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 Awareness of everything that is going on around you and inside  The Adaptive Theory of Sleep - (Sleep is a product of evolution).
your own head at any given moment, which you use to organize It proposes that animals and humans evolved different sleep
your behavior. patterns to avoid being present during their predators normal
 Altered states of consciousness are shifts in the quality or pattern hunting times, which typically would be at night.
of mental activity.  The Restorative Theory of Sleep - (Why organism sleep), which
states that sleep is necessary to the physical health of the body.
Waking Consciousness –
Two Kinds of Sleep
 a state of people’s time awakes which their thoughts, feelings, and
sensations are clear and organized, and they feel alert. REM - Rapid Eye Movement
ALTERED STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS  A relatively psychologically active type of sleep when most of a
person’s dreaming takes place
 Occurs when there is a shift in the quality or pattern of your
 The voluntary muscle is inhibited, meaning that the person in REM
mental ability.
sleep moves very little.
 Thoughts may become fuzzy and disorganized, and you may feel
less alert, or your thoughts may take bizarre turns, as they often Non-REM (NREM) or deep sleep
 Sleep spans from lighter stages to a much deeper, more restful
 Sometimes being in an altered state mean being a state of
kind of sleep
increased alertness, as when under the influence of a stimulant.
 Sleep the person’s body is free to move around (including kicking
 Example: driving while using cellphone, daydreaming, being
one’s bed’s partner!)
hypnotized, or achieving a meditative state usually considered to
 Allow scientist to record the brain wave activity as a person passes
through the various stages of sleep and to determine what type of
sleep the person has entered.
 One reason for this fact that we need to sleep because sleep is one
of the human body must go through.
 The sleep awake-cycle. The term comes from two Latin words, Dreams to be more vivid, more detailed, longer and more bizarre
circa (about) and diem (day)
than the dreams of NREM.
SLEEP PARALYSIS 4. Keep to a regular schedule.
5. Don’t take sleeping pills or drink alcohol or other types of drugs that slow
 The body is unable to act upon these dreams under normal down the nervous system
conditions because the voluntary muscles are paralyzed. (This is
why you sometimes have a dream in which you are trying to run or
move and can’t -you are partially aware of sleep paralysis. Sleep Disorder

Sleep Disorder SLEEP APNEA - types of snoring which the person stops breathing for 10
seconds or more.
 Nightmares
 Night Terrors NARCOLEPSY - A disorder affecting 1 in every 2000 persons, a kind of
 Sleep Walking or Somnambulism “sleep seizure”
 REM Behavior Disorder

In July of 2008, Brian Thomas of South Wales in Great Britain. devoted Sleep Disorder
husband and father of two children, killed his wife while dreaming of
intruders breaking into their camper. Thomas had a history of Name of Disorder: Somnambulism
sleepwalking and normally slept apart his wife. Experts found that he
 Primary Symptoms: Sitting, walking, or performing complex
suffered from night terrors, and he was acquitted of her murder by reason
behavior while sleeping
of temporary insanity.
Name of Disorder: Night Terrors
Insomnia - insomnia is the ability to get sleep, stay asleep, or to get a
good quality of sleep.  Primary Symptoms: Extreme fear, agitation, screaming while sleep
 Psychological causes are worrying, trying too hard to sleep, or Name of Disorder: Restless Leg Syndrome
having anxiety.
 Physiological causes are too much caffeine, indigestion, or aches  Primary Symptoms: Uncomfortable sensations in legs causing
and pain. movement and loss of sleep

Helpful Tips Name of Disorder: Nocturnal Leg Cramps

1. Go to bed only when you are sleepy.  Primary Symptoms: Painful cramps in calf or foot muscles
2. Don’t do anything in your bed but sleep.
Name of Disorder: Hypersomnia
3. Don’t try too hard to get to sleep, and specially do not look at the clock and
calculator how much sleep you aren’t getting.  Primary Symptoms: Excessive daytime sleepiness
Name of Disorder: Circadian Rhythm Disorders Facts About Hypnosis

 Primary Symptoms: Disturbances of the sleep-wake cycle such as Hypnosis Can:

jet lag and shift work
 Create amnesia for whatever happens during the hypnotic session,
Name of Disorder: Enuresis at least for a brief time.
 Relieve pain by allowing a person to remove, conscious attention
 Primary Symptoms: Urinating while asleep in bed
from the pain.
 Alter sensory perceptions, (smell, hearing, vision, time sense, and
the ability to see visual illusions can all affected by hypnosis.
Freud’s Interpretation: Dreams as Wish Fulfillment  Help people relax in situations that normally would cause them
Manifest Content stress, such as flying on airplane

 A dream is the actual dream itself.

Latent Content Hypnosis Cannot

 The true meaning of dream was hidden o latent, and only  Give people superman strength.
expressed in symbols.  Reliably enhance memory.
 Regress people back to childhood
For example: Chad has a dream in which he trying to climb out of a  Regress to some “past life”. There is no scientific evidence for past-
bathtub, the manifest content of the dream is exactly that-he’s trying to life regression.
climb out of a bathtub.
In the dream, the water in the tub might symbolize the waters of birth and
the tub itself might be his mother’s womb. Chad may be dreaming about THEORIES OF HYPNOSIS
believed that hypnosis worked only on the immediate conscious mind of a
person, while a part of that person’s mind (a hidden observer) remained
Hypnosis - is a state of consciousness in which a person is especially aware of all that was going on.
susceptible to suggestion

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