make a Reflex Possessions: Banded mail, greataxe, longbow with 20
saving throw (DC 20). Those who succeed have the choice of arrows, 4d6 gp and 3d6 sp in pouch.
leaping into the western corridor (toward the well shaft) or the
eastern corridor (toward area U9). Those who fail take 10d6 U11. Gruumsh’s Everwatching Eye. This room is unlit.
points of damage and are pinned between the blocks.
Once the blocks have stopped rolling, they can be slid back An unpleasant smell emanates from this room. Eight moth-
into their niches with successful Strength checks (DC 28). Stone eaten bedrolls litter the floor, and drawn with black charcoal
rollers make them relatively easy to move, given their weight. on the south wall is a huge, crudely rendered eye. West of the
a Sliding Blocks: CR 5; 10d6 points of damage; Reflex eye, the floor drops away and running water can be heard.
save (DC 20) negates; Search (DC 24 for stone blocks or pres-
sure plate, 15 for hidden levers); Disable Device (DC 25). The charcoal Eye of Gruumsh watches over the denizens of
this room and glares at all non-orcs who deign to enter. To the
U9. Weakened Bridge. An artery of the underground stream west, the floor drops 5 feet to the surface of a 10-foot-wide,
cuts across the corridor at this point, its surface 2 feet below 8-foot-deep underground stream.
floor level. This bridge is trapped. Creatures (EL 7): Eight orcs live here. They are loyal only
Trap (EL 1): Two of the wooden planks in the middle of this to Vochnar (area T1c) and attack PCs on sight. They hate elves
bridge have been weakened deliberately. Rogues who inspect above all else.
the bridge have a chance to notice fine saw marks that cause k Orcs (8): hp 4 each; Monster Manual 146. Each orc car-
the planks to break (DC 20 Search check). ries a greataxe, two javelins, and 5d8 cp.
The stream is 8 feet deep at this point. The first PC who
crosses the bridge without taking care to avoid certain planks U12. Prison. This entire area is unlit, although torchlight spills
falls through with a loud splash. A character in light or no armor out from area U13.
is carried downstream 20 feet per round; a character in medium
armor is carried 10 feet per round; a character in heavy armor This hall holds a number of deep niches. Set into the floor of
sinks to the bottom and is not carried off by the current. each niche is a 5-foot-diameter, rusty iron grate. Sobs and
a Weakened Bridge: CR 1; no damage, but drowning rules whispers can be heard from beneath two of them.
apply (see DUNGEON MASTER’s Guide, page 85); Search (DC 20);
Disable Device (n/a). Villagers and visitors who run afoul of Andress end up here.
Development: The sound of someone falling in the water Below each grate is an 8-foot-deep, 5-foot-diameter cylindri-
brings the guards from area U10 and four of the orcs from cal cell filled with 2 feet of stagnant, foul-smelling water.
area U11, who shoot arrows or hurl javelins at PCs on the far The iron grates are sealed shut with chains and padlocks, the
side of stream. Meanwhile, the four remaining orcs in area U11 keys to which are in Sharloc’s possession (see area U13). Long
move to the western edge of that room and hurl javelins at any iron spikes welded to the underside of each grate discourage
PC carried downstream by the current. prisoners from reaching up through the gaps.
s Padlocked Iron Chains: 1 in. thick; Hardness 10; hp 10
U10. Sentries. This room contains a pair of bedrolls, a table, (chains), 15 (padlock); Break (DC 26); Open Lock (DC 25).
and two chairs. A worn deck of cards and two stacks of cop- Creatures (EL —): Only two of the six cells are occupied. (If
per coins (35 cp total) can be found on the table. he was captured in Event 9, Brenor is also found here.)
Creatures (EL 4): Two brigands, Embrul and Thulk, stand The first prisoner is a homeless man named Yharune (male
guard here. They occasionally patrol the catacombs but spend human Com1; hp 3) who crept inside the Temple of Ilmater one
most of their day sharing tales of debauchery. If captured, night, hoping to sleep on a pew. He overheard Andress speak-
Embrul and Thulk can be coaxed into revealing the names and ing with one of her underlings (Dyrch) about Harular’s Claws.
locations of various members of Harular’s Claws (DC 15 Bluff or Unfortunately, Andress spotted Yharune, immobilized him with
Intimidate check), but they lie about Harular (they refer to him a hold person spell, and had him taken to the catacombs.
as a powerful human wizard matching Glaster’s description). The second prisoner is madman and worshiper of Loviatar
Embrul and Thulk know that Harular’s Claws have joined named Drewel (male human Com1; hp 4) who came to Andress
forces with the clerics of Loviatar, who intend to enslave the seeking spiritual enlightenment; this is his “reward.”
village once their temple lures a sufficient number of devotees. Yharune just wants to escape the catacombs and flee the
They know that the temple is currently run by a sadistic dwarf village. Drewel likes to experience pain and tries to provoke his
named Bhell, who answers only to a figure that they’ve heard liberators into harming him (by hitting and biting them).
Development: Captured characters who defy Andress are a Watery Pit with Brown Mold: CR 3; no falling damage,
stripped of their gear (which is stored in area U13) and thrown Reflex save (DC 15) negates; 3d6 points of cold subdual dam-
into these cells until she decides their fate. Attempts to break age from brown mold (5-foot radius); Search (DC 22); Disable
the chains or open the padlocks from within a cell suffer a –8 Device (DC 21).
circumstance penalty.
Anything more than a whisper or sob in this area brings the Beneath the Temple of Ilmater (Areas U15–U23)
jailer, Sharloc (see below). This network of catacombs contains undead animated with the
help of the cauldron of desecration in area U33. A few other
U13. Sharloc’s Room. denizens and traps also await unwanted intruders.
This octagonal chamber might have served some special U15. Chained Cleric.
purpose in the past. Discolorations on the floor suggest the
presence of heavy furniture, and circles of dried wax allude The vaulted ceiling of this huge chamber is supported by great
to the presence of candleholders. Iron rungs on the walls arches that resemble cracked ribs. The southern half of the
might have once supported tapestries long since removed. chamber gives way to a 20-foot-wide underground stream
Now the room holds a bed fashioned from the bones of some spanned by a rickety wooden bridge. A wooden ladder clings
large creature. At the foot of the bed sits a hefty, claw- to the east wall, held in place by rusted bolts and rings. Several
footed copper urn with black spikes. dark tunnels lead north. Hanging on the wall between two of
these passages, suspended by a pair of rusting manacles, is an
The bone bed was crafted by the chamber’s occupant from emaciated figure dressed in a stained white robe.
the bones of a destrachan. The copper urn with clawed feet
weighs 30 pounds and is actually an animated object. The northern tunnels are trapped at the points marked X on
Creatures (EL 7): The sadistic and merciless jailer, Sharloc, the map. Andress’s favorite prisoner is manacled to the north
is one of Andress’s most gifted acolytes. Although he is fairly wall. Levetron, an aasimar cleric of Ilmater, visited the temple
weak, he commands a legion of ten desecrated orc skeletons a month ago after learning of Shaunnra’s death. (He and the
created by the cauldron of desecration in area U33. paladin were friends.) Annoyed by his sanctimonious attitude
Sharloc also commands the animated copper urn, which is and devotion to the god of suffering, Andress served Levetron
filled to the brim with flesh-eating salt acid. Once per round, wine laced with blue whinnis poison and ordered her minions
as a free action, the urn can “belch” forth a 5-foot by 5-foot to chain him in the dungeon (all for her amusement). Andress
cloud, dealing 2d4 points of acid damage on the first round and carries the key to Levetron’s manacles.
2d4 points of damage on the second round. A successful s Iron Manacles: 1 in. thick; Hardness 10; hp 10; Break (DC
Reflex saving throw (DC 12) halves the damage. The urn contains 26); Escape Artist (DC 30); Open Lock (DC 25).
enough salt acid to create a dozen clouds. If anyone other than Creature (EL —): Andress has been “teaching” Levetron the
a cleric of Loviatar touches the urn, it animates and attacks. meaning of pain. She routinely casts inflict wounds spells and
k Sharloc, Male Human Clr2 (Loviatar): hp 20; other sta- poison spells (tempered with delay poison and neutralize poison
tistics identical to Dyrch (area U5). spells) on him, and his body is covered with lacerations and
d Animated Copper Urn (1): CR 2; Medium-size Construct; bruises. She almost killed him once by accident when she didn’t
HD 2d10; hp 12; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 14 (touch 10, flat-footed have a cure wounds spell left and he dropped below 0 hit points,
14); Atk +2 melee (1d6+1, slam); SA acid cloud (see above); SQ but an initiate managed to stabilize Levetron in time to prevent
construct, hardness 8; AL N; SV Fort +0, Ref +0, Will –5; Str his death. He is now but a pale shadow of his former self.
