The Nature of Conflict in Organizations

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Jagannath University 

Department of Management Studies 

Assignment: The Nature of Conflict in Organizations

Submitted To:
Dr. Liza Khanam 
Associate Professor Management Studies 
Jagannat University, Dhaka

Submitted By: 
Md. Helal Sheikh
Id No: M19170202513
Section: A
Batch: 17th
Department of Management Studies

Submission Date- 30 DECEMBOR 2020

The Nature of Conflict in Organizations


Organizations are responsible for creating a work environment that enables people to thrive. If
disagreement and differences of opinion escalate into conflict then the organization must
intervene immediately. Conflict in the organization can be constructive or destructive for an
organization. We need to create an organizational culture that encourage and even rewards good
conflict management, our goal has to be to increase the benefits achieved from managing and
encouraging beneficial conflict, like task and process conflict, while managing, resolving and
reducing the negative effects of relationship conflict. Different writers have defined
organizational conflict in different way. The common key words, which are used in these
definitions, are frustration, incongruence incompatibility and mismatch. The concept of conflict
may be understood as collision or disagreement. The conflict may be with an individual when
there is an incompatibility between his or her own goal and event; may be between two
individual or between two groups of organization. According to Chaung and Megginson, conflict
is ‘the struggle between incompatible or opposing needs, wishes, ideas, and interest of people’.

As with other literary terms, these have come about gradually as descriptions of common
narrative structures. Conflict was first described in ancient Greek literature as the agon, or central
contest in tragedy. According to Aristotle, in order to hold the interest, the hero must have a
single conflict.
The agon, or act of conflict, involves the protagonist and the antagonist corresponding to the
hero and villain. The outcome of the contest cannot be known in advance and, according to later
critics such as Plutarch, the hero’s struggle should be ennobling.

Even in contemporary, non-dramatic literature, critics have observed that the agon is the central
unit of the plot. The easier it is for the protagonist to triumph, the less value there is in the drama.
In internal and external conflict alike, the antagonist must act upon the protagonist and must
seem at first to overmatch him or her.

Conflicts may be at individual level, group level and at organizational level. At all levels, it may
develop and be managed. In resolving a conflict, managers should first diagnose the causes of
conflict and then think of the strategy for a particular kind of conflict. There may be different
strategies to be used to handle the conflict efficiently in different cases.

Conflict may arise within an organization or outside it. Both affect the work efficiency of the
individual and of the group because people engaged in conflict are busy in planning out the
strategy to showdown the other party. So, they are not at work by heart and thus, it affects the
productivity and efficiency of the individual, group and the organization. It should be resolved as
early as possible.
The term conflict has been used by different people to convey different meanings. For instance,
‘conflict in mind’ conveys the meaning that the individuals are in a state of dilemma over a
certain issue and are not able to arrive at any decision. It is generally referred to a psychological
state of mind where a person can’t decide the behavior this way or that way. Sometimes the term
is used as a difference of opinion between two persons or groups irrespective of their status in
the organization.

Conflict is not same as is ‘Quarrel’ or fight but simply it gives emphasis on difference in opinion,
goals, ideas, ideologies and line of action. These conflicts in the organization influence on the
behavior, performance and satisfaction of workers. Manager will face the most uncomfortable
position when he has to deal with conflicts or difference among people or group of people at
work. In one word, we can say that conflicts complicate the job of a manager.
All conflicts are basically inter-personal conflicts which involves conflict among the employees
or within the group or among the group of employees. Conflict may also inter-organizational due
to external environmental factors like government policies, group dynamism, social and
economic factors and political reasons etc.

“A simple definition of conflict is that it is any tension which is experienced when one person
perceives that one’s needs or desires are likely to be thwarted or frustrated”.

Mary Parker FoIIett simply defines conflict as, “the appearance of difference, difference of
opinions, of interests”.

Thomas Chung and Rich Megginson define conflict as, “the struggle between incompatible or
struggling needs, wishes, ideas, interests or people. Conflict arises when individuals or groups
encounter goals that both parties cannot obtain satisfactorily”.

