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Emerging literature is an integration of a traditional and technological driven
form of literature. This chapter will tackle about the different emerging genres of
literature in the 21st century, the issues and challenges in emerging literature and the
interrelationship of contemporary, popular and emergent literature.

Lesson 8: Introduction to Emerging Literature
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Determine new emerging genres of literature; and
b. Discuss the elements and characteristics of these genres.

The New Emerging Genres of Literature
I. Creative Nonfiction
Also known as literary non-fiction or narrative non-fiction. It is a
genre of writing that uses literary styles and techniques to create
factually accurate narratives. Contrasts with other non-fiction, such
as technical writing or journalism, which is also rooted in accurate
fact, but is not primarily written in service to its craft. As a genre,
creative non-fiction is still relatively young, and is only beginning
to be scrutinized with the same critical analysis given to fiction and
poetry. It is a rich mix of flavors, ideas and techniques, some of
which are newly invented and others as old as writing itself.
Creative nonfiction can be an essay, a
journal article, a research paper, a memoir,
or a poem; it can be personal or not.
The creative nonfiction writer produces a personal essay, memoir,
travel piece, and so forth, with a variety of techniques, writing tools,
and methods. He/she is required to use the elements of nonfiction,
literary devices of fiction, and what Lee Gutkind called “the 5 Rs of
Creative nonfiction.” The following is a brief explanation of each:

Characteristics of Creative Nonfiction

The creative nonfiction writer often incorporates several elements of nonfiction when writing a
memoir, personal essay, travel writing, and so on. The following is a brief explanation of the
most common elements of nonfiction:
1. Fact. The writing must be based on fact, rather than fiction. It cannot be made up.

2. Extensive research. The piece of writing is based on primary research, such as an
interview or personal experience, and often secondary research, such as gathering
information from books, magazines, and newspapers.
3. Reportage/reporting. The writer must be able to document events or personal
4. Personal experience and personal opinion. Often, the writer includes personal
experience, feelings, thoughts, and opinions. For instance, when writing a personal
essay or memoir.
5. Explanation/Exposition. The writer is required to explain the personal experience or
topic to the reader.
6. Essay format. Creative nonfiction is often written in essay format. Example: Personal
Essay, Literary Journalistic essay, brief essay.

Elements of Creative Non-fiction

The main elements of creative nonfiction are setting, descriptive imagery, figurative
language, plot, and character. The overarching element or requirement that distinguishes
creative nonfiction from any other genre of writing is that while other literary genres can spring
from the imagination, creative nonfiction is, by definition, true. As you complete the assigned
readings in this chapter, keep track of the following elements as they arise in your readings: see
if you can identify each of them. Learning these elements now will form a solid foundation for
the rest of the class.

1. Setting
Each story has a setting. The setting is the place where the story takes place. Usually, an
effective story establishes its setting early in the story: otherwise readers will have a difficult
time visualizing the action of the story. Below is an example of how a writer might establish
setting in a way which immerses the reader: by showing rather than telling.
I went to the lake. It was cool. My breath escaped in ragged bursts, my quadriceps burning as I
crested the summit. The lake stretched before me, aquamarine, glistening in the hot August
afternoon sun. Ponderosa pines lined its shores, dropping their spicy-scented needles into the
clear water. Despite the heat, the Montana mountain air tasted crisp.
Which of the above lakes would you want to visit? Which one paints a more immersive picture, 105
making you feel like you are there? When writing a story, our initial instinct is usually to make
a list of chronological moments: first I did this, then I did this, then I did that, it was neat-o.
That might be factual, but it does not engage the reader or invite them into your world. It bores
the reader. Ever been stuck listening to someone tell a story that seems like it will never end? It
probably was someone telling you a story rather than using the five senses to immerse you. In
the example above, the writer uses visual (sight), auditory (sound), olfactory (smell), tactile
(touch), or gustatory (taste) imagery to help the reader picture the setting in their mind. By the
final draft, the entire story should be compelling and richly detailed. While it's fine to have an
outline or first draft that recounts the events of the story, the final draft should include dialogue,
immersive description, plot twists, and metaphors to capture your reader's attention as you

2. Descriptive Imagery
You have probably encountered descriptive imagery before. Basically, it is the way the
writer paints the scene, or image, in the mind of the reader. It usually involves descriptions of
one or more of the five senses: sight, sound, smell, touch, or taste. For example, how would you
describe a lemon to a person who has never seen one before?

Imagine you are describing a lemon to someone who has never seen one before. How would
you describe it using all five senses?
Sight Touch
Sound Taste
One might describe a lemon as yellow, sour-smelling and tasting, and with a smooth,
bumpy skin. They might describe the sound of the lemon as a thump on the table if it is
dropped, or squelching if it is squished underfoot. By painting a picture in the reader's mind, it
immerses them in the story so that they feel they are actually there.
Figurative. Figurative language can also take the form of simile: "aunt Becky's attitude
was as sour as a lemon." By comparing an abstract concept (attitude) to an object (lemon), it
imparts a feeling/meaning in a more interesting way.

3. Plot
Plot is one of the basic elements of every story: put simply, plot refers to the actual
events that take place within the bounds of your narrative. Using our rhetorical situation
vocabulary, we can identify “plot” as the primary subject of a descriptive personal narrative.
Three related elements to consider are scope, sequence, and pacing.
4. Scope
The term scope refers to the boundaries of plot. Where and when does the story begins
and ends? What is its focus? What background information and details does the story requires?
I often think about narrative scope as the edges of a photograph: a photo, whether of a vast
landscape or a microscopic organism, has boundaries. Those boundaries inform the viewer’s
The way we determine scope varies based on rhetorical situation, but I can say generally
that many developing writers struggle with a scope that is too broad: writers often find it
challenging to zero in on the events that drive a story and prune out extraneous information.
Consider, as an example, how you might respond if your friend asked what you did last
weekend. If you began with, “I woke up on Saturday morning, rolled over, checked my phone,
fell back asleep, woke up, pulled my feet out from under the covers, put my feet on the floor,
stood up, stretched…” then your friend might have stopped listening by the time you get to the
really good stuff. Your scope is too broad, so you’re including details that distract or bore your
reader. Instead, focus on the most exciting or meaningful moment(s) of your day: "I woke up
face-down to the crunch of shattered glass underneath me. When I wobbled to my feet, I
realized I was in a large, marble room with large windows overlooking the flashing neon lights
of the Las Vegas strip. I had no idea how I got there!" Readers can expect this story will focus
on how the storyteller arrived in Las Vegas, and it is much more interesting than including
every single detail of the day.
5. Sequence
The sequence of your plot—the order of the events—will determine your reader’s
experience. There are an infinite number of ways you might structure your story, and the shape
of your story is worth deep consideration. Although the traditional forms for a narrative
sequence are not your only options, let’s take a look at a few tried-and-true shapes your plot
might take. 107
Freytag's Pyramid: Chronological
A. Exposition: Here, you’re setting the scene, introducing characters, and preparing the reader
for the journey.

B. Rising action: In this part, things start to happen. You (or your characters) encounter
conflict, set out on a journey, meet people, etc.

C. Climax: This is the peak of the action, the main showdown, the central event toward which
your story has been building.
D. Falling action: Now things start to wind down. You (or your characters) come away from
the climactic experience changed—at the very least, you are wiser for having had that

E. Resolution: Also known as dénouement, this is where all the loose ends get tied up. The
central conflict has been resolved, and everything is back to normal, but perhaps a bit different.

6. Nonlinear Narrative
A nonlinear narrative may be told in a series of flashbacks or vignettes. It might jump
back and forth in time. Stories about trauma are often told in this fashion. If using this plot
form, be sure to make clear to readers how/why the jumps in time are occurring. A writer might
clarify jumps in time by adding time-stamps or dates or by using symbolic images to connect
different vignettes.

7. Pacing
While scope determines the boundaries of plot, and sequencing determines where the
plot goes, pacing determines how quickly readers move through the story. In short, it is the
amount of time you dedicate to describing each event in the story.
I include pacing with sequence because a change to one often influences the other. Put
simply, pacing refers to the speed and fluidity with which a reader moves through your story.
You can play with pacing by moving more quickly through events, or even by experimenting 108
with sentence and paragraph length. Consider how the “flow” of the following examples differ:
The train screeched to a halt. A flock of pigeons took flight as the conductor announced, “We’ll
be stuck here for a few minutes.”
Lost in my thoughts, I shuddered as the train ground to a full stop in the middle of an
intersection. I was surprised, jarred by the unannounced and abrupt jerking of the car. I sought
clues for our stop outside the window. All I saw were pigeons as startled and clueless as I.
8. Characters
A major requirement of any story is the use of characters. Characters bring life to the
story. Keep in mind that while human characters are most frequently featured in stories,
sometimes there are non-human characters in a story such as animals or even the environment
itself. Consider, for example, the ways in which the desert itself might be considered a character
in "Bajadas" by Francisco Cantú.

Whether a story is fiction or nonfiction, writers should spend some time thinking about
characterization: the development of characters through actions, descriptions, and dialogue.
Your audience will be more engaged with and sympathetic toward your narrative if they can
vividly imagine the characters as real people.
Types of Characters:
Round characters – are very detailed, requiring attentive description of their traits and
Your most important characters should be round: the added detail will help your reader better
visualize, understand, and care about them.

Flat characters – are minimally detailed, only briefly sketched or named.

Less important characters should take up less space and will therefore have less detailed

Static characters – remain the same throughout the narrative.

Even though all of us are always changing, some people will behave and appear the same
throughout the course of your story. Static characters can serve as a reference point for dynamic 109
characters to show the latter’s growth.

Dynamic characters – noticeably change within the narrative, typically as a result of the
Most likely, you will be a dynamic character in your personal narrative because such stories are
centered around an impactful experience, relationship, or place. Dynamic characters learn and
grow over time, either gradually or with an epiphany.