12, Dex 10, Con —, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1. Levetron is a broken man, incapable of speaking to anyone
d Desecrated Orc Skeletons (10): hp 8 each; Monster until his Constitution is fully healed. If freed from the manacles,
Manual 165. These skeletons get a +2 profane bonus to attack he falls into a trembling heap on the floor. If the heroes are
rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws. All Charisma checks to rough with him or force him to walk, there is a 25% chance
turn them suffer a –6 profane penalty. that he mistakes one of them for Andress and goes berserk,
pounding the PC with his fists.
U14. Hidden Pit. A carefully concealed pit trap awaits PCs at a k Levetron, Male Aasimar Clr5 (Ilmater): CR 5; Medium-
bend in this corridor. PCs who detect the pit can avoid it by size Outsider (5 ft. 8 in. tall); HD 5d8; hp 30 (3 currently); Init
stepping over the southeast corner. +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 10; Atk +3 melee (1d3 subdual, punch); SQ
Trap (EL 3): Sixty or more pounds of weight applied to the cast light 1/day (as Sor5); turn undead 10/day (includes Extra
pit’s lid causes it to snap open. Any PCs standing on the pit at Turning feat); acid, cold, and electricity resistance 5; AL LG;
that time are dropped 15 feet into a swift, 6-foot-deep under- SV Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +10; Str 11, Dex 10, Con 10 (2 cur-
ground stream. PCs in light or no armor are pulled 20 feet rently), Int 13, Wis 18, Cha 16.
downstream each round; PCs in medium armor are pulled 10 Skills: Concentration +4, Diplomacy +7, Heal +10, Knowledge
feet downstream each round; PCs in heavy armor sink to the (religion) +7, Listen +6 (includes racial bonus), Spellcraft +5,
bottom and are not carried away by the current. Spot +6 (includes radial bonus). Feats: Extra Turning, Iron Will.
The northeast and southwest walls of the underground Traps (EL 2 per glyph): Andress has placed a fire glyph of
stream directly under the pit trap are covered with 3-foot- warding in the entrance to each north tunnel. These glyphs are
diameter patches of brown mold. In addition to falling, PCs take meant to discourage the gelatinous cubes in area U16 from
3d6 points of cold subdual damage from the fungus each wandering into this room and feasting on Andress’s favorite
round they remain within 5 feet of the mold. prisoner. So far, this has worked very well.
92 january/february 2002
a Fire Glyphs of Warding (3): CR 2; 5-foot radius; 4d8 Andress plundered these sarcophagi, animating the skele-
points of fire damage; Reflex save (DC 17) for half damage; tons within. Nothing but dust remains.
Search (DC 28); Disable Device (DC 28); Dispel (DC 19).
Development: If fully healed, Levetron agrees to help the U18. Crypts. This area is unlit.
PCs destroy Andress and her evil followers. In time, he real-
izes that his suffering has brought him closer to Ilmater, and The tunnel splits in four directions. The passages to the west
he decides to stay on as the new high cleric of the Temple of and east are lined with deep, shadow-filled alcoves, each one
Ilmater in Twilight Hollow. hiding a stone sarcophagus.
U16. Cubes & Catacombs. The walls in this dark maze are lined The first PC who reaches the intersection should make a Spot
with narrow niches. At one time these niches contained bones, check (DC 17). Success indicates the PC glimpses a shadowy fig-
but Andress removed and animated them. The floors are free ure slinking across the passage to the south dragging two tenta-
of detritus, thanks largely to the creatures that dwell here. clelike appendages behind. Investigation reveals that the creature
Creatures (EL 6): Three gelatinous cubes scour these tun- must have gone into the tunnel heading east from area U19.
nels. They instinctively shy away from area U15, having tripped The western hall of alcoves is trapped. All the sarcophagi
more than one glyph of warding. As the cubes are constantly here have been plundered, although PCs searching the west-
moving around, PCs who are not careful could find themselves ernmost crypt find the mechanism for the Trap.
trapped between them. The eastern hall of alcoves is safe, but like the other crypts,
d Gelatinous Cubes (3): hp 59, 55, 48; Monster Manual 145. these sarcophagi have been plundered. A 4-foot-diameter,
Treasure: The largest gelatinous cube has engulfed a pair of rough tunnel leads from the southeast alcove to area U20.
metal items: a +1 holy light mace and a masterwork breastplate. Trap (EL 5): A carefully concealed 10-foot by 10-foot pres-
These belong to Levetron, the aasimar cleric chained in area sure plate is built into the floor at the point marked X on the
U15. Levetron’s other possessions (including his wooden holy map. Setting foot on the floorplate causes three spring-loaded
symbol) were completely dissolved by the gelatinous cube. shortspears to shoot forth from holes in the western sarcoph-
agus, striking the lead PC. A separate attack roll should be
U17. Violated Crypt. This room is unlit. made for each spear. Each spear is coated with greenblood oil.
a Poisoned Shortspear Trap: CR 5; 100-foot range; +12
Five stone sarcophagi fill this room: two against the north ranged (1d8/crit ×3 plus poison, 3 spears); greenblood oil
wall, two against the south wall, and one near the middle of (Injury DC 13; initial damage 1 Con, secondary damage 1d2 Con);
the west wall. All of their lids are askew. Search (DC 20); Disable Device (DC 20).
U19. Violated Crypt. This room is unlit. force of 18 animated humanoid skeletons in these alcoves
(three per alcove). Most of the skeletons are human or orc.
The passage opens into a 20-foot square crypt dominated by When Andress visits the temple of Loviatar or flees into the
a stone sarcophagus placed atop a rectangular stone bier. Its catacombs, she brings these skeletons with her for protection.
cast-off lid lies shattered on the floor, and the sides of the In the House of Torment they stand in area U35, guarding the
sarcophagus are covered with scratches, as if something secret doors leading to Andress’s shrine (area U40). If the
were clawing at it. A 4-foot-diameter, roughly hewn tunnel skeletons are destroyed there, they are not encountered here.
bores deep into the east wall near the entrance. Creatures (EL 8): These skeletons, all of which were created
in the cauldron of desecration (area U33), stand with swords
Breaking into the sarcophagus to retrieve the bones within, ready against the west wall of each alcove, staring into oblivion.
Andress was taken aback when a wraith rose from the crypt They attack only when commanded by Andress (or another evil
and tried to attack her. Fortunately for the evil cleric, she was cleric) or when they are attacked.
able to command the creature and compel it to serve her as a d Desecrated Humanoid Skeletons (18): hp 8 each; Atk +2
guardian (see area U26). melee (1d8+2/crit 19–20, longsword) or +2 melee (1d4+2, 2 claws);
The scratch marks on the sarcophagus are crudely scrawled Monster Manual 165. These skeletons receive a +2 profane
words written in Undercommon. A successful Decipher Script bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws. Charisma
check (DC 15) is required to read the poor handwriting, even checks to turn them suffer a –6 profane penalty.
if PCs can normally understand the language. Three words are
repeated over and over: “hungry,” “lonely,” and “mine.” These U22. Junction Room.
scrawls were made by the creature that lairs in area U20.
PCs who inspect the shattered sarcophagus lid see that it A 10-foot-wide stream cuts diagonally across this oddly
bears several empty indentations (gem fittings) along its rim. shaped room. The floor drops about 1 foot to the water’s
Treasure: PCs who search the inside of the sarcophagus surface, and a wooden bridge spans the stream near the
and succeed at a Search check (DC 20) find a secret com- middle of the room. A staircase to the north rises 10 feet and
partment containing a gold box inlaid with six chrysoberyls connects to a tunnel leading west.
(800 gp) containing incense of meditation and a malachite
dagger (70 gp). Development: PCs who make noise in this area attract the
attention of the guards in area U23. These guards take 1 round
U20. Choker Lair. The creature that lairs here is alert and can- to gather their weapons before investigating any disturbance.
not be surprised unless the PCs douse their light sources and
move silently. The rough-hewn tunnels leading to this area are U23. Guard Room.