According to David L. Austin (1972), “It can be defined as a disagreement between two or
more individuals or groups, with each individual or group trying to gain acceptance of its view or
objectives over others”.

There can be following common causes of conflict:

1. Conflicting Needs– Whenever people compete for scarce resources, recognition, and power
conflict can occur.

2. Conflicting Styles– Because individual bear unique, they all have different styles, everyone
should understand their own style and learn how to work with others who have different style.

3. Conflicting Perceptions– When person have alternate images of the same stimulus and each
will attend and interpret the information in somewhat different manner. In this people may view
the same incident in dramatically different ways memos, performance reviews, rumors and
hallway comments can be sources for conflicting perception.

4. Conflicting Goals– Problem can occur when people are responsible for different duties in
achieving the same goal.

5. Conflicting Roles– This conflict occurs when one task is assigned to more than one person
and may put certain constraints to role.

6. Different Personal Values– Differing personal values politics, religion, can cause conflict,
color ethnicity differences can lead to conflict.

7. Unpredictable Policies– Whenever policies are changed inconsistently applied or nonexistent

misunderstanding are likely to occur. The absence of clear policies or policies that are constantly
changing can create an environment of conflict.

8. Informational Factors– When various points of views have been developed.

Organizational Conflict – Sources

The sources of conflicts are found in some degree of actual or perceived divergence of interests.
At one extreme, conflict is rooted in a sharp incompatibility on collision of interests. Any
satisfaction or victory for one side means dissatisfaction or defeat for the other.
Decision-making itself is a fundamental source of conflict because it invariably involves
conflicting considerations or pressures. But most conflicts are embedded in a multidimensional
matrix of interests. Each conflict usually involves a complete set of interests each one of which
may be located at a different point. It can be properly identified only by a profile or vector of
different point.
The important factors affecting the sources of conflict are:

(1) Informal Factors:

These factors exert their influence when various point of views have been developed on the basis
of different set of facts. In this, because each of the participants has contact with a different part
or has a limited knowledge, they disagree.

(2) Perceptual Factors:

These factors exert their influence when the persons have different images of the same stimulus.
Because of this factor each will attend to and select from the information available those items
which he thinks important. Each will interpret the information in a somewhat different manner.
The picture which he gets from his own experience is unique to him. Thus, it is not surprising
that the same basic facts may produce distinctive perceptual pictures in the minds of different
(3) Role Factors:
These factors influence the source of conflict because each individual occupies a certain position
or status in the society or in the organization. The fact that he occupies such a position or status
may put certain constraints on him if the discussion is related to his role.

Why does Conflict Arise?

Conflict may arise due to lack of consideration, lack of appreciation, misunderstanding or bad
handling of situation and problems. Diagnosing the issue is the necessary precondition for
handling the conflict successfully.

What is the nature of conflict? Why has the conflict arisen? At what stage has the conflict
reached? These are the basic questions which must be answered before finding a solution to the
conflict. The nature of conflict varies according to the kind of issue on which people disagree.

Though twentieth century has been credited for having made unprecedented advances in sciences
and technology, the vast field of human relations still remain unexplored to a great extent. Some
industrial enterprise with a view to improve effectiveness and to reduce conflicts are becoming
increasingly conscious of it and want to promote harmonious work relationship. As a result of
this consciousness, and search we find today greater emphasis on human relations than ever

Organizational Conflict – Characteristics

1. Two or more parties – There must be two or more individuals or groups required for
organization conflict. In modern times work performs by the not individuals but group of
individual & they achieves organizational objectives and goals. While performing in groups
there are the chances of difference of opinion, point of view, expectations etc.

2. Conflicting objectives and goals, opinions etc. – While performing in groups, interacting
with each other, conflicting situations may be arising due to different opinions, expectations,
objectives or goals etc.

