IFI Catalogue 2020
IFI Catalogue 2020
IFI Catalogue 2020
Kata Pengantar
Indonesia Food Innovation (IFI) 2020 is an acceleration program for the
Small and Medium Food Industries (SMI) which have been chosen from
the selected innovative food products that are produced using local
resources as the ingredients. It is our intention to create the Indonesia’s
small and medium food industries become marketable, profitable, and
This catalog covers IFI 2020 participants who have passed the selection
stage which is consist of 10 intermediate products of SMI and 30 end
products of SMI. The IFI 2020 participants receive coaching and mentoring
from professional experts through Food Camp to improve the capabilities, Gati Wibawaningsih, S.Teks, MA
both from practical and business aspects, being prepared to become Director General of Small, Medium
modern food industry. and Multifarious Industries
Ministry of Industry
In 2019, food industry exports were recorded at USD 27.16 billion or 21.46% Republic of Indonesia
of the manufacture sector export value. With the ability to adapt to the
market needs, 1.86 million of small and medium food industries can absorb
4.11 million workers, which is an excellent opportunity to be able to compete
in National and Global markets.
Through IFI 2020, the Directorate General of Small, Medium and Multifarious
Industries facilitates the development of SMI by providing sustainable
guidance. IFI 2020 is expected to accelerate the scale-up of SMI food
businesses and to develop the innovation.
With gratitude, the IFI 2020 program can be carried out well with all parties
support and cooperation. We are delighted and proud to say that IFI 2020
participants can collaborate with relevant stakeholders, such as investors,
financial institutions, potential buyers, and other parties, and become an
independent, modern, and innovative food industry.
i Foreword
1 Table of Content
2 About Indonesia Food Innovation
4 Indonesia Food Innovation Steps
5 Indonesia Food Innovation Workflow
6 Testimonies
88 Contact
The Indonesia Food Innovation (IFI) program is a business acceleration program for selected SMI’s food that have product
innovations and use local resources as their primary raw material to create a food industry that ready to be marketable,
profitable, and sustainable.
Scope of innovation in the Indonesia Food Innovation (IFI) Program is all the activities that result in increased or a
renewal of the product’s benefits and the result of the production..
Program Indonesia Food Innovation (IFI) merupakan program akselerasi bisnis bagi IKM Pangan terpilih yang mempunyai
inovasi produk dan/ atau proses dan berbahan baku utama sumber daya lokal agar siap menjadi industri pangan yang
marketable, profitable, dan sustainable.
Lingkup inovasi dalam Program Indonesia Food Innovation (IFI) yaitu segala aktivitas yang menghasilkan peningkatan
dan/ atau kebaruan manfaat dari produk yang dihasilkan dan/ atau proses produksi yang dilakukan.
After joining the food camp, the participant will be assessed by the assessment team to determine that the professional
expert’s business and practice training can be applied in their business. At this stage, the assessment criteria emphasize
these areas:
1. Commitment to join in all the activities series in the Food Camp
2. Creating business development plan.
Setelah mengikuti food camp, terhadap para peserta akan dilakukan penilaian oleh Tim Penilai bahwa pendampingan
yang diberikan oleh para ahli di bidang bisnis dan teknik memberikan hasil nyata pada bisnis mereka. Pada tahap ini,
kriteria penilaian ditekankan pada:
1. Kesungguhan dalam mengikuti seluruh rangkaian kegiatan food camp; dan
2. Rencana pengembangan bisnis yang disusun.
Awarding will be given to the three best participants based on the assessment in each category. The form of the award
will be in the form of a charter and training fee. Below is the prize value:
Penghargaan akan diberikan kepada 3 (tiga) peserta terbaik dari hasil penilaian pada masing-masing kategori. Bentuk
penghargaan berupa piagam dan uang pembinaan, dengan besarannya sebagai berikut:
Appreciation to the Directorate General of Small, Medium, and
Multifarious Industry, Ministry of Industry for the implementation of
the Indonesian Food Innovation (IFI) program. It turns out that this isn't
just an ordinary program, but an integrated, sustainable and breakthrough
program on how to raise Small Industry (SMI) to move up the class to build
a marketable, profitable and sustainable industry. Starting with a rigorous
selection, selected from Small Industries (SMIs) that have innovation and
prioritize local raw materials, then trained in the Food Camp with complete
syllabus, including business creation and improvement, in technical as Adhi S Lukman
well as management and financial matters. What is special is that after the Chairman of GAPMMI
Food Camp, they are assessed by Jury so that the next chosen ones will be
assisted in a continuous coaching and monitoring program. Salute for this
program to elevate Small Industry (SMI) to the next grade, and hope that
this program can be used as a role model for a bigger national program and
motivate others.
I am optimistic about IFI's vision, when I found selected startup food
businesses have been capable to create sophisticated food products
from a variety of Indonesian food sources. IKMA Directorate’s effort to
help them scaled-up, through IFI, is a right step. We can also contribute by
appreciating and consuming the diversity of our nutrition sources.
Eko Suhartanto
Director of Learning Experience
Universitas Prasetiya Mulya
Intermediate Product End Product
Established Since
okalloka is an all-purpose gluten free flour carefully
crafted from the origins of Indonesian’s biodiversity;
taro, rice, corn, and cassava.