4 feet tall and descend at a 20-degree angle, emerging in the
middle of a 12-foot-high oval cave. Bones cover the floor of This dank room contains four bedrolls, a table with four
the cave, which lies 4 feet below the tunnel mouths. chairs, and a wooden stand supporting a crude, straw-
Creature (EL 4): Clinging to the ceiling is the oldest living stuffed mannequin with two daggers embedded in its chest
denizen of the catacombs: a hungry and lonely choker. The and another dagger stuck in its head.
creature despises all other forms of life and craves the com-
pany of others of its kind. It is also tired of feasting on rats and Creatures (EL 7): Three brigands and their temperamental
other small vermin. pet—a dire wolverine—sleep here. The brigands patrol the cat-
PCs who can communicate with the creature can bribe it acombs from time to time but spend most of their day arm
with food or treasure. It knows the catacombs under the tem- wrestling or throwing daggers at the straw-stuffed mannequin.
ple but has not been beyond area U22. It has also encountered If captured, they can be coaxed into revealing the names and
Andress, who scared it away with her “foul magic.” locations of the various members of Harular’s Claws (DC 15
d Advanced Choker (1): CR 2*; Small Aberration; HD 6d8+6; Bluff or Intimidate check), but they lie about Harular himself
hp 44; Init +4; Spd 20 ft., climb 10 ft.; AC 16 (touch 11, flat- (they claim that he was slain by Ghosgor, who has usurped
footed 16); Atk +7 melee (1d3+3, 2 tentacle slaps); Reach 10 ft.; control of the organization).
SA free partial action, improved grab, constrict 1d3+3; AL CE; These brigands know that their leader is allied with the cler-
SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +6; Str 16, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 4, Wis ics of Loviatar, who intend to enslave the village once their
13, Cha 7. temple lures a sufficient number of devotees. They know that
Skills: Climb +16, Hide +8, Move Silently +9. Feat: Improved the temple is run by a woman called “the Painmistress.” They
Initiative. have seen this woman, dressed in red robes and a mask, in the
*Ad Hoc XP: Due to the choker’s increased Hit Dice, you company of their half-dragon leader.
should double the XP award for overcoming it (whether the PCs k Ekariol, Myrcolar, and Norvan, Male Human War3: hp 24
slay or successfully bribe it). each; see area U10 for complete statistics and equipment.
Treasure: The choker keeps a small collection of 12 gems (100 d Dire Wolverine (1): hp 45; Monster Manual 57.
gp each) in a niche, which the PCs can locate with a success- Tactics: The brigands let the dire wolverine tear into the
ful Search check (DC 20). These gems were pried out of the most adversarial PC. If the dire wolverine is slain or turned
sarcopagus lid in area U19. against them, the brigands flee south toward area U3, hoping
to alert the rest of Harular’s Claws. If necessary, one of them
U21. Hall of Bones. This corridor is lined with six 20-foot-deep kicks the wooden bridge into the stream to thwart pursuit. If
alcoves. When she is not in the catacombs, Andress keeps a two brigands are taken down, the third surrenders.
94 january/february 2002
The House of Torment (Areas U24–U40) Secret Doors: These stone portals are obscured by hideous
Herein lies the hidden shrine to Loviatar as well as the greater murals and symbols and are more difficult to spot than normal
temple where Andress plans to teach new followers the ways of secret doors. They are usually opened by depressing a hidden
the pain goddess. Herein the PCs will also find the cauldron of stone or panel on the nearby wall (requiring a DC 25 Search
desecration, which Andress and the devourer use to animate the check to find). Secret doors pivot on a central vertical axis.
corpses of fallen adversaries. s Secret Stone Door: 2 in. thick; Hardness 8; hp 30; Break
While Andress torments the people of Twilight Hollow from (DC 28); Open Lock (DC 23); Search (DC 20 for door, 25 for
the Temple of Ilmater (area T5), she leaves the day-to-day hidden panel/stone).
operations of the House of Torment to her most Illumination: Areas U26–U40 are lit by continual flame
trusted subordinate, a vile half-elf named spells cast atop 5-foot-tall iron candlesticks.
Bhell the Painmonger. Bhell is the dread The candlesticks are bolted to the floor and
architect of the House of Torment, resemble long, barbed rods with open,
specially chosen for the task by the iron claws at the top. The claws appear
pain goddess herself. All of the to be holding the flames. Breaking or
House’s special features—its walls, removing a candlestick requires a
doors, and more horrible accou- successful Strength check.
trements—were lovingly crafted s Barbed Iron Candlesticks: 1 in.
by Bhell with the aid of magic thick; Hardness 10; hp 30; Break
and plain, simple ingenuity. (DC 24); Dispel (DC 16 for the con-
Walls: Walls throughout the tinual flame).
House of Torment are painted
with black symbols of pain U24. Disturbing Signs. Read or
(scourges, claws, barbs, spikes, paraphrase the following as the
teeth, flames, and so forth) as PCs make their way down either
well as scenes of torture intended of these two halls:
to repulse creatures of nonevil
alignment. There are no magical Black symbols begin appearing on
effects associated with these hor- the walls, becoming more prolifer-
rible motifs; they exist solely to ate the farther you travel. Wicked
comfort the servants of Loviatar scourges, crooked talons, scream-
and upset others. ing faces, barbed daggers, and
Biting Doors: Bhell fashioned all black flames are but a prelude to
of the doors in the House of more sadistic imagery. You begin
Torment from iron and stained them to see murals depicting elaborate
blood red. Each door is locked, and scenes of torture. Even more dis-
there is no keyhole. The doorknob is turbing is an overwhelming sense
tucked inside a gaping demon’s maw that these murals were painstak-
crafted from iron and held on by ingly crafted by someone who
sovereign glue. To unlock and knows the true meaning of pain.
thereby open a door, one must turn
the knob and allow the demonic PCs who make a successful
face to bite one’s hand or wrist. Knowledge (religion) check (DC 20)
The bite deals 1 point of damage, can spot clues suggesting that these
and only after tasting blood will the symbols and murals were painted by
door open. (One can try to avoid the a worshiper of Loviatar. Several scenes
damage with a successful DC 15 Reflex save, but the door show the torturers wearing ceremonial robes or brandishing
refuses to open until it has tasted fresh blood.) known symbols and favored weapons of the goddess.
Bloodless creatures (including undead and constructs) can-
not unlock the Biting Doors. Many of the House of Torment’s U25. Bhell’s Forge. Flickering, orange light spills out of this
living denizens have slightly reduced hit points, which can be chamber into the adjacent hall. Read or paraphrase the boxed
attributed to the opening of these nasty portals. text below as the PCs peer into the room:
Removing the demon face with universal solvent removes
the threat of being bitten but does not unlock the door. A suc- This room is illuminated by a crackling fire that plays within
cessful Open Locks roll allows one to open a door, but not until a semicircular firepit built against the south wall. An iron
the demon face is removed or disabled with a successful anvil sits on the floor before the firepit. Along the west and
Disable Device check. A knock spell works normally and allows north walls, a pair of stone tables seem to have risen natu-
safe passage through the iron portal. All doors have springs to rally from the floor. They are covered with tools, iron shav-
close them automatically, although they can be held open. ings, and bits of twisted metal.
s Iron Biting Door: 2 in. thick; Hardness 10; hp 60; deals 1
point of damage; Reflex save (DC 15) negates; Break (DC 28); The fire is, in fact, a fire elemental summoned by Andress
Open Lock (DC 25); Disable Device (DC 25 for demon face). using a lesser planar ally spell. It is further described under
Creature below. The tables were created with stone shape The “black smoke” hovering above the continual flame is
spells. The iron anvil requires a DC 22 Strength check to move the Creature. PCs approaching within 10 feet who succeed at
and conceals the Treasure. The tools are actually a set of mas- a Spot check (DC 12) realize its true nature.
terwork artisan’s tools (see Player’s Handbook, page 110). Three of the steel masks are fixed to the walls with sover-
Creature (EL 5): The ill-tempered fire elemental has agreed eign glue; the mask on the southeast wall hangs on a hidden
to remain on the Prime Material Plane long enough for Bhell to hook and can be lifted off. Removing the mask causes the hook
finish his work in the House of Torment. The elemental does to rise an inch, deactivating the Trap (see below).
not get along well with anyone, Bhell in particular, but it admires The south alcove contains an iron maiden—a coffin-shaped
the half-elf’s handiwork. torture device. Its lid bares dozens of wicked spikes that impale
The elemental cannot resist attacking anyone who tries to anyone trapped inside. The iron maiden is part of the Trap.