9. Point of View
The position from which your story is told will help shape your reader’s experience, the
language your narrator and characters use, and even the plot itself. You might recognize this
from Dear White People Volume 1 or Arrested Development Season 4, both Netflix TV series.
Typically, each episode in these seasons explores similar plot events, but from a different
character’s perspective. Because of their unique vantage points, characters can tell different
stories about the same realities.
This is, of course, true for our lives more generally. In addition to our differences in
knowledge and experiences, we also interpret and understand events differently. In our writing,
narrative position is informed by point-of-view and the emotional valences I refer to here as
tone and mood.

A Non-Comprehensive Breakdown of POV

FIRST PERSON POINT OF VIEW – Narrator uses 1st person pronouns (I/me/mine or
Can include internal monologue (motives, thoughts, feelings) of the narrator. Limited certainty
of motives, thoughts, or feelings of other characters.
 I tripped on the last stair, preoccupied by what my sister had said, and felt my stomach
SECOND PERSON POINT OF VIEW – Narrator uses 2nd person pronouns (you/you/your).
Speaks to the reader, as if the reader is the protagonist OR uses apostrophe to speak to an absent
or unidentified person
Example: 110
 Your breath catches as you feel the phantom step.
 O, staircase, how you keep me awake at night.
THIRD PERSON LIMITED – Narrator uses 3rd person pronouns (he/him/his, she/her/hers,
Sometimes called “close” third person. Observes and narrates but sticks near one or two
characters, in contrast with 3rd person omniscient.
 He was visibly frustrated by his sister’s nonchalance and wasn’t watching his step.
THIRD PERSON OMNISCIENT – Narrator uses 3rd person pronouns (he/him/his,
she/her/hers, they/they/theirs).
Observes and narrates from an all-knowing perspective. Can include internal monologue
(motives, thoughts, feelings) of all characters.
 Beneath the surface, his sister felt regretful. Why did I tell him that? she wondered.
STREAM-OF-CONSCIOUSNESS – Narrator uses inconsistent pronouns, or no pronouns at
Approximates the digressive, wandering, and ungrammatical thought processes of the narrator.
 But now, a thousand empty⎯where? ⎯and she, with head shake, will be fine⎯AHH!

Typically, you will tell your story from the first-person point-of-view, but personal
narratives can also be told from a different perspective; I recommend “Comatose Dreams” to
illustrate this at work. As you’re developing and revising your writing, try to inhabit different
authorial positions: What would change if you used the third person POV instead of first
person? What different meanings would your reader find if you told this story with a different
tone—bitter instead of nostalgic, proud rather than embarrassed, sarcastic rather than genuine?
Furthermore, there are many rhetorical situations that call for different POVs. (For
instance, you may have noticed that this book uses the second-person very frequently.) So, as 111
you evaluate which POV will be most effective for your current rhetorical situation, bear in
mind that the same choice might inform your future writing.

10. Dialogue
The communication between two or more characters.
For example:
"Hate to break it to you, but your story is boring."
"What? Why do you say that?" he stuttered as his face reddened.
"Because you did not include any dialogue," she laughed.

Think of the different conversations you’ve had today, with family, friends, or even
classmates. Within each of those conversations, there were likely pre-established relationships
that determined how you talked to each other: each is its own rhetorical situation. A dialogue
with your friends, for example, may be far different from one with your family. These
relationships can influence tone of voice, word choice (such as using slang, jargon, or lingo),
what details we share, and even what language we speak.
Good dialogue often demonstrates the traits of a character or the relationship of
characters. From reading or listening to how people talk to one another, we often infer the
relationships they have. We can tell if they’re having an argument or conflict, if one is
experiencing some internal conflict or trauma, if they’re friendly acquaintances or cold
strangers, even how their emotional or professional attributes align or create opposition.
Often, dialogue does more than just one thing, which makes it a challenging tool to
master. When dialogue isn’t doing more than one thing, it can feel flat or expositional, like a
bad movie or TV show where everyone is saying their feelings or explaining what just
happened. For example, there is a difference between “No thanks, I’m not hungry” and “I’ve
told you, I’m not hungry.” The latter shows frustration, and hints at a previous conversation.
Exposition can have a place in dialogue, but we should use it deliberately, with an awareness of
how natural or unnatural it may sound. We should be aware how dialogue impacts the pacing of
the narrative. Dialogue can be musical and create tempo, with either quick back and forth, or
long drawn out pauses between two characters. Rhythm of a dialogue can also tell us about the
characters’ relationship and emotions. 112

The 5’Rs of Creative Nonfiction

Lee Gutkind, who is a writer, professor, and expert on creative nonfiction, wrote an essay called
“The Five R’s of Creative Nonfiction.” In this essay, he identified five essential elements of
creative nonfiction. These include:
1. Creative nonfiction has a “real life” aspect. The writer constructs a personal essay,
memoir, and so forth, that is based on personal experience. He also writes about real
people and true events.
2. Creative nonfiction is based on the writer engaging in personal “reflection” about what
he/she is writing about. After gathering information, the writer needs to analyze and
assess what he/she has collected. He then must evaluate it and expression his thoughts,
views, opinions. Personal opinion is permissible and encouraged.
3. Creative nonfiction requires that the writer complete research. The writer needs to
conduct research to learn about the topic. The writer also needs to complete research to
discover what has been written about the topic. Even if a writer is crafting a personal
essay, he will need to complete secondary research, such as reviewing a personal
journal, or primary research, such as interviewing a friend or family member, to ensure
that the information is truthful and factual.
4. The fourth aspect of creative nonfiction is reading. Reading while conducting research
is not sufficient. The writer must read the work of the masters of his profession.
5. The final element of creative nonfiction is writing. Writing creative nonfiction is both an
art and craft. The art of creative nonfiction requires that the writer uses his talents,
instincts, creative abilities, and imagination to write memorable creative nonfiction. The
craft of creative nonfiction requires that the writer learn and deploy the style and
techniques of creative nonfiction in his/her work.
Types of Creative Nonfiction
Creative nonfiction is about fact and truth. The truth can be about a personal
experience, event, or issue in the public eye. There are many categories or genres to choose
from, such as the personal essay, memoir, and autobiography. The following is a list of the
most popular types of creative nonfiction:
1. Personal Essay. The writer crafts and essay that is based on personal experience or a
single event, which results in significant personal meaning or a lesson learned. The
writer uses the first person “I.”
2. Memoir. The writer constructs a true story about a time or period in his/life, one that
had significant personal meaning and a universal truth. The writer composes the story
using the first person “I.”
3. Literary journalism essay. The writer crafts an essay about an issue or topic using
literary devices, such as the elements of fiction and figurative language.
4. Autobiography. The writer composes his/her life story, from birth to the present, using
the first person “I.”
5. Travel Writing. The writer crafts articles or essays about travel using literary devices.
6. Food writing. The writer crafts stories about food and cuisine using literary devices.
7. Profiles. The writer constructs biographies or essays on real people using literary
Guidelines for Writing Creative Nonfiction
Not only must the aspiring writer of creative nonfiction learn the techniques, but he/she
also requires a good understanding of the guidelines. The following are 12 guidelines for
writing any type of creative nonfiction:
 Research the topic. Both primary (interview, personal experience, or participant
observation) and secondary research (books, magazines, newspaper, Web)
 Never invent or change facts. An invented story is fiction.
 Provide accurate information. Write honestly and truthfully. Information should be
 Provide concrete evidence. Use facts, examples, and quotations.
 Use humor to make an important point.
 Show the reader what happened, don’t tell them what happened. To do this,
dramatize the story.
 Narrate the story. A story has an inciting incident, goal, conflict, challenges, obstacles,
climax, and resolution.
 Write about the interesting and extraordinary. Write about personal experiences,
interesting people, extraordinary events, or provide a unique perspective on everyday
 Organize the information. Two common techniques are chronological or logical order.
 Use literary devices to tell the story. Choose language that stimulates and entertains
the reader, such as simile, metaphor, imagery.
 Introduce the essay or other work with a hook. Its purpose is to grab the readers’
attention and compel them to reader further. Popular hooks include a quotation,
question, or thought-provoking fact.
 End the creative nonfiction piece with a final, important point. Otherwise the reader
will think, “So what!” “What was the point? It was an interesting story, but how does it
apply to me or my life?”


Hyper poetry is a form of digital poetry that
uses links using hypertext mark-up. It is a very
visual form, and is related to hypertext fiction and
visual arts. The links mean that a hypertext poem
has no set order, the poem moving or being
generated in response to the links that the
reader/user chooses. It can either involve set words,
phrases, lines, etc. that are presented in variable
order but sit on the page much as traditional poetry
does, or it can contain parts of the poem that move
and / or mutate. It is usually found online, though
CD-ROM and diskette versions exist. The earliest
examples date to no later than the mid-1980s.
Hypertext poetry, is a subgenre of digital poetry. Digital poetry is sometimes referred to as e-
poetry, electronic poetry, and cyberpoetry. The genre mostly falls into two subgenres:
interactive poetry and hypertext poetry (Poetry Beyond Text).
Hypertext poetry utilizes the components of hypertexts. Hyperlinks are embedded, throughout,
or in some cases "each word, phrase or line." Each link brings the reader to another page "that
defines or expands on the idea represented by the text of the poem" (Hypertext Poetry And 115
Fiction). The links most often stem from the "primary text. However, some hypertext poems
that do not have a primary text. In these works, the reader of the poem choose the way he
navigates the poem through the amount and pattern he chooses with the hyperlinks

Example of Hyper Poetry:

Do You Believe?

I was that kid who has read a lot of fairy tale books
Princess with glass slippers, peter pan who fights captain hook
Fascinated, I remember each story my mom read to me
I believed one day; they will appear for me to see.

We all knew a lady who glows in a white silky dress

The one with pretty wings and a gentle caress
I eagerly wait for her looking out my window,
But she always exchanges my teeth with coins under the pillow.

A big, chubby, good, old man in red

The one who gives us gifts riding his sled
Along with the help of his elves and reindeers
The time for enjoyment is here, let go of your fears!