Jalan Anggrek 1 Blok F3 No 7 Taman Pagelaran
Thanks to its unique formula, Lokalloka could be processed
Kecamatan Ciomas Kabupaten Bogor 16610
to become wide range of foods e.g. noodle, bakery,
pastry, cake, cookies, as well as traditional snacks. All this
Contact Number
time, we acknowledge wheat flour as the only flour that is
versatile for various foods yet still delicious. On the other +62 813 1954 3729
hand, foods processed from flours not containing gluten +62 812 4444 1350
almost always resulted in not-so-tasty characteristics;
rough textures, tough elasticity, crumby surfaces, disliked E-mail
aroma, pale-toned color, also unpleasant aftertaste. [email protected]
That’s why Lokalloka is here to provide a gluten-free food
creation experience that is fun and fail-safe. Website
Lokalloka is packaged in sizes of 500 g which are suitable
Social Media
for your average household needs and 5-25 kg for food-
related SMEs. We also provide various premix products @tepung.lokalloka tepung.lokalloka
for those who want simplicity, such as premix pizza,
premix pancake, premix bread, premix cake, premix Certification
chiffon. The premix is super-easy to use, with packaging
Halal Nutrition Fact
designed for one-time cooking. Let’s make your own
P-IRT Barcode
creation with Lokalloka!
ISO Organic
PSAT Gluten Free
ocafine is gluten free all purpose flour made from
cassava tube which has similar characteristics to
wheat flour, it is suitable for baking and cooking such Address
as cake, cookies, snack, and fries. It contains many goodness
2 Mayjend DI Pandjaitan Street, Kutabanjarnegara,
including high fiber, Complex Carbohydrate, sugar free, high
Banjarnegara, Jawa Tengah 53415, Indonesia
calcium, and free from bleaching.
Contact Number
Miecassa is a healthy noodle processed using natural
ingredient and preservative free. The production process +62 286 5964 868
does not include frying so that it is free from saturated fat. +62 853 8023 0003
It is very practical, just simply boil it in hot water for 4-5
minutes and it can be seasoned with your favorite seasoning. E-mail
[email protected]
Mocafine adalah tepung serbaguna bebas gluten dari www.rumahmocaf.id
singkong yang memiliki karakteristik mirip terigu sehingga
Social Media
cocok digunakan untuk aneka masakan seperti kue basah,
kue kering, kudapan, dan gorengan. Mocafine mengandung @rumahmocaf.id rumahmocaf.id
banyak kebaikan seperti tinggi serat, sumber karbohidrat
kompleks, bebas gula, tinggi kalsium, dan bebas pemutih. Certification
Established Since
onutcos is an Indonesian local brand that specializes
in producing processed of coconut. Since in the
first monthly released until now, Conutcos has been
recognized as one of the local brands that has extraordinary
innovation in Indonesia, especially in South Sulawesi. This Graha Kalegowa B4/7, Gowa Regency,
is definitely matching with Conutcos’s slogan is “ Coconut South Sulawesi - Indonesia
House #nasutomatoata ” which is believed to be a place for
Contact Number
innovative coconut products with an authentic Indonesian
taste. +62 815 1157 9066
Established Since
ndonesia, which is known as the “mother of spices”, has
a very large diversity of spices. “Bumbon” tries to bring
the best Indonesian spices to your kitchen. One of our
superior products is garlic powder.
Sidorejo Rt.26 Rw 12 Payaman Magelang 56195
Garlic has been used for food and medicine for a long
time ago. Many cuisines all over the world would be a pale
Contact Number
shadow of themselves without this versatile bulb.
+62 852 9274 8320
“Bumbon” garlic powder made from selected local garlic
which has a more fragrant and pungent aroma as well
as spicy taste compared to imported garlic. Made from E-mail
100% garlic and without using any msg or preservative, [email protected]
“Bumbon” garlic powder is safe for consumption by
children, pregnant women and breastfeeding. Fragrant Website
aroma and taste delicious, makes a suitable “Bumbon” www.sakhabumi.com
garlic powder to be used as a flavoring for your dishes.
Social Media
“Bumbon” Garlic powder also makes it easier for you to
get into cooking, because of its practical form, making @byulza_garlic byulza_garlic
it should always be available in your kitchen. Happy fun
cooking, moms ^^ Certification
Established Since
oonshine - natural gourmet syrups. The syrups
are mulipurpose and easily apply for beverage,
dessert, and dishes making. MoonShine is created
to enhance the beauty and richness of Indonesian
gourmet products. We are specializing in developing the Jl Raya Banteng 3 gang Ontorejo no 3, Sinduharjo,
natural flavor of the archipelago into wide range gourmet Ngaglik, Sleman, Yogyakarta
syrup products.
Contact Number
Ramu Padu Nusantara is a company that is concerned +62 815 7929 213
in exploring herbs and spices of Indonesia. Ramu Padu +62 859 4460 9409
Nusantara delivers natural foods that are spices, herbs,
flowers of Nusantara. Ramu Padu Nusantara serves the E-mail
best quality natural food products. [email protected]
Social Media
@moon.shine.id -
Established Since
CHITASIL Edible Coating is an economical coating made
from natural chitosan which is effective for extending
shelf life and maintaining the freshness and quality of
fruits and vegetables.