move the anvil or comes within striking distance. (It has 10-foot Creature (EL 5): A wraith floats above the continual flame,
reach.) Most of the time, it is indistinguishable from a large fire; waiting for the right moment to strike (see Tactics). The wraith
when it attacks, however, it “grows” two fiery arms and reveals was originally bound to a tomb under the Temple of Ilmater
a pair of flickering white eyes. (see area U19), but Andress was able to command it to serve
d Large Fire Elemental (1): hp 60; Monster Manual 83. as a guardian in the House of Torment. Once it reveals itself,
Treasure: The anvil covers an open cubby-hole in the floor. PCs can see that this creature resembles a woman whose fea-
Here Bhell has placed a potion of cure moderate wounds, a tures have been twisted by her horrible undead state.
potion of protection from elements (fire), and 250 gp in a small, d Wraith (1): hp 26; Monster Manual 185.
unlocked iron box emblazoned with a scowling elf visage. Tactics: The wraith waits for someone to trigger the trap
and become locked in the iron maiden. If this happens, it floats
U26. Maiden of Pain. through the ceiling and walls to attack the helpless character
within the torture device from the safety of the wall south of
A barbed, iron-wrought candlestick rises from the middle of the maiden. A trapped PC is in mortal danger unless he man-
the floor, ending in a claw that clutches a small orange flame ages to get free within a couple of rounds. If the characters
that illuminates the room. Black smoke issues from the danc- don’t trigger the trap, the wraith attacks whoever passes near.
ing flame. The flickering light plays off of four steel masks Trap (EL 8): The 10-foot-square section of floor directly in
that hang on the painted diagonal walls of this octagonal front of the alcove is a pressure plate. Applying 100 pounds
room. Each mask portrays a different face in excruciating or more of weight causes the lid of the iron maiden to fling
pain. In an alcove to the south leans an 8-foot tall, 4-foot- open. At the same time, the north end of the trapped section
wide metal lozenge resembling a coffin, its lid made of of floor tilts upward 60 degrees. Anyone standing on the
banded steel and hinged on one side. trapped floor who fails a Reflex save (DC 19) teeters and falls
96 january/february 2002
into the alcove; one PC (whoever is nearest the alcove) is Show the players the illustration of the signs and levers.
thrust into the iron maiden, which immediately snaps shut and These levers control the four traps on the southern set of
bares its iron spikes. Other PCs who fail their saves are iron doors (area U32). Pulling down a lever deactivates a spe-
knocked prone within the alcove but take no damage. The floor cific trap; however, no more than three levers can be pulled
lowers back into place immediately and locks for 3 rounds, down, meaning that at least one trap remains active. (If three
during which time it cannot be triggered again. levers are pulled down, the fourth lever locks in place and
The iron maiden’s lid locks automatically when shut. Opening cannot be moved until one of the other levers is lifted.) By
it requires a knock spell, a successful Strength check (DC 28), pulling down specific levers, the PCs choose which trap(s) to
or a successful Open Lock check (DC 25). A PC trapped in the disarm and which to leave in place. The traps are as follows:
iron maiden is considered pinned. A trapped PC can make a Lever #1 (twisted flame): Pulling down this lever deactivates
Strength check (DC 28) to break free. Each such attempt a fire glyph of warding.
causes 3d4 additional points of damage. Lever #2 (spiked, lightning orb): Pulling down this lever dis-
The pressure plate trap can be disarmed by lifting away the arms an electricity glyph of warding.
5-pound metal mask on the southeast wall. This locks the floor Lever #3 (cracked, screaming face): Pulling down this lever
into place and keeps the iron maiden’s lid from opening. The deactivates a sonic glyph of warding.
iron maiden itself it bolted to the floor of the alcove. Lever #4 (iron spike): Pulling down this lever locks the con-
a Tilting Floor and Iron Maiden: CR 8; 10-foot-square sec- cealed, spike-filled pit in front of the double doors.
tion of floor; 10d4+10 points of damage (iron spikes); Reflex save When the southern set of doors open, all levers rise to their
(DC 19) negates; Search (DC 25 for floorplate); Disable Device “up” positions; undischarged glyphs and the pit trap reset
(DC 25 for floorplate, DC 27 for iron maiden lid). when the doors close.
s Iron Maiden: 2 in. thick; Hardness 10; hp 60; Break (DC
28); Open Lock (DC 25). U28. Master of Pain.
U27. Four Symbols. The walls of this octagonal room are painted with grisly tor-
ture scenes. A strange apparatus rises from the middle of
Two flights of stairs descend toward the south, ending at a the floor. It consists of a wooden, X-shaped cross mounted
set of massive iron doors embossed with horribly contorted atop a hideous, iron-wrought stand. The stand is bolted to a
faces. Four deep alcoves, two on the middle landing and two large stone turntable on the floor and is covered with wicked
at the bottom of the stairs, line the hall. barbs and spikes, although handles enable one to turn the
The walls here are adorned with repellent symbols and apparatus to face different directions.
designs, save for the north wall, which is marked with four A half-elf, his face half-ruined by fire, is bound to the
large signs painted in blood. The signs depict, from west to cross by a series of iron chains and shackles. Floating
east: a twisted flame; a spiked orb infused by lightning; a nearby is a creature with red skin, sharp teeth, and a dozen
cracked, screaming face; and a downward-pointing spike. spindly claws that hang menacingly from its bulbous form.
Beneath each sign is an iron lever set into the wall. Someone
has etched a rune resembling a cat-o’-nine-tails into each The fire-scarred half-elf strapped to the torture device is
lever’s tip, and all levers are currently in the “up” position. Bhell, a sadistic and masochistic cleric of Loviatar. The bulbous
creature floating next to him is his ally: a rast. With the rast’s Tactics: If freed, Bhell lures the PCs to area U33, hoping
help, Bhell is testing his latest handiwork and experiencing new that the devourer and the undead will destroy them. In the
levels of pain. He removes his robe and holy symbol before meantime, he allays suspicion by offering to use his “limited
chaining himself to the cross; they are bundled in a heap next to curative magic” to heal wounded PCs. He does not like Evelyth
Bhell’s scourge. (area U30) and attacks her, if necessary, to perpetuate his
Anyone chained to the torture device can get free with a ruse. Bhell is loyal to Andress—for now—and betrays the PCs
successful Escape Artist check (DC 30). at the most opportune moment.
Creatures (EL 7): The rast rushes to attack intruders. Bhell Bhell uses his darkness spell to aid escapes. If forced to flee,
is currently chained to the torture device and cannot escape. he heads to area U31 and dons the suit of armor there, then
If the rast is defeated, the half-elf claims to be a cleric of casts his defensive spells. Bhell enjoys casting death knell on
Tempus who was captured by brigands on the road. He offers dying foes and performing coup de grace attacks on held
the following information in response to specific questions. opponents.
Who are you, and what are you doing here? “I am Darvain
Evenhand. I was captured by brigands, blindfolded, and brought U29. Death By Firelight.
here. An evil cleric intends to sacrifice me to some foul undead
creature that lurks in a temple near here.” (False) This 20-foot by 30-foot room is empty save for two iron
What is this place? “They call it the House of Torment, a candlesticks jutting from the floor, a flickering orange flame
shrine dedicated to the pain goddess, Loviatar.” (True) dancing atop each one.
Who runs the temple? “The temple’s high cleric is a despi-
cable woman named Evelyth who hides her face behind a Creature (EL 7): The devourer in area U33 used a lesser pla-
spiked wooden mask that’s been painted black.” (Partially true; nar ally spell to call forth a hellcat to guard this room. The hell-
Evelyth wears a mask, but she isn’t the high cleric.) cat is invisible in this lit area. In the dark, it shows up as a
Who owns these? (referring to the bundled black robe, holy faintly glowing outline visible up to 30 feet away.
symbol of Loviatar, and scourge on the floor): “I don’t know his Hellcat (1): hp 52; Monster Manual 48–51 (devil).
name. When my interrogator heard you approaching, he Development: The hellcat roars when it attacks, alerting the
transformed into black vapor and seeped through a crack in denizens of areas U28, U30, and U33. After 1 round, Evelyth
the wall. His possessions fell to the floor the instant he trans- appears from area U30 and joins the fray. The devourer in
formed.” (False. If asked which wall, Bhell nods toward either the U33 sends two desecrated zombies to assist.
west or east, hoping the PCs find the secret door there.)
Bhell is a lithe half-elf with dark eyes, angular features, and U30. Tormentorium.
a small tattoo of a cat-o’-nine-tails on the palm of his left hand.
