Inspiration Vs Plagiarism High School Lesson Plan
Inspiration Vs Plagiarism High School Lesson Plan
Inspiration Vs Plagiarism High School Lesson Plan
● How do artists differentiate between plagiarism and taking inspiration in visual arts?
● How do artists take inspiration from other artists?
● Artists and designers differentiate between plagiarism and taking inspiration by observing factors
such as colors, subject matter, art style, ideas and concepts, and subject matter.
● Plagiarized artwork has taken between 100% and 30% of these factors from the original. To take
inspiration, artists should aim to borrow no more than 20% from the original work of art
● Copying artwork is okay if the artist has given permission for it to be used, and for learning purposes.
When submitting work for a class or for an art show, artists should credit the original creator of the
work with their name, the art’s title, and when it was made.
Content area standards (often from inter/national professional organizations) or disciplinary literacies addressed:
● Demonstrate the creative process, with particular attention to selecting and combining ideas to
create visual artworks spontaneously and intuitively.
UDL-based planning:
Potential barriers in this lesson (What you can anticipate about your students or the task/s that needs to be
addressed for equity):
Multiple means of engagement (How you will engage students in this lesson):
Multiple means of expression (How students show what they have learned):
● Students will create a study based on an existing work of art. They may select any work of art they
would like from the site Google Arts and Culture
● Students can create any kind of artwork they would like inspired by their study.
● Lesson summary and instructions are available in Canvas in both English and Spanish.
● Concept of inspiration vs plagiarism is scaffolded. First we define plagiarism (review), then we talk
about its consequences. I show examples of 2 artworks side by side, and then students rate
originality on a scale of 0-10 using their fingers.
● Students who were absent or have IEP’s/504’s will have extra time to work on this as needed
There are lots more misc. materials as well! Students are free to use anything they can find in the art room.
Relational Resources:
What community resources could be included to make this work relevant and inclusive? What role do families have in this work
with students?
● Student work is photographed and students are encouraged to submit any of their work for an upcoming
community event. This event is called The Night of the Arts, and is a large student art show put on for the
ASK: Why am I doing this? Why is it valuable? What challenges do you anticipate? Will you need to make any changes or
adjustments mid-lesson?
Remember to: ● Introduction/Hook/Anticipatory Set
● Use bullets instead of complete sentences ● Build, Apply Knowledge
● Be specific about each step in the lesson, step by
o * Guided Practice
● Indicate anticipated time for each step o * Independent Practice:
● Use varied/appropriate instructional strategies ● Synthesis/Closure/Exit
Possible Stages/Steps:
Activities/Instructional Strategies (step Why are you doing this? What Tim
by step!) challenges do you anticipate? e
● Today is a work day. Students have ● Students will have sufficient time 2min
already seen the slideshow and to complete the project
Introduction/ have had 1 full day to work. It is
Anticipatory due the following day
● Read the announcements slide, get ● Part of class daily routine
students started working
● Teacher walks around the room, ● Some students may not 47mi
Build/Apply n
checking in with students to catch understand the concept of
(Guided and mistakes and help answer plagiarizing fully yet. They may
independent questions have taken too many ideas from
their inspiration
) ● Some students may have
forgotten to label their study
What should I include or remove for future implementation of this lesson? (Content, pacing, instructional
strategies, UDL, etc.)
What else?