Gedung TBI II no.8, STP IPB, Jl. Taman Kencana no.3,
Benefits of CHITASIL Edible Coating: Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat
1. Inhibits the evaporation of water and other contents in
Contact Number
fruits and vegetables.
2. Inhibits the contact of fruits and vegetables with +62 813 3224 2942
oxygen so that it can slow down the ripening and
browning process.
3. Lower respiration rate. E-mail
4. Inhibits mold growth. [email protected]
5. Inhibits the ripening process by the production of
ethylene and carbon dioxide Website
Chitasil 5 L Edible Coating can be used for 5 tons of
Social Media
various types of fruit and vegetable commodities.
@biki.id Halo BIKI
Established Since
ATO DEHYDRATED FOODS is a company that
produce various of herbal and natural products for
your family. We provide a variety of Dehydrated
Spices, Dehydrated Vegetables, Dehydrated Fruits,
Dehydrated Flowers, Dehydrated Seeds products Jl. Gajayana No.08, Malang City, East Java
and their derivatives. We serve retail, wholesale, and Indonesia
wholesales both direct and indent sales (if the quantity is
Contact Number
on a large scale).
+62 813 5736 6897
Our production process uses modern technology so that
cleanliness is guaranteed. Our production process uses a
sterile machine so that the core content of the product E-mail
is maintained. Besides it, Our process by process in [email protected]
such a way that the production has high quality. As for
shipping goods can be selected according to customer Website
requirements. www.katodehydratedfoods.com
Social Media
@katodehydratedfoods Kato Dehydrated Foods
Established Since
iquid sugar from cassava peels (Gucakusi) is an
industrial alternative that processes cassava peels
into Gucakusi liquid sugar. This product is highly
competitive, which has various benefits, including
increasing the economic value based on local resources. Jalan. Batara No.88 Kel. Ciluar Kec. Bogor Utara
Gucakusi contains 106kcal /100g, lower than granulated Kota Bogor 16156
sugar, where it has 364kcal /100g.
Contact Number
This product was developed by collaborating with a +62 877 2449 1890
business system in Ciluar, Bogor, West Java, starting in
2015. Until now, the business runs by around 65 partners.
The production ranges from 1200-1500 bottles in 250ml E-mail
size, which is still lacking, considering the relatively [email protected]
high market, judging from the demand of herbal food
and beverage producers, agents, resellers, and direct Website
consumers. -
Social Media
@gucakusi.id -
Established Since
ombok Super Dhower is chili powder produced by UD.
BIMA USAHA that located at Dusun Mojolegi, Desa Bendo,
Kediri Regent, East Java since 2012.
We only use the best raw material harvested from over 12.000 Dsn. Mojolegi RT 001 RW 012, Ds. Bendo, Kec. Pare
chili farmers that we created as strategic partners, where they Kab. Kediri - Jawa Timur
can produce up to 276.000 tons of chili per year, to improve the
Contact Number
chili farmers' welfare.
+62 856 5503 7418
The product is made from 100% natural dried chili without
additional ingredients.
Lombok Super Dhower products can be used as a seasoning to [email protected]
add spicy flavor to your food.
Social Media
@lomboksuperdhower -
Established Since
ant Sorghum is a food company that develops
products derived from 100% sorghum so that
they can contribute to creating a healthy and
productive ecosystem because nature is better for nature
Jl. Saleh Sungkar Dayan Peken Ampenan
and a more harmonious life. Sorghum is a solution for
Mataram 83211
food security, feed and other industrial raw materials.
Contact Number
+62 819 1707 8389
[email protected]
Social Media
@yantsorghum -
Established Since
oringa is one of the most nutritious plants on
earth. Moringa contains 92 nutrients, 18 Amino
Acids, and 46 Antioxidants. Daily consumption
of moringa can boost your immune system, speed up
Ruko 1 Jalan Ahmad Yani 15 Blora, Central Java,
the recovery process from diseases, and increase the
production of breast milk of breastfeeding moms.
Contact Number
Rumah Kelor is an organic moringa farm and processing
company located in Blora, Central Java. We use organic +62 877 3919 7638
fertilizer and organic pesticides with no chemical
substance. Our farm consisted of 3 hectares of moringa
farm with drying room and processing facilities. We use E-mail
a low heat drying process with drying temperatures no [email protected]
more than 40 degrees Celsius to preserve the nutrition
contained in the leaves. Our product consists of Moringa Website
Tea Leaf, Moringa Tea Bag, Moringa Capsule, and Moringa www.rumahkelor.com
Social Media
@rumah_kelor moringapedia
Established Since
asa Jamur Swirijaya is a food technology
company in mushroom and plant-based products
in Indonesia since 2016. Today, our company has
developed into two main business lines, under the brand
Jl. Encep Kartawiria, Kompleks Ranting Pesona blok
name Mushome and Meatless kingdom.
A1-7. Kota Cimahi Utara
Established Since
yyash Mandiri is located in Kendari City, Southeast
Sulawesi Province. We process the local milkfish
into varieties of packaging foods. Using the latest
technology, we created innovation to process the milkfish
Jl. Durian Ujung Kel. Wua-wua. Kec. Wua-wua
into products such as thorns pulled out, presto milkfish,
Kota Kendari
raw milkfish crackers, fried milkfish crackers, and milkfish
floss: the production itself emphasizing the hygienic,
Contact Number
healthy and halal processing.