Now who could’ve forgotten this man with and hourglass?

Nope, he doesn’t come when we sleep in class.
He guards us in our sleep to avoid nightmares
Like the ones with zombies, witches or grizzly bears.

Lastly, the cute little guy who loves a good hunting game
Colorful eggs, baskets… You know him and his name!
In the time of the year called “Easter”
He’s the first one you will remember.

As the years pass, their story becomes untold

Sweet old myths that’s good as gold
Tooth fairy, Santa Claus, Sandman, and the Easter bunny
Do you believe in them? Do you believe like me?

Elements of Hyper Poetry:

1. Kairos
With the digital revolution, there is a growing number of writers using electronic media to
create and publish their works (Kendall). Many writers in using electronic format expanded to
include the format of the hypertext, which is interactive in nature. Writers are able to break
away from the restrictions of paper (Kendall) and use content and features to create nonlinear
poems that are associated with the medium. The hypertext also allows writers to experiment
with elements like hyperlinks, images, sounds, and video (Kendall).

2. Audience
The audience plays an interactive role in the navigating and reading a hypertext poem.
Astrid Ensslin argues hypertext poetry, which she terms hyperpoetry, is the "most creative and
trans-artistic genre" out of all the hypertext genres because it offers the most "multisensory
textual experience." She argues this because it incorporates "nomadism" and brings the reader
away from the "verbal narrative” (Ennslin).
Hypertext Poetry is on the trend to become increasingly more popular in the upcoming years, as
more and more writers use digital media to create and publish their works. The genre attracts
users who want to be involved in the reading experience (Picot).

3. Content
Hypertext poems can include the traditional components of a poem which are: words, lines,
and stanzas. Most are in the form of free verse. However, the genre also includes other
multimedia components including: sounds, visual images, and three-dimensional letters, which
makes it hard to identify most of the formal poetic conventions (Hypertext Poetry And Fiction).
4. Formal Features
Hypertext poems include "hypertextual features" which are mostly composed of hyperlinks
that lead to a nonlinear reading of the text (Ensslin).
Hypertext poetry also includes hypermedia poetry. It moves beyond linking text to other
websites, and adds features such as, "image, sound, video and animation" (Millan). An example
of these features could be a sound "of a lawn mower" with words like "'mowing', 'stop',
'Sunday' and 'morning'" in succession across the readers screen (Hypertext Poetry And Fiction).
These types of features, or multimedia elements, make it hard to link hypertext poetry to any
formal poetry conventions (Hypertext Poetry And Fiction).

5. Ancestral Genres
One ancestral genre to hypertext poetry is the hypertext. Hypertexts allow a nonlinear
reading of the text in which an audience is able to have an interactive experience with the text
through the use of hyperlinks, which when clicked on, bring the reader to another website
(Christopher Funkhouser). Hyperlinks, are often referred to as simply links, and utilize URLs,
HTTPs, and HTMLs, (What are Hyperlinks?). Usually hyperlinks are in the form of highlighted
or "underlined" (Montecino) words within the text, which when clicked bring the viewer to
another website that provides an expansion on the concept (What are Hyperlinks?). Christopher
Funkhouser expands on the audience's interactive role with the hypertext, and how based on
his, "interest, engagement, and curiosity" he can control his navigation of the text.
Hypertext also functions as a collaborative text by blurring the roles of author and reader
become (Keep). Hypertexts are seen as electronic texts but Christopher Keep argues that
hypertexts are not restricted to "technology, content, or medium" (Keep).
Oral poetry shares the nonlinear shape of hypertext poetry. With each reading of an oral poem it
changes shape, which relates to how hypertext poetry changes for each reader that reads the 118
poem because of the nonlinear interactive navigation of the text (Ennslin).

Notable Examples of Hypertext Poetry:

 Penetration: Is a well-known example of a hypertext poem. The poem is from the
collection The Seasons, which was published in 2000 by Eastgate. The collection
consists of two poems: Dispossession and Penetration. The poem is set up so that the
reader has choice to begin the poem through different perspectives. For example, by
clicking on "daylight" the poem is in the perspective of the daughter (Di Rosario). Then
the path of the poem is dictated by the what the reader chooses after each passage, by
clicking on one of the series of choices below the passage (Di Rosario).
 Low Probability of Racoons: Is a website set up by Peter Howard, a well-known
digital poet, for some of his works, some of which includes hyperlinks his own
hypertext poetry.


It consists of heroin-centered
narratives that focus on the trials and
tribulations of their individual protagonists.
It often addresses issues of modern
womanhood – from romantic relationships
to female friendships to matters in the
workplace – in humorous and lighthearted

There are certain elements all chick lit novels have in common.
 They all feature a woman in her twenties or thirties as a protagonist
 The novels are mostly set in urban environments, most notably New York or London.
 The protagonists are career-women
 The protagonists are often single although they usually all end up with someone.
 Fashion often plays a big role in a chick-lit novels. The characters can either be 119
obsessed with it or the plot itself can be centered around fashion industry.
 The book covers often reflect this trend - they may feature articles of clothing, martinis,
parties and other symbols of a glamorous lifestyle.


Generally, 50% of the narrative is presented without words. The reader must interpret
the images in order to comprehend the complete story. Textual portions are presented in
traditional form. Some illustrated novels may contain no text at all. Illustrated novels span all

Elements of Illustrated Novel:

1. Panel - A distinct segment of the comic, containing images and text
2. Frame - The lines and borders that contain the panels

3. Gutter - The space between framed panels

4. Bleed - An image that extends to and/or beyond the edge of page

5. Captions - Boxes containing a variety of text elements (setting, description)

6. Speech Balloon - Enclose dialogue that comes from a specific speaker's mouth and can
vary in size, shape and layout
7. External Dialogue - Dialogue between two or more characters

8. Internal dialogue - Thought enclosed by a balloon that has a series of dots or bubbles
leading up to it
9. Special-effect lettering - Lettering that draws attention to text; often highlights
onomatopoeia and impact words (wow, bang)
10. Closure - The reader's completion of meaning between panels

11. Long shot - Images that show objects fully from top to bottom

12. Extreme long shot - Images that show images or characters in a really small scale

13. Close-Up - Images shown in a large view

14. Extreme close-up - Image shown in a very large view

15. Splash page - A panel that takes up the whole page of a comic

16. Splash panel - A panel that takes up the space of several panels in a comic

17. Palette - The colors used in a comic

18. Emanata - Text or icons that represent what is going on in the character's head

19. Spread - Two facing pages in a printed book

20. Inset - A panel contained within a larger panel

21. Speed lines - Lines that represent motion

22. Reverse - Images in the opposite position from the previous panel

23. Signs - Text labels written on objects in comics

24. Voice over - A narratory block in which a narrator or character shares special
information with the reader

Graphic novels use a sequence of illustrations to tell a story. They use the same text
bubble and image panel format that we find in comics, but unlike comics which are serialized,
graphic novels are published in book format, and usually tell a stand-
alone, complete story. This again makes them different from comic
books which are usually just a bound collection of comic strips
which were previously published as a periodical serial. Graphic
novels, are also very diverse because they are a format – so they
can cover any genre and any topic.
In the past, graphic novels in any form were generally dismissed
as inferior literature – “not proper reading”! As a school
librarian you may come across teachers and parents who still feel
this way about them. At best, they regard graphic novels as
something to be tolerated in the hope that eventually their child will
“move on” to more “quality literature.” But at the end of the day
reading is reading and it is a well-known fact that children who read for fun
and find pleasure in reading become lifelong readers.
 In the past, graphic novels in any form were generally dismissed as inferior literature –
“not proper reading”! As a school librarian you may come across teachers and parents
who still feel this way about them. At best, they regard graphic novels as something to
be tolerated in the hope that eventually their child will “move on” to more “quality 122
literature.” But at the end of the day reading is reading and it is a well-known fact that
children who read for fun and find pleasure in reading become lifelong readers. Serve
as an intermediary step to more difficult disciplines and concepts.
 Present complex material in a way that makes it easier to understand
 Develop skills such as inference and deduction which play a vital part in the reading
 Develop analytical and critical thinking skills.
 Offer another avenue through which students can experience art
In summary, graphic novels are an excellent resource for use in schools. They attract
readers with their visuals and actually encourage reading because they don’t seem as daunting
as a whole book filled with words. They are generally fast paced, and the word-to-picture
correlation provides an easy way for children to expand their vocabularies. The visual elements
help early readers to decode text and derive meaning whilst the relative speed and immediate
enjoyment that the children receive when reading these books also helps build reading
confidence. More importantly, comics extend the reading for advanced readers with the
interaction of the written and visual narratives adding complex layers of meaning. Another plus:
the number of titles is expanding rapidly every year, so there’s something for every child’s
interests. Last, but not least, graphic novels positively impact on children’s visual literacy
skills, which are more essential than ever in a digital age.
Consequently, it is possible to build a graphic novel collection which challenges the
good reader whilst also supporting those less enthusiastic. This is the key strength of the
graphic novel in a school library setting. They can be acquired simply to broaden current leisure
reading material, or used to support specific areas within the curriculum. In this way graphic
novels and comics have a definite educational role.


The story was told through dialogues in the social
network. The information of the whole work can be read at the
websites, and exchange by chat or using any. Stories told
almost completely in dialogue simulating social network
Characteristics of a Text-talk Novel:

1. Cliff hangers are common.

2. Vowels are not written in SMS slang.
3. Plots are usually about love and passion.
4. There are times that you need to pay for the next

In Japan, Manga art is highly respected for its ability to
create distinctive characters and imaginative stories. It is a pop
culture phenomenon that has spun off from simply art and
comic stories to Anime fairs, merchandise, and movies. The
characteristics of Magna characters have made all this possible.
From the faces and hair to the clothing, accessories, and over
exaggerated emotions, Manga is in a world all to its own.

