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General Mathematics III

MAT 104

May 23, 2021

MRS Olajumoke D. FALOWO

MAT 104 General Mathematics III

Learning Objectives

At the end of this module, students should be able to:

Define and identify a vector.

Compute the magnitude of a vector.

Calculate the dot and cross product, angle between two


MAT 104 General Mathematics III


A vector can be explained as a directed line segment PQ ~ from one

point P, the start point, to another point Q, the end point. We
denote vectors by bold letters or letters with an arrow over them.
Hence, PQ~ can be represented by A or A. ~ The magnitude or
length of a vector is denoted by |A| or Ā.

MAT 104 General Mathematics III

Geometric Properties of Vectors

1. Two vectors A and B are equal if they have the same

magnitude and direction.
2. A vector in opposite direction to that of a vector A but with
same magnitude is denoted by −A.
3. The sum or resultant of vectors A and B is a vector C.
C = A + B.
4. The difference of vectors A and B, A − B, is that vector when
summed up with B gives A.
We may then define A − B as A + (−B). If A = B, then A − B is
defined as the null or zero vector and is represented by 0. It has a
magnitude of zero, but no defined direction. A scalar is a quantity
that can be completely specified by its magnitude.

MAT 104 General Mathematics III

Geometric Properties of Vectors cont’d

5. Multiplication of a vector by a scalar m gives a vector in the

same direction as the original and magnitude |m| times the
magnitude of the vector. The scalar may be positive, negative or
zero. When the scalar is negative we obtain a vector pointing in
the opposite direction to the original vector. If m = 0, mA = 0, the
null vector.

MAT 104 General Mathematics III

Algebraic Properties of Vectors

If A, B, and C are vectors, and m and n are scalars, then

1. A + B = B + A Commutative law for addition
2. A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C Associative law for addition
3. m(nA) = (mn)A = n(mA) Associative law for
4. (m + n)A = mA + nA Distributive law
5. m(A + B) = mA + mA Distributive law

MAT 104 General Mathematics III

Basis vectors and components

Given any three different vectors A1 , A2 , andA3 , which do not all

lie in a plane, it is possible, in a three dimensional space, to write
any other vector in terms of scalar multiples of them.

a1 A1 + a2 A2 + a3 A3

The three vectors A1 , A2 , and A3 are said to form a basis for the
three dimensional space; the scalars a1 , a2 , and a3 which may be
positive, negative or zero, are called the components of the
vector A with respect to this basis. We say that the vector has
been resolved into components.
In general, a basis set must
(i) have as many basis vectors as the number of dimensions, that
is, the basis vectors must span the space and
(ii) be such that no basis vector may be described as a sum of the
others, that is, the basis vectors must be linearly independent.

MAT 104 General Mathematics III

Basis vectors and components cont’d

A set of vectors A1 , A2 , ..., AN is linearly independent means that

a1 A1 + a2 A2 + ... + aN AN = 0 if and only if
a1 = a2 = ... = aN = 0 (that is, the algebraic sum is zero if and
only if all the coefficients are zero). The set of vectors is linearly
dependent when it is not linearly independent.
The rectangular unit vectors i, j and k are unit vectors having the
direction of the positive x, y and z axes of a rectangular coordinate
system (Fig).
Any vector A in three dimensions can be represented with initial at
the origin O of a rectangular coordinate system (Fig). Let
(A1 , A2 , A3 ) be the coordinates of the vector A with initial point at
O. The vectors A1 i, A2 j, and A3 k are called the component vectors
of A, A1 , A2 , and A3 are called the components of A in the x, y ,
and z directions, respectively.

MAT 104 General Mathematics III

The vectors of the set {i, j, k} are perpendicular to one another,
and they are unit vectors.
The sum or resultant of A1 i, A2 j, and A3 k is the vector A, and
given as
A = A1 i + A2 j + A3 k.
In particular, the position vector or radius vector r from O to the
point (x, y , z) is written

r = xi + yj + zk

and has magnitude

r = |r | = x 2 + y 2 + z 2.

MAT 104 General Mathematics III

Magnitude of a vector

The magnitude of a vector A is denoted by |A|. In terms of its

components in three-dimensional cartesian coordinates, the
magnitude of A is given by
|A| = a1 2 + a2 2 + a3 2 .

Hence, the magnitude of a vector is a measure of its length.

MAT 104 General Mathematics III

Unit Vectors

A vector whose magnitude equals unity is called a unit vector. The

unit vector in the direction A is usually denoted â and may be
expressed as
â = .