_+62 853 9899 6178
[email protected]
Social Media
@ayyash_mandiri99 -
Established Since
oco Frizzz is Indonesian pure and fresh young
coconut water packaged in a food grade quality
Rungkut Mejoyo Selatan III / 17, Surabaya
As we know, the young coconut water has been referred to
Jawa Timur, 60293
as “miracle water” and “fluid of life” for its numerous health-
giving benefits. These are rather apt descriptions of young
Contact Number
coconut water given the immense benefits it carries within it.
Since young coconut water is all natural, fat-free, and low in +62 878 8800 0801
sugars and calories while being rich in essential electrolytes
and vitamins, it is safe for almost anyone to drink.
Many of the health benefits attributed to coconut water [email protected]
can be traced to its mineral content. Analytical studies
have shown that coconut water contains nutrients such as Website
glucose, amino acids and electrolytes such as potassium, www.cocofrizzz.com
calcium and magnesium.
Social Media
Established Since
osalie Cheese is a food-tech company, which
produced artisanal food products through market-
based innovation. We mainly produced natural
Indonesian cheese from farm-fresh ingredients without
Jl. Kerthapetasikan IV No.5, Denpasar Selatan, Bali
preservatives and colorings as well as creating delicious
natural snacks.
Contact Number
Our aim is to create specialty cheeses with a unique
twist on local flavor, developed to suits the local and +62 812 9481 9129
international taste. In Rosalie Cheese, we use traditional
cheese-making techniques and Indonesian milk which has
unique flavor based on the local varied climate, soil and E-mail
plant life. [email protected]
Established Since
GGY Spicy Salted Egg was established in
December 2016, intending to expand the salted
egg innovation of spicy flavor. The spices divided
into several variants such as the original salty, spicy
Pondok Mulana kav 21 Hegarmana,
salty, spicy orange, spicy "terasi," hoping to increase the
Jatinangor, Kab. Sumedang
consumption of salted eggs in society. The production
capacity starting about 500 grains per month but now
Contact Number
reached 6000 grains monthly. The products entered the
online market such as Tokopedia, Shopee, Instagram, and +62 896 3808 2191
Facebook and 13 branches of wholesale modern market
Lotte and some resellers in West Java and Jabodetabek.
We team up with salted egg craftsmen and duck' [email protected]
farmers in the West Java region, such as Cianjur, Subang,
Bandung, Karawang, Sumedang, Tasik, and Garut. Eggy Website
Spicy Salted Egg already has a business license named -
CV Moving Serving Rising and product labels such as
Social Media
PIRT, HALAL, NKV (on the process).
Eggytelurasinpedas -
Established Since
ENDANG, The Indonesian Heritage Potato Chips.
Established Since
s we know so far, Lampung is rich in agricultural
products, especially bananas which is processed
into various kinds of food, one of which is banana
chips, natural wealth that brings prosperity to the
Desa Mekar Jaya, Dusun IV Kec. Bandar Sribhawono
surrounding community.
Kab. Lampung Timur - Lampung
Anna Stik Pisang is targeting the reseller market with the @anna_ngemil -
aim of a win win solution for those who need additional
income, namely with a reseller profit of Rp. 7,000 / pcs. Certification
such as housewives, office workers and student.
Halal Nutrition Fact
P-IRT Barcode
Anna Stik Pisang prepares a curriculum for resellers,
namely in the form of complete content marketing BPOM (MD) HACCP
kits and guidance on how to sell, making it easier for ISO Organic
customers reseller to market product. PSAT Gluten Free
Established Since
n 1965, Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX (1940-1988) visited
Jl Palagan km 16, Pakem, Sleman, Yogyakarta
a shop owned by Sastrodinomo in Kaliurang. The
flavor of Jadah Tempe from Mbah Sastro is different
from others; simultaneously, many culinary sell the same
Contact Number
product. To create a new identity from the product, the
wife of Sultan HB IX, KRA Hastungkara, suggested the +62 819 0490 0009
unique name, called Jadah Tempe Mbah Carik because
Mbah Sastro was a Carik (in Javanese means village
secretary). Sultan HB IX loved the Tempe. Occasionally, E-mail
he will ask the Royal Guards to buy the tempe from [email protected]
Today, Jadah Tempe's store existed in many areas of the www.mbahcarik.com
Sleman Region, especially the Kaliurang area. Because of
Social Media
customer demand, we innovate our product with current
technology to make the product last longer. We also @jadahtempe.mbahcarik -
rebrand the product to become PRABU (which is the
grandson of Mbah Carik). The new product has a shelf Certification
life until six months with the same flavor and texture,
Halal Nutrition Fact
just like the recipe of Mbah Carik. People from outside
P-IRT Barcode
of Yogyakarta can buy the product as a special gift from
Kaliurang. BPOM (MD) HACCP
ISO Organic
PSAT Gluten Free
Established Since
ee Macau presents to answer the need for taking away
food. The food can be carried away and eaten anywhere
with the noodle as primary based. Pack in a unique way,
the packaging can be used in any situation and brought along.
Darmo Indah Sari CC-20, Karangpoh, Tandes,
Mee Macau sells more than 200,000 bowls per year and started
to open branches in several big cities in Indonesia.