(He keeps his fist clenched to hide the mark from PCs). The left The purpose of this chamber is clear at a glance. Along the
side of his face appears melted; Bhell ruined his otherwise north wall are six 8-foot-square pits, their yawning maws
handsome face during a fire ritual—a sacrifice to his beloved covered by iron grates with heavy padlocks. An ugly iron
goddess. He wears leather pants (hidden in which are two potions chair equipped with manacles stands near the south wall,
and a dagger), and his bare chest is covered with bleeding next to a stone, claw-footed brazier filled with iron pokers
scars (dealt by the rast). and red-hot coals. Hanging from the ceiling are chains end-
k Bhell, Male Half-Elf Clr5 (Loviatar): CR 5; Medium-size ing in wicked iron hooks.
Humanoid (5 ft. 8 in. tall); HD 5d8+15; hp 42 (currently 31); Init The south wall, unlike the others in this hateful complex,
+5; Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (touch 12, flat-footed 11); Atk +5 melee is not covered in horrid symbols or murals. Instead, some-
(1d8+1, scourge) or +4 melee (1d4+1/crit 19–20, dagger); SA one has plastered the wall and embedded the skeletons of
command/rebuke undead 3/day; AL LE; SV Fort +7, Ref +3, several unfortunates in the plaster, trapping them in a
Will +7; Str 12, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 15, Wis 16, Cha 10. dance macabre for all time. Three iron candlesticks rise
Skills: Bluff +3, Concentration +7, Craft (blacksmithing) +5, from the middle of the floor, each one clutching a flicker-
Craft (locksmithing) +6, Craft (trapmaking) +6, Disguise +2, ing flame.
Escape Artist +4, Spellcraft +3. Feats: Brew Potion, Improved
Initiative. This torture chamber hasn’t seen much use as yet. Once the
Spells (5/4+1/3+1/2+1, base save DC = 13 + spell level): 0— temple is fully operational, however, Andress plans to kidnap
cure minor wounds (×5); 1st—bane†, command, cure light wounds, local villagers and indoctrinate them into the cult of Loviatar
entropic shield, magic weapon; 2nd—bull’s strength†, darkness, by letting them experience pain beyond their wildest dreams.
death knell, hold person; 3rd—bestow curse†, meld into stone, All of the pits are currently empty, although PCs who are
protection from elements (fire). taken captive in the House of Torment might be detained here.
Domain spells. Domains: Strength (feat of strength 1/day: s Padlocked Iron Grate: 1 in. thick; Hardness 10; hp 30
+5 Strength for 1 round), Suffering (pain touch 1/day; suc- (grate), 15 (padlock); Break (DC 26); Open Lock (DC 25).
cessful melee touch attack bestows –2 enhancement penalty to Creatures (EL 5): One of Andress’s acolytes, Evelyth, has
Strength and Dexterity for 1 minute; does not affect creatures been charged with getting this room in order, but she is not the
immune to critical hits). sole occupant. Eight skeletons embedded in the plaster of the
Possessions: Scourge, dagger, +1 ring of protection, potion south wall (each marked with an X on the map) are animated
of cure moderate wounds, potion of endurance, black robe, undead guardians that leap forth when commanded by an evil
holy symbol of Loviatar. cleric or when someone other than Evelyth tampers with any
d Rast (1): hp 22; Monster Manual 154. of the room’s sinister accoutrements.
98 january/february 2002
Evelyth wears black robes and a black, hinged wooden mask Trap #2 (EL 2): If lever #2 in area U27 was not pulled down,
adorned with wicked spikes. She appears as a stern, raven- opening the doors triggers an electrical glyph of warding that
haired woman with a jagged scar on both sides of her mouth fills the 10-foot by 5-foot area due north of the double doors.
that gives the illusion of a cruel grin, but Evelyth never smiles. a Electrical Glyph of Warding: CR 2; 5-foot radius blast,
Thoroughly depraved, she charges fearlessly into battle with her 4d8 points of electrical damage; Reflex save (DC 17) for half
scourge and would sooner kill herself than be taken prisoner. damage; Search (DC 28); Disable Device (DC 28); Dispel (DC 19).
k Evelyth, Female Human Clr2 (Loviatar): hp 19 (currently Trap #3 (EL 2): If lever #3 in area U27 was not pulled down,
15); other statistics identical to Dyrch (area U5). Evelyth car- opening the doors triggers a sonic glyph of warding that fills
ries the keys to the padlocks that seal the pits’ iron grates. the 20-foot by 10-foot area due north of the double doors.
d Desecrated Humanoid Skeletons (8): hp 8 each; Monster a Sonic Glyph of Warding: CR 2; 5-foot radius blast, 4d8
Manual 165. These skeletons receive a +2 profane bonus to points of sonic damage; Reflex save (DC 17) for half damage;
attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws. Charisma checks Search (DC 28); Disable Device (DC 28); Dispel (DC 19).
to turn them suffer a –6 profane penalty. Trap #4 (EL 4): If lever #4 in area U27 was not pulled down,
the 40-foot by 10-foot section of floor north of the doors opens
U31. Bhell’s Bedchamber. The door to this chamber is trapped; into a 20-foot-deep, spiked pit the instant they are opened.
see Trap below for details. a Spiked Pit (20 feet deep): CR 4; no attack roll necessary
(2d6); +10 melee (1d4 spikes for 1d4+2 points of damage, plus poi-
This room is sparsely furnished, containing a bed, a dresser, son, per successful hit); greenblood oil (Injury DC 13; initial dam-
and a small wooden coffin with a lid sculpted in the shape of age 1 Con, secondary damage 1d2 Con); Reflex save (DC 20)
a grinning halfling. avoids; Search (DC 20); Disable Device (DC 20).
The dresser has three drawers. It holds the Treasure. U33. Temple of Loviatar.
Trap (EL 4): In addition to biting the hand of the person who
opens it (see the “Biting Doors” section above), this door injects This enormous triangular chamber is illuminated by a sickly
poison into the wound unless the eyes of the demon face are red light emanating from the gaping maw of a great stone
depressed as the doorknob is turned. Disabling the poison trap cauldron. The cauldron sits atop a 10-foot-high granite plat-
can be done only after the biting mechanism is disabled. form with stairways leading up to it on either side.
a Poisonous Biting Door: CR 4; 1 point of damage plus The ceiling to the north is 20 feet tall and forms a balcony
deathblade poison (Injury DC 20; initial damage 1d6 Con, sec- overlooking the rest of the chamber. This balcony is sup-
ondary damage 2d6 Con); Search (DC 24); Disable Device (DC ported by a pair of obsidian pillars carved to resemble
25 for both the biting mechanism and poison injector). horned demons clutching scourges and great blades. To the
Treasure: The top drawer of the dresser contains a wooden south, the ceiling soars to a height of 40 feet.
mask decorated with barbed whips from a cat-o’-nine-tails and
a red ceremonial robe with hood. The middle drawer contains
common clothes that Bhell wears when moving about the sur-
face. The bottom drawer contains a disguise kit, a healer’s kit,
and assorted blood-encrusted weapons (four daggers, a sickle,
three darts, and a handaxe).
Bhell uses the halfling coffin as a storage chest. It contains
a suit of masterwork chainmail and a pair of spiked gauntlets.
These doors are not locked and open into area U33. They
are rigged with four traps, up to three of which can be deac-
tivated by pulling down the special levers in area U27. (These
doors were intended as a rite of passage whereby clerics of
Loviatar could choose which form of pain they wished to
endure before crossing the threshold into the temple.)
These doors can be opened safely from area U33. The traps
are triggered only by persons coming from the north.
Trap #1 (EL 2): If lever #1 in area U27 was not pulled down,
opening the doors triggers a fire glyph of warding that fills the
10-foot by 5-foot area directly north of the double doors.
a Fire Glyph of Warding: CR 2; 5-foot radius blast, 4d8
points of fire damage; Reflex save (DC 17) for half damage;
Search (DC 28); Disable Device (DC 28); Dispel (DC 19).
apart from what the PCs bring with them, is the dread glow of
The cauldron of desecration is an unholy relic created long
the cauldron of desecration perched atop the central platform.
The cauldron is described in the above sidebar.
ago. It was lost and recovered many times before ending The obsidian pillars that support the northern balcony are
up in Tempest Tower, stronghold of the clerics of Talos. exquisitely sculpted but otherwise ordinary.