Types of Manga
 ShÔnen- Boy’s Manga (Pronounced Show-Nen)
 ShÔjo- Girl’s Manga (Pronounced Show-Joe)
 Seinen- Men’s Manga (Pronounced Say-Nen)
 Josei- Women’s Manga (Pronounced Joe-Say)
 Kodomo- Children’s Manga (Kow-Dow-Mow)

Elements of a Manga:

1. Face
The face is the first characteristic you notice on a Manga character. With oversized eyes,
an almond-shaped face, and a very small mouth, the face stands out over the rest of the body.
With the rapid switch from distance to close-up shots, the face is key to drawing you into the
character and keeping you in the emotion of the story.

2. Hair
A Manga character's hair is a key characteristic, and therefore needs to be elaborate and
eye-catching. It is not uncommon for the character's hair to be long with many lines and of an
abnormal color. This is the look of traditional Japanese Magna characters and creates a visual
dynamism that separates these characters from mainstream animation that comes out of the
United States.

3. Clothing and Accessories
The way a Manga character dresses and accessorizes represent who and what they are.
For example, if the character is of a spiritual nature, then they might wear a cloak or a piece of
cloth that floats to represent the spiritual plane. This represents who they are. For Magna
warrior characters, accessories are what define the character. Swords, spears and other weapons
represent what they are. These details are important and should not be ignored.

4. Exaggerated Emotions
Manga characters are known for their over exaggerated emotions. When a cartoon
character cries, visible tears fall from their face, but when a Magna character cries, it rains
down in buckets. Eyes reduce in size, and the mouth either reduces in pain or expands if the
character cries out. The same can be said for anger. Magna evokes intense color in the face and
steam coming off the body. Magna characters become consumed by emotion.


Digi-fiction is a literary experience that combines three media; book, movie/video, and
Internet website. In order to get the full story, students must engage in navigation, reading,
viewing, in all three formats.

Why did digi-fiction emerge?

1. People’s attention span was becoming shorter and shorter and that it was important to
give people more options on how they consumed entertainment and books.
2. There has been a technological paradigm shift (from sit back media to lean forward
What do we need to know?
1. It can mean that the entire book can only be found online.
2. Sometimes works include passcodes so that there will access to more information.


A literary presentation where the author incorporates doodle

drawings and hand written graphics in place of traditional
font. Drawings enhance the story, often adding humorous
elements that would be missing if the illustrations were

Characteristics of a Doodle fiction:

 Simple drawings that can have concrete
representational meaning or may just be composed of random and abstract lines.
 Doodling engages the brain's “executive resources” - processes that help us plan, multi-
task and concentrate.
 It also acts as a mediator between the spectrum of thinking too much or thinking too
little and helps focus on the current situation.
Mathematicians and scientists use doodles to explain complex theories and equations.
Business people use doodles to map business plans and strategies. Across the globe, people
from all walks of life are doodling to help them communicate – to give visual representation
and meaning to their ideas and to help others.
Elements of a doodle fiction:
1. Plot – in fiction, the structure of interrelated actions, consciously selected and arranged
by the author.

2. Characters – is a person in a narrative work of art (such as a novel, play, television

series, or movie). The character can be completely fictional or based on a real-life

3. Setting – the setting is both the time and geographic location within a narrative or
within a work of fiction. 126

4. Person Point of View – is essentially the eyes through which a story is told. It is the
narrative voice through which readers follow the story's plot, meet its characters,
discover its setting, and enter into its relationships, emotions, and conflicts.

5. Theme – in works of fiction, a theme is the central idea or ideas explored in the story.
6. Style – doodles are simple drawings that can have concrete representational meaning or
may just be composed of random and abstract lines, generally without ever lifting the
drawing device from the paper, in which case it is usually called a "scribble".

Flash fiction goes by many names, including
micro-fiction, micro-stories, short-shorts, short-short
stories, very short stories, sudden fiction, postcard
fiction and nano-fiction. While it can be difficult to
pinpoint an exact definition of flash fiction based on
word count, consideration of several of its features
can help provide clarity, like its brevity, length, background and purpose.

What Are the Rules of Flash Fiction?

Flash fiction is the modern term given to a very short story, usually one under 500
words in length. There is no standard definition and some people argue the term only applies to
stories of less than 300 words and others say that any story under 1,000 words qualifies.
Whatever the agreed length of flash fiction, it should still contain all the elements that you
would expect to find in a longer story.

Elements of Flash Fiction Explained:

 Flash fiction must have a beginning, middle and an end.
 For the story to have impact there should be some change in action or motivation of the
 The reader needs to feel that there is some kind of resolution by the end of the story.
 Writing to such a tight brief is difficult. It is a different skill to that of writing a novel.
Flash fiction requires brevity.
 An author needs to convey character and plot in a succinct manner and make every
word count.

The Essentials of Flash or Micro Fiction

1. The story is short in length. This could be as brief as 6 words, or as long as 1,000.
2. The tale must engage with a reader's emotions. Your characters must be fully developed
and not cardboard cut-outs.
3. Good fiction includes a surprise or plot twist. The ending should be unexpected and not
4. The story should mark a change or epiphany for the main character. This could be a
physical change, or a change of mind that has lifechanging impact.

Characteristics of a flash fiction:

If you’re writing a flash fiction story, it’s important to know how they are similar—and
different—to longer stories. Flash fiction is shorter, but it should not feel too short. Here are
some traits of strong flash fiction stories.

1. Story Structure: A flash fiction story is not the shortened version of a longer story; it
still follows the elements of plot, including a beginning, middle and end, as well as a
conflict and satisfying resolution.

2. Setting: Most flash fiction stories take place in one setting, as moving between
locations uses up too much space. It allows the writer and reader to focus on the plot.

3. Characters and Backstory: Flash fiction pieces are plot-driven and include no more
than three or four characters. They may include some character development, but too
much backstory can use valuable space.

4. Description: One may think that flash fiction stories are short on description to save
space. However, a strong piece can balance vivid descriptions with a quick-moving plot.
Stories that lack description are not satisfying to read, and a flash fiction piece should
feel complete.

Six-Word Stories are especially challenging to
write. They have no beginning, middle, or end, but tell
an entire story in only six words. The most famous
example of a six-word story is attributed to Ernest
Hemingway: “For sale: Baby shoes, never worn.”
With Hemingway’s example, the story structure
manages to establish character, conflict, and tone
without direct exposition. Readers are left to their own
tragic interpretation when it comes to the words that are
not present.
  There are four elements that every flash fiction
piece needs to have if you want it to be good. And if you mix them just right, your flash fiction
might even end up great.
1. Realistic Characters/Settings
The obvious concern in flash fiction is “how do I make my characters and setting real in
1,000 words or less?” I have a few suggestions for you.
 Show us things about your characters/settings that make them unique. In other words,
skip the boring stuff—your readers can fill that in on their own.
 Keep your number of characters and settings low. One major or supporting character per
every 300-500 words is a good metric, and most flash fiction stories only have one
 Stick with one-character point of view if possible, or maybe two.
 Whenever possible, write dialogue that both advances the story and reveals character.
2. Solid Plot/Structure
“My story can only be 1,000 words long. Do I even need story structure?” Of course,
you do, perhaps now more than ever. A solid percentage of the stories Splickety rejects are for
one reason: nothing is happening. Adding story structure and having a recognizable plot can
help you get published instead of rejected.

Here are some ideas on how you can do that better: 129
 Establish a recognizable beginning, middle, and end. Your story can begin in the middle
of something, but the conflict and characters have to develop in the middle. We also
need some kind of resolution at the end, even if it’s somewhat obscure.
 In your beginning, start with a gripping hook (just like in a novel) to pull us into the
 Your end line should also pack significant punch.
 Remember: above all else, something has to happen.
3. Gripping Conflict/Tension
If you haven’t heard by now, great fiction of any length needs both conflict and tension
in order to drive the characters and the plot. There are two kinds of conflict under which all
other kinds fall: internal and external. Both are useful tools for motivating your characters and
moving the story along by creating tension.
Here’s how:
 In general, conflict means that something opposes your character.
 Internal conflict means that something within your character opposes him. Ask him
questions to figure out what it is. Is it a hidden disease? A hurt from his past? A dark
secret? Self-doubt?
 External conflict comes from outside the character, usually from one of three sources:
other characters (antagonists), the setting, or events.
 Combine the two types of conflict against your character and he’s in for a rough ride—
which means your readers can expect a compelling story.
Not all conflict in your story has to be resolved in the traditional sense. It’s okay to let
the reader wonder how things worked out as long as you plant clues that give them an
indication. If you’ve ever seen the movie Inception, you know what I mean.
4. An Excellent Editor
Yes, you need to pay your flash fiction the same respect you’d pay your novel by
ensuring that it is well-edited. Some of us are capable editors on our own, but that doesn’t mean
we shouldn’t get help here.
For example, I run a flash fiction magazine, have written six unpublished novels, and also hawk
my own services as a freelance editor. Of anyone in the world, I should be the most likely
person to not need an editor for my own flash fiction, right?
Wrong. Though I combed through my most recent flash fiction piece (set to debut in the
holiday issue of Splickety Magazine) with unparalleled obsession, I sent it to two authors whom
I trust for their review as well.
Guess what? They both found errors and places where I could improve the story.
No matter how good of a writer you think you are (or actually may be), you need to have
another set of eyes read and edit your piece before you submit it, especially if it’s to Splickety.
We even included that provision in our submission guidelines.
Here are the practical editing strategies that will help you make sure your piece is virtually
 Remember that every word cut is to your benefit. You never know when you may have
to add more content later on.
 Utilize others: critique groups and partners, test readers, or hire a professional.
 Make sure that you follow all submission guidelines. That’s something that publishers
really want you to do.


It is often called “sci-fi,” it is a genre of fiction literature

whose content is imaginative, but based in science. It
relies heavily on scientific facts, theories, and principles
as support for its settings, characters, themes, and plot-
lines, which is what makes it different from fantasy.