Contact Number
When the pandemic begins, Mee Macau started to change to
Porang Flour Noodles, which are healthier and come in the form +62 896 0570 0799
of Instant Noodles. The intention is to provide Healthy Fast
Food so that Indonesia People can be free from Overweight,
Diabetes, and Heart Attack. E-mail
[email protected]
The Porang Flour Noodle contains only 8 Calories per serving
and does not contain Gluten; it can help consumers live a Website
healthy life but still have a good meal. http://macaumee.com
Social Media
The Instant Noodle comes in different varieties that suit the
tongue of Indonesian consumers and have typical flavor, such as: @macaumee macaumee
• Instant Fried Shirataki Noodles / Soup
• Instant Lo-mie Shirataki Noodles Spicy / Salty / Sweet
• Instant Mushroom Chicken Shirataki Noodles / Singkawang
Halal Nutrition Fact
P-IRT Barcode
• Instant Jerky Shirataki Noodles.
Mee Macau hopes that in the future, they can become a National ISO Organic
Porang Flour Noodle Manufacturer and Indonesian Original PSAT Gluten Free
Porang Instant Flour Noodle that go International.
Established Since
okinoi is Indonesian original seaweed tempura
crisps. Our seaweed tempura is a perfect snack
to provide the best experience in your mouth.
Because it crafted with finest seaweed and authentic
Indonesian ingredients without adding MSG, preservative Jl Padma Boulevard B1 no.33, Semarang
and also gluten free to provide you a safety snacking ever. Jawa Tengah
Contact Number
The best way to make your snacking more extraordinary
is by enjoying every munch of Yokinoi. Because it made +62 878 8600 1891
from lots of hearts that give you a bursting flavor with
perfect crunchiness texture and ridiculously tasty
sensation in every bite. Our crisps will always be the E-mail
perfect snack to cheer up your day. [email protected]
Social Media
@ yokinoi.id -
Established Since
Aslina Fresh! Local - Simple - Frozen
slina Fresh! is a frozen vegetable brand that was Address
established as a solution to help make it easier
Ruko Taman Yasmin Sektor VI No.156
for people to cook vegetable menu at home. With
Taman Yasmin Bogor
our innovative freezing process, we provide added value
for local Indonesian vegetables.
Contact Number
Aslina Fresh! collaborates with local farmers to ensure the +62 812 8532 4482
sustainability of raw materials and guarantee that the raw
materials is up to standards. Through planting contracts
with mutually beneficial purchase price, we aim to build E-mail
a foundation for a sustainable business ecosystem in the [email protected]
Variant products from Aslina Fresh are: www.aslinafresh.id
• Frozen Spinach
Social Media
• Frozen Carrot
• Frozen Corn Kernell @aslina.fresh Aslina Fresh Indonesia
• Frozen Sweet Potato
• Frozen Mixed Veggie Certification
• Frozen Vegetable Soup
Halal Nutrition Fact
• Frozen Cap Cay
P-IRT Barcode
• Frozen Potato Cube
Make cooking at home simple and easier with Aslina ISO Organic
Fresh! :) PSAT Gluten Free
Intermediate Product End Product
Established Since
accoo.com, a social enterprise that empowers
local farmers and low economic community in
Indonesia by conducting a pre-harvest and post-
harvest workshop on food processing, developing local
plants such as taro, a plant that is considered as a pest Perum Dosen Unhas Tml AB 34. Makassar
in South Sulawesi with a sustainable farming method.
All the products that the farmers and our employees
Contact Number
produce will be distributed by Paccoo.com within 3 ways,
B2C, B2B, and B2G. This project aims to improve the local +62 823 1143 5553
farmer’s income alongside promoting green agriculture
to prevent land degradation, especially in South Sulawesi
from deforestation, the excessive use of pesticides and E-mail
chemical fertilizer. [email protected]
Social Media
@paccoodotcom -
Established Since
erasi (Shrimp Paste) is used as the main ingredient
for making chili seasoning. The shrimp paste uses
to enhance the flavor of the chili. It is also suitable
as a spice for various dishes at home.
Jl. Raja Alam 2 Sambaliung, Kab. Berau
Instant Powder Umbaring / shrimp paste comes from the Prov. Kaltim
coastal waters of Berau Regency made from high-quality
Contact Number
Rebon shrimp. Umbaring Berau chooses Rebon shrimp as
the primary raw material because it is one of the most +62 812 5372 2233
nutrient-rich seafood as we all know that shrimp is an
excellent source of protein, vitamins D and B.
The process of Umbaring maintaining the quality and [email protected]
cleanliness, not adding any dye and preservatives. It is
roasted at a particular temperature so that it becomes Website
delicious and adding the fragrant while it puts into various -
kinds of dishes.
Social Media
@berauethnic berauethnic
Established Since
unkrisps, is Indonesia’s food manufacturing focuses
on transforming the global landscape of nutritious
& healthy food industry. Sunkrisps help modern Address
mothers who want to keep their family nourished well
Ruko Green Avenue Blok DD2 No.10-G,
by innovating food products from various vegetables &
Bukit Cimanggu City, Bogor, Jawa Barat
plants to ready-to-eat products with premium qualities.