When Tempest Tower fell, the cauldron spilled out into the Creatures (EL 14): This room contains the devourer plus
swamp. Its guardian—a devourer—remained by the caul- several creatures killed by Harular’s Claws and animated by
dron’s side for years until Andress happened upon them Andress: four Medium-size monstrous spiders, a rust monster,
(see the “Adventure Background” for details). and two otyughs. The spiders and rust monster were created
Any skeleton or corpse of Medium-size or smaller ani- with the help of the cauldron and thus have +2 hit points per
mated within the cauldron is also permanently desecrated. Hit Die and a +2 profane bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls,
The undead retains its extra hit points and profane and saving throws. All Charisma checks made to turn them
bonuses even after leaving the cauldron and its vicinity. If suffer a –6 profane penalty. The otyughs were too big to fit
the cauldron’s power is used by a cleric in a shrine or tem- inside the cauldron, but they gain the benefits of a desecrate
ple dedicated to the cleric’s deity, the desecration effect is spell so long as they remain within 20 feet of the relic.
enhanced (as described in the spell description on page 192 d Devourer (1): hp 78; see Monster Manual 53–54.
of the Player’s Handbook). d Desecrated Medium-size Monstrous Spider Zombies (4):
So evil is the cauldron of desecration that its power CR 1; Medium-size Undead; HD 2d12+7 (includes Toughness
extends beyond itself. Undead that are not animated within feat and desecration); hp 17 each; Init –1; Spd 30 ft., climb 20
the cauldron gain the benefits of a desecrate spell so long ft.; AC 11 (touch 9, flat-footed 11); Atk +4 melee (1d6 plus poison,
as they remain within 20 feet of it. (This goes for the bite); SA poison (Injury DC 14; initial and secondary damage
devourer as well.) However, they lose their extra hit points 1d4 Str); SQ undead, partial actions only, Charisma checks to
and profane bonuses as soon as they travel more than 20 turn suffer a –6 profane penalty; AL N; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will
feet from the cauldron. +5; Str 13, Dex 8, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 1.
The cauldron has SR 25 and is impervious to dispel d Desecrated Rust Monster Zombie (1): CR 1; Medium-size
magic and break enchantment spells. It is rendered tem- Undead; HD 2d12+7 (includes Toughness feat and desecration);
porarily powerless if brought into a hallowed area. A con- hp 19; Init –1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 14 (touch 9, flat-footed 14); Atk +4
secrate spell cast directly on the cauldron must overcome melee (special, antenna touch) or +4 melee (1d3+2, bite); SA rust;
the item’s spell resistance to have any effect (even though SQ undead, partial actions only, Charisma checks to turn suf-
spell resistance does not normally apply to the consecrate fer a –6 profane penalty; AL N; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +5; Str
spell). If the spell overcomes the cauldron’s SR, the caul- 13, Dex 8, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 1.
dron cracks and explodes, dealing 5d8 points of unholy d Otyugh Zombies (2): CR 2; Large Undead; HD 4d12+3
damage to all good-aligned creatures within 30 feet and (includes Toughness feat); hp 35 each; Init –1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 16
half damage to creatures that are neither good nor evil. (touch 8, flat-footed 16); Atk +4 melee (1d6+4, tentacle rake) or
The cauldron itself is destroyed in the unholy blast. +4 melee (1d4+4 and disease, bite); Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. with ten-
The devourer was bound to this plane to protect the tacle); SA improved grab, constrict 1d6+4, disease (filth fever;
cauldron of desecration. If the cauldron is destroyed, the DC 12; incubation period 1d3 days; damage 1d3 temporary Dex
devourer vanishes in a cloud of cloying darkness, taking and 1d3 temporary Con); Str 17, Dex 8, Con —, Int —, Wis 10,
Shaunnra’s captive soul with it. Cha 1.
Caster Level: 18th; Weight: 600 lbs. Note: So long as the otyugh zombies remain within 20 feet
of the cauldron of desecration, they get +8 hit points as well
as a +1 profane bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving
Assuming the devourer is alerted to the PCs’ intrusion, it has throws. Turn checks against them suffer a –3 profane penalty.
taken measures to prepare for their arrival. Read or paraphrase Tactics: The devourer climbs onto the platform and stands
the following: behind the cauldron, which provides one-half cover (one-quar-
ter cover against foes on the balcony or flying opponents).
Standing in front of the cauldron are several monsters that Drawing on Shaunnra’s trapped essence, it begins using its var-
seem to be in varying states of decay. You see four enormous ious spell-like abilities. The paladin’s essence fuels the devourer
spiders, some of them with legs and eyes missing; a reddish- with enough power to employ ten spell-like abilities, at which
yellow creature with a single wavering antenna, a paddle- point Shaunnra’s essence is destroyed and the devourer must
shaped tail, and chitinous armor plating; and two putrid, ovoid attempt to trap someone else. If the aasimar cleric Levetron is
horrors with spine-laced tentacles and great, gaping maws! with the PCs, the devourer chooses him before all others.
However, these horrors pale in comparison to the gaunt, The devourer uses its control undead spell-like ability to
15-foot-tall creature rising up from behind the cauldron and command the zombies to attack. If it suspects the presence of
the shrivelled form of a woman trapped in its hollow ribcage. invisible foes, it uses its true seeing ability. Using its confusion
The creature cracks a wide smile, and the thing in its ribcage spell-like ability to neutralize as many PCs as possible (the
begins to shudder and wail. zombies in the room are not affected by the spell), the
devourer begins using its spectral hand spell-like ability cou-
The walls of this temple are free of the dreadful symbols and pled with its energy drain power. It reserves its suggestion
murals that pervade the complex. Also, there are no candlesticks and ray of enfeeblement spell-like abilities for confrontational
lit with continual flame spells. The only source of illumination, warrior-types.
The monstrous spider zombies have the ability to climb ver- weakening of her mount, Ruth (see area T1e for Ruth’s statis-
tical surfaces. The rust monster zombie heads straight for the tics and page 43 of the Player’s Handbook).
most heavily armored PC. The otyughs stay within 20 feet of k Shaunnra Stillhand, Female Human Pal8 (Ilmater): CR 8;
the cauldron and use their reach to grab and constrict prey. Medium-size Humanoid (6 ft. tall); HD 8d10+8; hp 63; Init +0;
The starting locations of the creatures are marked on the Spd 20 ft. (30 ft. base); AC 22 (touch 12, flat-footed 22); Atk
tactical map below. If the devourer sent two of its monstrous +13/+8 melee (1d8+4 plus 2d6 holy damage/crit 19–20, +1 holy
spider zombies to help the hellcat in area U29, there will be two longsword with Weapon Focus feat); SA smite evil (+4 attack
fewer zombies than shown on the tactical map. bonus, +8 damage bonus), turn undead 7/day; SQ detect evil,
Development: The sounds of battle in this room alert the lay on hands (32 hp), divine health, aura of courage, remove
denizens of areas U28–U30 (assuming they are still alive). The disease 2/week, spells; AL LG; SV Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +9; Str
hellcat arrives in 1 round, Evelyth arrives in 2 rounds, and 17, Dex 11, Con 13, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 18.
Bhell and his rast companion arrive in 3 rounds. Skills: Concentration +5, Diplomacy +12, Handle Animal +12,
Unless the PCs have access to a limited wish, miracle, or Heal +11, Knowledge (religion) +9, Ride +8. Feats: Mounted
wish spell handy, the only way they can free Shaunnra is by Combat, Ride-By Attack, Spirited Charge, Weapon Focus
destroying the devourer. When this happens, read or para- (longsword).
phrase the following: Spells (2/1, base save DC = 13 + spell level): 1st—cure light
wounds, divine favor; 2nd—shield other.
The creature falls dead. For a moment, the entire world holds Possessions: +2 half-plate, +1 large steel shield of light for-
its breath, and then the creature’s ribs spread wide. The tor- tification, +1 holy longsword.
tured soul of Shaunnra Stillhand crawls from its prison. It
floats free, and an opalescent glow ignites around the spirit. U34. Balcony.
Shaunnra looks at you. Her eyes convey the depth of her
gratitude, and then, with a murmur that you feel more than This 20-foot-deep balcony looks out over the main temple
hear, she flies up through the ceiling and vanishes. from a height of 15 feet. It is enclosed by a barbed, wrought-
iron railing shaped to resemble entwined whips and scourges.
Shaunnra’s shrivelled spirit soars into the afterlife. If she is Two stone braziers shaped like monstrous claws erupt from
raised, she must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 17) for each the floor, tendrils of smoke spewing forth from black incense
negative level or lose that level permanently. At the start of in the palm of each claw.
this encounter, Shaunnra has accrued six negative levels.
Shaunnra’s statistics (given below) assume that she has not The braziers were formed with the aid of stone shape spells
lost any levels. Note that a loss of levels could also result in a but are otherwise unremarkable. The incense has a spicy aroma.