Characteristics of a Science fiction:

1. Non-Human Characters
It's a cliché that sci-fi fiction and film are full of aliens. There's a reason that cliché
exists—it's because it's true. Aliens are among the non-human characters that we'll find in sci-
fi. But sci-fi isn't just about aliens. It's about robots, for example, or people who are just a little
bit more (or less!) than human, like Frankenstein's monster.
Sci-fi, in other words, is very much about exploring the limits of being human. What exists
beyond us regular folk living on earth? Suppose there are "extraterrestrial" creatures. Would 131
they be like us or would they be different from us? And what about machines? Can't they have
feelings, too? By focusing not only on human, but non-human characters, sci-fi writers force us
to consider what we even mean by the "human."

2. Allegory
Sci-fi works may be set in fantastic locations far away from where we mere mortals live,
but that doesn't mean that they have nothing to do with us. That's because even when sci-fi
writers write about distant worlds, they're really often writing about our own world.
Sci-fi tends to be allegorical: the best sci-fi works often have a hidden meaning, because
they work as a commentary on our own world and our own social and political systems. These
sci-fi writers are a pretty sneaky bunch. They transport us to distant worlds only to get us
thinking about the way that we live in this world.

3. Science and Technology

Maybe it's a bit of a no-brainer to say that science is a big part of science fiction. We'll
also add technology to the mix, because science and technology are big in this genre. Hey, just
because it's obvious (we hear you saying "Technology in sci-fi?! Really, now?!") doesn't mean
it's not true.
What makes sci-fi works sci-fi is the fact that their settings, their plots, their characters,
their conflicts, all center around science and technology in some sense. After all, we wouldn't
have all of those great Sci-fi works set in outer space if it weren't for the fact that science and
technology allow characters to travel to outer space in the first place. 

4. Time Travel

Often, the whole plot of a Sci-fi work is set in a distant time, usually in the future. Sci-fi
writers are obsessed with exploring times that are very different from ours. This, again, is one
of the defining characteristics of the genre. If we're reading a book where things are taking
place in the distant future, odds and good that it's a sci-fi book. And, because it's a sci-fi book,
the goods are also pretty odd.

5. Journey

We'll find lots and lots of journeys in sci-fi. People are traveling all over the place. They
might zip from galaxy to galaxy, or from time to time. If the whole universe were your oyster,
wouldn't you be jumping from one place to the next too?
So, journeys are another recurring theme in sci-fi. If we pay close attention, we'll find that
there's hardly a sci-fi text that doesn't include some kind of voyage. This is often one of the
structuring devices in works of sci-fi.

6. Dystopia
Sci-fi writers like talking about our world by pretending to talk about another world.
They're sneaky and nuanced like that.
And one of sci-fi writers’ favorite ways to do this is to depict dystopia. Some of us may
have heard the word before, but for those of us who haven't, dystopia is the opposite of utopia.
A utopian society is wonderful: people are free and happy and the sun's shining and
everything's just dandy. In a dystopia people are oppressed, they're miserable, and everything
they do is controlled by some authority.
Some of the most famous sci-fi works—like Aldous Huxley's Brave New World and
George Orwell's 1984—are futuristic depictions of dystopia. Sci-fi writers love warning us: "If
we continue down this road our society will look like this in a hundred, or a thousand years.
And it ain't pretty."

7. Age of Reason

The roots of sci-fi really go back—way back—to the Age of Reason. That's the 18th
century we're talking about, when the Enlightenment changed the world as we know it.
During this time, philosophers and scientists emphasized the use of reason over
superstition. More and more of the world was being explored and mapped, and it was around
this time that authors began writing texts speculating about the future, and focusing their stories
on scientific endeavor.

8. Advances in Science and Technology

The Scientific Revolution, which got going in the 16th century in Europe, had
a huge (like, phenomenally large) impact on our understanding of the world. Scientists and 133
mathematicians like Galileo and Isaac Newton made discoveries that continue to impact us to
this day (heard of calculus? Yeah, we have Newton to thank for that).
Advances in science and technology really revved up in the late 18th/early 19th century,
and these advances made sci-fi possible as a genre. During this time, we learned a lot—and we
mean a lot—about nature. And thanks to the industrial revolution, beginning at the end of the
18th century, technology also developed at a very speedy pace.

9. Sci-Fi Magazines

The golden age of sci-fi coincided with an explosion of magazines that published
science fiction. In fact, some of the most popular sci-fi works were first published in magazines
that released work in serial format.
The important elements of science fiction:
1. Speculation

The speculative question "what if?" is the starting point for all science fiction. Many
scholars list Mary Shelley's novel "Frankenstein" as one of the first science fiction books.
Shelley's book gave an answer to the question of what would happen if a scientist, Victor
Frankenstein, used electricity to reanimate a corpse. Other science fiction stories answer
questions about what would happen if first contact with aliens occurred or if humans achieved
faster-than-light space travel.

2. Science Impacts

Science fiction frequently includes stories about the impact of scientific or technological
change on people. For example, H.G. Wells' "The Time Machine" explored the consequences
of building a machine that could carry its occupant far into the future. The "Star Trek"
television shows and films portray a future "Federation of Planets" that couldn't "boldly go"
anywhere without the warp drive that allows the Enterprise to travel between the stars.

3. Setting

Science fiction stories often take place in the future or in alternate universes. The "Star 134
Wars" films, for example, contain many futuristic elements, even though they feature events
that happened "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away." If they are set closer to the present
day, they include scientific speculation that differs from ordinary daily life -- as in "The
Running Man" book and film, which tell the story of a cop framed for a crime he didn't commit
who must survive a deadly TV game show.
4. Related Genres

Horror is one of the most closely related genres to science fiction. Most people consider
"Frankenstein" to be both a horror and a science fiction story. Zombie stories are one of the
most popular current types of horror; some have a supernatural explanation, but others do not.
For example, the post-apocalyptic world of the television series "The Walking Dead" is the
result of a zombie virus. The "Alien" films include gruesome, horrifying alien monsters
alongside less-frightening science fiction elements such as cloning and space travel.

A blog is an online journal or informational website
displaying information in the reverse chronological order,
with the latest posts appearing first. It is a platform where a writer or even a group of writers
share their views on an individual subject.

Blogging Sites
 WordPress
 Google Blogger
 TypePad Is
 Movable Type
 Drupal

Ten characteristics of a blog:

1. A Blog Must Always Be Dynamic
A common question about a blog is how it relates to a website – are these two
essentially the same, or are there any differences between them? While websites are mainly
presentational, blogs are always intended to engage. A website is therefore static, as opposed to
a blog that must be dynamic.
The information offered by websites is presented on static pages, in the form of an evergreen
content that doesn’t require any updates. Blog posts, on the other hand, are like diary entries;
they include a publishing date and meta tags. New entries and regular updates are key to
running any kind of blog.

2. Posts Are Displayed in Reverse Order

Unlike with a personal diary written in a notebook, blog entries are displayed in reverse
chronological order – the newest posts being on top. The latest ones push previously published
ones down the list until they completely disappear from the landing page. Older posts are
usually archived on the following pages, but they can also be organized by the month or year
when they were first published.

3. Most Blogs Have the Same Structure

First comes a header with the menu or navigation bar to declutter the page and make a great
first impression. It’s followed up by the main content area on which blog posts appear either by
order of publishing or by relevance. Down below are contact pages, privacy policies, and
relevant links, neatly arranged in a footer. A sidebar highlights favorite entries and displays
social profiles and call-to-actions.

4. The Blog’s Leading Star Is Its Content

Different blogs publish different types of posts, though a majority of them relies on the
power of the written word. Depending on the author’s intention, an article is typically an
opinion piece, an instructional guide, or a news post. Monotonous chunks of text are separated
with images or videos.
A blog post can also be a picture with little or no text. It’s a common trend in fashion
and travel blogs, though it’s also not rare for business-related niches to publish infographics
instead of instructional articles. But regardless of the medium, a blog is always defined by the
quality of its published content.
5. Headlines Should Be Attention Grabbers
Naming a blog post is an art by itself. There’s a whole philosophy behind writing article 136
headlines – a compelling one can truly silence the noise, instantly generating clicks, driving
traffic, and enticing a reader to read on. Nowhere in the online universe are titles given the
same kind of attention as here.

6. One Rule Applies to All Blogs: Relevancy

Though every engaging content must be relevant, this rule especially applies to blogs posts.
They might differ in types, mediums, formats, and styles; in order to arouse interest or evoke
debate, they have to be original and unique; but to be read at all, blog posts must always deliver
upon their promise.

7. Blogs and Links Go Hand in Hand

As a promotional strategy, link building is not limited to blog posts, but it definitely is a
characteristic that all decent blogs share. Blogs and links go hand in hand even when marketing
isn’t the goal. Internal linking, for instance, ensures intuitive navigation between mutually
relevant posts, thus providing an exceptional reading experience. It’s about the flow and
facilitation of knowledge transfer.

8. A Blog Is Founded on Personal Touch

The word “blog” derives from an earlier version “weblog”, which initially referred to
personal online journals. Before blogs became political in the early 2000s, they were merely
means to make private thoughts and opinions public. The personal touch, however, remains
their vital characteristic to date.
Even with today’s universal topics, the recommended interpretative approach is the one that
implies uniqueness. If the subject matter requires utmost objectivity, the personal touch is
accomplished through an individualistic writing style. Every blog author has an “About Me”
page and a distinct signature mark.

9. Posts Should Always Encourage Debate

The comment section is another mutual characteristic of respectable blogs. It’s typically
located at the end of every post, as a place for readers to engage in a conversation and leave
their honest feedback. The ability to provoke a response and encourage interaction is held in the
highest regard by all readers.
10. All Blogs Are About Communication
With or without open debate, communication is still the end purpose of each and every blog 137
post. If the blog is promotional, its goal is to attract the audience and open a dialogue that will
hopefully convince them to buy what the owner is selling. If not about sales, then it’s about
spreading the word.
Whether it imparts knowledge, provides solutions, or simply entertains, blogging is a
brilliant way of reaching out and communicating with the world. Without any question at all,
such a transformative power of free expression and exchange is the single most important
characteristic of any terrific blog.