MAT 104 General Mathematics III

Dot or Scalar Product

The dot or scalar product of two vectors A and B, denoted by A.B


A.B = |A||B| cos θ, 0≤θ≤π

A.B = 0 if and only if A and B are perpendicular.
We have the following laws:
1. A.B = B.A
2. A.(B + C) = A.B + A.C
3. m(A.B) = (mA).B = A.(mB) = (A.B)m, where m is a scalar
4. i.i = j.j = k.k = 1, i.j = j.k = k.i = 0
5. If A = A1 i + A2 j + A3 k and B = B1 i + B2 j + B3 k, then
A.B = A1 B1 + A2 B2 + A3 B3

MAT 104 General Mathematics III

Cross or Vector Product

The cross or vector product of two vectors A and B, denoted by

A × B is

A × B = |A||B| sin θu, 0≤θ≤π

where u is a unit vector indicating the direction of A × B.
A × B = 0 if A is parallel to B.
We have the following laws:
1. A × B = −B × A
2. A × (B + C) = A × B + A × C
3. m(A × B) = (mA) × B = A × (mB) = (A × B)m, where m is a
4. i × i = j × j = k × k = 0, i × j = k, j × k = i, k × i = j
5. If A = A1 i + A2 j + A3 k and B = B1 i + B2 j + B3 k, then

MAT 104 General Mathematics III

i j k

A × B = A1 A2 A3
B1 B2 B3

MAT 104 General Mathematics III

Example 1

If p = 3i − 5j and q = −i − 2j, find |p − 2q|.

p − 2q = 3i − 5j − 2(−i − 2j)
= 3i − 5j + 2i + 4j = 5i − j

∴ |p − 2q| = 52 + (−1)2

= 26 units.

MAT 104 General Mathematics III

Example 2

Suppose a = 2i − j, b = i + 3j, and c = −4i. Find:

a. a − c b. 3b + c c. 2b − a.

a − c = 2i − j − (−4i)
= 2i − j + 4i = 6i − j

MAT 104 General Mathematics III

Example 3

Given points A(−1, 2), B(3, 4), and C (4, −5), find the position
vector of:
a. B from A b. A from C
a. The position vector of B relative to A is
~ = (3 − (−1), 4 − 2) = (4, 2).
b. The position vector of A relative to C is
~ = (−1 − 4, 2 − (−5)) = (−5, 7).

MAT 104 General Mathematics III

Example 4

Find the scalar and vector products of vectors ~a and ~b where

~a = 2î + ĵ + k̂ and ~b = 4î + 2ĵ + 3k̂. Also, determine the angle
between them.
~a = 2î + ĵ + k̂, ~b = 4î + 2ĵ + 3k̂

Scalar Product,~a.~b = (2î + ĵ + k̂).(4î + 2ĵ + 3k̂) = 8 + 2 + 3 = 13.

î ĵ k̂
Vector Product,~a × ~b = 2 1 1 = î − 2ĵ + 0k̂.

4 2 3

MAT 104 General Mathematics III

Recall, a.~b =|~a||~b|cos
√ scalar product, ~√ √ θ √
|~a|= 2 + 1 2 + 1 2 = 6, |~b|= 42 + 22 + 32 = 29
√ √
−→ 13 = 6 29 cos θ, cos θ = 174 13
, θ = cos−1 (0.9855)
θ = 9.75 ≈ 10o

MAT 104 General Mathematics III

Vector product, ~a × ~b =|~a||~b|sinθn̂, where n̂ is the unit vector of
~a × ~b.
The unit vector is in the same direction as ~a × ~b and has
magnitude of 1, i.e, |n̂|= 1.

~a × ~b î − 2ĵ
n̂ = = √
|~a × ~b| 5


sin θ = √ = 0.1695
→ θ = sin−1 (0.1695)
= 9.75 ≈ 10o

MAT 104 General Mathematics III

Example 5
Show that ~a × (~b + ~c ) + ~b × (~c + ~a) + ~c × (~a + ~b) = 0.
~a × (~b + ~c ) = (~a × ~b) + (~a × ~c )
~b × (~c + ~a) = (~b × ~c ) + (~b × ~a)
~c × (~a + ~b) = (~c × ~a) + (~c × ~b)
Substituting for the expressions, we have,

(~a × ~b) + (~a × ~c ) + (~b × ~c ) + (~b × ~a) + (~c × ~a) + (~c × ~b) = 0
~a × ~b = −~b × ~a,~a × ~c = −~c × ~a, ~b × ~c = −~c × ~b
On substitution, we have that,
~a × (~b + ~c ) + ~b × (~c + ~a) + ~c × (~a + ~b) = 0.
MAT 104 General Mathematics III

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