D = Devourer
O = Otyugh Zombie
R = Rust Monster Zombie
S = Monstrous Spider Zombie
Desecrated Area
U35. Alcoves. Each of these alcoves is identical. The well shaft descends 30 feet to an underground, fresh-
water stream. The well’s demonic fixture looks disturbing, but
Worked into the back wall of this 10-foot-deep alcove is a it is harmless.
bas-relief depicting a triangle inscribed with a circle, within
which is painted the sneering face of a woman with barbed U38. Andress’s Bedchamber.
whips for hair. The wall to the right of the bas-relief bears
an inset iron plate with a hand-shaped indentation. Suspended from the ceiling by four iron chains is a large bed
that dangles 2 feet off the floor. The bed itself consists of a
The bas-relief depicts Loviatar, goddess of pain. The back wooden frame covered with taut leather straps—no mattress,
wall of each alcove is also a secret door that pivots on a cen- pillows, or other creature comforts.
tral vertical axis. All six secret doors are connected mechan- Rising from the floor to either side of the bed is a barbed,
ically so that if one door opens, the others open as well. wrought-iron candlestick clutching a feeble orange flame—
Opening a secret door requires that a Small or Medium- barely enough light to illuminate the corners of the 30-foot-
size humanoid creature place its right hand in the hand-shaped square room.
plate on the wall. Closer inspection reveals three tiny holes in the A tall, ornately sculpted wardrobe against the north wall
indentation. If a PC places his or her open hand in the inden- has been adorned with human skulls. Nearby stands an
tation without simultaneously uttering the word “Loviatar,” a wrought-iron oval frame grasping a full-length mirror.
Trap is triggered. (The word can be spoken as part of a phrase, Covering the west, north, and east walls are murals depict-
such as “Praise Loviatar!” or “Loviatar, in your name I am ing bloody massacres. The south wall shows a procession of
strong.”) The secret door opens regardless of whether the trap manacled prisoners being led by red-robed clerics to a black
is sprung. The secret doors remain open for 1 round before throne, seated in which is a beautiful yet harsh-looking
closing automatically. woman in black leather brandishing a blood-red scourge.
Trap (EL 2): If a PC places his hand in the indentation and
fails to speak the proper command word, he triggers a glyph The mural of the woman with the scourge is intended to
of warding that targets him with a dispel magic. Once the glyph represent Loviatar. The secret door leading to area U39 is
is triggered, that alcove remains safe until Andress renews the hidden in the pain goddess’s black throne.
spell. The tiny holes in the hand-shaped iron plate are red her- The wardrobe contains three black robes embroidered with
rings intended to make rogues think that they might contain silver thread, each bearing the symbol of a nine-tailed scourge,
poisoned needles or some other mechanical device. as well as several tight-fitting, red and black gowns. Hanging
on the back wall of the wardrobe are two sets of masterwork • a gold censer with red spinel inlays (900 gp);
manacles (with keys), a black hood, and a whip. Above this • four flasks of warm, bubbling acid (10 gp each);
paraphernalia, on a shelf, sits the Treasure. • a bundle of 25 +1 flaming arrows.
s Masterwork Iron Manacles: 1 in. thick; Hardness 10; hp Chest #4: The glyph triggers a contagion spell, which mani-
10; Break (DC 28); Escape Artist (DC 35); Open Lock (DC 30). fests as a dusty cloud that catches everyone within 5 feet of the
The mirror is exquisitely crafted, weighs 225 pounds in its chest. The cloud afflicts anyone in the area with cackle fever
iron frame, and is worth 750 gp intact. (incubation period 1 day; damage 1d6 Wisdom) unless a Fortitude
Treasure: PCs searching the wardrobe find a small ebony save (DC 16) succeeds). Consult the Dungeon Master’s Guide,
box shaped like a miniature sarcophagus (60 gp). It contains a page 75, for a description of this disease. The chest contains:
masterwork dagger specially built with a reservoir designed to • a wooden headdress adorned with howler spines (80 gp);
hold up to three doses of poison. A small groove running the • five black, bony spikes from a manticore;
length of the blade allows the poison to flow to the tip. A small • a hollowed-out minotaur’s horn set with bloodstones (300
crystal vial shaped like a skull holds a single dose of purple gp), tucked inside which is a tiny azurite tube (25 gp) contain-
worm poison (see page 80 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide). ing three ounces of stone salve;
• a three-chambered glass flask containing three potions:
U39. Secret Treasury. hiding, sneaking, and Wisdom.
• a scroll tube made from a unicorn’s horn (250 gp) hold-
The secret door pivots open to reveal a dark room 10 feet ing a scroll of lightning bolt (maximized, cast at 12th level).
deep and 20 feet wide. Four iron-wrought stands rest
against the south wall, and upon each stand sits a wooden U40. The Altar of Agony. If she has retreated to this chamber,
chest with iron fittings and hinges. Each chest bears a lock Andress dons her ceremonial red robe and mask (see
that resembles a gaping skull. Treasure) and orders the shrine’s guardian (see Creatures) to
remain vigilant while she prays to Loviatar for strength and
All four chests are locked, and Andress carries the keys. casts defensive spells (see Tactics). If Harular accompanied
s Iron-reinforced Wooden Chest: 2 in. thick; Hardness 5; Andress to the temple, the half-dragon halfling is by her side.
hp 15; Break (DC 25); Open Lock (DC 30). All of the secret doors leading to this room are connected
Trap (EL 2 per chest): Andress has trapped the chests with mechanically so that they all open and close together; they are
glyphs of warding that appear as tiny, scourge-like markings in also trapped (see area U35 for details). On the floor by each
some innocuous place. Each glyph triggers when anyone other secret door is an iron pedal that, when depressed, allows the
than Andress opens the chest. doors to be opened easily from inside the room.
a Glyphs of Warding (1 per chest): CR 2; see each chest
(below) for specific effects; Search (DC 28); Disable Device Hidden behind the secret door is a 10-foot-high rectangular
(DC 28); Dispel (DC 19). room lit by flickering orange flames atop iron-wrought poles.
Chest #1: The glyph of warding triggers a spiritual weapon Dominating the middle of the chamber is an iron altar cov-
spell, summoning forth a ghostly scourge that attacks for 8 ered with spikes, impaled on which are a dozen or more
rounds before disappearing (Atk +6/+1 melee; 1d8/crit ×2). The humanoid skulls. Near the altar stands a T-shaped iron rack
chest contains the following treasure: with hooks for hanging clothes. An ugly iron censer is sus-
• a carved bone statuette depicting a skeletal knight (30 gp); pended above the altar by three chains affixed to the ceil-
• a finely wrought gold bracelet (55 gp); ing. Tendrils of foul-smelling purple smoke issue from the
• an ornate silver ewer (60 gp) wrapped in black cloth; dagger-shaped holes in the censer. The walls near the floor
• a silver pendant set with four red garnets (450 gp); and ceiling are painted with bright orange flames and
• a rock crystal flask (100 gp) containing four doses of anti- adorned with dangling sets of iron manacles.
toxin (50 gp per dose).
Chest #2: The glyph on this chest triggers an inflict serious If Andress is not present, her ceremonial robe and mask
wounds spell that deals 3d8+8 points of damage. No attack roll hang on the T-shaped rack by the altar; otherwise, the rack is
is required, but the glyph can cause harm only to a creature bare. Manacles hang from every wall that is not marked by a
in direct contact with the chest. This chest contains: secret door.
• a black cloth mask sewn with four moonstones and dozens PCs who inspect the altar closely and succeed at a Search
of tiny, silver hooks (260 gp); or Spot check (DC 16) can see that it has several hinges and
• a jade comb shaped like a green dragon (180 gp); gears built into it.
• three glass flasks of alchemist’s fire (20 gp each); Creatures (EL 9+): An ethereal xill cleric of Loviatar guards
• a bundle of 12 smokesticks (20 gp each); this room. The creature wears a suit of black studded leather
• three thunderstones (30 gp each) in a rhodochrosite bowl armor tightened with straps and buckles and a magic cloak
set with citrines (450 gp). made from darkmantle hide (see Treasure below).
Chest #3: The glyph on this chest triggers a summon mon- The iron altar is an animated object constructed by Bhell
ster III spell that brings forth a dretch (see page 41 of the Monster and brought to life by Loviatar. When commanded to attack by
Manual for statistics). After 8 rounds or when slain, it vanishes a cleric of the pain goddess, the vaguely rectangular altar
in an inky black cloud. The chest contains: unfolds a pair of arms and legs, transforming into an 8-foot-tall
• a leather glove with steel claws protruding from the fin- headless, spike-covered humanoid. The transformation takes 1
gertips; used as a weapon, it rakes for 1d3 points of damage. round. The animated altar doggedly pursues foes but cannot
• a gold circlet set with a fiery yellow corundum (1,500 gp); pass through a closed “biting door.”