3. Sudden and unplanned events – Most of the conflicts arises suddenly, spontaneously.
Basically, they are unplanned. Few of the conflicts can be planned for their occurrence when the
organization becomes static and rigid and the top management want to put life in the
organization and to make it dynamic.
4. Expressed by behavior and experienced by others – The conflicts are expressed by the
concerned parties in different ways and forms through their conduct or behavior attitude and
actions and is experienced by others or managers.
5. Conflict creates obstacles in the smooth flow of work – Generally conflicts hinder the
smooth flow of work, it is of disruptive, interruptive and impairing in nature, therefore it
becomes difficult to achieve the organizational goals.

6. Opposite viewpoints of the parties – Whenever there are opposite opinions, viewpoints,
ideas, thinking, and attitudes on any subject matter, issues or event conflict situation may arise.

7. Inter organizational conflicts – When conflicts arise between two different organizations are
called as inter organizational conflicts.

8. Intra organizational conflicts – When conflicts arise between two individuals or between
two groups of individuals working in the organization are known as Intra organizational

9. Conflicts differ from competition – Competition between individuals departments aims to

win over the other without any interference in the interest of other. But in conflict there is a
strong opposition and intervention to cause disruption of the interests and objects of others.

10. Adverse effects – The effect of the conflict is always adverse on the organization, resulted in
to delays in decision making, wastage, misuse and destruction of various resources, inefficiency
in work performance, and breakdown of flow of work. Organization’s growth and development
will be stopped.

Different Views of Organizational Conflict

There are three views namely:

(1) The traditional view

(2) The human relations view and
(3) Modern view.
Let us discuss the above three views:

(1) The Traditional View:

Traditionally this conflict in organization has been viewed very negatively. This has been
considered as dysfunctional. It has always a negative impact on an organization’s effectiveness.
Traditional approach treats this conflict as violence, destruction and irrational.
According to this approach, the conflicts can be avoided with good organizational structure
which in turn gives a detailed elaboration and specification of authority, responsibility,
accountability, policies, procedures and rules. They view that all conflicts are bad and as far as
possible these conflicts should be avoided.
(2) The Human Relations View:
According to this approach the conflicts are natural in all groups and organizations i.e., conflicts
are inevitable and hence, one should accept this conflict. This conflict has rationalized its
existence. There are even times when conflict may benefit a group’s performance.

(3) Modern View Point:

According to Modernists like Thomes K. W. conflict is functional when it initiates the search for
new and better ways of doing things and undermines complacency within the organization. It is
positive force which is needed for group’s performance. An organization, which is conflict free
will not have internal force to initiate change. Conflict should be welcomed and dealt.

Organizational Conflict – Theory

Conflict is actual or perceived opposition of needs, values and interests. A conflict can be
internal (within oneself) to individuals. Conflict as a concept can help explain many aspects of
social life such as social disagreement, conflicts of interests and fights between individuals,
groups, or organizations. In political terms, “conflict” can refer to wars, revolutions or other
struggles, which may involve the use of force as in the term armed conflict.
Without proper social arrangement or resolution, conflicts in social settings can result in stress or
tensions among stakeholders. When an interpersonal conflict does occur, its effect is often
broader than two individuals involved and can affect many associate individuals and
relationships, in more or less adverse and sometimes even way.
Conflict as taught for graduate and professional work in conflict resolution (which can be win-
win, where both parties get what they want, win-lose where one party gets what they want, or
lose-lose where both parties do not get what they want) commonly has the definition- “when two
or more parties, with perceived incompatible goals, seek to undermine each other’s goal-seeking

Organizational Conflict – Levels:

Conflict continuously occurs in our social life, they occur at various levels within individuals,
groups, or organizations. Conflict arises from disagreement over the goals to attain or the
methods used to accomplish them. In organizations, conflict among different interests is
inevitable and sometime the amount of conflict is substantial.
It occurs when they have one or more alternatives and they have to choose few or one out of

There are different levels of conflicts and they are as follows:

1. Conflict at Personnel/Individual Level:

Conflicts at individual or personnel level in an organization may be viewed in two ways:

a. Intra-individual or personal conflicts- It is a situation in which an individual is in a problem of

decision making within him/her, e.g., role ambiguity.

b. Inter-individual or inter-personal conflicts- When two individuals; are in confrontation with

each other, it may be called as inter-personal conflict. This may be between two individuals of
the same group; in that case it may be called intra-group conflict. If the conflict is between two
members of different groups, then it may simply be regarded as inter-personal conflict but if it is
blown up, it may develop as inter-group conflict.

