Cash Management
Cash Management
Cash Management
Profitability Liquidity
Cash Forecasting
Cash Surplus : minimizing idle cash
Cash Deficits : finding avenues for financing
Prof Anita C Raman 6
How to Manage Cash..?
• Cash budget is concerned with cash inflows and outflows.
• Principal tool - cash budgeting (short-term cash forecasting)
• Cash budgets are prepared for one year (3 M, 1M or week)
• The information generated during the preparation of operating budgets
such as sales forecasts, wages and salaries, manufacturing expenses
overheads etc., will become useful.
3. Number of lots (1 ÷ 2)
3. Number of lots (1 ÷ 2) 20 10 5 4 2
2 Rs 30 Rs 15,00,000
Economic/o ptimal conversion size/lot = = Rs 33,541
3br 2
z= (6)
where r 2 = the variance of the daily changes in cash balances.
z = 3br (6)
where r 2 = the variance of the daily changes in cash balances.