We only provide healthy vegetable-based snacks and
Contact Number
other highly nutritious food for children, such as Kale
Flakes, Non-Dairy Pudding, Veggie Puff and many more. +62 812 2727 9343
Established Since
e are truly delighted to introduce you to our
wonderful Imago Raw Wild Forest Honey.
Imago Raw Honey is one of the business units under PT.
Cibubur Mansion Blok H6/10 Jl. Transyogie KM.8
Bumi Oma Henshin, the first to pioneer Indonesian raw
honey as a luxurious corporate souvenir.
Contact Number
Imago Raw Honey proudly specializes in 100 % raw,
pure, unpasteurized and unadulterated varietal honey, +62 816 8933 44
as a result, our honey retains all of nature’s goodness:
the pollen, enzymes, vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants,
propolis, minerals and its natural flavour. E-mail
[email protected]
Sustainable harvesting of wild forest honey supports the
indigenous communities and helps protect the rainforests Website
of Indonesia. www.imagorawhoney.com
Social Media
We have 3 variants:
1. The Unique White Honey from Sumbawa @imagorawhoney -
2. Sweet Gold Honey from Kalimantan
3. Black Bitter Honey from West Java Certification
Established Since
adeTea is a natural blend of Indonesian Heritage
herbs,organically grown and produced locally in
the rich fertile conditions of Ubud Bali.
Jl Gunung Sari Peliatan, Ubud Bali
All Made Tea blends are 100% Natural with no additives
or preservatives.
Contact Number
Made Tea are blended from local Indonesian healing
herbs and when consumed regularly offer long term +62 819 9949 2348
health benefits for everyone. Aim to bring back to life
of local Indonesian plants and herbs which can be grown
easily in Bali Indonesia by added value in to each herb by E-mail
producing high quality blends of Tea’s. [email protected]
Made Tea source locally where ever possible and are Website
collaborating with local community farmers, in turn giving www.madeteas.com
more disposable income back to the farmer . Our goal
Social Media
is that the future generations of local Indonesians are
excited to continue to value agriculture and farm of the @Madeteas Made Tea
amazing indigenous local healing plants and herb.
More than 15 variants available and we continues to Certification
create more blend by using Indonesian heritage herbs
Halal Nutrition Fact
and classic Indonesian fruits.
P-IRT Barcode
Made tea products are sustainable, locally sources and BPOM (MD) HACCP
added value by producing high quality products ISO Organic
PSAT Gluten Free
Made Tea – Made by love – Made for life.
Established Since
unmorci Vinegar is the first Indonesian tropical fruit
vinegar concentrate with a vision to spread the
kindness of natural life.
Perumahan IPB Alam Sinarsari, Jl Bougenvile B 40,
Sunmorci Vinegar is made from 100% natural and high
Dramaga, Bogor
quality ingredients. Every drop of Sunmorci Vinegar
Presenting the goodness of tropical fruit in a different
Contact Number
way, to change Indonesian lifestyle to be healthier.
+62 856 9721 1799
Sunmorci Vinegar can act as natural remedies, as it has
various health benefits. Sunmorci Vinegar is useful as an
immune booster, so it can keep your body fit to run your E-mail
day. In addition, Sunmorci vinegar also can help you to [email protected]
maintain blood pressure. So, Sunmorci Vinegar is suitable
for consumption by various generations. Website
Sunmorci Vinegar is packed with special design, so that
Social Media
it’s applicable and convenience to use. Sunmorci Vinegar
can be mixed in your salad, fruit juice, or can be consumed @sunmorci.official -
directly by dropping it under your tongue.
Sunmorci vinegar,
Halal Nutrition Fact
one drop, million kindness.
P-IRT Barcode
ISO Organic
PSAT Gluten Free
Established Since
endang as Indonesian National Dish is rich both in heritage
and flavor. UniTutie – Beef Rendang is a premium quality
ready-to-eat wet rendang with a distinctive Indonesian
taste as a result of caramelization of coconut milk and spices. Made
with selected ingredients and spices, UniTutie – Beef Rendang Grand Depok Residence Blok Anggrek 109,
processed with a slow cooking method to evaporate the liquid until Tanah Baru, Beji, Depok 16426
the meat and spices become caramelized and turned into dark
Contact Number
brown with a savory taste and hint of sweetness and spicy.
+62 811 6063 73 (Sri Yuliastuti)
Through hygienic process and sterilization process, UniTutie – Beef +62 821 1431 0356 (Abraham Anwar)
Rendang has a shelf life up to >12 months without preservatives,
which does not affect the original rendang taste. Our business E-mail
is supported by professionals and two semi-automated food [email protected]
processing machines.
UniTutie provides 5 variants of Rendang : Beef Rendang, Lung www.rendangunitutie.com
Rendang, Jengkol Rendang (vegan), Red Beans Rendang (vegan),
Social Media
Beef Kalio (stewed beef rendang). Other variants of Minangkabau
food specialties are: Dendeng Balado (chili glazed Minangnese @rendangunitutie Rendang UniTutie
Beef Jerky) and Beef Sambalado (stir-fried beef with chili sauce).
For those who like to make Rendang, Uni Tutie provides Rendang Certification
Paste (no additional coconut milk needed). Just put the meat,
Halal Nutrition Fact
potato or bean and steer it accordingly. Cooking instruction is
available in the package! P-IRT Barcode
UniTutie – Beef Rendang is your ready-to-eat rendang for daily ISO Organic
meal, exclusive authentic gift, handy for traveling, and doing PSAT Gluten Free
pilgrimage (Hajj-Umrah).