Characteristics of a quality blog post

Every blog post requires time and effort. The time spent on creating quality posts
translates directly into more clicks and higher site traffic, making the investment worth it.
There are many things that can influence the quality of your blog posts, and it all mostly
depends on your niche, style, and audience. However, no matter how diverse the blog posts are,
there are still a few things that everyone should pay close attention to if they want to leave an
overall good impression on their readers.

1. Thought-out Design
We’ve already touched upon the topic of monotonous chunks of text and how undesirable
they are in blog posts. The reason behind this being how quickly your readers make a judgment
about your post. You have just about 50 milliseconds to make a good first impression.
Blocks of text are often overwhelming, and if the readers cannot scan through the text with
ease, they’ll move on from your site. So, make sure to use short paragraphs, break up the text
with some interesting visuals such as images, GIFs, videos, infographics, etc.

2. Perfect Length
One of the most common questions about blog posts is how long they should be. The
simplest answer is long enough.
Most would believe that because of the shorter attention span of readers, the posts
themselves should be shorter.
The fact of the matter is that as long as your post is informative and as long as it answers
your audience’s questions, it doesn’t matter how long it is. 138
If you have a 500-word limit but have much more to say on the topic, go right ahead. On the
other hand, don’t spread out 500 words worth of content to 3000 words.
The focus should be on the quality of the content. As long as the blog post offers value to
the reader, its length is unimportant.

3. Original Content
Regardless of the niche you choose for your blog, it’s more than likely that someone has
covered the topic before. Everything’s already been said and done, but this doesn’t mean you
should just copy-paste the content.
Primarily, to stand out from the crowd, you need to offer a new approach to the covered
topics. This can be done with your tone of voice, style of writing, or point of view.
Going back to that “personal touch”, if you’ve chosen a niche that you’re passionate about,
offering your own unique approach to it shouldn’t be difficult.

4. Great Research
Every high-quality blog post requires time and effort invested in the research. The more you
devote yourself to the research, the easier it becomes to write the post.
Primarily, this will give you insight into other’s opinions on the topic, you’ll dive deeper
into it, making it easier to form your own unique approach to it.
Secondly, the easiest way to lose readers is by being unreliable. Every claim should be backed
up by evidence, so links and citations from credible sources are essential.


Directions: Identify the new emerging genres of literature that is being shown below and
give a short description of each.



________________________________________ 140


Lesson 9: Issues and Challenges in Emerging Literature

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Examine the characteristics of new emerging genres of new literature; and;
b. Discuss issues and challenges in emerging literature.

Before discussing the emerging trends in English literature, it is a must to understand the
meaning of literature. Literature is the mirror of society. In C.S. Lewis‟ words “Literature adds
to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life
requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already
become.” In a simpler way, literature is what we see, feel, observe, and then penned down
through different genres like poetry, novel, short story, essay or drama. J. Long beautifully
states “Behind every book is a man; behind the man is the race; and behind the race are the
natural and social environments whose influence is consciously reflected.”
Each age has its own characteristics revealing that particular period and its literature:
1. The Renaissance Age (1500-1660) is known for the origin of intellectual liberty, of
growing intelligence and comfort among all classes; in Long’s words.
2. The Eighteenth-century literature, known as Neo-Classic Age (1660-1798) also,
demanded that poetry should follow exact rules; and proposed to have discovered its
rules in the classics of Horace and Virgil and Ovid.
3. The Age of Romanticism (1785-1830) verbalized love for Nature in different ways like
Wordsworth showing divine element in nature; S.T. Coleridge pen-portraying
supernaturalism; Lord Byron ferociousness; Keats presenting sensuous beauty and
Shelley abstract ideas.
4. Victorian Age (1837-1901) is an era of transition. In the later part of the nineteenth
century and in the beginning of the twentieth century, the growth of industrialization,
urbanization and the advent of the First World War brought the loss of faith in the
traditional values and morals, and caused the colossal wastage of human lives. A time
period marked by peace, progress, sensibility on one hand and massacre of spiritual and
religious feelings on the other. Materialism and scientific attitude brutally murdered
human faith in God.
It is difficult to define one typical characteristic of 20th and 21st century. This age is full of
experimentation and it is discussed in different genres. The literary canon of 20th and 21st 143
century foregrounds an aesthetic shift which is more transitional; experimental, more anxious,
more liberal and self-interrogating too.
In pre-world war era, mostly writers remained loyal to the trends of Victorian age. Darwin’s
Origin of Species (1859) led the world towards mourning over the loss of God. But a change
could be noticed with H.G. Well’s Utopian Study of A Modern Utopia that captured optimistic
mood and gave an expression that science and technology would transform the world.
Meanwhile, Aesthetic Movement gained popularity due to its being in favor of Catholicism
and mysticism. Aesthetes believed in the idea that the art is useless if it is in commitment with
the ideas of morality and standard of conduct. For them “art for art’s sake” has been the motto
of the movement. Oscar Wilde is considered to be the mentor of the movement and he believed
that the motive of art is to provide sensual pleasure only. His plays The Importance of Being
Earnest, A Woman of No Importance, and An Ideal Husband are some applauded examples of
aestheticism. W.B. Yeats‟ prose “The Secret Rose” (1897), “The Tables of the Law”; poems
“The Rose”, “Crossways” are some of the finest examples.
As a result of all this, Post-world war literature faced constant changes in literary trends. No
particular school of thought or movement ruled 20th and 21st century. Some literary artisans
believed in imitation while others did translation of classics and regional literature. Ted Hughes
translated Ovid’s Aeschylus and Euripides‟ works. Christopher Fry’s translated works
enhanced their already considerable reputation. Works of Munsi Prem Chand, Rabindra Nath
Tagore, Mahasweta Devi have been translated into English and other languages too.
Another trend in 20th and 21st century is Modernism which has its origin in the early 20th
century. Modernists explored and experimented with literary form and expression. They
adhered to Ezra Pound’s maxim “to make it new.” It was the outcome of drastic efforts to
change traditional representation styles into new ways of expressing sensibilities of the time.
Some prominent writers and poets of this movement are Ezra Pound, Marcel Proust and
Virginia Woolf. Pound’s poems “Cathay”, “Umbra”, “Lustra” and “Canto”; Woolf’s novels
Mrs. Dalloway, To The Lighthouse and The Waves are examples of modernist experiment.
Modernism has arisen from two movements: “symbolism‟ and “imagism‟ which highly
affected the poetic creation of the time. Symbolism is a reaction against naturalism and realism.
Imagism finds its roots in the aesthetic philosophy of T.E. Hulme. The poets believed in
utilizing common speech; in creating new rhythms and moods; infinite choice of subject matter;
excessive use of symbols and images; yet providing clarity in style. Charles Baudelaire’s poetry
volume Les Fleurs Du Mal marks the beginning of symbolism. Amy Lowell is an American 144
Imagist who promoted the works of imagists in England. Ezra Pound is renowned name in
Imagism and he published an anthology under the title Des Imagists to promote the works of
the imagists. All of the modernists worked very hard to free themselves from the shackles of
traditional monopoly of writing form and content.
Sigmund Freud and Karl Marx are the two who questioned human rationality leading to a
change in dealing of characters. Instead of dealing with characters as action figures, modernist
writers started handling them as someone with thought and soul. This gave birth to another
trend of Psycho-analysis. It gave a real life to the characters in novel and drama. James Joyce is
the first writer to fully understand the importance of a character’s insight. In his novels Ulysses
and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, he introduced his characters with monologues.
Virginia Woolf coined “Stream-of-Consciousness” to let the readers have a look in the psyche
of her characters. This term denotes an endless flow of consciousness and it means that
consciousness includes the entire area of mind from illogical, pre-conscious and pre-speech
level to rational and conscious speech level, including thoughts, memories, associations and
reflections. There are many other terms linked with the stream of consciousness novel like
“interior monologues”, “stream of thoughts”, all denoting that the subject matter of this kind of
novel is the inner psyche of man.
“Stream-of-consciousness‟ technique in a novel is better known as expressionistic
technique in drama; Arthur Miller employs this technique with perfection in plays like Death of
a Salesman (1949). Jean Paul Sartre also focused on the value of a character as an individual
and made existentialism a famous movement of the time. They fought for the existence of
human being as an individual; as a free person in literary work. The one who is responsible for
his own actions. They believed that an individual is responsible for his life as he acts and reacts
according to his own free will and this determines his nature and directs his life. Concept of
existentialism is fully employed by Fyodor Dostoevsky in his novel Crime and Punishment and
by Franz Kafka in his novel The Trial.
When philosophers talk about the value of individual, then Feminist writers restate gender
in association with other categories such as race and class. These writers use literature as a
strong medium to fight for the rights of women and especially of women writers. Toril Moi
through her book Sexual/Textual Politics and What is a Woman? fought for equal rights and
understanding for women. Helene Cixous’ text The Laugh of the Medusa warns readers,
especially women, either to read it fully or remain trapped in the language barriers created by
men. Julia Kristeva and Simon de Beauvoir also raised their voices to fight for women and their
rights through the podium of literature.
Post-colonial Literature outshined the International arena of fight for the rights of “Third-
World‟. Emergence of the writers or poets or playwrights from “Black or Dark continent‟ or 145
“Orients‟ stunned the English literary world. Aboriginals from different colonies throughout the
world came up with themes and plots unveiling the brutal deeds committed under the mask of
“Christian Burden”. Not only local artists like Chinua Achebe in his novel Things Fall Apart or
Wole Soyinka in his play Lion and the Jewel but also white writers like Joseph Conrad in his
novella Heart of Darkness reflected their strong unhappiness towards Imperial government’s
hypocrisy. Many British writers believed that it is the responsibility of ruling government to
look after the people being ruled.
With emergence of artists from once-colonized countries, a new trend emerged too, i.e. use
of vernacular and colloquial language in English literature. Writers like Mulk Raj Anand in his
novels Untouchable and Gauri; Chinua Achebe in the novel Things Fall Apart; Bapsi Sidhwa in
her novel Ice Candy Man; Kamala Markandya in her novels Nectar in a Sieve and A Handful of
Rice have devised regional languages like Hindi, Punjabi, Parsi etc. with standardized English.
The major reason has been the dire need of introducing the First Nations with the Idea that the
nations once being ruled, are not at all without literature and culture. Also, to show them how
they mistreat people with different skin color and race in their countries. V.S. Naipaul’s A
House for Mr. Biswas and Saul Bellow’s “The Victim” are the novels that portrayed the
struggle of migrants in foreign lands: how alienated and isolated they feel, how they long for
the feeling of belongingness and how indifferently they are treated.
This indifference is a part of all the countries. People not only misbehave with outsiders but
with insiders as well. Dalit literature is the outcome of such ill-treatment. The so called “twice-
borns‟ always misbehaved with Dalits or harijans or untouchables. Unfortunately, India has
been a fertile ground for such discrimination since ages. Mulk Raj Anand’s Untouchable gives
a detailed account of it. A boy with calibre of becoming an officer remains a sweeper because
of his low birth. Omprakash Valmiki’s Joothan, Narendra Jadhav’s Untouchables and Baby
Kemble’s The Prisons We Broke have emerged as popular texts depicting issues of racial
segregation and injustice.
In Realist Movement, authors attempted to represent familiar things as they were. They
chose to reflect every day and banal activities and experiences instead of using a romantic story
line with exaggeration. Muriel Spark combined satirical realism with implications of an extra-
realist and spiritual dimension in her novels like Robinson, The Bachelors etc. Samuel Clemens
better known as „Mark Twain‟ also was equipped with realism in his works as in The
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
G.B. Shaw, Arthur Miller, Sean O’Casey, E.M. Forster etc. gave accounts of their time’s
social, political and economic issues. G.B. Shaw in his plays Saint Joan, The Apple Cart
underlined the satire on the political reality of Britain from time to time. Arthur Miller through
his dramas All My Sons and Death of a Salesman pointed out economic and social failures in
the times of American economic depression. Sean O‟ Casey’s play Juno and the Paycock also
presents the failure of society in Ireland to provide social security to a family during war.
Marxist movement began in early 20th century with Karl Marx’s idea of utopian world; a
classless society. Many writers after Industrialization felt the requirement of a society without
class-struggle and clashes. John Galsworthy in his work Strife dealt with the conflict between
proletariat and capitalists. W.H. Auden was also a believer of communism in his early days and
he projected this through plays like The Dog Beneath the Skin and On the Frontier. Stephen
Spender also participated in communist flow but for a very short span of time.
Science fiction is a trend which is the outcome of totally opposite realms i.e. facts and
imagination. H.G. Wells is one of the renowned fiction writers. He remained fascinated by the
prospects that science offered to man. His fantasies The Time Machine and The Invisible Man
show his interest in technology which attracted him to write the science fiction. Kitchen Sink
Drama is a product of 20th century theatre. It’s a way of writing where the protagonist is
projected as an „angry young man‟. John Osborne’s play Look Back in Anger is considered to
be the first play to present the angry young man of contemporary drama. Shelagh Delaney’s
play A Taste of Honey is another great example of such theatre. Comedy of Menace is a unique
trend in which playwrights focused on providing fun out of painful and tense situation. Harold
Pinter’s play The Birthday Party is a fine example where humor has been created out of terror.
David Campton, Nigel Dennis and N.F. Simpson are some authors producing comedy from
Another style of play writing is “Theatre of the Absurd‟ where the action and reaction in the
plot fails to deliver any proper meaning. Samuel Becketts play Waiting for Godot projects this
theatre as no one knows anything about Godot: who he is, why others have been waiting for
him, why he has failed to come, etc.
Moral Degradation, sexuality and homosexuality are openly discussed by authors in 20th
and 21st century. They have boldness in dealing with these topics. D.H. Lawrence skillfully
deals with mother-son relationship or Oedipus complex in his novel Sons and Lovers. T.S.
Eliot’s The Wasteland is a sermon on degrading system of moral and spiritual values.
Tennessee Williams‟ play A street Car Named Desire focuses on sexual urges. William
Golding’s novel Lord of the Flies deals with moral corruption of the society portrayed through
kids. Literary artists have become quite bold and liberal in dealing with hetro as well as
After medievalism, in 21st century magic and mythology are again trending. J.K. Rowling’s
series Harry Potter novels, C.S. Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia, Dan Brown’s Novels The Da
Vinci Code, Inferno, Angles and Demons are a few examples of use of mythology in modern
Pop or popular fiction is plot-driven work written with the intention of fitting into currently
famous literary sub-genre. It is created in order to attract majority of audiences or readers
already familiar with the genre. It is also known as Genre fiction. Famous novelist Chetan
Bhagat is a pop-fiction writer. His works are 2 States: The story of Marriage, Half Girlfriend
etc. The focus remains on becoming best seller and for that the story could be taken to any
Digital or Cyber literature is the latest trend in which works of creation are exclusively on
and for digital devices. In this trend of literature, the writer relies on cyber medium like
website, blogs or social media pages. Pry is a novella from collaboration of Danny Cannizzaro
and Samantha Gorman also known as Tender Claws. Jason Nelson is another digital poet and
net-artist. Michael Joyce’s 12 Blue and Jim Andrew’s Stir Fry Texts are some more examples
of digital literature.
Multiple trends have emerged and are emerging in 21st century. Some are like adaptations
of traditional movements and techniques while others are the outcome of science and
technology. Hence, these ages depict modern literature through social/political/religious milieus
with different genres of poetry, novel and drama.