2. Conflicts at Group level:

a. Intra-group conflicts- e.g., conflict between subgroups

b. Inter-group conflicts- e.g., conflict between different groups

3. Conflict at Organizational Level:

These conflicts may also be intra-organizational conflict or inter-organizational conflict.

a. Intra-organizational conflicts-All inter-individual, intra-individual, inter-group or intra- group

conflicts are intra-organizational conflicts.
b. Inter-organizational conflicts-Inter-organizational conflicts are between two organizations or
between a business organization and the government (Government Policies).

Organizational Conflict – Advantages

1. It provides an individual a chance to think again, undertake self-introspection and have a

second look at the existing things, it be the procedures, policies, equipment’s, behaviors etc.
2. It generates search behavior and helps seek classification.

3. It is must in the organization because it leads to innovation and at times to new directions.

4. It energizes people, leads to mild stimulation and one is at one’s best in times of crises.
5. It serves as a cementing force in a group and incredible unity is witnessed even in a
heterogeneous group in times of tension and conflict.

Organizational Conflict – Disadvantages

1. When conflict dos not give solution of a problem, it is unproductive and investment of time
and efforts goes waste?
2. It is seriously harmful because people work against the organizational objectives.
3. It is undesirable because it creates distrusts and suspicion in the minds of people the
organization. It develops a sense of frustration instead of a sprite of cooperation.
4. Conflict involves intensification of internalization of sub-unit goals ignoring the overall
organizational goals.
5. Conflicts may weaken the organization as a whole.

Organizational Conflict – Resolution Techniques:

1) Interpersonal conflict; and

(2) Intergroup or interdepartmental conflict. Interpersonal conflict is conflict between two or
more persons as individuals, e.g., between two managers, or between a manager and his
subordinate. Intergroup conflict is conflict between two groups, two units or two departments,
e.g., sales v/s. production, line v/s. staff.

Effective Conflict Management in an Organization

Conflicts may have positive or constructive effects for an organization. They may also have
negative or destructive effects for an organization.
Effective conflict management in an organization may have the following usual approaches:

(1) Rules and standard procedures may be established to regulate undesirable behavior, to assure
equity and fair treatment to all persons and resolve predictable conflicts.
(2) Management may modify or alter work-flow arrangements, job designs, boundaries of areas
of operations, and, many other work relationships among people or groups. These will minimize
(3) The reward system can be altered to encourage cooperation and discourage competition.
(4) Labor participation in management may be encouraged particularly in those areas where
labor is vitally interested. For instance, we may have representatives of labor associated with the
formulation of work plans, policies and procedures.
(5) We may have standing machinery for mediation, conciliation and arbitration to facilitate
resolution of all practicable kinds of conflicts.
The organization must be the best fit or balance between:
(1) Organization structure,
(2) Human personality, i.e., needs and aspirations of people working in the organization and
(3) The environment or the needs of technology.
We must have the fit between the structure and the environment as well as the fit between
structure and employee characteristics. Under such conditions, we will have conflict
minimization and easier resolution of genuine conflicts or differences-interpersonal or inter-
group conflicts.


Effective management of conflict, through integrating organization structure, personnel needs

and needs of the technology, alone can assure favorable organizational climate and harmonious
organizational behavior to accomplish organizational objectives. Management has to accept this
challenge and evolve appropriate machinery to minimize or resolve inter-personal and inter-
group conflicts.

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