ANJI Coconut Chips are made from 100% real
coconut meat which is dried with a low temperature Established Since
grill for sufficient time. This low temperature aims
to minimize the reduction in nutrient content, so that the
benefits of coconut meat are still exist even though it has Address
turned into a crispy chips. It is processed by the machine
Nakula Street, RT 02 RW 04, Krajan Kidul -
to keep hygiene level. Thus, the secret recipe of PANJI
Nanggungan Village, Pacitan, East Java, Indonesia
Coconut Chips makes this product to be the most wanted.
Contact Number
• 100% real fruit meat
• Rich in fiber +62 812 6852 5345
• Baked, not fried
• Non-gluten
• Non cholesterol E-mail
• No artificial sweeteners [email protected]
• No preservatives
• MSG free Website
The special design of Pacitan Wayang Beber on the
Social Media
packaging of PANJI Coconut Chips, helps to preserve
Indonesia’s endangered cultural richness. The Wayang @panji.coconutchips Bionic-a Hyangreksa Karya
Beber has been designated as an Intangible Cultural
Heritage by UNESCO, and is currently on the verge of Certification
Halal Nutrition Fact
P-IRT Barcode
Available in 6 variants, namely vanilla, doger, jackfruit,
pandanus, chocolate, and original. BPOM (MD) HACCP
ISO Organic
Choose only the tasty and healthy snacks! PSAT Gluten Free
Established Since
LLISHA Sate Ambal is the first satay in packaging
in Indonesia. It can last to 18 months in room
temperature. ALLISHA Sate Ambal is ready to Address
serve satay product made of chicken meatwith special
Dk. Entak RT 01 RW 03 Tambakrejo
spices from Ambal Kebumen area.
Buluspesantren Kebumen
Intermediate Product End Product
Established Since
erabi is an inseparable part of the activities
of Indonesian society. We can easily find this
Indonesian traditional food in Selamatan, recitation
and mutual cooperation events.
Jl. Serulingmas 45 Banjarnegara
Serabi is a symbol of togetherness. In the traditional Jawa Tengah
market, it is quite easy to find Serabi. Even on the
Contact Number
sidewalks, we can sometimes encounter some Serabi
vendors. Serabi has long been attached to the heart of +62 813 2679 0120
food lovers.
Established Since
buku Perkedel Kentang Instant is one of the best
products of Aneka Pangan Makmur, IKM (Industri Kecil
Menengah) which is located in Kediri, Jawa Timur.
Our motivation to create this product is to make a healthy,
practice, delicious, full of nutritions side dish because Jalan Hayam Wuruk no. 15 Papar-Kediri
it is made from selected ingredients and also no added Jawa Timur 64153
Contact Number
Ibuku Perkedel Kentang Instant is made from potato, +62 812 3432 4165
organic seasoning powder, choice spices, moringa leaves
powder, available on many variations such as smoked
tuna, dried shrimp and squid. E-mail
[email protected]
Ibuku Perkedel Kentang Instant had been tested in
Sucofindo laboratory on 11 Desember 2019 with certificate Website
no 45694/DBBPAM, with the result that Ibuku Perkedel www.perkedelkentanginstanibuku.wordpress.com
Kentang Instant contains so high (it is so rich in) calcium,
Social Media
iron, zinc, carbohydrate, and protein that it is a good
dish for expecting mothers, baby and kids in their golden @ibuku_perkedelsehat Perkedel Kentang Instant Ibuku
Ibuku Perkedel Kentang Instant is a healthy and best
Halal Nutrition Fact
choice for daily Indonesian cuisine.
P-IRT Barcode
ISO Organic
PSAT Gluten Free
Established Since
e produce raw honey that is pure, unpasteurised,
unprocessed and with no additives that provides
better health and wellbeing for all. Preserving
all the natural vitamins, enzymes, phytonutrients and other
nutritional elements which play a vital role in our health and Grha Adhi Media Unit 5. Jl Deplu Raya No.6. Bintaro.
healing. Pesanggrahan, Jakarta Selatan
Contact Number
Beema Honey:
A range of Artisan honeys that are free from pesticides, +62 815 8600 1336
chemicals, preservatives and artificial colourings. All our
honey is single origin produced on organic plantations and
the neighbouring forests in Indonesia. E-mail
[email protected]
Beema Wellness:
Traditional herbal drinks to make the body’s immune system Website
stronger. Our jams are produced from specially selected www.beemahoney.com
fresh local fruits and sweetened with premium honey.
Social Media
Detox Charcoal Honey was represented in the Indonesian
Food Innovation 2020. A delicious honey which is great as a @beemahoney.id BeeMa Honey
weekly detox drink and an effective face mask.
Halal Nutrition Fact
The recipient of numerous awards including International
recognition for our stingless bee honey which won BEST P-IRT Barcode
WINNER at the Asian Apiculture Association Conference. BPOM (MD) HACCP
Selected by the Indonesian government for their export ISO Organic
program and the Australian award for International readiness PSAT Gluten Free
women led SME’s.