Direction: Choose one among the emerging genres in literature and then create your own
piece (e.g. stories, poems), your work will be graded based on the criteria below.
3 2 1 0
CRITERIA / SCALE Exceeds Meets Needs Inadequate
Expectations Expectations Improvement
• Structure • Paper is • Paper has a • There is • There is no
•Organization logically clear some level of apparent
• Flow of thought organized organizational organization organization to the
• Transitions • Easily structure though paper.
• Format followed with some digressions, • Difficult to
• Effective, digressions, ambiguities, follow
smooth, and ambiguities or irrelevances • No or poor
logical irrelevances are too many transitions
transitions • Easily • Difficult to • No format
• Professional followed follow
format • Basic • Ineffective
transitions transitions
• Structured • Rambling
format format
• Language • Vocabulary • Vocabulary • Vocabulary is • Vocabulary is
• Vocabulary; use of is is varied, used properly unsophisticated, not
vocabulary sophisticated specific and though used properly in
• Tone and correct appropriate sentences very simple
as are • Frequently may be simple sentences.
sentences uses subject • Infrequently • Uses subject
which vary in specific uses subject specific vocabulary
specific too sparingly
structure and vocabulary vocabulary

length correctly correctly
• Uses and • Writer’s tone • Writer’s tone
manipulates emerges and exhibits
subject is generally some level of
specific appropriate to audience
vocabulary audience. sensitivity
for effect
• Writer’s
tone is clear,
for intended
Content/information • Central idea • Central idea • The central • Central idea and
• Clarity of purpose is well and clarity idea is clarity
•Critical and original developed and purpose is expressed purpose is absent
thought clarity of generally though it may or
• Use of examples purpose is evidence be vague or incompletely
exhibited essay too broad; expressed
throughout the
• Evidence of Some sense of and maintained
• Abundance critical, purpose is • Little or no
of evidence of careful thought main evidence of
critical, careful and essay critical, careful
thought analysis and/or • Some thought
and analysis insight evidence of analysis and/or
and/or insight • There are critic insight
• Evidence and good, relevant careful • There are too
examples supporting thought and few, no
are vivid and analysis and/or examples and
specific, while insight evidence or they
focus remains • There are are mostly relevant
tight. some exam
and evidence,
though general

Lesson 10: The Interrelationship of Contemporary, Popular and

Emergent Literature 153

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Discuss the relationship among contemporary, popular and emergent literature;
b. Analyze the interconnectedness among literatures like contemporary, popular and
emergent literature.

The Contemporary Literature (1940s – 1960s)

Contemporary literature is a vast group of written works produced from a specific time
in history through the current age. This literary era defines a time period, but it also describes a
particular style and quality of writing. Some see this period as an extension
of postmodern literature, but most refer to it as a literary era of its own.
A few scholars claim this period started at the end of World War II, and this is where
the era's pairing with postmodern literature comes in. The postmodern era began after WWII, in
the 1940s, and lasted through the 1960s. The contemporary period extends to the current day.
Although there are a few disagreements about the beginning of this literary period, the
biggest dispute surrounds what qualifies a written work as literature. The word refers to both
poetry and prose, where prose includes works of fiction such as novels and novellas, essays,
and dramatic works. This term also refers to the quality of writing. In order to be considered
literature, a written work must uphold the highest writing standards and contain a particular
beauty and style. Many literary works become socially relevant and have the power to influence
the public.
Much of contemporary literature comes from Western authors; however, the term is not
synonymous with English or American literature, and this literary period can apply to written
works from anywhere in the world. In fact, globalization opened the door to include
contemporary works written by many literary figures in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia.
Genres included in this literary period span a variety of writing forms in addition to
novels and poetry. Flash fiction, short stories, slam poetry, plays, memoirs, and autobiographies
can all be included in this category. Nonfiction is usually not classified as literature, but this era
sometimes includes works of creative nonfiction, which tell a true story using literary
Typical characteristics of the contemporary period include reality-based stories with
strong characters and a believable story. Settings usually keep to the current or modern
era, so futuristic and science fiction novels are rarely included in this category. Well- 154
defined, realistic, and highly developed characters are important in classifying a written
work as contemporary, and most writing in this category features stories that are more
character driven than plot driven.
Contemporary literature features a somewhat modern narrative, but it also contains a harsher
reality. Contemporary written works tend to be influenced by the prosperous lifestyle that
followed WWII, but this literary class is rooted in the devastation that war brought to the world.
A new reality blossomed in the post-war mind, and it included a personal cynicism,
disillusionment, and frustration that is common to this literary period.