Event 11. The Truth If the PCs succeed in turning the villagers against Andress,
When the PCs are close to uncovering the truth, Andress read or paraphrase the following:
begins to spread rumors that the heroes have less than good
motives for offering their aid to the village. She lies. She paints A dreadful sneer crosses the cleric’s face, and her conde-
the PCs as opportunists taking advantage of a village’s mourn- scending glare alone seems to push back the villagers
ing. She describes the catacombs as a sacred resting place for around her. “Despair, you blind and suffering fools! Your
the clerics of Ilmater and the ancestors of Twilight Hollow. She pain and sorrow is but wine in my chalice. You sought refuge
accuses the PCs of desecrating a holy site. She concocts sto- in the hands of a weak god, but it is Loviatar who now holds
ries to make the PCs’ actions seem evil and malicious in nature. your fate. You have a choice: Embrace the hardship and mis-
If the PCs kill Andress without presenting compelling evi- ery of life, or suffer a painful death!”
dence of her guilt, they must explain their actions to the vil-
lagers. If the PCs catch Andress in the Temple of Ilmater and The villagers are terrified and aghast, unable to oppose the
attack her, she makes every attempt to flee to a public space will of the woman who has misled them. A stern condemnation
where she can use the PCs’ violence as proof of their evil of Andress’s treachery coupled with a successful Diplomacy
hearts. Even if they kill Andress before she can reach the vil- check (DC 20) enables the PCs to turn the fearful villagers
lagers, they must explain themselves. The five acolytes of Ilmater against the cleric. Surrounded on all sides and unable to flee,
and ten temple guards not only try to protect Andress but also Andress chooses to embrace the pain, laughing out loud as the
secure help from the villagers. villagers’ rusty weapons carve into her soft flesh.
If Andress succeeds in rousing the villagers, read or para- If the PCs fail in their attempt to turn the villagers against
phrase the following when the PCs return to the village and are her, Andress casts summon monster IV and conjures forth a
within sight of the statue of Ilmater (area T3): fiendish dire ape. The creature’s sudden appearance in a cloud
of sulfurous smoke causes the villagers and guards to scatter.
Dozens of villagers gather near the statue of Ilmater in front She then turns her attention toward the PCs.
of the church. Andress stands among them, pointing toward Creatures (EL 9): The 36 villagers [Com1; hp 3 each; AC 10;
you and your companions. She shouts, “They would come to Atk +0 melee (1d6, halfspear or sickle)] are frightened and
our village and take advantage of our tragedies to steal from confused. No experience points should be awarded for killing
us! These evil monsters have walked among our dead, pil- them, although the PCs should receive full XPs for Andress if
fering from their pockets and disturbing their rest. How can they successfully turn the villagers against her.
they do this? We welcomed them into our village and helped The fiendish dire ape remains for 9 rounds (the duration of
them in every way possible, and this is the thanks they give Andress’s summon monster IV spell) or until slain.
us. Desecrating our most holy site! For all we know, they d Fiendish Dire Ape (1): CR 4; hp 39; SA smite good (1/day;
could be the same brigands who murdered fair Shaunnra!” +5 points of damage); SQ cold and fire resistance 10, damage
A rumble of anger and agreement moves through the crowd. reduction 5/+1, SR 10, darkvision 60 ft.; Monster Manual 57.
Development: If he is with the PCs and his wounds were
Andress believes that the PCs won’t risk harming any of the healed, Levetron helps the party any way he can. For instance,
villagers, as an unprovoked attack made against her will only he can make a Diplomacy check (DC 10) to add +2 to another
rally the community to her side. If the PCs try to contest the character’s Diplomacy check. If he has had time to prepare
accusations against them, a handful of villagers chide them and spells, he could offer healing or attempt to dispel the fiendish
demand that they leave Twilight Hollow at once. If they assume dire ape. Once Andress has been dealt with, he steps forward
a more threatening posture, an outspoken guard or villager and allays the villagers’ fears with a rousing speech:
charges the PCs with a sickle or spear and shouts, “Demons!
We will no longer live in fear!” A full-blown battle ensues. “The evil that threatened to consume this village has been
Convincing the villagers that Andress has done unspeakable defeated. Through tears and suffering, we have triumphed.
things requires a successful Diplomacy check (DC 40), modi- Our faith in Ilmater has made us stronger, and the next time
fied according tho the following chart. Feel free to have play- evil shows its face, we will have the strength to vanquish it.
ers roleplay the debates with the villagers rather than roll dice. We must remember the sacrifices of those who died to save
this village, and the heroes who helped us through the dark-
Circumstances DC Modifier ness. They will forever be in our prayers.”
The PCs have only empty accusations. +0
The PCs have Renadra Wrenbow and other Unless the PCs object, Levetron remains in Twilight Hollow
children speak of Andress’s cruelty. –5 to look after Shaunnra’s body, conduct religious services, and
The PCs have physical evidence, but not provide stability. If evil still lurks in the catacombs, the aasimar
concrete proof. –5 cleric asks the PCs to help “clean up the mess” but doesn’t
The PCs catch Andress in a lie and point it out press them into service.
to the villagers. –10 Andress’s familiar, Sphinx, reverts to a normal cat when its
The PCs persuade a member of Harular’s Claws mistress is slain. Rather than loiter around Twilight Hollow, it
to speak out against Andress. –10 attaches itself to the heroes, following them everywhere. A PC
The PCs persuade a captured cleric of Loviatar might adopt the feline or, in the case of a sorcerer or wizard,
to speak against Andress. –15 turn it into his or her familiar. Either way, Sphinx bears the
The PCs have Levetron (see area U15) describe heroes no ill will.
his torture by Andress’s hand. –25
mind bending whirls of corrupted aether We’ll leave staking to the LARPers.
that adorn the wallpaper of Tharizdun's Seriously, we’ll print any reasonable let-
study in the Far Realms (where the Elder ter that offers a novel criticism or poses
Elemental Evil spends his afternoons qui- an interesting question—anything to get
etly sipping peppermint tea and contem- you to think. And it looks like Mistress
plating the racing forms) why, why, why Luzora has accomplished our goal. . . .
did you print (ahem) Mistress Luxora’s
letter? It was as if you had taken all the DEADGATE ROCKS!
caffeinated, opinionated, obsessively I absolutely love the new minor artifact
petulant moments from the time I refer known as the Deadgate! I’m currently
to as my “Goth Period,” concentrated running my players through “The Door
them, and injected them via a hypoder- From Everywhere” (from Issue #88). It
mic needle into my eyes. fit perfectly into my campaign world
But you are quite correct in your with just a few modifications! As soon as
response to said missive. Erotica is just they’re done with this, they’ll find their
so much wasted text where DUNGEON destinies entwined with the nation of
Magazine is concerned. Any halfway Sterich (this name will also change for
competent DM can add sexual spice to my campaign, but you get the idea).
an adventure without needing outside “Headless” (from Issue #89) is yet
assistance—especially from a magazine another great adventure that I can’t wait
wishing to stay outside a brown wrap- to run. I also plan on having one of the
per. Frankly, a DM who can’t do that for party’s recurring adversaries, Methos, a
him or herself really has no business 6th-level necromancer)/4th-level crypt
reading naughty magazines anyway. lord (from Relics and Rituals from
So, bravo. Still, the next time you Sword and Sorcery publishing) pop in
encounter someone who uses the hon- and admire the work so (so the PCs
orific “Mistress” before her or might run into a Deadgate again).
(Gruumsh preserve you) his name, my Please, keep putting out such great
advice is to stake her with her own adventures that fit into any campaign,
GOTH GONE WRONG? stiletto pumps. especially for mid- to high-level groups!
Why, in the freezing rain of Utter Montejon Dennis Schroader
Mongolia—no, check that. Why, in the Via Email Via Email
By Robert Lee
By Johnathan M. Richards
The Adventurers Guild is holding their competition to
determine the best of the best. Is your group up to the task?
By J. Bradley Schell
Mom always told you to clean your room. It never seems
important, though, until those conjurations go wrong.
This issue also includes a complete issue of POLYHEDRON Magazine.
Just flip DUNGEON over for the best in d20 and RPGA coverage.
That’s two magazines for the same cover price: 176 pages of
D&D and d20 gaming material. It’s the best value in gaming!
Illustration by Kyle Anderson
112 january/february 2002