Established Since
rutivez comes from the word fruit and harvest,
which has the meaning and purpose of giving the
impression that through Frutivez, everyone can feel
the sensation of fresh fruit being harvest anytime and
anywhere quickly. Frutivez is an innovative fruit product Jl. GKPN Perumahan Grand Cipacing No.42
processed using low-temperature dehydration technology Desa Cipacing, Kecamatan Jatinangor,
and formed into fruit strips. In its manufacturing process, Kabupaten Sumedang, Jawa Barat 45360
Frutivez uses 100% real fruit without additives or added
Contact Number
sugar so that the nutrients produced from each strip are
almost equivalent to the actual fruit. +62 857 2221 5227
[email protected]
Social Media
@frutivez Frutivez Fruit Strips
Established Since
ING AREN is one of the healthiest and natural sugar
products made from pure palm sugar. King Aren comes
from the high-quality palm (enau) male flowers. It is also Address
beneficial for the health of the body. It has a distinctive aroma
Jln Raya Tanjung RT 02 Dusun Pusuk Desa Pusuk
and taste that can be used in various foods and beverages
Lestari, Kec. Batulayar Kab Lombok Barat NTB
Contact Number
KING AREN sugar processing done with the standard operational
procedures (SOP) and natural, also process hygienically so that +62 823 4008 1900
certain substances contained are not damage. This process
remains the same so that they can maintain a high-quality
product. E-mail
[email protected]
Besides having a distinctive aroma and flavor, KING AREN
sugar has several benefits, including: Website
• As a source of antioxidants
• Can treat and prevent anemia
Social Media
• Stabilizes cholesterol in the blood
• Improve the digestive system
@Kingaren.official Kingaren Lombok
• Improve blood circulation
• Good for diet
• Can be used as a mixture of medicinal herbs
Halal Nutrition Fact
• Does not cause spikes in blood sugar levels
P-IRT Barcode
• Contains Vit B1, B2, B3, B6, Ascorbic Acid, Calcium and
ISO Organic
#palm sugar specialist #gulaku_gulasehat
PSAT Gluten Free
Established Since
Yummio snacks - Goodness in Every Bite!
aking everyday healthy decisions for your little
ones may not be an easy task. Thankfully, Yummio
is here to ease the pain. Pulau Panjang C9, Kembangan, Jakarta Barat
Established Since
FERA Dried Mango is made from fresh mangoes based
on research, so the quality and nutrient content still
Janati Park Cluster 2 Blok L No. 16 Jatinangor
IFERA Dried Mango is a healthy snack, dried without
Kab. Sumedang
frying process.
Contact Number
Now, IFERA have many kinds of products from mangoes,
such as Dried Mango, Mango Syrup, Mango Dodol, Mango +62 812 8369 4936
Crispy, also Mango Liquid Soap and Mango Air Freshener
[email protected]
Social Media
@Iferamango Iferamango
Established Since
orayya Protein Cookies are healthy snacks high in
Protein that contain four main ingredients that are
safe and rich in benefits.
Several advantages of Forayya are: Jl. Sanggar Kencana VIII No. 4 Jatisari Buah Batu
• Gluten-free Papuan Sago Flour has a low glycemic Kota Bandung
index and antioxidants.
Contact Number
• Fish Protein Hydrolyzed with high peptide amino
content for body development and brain +62 813 1612 4273
• Palm Sugar a low-calorie sweetener with niacin to
keep your cholesterol in the normal range and E-mail
blood circulation.
[email protected]
• Chocolate contains alkaloids, which have
effects on the body, lowering blood Website
pressure and free radical-fighting antioxidants. www.forayya.com
Social Media
@forayya.id forayya.id
Established Since
ounded in 2019, In Sane Sports Nutrition set out to become
a health industry prodigy in 2025. We offer solutions for
both athlete performance optimizers and make people
stay healthy through diet and exercise. We believe choosing a
healthy lifestyle will lead to a completely better life. Our value is Jl Rukoh Utama, Lr Banna, Rukoh, Syiah Kuala,
to provide the most simple solution to start a new life in a healthy Banda Aceh, Aceh, 23112, Indonesia.
way. Currently we have Veganizm Soy Protein Essentials and
Contact Number
Blended Soy With Collagen in our line-up to touch the goals.
+62 852 7506 0150
Veganizm Soy Protein Essentials is an instant protein
supplement for maximizing muscle growth. Extracted from
soybean to be a plant-based protein which contains a high E-mail
source of protein and branched-chain amino acid. Research [email protected]
found that Roman Gladiator - one of the most respected
warriors in history - predominantly vegetarian. This plant- Website
based protein will help athletes and people to reach their -
peak performance, dream body goals, prevent injury, prevent
Social Media
obesity and obviously become true legendary warriors.
@ nutri.in_ nutri.in_
Blended Soy With Collagen is a breakthrough formula to
nourishing skin and muscle in once. Blended with natural Certification
ingredients which contain collagen to increase skin density
Halal Nutrition Fact
inside out. As we know exercising can cause sweating and
high body temperature, the condition that leads to various skin P-IRT Barcode
diseases. This formula will helps athlete and people to unlock BPOM (MD) HACCP
their potential without worry about their appearance-breaker. ISO Organic
PSAT Gluten Free
Ministry of Industry
Kementerian Perindustrian