The Catcher in the Rye is set around the 1950s and is

narrated by a young man named Holden Caulfield. Holden is not
specific about his location while he’s telling the story, but he
makes it clear that he is undergoing treatment in a mental hospital
or sanatorium. The events he narrates take place in the few days
between the end of the fall school term and Christmas, when
Holden is sixteen years old.

Rabbit, Run is the book that established John Updike as

one of the major American novelists of his—or any other—
generation. Its hero is Harry “Rabbit” Angstrom, a onetime high-
school basketball star who on an impulse desert his wife and son.
He is twenty-six years old, a man-child caught in a struggle
between instinct and thought, self and society, sexual gratification
and family duty—even, in a sense, human hard-heartedness and
divine Grace. Though his flight from home traces a zigzag of
evasion, he holds to the faith that he is on the right path, an
invisible line toward his own salvation as straight as a ruler’s
Beloved, novel by Toni Morrison, published in 1987. The
work examines the destructive legacy of slavery as it chronicles
the life of a Black woman named Sethe, from her pre-Civil
War days as a slave in Kentucky to her time in Cincinnati, Ohio, in
1873. Although Sethe lives there as a free woman, she is held
prisoner by memories of the trauma of her life as a slave.


The Popular Literature (19th – 20th Century)

Most of us have spent at least one delightful and lazy day reading at the beach or at the
park, in a hammock at home or at a mountain camp site. Usually, the books we choose for such
a delicious interlude are ones that have a vivid and exciting plot, lots of sensory imagery, and
one or two engaging characters. We refer to these books casually as Beach Reading or Escape
Reading - and sometimes we even say "junk" reading. But book lovers of all stripes (from
those who love the literary to those who never venture beyond the dime novel) will often have
favorites among the more "popular" books. Sometimes, even, very difficult and sophisticated
literary books are found in Beach Bags and on Lounge Chairs!
Jane Austen was, and continues to be a widely-read author. *Pride and Prejudice* has
been read by many, many people. Despite its universal appeal, this book is considered
"literary" and is not counted as a piece of "Popular Fiction."
Contrast that with Mary Shelley's Monster. One of the most "popular" books of all time
in terms of overall readership, movie adaptation, and general icon recognition is Mary Shelley's
*Frankenstein.* It is considered "Popular Fiction." And yet, Shelley was a serious writer, and
this story is an acknowledged literary masterpiece in many ways. (We will be reading this great
book in our class!)
On the other hand, Marie Belloc Lowndes' *The Lodger* (another text we will be
reading) was a raving success in late Victorian times but is less well known today - even though
the subject matter, Jack the Ripper, continues to inspire retellings!
I use these three examples to illustrate that "popular" fiction does not necessarily mean
"junk" fiction or badly written prose! On the contrary! Much of the literature that we have
loved over the years is truly fine fiction and contains excellent writing. Of course, there are
thousands of pieces of fiction that were once popular that don't hold up so well - and may have
been rather indifferently written, as well. The sheer volume of the fiction that has been
published in the last 200 years leads us, sometimes, to assume that if a work was enormously
popular, it had to necessarily be inferior, too. In this class, I will argue that key pieces of
"popular" fiction are still both fun to read and important to literary study! 156
So how, then, you might ask, DO we distinguish between real "literary" fiction and
"popular" fiction, if some of the popular ones are also important literature? We can't, really; to
a large extent there are overlaps and special cases and so forth in these classifications.
But in general terms, we can always include in Popular Fiction works that can be
categorized as "Genre" works. [You will note that our study curriculum is organized by genre.]
If a novel fits the criteria of Horror, Crime, Detective, Romance, Western, Science Fiction, or
Fantasy, then we usually can include it in Popular Fiction (even if it also has all the traits of
Literary Fiction). Beyond the large-scale genres that we easily recognize, publishers also
define genre books by very specific sub-genres. British novels, for instance, in which we never
see the murder are called "Tea Cozy Crime Novels"


The formal, publishing category of "Popular Fiction" begins in the 19th Century - a time
when wider literacy and cheaper printing make books available to middle-and-lower-class
readers. But, if we just look at the phenomena of popular stories, genre literature goes back to
the earliest folk tales and continues in privately-circulated manuscripts throughout history. We
think of "Tarzan" as being a creature of the 20th Century - a "popular" hero. Still and all, the
concept of the "wild man of the forest" shows up in tales from our earliest beginnings. Enkidu,
the friend of Gilgamesh (in the epic tale of Gilgamesh), was a rough and wild outsider, raised in
the forest. The oldest surviving manuscripts that tell this story are from a couple of eons ago,
but we know they came originally from ancient Sumerian times - 3000 BC or thereabouts!
(This epic also includes an account of "The Flood" - another popular tale!)
So we do know that stories which engage the attention of many people over time have
always existed and continue to inspire popular literature. We have always been fascinated with
Romances, with Adventures, with Ghosts and Monsters and Crimes. However, once the "book"
became a part of entertainment options for the masses, though, we had a flowering of new
stories and themes. Some of these themes (the Science Fiction aspects of *Frankenstein*, for
example) would not have been possible in the world before 1800. The same is true of the
Cowboy/Western genre. It was the rather new and unexplored territory of American expansion
that gave rise to the legends and novels about cowpunchers.
And, after 1900, when American Literature came to be appreciated and American
writers challenged the dominance of British writers in English, the categories, and the
differences between "literature" and "dime fiction" became muddier. Also, after 1900, a wider 157
readership and better distribution of books encouraged the recognition of even more new
movements, genres, and writers.
Jack the Ripper in the London Fog
Infamous murderer Jack the Ripper killed at
least five London female prostitutes in 1888. Never
captured, his identity is one of English's most
famous unsolved mysteries.

The Great Gatsby is a story about the impossibility of recapturing the past and also
the difficulty of altering one’s future.

To Kill a Mockingbird, novel by Harper Lee, published in

1960. Enormously popular, it was translated into some 40
languages and sold more than 30 million copies worldwide. In 1961
it won a Pulitzer Prize. The novel was praised for its sensitive treatment of a child’s awakening
to racism and prejudice in the American South.

The Emergent Literature (21st century – present)

In the modern parlance, the term is associated with its academic context, referring to the
enduring works of fiction, philosophy, history, etc. that have been studied for generations and
shaped the foundations of our thought. Yet literature by its definition includes any and all
written works, a fact that has never been more relevant than in our current Internet age, when
the written word is more accessible and democratic than ever before.
The “death of print” has been much heralded over the past decade, precipitated by the 158
rising accessibility of devices like tablets and smartphones that have made the electronic
medium cheaper and more universal. Book sales, as well as magazine and newspaper
subscriptions, have diminished, but our appetite for information has grown larger and more
Major journalistic sources, which have always thrived off a mixture of concision and
theatrics, have adapted to this shift. Twitter has created something of its own literary form,
offering the use of hash tags to help convey a message within 160 characters. Blogs have
afforded both individual writers and organizations, established or not, the opportunity of free
publication. The hyper-textual nature of the Internet, aided by now ubiquitous social media,
helps keep discussion flowing both around the world and around the clock. Online forums,
which once belonged to a niche of dedicated computer enthusiasts, have been incorporated by
most major news sites.
More “traditional” forms of literature, including novels, plays, and poetry, have been
less successful in conforming to new technology. Various forms of “electronic literature,”
including hypertext (interactive fiction), animated poetry, and even SMS (text-message) fiction
have grown yet still exist within a small niche.
The dynamics commanded by the continuous change of technological progress, the
incredible rate of advancement and the rapid shift of values which run pari passu with it,
have kinesis as their key characteristic: a circulation of information and people where almost
everything is dissolvable and dispensable.
But we have lost the optimism of the unifying potential of this kinesis. It has altered any
notions of romanticism. Such a literary exercise is seen most in how authors have dealt
with a post-9/11 world. Terrorism, clash and binding factors between civilizations or
populist and cheap criticism have dominated these early years of the 21st century.
Science fiction, therefore, has been rising in all its glory. This is because the dialectic
between the world and the materiality of language which “describes” it centers its attention on
the multiple fragmentation of a cultural “I”. The actant and his metamorphoses, in parallel with
technological advancement, become a decanted discourse. It fights against its obsolescence by
swapping our economic and social fabric with the unfamiliar. This destiny has actually been
weaved since the 1950s.
The rise of science fiction is not disconnected from what the Theatre of the Absurd had
already implemented. Entangled between the boundaries of modernism and post-modernism,
Camus’s concept of Absurd, Beckett and Ionesco, among others, depart from the promises of a
better man, his axiomatic language, and run through existential discourses on his failure and
consequent world view. Kerouac’s “Beat Generation”, along with William S. Burroughs, dealt 159
precisely with the roots of this fragmentation.
The internet has made it possible for students to take these non-traditional texts as
revisit them so that they may analyze them. We are transcending the limitations of print-based
texts into this incredible realm of possibility through advancing technology.
Therefore, although literature has to change with society, authors are still trying to
address immutable human questions in new ways and reconcile them with the ever-changing
technology that surrounds us.

Tribulation of a Cashier by Anna Sam

Tribulations of a Cashier is a sociological study of the grocery
store world from the viewpoint of the checkout girl. In a kind of
supermarket Cinderella story, a cashier in France has become a
literary sensation. Anna Sam has turned her ungratifying job
into a humorous memoir. Now, her book has been translated
into 16 languages and turned the 29-year-old into the author she
has always wanted to be.

Indie film Spork, about a female-identified

intersexed person trying to deal with mean girls in
junior high, isn't just a smart comedy with posthuman
overtones. It represents the birth of a new subgenre:

Brandon J. Mendelson, author of The Falcon

Can Hear The Falconer



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